Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:Sprache/Doku erstellt werden
local Uelink = {}
-- this function enables the module to be called from a template
function Uelink.main(frame)
if type(Uelink]) == 'function'
return Uelink](frame.args, frame.args)
return Uelink]]
-- Übersetzungen bei Kollokationen in Einzelworte trennen und verlinken
function Uelink.Kollsep(frame)
local spr = frame.args
local Quelle1 = frame.args
local Quelle2 = frame.args
local Ziel = "" -- empfängt das Linkziel
local Ansicht = "" -- empfängt die Ansicht
local qu1_pos = 1
local qu1_blank = 0
local qu2_pos = 1
local qu2_blank = 0
local retp = "" -- returnstring
Blank = "%s" -- whitespace
links = "[["
mitte = "|"
rechts = "]]"
local len1 = 0
local len2 = 0
local anz_Worte = 0
local Sprache = ""
if (not Quelle1) then
return retp
len1 = mw.ustring.len(Quelle1)
if (Quelle2) then
len2 = mw.ustring.len(Quelle2)
local Sprache = ""
if (not spr) then
spr = "de"
if (spr == "de") then
Sprache = "Deutsch"
elseif (spr == "en") then
Sprache = "Englisch"
elseif (spr == "fr") then
Sprache = "Französisch"
elseif (spr == "it") then
Sprache = "Italienisch"
elseif (spr == "es") then
Sprache = "Spanisch"
Sprache = Uelink.sprachname(spr)
local VL = frame.args
local Linkart = "S" -- Einzel- und Vollverlinkung
if (VL ~= nil and VL ~= "") then
if (VL == "v") or (VL == "V") then
Linkart = "V" -- Vollverlinkung
elseif (VL == "e") or (VL == "E") then
Linkart = "E" -- nur Einzelverlinkung
local Symbol = "↑"
if (len1 > 0 and (Linkart == "E" or Linkart == "S")) then
while qu1_pos <= len1 do
anz_Worte = anz_Worte + 1
if qu1_pos > 1 then
retp = retp .. " "
retp = retp .. links
qu1_blank = mw.ustring.find(Quelle1, Blank, qu1_pos)
if (qu1_blank) then
Ziel = mw.ustring.sub(Quelle1, qu1_pos, qu1_blank - 1)
qu1_pos = qu1_blank + 1
Ziel = mw.ustring.sub(Quelle1, qu1_pos, len1)
qu1_pos = len1 + 1
if (mw.ustring.find(Ziel,"#",1,true) == nil) then
retp = retp .. Ziel .. "#" .. Ziel .. " (" .. Sprache .. ")"
retp = retp .. Ziel
if (len2 > 0) then
if (qu1_pos < len1) then
qu2_blank = mw.ustring.find(Quelle2, Blank, qu2_pos)
if (qu2_blank) then
Ansicht = mw.ustring.sub(Quelle2, qu2_pos, qu2_blank - 1)
qu2_pos = qu2_blank + 1
Ansicht = mw.ustring.sub(Quelle2, qu2_pos, len2)
qu2_pos = len2 + 1
Ansicht = mw.ustring.sub(Quelle2, qu2_pos, len2)
retp = retp .. mitte .. Ansicht
retp = retp .. "|" .. Ziel
retp = retp .. rechts
if (anz_Worte > 1) and (Linkart == "S") then
retp = retp .. "[[" .. Quelle1
retp = retp .. "#" .. Quelle1 .. " (" .. Sprache .. ")"
retp = retp .. "|<sup>" .. Symbol .. "</sup>]]"
elseif (Linkart == "V") then
retp = retp .. links
if (mw.ustring.find(Quelle1,"#",1,true)) then
retp = retp .. Quelle1
retp = retp .. Quelle1 .. "#" .. Quelle1 .. " (" .. Sprache .. ")"
retp = retp .. mitte
if (not Quelle2) or (len2 < 1) then
retp = retp .. Quelle1 .. rechts
retp = retp .. Quelle2 .. rechts
return retp
-- Sprachname mit Kürzel für die Verlinkung ermitteln
-- Aufruf von einer Vorlage: {{#invoke:Sprache|main|sprachname|sprachkürzel}}
function Uelink.sprachname(code)
local first = mw.ustring.sub(code,1,1)
if (first == "a") then
if (code == "aa") then return "Afar" end
if (code == "aae") then return "Arbëresh" end
if (code == "aat") then return "Arvanitika" end
if (code == "ab") then return "Abchasisch" end
if (code == "abe") then return "West-Abenaki" end
if (code == "abq") then return "Abasinisch" end
if (code == "ace") then return "Acehnesisch" end
if (code == "acf") then return "Antillen-Kreolisch" end
if (code == "acw") then return "Hijazi-Arabisch" end
if (code == "ady") then return "Adygeisch" end
if (code == "ae") then return "Avestisch" end
if (code == "aeb") then return "Tunesisch-Arabisch" end
if (code == "af") then return "Afrikaans" end
if (code == "agf") then return "Arguni" end
if (code == "agj") then return "Argobba" end
if (code == "aie") then return "Amara" end
if (code == "ain") then return "Ainu" end
if (code == "ak") then return "Akan" end
if (code == "akg") then return "Anakalangu" end
if (code == "akk") then return "Akkadisch" end
if (code == "akz") then return "Alabama" end
if (code == "ale") then return "Aleutisch" end
if (code == "aln") then return "Gegisch" end
if (code == "alp") then return "Alune" end
if (code == "alq") then return "Algonkin" end
if (code == "als") then return "Alemannisch" end
if (code == "alt") then return "Altaisch" end
if (code == "am") then return "Amharisch" end
if (code == "ami") then return "Amisisch" end
if (code == "amk") then return "Ambai" end
if (code == "amu") then return "Amuzgo" end
if (code == "an") then return "Aragonesisch" end
if (code == "ang") then return "Altenglisch" end
if (code == "apc") then return "Levantinisches Arabisch" end
if (code == "apw") then return "West-Apache" end
if (code == "ar") then return "Arabisch" end
if (code == "arc") then return "Aramäisch" end
if (code == "ari") then return "Arikara" end
if (code == "arn") then return "Mapudungun" end
if (code == "arq") then return "Algerisch-Arabisch" end
if (code == "arw") then return "Arawak" end
if (code == "ary") then return "Marokkanisch-Arabisch" end
if (code == "arz") then return "Ägyptisch-Arabisch" end
if (code == "as") then return "Assamesisch" end
if (code == "asb") then return "Assiniboine" end
if (code == "ast") then return "Asturisch" end
if (code == "atv") then return "Nordaltaisch" end
if (code == "aua") then return "Asumboa" end
if (code == "aud") then return "Anutisch" end
if (code == "av") then return "Awarisch" end
if (code == "avk") then return "Kotava" end
if (code == "ay") then return "Aymara" end
if (code == "ayl") then return "Libysch-Arabisch" end
if (code == "az") then return "Aserbaidschanisch" end
if (code == "azb") then return "Südaserbaidschanisch" end
if (code == "azd") then return "östliches Durango-Nahuatl" end
if (code == "azj") then return "Nordaserbaidschanisch" end
elseif (first == "b") then
if (code == "ba") then return "Baschkirisch" end
if (code == "baa") then return "Babatana" end
if (code == "bal") then return "Belutschi" end
if (code == "ban") then return "Balinesisch" end
if (code == "bar") then return "Bairisch" end
if (code == "bat") then return "Altpreußisch" end
if (code == "bbc") then return "Batak Toba" end
if (code == "bci") then return "Baule" end
if (code == "bcl") then return "Zentral-Bikolano" end
if (code == "bcm") then return "Banoni" end
if (code == "bde") then return "Bade" end
if (code == "bdr") then return "Westküsten-Bajau" end
if (code == "be") then return "Weißrussisch" end
if (code == "bem") then return "Bemba" end
if (code == "ber") then return "Berbersprache" end
if (code == "bg") then return "Bulgarisch" end
if (code == "bgc") then return "Haryanvi" end
if (code == "bh") then return "Bihari" end
if (code == "bho") then return "Bhojpuri" end
if (code == "bhw") then return "Biak" end
if (code == "bi") then return "Bislama" end
if (code == "bjn") then return "Banjar" end
if (code == "bla") then return "Blackfoot" end
if (code == "bm") then return "Bambara" end
if (code == "bmg") then return "Bangi" end
if (code == "bn") then return "Bengalisch" end
if (code == "bnd") then return "Banda" end
if (code == "bo") then return "Tibetisch" end
if (code == "bol") then return "Bole" end
if (code == "bpy") then return "Bishnupriya" end
if (code == "br") then return "Bretonisch" end
if (code == "brh") then return "Brahui" end
if (code == "bs") then return "Bosnisch" end
if (code == "bty") then return "Bobot" end
if (code == "bua") then return "Burjatisch" end
if (code == "bug") then return "Buginesisch" end
if (code == "bxr") then return "Russisches Burjatisch" end
if (code == "bzg") then return "Babuza" end
elseif (first == "c") then
if (code == "ca") then return "Katalanisch" end
if (code == "cay") then return "Cayuga" end
if (code == "ccc") then return "Chamicuro" end
if (code == "cdo") then return "Min Dong" end
if (code == "ce") then return "Tschetschenisch" end
if (code == "ceb") then return "Cebuano" end
if (code == "cel") then return "Keltisch" end
if (code == "ch") then return "Chamorro" end
if (code == "chc") then return "Catawba" end
if (code == "chm") then return "Mari" end
if (code == "cho") then return "Choctaw" end
if (code == "chp") then return "Chipewyan" end
if (code == "chr") then return "Cherokee" end
if (code == "chy") then return "Cheyenne" end
if (code == "cic") then return "Chickasaw" end
if (code == "cim") then return "Zimbrisch" end
if (code == "ciw") then return "Chippewa" end
if (code == "cja") then return "Westliches Cham" end
if (code == "cjm") then return "östliches Cham" end
if (code == "cjs") then return "Schorisch" end
if (code == "ckb") then return "Sorani" end
if (code == "ckt") then return "Tschuktschisch" end
if (code == "cmn") then return "Mandarin" end
if (code == "cnr") then return "Montenegrinisch" end
if (code == "cnx") then return "Mittelkornisch" end
if (code == "co") then return "Korsisch" end
if (code == "com") then return "Comanche" end
if (code == "cop") then return "Koptisch" end
if (code == "cr") then return "Cree" end
if (code == "crh") then return "Krimtatarisch" end
if (code == "cri") then return "Saotomensisches Kreol" end
if (code == "cro") then return "Crow" end
if (code == "crs") then return "Seselwa" end
if (code == "cs") then return "Tschechisch" end
if (code == "csb") then return "Kaschubisch" end
if (code == "ctu") then return "Tumbalá-Chol" end
if (code == "cu") then return "Altkirchenslawisch" end
if (code == "cv") then return "Tschuwaschisch" end
if (code == "cy") then return "Walisisch" end
elseif (first == "d") then
if (code == "da") then return "Dänisch" end
if (code == "dag") then return "Dagbani" end
if (code == "dak") then return "Dakota" end
if (code == "dbp") then return "Ɗuwai" end
if (code == "ddn") then return "Dendi" end
if (code == "de") then return "Deutsch" end
if (code == "dgl") then return "Dongolawi" end
if (code == "dhv") then return "Dehu" end
if (code == "diq") then return "Dimli" end
if (code == "dje") then return "Zarma" end
if (code == "dlm") then return "Dalmatisch" end
if (code == "dng") then return "Dunganisch" end
if (code == "dob") then return "Dobu" end
if (code == "dsb") then return "Niedersorbisch" end
if (code == "dum") then return "Mittelniederländisch" end
if (code == "dv") then return "Maledivisch" end
if (code == "dz") then return "Dzongkha" end
elseif (first == "e") then
if (code == "ee") then return "Ewe" end
if (code == "egl") then return "Emilianisch" end
if (code == "egy") then return "Ägyptisch" end
if (code == "el") then return "Neugriechisch" end
if (code == "ems") then return "Alutiiq" end
if (code == "en") then return "Englisch" end
if (code == "enm") then return "Mittelenglisch" end
if (code == "eo") then return "Esperanto" end
if (code == "erk") then return "Süd-Efate" end
if (code == "es") then return "Spanisch" end
if (code == "ess") then return "Sibirisch-Yupik" end
if (code == "esu") then return "Zentral-Alaska-Yupik" end
if (code == "et") then return "Estnisch" end
if (code == "eu") then return "Baskisch" end
if (code == "ext") then return "Extremadurisch" end
elseif (first == "f") then
if (code == "fa") then return "Persisch" end
if (code == "fan") then return "Fang" end
if (code == "ff") then return "Fulfulde" end
if (code == "fi") then return "Finnisch" end
if (code == "fj") then return "Fidschi" end
if (code == "fkv") then return "Kvenisch" end
if (code == "fng") then return "Fanagalo" end
if (code == "fo") then return "Färöisch" end
if (code == "fon") then return "Fon" end
if (code == "fr") then return "Französisch" end
if (code == "frk") then return "Altfränkisch" end
if (code == "frm") then return "Mittelfranzösisch" end
if (code == "fro") then return "Altfranzösisch" end
if (code == "frp") then return "Frankoprovenzalisch" end
if (code == "frr") then return "Nordfriesisch" end
if (code == "frs") then return "Ostfriesisch" end
if (code == "fry") then return "Westfriesisch" end
if (code == "fud") then return "Futunisch" end
if (code == "fur") then return "Friaulisch" end
if (code == "fy") then return "Westfriesisch" end
elseif (first == "g") then
if (code == "ga") then return "Irisch" end
if (code == "gag") then return "Gagausisch" end
if (code == "gan") then return "Gan" end
if (code == "gay") then return "Gayo" end
if (code == "gcf") then return "Guadeloupe-Kreolisch" end
if (code == "gcr") then return "Französisch-Guayanisches Kreol" end
if (code == "gd") then return "Schottisch-Gälisch" end
if (code == "gdq") then return "Mehri" end
if (code == "gem") then return "Urgermanisch" end
if (code == "gez") then return "Ge’ez" end
if (code == "gha") then return "Ghadames" end
if (code == "gil") then return "Gilbertesisch" end
if (code == "gl") then return "Galicisch" end
if (code == "glk") then return "Gilaki" end
if (code == "gmh") then return "Mittelhochdeutsch" end
if (code == "gml") then return "Mittelniederdeutsch" end
if (code == "gmw") then return "westgermanisch" end
if (code == "gmy") then return "Mykenisch" end
if (code == "gn") then return "Guaraní" end
if (code == "gnc") then return "Guanche" end
if (code == "goh") then return "Althochdeutsch" end
if (code == "got") then return "Gotisch" end
if (code == "gr") then return "Griechisch" end
if (code == "grc") then return "Altgriechisch" end
if (code == "gsw") then return "Schweizerdeutsch" end
if (code == "gu") then return "Gujarati" end
if (code == "guw") then return "Gun" end
if (code == "gv") then return "Manx" end
elseif (first == "h") then
if (code == "ha") then return "Hausa" end
if (code == "hac") then return "Gorani" end
if (code == "hak") then return "Hakka" end
if (code == "haw") then return "Hawaiianisch" end
if (code == "he") then return "Hebräisch" end
if (code == "hi") then return "Hindi" end
if (code == "hid") then return "Hidatsa" end
if (code == "hif") then return "Fiji Hindi" end
if (code == "hil") then return "Hiligaynon" end
if (code == "hit") then return "Hethitisch" end
if (code == "hns") then return "Karibisches Hindustani" end
if (code == "ho") then return "Hiri Motu" end
if (code == "hop") then return "Hopi" end
if (code == "hr") then return "Kroatisch" end
if (code == "hrx") then return "Riograndenser Hunsrückisch" end
if (code == "hsb") then return "Obersorbisch" end
if (code == "ht") then return "Haitianisch" end
if (code == "hu") then return "Ungarisch" end
if (code == "hy") then return "Armenisch" end
if (code == "hz") then return "Otjiherero" end
elseif (first == "i") then
if (code == "ia") then return "Interlingua" end
if (code == "iba") then return "Iban" end
if (code == "id") then return "Indonesisch" end
if (code == "ie") then return "Interlingue" end
if (code == "ig") then return "Igbo" end
if (code == "ii") then return "Yi" end
if (code == "ik") then return "Inupiaq" end
if (code == "ikt") then return "Inuinnaqtun" end
if (code == "ilo") then return "Ilokano" end
if (code == "ims") then return "Marsisch" end
if (code == "ine") then return "Indogermanisch" end
if (code == "inh") then return "Inguschisch" end
if (code == "io") then return "Ido" end
if (code == "iow") then return "Iowa-Oto" end
if (code == "is") then return "Isländisch" end
if (code == "ist") then return "Istriotisch" end
if (code == "it") then return "Italienisch" end
if (code == "itk") then return "Judäo-Italienisch (Italkisch)" end
if (code == "itl") then return "Itelmenisch" end
if (code == "iu") then return "Inuktitut" end
if (code == "izh") then return "Ischorisch" end
elseif (first == "j") then
if (code == "ja") then return "Japanisch" end
if (code == "jam") then return "Jamaika-Kreolisch" end
if (code == "jbo") then return "Lojban" end
if (code == "jrb") then return "Judäo-Arabisch" end
if (code == "jv") then return "Javanisch" end
elseif (first == "K") then
if (code == "KA") then return "klassisches Arabisch" end
elseif (first == "k") then
if (code == "ka") then return "Georgisch" end
if (code == "kaa") then return "Karakalpakisch" end
if (code == "kab") then return "Kabylisch" end
if (code == "kai") then return "Karekare" end
if (code == "kam") then return "Kikamba" end
if (code == "kaw") then return "Kawi" end
if (code == "kbd") then return "Kabardinisch" end
if (code == "kca") then return "Chantisch" end
if (code == "kdr") then return "Karaimisch" end
if (code == "kea") then return "Kapverdisches Kreol" end
if (code == "kg") then return "Kikongo" end
if (code == "khb") then return "Tai Lü" end
if (code == "khw") then return "Khowar" end
if (code == "ki") then return "Kikuyu" end
if (code == "kic") then return "Kickapoo" end
if (code == "kj") then return "Kuanyama" end
if (code == "kjh") then return "Chakassisch" end
if (code == "kjj") then return "Chinalugisch" end
if (code == "kk") then return "Kasachisch" end
if (code == "kl") then return "Grönländisch" end
if (code == "kla") then return "Klamath" end
if (code == "klb") then return "Kiliwa" end
if (code == "km") then return "Khmer" end
if (code == "kmr") then return "Kurmandschi" end
if (code == "kn") then return "Kannada" end
if (code == "ko") then return "Koreanisch" end
if (code == "koi") then return "Komi-Permjakisch" end
if (code == "kok") then return "Konkani" end
if (code == "kos") then return "Kosraeanisch" end
if (code == "kpg") then return "Kapingamarangi" end
if (code == "kr") then return "Kanuri" end
if (code == "krc") then return "Karatschai-Balkarisch" end
if (code == "krl") then return "Karelisch" end
if (code == "ks") then return "Kashmiri" end
if (code == "ksh") then return "Kölsch" end
if (code == "ksk") then return "Kansa" end
if (code == "ku") then return "Kurdisch" end
if (code == "kum") then return "Kumükisch" end
if (code == "kv") then return "Komi" end
if (code == "kw") then return "Kornisch" end
if (code == "kwn") then return "RuKwangali" end
if (code == "ky") then return "Kirgisisch" end
if (code == "kyh") then return "Karok" end
elseif (first == "l") then
if (code == "la") then return "Latein" end
if (code == "lad") then return "Ladino" end
if (code == "lb") then return "Luxemburgisch" end
if (code == "lbe") then return "Lakisch" end
if (code == "ldn") then return "Láadan" end
if (code == "lep") then return "Lepcha" end
if (code == "lez") then return "Lesgisch" end
if (code == "lg") then return "Luganda" end
if (code == "li") then return "Limburgisch" end
if (code == "lij") then return "Ligurisch" end
if (code == "liv") then return "Livisch" end
if (code == "lkt") then return "Lakota" end
if (code == "lld") then return "Ladinisch" end
if (code == "llp") then return "Nord-Efate" end
if (code == "lmo") then return "Lombardisch" end
if (code == "ln") then return "Lingala" end
if (code == "lo") then return "Laotisch" end
if (code == "lou") then return "Louisiana-Kreolisch" end
if (code == "loz") then return "Silozi" end
if (code == "lt") then return "Litauisch" end
if (code == "ltg") then return "Lettgallisch" end
if (code == "lua") then return "Tschiluba" end
if (code == "lud") then return "Lüdisch" end
if (code == "lus") then return "Mizo" end
if (code == "lv") then return "Lettisch" end
if (code == "lvk") then return "Lavukaleve" end
if (code == "lzz") then return "Lasisch" end
elseif (first == "M") then
if (code == "MHA") then return "modernes Hocharabisch" end
elseif (first == "m") then
if (code == "mad") then return "Maduresisch" end
if (code == "mak") then return "Makassar" end
if (code == "mas") then return "Maa" end
if (code == "mbb") then return "West-Bukidnon" end
if (code == "mdf") then return "Mokscha" end
if (code == "mel") then return "Zentral-Melanauisch" end
if (code == "mfe") then return "Morisien" end
if (code == "mg") then return "Madagassisch" end
if (code == "mga") then return "Mittelirisch" end
if (code == "mh") then return "Marshallesisch" end
if (code == "mhr") then return "Ostmari" end
if (code == "mi") then return "Maori" end
if (code == "mia") then return "Miami-Illinois" end
if (code == "mic") then return "Micmac" end
if (code == "mid") then return "modernes Mandäisch" end
if (code == "min") then return "Minangkabau" end
if (code == "mjy") then return "Mohican" end
if (code == "mk") then return "Mazedonisch" end
if (code == "ml") then return "Malayalam" end
if (code == "mn") then return "Mongolisch" end
if (code == "mnc") then return "Mandschurisch" end
if (code == "mnk") then return "Mandinka" end
if (code == "mns") then return "Mansisch" end
if (code == "mnw") then return "Mon" end
if (code == "moh") then return "Mohawk" end
if (code == "mpm") then return "Yosondúa-Mixtekisch" end
if (code == "mr") then return "Marathi" end
if (code == "mrj") then return "Westmari" end
if (code == "mrv") then return "Mangarevanisch" end
if (code == "mrw") then return "Maranao" end
if (code == "ms") then return "Malaiisch" end
if (code == "msk") then return "Mansaka" end
if (code == "mt") then return "Maltesisch" end
if (code == "mus") then return "Creek" end
if (code == "mvv") then return "Tagol Murut" end
if (code == "mwl") then return "Mirandés" end
if (code == "mww") then return "Hmong Daw" end
if (code == "mxi") then return "Mozarabisch" end
if (code == "mxt") then return "Mixtekisch" end
if (code == "my") then return "Birmanisch" end
if (code == "myn") then return "Maya-Sprache" end
if (code == "myp") then return "Pirahã" end
if (code == "myv") then return "Ersja" end
if (code == "myz") then return "klassisches Mandäisch" end
if (code == "mzn") then return "Masanderanisch" end
elseif (first == "n") then
if (code == "na") then return "Nauruisch" end
if (code == "nah") then return "Nahuatl" end
if (code == "nan") then return "Min Nan" end
if (code == "nap") then return "Neapolitanisch" end
if (code == "naq") then return "Nama" end
if (code == "nb") then return "Bokmål" end
if (code == "nbh") then return "Ngamo" end
if (code == "nch") then return "Huastekisches Zentral-Nahuatl" end
if (code == "nci") then return "Klassisches Nahuatl" end
if (code == "ncx") then return "Zentrales Puebla-Nahuatl" end
if (code == "nd") then return "Nord-Ndebele" end
if (code == "nds") then return "Niederdeutsch" end
if (code == "ne") then return "Nepalesisch" end
if (code == "new") then return "Newari" end
if (code == "nez") then return "Nez Perce" end
if (code == "ng") then return "Ndonga" end
if (code == "ngi") then return "Ngizim" end
if (code == "ngo") then return "Ngoni" end
if (code == "ngu") then return "Guerrero-Nahuatl" end
if (code == "nhe") then return "Huastekisches Ost-Nahuatl" end
if (code == "nhg") then return "Tetelcingo-Nahuatl" end
if (code == "nhn") then return "Zentral-Nahuatl" end
if (code == "nhv") then return "Temascaltepec-Nahuatl" end
if (code == "nhw") then return "Huastekisches West-Nahuatl" end
if (code == "nhx") then return "Mecayapan-Nahuatl" end
if (code == "nic") then return "Dogon" end
if (code == "niu") then return "Niueanisch" end
if (code == "nl") then return "Niederländisch" end
if (code == "nld") then return "Flämisch" end
if (code == "nlv") then return "Orizaba-Nahuatl" end
if (code == "nmn") then return "ǃXóõ" end
if (code == "nn") then return "Nynorsk" end
if (code == "no") then return "Norwegisch" end
if (code == "nog") then return "Nogaisch" end
if (code == "non") then return "Altnordisch" end
if (code == "nov") then return "Novial" end
if (code == "nqo") then return "N'Ko" end
if (code == "nr") then return "Süd-Ndebele" end
if (code == "nrf") then return "Altnormannisch" end
if (code == "nrm") then return "Narom" end
if (code == "nrn") then return "Norn" end
if (code == "nso") then return "Nord-Sotho" end
if (code == "nup") then return "Nupe" end
if (code == "nv") then return "Navajo" end
if (code == "ny") then return "Chichewa" end
if (code == "nyn") then return "Runyankore" end
if (code == "nzd") then return "Nzadi" end
elseif (first == "o") then
if (code == "obt") then return "Altbretonisch" end
if (code == "oc") then return "Okzitanisch" end
if (code == "oco") then return "Altkornisch" end
if (code == "odt") then return "Altniederländisch" end
if (code == "ofs") then return "Altfriesisch" end
if (code == "oge") then return "Altgeorgisch" end
if (code == "oj") then return "Ojibwe" end
if (code == "om") then return "Oromo" end
if (code == "omr") then return "Altmarathi" end
if (code == "one") then return "Oneida" end
if (code == "ono") then return "Onondaga" end
if (code == "ood") then return "O'odham" end
if (code == "or") then return "Oriya" end
if (code == "orv") then return "Altostslawisch" end
if (code == "os") then return "Ossetisch" end
if (code == "osa") then return "Osage" end
if (code == "osc") then return "Oskisch" end
if (code == "osx") then return "Altsächsisch" end
if (code == "ota") then return "Osmanisches Türkisch" end
if (code == "ote") then return "Mezquital-Otomi" end
if (code == "otw") then return "Ottawa" end
if (code == "owl") then return "Altwalisisch" end
elseif (first == "p") then
if (code == "pa") then return "Pandschabi" end
if (code == "pag") then return "Pangasinensisch" end
if (code == "pal") then return "Pahlavi" end
if (code == "pam") then return "Kapampangan" end
if (code == "pap") then return "Papiamentu" end
if (code == "pau") then return "Palauisch" end
if (code == "paw") then return "Pawnee" end
if (code == "pcd") then return "Pikardisch" end
if (code == "pdc") then return "Pennsylvaniadeutsch" end
if (code == "pdt") then return "Plautdietsch" end
if (code == "peo") then return "Altpersisch" end
if (code == "pfl") then return "Pfälzisch" end
if (code == "pgn") then return "Pälignisch" end
if (code == "phn") then return "Phönizisch" end
if (code == "pi") then return "Pali" end
if (code == "pih") then return "Pitkern" end
if (code == "pim") then return "Powhatan" end
if (code == "pis") then return "Pijin" end
if (code == "pkp") then return "Pukapuka" end
if (code == "pl") then return "Polnisch" end
if (code == "pms") then return "Piemontesisch" end
if (code == "pnb") then return "West-Pandschabi" end
if (code == "pnt") then return "Pontisch" end
if (code == "pov") then return "Guineabissauisches Kreol" end
if (code == "pox") then return "Polabisch" end
if (code == "pqm") then return "Malecite-Passamaquoddy" end
if (code == "pra") then return "Prakrit" end
if (code == "pre") then return "Principensisches Kreol" end
if (code == "prg") then return "Prußisch" end
if (code == "pro") then return "Altprovenzalisch/Altokzitanisch" end
if (code == "prs") then return "Dari" end
if (code == "ps") then return "Paschtu" end
if (code == "pt") then return "Portugiesisch" end
if (code == "pua") then return "Purépecha" end
elseif (first == "q") then
if (code == "qka") then return "Erzgebirgisch" end
if (code == "qu") then return "Quechua" end
if (code == "qua") then return "Quapaw" end
if (code == "quz") then return "Cusco-Quechua" end
elseif (first == "r") then
if (code == "raj") then return "Rajasthani" end
if (code == "rap") then return "Rapanui" end
if (code == "rhg") then return "Rohingya" end
if (code == "rif") then return "Tarifit" end
if (code == "rm") then return "Rätoromanisch" end
if (code == "rmq") then return "Caló" end
if (code == "rmy") then return "Vlax" end
if (code == "rn") then return "Kirundi" end
if (code == "ro") then return "Rumänisch" end
if (code == "rom") then return "Romani" end
if (code == "rsk") then return "Pannonisch-Russinisch" end
if (code == "ru") then return "Russisch" end
if (code == "rue") then return "Karpato-Russinisch" end
if (code == "ruo") then return "Istrorumänisch" end
if (code == "rup") then return "Aromunisch" end
if (code == "ruq") then return "Meglenorumänisch" end
if (code == "rw") then return "Kinyarwanda" end
if (code == "ryu") then return "Zentral-Okinawa" end
elseif (first == "s") then
if (code == "sa") then return "Sanskrit" end
if (code == "sac") then return "Fox" end
if (code == "sah") then return "Jakutisch" end
if (code == "sas") then return "Sasak" end
if (code == "sbs") then return "Subiya" end
if (code == "sc") then return "Sardisch" end
if (code == "scn") then return "Sizilianisch" end
if (code == "sco") then return "Scots" end
if (code == "scx") then return "Sikulisch" end
if (code == "sd") then return "Sindhi" end
if (code == "se") then return "Nordsamisch" end
if (code == "see") then return "Seneca" end
if (code == "sei") then return "Seri" end
if (code == "sg") then return "Sango" end
if (code == "sga") then return "Altirisch" end
if (code == "sgs") then return "Schemaitisch" end
if (code == "sgw") then return "Gurage" end
if (code == "sh") then return "Serbokroatisch" end
if (code == "shh") then return "Shoshone" end
if (code == "shi") then return "Schilh" end
if (code == "shv") then return "Ǧibbāli (Śhaḥri)" end
if (code == "si") then return "Singhalesisch" end
if (code == "simple") then return "Simple English" end
if (code == "sjd") then return "Kildinsamisch" end
if (code == "sje") then return "Pitesamisch" end
if (code == "sjn") then return "Sindarin" end
if (code == "sju") then return "Umesamisch" end
if (code == "sjw") then return "Shawnee" end
if (code == "sk") then return "Slowakisch" end
if (code == "sl") then return "Slowenisch" end
if (code == "sla") then return "Slowinzisch" end
if (code == "sli") then return "Schlesisch (Deutsch)" end
if (code == "sm") then return "Samoanisch" end
if (code == "sma") then return "Südsamisch" end
if (code == "smi") then return "Sami" end
if (code == "smn") then return "Inarisamisch" end
if (code == "sms") then return "Skoltsamisch" end
if (code == "sn") then return "Shona" end
if (code == "sne") then return "Bau Bidayuh" end
if (code == "snk") then return "Soninke" end
if (code == "so") then return "Somalisch" end
if (code == "sog") then return "Sogdisch" end
if (code == "spx") then return "Südpikenisch" end
if (code == "sq") then return "Albanisch" end
if (code == "sqr") then return "Sizilianisches Arabisch" end
if (code == "sqt") then return "Soqotri" end
if (code == "sr") then return "Serbisch" end
if (code == "src") then return "Logudoresisch" end
if (code == "srn") then return "Sranantongo" end
if (code == "sro") then return "Campinadesisches Sardisch" end
if (code == "srr") then return "Serer" end
if (code == "ss") then return "Siswati" end
if (code == "st") then return "Sesotho" end
if (code == "stq") then return "Saterfriesisch" end
if (code == "su") then return "Sundanesisch" end
if (code == "suw") then return "Sumbwa" end
if (code == "sux") then return "Sumerisch" end
if (code == "sv") then return "Schwedisch" end
if (code == "sva") then return "Swanisch" end
if (code == "sw") then return "Suaheli" end
if (code == "swb") then return "Komorisch" end
if (code == "swg") then return "Schwäbisch" end
if (code == "syr") then return "Syrisch" end
if (code == "szl") then return "Schlesisch (Polnisch)" end
elseif (first == "t") then
if (code == "ta") then return "Tamil" end
if (code == "tar") then return "Zentral-Tarahumara" end
if (code == "tay") then return "Atayal" end
if (code == "te") then return "Telugu" end
if (code == "tet") then return "Tetum" end
if (code == "tg") then return "Tadschikisch" end
if (code == "tgw") then return "Tagwana" end
if (code == "th") then return "Thai" end
if (code == "ti") then return "Tigrinya" end
if (code == "tig") then return "Tigre" end
if (code == "tk") then return "Turkmenisch" end
if (code == "tkl") then return "Tokelauisch" end
if (code == "tl") then return "Tagalog" end
if (code == "tlh") then return "Klingonisch" end
if (code == "tli") then return "Tlingit" end
if (code == "tmh") then return "Tamaschek" end
if (code == "tn") then return "Setswana" end
if (code == "tnq") then return "Taíno" end
if (code == "to") then return "Tongaisch" end
if (code == "tok") then return "Toki Pona" end
if (code == "tox") then return "Tobianisch" end
if (code == "tpi") then return "Tok Pisin" end
if (code == "tpn") then return "Tupinambá" end
if (code == "tpw") then return "Tupi" end
if (code == "tr") then return "Türkisch" end
if (code == "tru") then return "Turoyo" end
if (code == "trv") then return "Taroko" end
if (code == "trw") then return "Torwali" end
if (code == "ts") then return "Xitsonga" end
if (code == "tsg") then return "Tausug" end
if (code == "tsi") then return "Tsimshian" end
if (code == "tt") then return "Tatarisch" end
if (code == "tum") then return "Tumbuka" end
if (code == "tus") then return "Tuscarora" end
if (code == "tvk") then return "Südost-Ambrym" end
if (code == "tvl") then return "Tuvaluisch" end
if (code == "tw") then return "Twi" end
if (code == "txb") then return "Tocharisch B" end
if (code == "txh") then return "Thrakisch" end
if (code == "ty") then return "Tahitianisch" end
if (code == "tyv") then return "Tuwinisch" end
if (code == "tzh") then return "Tzeltal" end
if (code == "tzl") then return "Talossanisch" end
if (code == "tzm") then return "Tamazight" end
if (code == "tzo") then return "Tzotzil" end
elseif (first == "u") then
if (code == "udm") then return "Udmurtisch" end
if (code == "ug") then return "Uigurisch" end
if (code == "uga") then return "Ugaritisch" end
if (code == "uk") then return "Ukrainisch" end
if (code == "umb") then return "Umbundu" end
if (code == "umc") then return "Marrukinisch" end
if (code == "umu") then return "Munsee" end
if (code == "unm") then return "Unami" end
if (code == "ur") then return "Urdu" end
if (code == "uum") then return "Urum" end
if (code == "uz") then return "Usbekisch" end
elseif (first == "v") then
if (code == "ve") then return "Tshivenda" end
if (code == "vec") then return "Venezianisch" end
if (code == "vep") then return "Wepsisch" end
if (code == "vi") then return "Vietnamesisch" end
if (code == "vls") then return "Westflämisch" end
if (code == "vmf") then return "Ostfränkisch" end
if (code == "vo") then return "Volapük" end
if (code == "vot") then return "Wotisch" end
if (code == "vro") then return "Võro" end
elseif (first == "w") then
if (code == "wa") then return "Wallonisch" end
if (code == "war") then return "Waray" end
if (code == "wen") then return "Sorbisch" end
if (code == "wep") then return "Westfälisch" end
if (code == "wlc") then return "shiMwali" end
if (code == "wlm") then return "Mittelwalisisch" end
if (code == "wni") then return "shiNdzuani" end
if (code == "wo") then return "Wolof" end
if (code == "wuu") then return "Wu" end
if (code == "wym") then return "Wilmesaurisch" end
if (code == "wyn") then return "Wyandot" end
elseif (first == "x") then
if (code == "xaa") then return "Andalusisches Arabisch" end
if (code == "xae") then return "Äquisch" end
if (code == "xal") then return "Kalmückisch" end
if (code == "xbc") then return "Baktrisch" end
if (code == "xbm") then return "Mittelbretonisch" end
if (code == "xcl") then return "Altarmenisch" end
if (code == "xfa") then return "Faliskisch" end
if (code == "xga") then return "Galatisch" end
if (code == "xh") then return "isiXhosa" end
if (code == "xhu") then return "Hurritisch" end
if (code == "xlc") then return "Lykisch" end
if (code == "xld") then return "Lydisch" end
if (code == "xlu") then return "Luwisch" end
if (code == "xmf") then return "Mingrelisch" end
if (code == "xmn") then return "Manichäisch" end
if (code == "xno") then return "Anglonormannisch" end
if (code == "xpg") then return "Phrygisch" end
if (code == "xpq") then return "Mohegan-Pequot" end
if (code == "xtg") then return "Gallisch" end
if (code == "xto") then return "Tocharisch A" end
if (code == "xum") then return "Umbrisch" end
if (code == "xur") then return "Urartäisch" end
if (code == "xve") then return "Venetisch" end
if (code == "xvo") then return "Volskisch" end
elseif (first == "y") then
if (code == "yak") then return "Yakima" end
if (code == "yaq") then return "Yaqui" end
if (code == "yi") then return "Jiddisch" end
if (code == "yo") then return "Yoruba" end
if (code == "yua") then return "Mayathan" end
if (code == "yue") then return "Kantonesisch" end
elseif (first == "z") then
if (code == "za") then return "Zhuang" end
if (code == "zai") then return "Isthmus-Zapotekisch" end
if (code == "zbw") then return "West Berawan" end
if (code == "zdj") then return "shiNgazidja" end
if (code == "zea") then return "Seeländisch" end
if (code == "zen") then return "Zenaga" end
if (code == "zh") then return "Chinesisch" end
if (code == "zh-cn") then return "Chinesisch (vereinfacht)" end
if (code == "zh-tw") then return "Chinesisch (traditionell)" end
if (code == "zu") then return "isiZulu" end
if (code == "zza") then return "Zazaki" end
return "Sprachkürzel unbekannt"
return Uelink