wpSummary = document.getElementById('wpSummary'); if (!wpSummary) return; if (wpSummary.value.substr(0, 3) !== '/* ') return; if (wpSummary.value...
); deleteReasonDiv.title = 'the deletion reason (message/summary) to use when you click "D"'; var deleteReasonTextInput = ( newNode...
summary.value = "Adding forms of " + langname + " [[" + lemma + "]] ([[WT:ACCEL|Accelerated]])"; } else { newValue = newtext; summary.value...
length ) { shortSummary.push( '± ' + multiChangeMsg( changed.length ) ); } if ( summary.length ) { summary = summary.join( HC.messages...
/* Try to make search results more obviously links */ .mw-special-Search #bodyContent li a { font-weight: bold; } .mw-special-Search .searchmatch {...
edit summary or press cancel to abort'); var response=prompt(txt, summary); if (response) { summary=response; } else { return; } } if (summary) {...
} resetElements(); }, 'edit': edit.edit, 'summary': summary }, span); } if (lang) { //Get all li's in this...
get("wgAction") == "view" && !/&printable=yes|&diff=|&oldid=/.test(window.location.search)) { $(function() { mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:addDefinition()'...
getElementById("wpSummaryLabel").parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById("wpSummaryLabel")); document.getElementById("wpSummary").parentNode.removeChild(document...
removeChild(usextobeadded); usexform.style.display = "inline"; }, summary: "+usex: " + values.examplesentence }, usextobeadded) }) }...