// Olliminatore/monobook.js
// used for auto signing script
var usersignature = '<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"> --\~\~\~ <small>\~\~\~\~\~<\/small><\/span>\n';
if(!wgIsArticle) // only if edit
addOnloadHook( function() {
mwEditButtons.tagOpen = usersignature;
/*Takes the wikipage "page" and includes it's raw text as javascript.*/
function importPage(page,lang){ // all languages support
//importPage('Ilmari_Karonen/fixdiffwidth.js') // ]
if (document.URL.indexOf("&diff=",29)>0) addOnloadHook(function (){
// DIFF WIDTH FIX: v1.1 upd.: only if needed set max.width
var diffT = document.getElementById("bodyContent"),
diffTable = diffT.getElementsByTagName("table");
var diffT = diffTable.getElementsByTagName("tr").getElementsByTagName("td"),
diffo = diffT, diffn = diffT,
diffoWidth = diffo.clientWidth,
diffnWidth = diffn.clientWidth;
if (diffnWidth==diffoWidth) return;
diffT = (diffnWidth + diffoWidth)/2;
diffTable.setAttribute("width", ((diffoWidth < diffnWidth)? diffnWidth: diffoWidth) +diffT+12);
var XEBOrder = "C,D1,E,K,L,M,O,P,R,T,T1,N"; // Extra edit buttons
var rmEditButtons = ; // remove standard buttons
//importPage('MarkS/extraeditbuttons.js') // ]
importPage('MarkS/Extra edit buttons/dev.js') // ]
importPage('Olliminatore/godmode-light.js') // ]
importPage('Ilmari_Karonen/sigdash.js') // ]
importPage('Cacycle/diff.js') // ] text diff code
importPage('Pilaf/livepreview.js') // ] page preview tool
importPage('Cacycle/wikEd.js') // ] rich text editor
importPage('Olliminatore/wikEd_international_de','de') // install a ] translation
importPage('Olliminatore/sign.js') // ] check & automate signing
importPage('Invitatious/unsigned2.js') // ]
//importPage('Zocky/SearchBox.js'); // ] /* extended search & replace feature */
importPage('Lupin/popups.js') // ]
/* Syntax highlighter */
if(document.title.indexOf(".js") == -1) // Ignore pages that end in .js
addOnloadHook(function () {
/* CSS syntax highlighting */
multicommentRE = new RegExp('(/\\**?\\*/)', 'g');
ruleRE = new RegExp('(+)\\{(+)\\}', 'g');
idselectorRE = new RegExp('(#+)\\b', 'g');
classselectorRE = new RegExp('(\\.+)\\b', 'g');
pairRE = new RegExp('(+):(+);', 'g');
css = document.getElementsByTagName('pre');
for (i = 0; i < css.length; i++) {
c = css;
content = c.innerHTML;
content=content.replace(multicommentRE, '<span class="comment">$1</span>');
content = content.replace(ruleRE, function(text, selector, body) {
selector = selector.replace(idselectorRE, '<span class="idselector">$1</span>');
selector = selector.replace(classselectorRE, '<span class="classselector">$1</span>');
body = body.replace(pairRE, '<span class="property">$1</span>:<span class="value">$2</span>;');
return selector + '{' + body + '}';
c.innerHTML = content;
else /* Extreme Syntax highlighter (js)*/
importPage('Olliminatore/shCore.js'); //