på {prep}
:: on
på {adv}
:: on
påbud {noun}
:: a rule saying that some particular action must be done (the opposite of a prohibition, which says that some particular action must not be done)
padde {noun}
:: amphibian
padde {noun}
:: idiot, dullard
paddehat {noun}
:: a toadstool
paddel {noun}
:: paddle (two-handed, single-bladed oar)
på den anden side {phrase}
:: on the other hand
på den ene side {phrase}
:: on the one hand
pædagog {noun}
:: A teacher, an educator
pædagogik {c}
:: pedagogy
pæderast {noun}
:: pederast (practitioner of pederasty)
pædofil {adj}
:: pedophilic (of, relating to or pertaining to pedophilia)
pædofil {adj}
:: pedophile (a person who has a sexual preference for children)
pædofilgruppe {noun}
:: pedophile group; pedophilic group; a group of pedophiles
pædofili {noun}
:: pedophilia (US), paedophilia (UK)
pæn {adj}
:: nice, decent
pæn {adj}
:: nice-looking
pæn {adj}
:: neat
pæn {adj}
:: sizable, sizeable, tidy
pæn {adj}
:: decent, respectable
pænt {adv}
:: fairly, pretty; to some extent
pære {noun}
:: pear
pære {noun}
:: light bulb
pære {noun}
:: intellect
pæredansk {adj}
:: completely Danish (in whatever sense)
pærevælling {noun}
:: a porridge of pear, milk and barley
pærevælling {noun}
:: hodgepodge
på et hængende hår {adv}
:: barely, only just
på færde {adv}
:: only used in være på færde
påfaldende {adj}
:: conspicuous, easily noticed
på falderebet {adv}
:: at the last minute (e.g. before a lecture ends or before someone leaves a company)
på fersk gerning {adv}
:: in flagrante delicto; red-handed; in the act of committing a misdeed
påfugl {noun}
:: peacock, Pavo
pågældende {adj}
:: in question
pagaj {noun}
:: paddle (double-bladed oar used for kayaking)
pagat {noun}
:: magician (card number 1 in tarot)
på gensyn {interj}
:: see you
pagode {noun}
:: pagoda
på gr. af {prep}
:: abbreviation of på grund af
på grund af {prep}
:: because of, on account of, owing to
på grund af at {prep}
:: because, on account of, owing to
pagt {noun}
:: pact
pagt {noun}
:: covenant
på højkant {adj}
:: placed such that the long axis is vertical
på højkant {adj}
:: in a good state (after a period of difficulty)
på højkant {adj}
:: in a standing position (after having lain down)
på ingen måde
:: by no means, in no way
Pakistan {prop}
:: Pakistan (country)
pakke {noun}
:: package
pakke {noun}
:: parcel
pakke {noun}
:: packet
pakke {noun}
:: pack
pakke {v}
:: pack
pakke {v}
:: wrap
pakket {v}
:: past participle of pakke
påklædning {noun}
:: dressing
påklædning {noun}
:: outfit
påklædt {adj}
:: dressed
på klem {adv}
:: ajar, slightly open
på klem {adj}
:: ajar, slightly open
på kommando {adv}
:: on command; of conscious volition
palads {noun}
:: palace
palæ {noun}
:: palace
palæ {noun}
:: mansion
pålæg {noun}
:: a topping, a filling
pålæg {noun}
:: instruction, injunction
pålægge {v}
:: direct, instruct, order
pålægge {v}
:: enjoin
pålægge {v}
:: impose
pålægge {v}
:: lay on, put on
palæontologi {noun}
:: paleontology
Palæstina {prop}
:: Palestine
palæstinenser {noun}
:: Palestinian (inhabitant of Palestine or Arab of Palestinian descent)
palæstinensisk {adj}
:: Palestinian (of, from, or pertaining to Palestine and/or the Palestinian people)
pålandsvind {noun}
:: onshore wind
palatal {adj}
:: palatal
palatallyd {noun}
:: palatal
palaver {noun}
:: palaver
palet {noun}
:: palette
pålidelig {adj}
:: reliable
palimpsest {noun}
:: palimpsest
palindrom {noun}
:: palindrome
palisade {noun}
:: palisade (stick)
palisade {noun}
:: palisade (wall of sticks)
palladium {n}
:: palladium
Pallas {prop}
:: synonym of Athene
Pallas Athene {prop}
:: synonym of Athene
Palle {prop}
:: given name
palmeolie {noun}
:: palm oil
palmesøndag {noun}
:: Palm Sunday
på må og få {adv}
:: arbitrarily, randomly, inconsistently, not adhering to any thought-out scheme
påminde {v}
:: to remind
påmindelse {noun}
:: reminder (something that reminds)
påmindelse {noun}
:: admonition
påmindelse {noun}
:: warning
panamansk {adj}
:: Panamanian
Panchen Lama {noun}
:: Panchen Lama
panda {noun}
:: giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
panda {noun}
:: red panda (Ailurus fulgens)
pande {noun}
:: forehead
pande {noun}
:: pan
pandeisme {noun}
:: pandeism
pandekage {noun}
:: pancake, (usually) crepe
pandelampe {noun}
:: headlamp
pandemi {c}
:: a pandemic
Pandora {prop}
:: Pandora
panere {v}
:: to bread (to coat with breadcrumbs)
panik {c}
:: panic (overpowering fright)
panislamisme {noun}
:: Panislamism
panseksualitet {noun}
:: pansexuality
panser {noun}
:: armor, armour
panser {noun}
:: carapace, shell
panser {noun}
:: cop, copper (a policeman)
pant {noun}
:: a deposit (on packaging such as bottles and cans)
pantebrev {noun}
:: mortgage deed
panteisme {noun}
:: pantheism
panter {noun}
:: Panther
på nul komma fem {adv}
:: alternative form of i løbet af nul komma fem
pap- {prefix}
:: step-
pap {noun}
:: cardboard
papaja {noun}
:: papaya
påpasselig {adj}
:: careful, cautious
papegøje {noun}
:: parrot
papir {noun}
:: paper
papir {noun}
:: stationery
papir {noun}
:: security; proof of ownership
papirklip {noun}
:: paper cut (decorative ornament made by artful cutting of paper, as into silhouettes)
papirklips {noun}
:: paper clip
papirløs {adj}
:: paperless
papmor {noun}
:: stepmother
paprika {noun}
:: paprika (spice)
på prutten {adj}
:: gay
par {noun}
:: pair
par {noun}
:: couple
par {c}
:: par
parabol {c} {n}
:: a satellite dish (parabolic antenna)
parabolantenne {noun}
:: satellite dish (parabolic antenna)
på rad {adv}
:: in a row
paradoks {noun}
:: a paradox; a self-contradiction
paradoks {noun}
:: anything perceived of as counter-intuitive, odd or otherwise noteworthy
paragraf {noun}
:: section, clause, article
parallel {adj}
:: parallel
parallel {adj}
:: parallel
parallel {noun}
:: parallel
parallel {noun}
:: parallel
parallel {noun}
:: parallel
parallellogram {c}
:: parallelogram
parallelogram {noun}
:: parallelogram
parallelt {adv}
:: parallelly
parameterfremstilling {noun}
:: parametric equation
paranød {noun}
:: Brazil nut
paranoia {noun}
:: paranoia
parantes {noun}
:: misspelling of parentes
paraply {noun}
:: umbrella
paraply {noun}
:: umbrella organisation
paratakse {noun}
:: parataxis
paratviden {c}
:: ready knowledge, trivia
parcel {noun}
:: parcel, lot
parcel {noun}
:: detached house
parcelhus {noun}
:: detached house
parentes {noun}
:: parenthesis, bracket
parentes {noun}
:: parenthesis
parentes {noun}
:: bracket
parforhold {noun}
:: the relationship that exists between two people who are a couple
parfume {noun}
:: perfume
Paris {prop}
:: Paris (caplc)
Paris {prop}
:: Paris
pariser {noun}
:: Parisian
pariserfransk {prop}
:: Parisian French; the variety of French spoken in Paris
pariserrøv {noun}
:: a small, sexually attractive butt, especially on a woman
på risten {adv}
:: on the grill
på risten {adv}
:: criticized; put on the spot
park {noun}
:: park
parkere {v}
:: to park (a vehicle)
parkeringsgarage {noun}
:: A parking garage
parksex {noun}
:: sex in a park
parlament {n}
:: parliament
parlamentsmedlem {n}
:: a Member of Parliament
parodi {noun}
:: parody (expression making fun of something else)
pårørende {noun}
:: next of kin; person who is close (e.g. as a spouse, relative, close friend) to someone who has fallen ill, been in an accident, died etc
parre {v}
:: to pair, to match
parre {v}
:: to copulate, to mate, to pair
parret {v}
:: past participle of parre
parti {noun}
:: lot, quantity, batch
parti {noun}
:: party
parti {noun}
:: game (of e.g. chess or tennis)
parti {noun}
:: A prospective spouse perceived as an economical or social boon rather than a person; a parti
parti {noun}
:: part
parti {noun}
:: side
participere {v}
:: to participate
participium {noun}
:: participle
partiel {adj}
:: partial
partifælle {noun}
:: fellow party member; member of the same party
partikel {noun}
:: particle
partikel {noun}
:: particle
partikel {noun}
:: particle
partipolitisk {adj}
:: party political
partner {noun}
:: partner
partnerskab {n}
:: partnership
partout {adv}
:: Denoting that someone is hellbent on something, usually in a way that the speaker disapproves of
parvis {adj}
:: pairwise
parvis {adv}
:: pairwise, in pairs, two by two
paryk {noun}
:: wig (head of artificial hair)
pas {noun}
:: passport
pas {noun}
:: mountain pass
pas {noun}
:: pass
pascal {noun}
:: pascal (unit of pressure and stress)
på sin plads {adj}
:: appropriate
påske {noun}
:: Passover
påske {noun}
:: Easter
påskeæg {n}
:: Easter egg
påskud {noun}
:: pretext (false or contrived reason)
påskud {noun}
:: excuse (explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgment)
på spanden {phrase}
:: to be in trouble
passabel {adj}
:: acceptable, fair but not outstanding in any way
passager {noun}
:: passenger
passe {v}
:: to look after
passe {v}
:: to be true
passe {v}
:: to fit
passe på {v}
:: to beware of, to watch out for
passe på {v}
:: to look out for, to guard
passer {noun}
:: compass, pair of compasses
passer {noun}
:: dividers
passer {noun}
:: calipers
passere {v}
:: pass, pass by
passere {v}
:: pass through
passere {v}
:: cross
passere {v}
:: do, pass muster
passere {v}
:: happen, occur
passiv {adj}
:: passive
passiv {adj}
:: passive
passiv {adj}
:: bottom
passiv {noun}
:: passive voice
passiv {noun}
:: liability, debt
passivisere {v}
:: pacify
password {noun}
:: password
pasta {noun}
:: pasta (food)
pasta {noun}
:: paste
påstå {v}
:: to claim
påstå {v}
:: to postulate; to claim without good grounds
pastel {noun}
:: pastel
pat {c}
:: alternative form of patte
påtage {v}
:: accept (e.g. responsibility)
påtale {noun}
:: a reprimand (in a professional or legal context)
påtale {v}
:: to reprimand (in a professional or legal context)
pate {noun}
:: pâté
paté {noun}
:: pâté
patent {noun}
:: patent
patentere {noun}
:: to patent
patetisk {adj}
:: bombastic, high-flown, pompous, histrionic, passionate
patetisk {adj}
:: pathetic, pitiful
på tide {adj}
:: about time
patient {noun}
:: patient (person or animal who receives treatment from a doctor or other medically educated person)
patientforening {noun}
:: patient association; an association for patients
patientkontakt {noun}
:: patient contact
patina {noun}
:: patina
patogen {adj}
:: pathogenic
patolog {noun}
:: pathologist
patologi {noun}
:: pathology
patologisk {adj}
:: pathological (pertaining to pathology)
patologisk {adj}
:: morbid (of, or relating to disease)
patriark {noun}
:: patriarch
patriarkat {noun}
:: patriarchy
patriarkat {noun}
:: patriarchate
Patricia {prop}
:: given name
Patrick {prop}
:: given name borrowed from English
på trods af {prep}
:: despite
patte {c}
:: teat, breast
patte {c}
:: tits, boobs
patte {v}
:: to suck
patte {v}
:: to suck
pattedyr {noun}
:: mammal
pauke {noun}
:: kettledrum
Paul {prop}
:: given name, a variant of the much more popular Poul
Paula {prop}
:: given name
Pauline {prop}
:: given name derived from Paulina
Paulsen {prop}
:: surname
paulun {noun}
:: dwelling
paulun {noun}
:: tent
Paulus {prop}
:: Paul (biblical figure)
Paulus {prop}
:: given name, rare in this form
pause {noun}
:: pause
pauver {adj}
:: poor
pave {noun}
:: pope
pavelig {adj}
:: papal
pavillon {noun}
:: pavilion
påvirke {v}
:: to affect, to influence
påvirkning {noun}
:: an influence
Pavlovs hunde {noun}
:: Pavlov's dogs
på vrangen {adj}
:: inside out
Paw {prop}
:: given name
peanut {noun}
:: peanut
peanutbutter {noun}
:: peanut butter
peber {noun}
:: pepper (spice)
peber {noun}
:: pepper (plant, fruit of the capsicum)
peberkværn {noun}
:: pepper mill
pedel {noun}
:: caretaker, janitor
Peder {prop}
:: given name
Pedersen {prop}
:: surname
pege {v}
:: to point (to extend finger)
pegefinger {noun}
:: forefinger, index finger
peget {v}
:: past participle of pege
pelargonie {noun}
:: geranium (common name for Pelargonium)
pelikan {noun}
:: pelican (seabird)
Pelle {prop}
:: given name or Peter, sometimes also used as a formal given name
Peloponnes {prop}
:: Peloponnese
pels {noun}
:: fur, coat
pels {noun}
:: fur coat
pelse {vt}
:: to remove the fur of an animal; to skin
pels ikke bjørnen før den er skudt {proverb}
:: don't count your chickens before they're hatched
pelsklanner {noun}
:: fur beetle
pen {noun}
:: pen
pen {noun}
:: quill
pen {noun}
:: pane, peen
pen {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of pæn
penalhus {noun}
:: pencil case
pendant {noun}
:: counterpart
pendant {noun}
:: match
pendant {noun}
:: fellow
pendant {noun}
:: companion
penge {noun}
:: money
pengeautomat {noun}
:: An automated teller machine
pengemaskine {noun}
:: money machine
pengepung {noun}
:: purse (small bag for carrying money)
pengeseddel {noun}
:: banknote
pengetank {noun}
:: a huge reserve of available cash or capital assets
pengetank {noun}
:: Scrooge McDuck's money bin
penibel {adj}
:: precarious, dangerous
penibel {adj}
:: painstaking, difficult
penibel {adj}
:: painful, unpleasant
penis {noun}
:: penis
penismisundelse {noun}
:: penis envy
penisring {noun}
:: cock ring
pennalhus {noun}
:: pencil case
pennen er mægtigere end sværdet {proverb}
:: the pen is mightier than the sword
penneven {noun}
:: pen pal, penfriend
penning {noun}
:: coin or currency in use in Denmark until 1602
Pennsylvania {prop}
:: Pennsylvania (state)
Pennsylvanias {prop}
:: genitive of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvanien {prop}
:: alternative form of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvaniens {prop}
:: genitive of Pennsylvanien
pensel {noun}
:: paintbrush
pensum {n}
:: syllabus, curriculum
pensum {n}
:: task, assignment
pensum {n}
:: examination requirements
pentagon {noun}
:: pentagon
pentagram {noun}
:: pentagram
peptidbinding {noun}
:: peptide bond
per {prep}
:: For each; for every
Per {prop}
:: given name
perestrojka {noun}
:: perestroika
perfekt {adj}
:: perfect
perfekt {adv}
:: perfectly
perfekt forbrydelse {noun}
:: perfect crime
perfektionist {noun}
:: perfectionist (one who has a propensity for being displeased with anything that is not perfect or does not meet extremely high standards)
perfektum {noun}
:: present perfect
perfid {adj}
:: vicious, spiteful, malicious, sadistic, low-minded; snide, insinuating (in one's utterance about a person or matter)
perfid {adj}
:: (mostly older language) perfidious, manipulative
perforere {v}
:: to perforate
perforeret {v}
:: past participle of perforere
periferi {noun}
:: periphery
periode {noun}
:: period
periode {noun}
:: era
periode {noun}
:: term of office
periode {noun}
:: time
periode {noun}
:: spell
periodisk {adj}
:: periodic (having repeated cycles; occurring at regular intervals; periodical)
periodisk {adj}
:: periodical
periodisk {adj}
:: periodically
periskop {noun}
:: periscope
perker {noun}
:: a person of Middle Eastern descent; a sand nigger
perkerdansk {prop}
:: a Danish multiethnolect incorporating words and syntactical structures from, among others, Arabic, Kurdish, Berber and Turkish
perle {noun}
:: pearl
perle {noun}
:: bead
perle {noun}
:: drop
perle {noun}
:: gem, jewel, beauty, treasure
perle {v}
:: appear as small drops
perle {v}
:: sparkle
perlemor {noun}
:: mother-of-pearl
perlet {v}
:: past participle of perle
Pernille {prop}
:: given name
peroral {adj}
:: peroral
perpetuum mobile {noun}
:: perpetual motion machine
perpetuum mobile {noun}
:: something or someone in constant activity
perron {noun}
:: platform (A raised structure from which passengers can enter or leave a train)
Persefone {prop}
:: Persephone
perser {noun}
:: Persian (member of ethnic group, breed of cat)
Persien {prop}
:: Persia
persienne {noun}
:: Venetian blind
persille {noun}
:: parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
persisk {noun}
:: the Persian language, sometimes also encompassing: "Farsi", "Dari" and "Tajik" or "Tajiki"
persisk {adj}
:: Persian
person {noun}
:: person
person {noun}
:: character
person {noun}
:: figure
person {noun}
:: people
personalhistoriker {noun}
:: historian occupying themself with some individual
personificering {noun}
:: personification (abstract noun represented as a person)
personificering {noun}
:: personification (the literary device of representing an abstract noun as a person)
personligt pronomen {n}
:: personal pronoun
personlig træner {noun}
:: personal trainer
personligt stedord {n}
:: personal pronoun
personrettet {adj}
:: directed at a specific person
perspektiv {noun}
:: perspective
perspektivere {v}
:: to endow an issue, literary work, discussion etc. with a perspective by comparing it with other, similar and/or relevant things
peruaner {noun}
:: Peruvian
pessimist {noun}
:: pessimist
pest {c}
:: plague
pest {c}
:: pestilence
pest eller kolera {noun}
:: a choice between two undesirable options
pesticid {noun}
:: pesticide
Peter {prop}
:: given name
Peter {prop}
:: Peter (biblical figure)
Petersen {prop}
:: surname
petit mal {n}
:: petit mal
Petra {prop}
:: given name
Petrea {prop}
:: given name, a feminine form of Peter
Petrine {prop}
:: given name, a feminine form of Peter
petriskål {noun}
:: Petri dish
pga. {prep}
:: abbreviation of på grund af
Philip {prop}
:: given name
Phillip {prop} {c}
:: given name
phosphor {noun}
:: alternative spelling of fosfor
pi {prop}
:: pi (number)
pi {prop}
:: pi (letter)
Pia {prop}
:: given name
pib {noun}
:: squeak
pib {noun}
:: whine
pib {noun}
:: whistle
pibe {noun}
:: pipe (for smoking)
pibe {v}
:: squeak
pibe {v}
:: whistle
pibe {v}
:: whine
piberenser {noun}
:: pipe cleaner
piberi {noun}
:: whining, whimpering
piccolo {noun}
:: bellboy, bellhop
piccolo {noun}
:: office boy
pico- {prefix}
:: alternative spelling of piko-
pig {noun}
:: spike
pig {noun}
:: barb
pig {noun}
:: spine, quill
pig {noun}
:: prickle
pige {noun}
:: girl
pige {noun}
:: girl, woman
pige {noun}
:: girl, girlfriend
pige {noun}
:: girl, daughter
pige {noun}
:: girl, maid
pigebarn {noun}
:: girl, especially with connotations of childishness
pigefnidder {noun}
:: bickering and intrigue among young girls
pigekæreste {noun}
:: girlfriend
pigelus {noun}
:: girl cooties
pigtråd {noun}
:: barbed wire
pik {noun}
:: cock, penis
pik {noun}
:: peck
pikbillede {noun}
:: dickpic
pikhoved {noun}
:: glans penis
pikhoved {noun}
:: dickhead Term of abuse for a man
pikkemand {noun}
:: penis
piko- {prefix}
:: pico-
pikring {noun}
:: cock ring
pikslikker {noun}
:: cocksucker (term of abuse)
pikslikker {noun}
:: cocksucker, fellator, one who performs fellatio
pikspiller {noun}
:: Term of abuse
pikstørrelse {noun}
:: cock size
piksutter {noun}
:: Term of abuse
pil {noun}
:: arrow
pil {noun}
:: willow
pilgrim {noun}
:: pilgrim (traveller, especially to religious sites)
pille {noun}
:: pillar
pille {noun}
:: pill
pille {v}
:: peel
pillet {v}
:: past participle of pille
pilot {noun}
:: pilot
pils {noun}
:: Lager, pilsner
pilsner {noun}
:: pilsner
pincet {noun}
:: tweezers (small pincers, usually made of metal, used for handling small objects)
pind {noun}
:: stick
pind {noun}
:: perch
pind {noun}
:: peg
pind {noun}
:: row (in knitting)
pindsvin {noun}
:: hedgehog (animal)
pindsvin {noun}
:: porcupine
pine {noun}
:: torment
pine {noun}
:: ache
pine {v}
:: torment
pine {v}
:: torture
pinedød {adv}
:: definitely, quite certainly
pingpong {noun}
:: ping pong, table tennis
pingpong {noun}
:: ping pong, quick dialogue, repartee
pingvin {noun}
:: penguin
pinje {noun}
:: stone pine
pinjekerne {noun}
:: pine nut
pinlig {adj}
:: painful
pinlig {adj}
:: awkward, embarrassing
pinlig {adj}
:: embarrassed
pinlig {adv}
:: precisely
pinlighed {noun}
:: embarrassment
pinlighedsfornemmelse {noun}
:: feeling of embarrassment
pinligt {adv}
:: precisely
pinse {noun}
:: Pentecost (Christian festival)
pinselilje {noun}
:: poet's daffodil, Narcissus poeticus
pint {v}
:: past participle of pine
pip {noun}
:: chirp, peep, tweet
pip {noun}
:: bleep
pip {n}
:: nonsense, gibberish, madness
Piræus {prop}
:: Piræus (city)
pirat {noun}
:: pirate (a criminal who plunders at sea)
pis {interj}
:: dammit
pis {noun}
:: piss
pis {noun}
:: cheap beer
pisk {noun}
:: whip
pisk {noun}
:: pigtail
pisk {noun}
:: whipping, flogging, lashing
piskefløde {noun}
:: cream of the sort used for whipped cream
pis mig i øret {phrase}
:: screw you
pisse- {prefix}
:: very
pisse {v}
:: to piss
pisse {adv}
:: very
pissedyr {adj}
:: expensive as hell
pisse i bukserne for at holde varmen {v}
:: synonym of tisse i bukserne for at holde varmen
pisse ned {v}
:: rain cats and dogs
pistol {noun}
:: handgun, pistol
pittoresk {adj}
:: picturesque
piv {n}
:: unofficial spelling of pib
piveskid {noun}
:: alternative form of pivskid
pivskid {noun}
:: person who is averse to danger, pain or uncomfortable things; a squeamish or timid person
pizza {noun}
:: pizza
pjat {noun}
:: nonsense, giddiness
pjece {noun}
:: booklet, pamphlet, leaflet
pjece {noun}
:: piece, gun
pjok {n}
:: wimp
placere {v}
:: place
placere {v}
:: invest
placere {v}
:: site
pladekontrakt {noun}
:: record contract
pladespiller {c}
:: a record player
plads {noun}
:: place
plads {noun}
:: seat
plads {noun}
:: position
plads {noun}
:: berth
plads {noun}
:: room
plads {noun}
:: space
plads {noun}
:: job
plads til forbedring {noun}
:: room for improvement; something that can be improved
plæneklipper {noun}
:: lawnmower
plage {noun}
:: nuisance, pest
plage {v}
:: bully
plage {v}
:: pester
plage {v}
:: worry
plaget {v}
:: past participle of plage
plakat {noun}
:: poster, placard
planche {noun}
:: plate (illustration)
planche {noun}
:: poster
Plancks konstant {prop}
:: Planck's constant
planet {noun}
:: a planet
planetby {noun}
:: satellite town
planlægge {v}
:: plan
planlægning {noun}
:: planning; act of planning
planlagt forældelse {noun}
:: planned obsolescence
plante {noun}
:: plant (living organism)
plante {v}
:: to plant
planteæder {noun}
:: herbivore
plantet {v}
:: past participle of plante
plantning {noun}
:: planting
plapre {v}
:: prattle, talk at length and annoyingly
plask {interj}
:: splash
plask {noun}
:: splash
plaske {v}
:: to splash
plaster {noun}
:: band-aid, plaster or sticking plaster
plastic {noun}
:: plastic
plasticmor {noun}
:: stepmother
plastikpik {noun}
:: dildo
plat {adj}
:: inane, lacking inspiration, corny, insipid
platfod {noun}
:: flatfoot, flat feet
platfodet {adj}
:: flat-footed, flatfooted
platformspil {n}
:: A platform game
platformspil {n}
:: indefinite plural of platformspil
platin {noun}
:: platinum (a metallic chemical element (symbol Pt) with atomic number 78)
Platon {prop}
:: Plato
platonisme {noun}
:: Platonism
plattysk {n}
:: Low German, Low Saxon, Plattdeutsch
plattysk {adj}
:: Low German
pleje {v}
:: Signifies habitual or repeated events or circumstances
pleje {v}
:: to nurse, to care for, to maintain
pleje omgang med {v}
:: be in the company of
plekter {noun}
:: plectrum
pleonasme {noun}
:: pleonasm
pli {noun}
:: decency, good manners
pligt {noun}
:: duty
pløje {v}
:: to plough, plow
plombe {noun}
:: lead seal
plombe {noun}
:: filling
plombere {v}
:: to seal
plombere {v}
:: to fill
plomberet {v}
:: past participle of plombere
plov {noun}
:: plough, plow
plovmand {noun}
:: A male plower, who plows land with a plough
plovmand {noun}
:: five hundred kroner
pludre {v}
:: chatter, speak rapidly of inconsequential matters
pludre {v}
:: to make a gentle noise; to babble
pludre {v}
:: to make gentle, wordless noises; to utter protowords
pludre {v}
:: to make that noise which a group of chickens make when they are not upset
pludselig {adj}
:: sudden
pludselig {adj}
:: overnight
pludselig {adv}
:: suddenly, all of a sudden
pludseligt {adv}
:: suddenly
pluralis {noun}
:: plural
pluralistisk integration {noun}
:: a form of integration in which the incoming culture adapts to the culture already there, which in turn accommodates the differences of the incoming culture
pluskvamperfektum {noun}
:: past perfect
plusqvamperfektum {noun}
:: alternative spelling of pluskvamperfektum
plusse {v}
:: add
plutonium {noun}
:: plutonium
plyndre {v}
:: loot, pillage, plunder, ransack, sack
plyndre {v}
:: rob
plyndret {v}
:: past participle of plyndre
pn-overgang {noun}
:: p-n junction
poet {noun}
:: poet
point {noun}
:: a point
pointe {noun}
:: point
pøj {interj}
:: yuck (uttered to indicate disgust)
pøj {interj}
:: pøj, pøj – break a leg, good luck (wish of fortune or encouragement)
pokal {noun}
:: cup (trophy in the shape of an oversized cup)
pokeransigt {noun}
:: poker face
pokerfjæs {noun}
:: poker face
pokker {cp}
:: a blemish or rash resulting from smallpox, pockmarks, also similar conditions from syphilis, etc
pokker {noun}
:: devil
pokker {noun}
:: damn
pokkers {adj}
:: damned
pokkers {adv}
:: damned
pol {noun}
:: pole (the northern and southern ends of the earth's rotational axis; North Pole and South Pole)
pol {noun}
:: a pole in geometry
pol {noun}
:: pole of a magnet, negative or positive
pøl {noun}
:: puddle
polak {m}
:: Pole
polemik {noun}
:: polemic, controversy
polemik {noun}
:: polemics
Polen {prop}
:: Poland, a country in Central Europe
police {noun}
:: policy
politi {noun}
:: police
politibetjent {noun}
:: police officer (an officer in a law enforcement agency)
politik {c}
:: politics
politik {c}
:: a policy (course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organisation)
politiker {noun}
:: politician
politikerlede {noun}
:: distrust and dislike of politicians
politimand {noun}
:: police man, male police officer
politimester {noun}
:: police commissioner
politimester {noun}
:: chief police official in a police district of the national police in continental Denmark
politimester {noun}
:: chief police official in Greenland or the Faroe Islands
politisk {adj}
:: political
politisk maskine {c}
:: political machine
politisk maskineri {n}
:: political machinery
politistation {noun}
:: police station
politologi {noun}
:: political science
pollen {noun}
:: pollen
polo {noun}
:: polo (ball game played on horseback)
polo {noun}
:: polo shirt
polonium {noun}
:: polonium
poloskjorte {c}
:: polo shirt
pølse {noun}
:: sausage, banger
pølse {noun}
:: poop
pølsevogn {noun}
:: a mobile sausage stand
polsk {adj}
:: Polish (of, from or native to Poland, or relating to the Polish language)
polterabend {noun}
:: bachelor party, bachelorette party, stag party, hen party
polyeder {noun}
:: polyhedron
polygon {b}
:: polygon
polynomium {noun}
:: polynomial
polyteistisk {adj}
:: polytheistic
pomerans {noun}
:: bitter orange fruit
pomerans {noun}
:: bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium)
pomfrit {noun}
:: a single french fry; a chip
pomme frite {noun}
:: french fries; chips
Pommern {prop}
:: Pomerania
pomp {noun}
:: pomp (show of magnificence)
poppel {noun}
:: poplar
poppe op {v}
:: pop up
populær {adj}
:: popular, liked by many people
populær {adj}
:: popular, prevalent among the people
populærvidenskab {noun}
:: popular science
populærvidenskabelig {adj}
:: of or pertaining to popular science
populair {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of populær
popularitet {noun}
:: popularity
population {noun}
:: population
porcelæn {noun}
:: china, porcelain
porcelæn {noun}
:: crockery
pore {noun}
:: pore
porno {noun}
:: short form of pornografi (pornography)
pornofilm {noun}
:: adult movie (pornographic film)
pornograf {noun}
:: pornographer (person involved in creation or dissemination of pornography)
pornografi {noun}
:: pornography
pornografisk {adj}
:: pornographic
porøs {adj}
:: porous
porøsitet {noun}
:: porosity
porøsitet {noun}
:: porosity (quantitative measure)
porre {noun}
:: leek
pors {noun}
:: gale (Myrica gale)
porse {noun}
:: alternative form of pors
port {noun}
:: gate
port {noun}
:: gateway
portemonnæ {noun}
:: purse, wallet
porto {noun}
:: postage; payment for sending a letter or package
portræt {noun}
:: portrait
Portugal {prop}
:: Portugal (country)
portugiser {c}
:: a Portuguese (person from Portugal)
portugisisk {adj}
:: Portuguese (of or relating to Portugal)
portugisisk vandhund {c}
:: Portuguese Water Dog
portvin {noun}
:: port wine
pose {noun}
:: bag
poser under øjnene {p}
:: circles; bags under the eyes
positiv {noun}
:: positive
positiv {noun}
:: positive
positiv {adj}
:: positive (optimistic, supporting)
positiv {adj}
:: positive (larger than zero)
possessivt pronomen {noun}
:: possessive pronoun
post- {prefix}
:: post-
post {noun}
:: post
post {noun}
:: post, mail
post {noun}
:: post, mail
post {noun}
:: postman
post {noun}
:: entry
post {noun}
:: pump, tap, faucet
post {noun}
:: post
postalveolær {adj}
:: postalveolar
postalveolar {noun}
:: postalveolar
postbud {n}
:: mailman, postman
postevand {noun}
:: tap water
postfaktuel {adj}
:: postfactual
postkasserød {adj}
:: a pastel red, as used on mailboxes
postkort {noun}
:: postcard
postmoderne {adj}
:: postmodern
postulat {noun}
:: postulate; unfounded claim
pote {noun}
:: paw
potemkinkulisse {noun}
:: Potemkin village
potentat {noun}
:: potentate
potentiel energi {noun}
:: potential energy
potteplante {c}
:: a pot plant (a plant growing in a flowerpot)
Poul {prop}
:: given name
Poula {prop}
:: given name
Pouline {prop}
:: given name
Poulsen {prop}
:: surname
Povl {prop}
:: given name, variant of Poul ( =Paul)
powerpoint {noun}
:: electronic slide presentation
pr. {prep}
:: abbreviation of per
præcis {adj}
:: precise, exact
præcis {adv}
:: precisely, specifically
præcis {interj}
:: exactly
prædestination {noun}
:: predestination
prædike {v}
:: to preach
prædike {v}
:: to preach, sermonize
præfiks {noun}
:: prefix (letters at the beginning of a word)
prægnant {adj}
:: concise, pithy
prægnant {adj}
:: concisely, pithily
prægtig {adj}
:: fine, magnificent
præmis {noun}
:: premise
præposition {noun}
:: preposition (a type of word like "of, from, for, by")
præpositionsforbindelse {noun}
:: prepositional phrase
præpositionsstyrelse {noun}
:: prepositional complement (the part of a prepositional phrase that is not the preposition)
prærie {noun}
:: prairie
præsens {noun}
:: present tense
præsens {c}
:: presence
præsent {adj}
:: present in the mind or memory
præsentation {noun}
:: a presentation
præsentere {vt}
:: to present
præsident {noun}
:: president
præsident {noun}
:: chairman
præst {noun}
:: priest (clergyman)
præstation {noun}
:: performance
præstation {noun}
:: effort
præstation {noun}
:: achievement, feat
præteritum {noun}
:: preterite
prævention {noun}
:: contraceptive, means of preventing pregnancy
Prag {prop} {n}
:: Prag (capital city)
pragt {noun}
:: magnificence, splendour
pragtfuld {adj}
:: splendid, splendorous
praksis {noun}
:: practice
praktikant {noun}
:: intern; trainee
praktisk {adj}
:: convenient
praktisk {adj}
:: practical
prank {noun}
:: prank
praseodym {noun}
:: praseodymium
praseodymium {noun}
:: alternative form of praseodym
Preben {prop}
:: given name
present {noun}
:: present, gift
presse {noun}
:: a press (a machine for pressing things, like fruits, cloths and books)
presse {noun}
:: a press (a machine for printing)
presse {noun}
:: the press (printed media and journalism)
presse {v}
:: to press, squeeze
presse {v}
:: to push
presse {v}
:: to force somebody to something
pression {noun}
:: pressure
priapisme {c}
:: priapism
prik {noun}
:: prick (the feeling of being pierced or punctured by an object with a fine point, the action of pricking)
prik {noun}
:: dot, point
prik {noun}
:: spot
prikprodukt {noun}
:: scalar product, dot product
primær {adj}
:: primary
primitiv {adj}
:: primitive
primtal {noun}
:: prime number
primtalsfaktorisering {noun}
:: prime factorization
princip {noun}
:: principle
principsag {noun}
:: a matter of principle
prins {noun}
:: prince
prins {noun}
:: prince consort
prins {noun}
:: prince
prinsesse {noun}
:: princess
prinsesse {noun}
:: princess
pris {noun}
:: price
pris {noun}
:: fare
pris {noun}
:: cost
pris {noun}
:: prize
pris {noun}
:: praise
pris {noun}
:: pinch (small amount of powder)
prise {noun}
:: prize
prise {v}
:: to praise
prist {v}
:: past participle of prise
prisvinder {noun}
:: a prizewinner or prize winner (winner of a prize; usually a specific prize such as the Nobel Prize)
privilegeret {adj}
:: privileged
privilegium {n}
:: privilege (peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor)
proaktiv {adj}
:: proactive (acting in advance)
probat {adj}
:: effective
problem {noun}
:: problem
problematik {noun}
:: problematic
problemformulering {noun}
:: a brief outline of what knowledge a study seeks to produce; may be in the form of one or more questions
procent {noun}
:: percent
procentpoint {noun}
:: percentage point
procentvis {adj}
:: percentagewise
procentvis {adv}
:: percentagewise
proces {c}
:: process
producer {noun}
:: producer (one who produces an artistic production)
producere {v}
:: To produce
producere {v}
:: To manufacture, to make
produceret {v}
:: past participle of producere
produkt {noun}
:: product
produktion {noun}
:: production
produktionsmetode {noun}
:: production method; a method of production
produktionsmiddel {noun}
:: means of production
produktiv {adj}
:: productive
professionshøjskole {noun}
:: A university college
profet {noun}
:: prophet
profeti {noun}
:: prophecy
proformaægteskab {noun}
:: sham marriage
programmør {noun}
:: programmer
projekt {noun}
:: project
projektside {noun}
:: project page; a page dedicated to or of a certain project
promethium {noun}
:: promethium
promiskuøs {adj}
:: promiscuous (indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners)
pronomen {noun}
:: pronoun
propel {noun}
:: propeller (mechanical device used to propel)
propeller {noun}
:: propeller (mechanical device used to propel)
proper {adj}
:: cleanly
proper {adj}
:: tidy
proprium {noun}
:: proper noun (the name of a particular person, place, organization or other individual entity)
proptrækker {noun}
:: corkscrew
prosadigt {noun}
:: prose poem
prosaisk {adj}
:: prosaic
prosaisk {adj}
:: mundane
prosaisk {adj}
:: prosaically
proscenium {noun}
:: proscenium
prosit {interj}
:: bless you! (said to someone who has just sneezed)
prostatamassage {noun}
:: prostate massage, digital stimulation of the prostate
prostituere {vr}
:: to prostitute
prostitueret {adj}
:: prostituted
prostitueret {c}
:: prostitute
prostitueret {v}
:: past participle of prostituere
protactinium {noun}
:: protactinium
protagonist {noun}
:: protagonist
proteasom {noun}
:: proteasome
protektorat {noun}
:: protectorate
protoindoeuropæisk {adj}
:: Proto-Indo-European
protoindoeuropæisk {c}
:: Proto-Indo-European language
protolyse {noun}
:: protolysis
protomartyr {noun}
:: protomartyr
proton {noun}
:: proton
prøve {noun}
:: trial, test, examination
prøve {noun}
:: ordeal
prøve {noun}
:: rehearsal, audition
prøve {noun}
:: sample, specimen
prøve {noun}
:: pattern, swatch
prøve {noun}
:: taste
prøve {v}
:: to try
prøve {v}
:: to test
prøve {v}
:: to try out, try on
prøve {v}
:: to experience, go through
prøve {v}
:: to rehearse
prøvelse {noun}
:: test
prøvet {v}
:: past participle of prøve
provins {noun}
:: province
prud {adj}
:: magnificent, noble
prut {noun}
:: fart (an emission of flatulent gases)
prutten {c}
:: flatulence, farting
prutten {c}
:: haggling, bargaining
pseudo- {prefix}
:: pseudo-
:: fallacious argument, incorrect argument
pseudodebat {noun}
:: pseudo-debate
pseudodemokrati {noun}
:: fake democracy
pseudonym {noun}
:: pseudonym
pseudonym {adj}
:: pseudonymous
pseudovidenskab {c}
:: pseudoscience
pseudovidenskabelig {adj}
:: pseudoscientific
psyke {noun}
:: mental constitution, psyche
psykedelisk {adj}
:: psychedelic
psykiater {noun}
:: psychiatrist
psykiatri {noun}
:: psychiatry
psykisk {adj}
:: mental
psykisk {adj}
:: psychological
psykisk {adv}
:: mentally
psykisk {adv}
:: psychologically
psykologi {noun}
:: psychology
psykopat {c}
:: a psychopath
psykopat {c}
:: idiot
psykose {noun}
:: psychosis
psykosomatisk {adj}
:: psychosomatic
psykriater {noun}
:: misspelling of psykiater
p.t. {adv}
:: currently, at this time
pt. {adv}
:: alternative form of p.t.
ptolemæisk {adj}
:: Ptolemaic
publikation {noun}
:: publication
puddel {noun}
:: poodle
puddersukker {noun}
:: brown sugar
pude {noun}
:: cushion
pude {noun}
:: pillow
pude {noun}
:: pad
:: pillowcase
:: pillowcase
pudse hunden på {v}
:: let a dog attack
puffer {noun}
:: buffer
puh {interj}
:: pooh (expression of dismissal or contempt‚ used when encountering an unpleasant smell)
puh {interj}
:: phew (used to show relief, fatigue, surprise, or disgust)
pule {vt}
:: to fuck roughly
pulver {noun}
:: powder
puma {noun}
:: puma; cougar; mountain lion
pumpe {noun}
:: pump
pumpe {v}
:: to pump
pund {noun}
:: pound
pund {noun}
:: pound
pund {noun}
:: half a kilo
pung {noun}
:: purse (small bag for carrying money)
pung {noun}
:: scrotum
pung {noun}
:: a pouch in marsupials where it rears its young during their early infancy
pungdyr {noun}
:: marsupial
punkt {noun}
:: dot, point
punktlig {adj}
:: punctual
punktlighed {c}
:: punctuality
punktum {noun}
:: full stop
pupil {noun}
:: pupil (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye)
pure {adj}
:: complete
pure {adj}
:: (adverbial) completely
pure {noun}
:: puree
purere {v}
:: to cream
purløg {noun}
:: chive (the plant Allium schoenoprasum)
purløg {noun}
:: chives (leaves of this plant used as a herb)
purre {v}
:: to poke, to stir, to rouse
pusle {vt}
:: nurse
pusle {vi}
:: rustle, make soft movement noises
pusle {vi}
:: potter about
puslende {v}
:: present participle of pusle
puslespil {noun}
:: a jigsaw puzzle
putte {interj}
:: a call made to chickens
putte {noun}
:: hen
putte {noun}
:: child, young woman
putte {v}
:: to stick, put
putte {v}
:: to put
putte {v}
:: to putt
pyjamas {noun}
:: pajamas, pyjamas
pynt {noun}
:: point
pynt {noun}
:: decoration
pynt {noun}
:: finery
pynte {v}
:: to decorate
pynte {v}
:: to garnish
pynte {v}
:: to be decorative
pyntet {v}
:: past participle of pynte
pyramide {noun}
:: pyramid
pyrrhussejr {noun}
:: Pyrrhic victory (a costly victory)
pyton {noun}
:: python
pyt skidt {adv}
:: no matter, doesn't matter