545×720× (88289 bytes) {{Information |Beschreibung = Einzelbild aus Zyklus ''Tatort Bad Ems 1999'' |Quelle = Archiv Yehuda Altmann |Urheber = Yehuda Altmann...
English The cast and crew of the German television show "Tatort," along with U.S. determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the...
English The cast and crew of the German television show "Tatort," along with U.S. determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the...
English The cast and crew of the German television show "Tatort," along with U.S. determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the...
English The cast and crew of the German television show "Tatort," along with U.S. determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the...
English The cast and crew of the German television show "Tatort," along with U.S. determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the...
English The cast and crew of the German television show "Tatort," along with U.S. determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the...
English The cast and crew of the German television show "Tatort" conduct filming for the show at the 7th Army Training Command's Joint Multinational Readiness...
de.wikipedia. 2011-12-24 09:29 Klewic 1045×720× (145189 bytes) {{Information |Beschreibung = Einzelbild aus Zyklus ''Tatort Bad Ems 1999'' |Quelle = Archiv...
de.wikipedia. 2011-12-24 09:32 Klewic 1046×720× (125945 bytes) {{Information |Beschreibung = Einzelbild aus Zyklus ''Tatort Bad Ems 1999'' |Quelle = Archiv...