5 Results found for "Category:ang:Periodic_occurrences".

Category:ang:Periodic occurrences

Old English  » All topics  » Time  » Periodic occurrences Old English terms for types or instances of occurrences that repeat at certain intervals of time...


Fundamental  » All languages  » Old English  » All topics  » Time  » Periodic occurrences  » Seasons Old English terms for types or instances of seasons. NOTE:...

Category:ang:Days of the week

Fundamental  » All languages  » Old English  » All topics  » Time  » Periodic occurrences  » Days of the week Old English names of specific the days of the...


Fundamental  » All languages  » Old English  » All topics  » Time  » Periodic occurrences  » Months See also: Appendix:Months of the year Old English names...

Category:ang:Times of day

Fundamental  » All languages  » Old English  » All topics  » Time  » Periodic occurrences  » Times of day Old English terms for types or instances of times...