DescriptionPt por favor.ogg English: Portuguese pronunciation of the word "por favor" Date 29 November 2010 Source Own work Author Memie...
pt;rcapita consumption, as is sometimes thought. The price at which a given volume of oggs can "be m^-^ved into consiinption Within limits, is dc;pt.ndent...
(London), April 11. 1916, v. 116:502-503. June 8, 1916, v. 50 549-556 by F. A. Ogg. American historical review, July, 1916, v. 21 827-829. Dial, : : 139...
ea Spezia ::por' la' ‘costruzione; tamonia costentto, s notevole i’«impignto « Questò ‘‘’igioni -averano tal’ tocza | stiria: GaRe' ogg ‘agjatdno LU:...
Political Organization of Mexico, (Yale Review, Nov., 1895, and Feb., 1896). Ogg, Frederic, Mexico from Cortes to Diaz. (Munsey's, Dec, 1919). ^ Priestley...
fe uu" Tr. sta 4 a LI . DO MI Si n di ri "ia PERI aac io sm ogg si gig n Vot b . ". mos " o p " CE" T] 7 Kage ue tai aiDL n....
rara: catactrofa;i1 BY: panecirco smi o riasol msi i) Alessia fu i , Aes ogg i d | "ig *uo lf a Dia aac ASA AIIA gli| ESD a n 4 peli au ni oaogg ario...
Mrs. Eddy; leader of Christian Scien put into effect some time ago? The Ogg in reference to his assessment am general development of the state. tists...
sotto li firma. del pardhtòr ssrotbgia, Dichisrutonl-Riti vati. tiamenti, ogg Ulmaa #i_ LIA ' set] Ca tr apglze fn again ar pasa i nintl sinti o...
alte Stat tuttiet ora de $ 105) del a ta legTu dasio gravoso di flor, 5 per Ogg. verrebbero. p r a BE e gl, per n a Jato 401 metro o rh de si di Rovereto...