10 Ergebnisse gefunden für "Datei:Sv-hen.ogg".


DescriptionSv-hen.ogg English: Pronunciation of the gender-neutral personal pronoun "hen" and its two inflected forms "henom" and "hens" in Swedish by...

Datei:Foreign agriculture circular (IA foreignagricultu6502unit).pdf

decrease in laying hens. Due to the decrease in chicken numbers and In Sweden , -4thG relatively difficult food situation, ogg output for 1951 is...

Datei:Egg campaign kit (IA CAT31070513).pdf

cur**^ And in making custards, or other dishes x/hich call v/ith the ogg and not at a time. with the milk. i.or hot V'/hitcs rather than stir...

Datei:Food views in the news; a weekly service for food editors of western dailies (IA foodviewsinnews946unit 10).pdf

arc scanning tho grocor^'- shelves for palatable sub^ cu]p shortening, 1 ogg, beaten, 3/4 stitutes. Perhaps the r.iost 'popular stoaid- cup honey, 2 tablesx30ons...

Datei:Food fights for freedom ... at home and abroad (IA foodfightsforfre1081unit).pdf

effect on our ogg supply? PIOl: ilo, TDccause the proportion of hens that need to aTjOut "bo culled is the sane as the proportion of hens that do not...

Datei:Food fights for freedom ... at home and abroad (IA foodfightsforfre12unit).pdf

-ar, btttor and dgge, Vialt tl^a iaformtion a rainuto, wo talked about ogg« last weok* Aad wa'll do NOUJICBRi -;ore talking you r«ffi«ibQr« Thtt...

Datei:Food views in the news; a weekly service for food editors of western dailies (IA foodviewsinnews1946unit 3).pdf

conparison with large eggs of tho Sc^jno grade, 1/hen is a fresh egg? ilot necessarily a nov;ly laid ogg. If eggs are not gath- orod ci_uickly and cooled...

Datei:Food views in the news; a weekly service for food editors of western dailies (IA foodviewsinnews1946unit 5).pdf

v;hich sone kind friend is v/illing to donate. Can without s-c^:;ar 'md sv;ceton v;hen you cm. Sqn-'t let produce, go to . -. MUSTiJH CilT V/ITKOUTI YOm...

Datei:San Francisco wholesale markets wartime food bulletin (IA CAT11085166018).pdf

vjore dem.rn.ding more o.c':s The shortage is probably due to the lack of ogg craidlers seasonally lov/or production. last vjoek area , Prices v/ere...

Datei:The amateur benefit. An entertainment in three acts (IA amateurbenefiten00howa).pdf

s o I g t o 1 V os r. e n t 1. that it bo act^d with as rauch Qari:osti:-OGG and seriQurii:oar;. t'TOughout ao fir xs tho sr-okor: linos are concernrhe...