DescriptionUSS Columbia (CL-56) and Denver (CL-58) in Surigao Strait 1944.jpg The U.S. cruisers USS Columbia (CL-56) and USS Denver (CL-58) turning before...
USS Minneapolis (CA-36), USS Denver (CL-58), and USS Columbia (CL-56). Date 25 October 1944 Source U.S. Navy photo [1] from the USS Columbia (CL-56)...
DescriptionBattle of Surigao Strait.jpg The U.S. cruisers USS Columbia (CL-56) and USS Denver (CL-58) turning before firing on the crippled Japanese destroyer...
Louisville (CA-28), USS Portland (CA-33), USS Minneapolis (CA-36), USS Denver (CL-58), and USS Columbia (CL-56). Date 25 October 1944 Source Official U...