10 Ergebnisse gefunden für "Datei:Sv-tio.ogg".


DescriptionSv-tio.ogg English: Pronunciation of word "tio" (10) in Swedish. Female voice. Speaker from Gotland, Sweden. Date 31 August 2007 Source The...

Datei:Lake Umbagog journals, 1871-1916 (inclusive) (IA lakeumbagogjour18brew).pdf

A nost containing throe frosh oggs built on the top of a mossy log, a tio “ 9. (Lako Umbagog). A nost cont re© oggs far advanced in incuba* was sunk...

Datei:The Glendale Evening News 1918-01-16 (IA cgl 003364).pdf

rs. S iste r A nne F a n s e t, F in a n c ia l Sec­ Mr. an d M rs. T. D. Ogg, c o rn e r of A r­ (Special Service to Glendale Evening N ew s) $6,660,000...

Datei:New England birds - systematic notes (IA newenglandbirds1brew).pdf

. Ono shot in the ’^rosh Pond sv/’arnp 14. 1874. May 15. June “ V 2. 8. (Atkinson). Abundant in tho pine sv/amp but as usual on thoir first...

Datei:பாவாணர் தமிழ்க் களஞ்சியம் 18.pdf

«‚∞Í∫fi´Pπ∞Y, ‚k›Ó @figN‚Lg‚Àv¢. 8. ©ºGgÙ @§Ã aG¬Ó @§Ã Sfi^Ó N‚∞fi÷@ºV≥Ó ˚zn∫Í zÂz_@ºV≥Ó ©ºGg‚P∞Y, @fiº©˜ @fi´iY ©ºGs ˚Yπ¢ ©ºGgÙ˜ @fi´¢´ «P∞Í∫nμ. @Y (@fiº©˜ @fi´¢«z)...

Datei:Food fights for freedom ... at home and abroad (IA foodfightsforfre12unit).pdf

-ar, btttor and dgge, Vialt tl^a iaformtion a rainuto, wo talked about ogg« last weok* Aad wa'll do NOUJICBRi -;ore talking you r«ffi«ibQr« Thtt...

Datei:Dow, John, 1892-1904 (J.J. Vipond & Co., Dealers in Produce, and Montreal Fruit Auction Co., Montreal, Canada) (ANS Chapman brothers business correspondence) (IA dowjohn18921904j00dowj).pdf

cxS—^ a>~^ \'^o3^3—y^/\ ■ V_j»^ S'x^s—®—^'—»wj^ ■ '^' ‘ ~tL X«-Sv«_s ■‘tios^-v^ -Oo^-a^ olS" ^ O-N-f.- X '■'—' * iXL2->J'-eJC^ ^ kJ-T" •...

Datei:AAVV - 2, 1882.djvu

uncp coniecit, similiter Hartung, nisi quod oggu kcck' scripsit. Fort. : ogg' ul'g%q', r)v xl nu&rj, yiyvsxai ccvSql ■nuv.m. — %u-au, B supra y.uy.co...

Datei:Campana - Il più lungo giorno, manoscritto, 1913.djvu

/éx^y^: - ‘¿"¡f-o 'wá 01^^. j&i*. ¿>^£ <- ’ ¿L^éL;^ • <?&$£. \/té¿$l SttVl Ogg”? ,*■■ • V* £sp&&. t '<J^^‘¿LS ¿ÚJ%L ¿jf / </• * ólJxfójZ'izsí ¿tsl£> 4....

Datei:The Bombay Gazette, 11 July 1827 (IA dli.granth.27563).pdf

person of considerabte p ro p e rty foh,' C harles R obert H ogg, D*. Do. 274 u n o tific a tio n , to p e rs o n s .indebted, to the trien d s o f th e la...