DescriptionSevilla-Hospital de la Santa Caridad-La Caridad-Pedro Roldán-20110915.jpg The Mercy, detail from the altarpiece of the main altar by Pedro Roldán. Protection...
DescriptionSevilla-Hospital de la Santa Caridad-Retablo de San José-20110915.jpg The altar and the altarpiece of ST Joseph, work of Bernardo Simón de Pineda...
DescriptionSevilla-Hospital de la Santa Caridad-Altar del Santo Cristo de la Caridad-Pedro Roldán-20110915.jpg Altar and altar piece of Christ of Charity...
DescriptionSevilla-Hospital de la Santa Caridad-La Esperanza-Pedro Róldan-20110915.jpg Hope, detail from the altarpiece of the main altar by Pedro Roldán. Protection...
DescriptionSevilla-Hospital de la Santa Caridad-La Fe-Pedro Róldan-20110915.jpg Faith, detail from the altarpiece of the main altar by Pedro Roldán. Protection...
DescriptionSevilla-Hospital de la Santa Caridad-Angeles-Pedro Róldan-20110915-09010.jpg Français : Anges baroques, ornemant de socles de colonnes du retable...
DescriptionSevilla-Hospital de la Santa Caridad-Retablo del Altar Mayor-Pedro Roldán-20110915.jpg The main altar and the altarpiece are an Bernardo Simón de Pineda...
DescriptionSevilla-Hospital de la Santa Caridad-PIlar del Pulpito-20110915.jpg Pillar of the pulpit decorated with a merman sculpted by Pedro Roldán. Protection...
DescriptionSevilla-Hospital de la Santa Caridad-Pulpito-20110915.jpg Pulpit to preaching with a representation of the Faith on the Sounding board. Additional...
DescriptionSevilla-Hospital de la Santa Caridad-Angel turiferario (D)-20110915.jpg Thurifer angel on the Gospel side. Protection InfoField Date Taken...