DescriptionTimedText (Add subtitles).png English: How to add subtitles to a video on Wikimedia Commons. Video shown: File:Dust Models Paint Alien's View...
at: General Advertisements, with the exception of those representing Libre...
registration (.webm), the audio transcription (.txt) and the closed captions / subtitles file (.srt) of the video Event description: https://theplant.maastrichtuniversity...
CC (whatever that means) with a tiny drop-down menue "tracks" and "add subtitles" ◘▌▌▌▌ (volume control) MENU with a tiny drop-down menue "Credits" and...
File:Wikipedia - FactsMatter (No subtitles, no titles - this version is designed for YOU to add intertitles and subtitles in YOUR language with video editing...