DescriptionVitoria - San Miguel 33.jpg English: Retablo mayor de la iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Obra (1624-1632) de Gregorio Fernández...
truetrue English Pro Surfers; Owen Wright, Gabriel Medina and Miguel Pupo in a limousine in San Francisco, California on Nov. 7th 2011. This was a celebratory...
Subtitle Español: Primera edicion completa Publisher Madrid: Imprenta de Miguel Ginesta Printer Q125208041 Object type version, edition or translation ...
DescriptionChurch of San Miguel Arcángel, Vitoria-Gasteiz 05.jpg Español: Iglesia de San Miguel Date 25 October 2018, 18:44:33 Source Own work Author...
Obras de Leandro Fernández de Moratín - RAH (Tomo I - Parte I) (page 24 crop).jpg...
DescriptionGasteizko mendien ikuspegia San Miguel menditik.jpg Euskara: Gasteizko mendien ikuspegia San Miguel menditik Date 7 May 2023, 09:33:15 Source Own work Author...
da Capela de São Miguel, uma igreja histórica na cidade alemã de Bruchsal, Baden-Württemberg, mostrando a vitória do arcanjo Miguel sobre Satanás e os...
Kursaal, Donostia 15/12: Teatro Principal, Vitoria Argazkia / Foto: Miguel San Cristóbal Date 11 December 2023, 19:33:14 Source