Hello, you have come here looking for the meaning of the word
ѧꙃа. In DICTIOUS you will not only get to know all the dictionary meanings for the word
ѧꙃа, but we will also tell you about its etymology, its characteristics and you will know how to say
ѧꙃа in singular and plural. Everything you need to know about the word
ѧꙃа you have here. The definition of the word
ѧꙃа will help you to be more precise and correct when speaking or writing your texts. Knowing the definition of
ѧꙃа, as well as those of other words, enriches your vocabulary and provides you with more and better linguistic resources.
Old Church Slavonic
- ⱔⰷⰰ (ędza), ⱗⰷⰰ (jędza), ⱔⰸⰰ (ęza), ⱗⰸⰰ (jęza) — Glagolitic
- ѧѕа (ędza), ѧꙁа (ęza), ѧза (ęza), ѩѕа (jędza), ѩꙁа (jęza), ѩза (jęza), ꙙѕа (ędza), ꙙꙁа (ęza), ꙙза (ęza), ꙝѕа (jędza), ꙝꙁа (jęza), ꙝза (jęza)
Inherited from Proto-Slavic *ęga.
ѧꙃа • (ędza) f
- wound, illness, ailment
- From Codex Marianus; Matthew 9:35:
ꙇ҅ прохождаше и꙯съ градꙑ вьсѧ и вьси · ꙋчѧ на соньмиштихъ ихъ ·| ꙇ проповѣдаѩ е꙯внꙉлие ц꙯срствиѣ ·| ꙇ цѣлѧ вьсѣкъ недѫгъ ꙇ҅ вьсѣкѫ ѩ꙼зѫ вь людхъ- Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness
- weakness, aberration, infatuation
- From Codex Suprasliensis 447;4
Бѫдѣте о̑убо чловѣколюби-|ви да то о̑услꙑшите ·и҅ вꙑ златоносивꙑѩ|женꙑ видѧштѧѩ · течениѥ҆ жень҆скоѥ · сиѭ̑|ѩ҅зѫ понѣ допоздѣ нѣколи · о҅тъложивъшѧ|злать҆нааго желаниꙗ҆- Bǫděte ȏubo člověkoljubi-|vi da to ȏuslyšite ·i҅ vy zlatonosivyję|ženy vidęštęję · tečenije҆ ženĭ҆skoje · sijǫ̑|ję҅zǫ poně dopozdě několi · o҅tŭloživŭšę|zlatĭ҆naago želanija҆
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
Declension of ѧꙃа (soft a-stem)
See also
- Бояджиев, Андрей (2016) Старобългарска читанка, София
- Cejtlin, R.M.; Večerka, R.; Blagova, E., editors (1994), “”, in Staroslavjanskij slovarʹ (po rukopisjam X—XI vekov) [Old Church Slavonic Dictionary (Based on 10–11th Century Manuscripts)], Moscow: Russkij jazyk, page 807