
Hello, you have come here looking for the meaning of the word ᠰᡠᡥᡠᠨ. In DICTIOUS you will not only get to know all the dictionary meanings for the word ᠰᡠᡥᡠᠨ, but we will also tell you about its etymology, its characteristics and you will know how to say ᠰᡠᡥᡠᠨ in singular and plural. Everything you need to know about the word ᠰᡠᡥᡠᠨ you have here. The definition of the word ᠰᡠᡥᡠᠨ will help you to be more precise and correct when speaking or writing your texts. Knowing the definition ofᠰᡠᡥᡠᠨ, as well as those of other words, enriches your vocabulary and provides you with more and better linguistic resources.




ᠰᡠᡥᡠᠨ (suhun)

  1. beige

See also

Colors in Manchu · ᠪᠣᠴᠣ (boco) (layout · text)
     ᠰᡠᡵᡠ (suru), ᡧᠠᠨᠶᠠᠨ (šanyan), ᡧᠠᠩᡤᡳᠶᠠᠨ (šanggiyan), ᡧᠠᠪᡠᡵᡠ (šaburu), ᡧᡝᠶᡝᠨ (šeyen)      ᠪᠣᡵᠣ (boro)      ᠰᠠᡥᠠᠯᡳᠶᠠᠨ (sahaliyan), ᠰᠠᡥᠠᡥᡡᠨ (sahahūn), ᡴᠠᡵᠠ (kara)
             ᠵᡝᡵᡩᡝ (jerde), ᡶᡠᠯᠠᡥᡡᠨ (fulahūn), ᡶᡠᠯᡤᡳᠶᠠᠨ (fulgiyan); ᠰᡠᡥᡠᠨ (suhun)              ;              ᠰᠣᡥᠣᠨ (sohon), ᠯᠠᠮᡠᠨ (lamun), ᡴᠣᠩᡤᠣᡵᠣ (konggoro);
                          ᠨᡳᠣᠸᠠᠩᡤᡳᠶᠠᠨ (niowanggiyan), ᠰᡠᠸᠠᠶᠠᠨ (suwayan)              ;
             ᠯᠠᠮᡠᡴᠠᠨ (lamukan);              ᠯᠠᠮᡠᠨ (lamun), ᡴᡠᡴᡠ (kuku)             
             ; ᡶᠠᡥᠠᠯᠠ (fahala)              ᡧᡠᡧᡠ (šušu)              ᠵᠠᠮᡠ (jamu), ᡧᠠᡥᡡᠨ (šahūn)