This module contains data for works in Hebrew and is used to format the parameters of {{Q|he|...}}
local data = {}
data.Sundry = {}
data.Sundry.numToMasculineOrdinalNames = {
'ראשון', 'שני', 'שלישי', 'רביעי', 'חמישי', 'שישי',
'שביעי', 'שמיני', 'תשיעי', 'עשירי', 'אחד עשר', 'שנים עשר',
'שלושה עשר', 'ארבעה עשר', 'חמישה עשר', 'שישה עשר', 'שבעה עשר',
'שמוה עשר', 'תשעה עשר', 'עשרים', 'עשרים ואחד', 'עשרים ושתים',
data.Sundry.numToMasculineOrdinalNamesDefective = {
'ראשון', 'שני', 'שלישי', 'רביעי', 'חמישי', 'ששי',
'שביעי', 'שמיני', 'תשיעי', 'עשירי', 'אחד עשר', 'שנים עשר',
'שלושה עשר', 'ארבעה עשר', 'חמישה עשר', 'שישה עשר', 'שבעה עשר',
'שמוה עשר', 'תשעה עשר', 'עשרים', 'עשרים ואחד', 'עשרים ושתים',
data.Sundry.numToLetter = {'א', 'ב', 'ג', 'ד', 'ה', 'ו', 'ז', 'ח', 'ט', 'י', 'כ', 'ל', 'מ',
'נ', 'ס', 'ע', 'פ', 'צ', 'ק', 'ר', 'ש', 'ת'}
data.Sundry.numToGematria = {'א', 'ב', 'ג', 'ד', 'ה', 'ו', 'ז', 'ח', 'ט', 'י',
'יא', 'יב', 'יג', 'יד', 'טו', 'טז', 'יז', 'יח', 'יט', 'כ', 'כא', 'כב', 'כג',
'כד', 'כה', 'כו', 'כז', 'כח', 'כט', 'ל', 'לא', 'לב', 'לג', 'לד', 'לה', 'לו',
'לז', 'לח', 'לט', 'מ', 'מא', 'מב', 'מג', 'מד', 'מה', 'מו', 'מז', 'מח', 'מט',
'נ', 'נא', 'נב', 'נג', 'נד', 'נה', 'נו', 'נז', 'נח', 'נט', 'ס', 'סא', 'סב',
'סג', 'סד', 'סה', 'סו', 'סז', 'סח', 'סט', 'ע', 'עא', 'עב', 'עג', 'עד', 'עה',
'עו', 'עז', 'עח', 'עט', 'פ', 'פא', 'פב', 'פג', 'פד', 'פה', 'פו', 'פז', 'פח',
'פט', 'צ', 'צא', 'צב', 'צג', 'צד', 'צה', 'צו', 'צז', 'צח', 'צט', 'ק', 'קא',
'קב', 'קג', 'קד', 'קה', 'קו', 'קז', 'קח', 'קט', 'קי', 'קיא', 'קיב', 'קיג',
'קיד', 'קטו', 'קטז', 'קיז', 'קיח', 'קיט', 'קכ', 'קכא', 'קכב', 'קכג', 'קכד',
'קכה', 'קכו', 'קכז', 'קכח', 'קכט', 'קל', 'קלא', 'קלב', 'קלג', 'קלד', 'קלה',
'קלו', 'קלז', 'קלח', 'קלט', 'קמ', 'קמא', 'קמב', 'קמג', 'קמד', 'קמה', 'קמו',
'קמז', 'קמח', 'קמט', 'קנ', 'קנא',
data.authorAliases = {
= 'Abraham Abulafia',
= 'Nathan Alterman', = 'Nathan Alterman',
= 'Aharon Ashman',
= 'Meir Abulafia', = 'Meir Abulafia',
= 'Hayim Nahman Bialik', = 'Hayim Nahman Bialik', = 'Hayim Nahman Bialik', = 'Hayim Nahman Bialik',
= 'Rachel the Poetess', = 'Rachel Bluwstein',
= 'Moses ibn Ezra', = 'Moses ibn Ezra', = 'Moses ibn Ezra',
= 'Abraham ibn Ezra', = 'Abraham ibn Ezra',
= 'Jacob Fichman',
= 'Sara Glusman',
= 'Jose ben Jose', = 'Jose ben Jose',
= 'Eleazar ben Kalir', = 'Eleazar ben Kalir', = 'Eleazar ben Kalir',
= 'I. L. Peretz', = 'I. L. Peret',
= 'Yehuda Halevi', = 'Yehuda Halevi', = 'Yehuda Halevi',
= 'Samuel HaNagid', = 'Samuel HaNagid',
= 'Samuel of Speyer',
= 'Shaul Tchernichovsky',
= 'Avraham Ben Yitzhak',
= 'Natan Yonatan',
= 'Zelda', = 'Zelda',
data = {} --This is where works without authors are stored.
data.rlFormat1 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle', ' ', {'.convert', '.numToGematria', '.ref1'}}
data.rlFormat2 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle', ' ', {'.convert', {'aData', 'JewishOralLaw.orders.Nashim.he'}, '.ref2'}, ' ', {'.convert', '.numToGematria', '.ref3'}}
--data.rlFormat2 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle', ' ', {'.convert', {'aData', 'JewishOralLaw.orders.' .. {'.convert', {'aData', 'JewishOralLaw.orderNames'}, '.ref1'} .. '.he'}, '.ref2'}, ' ', {'.convert', '.numToGematria', '.ref3'}} = {
= { = 'Sirach', = 'בן סירא', = '200 - 175 BCE', =1},
= { = 'Mishnah', = 'משנה', = 'a. 217 CE', =2},
= { = 'Tosefta', = 'תוספתא', = 'a. 230 CE'},
= { = 'Jerusalem Talmud', = 'ירושלמי', = 'a. 425 CE'},
= { = 'Babylonian Talmud', = 'בבלי', = 'a. 500 CE'},
data.aliases = {
= 'Ben Sira', = 'Ben Sira', = 'Ben Sira', = 'Ben Sira', = 'Ben Sira', = 'Ben Sira',
data.JewishOralLaw = {}
data.JewishOralLaw.orderNames = {
= {"Zeraim", "Moed", 'Nashim', 'Nezikin', 'Kodashim', 'Tohorot'},
= {'זרעים', 'מועד', 'נשים', 'נזיקין', 'קדשים', 'טהרות'},
data.JewishOralLaw.orders = {
= {
= {"Berachot", "Pe'ah", "Demai", "Kil'ayim", "Shevi'it", "Terumot", "Ma'aserot", "Ma'aser Sheni", "Challah", "Orlah", "Bikkurim"},
= {'ברכות', 'פאה', 'דמאי', 'כלאים', 'שביעית', 'תרומות', 'מעשרות', 'מעשר שני', 'חלה', 'ערלה', 'בכורים'}
= {
= {"Shabbat", "Eruvin", "Pesachim", "Shekalim", "Yoma", "Sukkah", "Beitzah", "Rosh Hashanah", "Ta'anit", "Megillah", "Mo'ed Katan", "Chagigah"},
= {'שבת', 'ערובין', 'פסחים', 'שקלים', 'יומא', 'סוכה', 'ביצה', 'ראש השנה', 'תענית', 'מגילה', 'מועד קטן', 'חגיגה'}
= {
= {"Yevamot", "Ketubot", "Nedarim", "Nazir", "Sotah", "Gittin", "Kiddushin"},
= {'יבמות', 'כתובות', 'נדרים', 'נזיר', 'סוטה', 'גיטין', 'קידושין'}
= {
= {"Bava Kamma", "Bava Metzi'a", "Bava Batra", "Sanhedrin", "Makkot", "Shevu'ot", "Eduyot", "Avodah Zarah", "Avot", "Horayot"},
= {'בבא קמא', 'בבא מציעא', 'בבא בתרא', 'סנהדרין', 'מכות', 'שבועות', 'עדיות', 'עבודה זרה', 'אבות', 'הוריות'}
= {
= {"Zevachim", "Menachot", "Chullin", "Bechorot", "Arachin", "Temurah", "Keritot", "Me'ilah", "Tamid", "Middot", "Kinnim"},
= {'זבחים','מנחות', 'חולין', 'בכורות', 'ערכין', 'תמורה', 'כריתות', 'מעילה', 'תמיד', 'מדות', 'קנים'}
= {
= {"Kelim", "Ohalot", "Nega'im", "Parah", "Tohorot", "Mikva'ot", "Niddah", "Machshirin", "Zavim", "Tevul Yom", "Yadayim", "Uktzim"},
= {'כלים', 'אוהלות', 'נגעים', 'פרה', 'טהרות', 'מקואות', 'נידה', 'מכשירין', 'זבים', 'טבול יום', 'ידים', 'עוקצים'}
-- A
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Joseph ibn Abitur'
data.year = 'c. 900 – a. 970'
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Abraham Abulafia'
data.year = '1240 – c. 1291'
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Meir Abulafia'
data.year = 'c. 1170 – 1244'
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Todros ben Judah Halevi Abulafia'
data.year = '1247 – p. 1300'
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Nathan Alterman'
data.year = '1910 – 1970' = {
= { = '1938'},
data.aliases = {
= 'Still the Tune Returns', = 'Still the Tune Returns',
data = {}
data.aLink = 'he:אהרן אשמן'
data.year = '1896 - 1981' = {
= { = '1956'},
data.aliases = {
= 'A Small Pot', = 'A Small Pot',
-- B
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Hayim Nahman Bialik'
data.rlFormat1 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle'}
data.rlFormat2 = {'s:he:', 'פרוזה (ביאליק)', '/', '.rlTitle', '#', {'.convert', '.numToGematria', '.ref1'}}
data.rlFormat3 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle', ' ', 'פרק ', {'.convert', '.numToGematria', '.ref1'}}
data.year = '1873 – 1934' = {
-- Poetry
= {='אל הציפור', = '1891', =1},
= {='משוט במרחקים', = '1891', =1},
= {='בתשובתי', = '1891', =1},
= {='על אילת השחר', = '1891', =1},
= {='הרהורי לילה', = '1891', =1},
= {='עיניה', = '1891', =1},
= {='נושנות', = '1891', =1},
= {='אל האגדה', = '1891', =1},
-- ...
= {='על השחיטה', = '1903', =1},
= {='מגילת האש', = '1905', =3},
= {='צנח לו זלזל', = '1911', =1},
= {='לכבוד החנוכה (ביאליק)', = '1916', =1},
-- Prose
= {='אריה "בעל גוף"', = '1899', =2},
= {='מאחורי הגדר', = '1909', =2},
= {='החצוצרה נתבישה', = '1909', =2},
= {='יום הששי הקצר', = '1910', =2},
= { = '1919'},
data.aliases = {
-- Poetry
= 'To the Bird', = 'To the Bird',
= 'Paddling in the Distance', = 'Paddling in the Distance',
= 'Upon My Return', = 'Upon My Return',
= 'On the Doe of Dawn', = 'On the Doe of Dawn', = 'On the Doe of Dawn',
= 'Night Thoughts', = 'Night Thoughts', = 'Night Thoughts',
= 'Her Eyes', = 'Her Eyes',
= 'Very Old Ones', = 'Very Old Ones',
= 'To the Legend', = 'To the Legend',
-- ...
= 'On the Slaughter', = 'On the Slaughter',
= 'The Scroll of Fire', = 'The Scroll of Fire', = 'The Scroll of Fire', = 'The Scroll of Fire',
= 'A Twig Fell', = 'A Twig Fell',
= 'In Honour of Hanukkah', = 'In Honour of Hanukkah', = 'In Honour of Hanukkah', = 'In Honour of Hanukkah', = 'In Honour of Hanukkah', = 'In Honour of Hanukkah',
-- Prose
= 'A Lion with a Body', = 'A Lion with a Body', = 'A Lion with a Body',
= 'Behind the Fence', = 'Behind the Fence',
= 'The Trumpet Became Ashamed', = 'The Trumpet Became Ashamed',
= 'The Short Friday', = 'The Short Friday',
= 'Aftermath', = 'Aftermath',
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Rachel Bluwstein'
data.rlFormat1 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle'}
data.year = '1890 – 1931' = {
= { = 'he:פגישה, חצי פגישה', = '1925', =1},
= { = 'he:אל ארצי', = 'אל ארצי', = '1926', =1},
= { = 'he:בגני נטעתיך', = 'בגני נטעתיך', = '1930', =1}
data.aliases = {
= 'In My Garden I Planted You',
= 'To My Land',
= 'An Encounter, Half an Encouter'
-- C
-- D
-- E
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Moses ibn Ezra'
data.year = 'c. 1055 – 1138'
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Abraham ibn Ezra'
data.year = '1089 - c. 1167'
-- F
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Jacob Fichman'
data.year = '1881 – 1958'
-- G
data = {}
data.year = '1915 - 1988' = {
= { = 'a. 1954'}
data.aliases = {
= 'I Have a Hanukkiah', = 'I Have a Hanukkiah',
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Leah Goldberg'
data.year = '1911 - 1970' --1911-05-29 - 1970-01-15
data.rlFormat1 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle'} = {
= { = '1940', = 'פזמון ליקינתון', = 'he:פזמון ליקינתון', = 1}
data.aliases = {
= 'A Tune for the Hyacinth', = 'A Tune for the Hyacinth'
-- H
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Judah Halevi'
data.rlFormat1 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle'}
data.year = 'c. 1075 – 1141' = {
= {}
data.aliases = {
= 'My Heart is in the East', = 'My Heart is in the East'
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Samuel ibn Naghrillah'
data.rlFormat1 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle'}
data.year = '993 - c. 1056' = {
= {},
= {}
data.aliases = {
= 'The Sea Between You and Me',
= 'Av Died and Elul Died'
-- I
-- J
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Jose b. Jose'
data.year = 'a. 600'
-- K
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Eleazar ben Killir'
data.rlFormat1 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle'}
data.year = 'c. 570 – c. 640'
-- L
-- M
-- N
-- O
-- P
data = {}
data.aLink = 'I. L. Peretz'
data.rlFormat1 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle'}
data.year = '1852 - 1915' = {
= {}
data.aliases = {
= 'Glanced and injured'
-- Q
-- R
-- S
data = {}
data.year = '1904 - 1975' -- 1904-03-27 - 1975-05-10
data.wLink = 'he:מתתיהו שלם' = {
= { = '1947'}
data.aliases = {
= 'An Oat in the Field', = 'An Oat in the Field', = 'An Oat in the Field',
data = {}
data.year = '1930 - 2004' -- 1930-07-13 – 2004-06-26
data.aLink = 'Naomi Shemer' = {
= { = '1967', = 'Jerusalem of Gold'}
data.aliases = {
= 'Jerusalem of Gold'
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Samuel of Speyer'
data.year = 'c. 1100'
-- T
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Shaul Tchernichovsky'
data.rlFormat1 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle'}
data.year = '1875 – 1943' = {
= { = '1923', = 'אומרים ישנה ארץ', = 'he:אומרים ישנה ארץ', =1},
= { = '1933', = 'הוי ארצי מולדתי', = 'he:הוי, ארצי! מולדתי!', =1},
= { = 'c. 1910', = 'שירים (שאול טשרניחובסקי)/שירים/לנכח הים', =1}
data.aliases = {
= 'They Say There Is a Land',
= 'Oh My Land My Birthplace', = 'Oh My Land My Birthplace',
= 'In the Presence of the Sea', = 'In the Presence of the Sea'
data = {}
data.year = '1938 —' = {
= { = '1970', = 'The Ballad of Yoel Moshe Salomon'}
data.aliases = {
= 'The Ballad of Yoel Moshe Salomon'
-- U
-- V
-- W
-- X
-- Y
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Yanai (Payetan)'
data.year = 'a. 600'
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Avraham Ben-Yitzhak'
data.year = '1883 – 1950'
data = {}
data.aLink = 'Natan Yonatan'
data.year = '1923 – 2004'
-- Z
data.Zelda = {}
data.Zelda.aLink = 'Zelda (poet)'
data.Zelda.rlFormat1 = {'s:he:', '.rlTitle'}
data.Zelda.year = '1914 – 1984' = {
= { = 1974, = 'he:לכל איש יש שם'}
data.Zelda.aliases = {
= 'Every Person Has a Name'
return { = data}