Semitic cognate is attested ? @Metaknowledge. Malku H₂n̥rés (talk) 08:05, 15 August 2020 (UTC) Yes. When it was created the code Proto-West Semitic header...
code for Proto-Northwest Semitic, Proto-Northwest Semitic = Proto-West Semitic, just as Proto-West Germanic = Proto-North Sea Germanic = Proto-Anglo-Frisian...
borrowed from WS”, in Kogan, Leonid (2011) “Proto-Semitic Lexicon”, in Weninger, Stefan, editor, The Semitic Languages. An International Handbook (Handbücher...
language and PIE were likely contemporary as other borrowings exist like Proto-West Semitic *wayn-. As I don't have sources for this, I prefer to ask here before...
word is even later than Proto-West-Semitic, though it must have spread early enough to partake in the w→y shift in Northwest-Semitic. The Arabic word, which...
No East Semitic reflex, but a PAA etymon, but not referenced and no provided cognates... moving to PWS bc no East Sem and no trust in this PAA reconstruction...
@Metaknowledge sorry to bother you. Given that this PS entry show no East Semitic cognate, do you think it is relevant to move it to PWS ? Malku H₂n̥rés...
There are essentially three separate but interrelated traditions, a West Semitic "*kinnār-" from which the Akkadian 𒆠𒅔𒈾𒊒 (ki-in-na-ru, “kinnāru”)...
have reservations even about PWS. Perhaps we should be creating Proto-Central Semitic entries after all, to house entries like this? —Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds...
So there are two separate words in Proto-Semitic, @Wikitiki89? Starling lists all under ṭayb-. Palaestrator verborum (loquier) 15:38, 7 December 2017...