Its not obsolete, it may be considered poncey by some. Then again I know people who think words like 'defiance' or 'triumphant' are 'gay'. Its a perfectly good word and still in common usage in Ireland and Britain. If its in use, its not obsolete. Random example from RTE News (an internet story mind you)
this google news search for 2010-2011 produced 9,330 instances of 'erstwhile' from all over the world.
It sometimes implies a slightly comic tone. Also it might imply that the subject might return - ie no longer be "former". Ueser jimsun (February 2007)
Are you certain this word is obsolete in the adverbial usage? I see it in contemporary writing with some frequency. Perhaps, then, it should be considered literary?
I say, chaps, here's a dictionary that doesn't treat us all like fucking plebs. No need for a definition of "erstwhile" is there? Any more than for table or bumboy, is there? Should be more of it. Well done sir, have a glass of port on us.