Portrait of Virginia de' Medici Artist Title "Portrait of Virginia de' Medici (1568-1615), half length, in an elaborately embroidered gown, gold trimmed...
Alessandro Allori: "Portrait of either Eleonora (“Dianora”) di Toledo de' Medici or Virginia de' Medici" ( ) Artist artist QS:P170,Q333369 Title "Portrait...
sitter: Virginia de' Medici (1568-1615), by studio of Alessandro Allori.jpg Giovanni Maria Butteri - So-called portrait of Virginia de’ Medici.png Ambito...
OF-CAMILLA-MARTELLI--CIRCA-1545/8026EDE6FBA328F8 Other versions Portraits presumably with the same sitter: Virginia de' Medici (1568-1615), by studio...
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