DescriptionPetiole (PSF).png English: Line art drawing of a Petiole. Petiole Stem Source Archives of Pearson Scott Foresman, donated to the Wikimedia...
DescriptionPetiole 2 (PSF).png English: Petiole Date 6 July 2019 Source Archives of Pearson Scott Foresman, donated to the Wikimedia Foundation Author...
versions Petard (PSF).png Petcock (PSF).png Pestle (PSF).png Perron (PSF).png Persimmon (PSF).png Persimmon 2 (PSF).png Petiole 2 (PSF).png Petunia (PSF).png...
DescriptionPhyllode (PSF).png English: a flat expanded petiole that replaces the blade of a foliage leaf, fulfills the same functions, and is analogous...
DescriptionStem (PSF).png English: a plant part (such as a branch, petiole, or stipe) that supports another (such as a leaf or fruit) Date 4 January 2020...
DescriptionStipe (PSF).png English: a usually short stalk of a plant or fungus: such as A : a prolongation of the receptacle beneath the ovary of a seed...
DescriptionHastate Leaf (PSF).png English: triangular with sharp basal lobes spreading away from the base of the petiole Date 29 January 2020 Source Archives...