2012 (auctioned as "Untittled, 1850" by the School of Nicolas de Largilliere) [1] Sold by Galerie PhC, Troyes, 2020 ("Portrait of a Lady", canvas re-lined...
paintings Portrait présumé de Mme de Montbazon - Musée des Beaux-Arts, Marseille.png School of Nicolas de Largilliere - Portrait of a woman (Untittled).png Attributed...
School of Nicolas de Largilliere - Portrait of a woman (Untittled).png Attributed to Gobert - Presumed portrait of Marie Adélaïde of Savoy.png School...
Mignard - Portrait of a French Princess2, oval, pair.png Similar sitter: School of Nicolas de Largilliere - Portrait of a woman (Untittled).png Attributed...
Gobert - Presumed portrait of Marie Adélaïde of Savoy.png School of Nicolas de Largilliere - Portrait of a woman (Untittled).png Attribué à Pierre Gobert...
of Nicolas de Largilliere - Portrait of a woman (Untittled).png Ecole Française, suiveur de Mignard - Portrait d'une femme.png Attribué à Pierre Gobert...
png Portrait of Young Woman in Oval.png School of Nicolas de Largilliere - Portrait of a woman (Untittled).png Studio of Pierre Mignard - Portrait de femme...
Bourbon, Princess of Conti, pair.png School of Nicolas de Largilliere - Portrait of a woman (Untittled).png Portrait présumé de Mme de Montbazon - Musée...