Name | Records | Notes |
Wiktionary | 168001 entries | See also: statistics. |
Nykysuomen sanakirja | 201,000 headwords | The first comprehensive Finnish dictionary. Six volumes. Available at |
Kielitoimiston sanakirja | 100,000 headwords | Newer dictionary by KOTUS (kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus - research institute for the languages of finland). Available at |
Suomen murteiden sanakirja | Unknown | Finnish Dialectical Dictionary Available at |
Vanhan kirjasuomen sanakirja | 44,000 articles | Old written Finnish Dictionary Available at |
KOTUS word list | 94,110 headwords | The wiktionary index which is half redlinks, is partly based on it. .zip file. | | unknown | Based on Wiktionary, but better at translating words into Finnish and at listing related words. |
Eudict | unknown | Based on multiple dictionaries |
Webster's Online Dictionary | unknown | Based on multiple dictionaries. Unaffiliated with Noah or Daniel Webster |
Google translate | unknown | Machine-built machine translator |
Suomen kielen taajuussanasto | 9996 headwords | Frequency list of Finnish words |
Sivistussanakirja | unknown | fi-fi |
Finnish language statistics on Wiktionary
PoS | Count |
Nouns | 122628 |
Verbs | 12783 |
Adjectives | 16135 |
Proper nouns | 9412 |
Adverbs | 6826 |
Numerals | 217 |
Total | 168001 |
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