DescriptionPresbyterian History USA French.jpg Français : Schéma en français de l'évolution des différentes églises presbytériennes des États-Unis, à...
This file has an extracted image: Julian E. Yates.jpg....
to a y some chwige in ', leceded Oonferen- It (jhowW frifla<fc who JWtJPg Off Chwwh m "» his issue '^I'espectingthte (X^HjSjIK^l'^J). aistiojHly...
Dr. Robert Cowan (page 162 crop).jpg...
and growth of Presbyterianism in the central and eastern part of southern Pennsylvania ( ) Author Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of...
Boston Public Library bookplate, from- Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Volume 11 (page 2 crop).jpg...
This file has an extracted image: Alethia Browning Tanner (page 70 crop).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Thomas Babington Macaulay (Engraved by James Faed in 1854 after the painting by Sir Francis Grant).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Max Lenderman, RIT NandE Vol16Num27 1985 Aug22 Complete.jpg....