This module will transliterate Nepali language text per WT:NE TR. It is also used to transliterate Doteli.
The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules.
To use it from a template, use {{xlit}}
Within a module, use Module:languages#Language:transliterate.
For testcases, see Module:ne-translit/testcases.
tr(text, lang, sc)
written in the script specified by the code sc
, and language specified by the code lang
.-- Transliteration for Nepali
local export = {}
local m_str_utils = require("Module:string utilities")
local gmatch = m_str_utils.gmatch
local gsub = m_str_utils.gsub
local match = m_str_utils.match
local reverse = m_str_utils.reverse
local toNFC = mw.ustring.toNFC
local conv = {
-- consonants
= 'k', = 'kh', = 'g', = 'gh', = 'ṅ',
= 'c', = 'ch', = 'j', = 'jh', = 'ñ',
= 'ṭ', = 'ṭh', = 'ḍ', = 'ḍh', = 'ṇ',
= 't', = 'th', = 'd', = 'dh', = 'n',
= 'p', = 'ph', = 'b', = 'bh', = 'm',
= 'y', = 'r', = 'l', = 'w',
= 'ś', = 'ṣ', = 's', = 'h',
= 'q', = 'x', = 'ġ', = 'ḻ',
= 'ḷ', = 'z', = 'ž', = 'ž',
= 'ṛ', = 'ṛh', = 'f', = 'θ',
= 'ð', = 'ṉ', = 'ṟ', = "'",
= 'V', = 'ž',
-- vowel diacritics
= 'i', = 'u', = 'e', = 'o', = 'ā', = 'ī', = 'ū', = 'r̥',
= 'r̥̄', = 'l̥', = 'l̥̄', = 'ai', = 'au', = 'ŏ', = 'ĕ',
-- vowel signs
= 'a', = 'i', = 'u', = 'e', = 'o', = 'ā', = 'ī', = 'ū',
= 'r̥', = 'r̥̄', = 'l̥', = 'l̥̄', = 'ai', = 'au', = 'ŏ',
= 'ĕ', = 'ĕ',
-- chandrabindu
= '̃',
-- anusvara
= '̃',
-- visarga
= 'ḥ',
-- virama
= '',
-- om
= 'om̐',
-- zero-width non joiner
= '',
-- zero-width joiner
= 'a',
-- numerals
= '0', = '1', = '2', = '3', = '4', = '5', = '6', = '7',
= '8', = '9',
-- punctuation
= '.', -- danda
= '.', -- double danda
= '', -- compound separator
-- abbreviation sign
= '.',
local nasal_assim = {
= 'ङ', = 'ङ', = 'ङ', = 'ङ',
= 'ञ', = 'ञ', = 'ञ', = 'ञ',
= 'ण', = 'ण', = 'ण', = 'ण',
= 'म', = 'म', = 'म', = 'म', = 'म',
= 'न', = 'न', = 'न', = 'न', = 'न', = 'न', = 'ङ',
= 'न',
= 'म', = 'म', = 'ँ', = 'म', = 'ङ',
local perm_cl = {
= true, = true, = true, = true, = true,
= true, = true
local all_cons, special_cons = 'कखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनपफबभमयरलवसशषह'
, 'कखगघचछजझटठडढणतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसह'
local vowel, vowel_sign = 'aिुृेोाीूैौॉॅॆॊॄॢॣ', 'अइउएओआईऊऋॠॡऌऐऔऑऍ'
local syncope_pattern = '(़?[' ..
all_cons ..
'])(?[' ..
vowel ..
vowel_sign ..
'])(़?[' ..
all_cons ..
'])(?[' ..
vowel ..
vowel_sign ..
'])(़?[' ..
all_cons ..
'])a(़?[' ..
all_cons .. '])(?)(़?[' ..
all_cons .. '])(?)'
local nor_cons, sp_cons = 'कखगघङचछजझञटठडढतथदधपफबभशषसयरलवणनमयरलवनम'
, 'कलम'
local vowel, vowel_sign = 'aिुृेोाीूैौॉॅॆॊॄॢॣ', 'अइउएओआईऊऋॠॡऌऐऔऑऍ'
local koka_sign = 'ोीाैे'
local koka_pattern = '([' ..
koka_sign .. '])(़?)a(़?[' ..
gsub(nor_cons, "य", "") .. '])(?)'
function, lang, sc)
text = gsub(text, '(़?)(?)', function(c, d)
return c .. (d == "" and 'a' or d)
for word in gmatch(text, "+") do
local orig_word = word
word = reverse(word)
word = gsub(word, '^a(़?)()(.)(.?)', function(opt, first, second, third)
return (((match(first, '') and match(second, 'ं')
or match(first, '') and match(second, '्') and not perm_cl)
or match(first .. second, 'य') or
match(first .. second, 'ह'))
and 'a' or "") .. opt .. first .. second .. third
while match(word, syncope_pattern) do
word = gsub(word, syncope_pattern, '%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9')
while match(word, koka_pattern) do
word = gsub(word, koka_pattern, '%1%2%3%4')
word = gsub(word, '(.?)ं(.)', function(succ, prev)
return succ .. (succ .. prev == "a" and "्म" or
(succ == "" and match(prev, '') and "̃" or nasal_assim or "ṃ")) .. prev
text = gsub(text, orig_word, reverse(word))
text = gsub(text, 'ँ?%f', '%0a')
text = gsub(text, 'बाट%f', 'bāṭa')
text = gsub(text, 'ज्ञ', 'gy')
text = gsub(text, '.़?', conv)
text = gsub(text, 'a()̃', 'a͠%1')
text = gsub(text, "", "")
text = gsub(text, "ॱ", "")
text = gsub(text, 'dach%f', 'dacha')
text = gsub(text, 'ain%f', 'aina')
text = gsub(text, 'nach%f', 'nacha')
text = gsub(text, 'wai', 'vai')
text = gsub(text, 'w%f', 'v')
text = gsub(text, '(r)w', '%1v')
text = gsub(text, 'w()', 'v%1')
text = gsub(text, 'w(̥̄?)', 'v%1')
text = gsub(text, 'w(a)', 'v%1')
text = gsub(text, 'w(ā)', 'v%1')
text = gsub(text, 'w(ār)', 'v%1')
text = gsub(text, 'w(ālm)', 'v%1')
text = gsub(text, 'w(a)', 'v%1')
text = gsub(text, 'rh̥', 'hr̥')
---text = gsub(text, 'kṣ', 'ch̥')
text = gsub(text, 'a(har)', '%1')
text = gsub(text, 'abāṭa', 'bāṭa')
text = gsub(text, 'kan%f', 'kana')
text = gsub(text, '()(har)', '%1a%2')
text = gsub(text, '()bāṭa', '%1abāṭa')
text = gsub(text, '()()', '%1a%2')
text = gsub(text, 'ñz', 'nz')
text = gsub(text, 'ñgy', 'ṅgy')
text = gsub(text, 'ãla', 'amla') -- assim case l
text = gsub(text, '()mm', '%1ṃm') -- assim case m
text = gsub(text, 'a()mm', 'a͠%1m') -- assim case m2
text = gsub(text, '()n()', '%1ṃ%2') -- assim case s
text = gsub(text, 'a()n()', 'a͠%1%2') -- assim case s2
text = gsub(text, 'a()ṅ()', 'a͠%1%2') -- assim case kh
text = gsub(text, '()ṅ()', '%1ṃ%2') -- assim case kh2
return toNFC(text)
return export