4 Results found for "λ/en/λ/4_film".

λ/4 film

λ (“wavelength”). λ/4 film (plural λ/4 films) (technology) Film having a retardation of a quarter of a specified wavelength, used with a polarizer film...


stag film talking film tentpole film theatrical film thesis film thin-film thin film thin-film interference thin-film transistor war film λ/4 film   →...


γj, Δ δ, D d, Ε ε, Ε̱ ε̱, Ζ ζ, Ζ̇ ζ̇, Θ θ, Ι ι, J j, Κ κ, Κ̇ κ̇, Λ λ, ΛΛ λλ, Λ̇ λ̇, Μ μ, Ν ν, Ν̇ ν̇, Ο ο, Π π, Ρ ρ, Ρ̇ ρ̇, Σ σ, Σ̈ σ̈, Τ τ, Ȣ ȣ, Υ υ...


Devices in Wireless Communication‎[4], Springer, →ISBN, page 14: The solution is to make a quine that is also a λ-expression (instead of a list of statements)...