DescriptionQuart de pain.ogg Français : Prononciation québécoise. Date 4 June 2020 Source Own work Author DenisdeShawi...
Author [s. n.] Illustrator Title Les douze Journées érotiques de Mayeux Subtitle Orné de treize gravures coloriées avec soin Publisher [s. n.] Object type...
AND LONDON. i BREAKFAST AND TEA CAKES. MRS. BLEECKER’S WAFFLES. One quart of milk, a little sour if possible ; a piece of butter the size of an egg;...
Feuille d'affiches, annonces et avis divers de Groningue = Advertentieblad, bekendmakingen en onderscheidene berigten van Groningen 25-02-1812 ( ) Author...
OHARLOTT De RUSE. H pints milk, 6 eggs to make soft custard, 1 oz. ising-glass dissolved and mixed with the custard, let it cool, then whip a quart of cream...
méritoire de Pitt et de la cherté des vivres, vous comprendrez,d'après ce que vous savez déjà sur l'état de la société à Saint-Ogg's, qu'aucune influencen'aurait...
enemies, Unjust and cruel have they been. one, and all, how prejudiced, Like Ogg of Bashan all are bent They'd make me to their size conform, How much their...
lone feclufjon hid. Here ii luck !"fhe taLhr-faid i So fhe baker j ogged along All alone .with ne'era/o Orajcflj and nothing tempted But he went...
u t f i t t e r , 17 ApoUo Street, Fort, has authoiised M b. W IL IJA M OGG to REC'bTV'E MONIES and SIGN BILIKS on his account dming his absence in England...
Creek, 3Iic1i« PORE GLUTEN BISCUIT. one pure The undersigned have KKLL.OGG, M. DR. A. C. JORDAN, Pine Bluff, President Arkansas Medical Society...