"Shrink" also appears to be a style of women's sweater, from the early 1970s. I saw a magazine mention or two of the term, and also have a patterns guide to making them, in my collection. I know nothing else about this usage though. Does someone else know more? 09:19, 9 January 2009 (UTC)
Disk3/Watertown Times/Watertown NY Daily Times Aug 1972 Grayscale/Watertown NY Daily Times Aug 1972 Grayscale - 0286.pdf This link has a picture in an ad, but is ambiguous. I found references to "shrink sweater" in Google News in 1971-3. I'm not getting a very specific definition. DCDuring Holiday Greetings! 13:06, 9 January 2009 (UTC)
I read that its American past simple and past participle forms differ than the British. I heard about shrink, shrunk, shrunken so altogether it could be shrink, shrank/shrunk, shrunk/shrunken. Is it right? Wiktionary contains the entry shrunken and writes it's the past participle of shrink, but this entry does not mention it. I daren't add the other forms, it's your language, you should, I think. Ferike333 17:07, 26 May 2009 (UTC)
Head-shrinkers (psychiatrists) "shrink" people's heads