local U = require("Module:string/char")
local data = {
= "α",
= "β",
= "ξ",
= "δ",
= "ε",
= "φ",
= "γ",
= "η",
)i"] = "%1ι",
= "ι",
= "κ",
= "λ",
= "μ",
= "ν",
= "ο",
= "π",
= "θ",
= "ρ",
= "σ",
= "τ",
= "υ",
= "ϝ",
= "ω",
= "χ",
= "ψ",
= "ζ",
= "Α",
= "Β",
= "Ξ",
= "Δ",
= "Ε",
= "Φ",
= "Γ",
= "Η",
= "Ι",
= "Κ",
= "Λ",
= "Μ",
= "Ν",
= "Ο",
= "Π",
= "Θ",
= "Ρ",
= "Σ",
= "Τ",
= "Υ",
= "Ϝ",
= "Ω",
= "Χ",
= "Ψ",
= "Ζ",
= U(0x345), -- iota subscript (ypogegrammeni)
= U(0x304), -- macron
= U(0x304), -- non-combining macron
= U(0x304), -- modifier letter macron
= U(0x306), -- breve
= U(0x306), -- non-combining breve
= U(0x308), -- diaeresis
= U(0x314), -- rough breathing (reversed comma)
= U(0x313), -- smooth breathing (comma)
= U(0x301), -- acute
= U(0x300), -- grave
= U(0x342), -- Greek circumflex (perispomeni)
= U(0x342),
= U(0x342),
= "’", -- right single quotation mark (curly apostrophe)
= "θ",
= "κ",
= "ρ",
= "φ",
"] = "ς",
= "σ", -- used to block conversion to final sigma
= "σ-", -- used to block conversion to final sigma
= "|",
= U(0x37E), -- Greek question mark
= "·", -- interpunct
= "῾", -- spacing rough breathing
= "᾿", -- spacing smooth breathing
return data