Here are basic words and common conversational phrases in Old English:
Translation | Phrase | IPA | Comments |
English | Englisċ | IPA(key): | |
how are you? | hū færst þū? | IPA(key): | |
hello | wes hāl | IPA(key): | |
goodbye | far wel | IPA(key): | |
please | iċ bidde | IPA(key): | or understood; see usage note. |
thank you | iċ þanciġe þē | IPA(key): | |
how much? | hū miċel? | IPA(key): | |
yes | ġēse | IPA(key): | |
no | nēse | IPA(key): | |
where is the bathroom? | hwǣr is þæt gangsetl? | IPA(key): | |
where are you from? | hwanon eart þū? | IPA(key): | |
do you speak English? | spricst þū Englisċ? | IPA(key): | |
I don’t understand | iċ ne understande | IPA(key): | |
who are you? | hwæt eart þū? | IPA(key): |