In Tokyo, a pitch accent pattern number implies the last accented pattern. The initial syllable is always a low pitch.
The Heiban-gata accent pattern implies that there is no last accented pattern; the following particle copies the last accent of a word; for monosyllables it will be L-L. For Atamadaka-gata accent, the first mora is the only accented one (c.f. ソース (sauce; source)).
First Kagoshima accent is divided into two groups: A and B
A class accent: Only the penultimate mora is accented, except for a monosyllable, which has falling pitch. This is perhaps because a disyllabic syllable is to be expected, so the mora's accent is divided into halves: half of the mora is pronounced H while the other half of the mora is pronounced L.
B class accent:
Alternatively: Monosyllables:
All Kyoto monosyllables lengthen into disyllables. There are no monosyllables in Kyoto, with the accent of particles.
The Kyoto accent system is more complicated than the other two systems.
0 accent implies the entire word, including the particle, are accented.
Kyoto disyllables:
Alternatively: 0 All morae, including the particle, has accent.
1 In isolation, the accent is only on the final mora. Preceding a particle, the accent is only on the particle. In other words, the entire word, including the beginning has no accent that the accent has to be on the last morae available; that is either the particle if it exists, or the last morae of the word.
2 Only the first mora has accent. In other words, the low pitch begins on the second mora.
3 Only the first two morae has accent. In other words, the low pitch begins on the third mora.
4 Only the first three morae has accent. In other words, the low pitch begins on the fourth mora.
1:x(x). "1" means the morae is low pitch until the penultimate mora of the specified low pitch, where accent occurs; the second number implies the mora preceding the numbered mora has high pitch; the number mora and all subsequent syllables have low pitch. For 1:25 and 1:35, it implies the first half of the second mora is accented, but the second half of the second mora is unaccented. If it precedes the particle, the second mora is fully accented while the particle becomes unaccented.
English mess (the inital mora has accent in English? thè méss hàs ) > Tokyo me]su, Kyoto me]su, Kagoshima me