The Health Professions Order 2001 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2003 ( ) Title The Health Professions Order 2001 (Consequential Amendments) Order...
The Health Professions Order 2001 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2003 ( ) Title The Health Professions Order 2001 (Consequential Amendments) Order...
The Health Act 1999 (Consequential Amendments) (Nursing and Midwifery) Order 2004 ( ) Title The Health Act 1999 (Consequential Amendments) (Nursing...
The Health Act 1999 (Consequential Amendments) (Nursing and Midwifery) Order 2004 ( ) Title The Health Act 1999 (Consequential Amendments) (Nursing...
regulated under the Health Professions Order 2001 (“the principal Order”). A number of amendments are made to the principal Order and related legislation...
regulated under the Health Professions Order 2001 (“the principal Order”). A number of amendments are made to the principal Order and related legislation...
Health Professions Order 2001 (S.I. 2002-254) (“the 2001 Order”) which regulates the Health and Care Professions Council, including to amend the title...
Health Professions Order 2001 (S.I. 2002-254) (“the 2001 Order”) which regulates the Health and Care Professions Council, including to amend the title...
The Equality Act 2010 (Public Authorities and Consequential and Supplementary Amendments) Order 2011 ( ) Title The Equality Act 2010 (Public Authorities...
The Equality Act 2010 (Public Authorities and Consequential and Supplementary Amendments) Order 2011 ( ) Title The Equality Act 2010 (Public Authorities...