This module contains new entry creation rules for Fala; see WT:ACCEL for an overview, and Module:accel for information on creating new rules.
return {generate = function (params, entry)
-- an attempt to add dialect labels, ]
local dialect = mw.ustring.match(params.form, "%|+$")
local form = dialect and mw.ustring.gsub(params.form, dialect, "") or params.form
-- special handling for female equivalents
if params.pos == "noun" and form == "f" then
entry.head = "{{fax-noun|f}}"
elseif params.pos == "past participle" then
entry.pos_head = "Participle"
if form == "m|sg" then entry.head = "{{fax-past participle}}" end
entry.def = "{{infl of|fax|" .. params.origin .. "||" .. form .. "}}"
if dialect then entry.def = "{{lb|fax" .. dialect .. "}} " .. entry.def end