Here are basic words and common phrases in the language of Catalan:
Translation | Phrase | IPA | Literal meaning |
Catalan: | català, valencià | ; | |
hello: | hola | ||
good-bye: | adeu | (go) to God | |
please: | si us plau, sisplau, per favor | if it pleases , for favor | |
thank you: | gràcies; mercès | ; | |
sorry: | perdó | pardon | |
that one: | aquest (m.); aquesta (f.) | ; | |
how much?: | quant val; quant és | ; | what value; how much is (it worth) |
yes: | sí | ||
no: | no | ||
I don’t understand: | no ho entenc | ||
Where's the bathroom?: | on és el bany?; on és el lavabo? | ; | |
generic toast: | salut! | health | |
Do you speak English?: | que parleu anglès? (formal) que parles anglès?(informal) |
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Do you speak Catalan?: | que parleu català? (formal) que parles català? (informal) |
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