10 Ergebnisse gefunden für "Datei:QCDphasediagram.svg".


file: QCDphasediagram ar.PNG QCDphasediagram tr.svg QCDphasediagram-vi.svg QCDphasediagram zh-hans.svg QCDphasediagram zh-hk.svg QCDphasediagram zh-tw.svg...


truetrue This image is a derivative work of the following images: File:QCDphasediagram.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0 2009-05-28T12:32:42Z TimothyRias 300x214...

Datei:QCDphasediagram ar.PNG

truetrue This image is a derivative work of the following images: File:QCDphasediagram.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0 2009-05-28T12:32:42Z TimothyRias 300x214...

Datei:QCDphasediagram ar 2.PNG

truetrue This image is a derivative work of the following images: File:QCDphasediagram_ar.PNG licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0 2010-10-12T22:20:36Z Bassem 300x214...


DescriptionQCDphasediagram-it.svg Italiano: Figura qualitativa sul diagramma di fase della cromodinamica quantistica Date 13 October 2019 Source QCDphasediagram...

Datei:QCDphasediagram tr.svg

DescriptionQCDphasediagram tr.svg English: Qualative picture of the QCD (quantum chromodynamics) phase diagram. See for example: Rüster, Stefan B. (2005)...

Datei:QCDphasediagram ru.svg

DescriptionQCDphasediagram ru.svg Русский: English: Qualative picture of the QCD (quantum chromodynamics) phase diagram. See for example: Rüster, Stefan...

Datei:QCDphasediagram zh-hans.svg

DescriptionQCDphasediagram zh-hans.svg English: Qualative picture of the QCD (quantum chromodynamics) phase diagram. See for example: Rüster, Stefan B...

Datei:QCDphasediagram zh-hk.svg

DescriptionQCDphasediagram zh-hk.svg English: Qualative picture of the QCD (quantum chromodynamics) phase diagram. See for example: Rüster, Stefan B....

Datei:QCDphasediagram zh-tw.svg

DescriptionQCDphasediagram zh-tw.svg English: Qualative picture of the QCD (quantum chromodynamics) phase diagram. See for example: Rüster, Stefan B....