Adenine because this structure is part of the RNA (preciselly it is the tRNA)..... NOTE: If it is the DNA, the Adenine would be paired with Thymine. 171...
DescriptionTRNA-Phe yeast gl.svg Galician: Partes dun ARNt-Phe de lévedo. m2G: 2-metil-guanosina. D: 5,6-Dihidrouridin. m22G: N2-dimetilguanosina. Cm:...
DescriptionTRNA-Phe yeast blanco.svg English: tRNA-Phe (tRNAPhe) from yeast showing also modified bases in blue m2G: 2-methyl-guanosine D: 5,6-Dihydrouridine...
DescriptionTRNA-Phe yeast en.svg English: tRNA-Phe from yeast showing also modified bases in blue m2G: 2-methyl-guanosine D: 5,6-Dihydrouridine m22G:...
proteína. 26 Figura 18. Estructura Phe_yeast_1ehz.png RNA de transferencia. Las características más importantes...
DescriptionARN-t.svg Español: Fenilalanina-ARN-t Date 18 November 2014 Source Own work based on: TRNA-Phe yeast en.svg Author yikrazuul SVG development InfoField...
Date 20 April 2014, 20:34:31 Source Derivada de File:The tRNA cloverleaf general.svg y File:TRNA-Phe yeast 1ehz.png de Yikrazuul Author Alejandro Porto...