Cambridge Dictionaries: „whether“ (britisch), „whether“ (US-amerikanisch) [1] Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: „whether“ [1] Merriam-Webster Online...
gastfreundlich Beispiele: [1] "But they must reach this land, whether inhabited or desolate, whether hospitable or not." Charakteristische Wortkombinationen:...
Entscheidung; es liegt an dir/Ihnen Beispiele: [1] Well, it's up to you whether to go or not. Naja, es ist deine Entscheidung, ob du mitgehen willst oder...
(Meinung) Beispiele: [1] I am free to express my own opinion, regardless of whether you like it or not, because we have freedom of opinion. Ich darf meine...
acicular (hair-like) crystals. [1] We need more research to determine whether dietary selenium could limit avian flu and swine flu Wortbildungen: [1]...
with some probability that they made use of whatever bread was at hand, whether azymous or fermented.“ Charakteristische Wortkombinationen: [1] azymous...
friend Beispiele: [1] "An enemy or foe is a relativist term for an entity, whether an individual or a group, that is seen as forcefully adverse or threatening...
zusammengesetzt aus length und word Beispiele: [1] „The question we departed from is whether word length (which we know abides by certain distributional laws) follows...
Charakteristische Wortkombinationen: to debate about to debate on to debate whether to debate with oneself keen to debate Wortbildungen: debater, debatement...
Synonyme: [1] torment Beispiele: [1] [3] She agonized for days about whether she should take the job. Sie rang tagelang mit sich, ob sie die Stelle...