1301 110 370 5920 2244 San Marco 2596 1880 965 359 5920 2244 Grand Hotel Trento 2099 1226 52 104 5920 2244 2399 1232 46 98 5920 2244 English Wikimedia username:...
3284 Mausoleum of Cesare Battisti on the Doss Trento hill,Trento, Italy 2986 662 1793 1218 4946 3284 Buonconsiglio Castle's arches of the Venetian Gothic...
Maria Maggiore 1225 1123 627 420 5889 1797 Doss Trento 2691 910 282 86 5889 1797 Castello del Buonconsiglio 3244 1054 69 104 5889 1797 Cathedral of Saint...
capital of International Gothic Art from Buonconsiglio's Castle, Trento Italy 16 4114 1603 806 3264 4928 Doss Trento English Wikimedia username: Vuvueffino...
Marzola 4966 386 735 223 5938 1813 Vigolana 779 1063 943 528 5938 1813 Doss Trento 1150 1174 96 82 5938 1813 Historical museum of the alpine troops The...