Mainly active on the French Wiktionnaire.
{{also|}} ==French== {{attention|fr|needs proof reading by a native English speaker}} ===Etymology=== From {{suffix|fr||}} From {{prefix|fr||}} From {{etyl|la|fr}} {{m|la|xxx}} ===Pronunciation=== * {{rfp|lang=fr}} ===Adjective=== {{fr-adj|f=}} # ===Adverb=== {{fr-adv}} # ===Noun=== {{fr-noun|m}} # ===Verb=== {{fr-verb}} # ====Conjugation==== {{fr-conj-er||avoir}} ===References=== * {{R:TLFi}}
---- ==French== ===Noun=== {{head|fr|plural}} {{m|p}} # {{plural of||lang=fr}}
{{also|}} ==French== ===Verb=== {{head|fr|past participle}} # {{form of|past participle of||lang=fr}}
{{also|}} ==French== ===Noun=== {{head|fr|noun|g=f}} {{head|fr|adjective form|g=f}} # {{feminine of||lang=fr}}
See Appendix:French spelling reforms of 1990 for more information on this.
{{also|}} ==French== ===Noun=== {{fr-noun|m}} # {{alternative spelling of||lang=fr}} ====Usage notes==== {{fr-note reformed spelling}}
tampón, angažmá, angažovat, sondovat, sondáž, spektákl, terén, turné, vernisáž, varieté, opereta, kaskadér, kaskadérství (wp), komparz, hangár, foyer, iniciativa, stáž, etáž.
====Translations==== {{trans-top|Definition}} * French: {{t|fr|mot|fm}} {{trans-mid}} {{trans-bottom}}