Template:R:Farmer auld lang syne kangalang 'cumber Bolshevism Citations:Weimarization Citations:nitrox Citations:tap Freedomite Jack Presbyter Paralympiad Swedeland Swedland U.S. Grant Vulcan salute abate abstruse acrostic acrosticke air-head angle parking aphotic argument argument as I live and breathe atompunk auld lang syne aver babblemouth back-friend backfriend battue battue betrim blessedfull blessedfull boardwalk bounty béret caenobium carp chilly clinker-built clowny codliver coenobium communitie community coo creed culinarian curious deduce defervesce dernier doctrix doddard doldrums dompt doubt douzeper earnestlier easy peasy mac and cheesy endow englishman englishman entitulate evert evitable exit fallacious faxlore fillip fjord food web fortify fraudulence fugazi gallimaufry gilder glower glowr good sense goropism governer governoress gravamen gugelhupf guilder gun metal gunmetal guttle haggess haggis headie hebdomad hebdomade holocaust hoove hoove humaynly inexorable innamorato insult internet irrefragable laird learnedst ledger leidger limbo luxurity moonshi munshi necromancess needes needs nepenthes nittie nitty obelus obnoxious old-wifish pall partie perpetually petty petty phonology postpostscript premunire facias prenominal preparement presentative question mark reindeer games reticence rigatone rost screed scruple shot across the bow singler stand trial suburbia tap temptator thee thou topsy turvy topsy-turvy torterous troll tru unmeet unmeet unrecurable verbose walkee well-wisher well-wisher whenas wolf in sheep's clothing wont woof worldweary wrangle wͭ supplicate man in the moon mooktar mukhtar mukhtar obliterate peanut buttery poetic justice prince regent pyx pyx russet russeting samizdat syndicate tabulate