Granted, this is just an extreme case of the fuckspeak tendency to use fuckin as an intensifier. What makes this noteworthy is the interesting infix construction and its selective application. While the infix construction is potentially productive — one could imagine unfuckinhealthy or infuckincomplete — in practice it seems only a few constructions have gone beyond nonce status. These would include
and maybe
Interestingly, both unbefuckinlievable and infuckincredible have been borrowed into German which, with its separable prefix forms, is probably a fairly hospitable environment for such a construction.
In sum, the construction is worth noting, even if the meaning is fairly self-evident from the parts. For that matter, unbelievable is also self-evident from its parts, but merits its own entry.
For those looking for attribution (and we won't name names), Google will turn up plenty of examples, but nothing really impressive. I have no doubt that trolling through youth-oriented magazines will turn it up sooner or later, but I believe the evidence from Google, together with my first-hand experience is sufficient (for me, at least:-). -dmh 17:39, 20 Oct 2004 (UTC) (-dmh)
Is this even a real word? -Chapium 13:46, 25 July 2006 (UTC)