Aachen {prop} (city in North Rhine-Westphalia)
:: Ахен
aardvark {n} (mammal)
:: мравояд {m}
aardwolf {n} (the mammal species Proteles cristatus)
:: земен вълк {m}
Aaron's rod {n} (goldenrod) SEE: goldenrod
Aaron's rod {n} (mullein) SEE: mullein
abaca {n} (plant)
:: абака {f}
aback {adv} (backwards)
:: назад, заднишком
aback {adv} (in the rear)
:: отзад
aback {n} (abacus) SEE: abacus
abactor {n}
:: Крадец на добитък
abacus {n} (device for performing arithmetical calculations)
:: сметало {n}, абак {m}
abacus {n} (uppermost portion of the capital of a column)
:: абак {m}
Abaddon {prop} (the destroyer)
:: Ангелът на мрака
Abaddon {prop} (Hell)
:: преизподня, пъкъл
abaft {prep} ((nautical) behind; toward the stern relative to some other object or position; aft of)
:: назад, към кърмата
abaka {n} (plant) SEE: abaca
Abakan {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Абакан {m}
abandon {v} (to leave behind or desert; to forsake)
:: напускам, изоставям
abandon {v} (to no longer exercise a right, relinquish a claim to property)
:: отказвам се от
abandon {v}
:: изоставям, напускам
abandon {n}
:: изоставяне {n}, напускане {n}
abandoned {adj} (wicked, self-abandoned, given to sin)
:: разпуснат {m}, разпусната {f}
abandoned {adj} (no longer maintained, forsaken, deserted)
:: изоставен
abandonment {n} (act of abandoning)
:: напускане, изоставяне
abase {v} (to lower so as to cause pain or hurt feelings)
:: унижавам {impf}, понижавам {impf}
abasement {n} (the act of abasing)
:: унижение, понижение
abash {v} (to make ashamed, to embarrass)
:: засрамвам, смущавам
abashed {adj} (embarrassed)
:: засрамен, смутен
abashment {n} (the state of being abashed; confusion from shame)
:: засраменост, смущение
abate {v}
:: събарям, стихвам, утихвам, провалям се, понижавам, намалявам, притъпявам, прекратявам
abate {v} (to dull the edge or point of) SEE: blunt
abattoir {n} (public slaughterhouse)
:: кланица {f}
abbacy {n} (dignity, estate, or jurisdiction of an abbot)
:: абатство {n}
abbess {n} (female superior of a nunnery)
:: игуменка
abbey {n} (monastery headed by an abbot)
:: абатство {n}
abbey {n} (church of a monastery)
:: манастирска църква
abbot {n} (superior or head of an abbey or monastery)
:: игумен
abbreviate {v} (to make shorter)
:: съкращавам, скъсявам
abbreviate {v} (to reduce to lower terms)
:: съкращавам
abbreviate {n} (abridgment) SEE: abridgment
abbreviation {n} (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase)
:: абревиатура {f}
abbreviation {n} (act or result of shortening or reducing)
:: съкращаване {n}, скъсяване {n}
abbreviation {n} (mathematics: reduction to lower terms)
:: съкращаване {n}
abbreviature {n} (abbreviation) SEE: abbreviation
ABC {n} (alphabet) SEE: alphabet
ABC book {n} (primer) SEE: primer
abdicate {v} (to surrender or relinquish as sovereign power; to withdraw from filling or exercising)
:: отказвам се от
abdicate {v} (to renounce a throne or other high office)
:: абдикирам
abdicate {v} (to depose) SEE: depose
abdication {n} (the act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder)
:: абдикация {f}
abdomen {n} (belly)
:: корем {m}
abdominal {adj} (of or pertaining to the abdomen)
:: абдоминален, коремен
abdominous {adj} (pot-bellied)
:: шкембелия
abduct {v} (to take away)
:: отвличам, похищавам
abduction {n} (leading away, carrying away)
:: отвличане {n}, похищение {n}
abduction {n} (physiology: movement separating limb from axis)
:: абдукция {f}
abduction {n} (law: wrongful carrying off of a human being)
:: отвличане {n}
abductor {n} (muscle)
:: абдуктор {m}
Abdullah {prop} (Muslim given name)
:: Абдуллах, Абдулла
abeam {adv} (on the beam)
:: отстрани, перпендикулярно на кила на кораба
abeam {adv} (alongside)
:: в траверс
abearance {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior
abecedarium {n} (a book used to teach the alphabet) SEE: primer
abed {adv} (in bed, or on the bed)
:: на легло
abele {n} (Populus alba) SEE: white poplar
abelmosk {n} (A. moschatus)
:: мускусен слез
Aberdeen {prop} (city in Scotland)
:: Абърдийн {m}
aberrance {n} (state of being aberrant; a wandering from the right way; deviation from truth, rectitude)
:: отклонение
aberrant {adj} (straying from the right way)
:: отклоняващ се
aberration {n} (act of wandering or deviation; abnormality)
:: отклоняване, отклонение
aberration {n} (optics: convergence to different foci)
:: аберация {f}
aberration {n} (astronomy: small periodical change of position of heavenly bodies)
:: аберация {f}
aberration {n} (minor or temporary mental disorder)
:: умопомрачение
aberration {n} (zoology, botany: atypical development or structure)
:: аберация {f}
aberration {n}
:: аберация {f}
abet {v} (to assist or encourage in crime)
:: подбуждам, подстрекавам
abet {v} (to support, uphold, or aid)
:: поощрявам съдействувам
abettor {n} (inciter)
:: подстрекател {m}
abeyance {n} (expectancy; condition of being undetermined)
:: временно бездействие, изчакване
abeyance {n} (suspension; temporary suppression)
:: суспендиране
Abha {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia)
:: Абха
abhor {v} (to regard with horror or detestation)
:: отвращавам се, гнуся се
abhorrence {n} (extreme aversion)
:: отвращение
abhorrent {adj}
:: отвратителен, гнусен
abide {v} (endure without yielding)
:: търпя
abide {v} (bear patiently; tolerate)
:: толерирам
abide {v} (dwell)
:: пребивавам, оставам
abide {v} (wait in expectation)
:: чакам, очаквам
abiding {adj} (continue)
:: траен, постоянен
Abidjan {prop} (the largest city of Ivory Coast)
:: Абиджан
ability {n} (quality or state of being able)
:: вещина {f}, кадърност, ловкост {f}
ability {n} (a skill or competence)
:: способност, умение, дарба
abiogenesis {n} (origination of living organisms from lifeless matter)
:: самозараждане
a bit {adv} (a little) SEE: a little
abject {adj} (Sunk to a low condition; down in spirit or hope)
:: низък, долен, жалък
abject {adj} (Cast down; rejected; low-lying)
:: отхвърлен, низвергнат
abjection {n} (the act of bringing down or humbling)
:: отхвърляне, низвергване
abjection {n} (the state of being rejected or cast out)
:: жалкост, отхвърленост
abjure {v} (to renounce upon oath)
:: отричам се под клетва
abjure {v} (to renounce with solemnity)
:: отказвам се, отхвърлям
Abkhaz {adj} (of or pertaining to Abkhazia)
:: абхазки {m}, абхазка
Abkhaz {prop} (a Northwest Caucasian language spoken in Abkhazia)
:: абхазки (език) {m}
Abkhazia {prop} (territory in the Caucasus, see also: Republic of Abkhazia)
:: Абхазия {f}
Abkhazian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Abkhazia) SEE: Abkhaz
Abkhazian {n} (Abkhaz) SEE: Abkhaz
Abkhazian {prop} (Abkhazian language) SEE: Abkhaz
ablactation {n} (weaning)
:: аблактация {f}
ablation {n} (removal)
:: отстраняване
ablation {n} (amputation)
:: ампутация
ablative {adj} (applied to one of the cases of the noun in other language)
:: творителен
ablative {n} (ablative case) SEE: ablative case
ablative case {n} (grammatical case used to indicate movement away from something, removal, separation, source)
:: аблативен падеж {m}
ablaze {adj} (on fire)
:: пламнал, лумнал
ablaze {adj} (in a state of glowing excitement)
:: възбуден, енергичен
ablaze {adv} (on fire)
:: пламнал, лумнал
able {adj} (permitted to)
:: компетентен, позволен, в състояние да
able {adj} (skillful)
:: способен, умел, годен
able {adj} (legally qualified)
:: компетентен
able {adj} (healthy) SEE: healthy
able {v} (enable) SEE: enable
abloom {adv} ((postpositive) in or into bloom; in a blooming state)
:: цъфтящ, разцъфтял, в разцвет
ablush {adj} (blushing)
:: зачервен
ablution {n} (the act of washing or cleansing)
:: промивка {f}
ably {adv} (with great ability)
:: умело, ловко, сръчно, компетентно
abnegate {v} (to deny oneself something)
:: отказвам (се от)
abnegate {v} (to reject, to deny)
:: отхвърлям
abnegation {n} (denial; renunciation)
:: отричане {n}, отхвърляне {n}
abnormal {adj} (not conforming to rule or system)
:: неправилен, необичаен, ненормален, противоестествен
abnormal {adj} (of or pertaining to behaviour that deviates from norms)
:: ненормален
abnormality {n} (state of being abnormal)
:: неправилност, необичайност, ненормалност
abnormalness {n} (abnormality) SEE: abnormality
aboard {prep} (on board of)
:: на борда
abode {n} (stay or continuance in a place; sojourn)
:: местопребиваване
abode {n} (slightly dated: residence)
:: жилище
abolish {v} (to end a law, system, institution, custom or practice)
:: премахвам, отменям
abolish {v} (to destroy)
:: унищожавам
abolition {n} (act of abolishing)
:: премахване, отменяне
aboma {n} (any of several large South American serpents)
:: боа-удушвач {f}
abomasum {n} (fourth or digestive stomach of a ruminant)
:: сирищник {m}
abominable {adj} (hateful; detestable; loathsome)
:: отвратителен, противен, ненавистен, омразен {m}
abominable snowman {n} (humanoid or apelike animal said to exist in the Himalayas)
:: йети {m}
abominate {v} (to feel disgust towards, to hate in the highest degree)
:: отвращавам се, гнуся се от, ненавиждам
abomination {n} (the feeling of extreme disgust)
:: отвращение, ненавист
aboriginal {adj} (original; indigenous)
:: коренен, местен, туземен
Aboriginal {n} (aboriginal) SEE: aboriginal
Aboriginal {n}
:: туземец {m} , абориген {m}
aborigine {n} (aboriginal inhabitant of a country)
:: абориген {m}, туземец {m}
abort {n} (miscarriage)
:: помятане, аборт
abort {v} (to miscarry)
:: помятам, абортирам
abortion {n} (induced abortion)
:: аборт
abound {v} (to be plentiful)
:: изобилствам
abounding {adj} (ample, plenteous, plenty)
:: обилен {m}, изобилен {m}, излишен {m}
abound with {v} (abound) SEE: abound
about {prep}
:: около, приблизително
above {prep} (over, on top of)
:: отгоре, по-горе, над
above {prep} (in or to a higher place)
:: над, отгоре на, по-високо от
above {prep} (superior to, surpassing)
:: над, висш {m}
above {prep} (more)
:: освен това, още повече
above {prep} (beyond)
:: отвъд
above {adv} (earlier in order in writing)
:: по-горе
above {adv} (in a higher place)
:: горе, отгоре
above {adv} (higher in rank)
:: по-горе, с по-висок ранг
above {n} (something mentioned previously in a document)
:: гореспоменат
above all {prep} (of prime importance)
:: преди всичко
abrade {v} ((transitive) to rub or wear off; to waste or wear away by friction)
:: изтърквам, изтривам, износвам, ожулвам, протривам (кожа)
abrade {v} (to wear down)
:: износвам
Abraham {prop} (male given name)
:: Аврам {m}, Авраам {m}, Ибрахим {m}
Abraham {prop} (14th sura of the Qur'an)
:: Ибрахим {m}
abrasion {n} (act of abrading)
:: изтъркване {n}, изтриване {n}
abrasion {n} (geology: effect of mechanical erosion of rock)
:: абразия {f}
abrasion {n} (medicine: superficial wound)
:: ожулване {n}
abrasive {adj} (producing abrasion; rough)
:: изтъркващ, изтриващ, абразивен
abrasive {n} (substance used for cleaning, smoothing, or polishing)
:: абразив
abreast {adv} (side by side)
:: редом, един до друг, на един ред, рамо до рамо
abridge {v} (to make shorter)
:: съкращавам, скъсявам
abridge {v} (to shorten or contract by using fewer words)
:: съкращавам
abridge {v} (to deprive)
:: ограничавам, лишавам (от права)
abridgment {n} (act of abridging)
:: съкращаване {n}, скъсяване
abridgment {n} (state of being abridged)
:: ограничение, лишаване от права
abridgment {n} (shortened version)
:: скъсяване , съкращение
abroach {adj} (tapped)
:: отворен
abroad {adv} (in foreign countries)
:: в чужбина, в странство, зад граница
abroad {adv} (at large; widely; broadly; over a wide space)
:: навсякъде
abroad {adv} (without a certain confine; outside the house)
:: на открито, извън къщи
abroad {n} (countries or lands abroad)
:: чужбина {f}
abrogate {v} (to annul by an authoritative act)
:: отменям, анулирам
abrupt {adj} (extremely steep)
:: стръмен
abrupt {adj} (without notice)
:: рязък, внезапен
abrupt {adj} (curt in manner)
:: рязък, безцеремонен
abruptly {adv} (in an abrupt manner)
:: рязко, внезапно, безцеремонно
abruptness {n} (state of being abrupt)
:: стръмност
abruptness {n} (suddenness)
:: рязкост, внезапност, безцеремонност
Abruzzo {prop} (region of central Italy)
:: Абрузо
abscess {n} (cavity filled with pus)
:: абсцес {m}, цирей {m}
abscind {v} (to cut off)
:: отрязвам, отсичам
abscissa {n} (first of two coordinates)
:: абсциса {f}
abscissa {n} (horizontal axis)
:: абсцисна ос
abscond {v} (to flee, often secretly)
:: измъквам се, заминавам тайно
abscond {v} (to withdraw from)
:: избягвам, отдръпвам се от
abscond {v} (to hide (something))
:: укривам се
absence {n} (state of being away)
:: отсъствие {n}
absence {n} (lack; deficiency; non-existence)
:: липса {f}
absence {n} (inattention to things present)
:: отсъствие {n}
absent {adj} (being away from a place)
:: отсъстващ
absent {adj} (not existing)
:: несъществуващ
absent {adj} (inattentive)
:: отсъстващ, невнимателен
absent {v}
:: отсъствам
absentation {n} (act of absenting oneself)
:: отсъствие {n}
absent-minded {adj} (absent in mind)
:: разсеян, потънал в мисли
absent-mindedly {adv} (preoccupiedly)
:: разсеян, потънал в мисли
absent-mindedness {n} (state or quality of being preoccupied)
:: разсеяност {f}
absinthe {n} (liquor)
:: абсент {m}
absinthe {n} (Artemisia absinthium)
:: пелин
absinthium {n} (Artemisia absinthium) SEE: wormwood
absolute {adj} (free from limitations or conditions)
:: безусловен
absolute {adj} (peremptory)
:: самовластен
absolute {adj} (free from imperfection; complete in itself)
:: пълен, абсолютен
absolute {adj} (pure; unmixed)
:: чист, без примес
absolute {adj} (fundamental, ultimate, intrinsic, independent of references or relations to other things)
:: абсолютен
absolute {adj} (grammar: not immediately dependent on the other parts of the sentence)
:: независим
absoluteness {n} (the fact free from any conditions or other beings)
:: абсолютност {f}
absolute zero {n} (coldest possible temperature)
:: абсолютна нула {f}
absolution {n} (absolving or setting free from guilt, sin or penalty; forgiveness of an offense)
:: опрощение
absolution {n} (acquittal, or sentence of a judge declaring an accused person innocent)
:: оправдаване, освобождаване от отговорност
absolution {n} (absolving from ecclesiastical penalties)
:: опрощение
absolve {v} (to set free)
:: освобождавам
absolve {v} (to pronounce free or give absolution)
:: оправдавам
absolve {v} (theology: to pronounce free or give absolution from sin)
:: опрощавам
absorb {v} (to include so that it no longer has separate existence)
:: поглъщам
absorb {v} (to suck up or drink in)
:: гълтам, поглъщам
absorb {v} (physics: to take up by chemical or physical action)
:: абсорбирам
absorbent {adj} (absorbing)
:: попиващ, поглъщащ
absorbent {n}
:: поглътител
absorber {n} (one who, or that which, absorbs)
:: абсорбент {m}, абсорбер {m}
absorbing {adj} (engrossing)
:: поглъщащ, увлекателен
absorption {n} (act or process of absorbing or sucking in anything)
:: абсорбция {f}, поглъщане, всмукване
absorption {n} (act or process of being absorbed and made to disappear)
:: абсорбция {f}
absorption {n} (chemistry, physics: imbibing or reception by molecular or chemical action)
:: абсорбция {f}
absorption {n} (physiology: process by which the materials of growth and nutrition are absorbed)
:: абсорбция {f}
absquatulate {v} (to leave quickly or in a hurry; to take oneself off; to decamp; to depart)
:: вдигам гълъбите
abstain {v} (refrain from)
:: въздържам се
abstainer {n} (one who abstains)
:: въздържател
abstemious {adj} (refraining from freely consuming food or strong drink)
:: въздържан, скромен
abstemious {adj} (sparing in the indulgence of the appetite or passions)
:: умерен
abstemious {adj} (sparingly used; used with temperance or moderation)
:: пестелив
abstention {n} (the act of abstaining)
:: въздържаност
abstersion {n} (the act of cleaning)
:: прочистване {n}, промиване {n}
abstinence {n} (the act or practice of abstaining)
:: въздържание
abstinence {n} (specifically, abstinence from alcohol)
:: трезвеност
abstinent {adj} (refraining from indulgence)
:: въздържан, умерен
abstract {n} (an abridgement or summary)
:: абстракт {m}, резюме {n}, извадка {f}
abstract {n} (an abstraction)
:: абстракция {f}, отвлечено понятие {n}
abstract {n} (an abstract work of art)
:: абстракция {f}
abstract {n} (an extract of a vegetable substance)
:: екстракт {m}
abstract {adj} (apart from practice or reality; not concrete)
:: абстрактен, отвлечен
abstract {adj} (difficult to understand)
:: неразбираем
abstract {v} (to separate; to disengage)
:: отделям, отнемам
abstract {v} (to remove; to take away; to withdraw)
:: изваждам
abstract {v} (to steal)
:: отмъквам
abstract {v} (to draw off)
:: отвличам, (внимание)
abstraction {n} (act of abstracting)
:: абстракция {f}
abstractionism {n} (abstract art)
:: абстракционизъм {m}
abstruse {adj} (difficult to comprehend)
:: неясен, труден за разбиране
abstruse {adj} ((obsolete) concealed)
:: скрит
absurd {adj} (contrary to reason or propriety)
:: абсурден, нелеп, безсмислен
absurd {n} (obsolete: an absurdity)
:: абсурд
absurd {n} (that which is absurd)
:: абсурд, нелепост
absurdism {n} (absurdity) SEE: absurdity
absurdity {n} (the quality of being absurd)
:: абсурдност
absurdity {n} (an absurd action)
:: абсурдност
Abu Dhabi {prop} (capital of UAE)
:: Абу Даби {m}
abulia {n} (absence of will-power or decisiveness)
:: безволевост
abundance {n} (ample sufficiency)
:: обилие, изобилие
abundant {adj} (fully sufficient; plentiful)
:: обилен, изобилен
abuse {n} (corrupt practice)
:: злоупотреба {f}
abuse {n} (improper usage)
:: злоупотреба {f}
abuse {n} (insulting speech)
:: обида, оскърбление
abuse {n} (sexual violation or assault)
:: изнасилване {n}
abuse {v} (to use improperly)
:: злоупотребявам
abuse {v} (to insult)
:: обиждам, оскърбявам
abuse {v} (to rape)
:: изнасилвам
abuse {n} (delusion) SEE: delusion
abusive {adj}
:: оскърбителен, обиден
abut {v} (to border on)
:: гранича, опирам се о
abutment {n} (point of junction that abuts)
:: допирна точка
abutment {n} (architecture: support for an arch or vault)
:: подпора {f}
abutment {n} (engineering: support for the ends of a bridge)
:: брегови устои {m-p}
abuzz {adj} (characterized by a high level of activity or gossip; in a buzz)
:: бръмчащ
Abydos {prop} (ancient city in Egypt)
:: Абидос, Абду
abysm {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss
abysmal {adj} (pertaining to, or resembling an abyss; bottomless; unending; profound)
:: бездънен
abyss {n} (hell, bottomless pit)
:: бездна {f}, пропаст {f}
abyss {n} (bottomless or unfathomed depth)
:: бездна {f}, пропаст {f}
abyssal {adj} (belonging to the ocean depths)
:: дълбоководен
Abyssinian {adj} (of or pertaining to Abyssinia)
:: абисински {m}
Abyssinian {n} (a native of Abyssinia)
:: абисинец {m}, абисинка {f}
acacia {n} (shrub or tree)
:: акация
academic {adj} (belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning)
:: академичен
academic {adj} (scholarly; literary or classical, in distinction from scientific)
:: академичен
academic {n} (senior member of an academy, college, or university)
:: академик {m}
academy {n} (learned society)
:: академия
academy {n} (specialized school)
:: академия {f}
academy {n} (place of training, school)
:: школа
acajou {n} (wood from trees of Meliaceae family) SEE: mahogany
acajou {n} (cashew tree) SEE: cashew
acajou {n} (cashew nut) SEE: cashew nut
acanthus {n} (plant)
:: акантус, синя шапка
acanthus {n} (ornament)
:: акант
acarpous {adj} (not producing fruit)
:: не носещ плодове
accede {v} (to join a group)
:: присъединявам се
accede {v} (to agree to a proposal or view)
:: приемам, съгласявам се
accede {v} (to enter upon an office or dignity)
:: встъпвам
accedie {n} (acedia) SEE: acedia
accelerate {v} (to cause to move faster)
:: ускорявам
accelerate {v} (to quicken natural or ordinary progression or process)
:: ускорявам
accelerate {v} (to become faster)
:: ускорявам се
acceleration {n} (act or state)
:: ускоряване
acceleration {n} (amount)
:: ускорение {n}
acceleration {n} ((physics))
:: ускорение {n}
accelerator {n} (one who, or that which, accelerates)
:: ускорител
accelerator {n} (device for causing acceleration)
:: ускорител
accelerator {n} (substance which speeds up chemical reactions)
:: катализатор
accelerator {n} (accelerator pedal)
:: педал за газта
accent {n} (stronger articulation)
:: ударение {n}
accent {n} (orthography: mark to indicate accent)
:: ударение {n}
accent {n} (distinctive pronunciation associated with a region, social group, etc.)
:: акцент {m}, произношение {n}
accent {n} (expressions, speech)
:: произношение {n}
accent {n} (prosody: stress on syllables of a verse)
:: ритъм {m}
accent {n} (music: special emphasis on a tone)
:: акцент {m}
accent {n} (music: rhythmical accent)
:: акцент {m}
accent {n} (music: expressive emphasis of a passage)
:: акцент {m}
accent {n} (math: mark to distinguish magnitudes of similar kind)
:: акцент {m}
accent {v} (to emphasize)
:: подчертавам, акцентирам
accent {v} (to express the accent of) SEE: accentuate
accent {v} (to mark with written accents) SEE: accentuate
accentuate {v} (to pronounce with an accent)
:: акцентувам, поставям ударение {pf}
accentuate {v} (to bring out distinctly)
:: подчертавам, акцентирам
accentuate {v} (to mark with a written accent)
:: поставям ударение
accept {v} (to receive with consent)
:: приемам
accept {v} (to agree to)
:: съгласявам се, разбирам
accept {v} (to endure patiently)
:: понасям
accept {v} (to agree to pay)
:: акцептирам
acceptability {n} (acceptableness)
:: приемливост, допустимост
acceptable {adj} (capable, worthy or sure of being accepted)
:: приемлив, допустим
acceptance {n} (act of accepting)
:: приемане
acceptance {n} (assent and engagement by person on whom bill of exchange is drawn)
:: акцептиране
acceptance {n} (agreeing which results in a legally binding contract)
:: съгласие
acceptancy {n} (acceptance) SEE: acceptance
access {n} (way or means of approaching)
:: достъп {m}
access {n} (act of approaching or entering)
:: достъп {m}, подход
access {n} (right or ability of approaching or entering)
:: достъп
access {n} (onset, attack or fit of disease)
:: пристъп
accessibility {n} (the quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach)
:: достъпност, достижимост
accessible {adj} (easy of access or approach)
:: достъпен, достижим, достъпен
accessible {adj} (obtainable)
:: постижим
accessible {adj} (open to the influence of)
:: податлив
accessible {adj} (easily understood)
:: понятен
accessory {adj} (having a supplementary function)
:: спомагателен, допълнителен
accessory {adj} (assisting a crime)
:: съучастнически
accessory {n} (that which belongs to something else deemed the principal, attachment)
:: допълнение {n}, принадлежност {f}
accessory {n} (clothing accessory)
:: аксесоар {m}
accessory {n} (contributor to an offense)
:: съучастник {m}
accident {n} (unexpected event with negative consequences)
:: злополука {f}, катастрофа {f}, авария {f}
accident {n} (transport: unintended event that causes damage)
:: катастрофа
accident {n} (military: unplanned event resulting in injury)
:: инцидент
accidental {adj} (happening by chance)
:: случаен, неочакван
accidental {n} (a property which is not essential)
:: несъществено качество
acclaim {v} (to shout applause)
:: акламирам, одобрявам бурно
acclaim {v} (to applaud)
:: аплодирам
acclaim {v} (to declare by acclamations)
:: провъзгласявам
acclamation {n} (applause)
:: приветстване, аплодисменти
acclamation {n} (election of a standby)
:: провъзгласяване
acclimatize {v} (to get used to a new climate)
:: аклиматизирам се
acclimatize {v} (to make used to a new climate)
:: аклиматизирам
accoil {v} (nautical sense) SEE: coil
accolade {n} (an expression of approval; praise)
:: възхвала {f}
accolade {n} ((music) a brace used to join two or more staves)
:: аколада
accommodate {v}
:: приспособявам
accommodation {n} (lodging)
:: квартира {f}, жилище {n}
accommodation {n} (state of being fitted and adapted)
:: приспособяване
accommodation {n} (adjustment of the eye)
:: приспособяване, привикване
accompaniment {n} (music: that which gives support or adds to the background)
:: съпровод
accompaniment {n} (that which accompanies)
:: съпровод
accompany {v} (to perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition)
:: съпровождам
accompany {v} (to attend as a companion)
:: придружавам
accompany {v} (to perform an accompanying part next to another instrument)
:: съпровождам
accompany {v} (to keep company)
:: придружавам, съпровождам
accomplice {n} (associate in the commission of a crime)
:: съучастник {m}, съучастничка {f}
accomplish {v} (to finish successfully)
:: осъществявам
accomplish {v} (to complete, as time or distance)
:: завършвам
accomplish {v} (to bring to an issue of full success; to effect; to perform)
:: извършвам, осъществявам
accomplished {adj} (completed)
:: завършен, съвършен
accomplishment {n} (the act of accomplishing)
:: постижение {n}
accomplishment {n} (that which completes)
:: завършване {n}, изпълнение {n}
accord {n} (agreement or concurrence of opinion)
:: съгласие
accord {n} (harmony of sounds)
:: хармония
accord {n} (agreement, harmony, or just correspondence)
:: съгласие, мир, хармония
accord {v} (transitive: to make to agree or correspond)
:: съгласувам
accord {v} (transitive: to grant)
:: предлагам помощ
accordance {n} (agreement; harmony; conformity)
:: съгласие, съответствие
accordingly {adv} (agreeably; correspondingly; suitably; in a manner conformable)
:: съответно
accordingly {adv} (in natural sequence; consequently; so)
:: следователно
according to {prep} (based on statement)
:: според
according to {prep} (in proportion)
:: съответно, в съгласие с
accordion {n} (A small, portable, keyed wind instrument)
:: хармоника {f}, акордеон {m}
accost {v} (archaic or obsolete: to join side to side; to border)
:: акостирам
accost {v} (to speak to first, to address, to greet)
:: заговарям, обръщам се към
account {n} (a registry of pecuniary transactions)
:: сметка {f}
account {n} (a statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc.)
:: основание {n}
account {n} (a statement of facts or occurrences)
:: изложение {n}, описание {n}
account {n} (a statement and explanation or vindication)
:: обяснение {n}
account {n} ((archaic) reckoning, calculation)
:: сметка {f}
account {v} (credit (to)) SEE: credit
accountability {n} (state of being accountable)
:: отговорност
accountable {adj} (obliged to answer for one’s deeds)
:: отговорен
accountable {adj} (liable to be called on to render an account)
:: подотчетен
accountancy {n} (the profession of accounting)
:: счетоводство
accountant {n} (a reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s))
:: счетоводител {m}, счетоводителка {f}
accountant {n} (one whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another)
:: счетоводител {m}
accourage {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage
accoutre {v} (to equip, to attire, to array)
:: обличам, екипирам
accredit {v} (To put or bring into credit; to invest with credit or authority; to sanction)
:: упълномощавам
accredit {v} (To send with letters credential, as an ambassador, envoy, or diplomatic agent; to authorize, as a messenger or delegate.)
:: акредитирам
accredit {v} (To believe; to credit; to put trust in)
:: поверявам, доверявам
accrete {v} (to grow together)
:: сраствам се
accrete {v} (To adhere; to grow (to); to be added.)
:: прилепвам, нараствам
accrete {adj} (characterized by accretion)
:: сраснат
accrete {adj} ((botany) Grown together)
:: сраснат, срастнал се
accretion {n} (act of increasing by natural growth)
:: прираст, увеличение
accretion {n} (concretion; coherence of separate particles; as, the accretion of particles so as to form a solid mass)
:: , срастване
accrue {v} (increase)
:: нараствам
accrue {v} (to become an enforceable and permanent right)
:: полагам се
accumbent {adj} (leaning or reclining)
:: легнал, лежащ
accumulate {v} (to pile up)
:: натрупвам
accumulate {v} (to grow in number)
:: събирам се, увеличавам се
accumulation {n} (act of accumulating, the state of being accumulated)
:: натрупване
accumulator {n} (one who or that which accumulates)
:: акумулатор {m}
accuracy {n} (state of being accurate)
:: акуратност {f}, точност {f}, прецизност {f}
accurate {adj} (exact or careful conformity to truth)
:: точен, прецизен
accurse {v} (to devote to destruction; to imprecate misery or evil upon; to curse; to execrate; to anathematize)
:: проклинам
accursed {adj} (hateful)
:: проклет
accursed {adj} (archaic, theology: cursed)
:: прокълнат
accusation {n} (act of accusing or charging with a crime)
:: обвинение {n}
accusation {n} (that of which one is accused)
:: обвинение {n}
accusation {n} (declaration of fault or blame against another)
:: обвинение {n}
accusative {adj} (related to accusative case)
:: винителен
accusative {adj}
:: винителен
accusative {n} (accusative case)
:: винителен падеж {m}
accusative case {n} (case used to mark the immediate object) SEE: accusative
accusatory {adj} (pertaining to, or containing, an accusation)
:: обвинителен, обвиняващ
accuse {v} (attribute blame to someone)
:: обвинявам {impf}
accuser {n} (one who accuses)
:: обвинител {m}
accusingly {adv} (in an accusing manner)
:: укорително
accustom {v} (to make familiar by use)
:: свиквам
accustom {v} (cohabit) SEE: cohabit
accustomed {adj} (familiar)
:: свикнал
ace {n} (single point or spot on a card or die)
:: едно, единица {f}
ace {n} (card with a single spot)
:: асо, туз {m}
ace {n} (expert)
:: ас {m}
ace {n} (excellent military aircraft pilot)
:: ас {m}
acedia {n} (boredom) SEE: boredom
acedia {n} (sloth)
:: мързел
acedia {n} (apathy)
:: апатия, незаинтересованост
acerbate {v} (exasperate)
:: дразня, ядосвам
acerbic {adj} (sour or bitter)
:: стипчив, тръпчив
acerbic {adj} (sharp, biting)
:: саркастичен
acerbity {n} (sourness)
:: стипчивост, тръпчивост
acerbity {n} (harshness)
:: саркастичност
acescent {adj} (turning sour)
:: вкиснат
acetamide {n} (amide of acetic acid)
:: ацетамид, етанамид
acetate {n} (salt or ester of acetic acid)
:: ацетат {m}
acetate {n} (cellulose acetate) SEE: cellulose acetate
acetic {adj} (pertaining to vinegar)
:: оцетен
acetic {adj} (pertaining to acetic acid)
:: ацетилов
acetone {n} (the organic compound (CH3)2CO)
:: ацетон {m}
acetylene {n} (acetylene)
:: ацетилен
ache {v} (be in pain)
:: боли {impf}
ache {n} (dull pain)
:: болка {f}
Acheron {prop} (a river)
:: Ахерон {m}
achievable {adj} (capable of being achieved)
:: достижим, осъществим
achieve {v} (to carry out successfully; to accomplish)
:: осъществявам, реализирам
achieve {v} (to obtain, or gain as the result of exertion)
:: постигам, достигам
achievement {n} (act of achieving or performing)
:: постижение {n}, изпълнение {n}
achievement {n} (great or heroic deed)
:: подвиг {m}
Achilles {prop} (Greek mythical hero)
:: Ахил, Ахилес
Achilles heel {n} (vulnerability in an otherwise strong situation)
:: Ахилесова пета {f}
Achilles tendon {n} (strong tendon in the calf of the leg)
:: ахилесово сухожилие {n}
achoo {interj} (the sound of a sneeze)
:: апчиху!, апчих!
achromatic {adj} (optics: free from colour)
:: безцветен, неоцветен
achromatic {adj} (biology: uncoloured)
:: неоцветен
achromatic {adj} (music: having only the diatonic notes of the scale)
:: диатоничен
acicular {adj} (needle-shaped)
:: игловиден
acid {adj} (sour, sharp, or biting to the taste)
:: кисел
acid {adj} (sour-tempered)
:: кисел
acid {adj} (of or pertaining to an acid)
:: киселинен
acid {n} (a sour substance)
:: киселина
acid {n} (in chemistry)
:: киселина
acidification {n} (the act or process of making something sour (acidifying), or changing into an acid)
:: подкисляване {n}
acidify {v} (to make something acidic)
:: подкислявам
acidify {v} (to neutralize alkalis)
:: неутрализирам
acidity {n} (quality or state of being acid)
:: киселинност
acidness {n} (acidity) SEE: acidity
acidosis {n} (abnormally increased acidity of the blood)
:: ацидоза {f}
acid rain {n} (unusually acidic rain)
:: киселинен дъжд {m}
acid reflux {n} (heartburn) SEE: heartburn
acidulous {adj} (slightly sour)
:: възкисел
acknowledge {v} (to admit the knowledge of)
:: признавам {impf}
acknowledge {v} (to admit the claims or authority of)
:: признавам {impf}
acknowledge {v} (to own with gratitude)
:: признателен съм
acknowledge {v} (to notify receipt)
:: потвърждавам {impf}
acknowledgment {n} (act of acknowledging)
:: признание, потвърждение
acknowledgment {n} (act of owning or recognizing in a particular character or relationship)
:: признание
acknowledgment {n} (award)
:: отличие
acknowledgment {n} (act of a man admitting a child as his own)
:: припознаване
acknowledgment {n} (formal statement or document recognizing the fulfilment or execution of a legal requirement or procedure)
:: потвърждение
aclinic {adj} (without inclination)
:: хоризонтален
acme {n} (the highest point)
:: връхна точка
acme {n} (full bloom)
:: разцвет
acne {n} (a skin condition)
:: акне
aconite {n} (herb wolfsbane)
:: аконит {m}, самакитка {f}, шлемче {n}, омаяк {m}
acorn {n} (fruit of the oak tree)
:: жълъд {m}
acoustic {adj} (pertaining to hearing or the science of sounds)
:: слухов, акустичен
acoustic {adj} (producing or produced without electrical amplification)
:: акустичен
acoustics {n} (quality of a space for doing music)
:: акустика
acoustics {n} (physics: a science of sounds)
:: акустика
acquaint {v} (to furnish or give experimental knowledge of)
:: запознавам, известявам
acquaint {v} (to communicate notice to)
:: съобщавам
acquaint {v} (to familiarize; to accustom)
:: запознавам
acquaintance {n} (state of being acquainted, acquaintanceship)
:: познанство
acquaintance {n} (person)
:: познайник, познат {m}, позната {f}, познати {m-p} {f-p}, познайница {f}
acquaintanceship {n} (the state of being acquainted) SEE: acquaintance
acquaintanceship {n} (acquaintance) SEE: acquaintance
acquiesce {v} (rest satisfied)
:: съгласявам се мълчаливо
acquiesce {v} (concur upon conviction)
:: приемам
acquire {v} (to get)
:: придобивам
acquire {v} (to gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own)
:: постигам, спечелвам
acquit {v} (to discharge (for example, a claim or debt))
:: освобождавам, (от задължение)
acquit {v} (to discharge, release, or set free from a burden, duty, etc.)
:: плащам, дълг
acquit {v} (to clear oneself)
:: държа се
acquit {v} ((obsolete) to release, rescue)
:: освобождавам
acquittal {n} (legal decision of not guilty)
:: оправдаване
acrid {adj} (sharp and harsh, or bitter and not to the taste; pungent)
:: остър, лугав
acrid {adj} (caustic; bitter; bitterly irritating)
:: рязък, язвителен
acrimonious {adj} (angry, acid, and sharp in delivering argumentative replies)
:: язвителен, жлъчен, хаплив
acrobatics {n} (art of performing acrobatic feats)
:: акробатика {f}
acrocyanosis {n} (acrocyanosis)
:: акроцианоза {f}
acromegaly {n} (chronic disease marked by enlargement of the bones)
:: акромегалия {f}
acrophobia {n} (fear of heights)
:: страх от височина {m}
Acropolis {prop}
:: Акропол
across {prep} (from the far side)
:: през
across {adv} (from one side to the other)
:: през
across {adv} (on the other side)
:: оттатък
across {adv} (crosswords: horizontally)
:: водоравно
acrylate {n} (salt or ester of acrylic acid)
:: акрилат
act {n} (deed)
:: действие {n}
act {n} (statute)
:: закон {m}
act {n} (process of doing)
:: постъпка {f}, деяние {n}
act {n} (formal record of something done)
:: документ {m}
act {n} (drama: division of theatrical performance)
:: действие {n}, акт {m}
act {v} (to do something)
:: правя, върша
act {v} (to perform a theatrical role)
:: играя
act {v} (to behave in a certain way)
:: държа се, постъпвам
act {v} (to respond to information)
:: действам
act {v} (to have an effect on)
:: въздействам
act {v} (to feign) SEE: feign
actinium {n} (chemical element)
:: актиний {m}
actinometer {n} (measuring device)
:: актинометър {m}
action {n} (something done so as to accomplish a purpose)
:: действие {n}, дейност {f}
action {n} (way of motion or functioning)
:: движение {n}
action {n} (fast-paced activity)
:: екшън {m}
action {n} (mechanism)
:: механизъм {m}
action {n} (military: combat)
:: бой {m}, сражение {n}
action {n} (law: a charge)
:: иск
action word {n} (verb) SEE: verb
activate {v} (to put into operation)
:: пускам, активирам
activate {v} (to activate a software functionality) SEE: enable
activation {n} (making active)
:: активиране {n}
active {adj} (having the quality or power of acting)
:: деен, активен
active {adj} (quick in physical movement)
:: активен, енергичен
active {adj} (in action)
:: активен, действащ
active {adj} (given to action)
:: активен, деятелен
active {adj} (brisk; lively)
:: енергичен
active {adj} (in grammar)
:: деятелен, действителен, активен
active voice {n} (the form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action)
:: деятелен залог {m}
activist {n} (one who is politically active)
:: активист {m}, активистка {f}
activistic {adj} (activist) SEE: activist
activity {n} (state or quality of being active)
:: активност {f}
activity {n} (something done as an action or a movement)
:: дейност {f}
activity {n} (something done for pleasure or entertainment)
:: активност {f}
actor {n} (person who performs in a theatrical play or film, see also: actress)
:: актьор {m}, артист {m}, актриса {f}, артистка {f}
actor {n} (one who acts; a doer)
:: извършител {m}
actor {n} (one who takes part in a situation)
:: участник
actor {n} (plaintiff) SEE: plaintiff
actress {n} (female actor, see also: actor)
:: актриса {f}, артистка {f}
actual {adj} (existing in act or reality, not just potentially)
:: реален, действителен
actual {adj} (factual, real, not just apparent or even false)
:: реален
actual {adj} (in action at the time being)
:: сегашен, актуален
actual {adj} (emphasise a noun)
:: действителен
actually {adv} (In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively)
:: всъщност, в действителност
actuate {v} (to activate; put into motion)
:: задвижвам, възбуждам
actuate {v} (to incite to action)
:: подбуждам към действие
acumen {n} (quickness of perception)
:: проницателност, прозорливост
acuminate {adj} (tapering to a point)
:: заострен
acupuncturation {n} (acupuncture) SEE: acupuncture
acupuncture {n} (insertion of needles for remedial purposes)
:: акупунктура {f}
acute {adj} (intense, sensitive, sharp, see also: intense; sensitive; sharp)
:: интензивен
acute {adj} (urgent, see also: urgent)
:: остър
acute {adj} ((geometry) of an angle: less than 90 degrees)
:: остър
acute {adj} ((medicine) of an abnormal condition of recent or sudden onset)
:: остър, акутен
acute {adj} ((medicine) of a short-lived condition)
:: остър, акутен
acute {adj} ((geometry) of a triangle: having all internal angles acute) SEE: acute-angled
acute-angled {adj} (geometry)
:: остроъгълен
acyclic {adj} (not cyclic)
:: нецикличен
AD {adv} (anno Domini)
:: сл. Хр. (след Xpиста)
adage {n} (old saying)
:: пословица, поговорка
Adam and Eve {prop} (the first man and woman (according to Genesis))
:: Адам и Ева {p}
adamant {adj} (determined; unshakeable; unyielding)
:: твърд, неподатлив, непреклонен
adamite {n} (mineral)
:: адамит
Adamite {n}
:: нудист
Adam's apple {n} (Citrus medica) SEE: citron
Adam's apple {n} (lump in the throat)
:: Адамова ябълка {f}
adapt {v} (to make suitable)
:: приспособявам, приспособявам се
adapt {v} (to fit by alteration)
:: нагласям
adapt {v} (to make by altering)
:: преработвам
adapt {adj} (adapted (adjective))
:: подходящ
adaptability {n} (quality of being adaptable; a quality that renders adaptable)
:: приспособимост
adaptability {n} (variability in respect to, or under the influence of, external conditions)
:: изменчивост
adaptable {adj} (capable of adapting or of being adapted)
:: приспособим
adaptation {n} (process of adapting)
:: приспособяване {n}, пригаждане {n}, адаптация {f}
adapter {n} (device to allow compatibility (in general))
:: адаптор, преходен детайл
adapter {n} (device allowing more plugs at an outlet)
:: удължител, разклонител
adapter {n} (device allowing plug to fit in an outlet of different type)
:: преходник {m}, приставка {f}
add {v} (to append, as a statement)
:: добавям
add {v} (to make an addition)
:: прибавям, разширявам
add {v} (to perform the arithmetical operation of addition, to add up)
:: прибавям, сумирам
addendum {n} (something to be added)
:: прибавка {f}, допълнение {n}
adder {n} (snake)
:: змия
adder {n} (viper)
:: пепелянка
addict {n} (person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug)
:: наркоман
addict {n} (adherent or fan)
:: привърженик
addict {v} (to cause to become addicted)
:: пристрастявам
addict {v} (to involve oneself)
:: пристрастявам се, навиквам
addiction {n} (the state of being addicted)
:: зависимост, пристрастеност
addiction {n} (a habit or practice)
:: навик
addition {n} (act of adding)
:: прибавяне {n}
addition {n} (thing added)
:: добавка {f}, прибавка {f}
addition {n} (arithmetic: process of adding)
:: събиране {n}
additional {adj} (Supplemental or added to)
:: допълнителен
addition sign {n} (plus sign) SEE: plus sign
additive {n} (substance added to another substance to produce certain properties)
:: добавка {f}
addle {v} (To make addle)
:: развалям, вмирисвам
addle {v} (to grow addle)
:: развалям се, вмирисвам се
add-on {n}
:: допълнение, допълнително количество
address {n} (direction for letters)
:: адрес {m}
address {n} (act of addressing oneself to a person)
:: обръщение {n}
address {n} (romantic advance)
:: ухажване {n}
address {n} (description of the location of a property)
:: адрес {m}
address {n} (computing: location in computer memory)
:: адрес {m}
address {v} (reflexively: to prepare oneself)
:: заемам се
address {v} (to direct, as words)
:: обръщам се {impf}
address {v} (to direct speech to)
:: обръщам се {impf}
address {v} (to direct in writing)
:: адресирам {impf} {pf}
address {v} (to make suit to as a lover)
:: ухажвам
addressee {n} (person or organization to which something is addressed or sent)
:: получател {m}
adduce {v} (to bring forward or offer, as an argument, passage, or consideration)
:: привеждам, изтъквам
add up {v} (be reasonable or consistent) SEE: make sense
Adelaide {prop} (state capital of South Australia)
:: Аделейд {m}
adenoid {n} (folds of lymphatic tissue covered by ciliated epithelium)
:: сливици
adept {adj} (well skilled)
:: умел, вещ, опитен
adept {n} (one fully skilled or well versed in anything)
:: специалист, познавач
adequacy {n} (sufficiency)
:: адекватност {f}
adequate {adj} (equal to some requirement)
:: адекватен, съответен, съразмерен
adhan {n} ((Islam) The call to prayer)
:: езан
adhere {v} (To stick fast or cleave)
:: прилепвам, прилепвам се
adhere {v} (To hold, be attached, or be devoted)
:: оставам верен
adhere {v} (To be consistent or coherent; to be in accordance; to agree)
:: спазвам, съблюдавам
adherence {n} (union of two objects)
:: сцепление
adherence {n} (support for a cause)
:: привързаност
adherent {adj} (adhesive)
:: лепкав
adherent {adj} (that has the quality of clinging)
:: прилепнал
adherent {n} (a person who has membership in some group)
:: привърженик
adhesion {n} (ability of a substance to stick to an unlike substance)
:: сцепление
adhesion {n} (abnormal union of surface)
:: срастване
adhesive {adj}
:: лепкав, леплив
adhesive {n} (substance that provides or promotes adhesion)
:: лепило
ad hoc {adj} (special) SEE: special
ad hoc {adj} (impromptu) SEE: impromptu
adieu {interj} (farewell, goodbye) SEE: goodbye
Adige {prop} (river in South Tyrol)
:: Адидже {n}
ad infinitum {adv} (endlessly)
:: до безкрайност, безкрайно
adios {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye
adipose {adj} (containing, composed of, or consisting of fat)
:: тлъст, мастен
adipose {n} (animal fat stored in the tissue of the body)
:: тлъстина
adipose tissue {n} (tissue)
:: мастна тъкан {f}
adiposis {n} (accumulation of adipose tissue)
:: дебелина, тлъстина
adiposity {n}
:: тлъстина
adjacency {n} (the quality of being adjacent, or near enough so as to touch)
:: съседство, непосредствена близост
adjacent {adj} (lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring)
:: близък, съседен, допиращ се
adjacent {adj} (just before, after, or facing)
:: съседен
Adjaran {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Adjara or its people)
:: аджарски
Adjaran {n} (person)
:: аджарец {m}, аджарка {f}, аджарче {n}
adjective {n} ((grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent)
:: прилагателно име {n}, прилагателно {n}
adjoin {v} (to be in contact or connection with)
:: гранича, допирам се
adjoint {n} (matrix)
:: спрегнат, свързан
adjourn {v} (to postpone)
:: отлагам, отсрочвам
adjourn {v} (to defer)
:: прекъсвам, правя пауза
adjourn {v} (to end or suspend an event)
:: закривам
adjourn {v} (to move from one place to another)
:: премествам
adjudge {v} (to award judicially; to assign)
:: отсъждам, присъждам
adjudicate {v} (to settle a legal case or other dispute)
:: отсъждам
adjudicate {v} (to act as a judge)
:: присъждам, решавам дело
adjudication {n} (judgment)
:: отсъждане, присъждане
adjunct {n} (appendage)
:: притурка, приложение
adjunction {n}
:: съединение
adjure {v}
:: карам
adjust {v} (to modify)
:: нагласявам, приспособявам
adjust {v} (to improve or rectify)
:: оправям
adjustable {adj} (capable of being adjusted)
:: нагласяем, регулируем
adjustment {n} (result of adjusting, small change)
:: нагласяване {n}, приспособяване {n}, настройка {f}
adminicle {n} (aid) SEE: aid
adminicle {n} (auxiliary) SEE: auxiliary
administer {v} (to cause to take by openly offering or through deceit)
:: предписвам
administer {v} (to work in an administrative capacity; to supervise)
:: ръководя, управлявам
administrate {v} (administer) SEE: administer
administration {n} (the act of administering)
:: управление {n}, ръководство {n}
administration {n} (the executive part of government)
:: администрация {f}
administrative {adj} (of or relating to administering or administration)
:: административен, управителен
administrator {n} (one who administers affairs)
:: управител, ръководител
administrator {n} (law: one to whom the right of administration has been committed)
:: опекун
administrator {n} (computing: one who responsible for software and maintenance of a computer or network)
:: администратор
admirable {adj} (deserving of the highest esteem or admiration)
:: възхитителен
admiral {n} (naval officer of the highest rank)
:: адмирал
admiral {n} (the ship which carries the admiral, the flagship)
:: флагман
admiral {n} (butterfly)
:: адмирал
admiralty {n} (office or jurisdiction)
:: адмиралтейство
admiration {n} (adoration; appreciation)
:: възхищение {n}
admire {v} (regard with wonder and delight)
:: възхищавам се {impf}, любувам се {impf}
admirer {n} (one who admires)
:: поклонник, обожател
admissible {adj} (capable or deserving to be admitted, accepted or allowed; allowable, permissible, acceptable)
:: допустим, приемлив
admission {n} (the act or practice of admitting)
:: приемане
admission {n} (power or permission to enter)
:: достъп, вход
admission {n} ((law) acquiescence or concurrence in a statement made by another)
:: признание
admission {n} (a fact, point, or statement admitted)
:: признание
admit {v} (to allow to enter; to grant entrance)
:: допускам {impf}, пускам да влезе
admit {v} (to allow (one) to enter on an office or to enjoy a privilege)
:: позволявам {impf}, допускам {impf}
admit {v} (to concede as true)
:: признавам {impf}
admittance {n} (act of admitting)
:: приемане
admittance {n} (permission to enter, the power or right of entrance)
:: достъп, вход
admittance {n} (physics: reciprocal of impedance)
:: пълна проводимост
admixture {n} (mixture)
:: смес, примес
admonish {v} (warn or notify of a fault; exhort)
:: съветвам, поучавам
admonish {v} (warn against danger or an offense)
:: предупреждавам
admonitory {adj} (Of or pertaining to an admonition)
:: предупредителен
adnate {adj} (linked or fused)
:: сраснат
adobe {n} (unburnt brick)
:: кирпич
adolescence {n} (period between childhood and maturity)
:: юношество
adolescent {adj} (characteristic of adolescence)
:: юношески
adolescent {n} (a teenager)
:: юноша, девойка
adopt {v} (to take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen)
:: осиновявам {impf}, осиновя {pf}
adopt {v} (to take or receive as one's own what is not so naturally)
:: усвоявам
adoptee {n}
:: осиновен
adoption {n} (act of adopting, or state of being adopted)
:: осиновяване
adoption {n} (choosing and making that to be one's own which originally was not so)
:: усвояване
adorable {adj} (befitting of being adored)
:: обожаем
adore {v} (worship)
:: боготворя
adore {v} (love with entire heart and soul)
:: обожавам
adorn {v} (to make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate)
:: украсявам, окичвам
adornment {n} (a decoration; that which adorns)
:: украса, украшение, декорация
adornment {n} (the act of decorating)
:: украсяване, кичене
Adriatic {prop} (Adriatic Sea) SEE: Adriatic Sea
Adriatic Sea {prop} (sea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice)
:: Адриатическо море {n}
adroit {adj} (dexterous) SEE: dexterous
adsorb {v} (to accumulate on a surface)
:: адсорбирам
adsorption {n} (process of forming a film on the surface of a solid)
:: адсорбция
adulation {n} (Flattery; fulsome praise)
:: ласкателство
adult {n} (fully grown human)
:: възрастен {m}, възрастна {f}
adult {adj} (fully grown)
:: възрастен, пълнолетен
adult {adj} (intended for adults)
:: за възрастни
adulterer {n} (husband or wife who commits adultery)
:: прелюбодеец
adulterous {adj} (of or characterized by adultery)
:: блуден, извънбрачен
adultery {n} (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse)
:: прелюбодеяние {n}
advance {v} (to bring forward; to move towards the front; to make to go on)
:: напредвам
advance {v} (to raise to a higher rank; to promote)
:: повишавам
advance {v} (to accelerate the growth or progress; to further; to forward)
:: развивам
advance {v} (to bring to view or notice; to offer or propose)
:: предлагам
advance {v} (to furnish, as money or other value, before it becomes due)
:: предплащам, авансирам, аванс {m}
advance {n} (forward move)
:: напредък
advance {n} (amount of money)
:: аванс, заем
advanced {adj} (at or close to state of the art)
:: напреднал
advanced {adj} (late)
:: напреднал
advancement {n} (state of being advanced)
:: прогрес, повишение
advantage {n} (any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success)
:: предимство {n}, преимущество {n}
advantage {n} (superiority; mastery)
:: предимство {n}
advantage {v} (to provide with an edge)
:: подпомагам, благоприятствам
advantageous {adj} (being of advantage, see also: beneficial)
:: изгоден, благоприятен
advent {n} (coming, arrival)
:: поява, идване
advent {n} (Christianity) SEE: Advent
Advent {prop} (coming of the Christ)
:: пришествие {n}
adventitious {adj}
:: добавъчен, добавен отвън, придобит
adventure {n} (encountering of risks)
:: авантюра {f}, приключение {n}
adventure {n} (remarkable occurrence)
:: приключение {n}, събитие {n}
adventure {n} (that which happens without design)
:: авантюра {f}, приключение {n}
adventure {v}
:: рискувам, осмелявам се
adventurer {n} (one who enjoys adventures)
:: авантюрист
adventurous {adj} (inclined to adventure)
:: рискован, авантюристичен
adventurous {adj} (full of hazard)
:: рискован, опасен
adverb {n} (lexical category)
:: наречие {n}
adverbial participle {n} (linguistic sense)
:: деепричастие {n}
adversary {n} (opponent)
:: противник {m}, противница {f}, противничка {f}, неприятел {m}, неприятелка {f}, съперник {m}, съперница {f}, съперничка {f}
adverse {adj} (unfavourable)
:: неблагоприятен
adverse {adj} (contrary, hostile)
:: враждебен, противопоставящ се
adverse {adj} (opposite)
:: обратен
adversity {n} (state of being adverse)
:: беда, несполука
adversity {n} (adverse event)
:: беда {f}
advert {n} (advertisement) SEE: advertisement
advert {v} (To turn attention)
:: споменавам, обръщам внимание
advertently {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose
advertise {v} ((transitive) to give public notice of; to announce publicly)
:: обявявам, информирам
advertise {v} ((intransitive) to provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others)
:: рекламирам
advertise {v} ((transitive) to provide public information about (a product, services etc.))
:: рекламирам
advertisement {n} (commercial solicitation)
:: реклама {f}, рекламна обява {f},
advertisement {n} (public notice)
:: обявление {n}, обява {f}
advertising {n} (industry or profession)
:: реклама {f}
advice {n} (opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel)
:: съвет {m}, препоръка {f}
advice {n} (information or notice given)
:: известие {n}, съобщение {n}
advisable {adj} (worthy of being recommended)
:: желателен, препоръчителен
advisatory {adj} (advisory) SEE: advisory
advise {v} (to give advice to; to offer an opinion; to counsel; to warn)
:: съветвам {impf}, препоръчвам {impf}
advise {v} (to give information or notice to; to inform)
:: съобщавам {impf}, известявам {impf}
advised {adj} (considered or thought out; resulting from deliberation)
:: обмислен
advised {adj} (informed, appraised or made aware)
:: осведомен
adviser {n} (advisor) SEE: advisor
advisor {n}
:: съветник {m}, консултант {m}
advisory {adj} (able to give advice)
:: съвещателен, консултативен
advisory {n} (A warning)
:: предупреждение
advocacy {n} (the profession of an advocate)
:: адвокатство {n}
advocacy {n} (the act of arguing in favour of, or supporting something)
:: защита, застъпничество {n}
advocacy {n} (the practice of supporting someone to make their voice heard)
:: подкрепа {f}
advocate {n} (person who argues the case of another)
:: адвокат {m}, адвокатка {f}
advocate {n} (person who speaks in support of something)
:: защитник, поддръжник
advocate {v} (encourage support for)
:: застъпвам се за
Adygei {prop} (Adygei) SEE: Adyghe
Adyghe {prop} (language spoken in the Republic of Adygea)
:: адиге
adze {n} (cutting tool)
:: тесла {f}
Aegean {prop} (Aegean Sea) SEE: Aegean Sea
Aegean {adj} (of or relating to the Aegean Sea)
:: егейски
Aegean Sea {prop} (sea of the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea)
:: Егейско море {n}
aegis {n} (mythological shield)
:: Егида
aegis {n} (guidance, protection)
:: закрила, покровителство
aerate {v} (to supply with oxygen or air)
:: газирам, снабдявам с кислород
aerial {adj} (taking place in the air)
:: въздушен, атмосферен
aerial {n} (device for receiving or transmitting)
:: антена {f}
aerialist {n} (acrobat performing high off the ground) SEE: tightrope walker
aerodonetics {n} (study of the stability of aircraft in flight)
:: планеризъм
Aeroflot {prop} (Russian airline)
:: Аерофлот {m}
aerography {n}
:: метеорология
aerolite {n} (a meteorite consisting of silicate minerals)
:: аеролит {m}
aerometer {n} (instrument used to measure mass and density of gases)
:: аерометър {m}
aeronautics {n} (mechanics and science of aircraft)
:: въздухоплаване {n}, аеронавтика {f}
aeroplane {n} (airplane) SEE: airplane
aerostat {n} (aircraft)
:: аеростат {m}
aerostat {n} (balloon)
:: въздушен балон {m}
aerostat {n}
:: аеростат {m}
aerugo {n} (metallic rust)
:: патина
Aesop {prop} (ancient Greek author)
:: Езоп {m}
aesthesia {n} (ability to perceive sensations)
:: възприятие
aesthetic {adj} (concerned with beauty)
:: естетичен, изящен
aesthetic {n} (the study of art or beauty) SEE: aesthetics
aesthetics {n} (study or philosophy of beauty)
:: естетика {f}
a few {pron} (a small number of things)
:: няколко
affable {adj} (friendly, courteous, sociable)
:: приветлив, вежлив, любезен, внимателен
affair {n} (that which is done or is to be done)
:: работа, дело
affair {n} (action or engagement not of sufficient magnitude to be called a battle)
:: схватка
affair {n} (material object (vaguely designated))
:: въпрос
affair {n} (adulterous relationship)
:: връзка
affect {v} (to influence or alter)
:: действам, въздействам
affect {v} (to move to emotion)
:: засягам, вълнувам
affect {v} (to infect or harm)
:: поразявам
affect {v} (to make a false display of)
:: преструвам се, имитирам
affect {n} (psychology: feeling in response to a stimulus)
:: афект {m}
affectation {n} (an attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real)
:: преструване {n}
affectation {n} (an unusual mannerism)
:: превземане {n}
affecting {adj} (producing strong emotions)
:: трогателен
affection {n} (state of being affected)
:: привързаност, обич
affection {n} (feeling of love or strong attachment)
:: обич
affectionate {adj} (loving)
:: любящ, нежен
Affenpinscher {n} (Affenpinscher)
:: афенпинчер {m}
affiance {v} (to be betrothed to)
:: вричам се, сгодявам се
affiliate {v} (to adopt) SEE: adopt
affiliate {n} (something that is affiliated)
:: съдружник, филиал
affiliate {v} (to fix the paternity of)
:: осиновявам
affiliate {v} (to attach (to) or unite (with))
:: присъединявам (се), сдружавам(се)
affiliation {n} (The relationship resulting from affiliating one thing with another)
:: сдружаване
affiliation {n} (A club, society or umbrella organisation so formed, especially a trade union)
:: сдружение
affinity {n} (attraction between atoms)
:: афинитет {m}
affinity {n} (attraction between an antibody and an antigen)
:: афинитет {m}
affirm {v}
:: твърдя, заявявам
affirmance {n} (affirmation) SEE: affirmation
affirmation {n} (that which is affirmed)
:: твърдение, уверение
affirmative {adj} (pertaining to truth)
:: утвърдителен
affirmative {adj} (positive)
:: положителен
affix {n} (that which is affixed)
:: прибавка, придатък
affix {n} (linguistics: a bound morpheme added to a word’s stem)
:: наставка
affix {v} (to attach)
:: прикрепям, закрепвам
affix {n} (suffix) SEE: suffix
afflatus {n} (sudden rush of creative impulse or inspiration)
:: вдъхновение
afflict {v} (To cause pain to)
:: измъчвам, причинявам болка
affliction {n} (a state of pain, suffering, distress or agony)
:: болка, измъчване, огорчение
afflictive {adj} (that causes physical or mental pain)
:: болезнен, мъчителен
affluence {n} (abundance of wealth)
:: богатство {n}, охолство {n}
affluent {n} (someone wealthy)
:: богаташ {m}
affluent {adj} (abundant)
:: изобилен
affluent {adj} (abounding in goods or riches; materially wealthy)
:: богат, охолен
affluent {adj} (tributary)
:: вливащ се
affluent {n} (tributary) SEE: tributary
afford {v} (to incur, stand, or bear)
:: позволявам си, имам средства да купя
afford {v} (to offer, provide, or supply)
:: давам, доставям, принасям (полза)
afforest {v} (make into a forest)
:: залесявам
afforestation {n} (creating a forest)
:: залесяване
affray {n} (a sudden assault or quarrel)
:: сбиване {n}
affreight {v} (to hire for the transportation of freight)
:: фрахтувам
affreightment {n} (hire a vessel for cargo)
:: фрахтуване
affront {v} (to insult intentionally, especially openly)
:: оскърбявам
affront {v} (to meet defiantly; confront)
:: излизам насреща на
affront {n} (open or intentional offense, slight, or insult)
:: обида, оскърбление
affusion {n} (pouring of liquid)
:: обливане
affusion {n} (a method of Christian baptism)
:: обливане, обредно поливане
Afghan hound {n} (Afghan Hound) SEE: Afghan Hound
Afghan Hound {n} (Afghan Hound)
:: афганска хрътка {f}
Afghanistan {prop} (country)
:: Афганистан {m}
afire {adj} (literally on fire)
:: пламнал, запален
aflame {adj} (in flames, on fire)
:: пламнал, в пламъци
afloat {adv} (floating)
:: плуващ
afloat {adv} (at sea)
:: на вода, по море
afoot {adv}
:: пеша, на крак
aforementioned {adj} (previously mentioned)
:: гореспоменат
aforesaid {adj} (previously stated)
:: гореспоменат
aforethought {adj} (premeditated; planned ahead of time)
:: предумишлен
aforetime {adj} (formerly)
:: преди, някога
afraid {adj} (impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive)
:: изплашен
afresh {adv} (anew; again)
:: отново, наново
Africa {prop} (continent south of Europe)
:: Африка {f}
African {adj} (language) SEE: Afrikaans
African {adj} (of or pertaining to Africa)
:: африкански
African {n} (a native of Africa)
:: африканец {m}, африканка {f}
African hunting dog {n} (Lycaon pictus)
:: хиеново куче
African wild dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog
a friend in need is a friend indeed {proverb} (someone who helps you in your time of need is a real friend)
:: приятел в нужда се познава
Afrikaans {prop} (language)
:: африканс {m}
Afrikaans {prop}
:: Африкански, африкаанс
aft {adv} (at, near, or towards the stern)
:: назад, към кърмата
after {prep} (subsequently; following in time; later than)
:: след, подир
after {prep} (behind)
:: зад
after {prep} (in pursuit of, seeking)
:: следващ
after {prep} (in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing)
:: по, според
after {prep} (next in importance or rank)
:: след
after {prep}
:: след
after {conj} (Signifies that the action of its clause takes place before the action of the other clause)
:: след като
after-effect {n} (after-effect) SEE: aftereffect
aftereffect {n} (delayed effect)
:: последица, последствие
afternoon {n} (part of the day between noon and evening)
:: следобед {m}
afters {n}
:: десерт
aftertime {n} (a later time)
:: бъдеще
afterward {adv} (afterwards) SEE: afterwards
afterwards {adv} (at a later or succeeding time)
:: след това, впоследствие
afterword {n} (appendix) SEE: appendix
afterword {n} (epilogue)
:: послеслов {m}
again {adv} (another time)
:: повторно, отново, пак
against {prep} (in a contrary direction to)
:: обратно на, против {m}
against {prep} (close to)
:: до
against {prep} (in front of; before a background)
:: на фона на
against {prep} (in opposition to)
:: против {m}
against {prep} (in contrast or comparison with)
:: срещу
against {prep} (in exchange for)
:: за
against {prep} (as counterbalance to)
:: срещу
against {prep} (as protection from)
:: против
against all odds {prep} (despite seemingly insurmountable opposition or probability)
:: въпреки всичко
agate {n} (mineral)
:: ахат {m}
Agatha {prop} (female given name)
:: Агафия {f}
agave {n} (genus)
:: агаве, столетник
age {n} (century) SEE: century
age {n} (whole duration of a being)
:: възраст {f}
age {n} (one of the stages of life)
:: възраст {f}
age {n} (particular period of time in history)
:: епоха {f}
age {n} (great period in the history of the Earth)
:: ера
age {n} (people who live during a particular period)
:: поколение
age {n} (generation, see also: generation)
:: поколение
age {n} (part of the duration of a being or thing between its beginning and any given time)
:: възраст {f}
age {n} (advanced period of life; latter part of life)
:: възраст {m}, старост {f}
age {n} (time of life at which one attains full personal rights and capacities)
:: пълнолетие
age {v} (transitive: cause to grow old)
:: състарявам
age {v} (intransitive: become old)
:: остарявам
ageful {n} (eternity) SEE: eternity
ageful {adj} (aged, old) SEE: elderly
age limit {n} (restriction based on age)
:: възрастова граница {f}
agency {n} (capacity of acting or of exerting power)
:: действие, въздействие
agency {n} (office of an agent, or relation between a principal and his agent)
:: посредничество, агентство
agency {n} (establishment engaged in doing business for another)
:: агенция
agenda {n} (temporally organized plan)
:: програма {f}, дневен ред {m}
agent {n} (one who acts in place of another)
:: представител {m}, посредник {m}, агент {m}
agent {n} (active power or cause)
:: действаща сила
agglomeration {n} (act of collecting in a mass)
:: струпване, натрупване
agglomeration {n} (state of being collected in a mass)
:: агломерат
agglomeration {n} (extended city area)
:: конгломерат
agglutination {n} (act of uniting by glue or other tenacious substance)
:: слепване
aggravate {v} (To make worse, or more severe)
:: влошавам, утежнявам
aggravate {v} (To exasperate; to provoke; to irritate)
:: ядосвам
aggravation {n} (act of aggravating)
:: влошаване, утежняване
aggregate {n} (a mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars)
:: агрегат, съвкупност
aggregate {n} (a mass formed by the union of homogeneous particles)
:: агрегат
aggregate {n} (solid particles of low aspect ratio added to a composite material)
:: пълнител
aggregate {adj} (Formed by a collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum)
:: общ, сумарен
aggregate {adj} (consisting or formed of smaller objects or parts)
:: съставен
aggregate {v} (To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum)
:: съединявам
aggregate {v} (To add or unite, as, a person, to an association)
:: присъединявам се
aggression {n} (act of initiating hostilities or invasion)
:: агресия {f}, нападение {n}
aggression {n} (the practice or habit of launching attacks)
:: агресивност {f}
aggressive {adj} (tending or disposed to aggress)
:: нападателен, агресивен
aggressiveness {n} (state or quality being aggressive)
:: агресивност {f}
aggressor {n} (the person or country that first attacks or makes an aggression)
:: агресор {m}, агресорка {m}, нападател {m}, нападателка {f}
aggrieve {v}
:: увреждам, накърнявам
agha {n} (an honorific for high officials used in Turkey and certain Muslim countries)
:: ага {m}
aghast {adj} (terrified)
:: ужасен, слисан
agile {adj} (having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs)
:: подвижен, пъргав, чевръст
agilely {adv} (in an agile manner)
:: пъргаво, чевръсто, ловко
agility {n} (quality of being agile)
:: подвижност {f}, чевръстост {f}
aging {n} (the process of becoming older or more mature)
:: стареене
aging {adj} (becoming elderly)
:: застаряващ
agitate {v} (to move with a violent, irregular action)
:: разбърквам
agitate {v} (to move or actuate)
:: раздвижвам
agitate {v} (to stir up, to disturb or excite)
:: вълнувам, възбуждам
agitation {n} (act of agitating)
:: вълнение, възбуда, бъркане, агитация
agitator {n} (one who agitates)
:: агитатор
agitator {n} (implement for shaking or mixing)
:: бъркачка
aglet {n} (cover of a shoelace) SEE: aiglet
agnostic {n} (one who holds to a form of agnosticism.)
:: агностик {m}
ago {adv} (past; gone by; since)
:: преди
agonize {v} (to writhe with agony; to suffer violent anguish.)
:: агонизирам
agonize {v} (to struggle)
:: мятам се
agony {n} (extreme pain)
:: мъки, гърчене, агония
agony {n} (last struggle of life)
:: агония
agoraphobia {n} (fear of open spaces)
:: агорафобия {f}
agree {v} (harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur)
:: съответствам, хармонирам, съгласявам се
agree {v} (to yield assent, to accede)
:: съгласявам се, съгласен съм
agree {v} (to come to terms or to a common resolve)
:: договарям се
agree {v} (to resemble, coincide, correspond)
:: съответствам
agree {v} (grammar: to correspond in gender, number, case, person, etc.)
:: съгласувам
agreeable {adj} (pleasing)
:: мил, приятен
agreement {n} (understanding to follow a course of conduct)
:: съгласие
agreement {n} (state whereby several parties share a view)
:: съглашение
agreement {n} (legally binding contract)
:: договор
agreement {n} (grammatical agreement)
:: съгласуване {n}
agreement {n}
:: споразумение {n}
agriculture {n} (the art or science of cultivating the ground)
:: селско стопанство {n}
agriculturist {n} (one who practices agriculture, a farmer, a gardener)
:: земеделец
Agrigento {prop} (province and city in Sicily)
:: Агридженто {n}
agrobiology {n} (the science of plant life and nutrition)
:: агробиология {f}
agrochemist {n} (chemist who works in the field of agrochemistry)
:: агрохимик {m}
agrology {n} (science and art of agriculture)
:: почвознание
agronomy {n} (science of utilizing plants, animals, and soils for food, fuel, feed and more)
:: агрономство
aground {adv} (resting on the bottom)
:: заседнал
ague {n}
:: треска
ague {n} (malaria) SEE: malaria
ahead {adv} (in or to the front)
:: отпред, напред
Ahmed {prop} (male given name)
:: Ахмад {m}, Ахмед {m}
aid {n} (help; succor; assistance; relief)
:: помощ {f}
aid {n} (a person that promotes or helps in something being done; a helper)
:: помощник
aid {n} (something which helps; a material source of help)
:: помощ
aid {v} (to support)
:: помагам, подпомагам
aide {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant
aidless {adj}
:: безпомощен
aidman {n} (an army medical corpsman attached to a field unit)
:: санитар
AIDS {n} (acquired immune deficiency syndrome, see also: acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
:: СПИН {m}
aiglet {n} (tip on a ribbon or cord)
:: накрайник {m}
ail {v} (to cause to suffer)
:: боли, безпокои
ail {v} (to be ill)
:: болен съм, неразположен съм
ail {n} (An ailment; trouble; illness)
:: болка, болест
ailment {n} (something which ails one; a disease; sickness)
:: болест {f}, болка {f}
ailuro- {prefix} (prefix meaning “cat”)
:: айлуро-
ailurophobia {n} (irrational fear or hatred for cats)
:: айлурофобия {f}
aim {n} (point intended to be hit)
:: цел {f}, прицел {m}
aim {n} (intention; purpose)
:: намерение {n}
aim {v} (to point or direct a missile weapon)
:: целя се, прицелвам се
aim {v} (to direct the intention or purpose)
:: стремя се, домогвам се
aimless {adj} (without aim)
:: безцелен
Ainu {prop} (language)
:: айнски {m}
aioli {n} (A type of sauce made from garlic, egg, lemon juice and olive oil)
:: майонеза с чесън
air {v} (to bring into contact with the air)
:: проветрявам
air {v} (to ventilate)
:: проветрявам
air {v} (to broadcast)
:: предавам по радиото
air {n} (historical: one of the basic elements)
:: въздух {m}
air {n} (mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the Earth)
:: въздух {m}
air {n} (music: a song, an aria)
:: ария {f}
airbag {n} (protective system in automobiles)
:: въздушна възглавница
air bed {n} (A bed that inflated with air)
:: надуваем дюшек
air conditioner {n} (a machine that is used to control temperature and humidity in an enclosed space)
:: климатик {m}
air conditioning {n} (the state of temperature and humidity produced by an air conditioner)
:: климатизация {f}
air conditioning {n} (an air conditioner or system of air conditioners, see also: air conditioner)
:: климатик {m}
aircraft {n} (machine capable of atmospheric flight)
:: самолет {m}
aircraft carrier {n} (warship for launching aircraft)
:: самолетоносач {m}
airfoil {n} (wing of an aircraft) SEE: wing
air force {n} (branch of the military devoted to air warfare)
:: военновъздушни сили {f-p}
air hole {n} (hole in surface)
:: отдушник
air hole {n} (air pocket)
:: въздушна яма
air hole {n} (blowhole)
:: дихателен отвор
airline {n} (company that flies airplanes)
:: авиокомпания {f}
airliner {n} (passenger aircraft)
:: пътнически самолет {m}
airplane {n} (powered aircraft)
:: самолет {m}, авион {m}
airport {n} (place designated for airplanes)
:: летище {n}, аерогара {f}
airship {n} (aircraft) SEE: aircraft
airship {n} (self-propelled lighter-than-air aircraft that can be steered) SEE: dirigible
air taxi {n} (aircraft)
:: авиотакси {n}
airway {n} (windpipe) SEE: windpipe
airwoman {n} (a female aviator)
:: авиаторка {f}
Aisha {prop} (female given name)
:: Айша {f}
aitch {n} (name of the letter H, h)
:: хаш {m}, ейч {m}
Ajaccio {prop} (capital city of Corsica)
:: Аячо
ajar {adv} (slightly turned or opened)
:: открехнат
ajar {adj} (slightly turned or opened)
:: открехнат
Ajax {prop} (either of two heroes of the Trojan War)
:: Аякс
akçe {n} (Ottoman silver coin)
:: акче, аспра
Akhenaten {prop} (Pharaoh in 14th century BCE, founder of Atenism)
:: Ехнатон
akimbo {adv} (with arms akimbo)
:: с ръце на кръста
akin {adj} (of the same kin; related by blood)
:: имащ кръвно родство
akin {adj} (of the same kind; similar)
:: сроден, близък
alabaster {n} (variety of gypsum)
:: алабастър
alacrity {n} (eagerness)
:: готовност {f}, усърдие {n}
alacrity {n} (promptness)
:: живост {f}, пъргавост {f}
alar {adj}
:: крилат, криловиден
alarm {n} (summons to arms)
:: тревога {f}
alarm {n} (notice of approaching danger)
:: тревога, аларма
alarm {n} (mechanical contrivance for awaking)
:: будилник {m}
alarm {n} (instance of an alarm ringing or clanging)
:: обявяване на тревога
alarm {v} (to call to arms)
:: вдигам по тревога
alarm {v} (to give notice (by sound or otherwise) of approaching danger)
:: обявявам тревога
alarm {v} (to keep in excitement; to disturb)
:: разтревожвам
alarm clock {n} (type of clock)
:: будилник {m}
alarmed {adj} (worried) SEE: worried
alarmist {n} (one who causes others to become alarmed without cause)
:: паникьор {m}
Alaska {prop} (US state)
:: Аляска {f}
Alaskan Malamute {n} (Alaskan Malamute sled dog)
:: аляски маламут {m}
Albania {prop} (country in south-eastern Europe)
:: Албания {f} /Albánija/
Albanian {adj} (of or pertaining to Albania)
:: албански
Albanian {n} (person from Albania)
:: албанец {m}, албанка {f}
albatross {n} (seabird)
:: албатрос
albatross {n} (long-term impediment)
:: затруднение
albeit {conj} (despite its being; although)
:: макар, макар и
Alberta {prop} (province)
:: Алберта {f}
albescence {n} (act of becoming white)
:: побеляване
Albigenses {n} (inhabitants of Albi)
:: албигойци
albumen {n} (white part of an egg)
:: белтък {m}
alburn {n} (bleak) SEE: bleak
alchemist {n} (one who practices alchemy)
:: алхимик {m}
alchemy {n} (ancient chemistry)
:: алхимия {f}
alcohol {n} (organic chemistry sense)
:: алкохол {m}
alcohol {n} (intoxicating beverage)
:: спирт, алкохол
alcoholic {n} (a person addicted to alcohol)
:: алкохолик
alcoholic {n} (one who abuses alcohol)
:: алкохолик, пияница
alcoholic {adj} (of or pertaining to alcohol)
:: алкохолен
alcoholic {adj} (having more than a trace amount of alcohol in its contents)
:: спиртен, алкохолен
alcoholic {adj} (of alcoholism)
:: алкохоличен
alcoholism {n} (chronic disease)
:: алкохолизъм
alcoholism {n} (acute alcohol poisoning)
:: алкохолно отравяне {n}
alcove {n} (small recessed area)
:: ниша {f}
alder {n} (any tree or shrub of the genus Alnus)
:: елша
ale {n} (beer produced by warm fermentation)
:: ейл {m}
aleatory {adj} (depending on the throw of a die; random, arising by chance)
:: случаен, зависещ от стечение на обстоятелствата
Alectryon {prop} (character in Greek mythology)
:: Алектрион
Aleister {prop} (male given name)
:: Алистър {m}
Alejandro {prop} (cognates of Alejandro) SEE: Alexander
Aleppo {prop} (city in Syria)
:: Халеб
alert {adj} (attentive)
:: бдителен, внимателен
alert {n} (an alarm)
:: тревога
Alexander {prop} (male given name)
:: Александър {m}
Alexander the Great {prop} (King of Macedonia)
:: Александар Македонски {m}, Александар Велики {m}
Alexandria {prop} (city in Egypt)
:: Александрия {f}
Alexandroupoli {prop} (city)
:: Дедеагач, Александруполис
alfalfa {n} (Medicago sativa)
:: люцерна
alfresco {adv} (outdoors)
:: навън, на открито
alga {n} (any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms)
:: водорасло {n}
algebra {n} (study of algebraic structures)
:: алгебра {f}
Algeria {prop} (country)
:: Алжир {m}
Algerian {n} (person from Algeria)
:: алжирец {m}, алжирка {f}
Algerian {adj} (of Algeria or its people)
:: алжирски
algesia {n} (sensitivity to pain)
:: чувствителност към болка
Alghero {prop} (port town in Sardinia)
:: Алгеро {n}
Algiers {prop} (the capital of Algeria)
:: Алжир {m}
algorithm {n} (well-defined procedure)
:: алгоритъм {m}
alias {n} (another name; an assumed name)
:: псевдоним {m}, прозвище {n}
alien {n} (person, etc. from outside)
:: чужденец {m}, чужденка {f}
alien {n} (foreigner)
:: чужденец {m}, чужденка {f}
alien {n} (life form of non-Earth origin)
:: извънземен {m}
alien {adj}
:: чужд, чуждестранен
alienate {v}
:: отчуждавам
alienist {n} (psychiatrist) SEE: psychiatrist
alienist {n} (psychologist) SEE: psychologist
alight {v} (to spring down, get down, or descend)
:: слизам
alight {v} (to descend and settle, lodge, rest, or stop)
:: кацам
alight {adj}
:: запален, светнал, осветен
align {v} (To form in line; to fall into line)
:: строявам се, подреждам се в линия
align {v} (To adjust or form to a line)
:: изравнявам, подравнявам
alignment {n} (arrangement of items in a line)
:: подравняване
alimentary {adj} (relating to food or nutrition)
:: хранителен, питателен, свързан с храна
alimony {n} (a court-enforced allowance)
:: издръжка
aliphatic {adj} (organic chemistry: having carbon atoms arranged in an open chain)
:: мастен, алифатен
Alistair {prop} (male given name)
:: Алистър {m}
a little {adv} (to a small extent or degree)
:: малко
a little bird told me {phrase} (idiomatic)
:: едно птиченце ми каза
alive {adj} (having life)
:: жив
alive {adj} (in a state of action)
:: оживен, енергичен
alive {adj} (exhibiting the activity and motion of many living beings)
:: гъмжащ
alive {adj} (having susceptibility)
:: чувствителен
Al Jazeera {prop} (Arabic satellite TV news channel)
:: Ал Джазира {f}
alkali {n} (class of caustic bases)
:: основа {f}
alkyne {n} (hydrocarbon containing at least one carbon-carbon triple bond)
:: алкин {m}
all {determiner}
:: всички {p}
all {n} (everything possible)
:: всичко
all {pron} (everyone) SEE: everyone
all {pron} (everything) SEE: everything
Allah {prop} (God, in Islam)
:: Аллах {m}
Allahabad {prop} (city in India)
:: Аллахабад {m}
Allahu akbar {interj} (Muslim takbir (proclamation))
:: Аллаху екбер
allative case {n} (case used to indicate movement onto, or to the adjacency of something)
:: алатив
allay {v} (To make quiet or put at rest)
:: успокоявам, уталожвам
allay {v} (To alleviate)
:: облекчавам, смекчавам
allegate {v} (allege) SEE: allege
allegation {n} (an assertion or accusation)
:: твърдение {n}
allege {v} (to state under oath)
:: заявявам под клетва
allege {v} (assert without proof)
:: твърдя {impf}
allegement {n} (allegation) SEE: allegation
allegiance {n} (loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler)
:: вярност, преданост, лоялност
allegoric {adj} (of, or relating to allegory)
:: алегоричен
allegory {n} (the representation of abstract principles)
:: алегория {f}
allegory {n} (symbolic representation)
:: символ {m}, емблема {f}
allergy {n} (disorder of the immune system)
:: алергия {f}
alleviate {v} (make less severe)
:: облекчавам {impf}, смекчавам {impf}
alley {n} (narrow street)
:: алея {f}, пасаж {m}
alleyway {n} (narrow street) SEE: alley
allheal {n} (valerian) SEE: valerian
alliance {n} (state of being allied)
:: съюз {m}
alliance {n} (union resembling that of families or states)
:: съюз {m}, алианс {m}
alliance {n} (treaty between nations)
:: алианс {m}
allied {adj} (joined as allies)
:: съюзнически, съюзен
Allier {prop} (département)
:: Алие
alligator {n} (large amphibious reptile of genus Alligator)
:: алигатор {m}
alligator pear {n} (avocado) SEE: avocado
allocate {v} (to set aside for a purpose)
:: заделям, предназначавам
allocate {v} (to distribute according to a plan)
:: разпределям, отпускам
allocation {n} (The process or procedure for allocating things, especially money or other resources.)
:: разпределяне, отпускане
allogamy {n} (fertilization)
:: кръстосано опрашване
allot {v}
:: раздавам, предназначавам, разпределям (по жребий).
allow {v} (to grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have)
:: позволявам {impf}, давам {impf}
allow {v} (to acknowledge; to accept as true; to concede; to accede to an opinion)
:: признавам
allow {v} (to permit)
:: позволявам, разрешавам
allow {v} (to let something happen, to admit, to concede)
:: позволявам, допускам
allowance {n} (the act of allowing, granting, conceding, or admitting; authorization; permission; sanction; tolerance)
:: разрешение, позволение, допускане
allowance {n} (acknowledgment)
:: признаване
allowance {n} (abatement; deduction; the taking into account of mitigating circumstances)
:: отстъпка, вземане предвид
allowance {n} (a customary deduction from the gross weight of goods)
:: отстъпка
alloy {n} (metal combined of more elements)
:: сплав
alloy {v} (mix or combine)
:: сплавям, смесвам, легирам
all rights reserved {phrase} (copyright notice formula)
:: всички права запазени
allspice {n} (spice)
:: бахар
all too {adv} (way too) SEE: way too
allude {v} (refer to something indirectly or by suggestion)
:: споменавам, загатвам
allure {n} (the power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction)
:: привлекателност {f}
allure {v} (to attempt to draw)
:: привличам, изкушавам, съблазнявам
alluring {adj} (having to power to allure)
:: съблазнителен, привлекателен
allusion {n} (indirect reference, hint)
:: намек, загатване
allusive {adj} (containing or making use of allusions)
:: намекващ, загатващ
alluvial {adj} (pertaining to the soil deposited by a stream)
:: наносен
alluvial {n} (deposition of sediment) SEE: alluvium
alluvium {n} (deposited material)
:: нанос {m}
ally {n} (one united to another by treaty or league)
:: съюзник {m}
ally {n}
:: съюзник
almanac {n} (book or table listing astronomical, nautical or other events for the year)
:: алманах {m}
Almaty {prop} (Astana) SEE: Astana
Almaty {prop} (city)
:: Алмати
almighty {adj} (unlimited in might)
:: всесилен, всемогъщ
almond {n} (nut)
:: бадем {m}
almond {n} (tree)
:: бадем
almond {adj} (resembling the colour of an almond nut)
:: бадемов
almost {adv} (very close to)
:: почти
alms {n} (something given to the poor as charity)
:: милостиня {f}
aloe {n} (plant of the genus Aloe)
:: алое {n}
aloft {adv} (above)
:: високо, нависоко
aloha {interj} (hello) SEE: hello
aloha {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye
alone {adj} (by oneself)
:: сам
alone {adv} (by oneself)
:: сам
alone {adv} (without outside help)
:: сам, самостоятелен
alone {adv} (only)
:: само, единствено
along {prep} (by the length of; in a line with the length of; lengthwise next to)
:: край, покрай
along {prep} (in a line with, with a progressive motion on; onward on; forward on)
:: по-нататък
along {adv} (in company, together)
:: заедно
along {adv} (onward, forward)
:: нататък, натам, напред
along with {conj} (in addition to)
:: заедно с
aloof {adv} (at or from a distance)
:: настрани, отделно
aloof {adj} (reserved and remote; either physically or emotionally distant)
:: сдържан, резервиран
a lot {pron} (a large amount)
:: много
aloud {adv} (loudly)
:: гласно
aloud {adv} (audibly, not silent)
:: гласно
alpenstock {n} (walking stick)
:: пикел
alpha {n} (name of the letter Α, α)
:: алфа {f}
alphabet {n} (an ordered set of letters used in a language)
:: азбука {f}, алфавита {f}
alpine chough {n} (Pyrrhocorax graculus)
:: жълтоклюна гарга {f}
Alps {prop} (a mountain range in Western Europe)
:: Алпи {f-p}
al-Quds {prop} (Jerusalem) SEE: Jerusalem
already {adv} (prior to some time)
:: вече
Alsace {prop} (region on the west bank of the upper Rhine)
:: Елзас {m}
also {adv} (in addition; besides; as well; further; too)
:: също, също така
Altai {prop} (Altay) SEE: Altay
altar {n} (flat-topped structure used for religious rites)
:: олтар {m}
Altay {prop} (mountain range)
:: Алтай {m}
alter {v} (to change the form or structure of)
:: променям, изменям
alteration {n} (the act of altering or making different)
:: промяна {f}, изменение {n}
alteration {n} (the state of being altered)
:: промяна {f}, промененост {f}
altercation {n} (dispute)
:: спор
alternate {adj} (being or succeeding by turns)
:: редуващ се
alternate {v} (to perform by turns)
:: редувам се
alternate {v} (to happen, succeed, or act by turns)
:: редувам се
alternating {adj} (such that it alternates)
:: редуващ се, променлив
alternating {adj} (math, series theory)
:: знакопроменлив
alternating current {n} (electric current that reverses direction periodically)
:: променлив ток {m}
alternation {n} (alternate succession)
:: редуване, смяна
alternative {adj} (relating to a choice)
:: алтернативен
alternative {adj} (other)
:: алтернативен
alternative {n} (a situation which allows a choice between two or more possibilities)
:: алтернатива {f}
alternative {n} (one of several things which can be chosen)
:: алтернатива {f}
although {conj} (in spite of the fact that)
:: макар че, въпреки че, при все че
altitude {n} (absolute height)
:: надморска височина {f}
altitude {n} (distance measured upwards)
:: височина {f}
altitude {n} (distance measured perpendicularly from a figure's vertex to the opposite side of the vertex)
:: височина {f}
alto {n}
:: алт
altogether {adv} (without exception; wholly; completely)
:: напълно, съвсем
altogether {adv} (on the whole; everything considered)
:: изцяло, цялостно
Alton {prop} (town in Hampshire)
:: Олтън
altophobia {n} (acrophobia) SEE: acrophobia
altruism {n} (policy that benefits others' interests)
:: алтруизъм {m}
altruist {n} (person imbued with altruism)
:: алтруист {m}, алтруистка {f}
alum {n} (chemistry: double sulfate)
:: стипца {f}
aluminium {n} (silvery metal)
:: алуминий {m}
aluminum {n} (aluminium) SEE: aluminium
alumnus {n} (a male pupil or student)
:: питомник
alumnus {n} (a male graduate)
:: възпитаник
alveolus {n} (small air sac in the lungs)
:: алвеола {f}
always {adv} (at all times)
:: винаги, всякога
always {adv} (constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals)
:: винаги
a man is known by the company he keeps {proverb} (people are similar in character to their friends)
:: краставите магарета през девет баира се подушват
amanita {n} (mushroom of the genus Amanita)
:: мухоморка {f}
amaretto {n} (a sweet almond-flavoured liqueur)
:: горчив бадемов ликьор
amass {v} (to collect into a mass or heap)
:: струпвам, натрупвам, събирам
Amaterasu {prop} (Japanese sun goddess)
:: Аматерасу {f}
amateur {n} (person attached to a pursuit without pursuing it professionally)
:: аматьор {m}
amateurish {adj} (reflecting the efforts of an amateur)
:: аматьорски, любителски
amative {adj} (pertaining to love)
:: любовен, влюбчив
amaze {v} (to fill with surprise, astonish)
:: смайвам, слисвам, удивлявам, изумявам
amazement {n} (the condition of being amazed; overwhelming wonder, as from surprise, sudden fear)
:: смайване, слисване, удивление, изумяване
amazing {adj} (very good) SEE: good
amazing {adj} (causing wonder and amazement)
:: удивителен, смайващ
Amazon {prop} (river)
:: Амазонка {f}
amœba {n} (amoeba) SEE: amoeba
ambages {n} (indirect or roundabout ways of talking) SEE: circumlocution
ambassador {n} (minister)
:: пратеник {m}, пратеница {f}
ambassador {n} (representative)
:: посланик {m}, посланичка {f}, посол {m}
amber {n} (fossil resin)
:: кехлибар {m}, янтар {m}
amber {n} (colour)
:: кехлибар {m}
amber {n} (traffic light colour)
:: жълто
amber {adj} (of a brownish yellow colour)
:: кехлибарен
amber {n} (ambergris) SEE: ambergris
ambergris {n} (waxy substance produced by sperm whales)
:: амбра {f}
ambiance {n} (particular mood or atmosphere of an environment)
:: атмосфера
ambient {adj} (encompassing on all sides)
:: околен, заобикалящ
ambiguous {adj} (open to multiple interpretations)
:: двусмислен
ambiguous {adj} (vague and unclear)
:: неясен
ambit {n} (sphere or area of control and influence of something)
:: сфера на влияние
ambit {n} (circuit, or a boundary around a property)
:: обиколка, граница, окръжение
ambition {n} (desire)
:: амбиция {f}, честолюбие {n}
ambitious {adj} (possessing, or controlled by, ambition)
:: амбициозен, честолюбив
ambitious {adj} (strongly desirous)
:: жадуващ
ambitious {adj} (showy)
:: претенциозен
ambivalent {adj} (experiencing or expressing opposing feelings)
:: двойствен, противоречив
amble {n} (an unhurried leisurely walk or stroll)
:: бавна разходка {f}
amble {n} (an easy gait, especially that of a horse)
:: раван {m}
amble {v} (to stroll or walk slowly and leisurely)
:: вървя бавно, разхождам се бавно
amble {v} (of a horse: to move along by using both legs on one side, and then the other)
:: вървя раван
ambo {n} (raised platform)
:: амвон
ambo {n} (informal: ambulance driver)
:: шофьор на линейка
ambrosia {n} (food of gods or delicious foods)
:: амброзия {f}
ambulance {n} (emergency vehicle)
:: линейка {f}, бърза помощ {f}
ambulatory {adj} (Of, relating to, or adapted to walking)
:: ходещ, странстващ, за ходене
ambulatory {adj} (Performed on or involving an ambulatory patient or an outpatient)
:: амбулаторен
ambush {n}
:: засада {f}, клопка {f}
ambush {v} (to station in ambush with a view to surprise an enemy)
:: устройвам засада
ambush {v} (to attack by ambush; to waylay)
:: причаквам, нападам от засада
ameliorate {v} (to make better)
:: подобрявам
amelioration {n} (act of making better)
:: подобряване
amelioration {n} (improvement)
:: подобрение
amen {adv} (so be it)
:: амин
amen {adv} (truly, verily)
:: амин
amenable {adj} (Willing to respond to persuasion or suggestions)
:: податлив, поддаващ се, послушен
amenable {adj} (Willing to comply with; agreeable)
:: отзивчив, сговорчив
amend {v} (to make better)
:: поправям, подобрявам
amend {v} (to make a formal alteration)
:: коригирам
amendable {adj} (capable of being amended)
:: поправим
amendment {n} (correction or addition to a law)
:: корекция
amendment {n} (that which is added)
:: поправка
amends {n} (compensation for a loss or injury)
:: компенсация
amenity {n}
:: любезност, вежливост
amenity {n} (convenience) SEE: convenience
amenorrhoea {n} (lack of a menstrual period)
:: аменорея
amentia {n} (the state of being mentally handicapped)
:: вродено слабоумие
amerce {v} (to make an exaction) SEE: punish
amerce {v} (to impose a fine on) SEE: fine
amercement {n} (A non-statutory monetary penalty)
:: глоба {f}
America {prop} (United States of America) SEE: United States of America
America {prop} (Americas) SEE: Americas
American {n} (person born in, or a citizen of, the U.S.)
:: американец {m}, американка {f}
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the Americas)
:: американски
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the U.S. or its culture)
:: американски
American bison {n} (mammal)
:: зубър
American Bulldog {n} (American Bulldog)
:: американски булдог {m}
American football {n} (American football)
:: американски футбол
American Indian {n} (a member of some indigenous peoples of the Americas) SEE: Indian
American kestrel {n} (species)
:: малък ястреб {m}
American Samoa {prop} (US overseas territory in Oceania)
:: Американски Самоа {m}
Americas {prop} (North and South America)
:: Америка {f}
americium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 95)
:: америций {m}
Amerindian {n} (an American Indian) SEE: Indian
amethyst {n} (gem)
:: аметист
amiable {adj} (friendly as an amiable temper or mood)
:: мил, любезен, приветлив, дружелюбен, приятелски
amiable {adj} (possessing sweetness of disposition)
:: симпатичен, мил
amicable {adj} (showing friendliness or goodwill)
:: дружелюбен, приятелски
amid {prep} (surrounded by)
:: сред, между
amide {n} (organic chemistry: derivative of an oxoacid)
:: амид
amide {n} (ionic derivative of ammonia)
:: амид
amigo {n} (friend) SEE: friend
amiss {adj} (wrong) SEE: wrong
a mite {adv} (to a small extent) SEE: a little
amity {n} (friendship)
:: приятелство, разбирателство
Amman {prop} (the capital of Jordan)
:: Аман {m}
ammeter {n} (device that measures an electric current)
:: амперметър {m}
ammonia {n} (the compound NH3)
:: амоняк
ammunition {n} (articles used in charging firearms)
:: муниции {f-p}, боеприпаси {m-p}
amnesia {n} (loss of memory)
:: амнезия
amnesty {n} (forgetfulness)
:: забрава {f}
amnesty {n} (act of the sovereign power)
:: амнистия, помилване
amnesty {v} (to grant a pardon (to a group))
:: помилвам
amoeba {n} (member of a genus of unicellular protozoa)
:: амеба {f}
among {prep} (mingling or intermixing)
:: сред, между
amorphous {adj} (lacking a definite form or clear shape)
:: безформен
amorphous {adj} (physics: in the non-crystalline state of solid)
:: аморфен
amortization {n} (process of distributing asset cost)
:: амортизация
amortize {v} (decrease (debt) in installments)
:: погасявам
amount {n} (number of elements in a set) SEE: number
amount {n} (total or sum of items)
:: количество {n}, сума, сбор
amount {n} (quantity or volume)
:: количество {n}
amount {v} (to total or evaluate)
:: съставлявам, възлизам на
amount {v}
:: достигам до
amperage {n} (electric current) SEE: current
ampere {n} (unit of electrical current)
:: ампер {m}
ampersand {n} (the symbol &)
:: амперсанд {m}
ampersat {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign
amphetamine {n} (amphetamine)
:: амфетамин {m}
amphibalus {n} (An ecclesiastical vestment)
:: филон {m}
amphibian {n} (vertebrate)
:: земноводно {n}, амфибия {f}
amphigory {n} (A nonsense verse)
:: безсмислица {f}
amphitheatre {n} (an open, outdoor theatre)
:: амфитеатър {m}
amphoteric {adj} (having the characteristics of both an acid and a base)
:: амфотерен
ample {adj} (large; great in size)
:: обширен, просторен
ample {adj} (fully sufficient; abundant)
:: обилен
amplification {n} (result of amplifying)
:: увеличаване, уголемяване
amplification {n} (in physics)
:: усилване
amplification {n} (in electronics)
:: усилване
amplifier {n} (anything that amplifies)
:: усилвател {m}
amplifier {n} (appliance or circuit)
:: усилвател {m}
amplify {v} (render larger etc.)
:: увеличавам
amplify {v} (enlarge rhetorically)
:: преувеличавам
amplify {v} (increase amplitude)
:: усилвам
amplitude {n} (magnitude)
:: амплитуда
amplitude {n} (maths: maximum absolute value)
:: амплитуда
amplitude {n} (physics: maximum absolute value)
:: амплитуда
ampoule {n} (small glass vial hermetically sealed)
:: ампула {f}
Amsterdam {prop} (capital of the Netherlands)
:: Амстердам
amulet {n} (protective charm)
:: амулет {m}, талисман {m}
Amur {prop} (the river between the Far East Russia and China)
:: Амур {m}
amuse {v} (to entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner)
:: забавлявам {impf}, развличам {impf}
amuse {v} (to cause laughter)
:: разсмивам
amusement {n} (entertainment)
:: забавление {n}, развлечение {n}
amusement {n} (an activity that is entertaining or amusing)
:: развлечение {n}
amusing {adj} (entertaining)
:: забавен, развлекателен
amusing {adj} (funny)
:: смешен
anabatic {adj} (of an air current: rising)
:: възходящ
anachronism {n} (chronological mistake)
:: анахронизъм {m}
anachronism {n} (person or thing which seems to belong to a different time)
:: анахронизъм {m}
anaclastic {adj} (produced by the refraction of light)
:: пречупващ
anaconda {n} (any of various large nonvenomous snake of the genus Eunectes)
:: анаконда {f}
anaesthetist {n} (anaesthetist) SEE: anesthesiologist
anagram {n} (word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase)
:: анаграма {f}
anal {adj} (of, related to, intended for or involving the anus)
:: анален
analog {adj} (represented by a continuously variable physical quantity)
:: аналогов, непрекъснат
analog {n} (something that bears an analogy)
:: аналог
analog {n} (structural derivative)
:: аналог
analogous {adj} (having analogy; corresponding to something else)
:: аналогичен, подобен, сходен
analogue {n} (analog) SEE: analog
analogy {n} (relationship of resemblance or equivalence)
:: аналогия {f}, подобие {n}
anal sex {n} (sex involving the anus)
:: анален секс, анално проникване {n}, анално сношение {n}
analysis {n} (decomposition into components in order to study)
:: анализ {m}
analysis {n} (in mathematics)
:: анализ
analysis {n} (chemistry: process of breaking down a substance or the result of this process)
:: разлагане {n}
analyst {n} (person who analyses)
:: аналитик {m}
analytic {adj} (relating to analysis)
:: аналитичен
analytic {adj} (relating to division into elements or principles)
:: аналитичен
analytic {adj} (able to analyze)
:: аналитичен
analytic {adj} (relating to algebra)
:: аналитичен
analytic {adj} (defined in terms of differential calculus)
:: аналитичен
analytical {adj} (analytic) SEE: analytic
analyze {v} (to subject to analysis)
:: анализирам
anamnesis {n} (recollection)
:: припомняне
anamnesis {n} (medical history of a patient)
:: анамнеза
ananas {n} (pineapple) SEE: pineapple
Anapa {prop} (city)
:: Анапа {f}
anarchism {n} (belief that proposes the absence and abolition of government in all forms)
:: анархизъм {m}
anarcho-capitalism {n} (philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state and a self-regulating free market)
:: анархокапитализъм {m}
anarchy {n} (absence of any form of political authority or government)
:: анархия {f}, безвластие {n}
anarchy {n} (political disorder and confusion)
:: анархия {f}, безредие {n}
Anastasia {prop} (female given name)
:: Анастасия {f}
anastylosis {n} (reassembly of ruined monuments)
:: анастилоза
anathema {n} (ban or curse)
:: анатема {f}
anathema {n} (imprecation)
:: проклятие {n}
Anatoli {prop} (transliteration of Анатолий)
:: Анатолий {m}
Anatolia {prop} (peninsula of Western Asia)
:: Мала Азия {f}
Anatolius {prop} (male given name)
:: Анатолий {m}
ancestor {n} (one from whom a person is descended)
:: прародител {m}, праотец {m}
ancestor {n} (an earlier type)
:: предшественик {m}
anchor {n} (tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom)
:: котва {f}
anchor {v} (to hold an object to a fixed point)
:: закотвям
anchorage {n} (place for anchoring)
:: котвостоянка
anchorage {n} (fee for anchoring)
:: такса за пристан
anchorite {n} (one who lives in seclusion)
:: отшелник
anchovy {n} (small saltwater fish)
:: аншоа {f}, хамсия {f}
ancient {adj} (having lasted from a remote period)
:: древен, античен, стар
ancient {adj}
:: древен, античен
Ancient Greece {prop} (ancient civilization of the Mediterranean)
:: Древна Гърция {f}
Ancient Greek {prop} (the Greek language of classical antiquity)
:: старогръцки {m}
Ancient Rome {prop} (civilization associated with Rome from the 9th century BC to the 5th century AD)
:: Древен Рим {m}
ancillary {adj} (subordinate, secondary, auxiliary, accessory)
:: помощен, спомагателен
and {conj} (used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera)
:: и
and {conj} (used at the end of a list to indicate the last item)
:: и
Andalusia {prop} (autonomous community of Spain)
:: Андалузия
Andorra {prop} (country)
:: Андора {f}
Andrew {prop} (the Apostle)
:: Андрей {m}
Andrew {prop} (male given name)
:: Андрей {m}
andrewsarchus {n} (prehistoric mammal)
:: Андрюзархус
androgynous {adj}
:: хермафродитен
and so forth {phrase} (indicating a list continues similarly)
:: и тъй нататък, и така нататък, и т.н.
and so on {phrase} (indicating a list continues) SEE: and so forth
anecdote {n} (short account of an incident)
:: анекдот {m}
anemia {n} (medical condition with decreased oxygen transport)
:: анемия, малокръвие
anemic {adj} (of or pertaining to anemia)
:: анемичен, малокръвен
anemometer {n} (an instrument for measuring and recording the speed of the wind)
:: анемометър {m}
anesthesiologist {n} (physician specializing in anesthesiology)
:: анестезиолог {m}
anesthetic {n} (a substance for the reduced perception of pain)
:: обезболяващ
anesthetize {v} (administer anesthesia)
:: обезболявам
anew {adv} (again)
:: наново
angel {n} (messenger from a deity)
:: ангел {m}
angel of death {n} (personification of death in fiction and in art)
:: ангел на смъртта {m}
anger {n} (A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something)
:: гняв {m}, яд {m},
anger {v} (to cause such a feeling of antagonism)
:: ядосвам, разгневявам
angklung {n} (instrument)
:: анклунг {m}
angle {n} (geometrical figure)
:: ъгъл {m}
angle {n} (measure of such a figure)
:: ъгъл {m}
angle {n} (corner where two walls intersect)
:: ъгъл {m}
angle {n} (change in direction)
:: ъгъл {m}
angle {n} (viewpoint)
:: гледна точка
angle {v} (place (something) at an angle)
:: слагам под ъгъл
angle {v} (to fish with hook and line)
:: ловя риба с въдица
angler {n} (person who fishes with a hook and line)
:: въдичар
angler {n} (angler fish)
:: морски дявол
angler {n} (petty thief)
:: джебчия
anglesite {n} (crystalline mineral form of lead sulfate)
:: англезит {m}
Anglican Communion {prop} (worldwide network of churches)
:: Англиканско съобщество {n}
Anglicanism {n} (beliefs and practices of the Anglican Church)
:: англиканство {n}
anglicism {n} (cultural aspect)
:: англицизъм {m}
Anglo-Saxon {prop} (Old English) SEE: Old English
ang moh {n} (white person) SEE: white
Angola {prop} (country in Southern Africa)
:: Ангола {f}
angry {adj} (displaying anger)
:: ядосан, разгневен, сърдит
angstrom {n} (A very small unit of length, 10−10 m)
:: ангстрьом {m}
Anguilla {prop} (British overseas territory in the Caribbean)
:: Ангила
anguish {n} (extreme pain)
:: мъчение {n}, страдание {n}, терзание {n}
anguish {v} (suffer pain)
:: страдам, измъчвам се
anguish {v} (cause to suffer pain)
:: измъчвам
angular {adj}
:: ъглест, ръбат
anharmonic {adj} (disharmonious) SEE: disharmonious
anil {n} (imine)
:: индиго
anilingus {n} (form of oral sex)
:: аналингус
animacy {n} (quality of being animate)
:: одушевеност {f}
animadvert {v} (To criticise, to censure)
:: критикувам
animal {adj} (of animals)
:: животински {m}, необуздан {m}
animal {adj} (unhindered by social codes)
:: животински {n-p}
animal {n} (organism)
:: животно {n}
animal {n} (organism other than man)
:: животно {n}
animal {n} (person who behaves wildly)
:: хайванин {m}
animal fat {n} (fat rendered from an animal)
:: мас {f} /mas/
animate {adj} (that which lives)
:: жив, одушевен
animate {adj} (dynamic, energetic)
:: оживен, енергичен
animate {adj} (in grammar)
:: одушевен
animate {v} (to impart motion or its appearance)
:: съживявам, анимирам
animation {n} (The act of animating)
:: съживяване
animation {n} (causing images to appear to move)
:: анимация
anime {n} (an animated work originated in Japan)
:: аниме {n}
animosity {n} (violent hatred leading to active opposition; active enmity; energetic dislike)
:: враждебност {f}, неприязън {f}
anise {n} (plant)
:: анасон
anise {n} (fennel) SEE: fennel
anisocoria {n} (unequal size of the pupils)
:: анизокория {f}
Ankara {prop} (capital of Turkey)
:: Анкара {f}
ankle {n} (joint between foot and leg)
:: глезен
ankylosaurus {n} (large herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous)
:: aнкилозавър {m}
ankylosis {n} (the growing together of bones)
:: втвърдяване на ставите
Ann {prop} (female given name)
:: Ана {f}
Anna {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann
Anne {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann
anneal {v} (to subject to great heat and then cooling)
:: отгрявам, закалявам
annealing {n} (act of heating solid metal or glass)
:: закаляване
annex {n} (addition, an extension)
:: прибавка {f}, допълнение {n}
annex {n} (appendix)
:: приложение {n}
annex {n} (addition or extension to a building)
:: пристройка {f}
annex {v} (to add something to another, to incorporate into)
:: присъединявам, прибавям
annex {n} (addition of territory) SEE: annexation
annexation {n} (addition or incorporation of something)
:: анексия {f}
Annie {prop} (diminutive of Ann)
:: Anelia
annihilate {v} (to reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate)
:: унищожавам, изтребвам
annihilation {n} (act of reducing to nothing)
:: унищожение, изтребване
annihilation {n} (process of a particle and its corresponding antiparticle combining to produce energy)
:: анихилация
anniversary {n} (day an exact number of years since an event)
:: юбилей {m}, годишнина {f}
annotate {v} (to add annotation)
:: анотирам, правя коментар
annotation {n} (critical or explanatory commentary or analysis)
:: коментар, анотация
annotation {n} (comment added to a text)
:: обяснителна бележка
announce {v} (give public notice)
:: съобщавам, обявявам, уведомявам
announcement {n} (act)
:: обявление {n}
announcement {n} (that which conveys what is announced)
:: обява {f}
announcement {n}
:: съобщение, обявление
annoy {v} (to disturb or irritate)
:: безпокоя {impf}, дразня {impf}
annoy {v} (to do something to upset or anger someone)
:: досаждам, закачам
annoy {v} (to molest; to harm; to injure)
:: безпокоя
annoyance {n} (that which annoys)
:: досада {f}, раздразнение {n}
annoyance {n} (an act or instance of annoying)
:: дразнене {n}, закачане {n}
annoyance {n} (the psychological state of being annoyed or irritated)
:: раздразнение {n}
annoyed {adj} (troubled, irritated by something unwanted or unliked; vexed)
:: раздразнен, ядосан
annoying {v} (causing irritation or annoyance; troublesome; vexatious)
:: досаден {m}
annual {adj} (of, for, or relating to a whole year)
:: годишен
annual {n} (annual publication)
:: годишник, едногодишно растение
annuity {n} (right to receive amounts of money regularly)
:: годишна рента
annul {v} (formally revoke the validity of)
:: отменям, анулирам
annul {v} (dissolve (a marital union))
:: разтрогвам
annular {adj} (having the form of a ring)
:: пръстеновиден
annulment {n} (act or instance of annulling)
:: отмяна, анулиране
annulment {n} (invalidation; declaration of something as being invalid)
:: анулиране
annunciate {v} (announce)
:: обявявам, възвестявам
annunciation {n} (act of annunciating)
:: възвестяване
Annunciation {prop} (Christianity)
:: благовещение {n}
anoda {determiner} (another) SEE: another
anode {n} (the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs)
:: анод {m}
anode {n} (the electrode through which current flows into a cell)
:: анод
anodyne {adj} (capable of soothing or eliminating pain)
:: намаляващ болката
anodyne {adj} (soothing or relaxing)
:: успокояващ
anodyne {n} (any medicine or other agent that relieves pain)
:: болкоуспокояващо
anoint {v} (to smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance)
:: намазвам, смазвам
anoint {v} (to apply oil to or to pour oil upon)
:: смазвам
anomalistic {adj} (irregular) SEE: irregular
anomalistic {adj} (anomalous) SEE: anomalous
anomalous {adj} (deviating from the normal)
:: неправилен, аномален
anomaly {n} (deviation from norm)
:: аномалия
anomaly {n} (something or someone that is strange or unusual)
:: неправилност
anomaly {n} (science: any event, big or small, out of the ordinary)
:: аномалия
anomaly {n} (biological defect or malformation)
:: аномалия
anonymous {adj} (wanting a name, not named and determined)
:: безименен
anonymous {adj} (without any name (of responsible agent) acknowledged)
:: анонимен
anonymous {adj} (of unknown name; whose name is withheld)
:: анонимен
anopheles {n} (member of the Anopheles genus of mosquitos)
:: маларичен комар {m}
anopheline {n} (anopheles) SEE: anopheles
anorexia {n} (anorexia nervosa) SEE: anorexia nervosa
anorexia {n} (loss of appetite)
:: липса на апетит, анорексия
anorexia nervosa {n} (disorder)
:: анорексия нервоза
another {determiner} (one more, in addition to a former number)
:: друг, още един
another {determiner} (not the same; different)
:: друг, различен
Anschluss {n} (the annexation of Austria into Germany in 1938 or an analogy)
:: аншлус {m}
answer {n} (response)
:: отговор {m}
answer {n} (solution)
:: решение {n}
answer {n} (reply to email)
:: отговор {m}
answer {v} (to make a reply or response to)
:: отговарям {impf}, отговоря {pf}, отвръщам {impf}, отвърна {pf}
answer {v} (to respond to a call)
:: отговарям {impf}, отговоря {pf}
answer {v} (to suit a need or purpose satisfactorily)
:: подхождам {impf}
ant {n} (insect)
:: мравка {f}, мравия {f}, мрава {f}
antagonism {n} (strong dislike)
:: вражда {f}, враждебност {f}, антагонизъм {m}
Antananarivo {prop} (city)
:: Антананариву {m}
Antarctica {prop} (southernmost continent)
:: Антарктида {f} , Антарктика {f}
Antarctic Circle {prop} (geographical line)
:: южен полярен кръг {m}
Antarctic Peninsula {prop} (the northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica)
:: Антарктически полуостров {m}
ante {n} (contribution to pot)
:: миза
ante {v} (To pay the ante in poker)
:: слагам миза
anteater {n} (mammal)
:: мравояд {m}
antecedence {n} (act of preceding)
:: предшестване
antecedent {adj} (earlier in time or order)
:: предшестващ, предишен
antecedent {n} (any thing that precedes another thing)
:: предшественик
antechamber {n} (small room)
:: чакалня, вестибюл
antedate {v} (To occur before an event or time; to exist further back in time)
:: предшествам
antedate {v} (To assign a date earlier than the actual date; to backdate)
:: поставям по-раншна дата на документ
antediluvian {adj}
:: допотопен
antelope {n} (mammal of the family Bovidae)
:: антилопа {f}
antenna {n} (feeler organ)
:: пипало {n}
antenna {n} (device to receive or transmit radio signals) SEE: aerial
anterior {adj} (before in place)
:: преден
anterior {adj} (before or earlier in time)
:: предшестващ
anterior {adj} (anatomy: nearer the forward end)
:: преден
anteroom {n} (antechamber) SEE: antechamber
anthem {n} (national anthem)
:: химн {m}
anthem {n} (hymn of praise or loyalty)
:: химн {m}
anther {n} (pollen-bearing part of the stamen)
:: прашник {m}
ant-hill {n} (anthill) SEE: anthill
anthill {n} (home of ants and termites)
:: мравуняк {m}
Anthony {prop} (given name)
:: Антоний {m}
anthracite {n} (type of coal)
:: антрацит {m}
anthrax {n} (disease)
:: антракс {m}
anthropologic {adj} (anthropological) SEE: anthropological
anthropological {adj} (relating to anthropology)
:: антропологичен
anthropologist {n} (one who is versed in anthropology)
:: антрополог {m}
anthropology {n} (the study of humanity)
:: антропология {f}
anthropomorphism {n} (the attribution or ascription of human characteristics to something not human)
:: антропоморфизъм {m}
antibiotic {n} (substance that destroys or inhibits bacteria)
:: антибиотик {m}
antibody {n} (protein that binds to a specific antigen)
:: антитяло {n}
antic {adj} (grotesque)
:: странен
anticathode {n} (anode) SEE: anode
antichrist {n} (someone that works against the teachings of Christ)
:: антихрист {m}
anticipate {v} (to act before someone)
:: изпреварвам
anticipate {v} (to take up or introduce something prematurely)
:: прибързвам
anticipate {v} (to know of something before it manifests)
:: предвиждам
anticipation {n} (the act of anticipating)
:: очакване, предвиждане, избързване, предвкусване
anticline {n} (anticlinal fold)
:: седловина, антиклинала
antidepressant {n} (agent that prevents or counteracts depression)
:: антидепресант {m}
antidepression {adj} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant
antidepressive {adj} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant
antidepressive {n} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant
antidotary {n} (antidote) SEE: antidote
antidote {n} (remedy to counteract a poison)
:: противоотрова
antifreeze {n} (a substance used to lower the freezing point of water)
:: антифриз {m}
antigen {n} (substance that induces an immune response)
:: антиген
Antigua and Barbuda {prop} (country)
:: Антигуа и Барбуда
antigypsyism {n} (prejudice or hostility against Romani people)
:: антициганизъм {m}
antiknock {n} (substance to reduce the occurrence of engine knock)
:: противодетонационен
antilogy {n} (contradiction in related terms or ideas)
:: противоречие
antimony {n} (chemical element)
:: антимон {m}
Antiochene {adj} (Antiochian) SEE: Antiochian
Antiochene {n} (Antiochian) SEE: Antiochian
Antiochian {adj} (of or pertaining to ancient Antioch)
:: антиохийски
antioxidant {n} (substance that slows oxidation)
:: антиокислител {m}
antioxidant {n} (vitamin that acts against free radicals)
:: антиокислител {m}
antioxidative {adj} (antioxidant) SEE: antioxidant
antioxygen {adj} (antioxidant) SEE: antioxidant
antioxygenic {adj} (antioxidant) SEE: antioxidant
antipathy {n} (contrariety or opposition in feeling)
:: антипатия
antipodal {adj} (on opposite sides of the globe)
:: диаметрално противоположен
antiquarian {adj} (pertaining to antiquaries; second-hand)
:: антикварен
antiquarian {n} (collector, student or expert)
:: антиквар
antiquated {adj} (old fashioned)
:: остарял, старомоден
antique {adj} (old; out of date)
:: старинен, античен
antique {n} (old piece)
:: антика, старинен предмет
antiquity {n} (ancient times)
:: древност, античност
antisemitism {n} (prejudice or hostility against Jews)
:: антисемитизъм {m}
antiterrorism {n} (activity aiming at opposing terrorism)
:: антитероризъм {m}, контратероризъм {m}
anti-war {adj} (opposed to war)
:: антивоенен
antiwarfare {adj} (anti-war) SEE: anti-war
antiziganism {n} (antigypsyism) SEE: antigypsyism
antler {n} (bony structure on the head of deer, moose and elk)
:: еленов рог {m}, рог {m}
Antonio {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony
Antonov {prop} (any of the Russian aircraft designed by the Antonov bureau)
:: Антонов {m}
Antony {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony
antonym {n} (word which has the opposite meaning)
:: антоним {m}
Antwerp {prop} (province)
:: Антверп
Antwerp {prop} (city)
:: Антверп
a number of {phrase} (several)
:: няколко
anus {n} (lower opening of the digestive tract)
:: анус {m}
anvil {n} (block used in blacksmithing)
:: наковалня {f}
anvil {n} (bone in inner ear)
:: наковалня
anxietude {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety
anxiety {n} (concern)
:: тревога {f}, безпокойство {n}, грижа {f}
anxiety {n} (uneasy or distressing desire)
:: силно желание {n}
anxious {adj} (full of anxiety)
:: разтревожен, обезпокоен
anxious {adj} (accompanied with anxiety; worrying)
:: загрижен
anxious {adj} (earnestly desirous)
:: горящ от желание
anxiousness {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety
any {determiner} (at least one (kind))
:: някакъв, никакъв, какъв да е, какъвто и да е, всякакъв, малко
any {pron} (Any things or persons)
:: кой да е, който и да е, всеки, някой, никой
anybody {pron} ((colloquial) a person of consideration or standing)
:: важна клечка
anybody {pron} (anyone) SEE: anyone
anyhow {adv} (in any way, in any manner)
:: както и да е, така или иначе
anyhow {adv} (in any case) SEE: in any case
anyone {pron} (anybody)
:: всеки, някой, който и да е
anyplace {adv} (anywhere) SEE: anywhere
anything {pron} (any thing of any kind)
:: нещо, каквото и да е
anytime {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome
anywhere {adv} (in or at any location)
:: навсякъде, където и да е
Aomen {prop} (Macau) SEE: Macau
aorist {n} (a grammatical aspect)
:: аорист {m}, минало свършено време {n}
aorist aspect {n} (a grammatical aspect)
:: аорист {m}
aoristic {adj} (aorist) SEE: aorist
aorta {n} (great artery)
:: аорта {f}
apar {n} (Tolypeutes matacus)
:: ивичест броненосец {m}
apart {adv} (separately, in regard to space or company)
:: настрана, отделно
apart {adv} (in a state of separation)
:: поотделно
apart {adv} (aside; away)
:: настрана
apartheid {v} (policy of racial separation in South Africa)
:: апартейд {m}
apartment {n} (domicile occupying part of a building)
:: апартамент {m}
apartment building {n} (residential building with multiple flats)
:: жилищен блок {m}
apartness {n} (state or quality of being apart)
:: отделеност, обособеност
apathetic {adj} (void of feeling)
:: апатичен, безстрастен, равнодушен
apatheticness {n} (apathy) SEE: apathy
apathistical {adj} (apathetic) SEE: apathetic
apathy {n} (lack of emotion or motivation)
:: апатия {f}, нечувствителност {f}, равнодушие {n}
apatite {n} (type of mineral)
:: апатит {m}
ape {n} (animal)
:: маймуна {f}
ape {v} (to imitate)
:: подражавам
aperture {n} (opening)
:: отвор, отверстие
aperture {n} (something which restricts the diameter of the light path through one plane in an optical system)
:: апертура
apex {n} (highest point)
:: връх, връхна точка
apex {n} (in geometry: topmost vertex of a cone or pyramid)
:: връх
aphid {n} (insect)
:: листна въшка
aphis {n} (aphid) SEE: aphid
aphorism {n} (short phrase conveying some principle or concept of thought)
:: афоризъм {m}
aphotic {adj} (having no light, especially no sunlight)
:: афотична
aphtha {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) SEE: foot-and-mouth disease
apiarian {adj} (pertaining to beekeeping)
:: пчеларски
apiarian {n} (beekeeper)
:: пчелар
apiarist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper
apiaristic {adj} (apiarian) SEE: apiarian
apiculturalist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper
apiculture {n} (beekeeping) SEE: beekeeping
apiculturist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper
apiece {adv} (apiece)
:: поединично, на парче
apocalypse {n} (revealing or revelation)
:: апокалипсис {m}
apocalypse {n} (end of the world)
:: апокалипсис {m}
apocalypse {n} (cataclysmic event)
:: апокалипсис {m}
Apocalypse {prop} (the written account of a revelation of hidden things given by God to a chosen prophet)
:: Апокалипсис
Apocalypse {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Апокалипсис
apocryphal {adj} (of doubtful authenticity)
:: апокрифен
apocryphal {adj} (of dubious veracity; urban legend)
:: недостоверен, съмнителен
apologia {n} (apology) SEE: apology
apologise {v} (apologise) SEE: apologize
apologism {n} (apology) SEE: apology
apologize {v} (to make an apology or excuse)
:: извинявам се {impf}
apology {n} (an expression of regret)
:: извинение {n}
apology {n} (formal justification, defence)
:: оправдание {n}
apophenia {n} (the perception of connectedness in unrelated phenomena)
:: апофения {f}
apoptosis {n} (death of cells)
:: апоптоза {f}
aporetic {adj} (tending to doubt)
:: скептичен
aporetical {adj} (aporetic) SEE: aporetic
aport {adv} (on the left side of the boat)
:: на/към левия борд на кораба
apostasy {n} (renunciation of set of beliefs)
:: отстъпничество {n}, вероотстъпничество {n}
apostasy {n} (renunciation of one's religion or faith)
:: отстъпничество {n}, вероотстъпничество {n}
apostate {n} (person who renounces a religion or faith)
:: вероотстъпник {m}
apostatic {adj} (apostate) SEE: apostate
apostatical {adj} (apostate) SEE: apostate
apostle {n} (missionary or leader of a mission)
:: апостол {m}
apostle {n} (pioneer) SEE: pioneer
apostolic {adj} (pertaining to apostles, or to the apostles)
:: апостолски
apostolical {adj} (apostolic) SEE: apostolic
apostrophe {n} (the character ’)
:: апостроф {m}
apostrophe {n} (sudden piece of dialogue)
:: апостроф {m}
apothecary {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy
apothecary {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist
apothem {n} (the distance from the center of a polygon to a side)
:: апотема
apotheosis {n} (deification; becoming a god)
:: обожествяване
appall {v} (to depress or discourage with fear; to impress with fear)
:: плаша, ужасявам
appalling {adj} (That appalls/appals or appall/appal)
:: отблъскващ, ужасяващ
apparatus {n} (complex machine or instrument)
:: апарат {m}
apparatus {n} (assortment of tools or instruments)
:: инструменти {p}
apparatus {n} (bureaucratic organization)
:: апарат {m}
apparel {n} (clothing)
:: облекло {n}, дрехи {p}, одежда {f}
apparel {v} (to furnish with apparatus; to equip; to fit out)
:: снаряжавам
apparel {v} (to dress or clothe)
:: обличам
apparel {v} (to deck)
:: украсявам
apparent {adj} (visible)
:: видим, забележим
apparent {adj} (clear)
:: явен, очевиден
apparent {adj} (seeming)
:: привиден
apparition {n} (act of becoming visible)
:: появяване
apparition {n} (thing appearing)
:: явление {n}
apparition {n} (unexpected, wonderful, or preternatural appearance)
:: привидение {n}, видение {n}
apparition {n} (astronomy: the first appearance of a luminary after having been invisible or obscured)
:: видимост
appeal {v} (to accuse) SEE: accuse
appeal {v} (to invoke) SEE: invoke
appear {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look
appear {v} (to appear) SEE: seem
appear {v} (To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible)
:: появявам се, показвам се
appear {v} (To come before the public)
:: явявам се
appear {v} (To stand in presence of some authority, tribunal, or superior person, to answer a charge, plead a cause, or the like)
:: явявам се
appearance {n} (The act of appearing or coming into sight)
:: появяване
appearance {n} (A thing seen)
:: явление
appearance {n} (Personal presence, form or look)
:: външност, външен вид
appearance {n} (Semblance, or apparent likeness)
:: прилика
appearance {n} (The coming into court of either of the parties)
:: явяване
appearing {n} (appearance) SEE: appearance
appease {v} (to make quiet; to calm; to reduce to a state of peace; to still; to pacify)
:: укротявам, облекчавам, утолявам
appellation {n}
:: име, название, прозвище
appellative {n} (common noun) SEE: common noun
appellative {adj}
:: нарицателен
appellee {n} (respondent)
:: обвиняем, ответник
append {v} (to hang or attach to, as by a string)
:: окачвам, закачам
append {v} (to add as an accessory)
:: прибавям, добавям, прилагам
appendage {n} (external body part)
:: израстък
appendage {n} (part that is joined to something larger)
:: придатък
appendicitis {n} (inflamation of the vermiform appendix)
:: апендицит {m}
appendix {n} (text added to the end of a book or an article)
:: приложение
appendix {n} (vermiform appendix)
:: апандисит, сляпо черво
appertain {v} (to belong to or be a part of, whether by right, nature, appointment, or custom; to relate to)
:: принадлежа, отнасям се към
appetite {n} (desire of or relish for food)
:: апетит {m}
appetizer {n} (small, light first course)
:: аперитив {m}, мезе
appetizing {adj} (that appeals to, or stimulates the appetite)
:: апетитен, привлекателен
applaud {v} (to express approval by clapping)
:: аплодирам, ръкопляскам
applaud {v} (to praise, or express approval by words)
:: хваля, одобрявам
applause {n} (act of applauding)
:: аплодисменти {m}
apple {n} (fruit)
:: ябълка {f}
apple {n} (wood)
:: ябълка
apple {n} (tree) SEE: apple tree
apple juice {n} (the juice of apples, often used as a drink)
:: ябълков сок {m}
apple of discord {n} (object which sows anger and dissension)
:: яблъка на раздора {f}
apple tree {n} (tree that bears apples)
:: ябълка {f}, ябълково дърво {n}
applewood {n} (apple) SEE: apple
appliable {adj} (compliant) SEE: compliant
appliable {adj} (applicable) SEE: applicable
appliance {n} (a device in its own right)
:: прибор {m}, устройство {n}, апарат {m}
appliance {n} (an implement, instrument or apparatus)
:: приспособление {n}, уред {m}, прибор {m}
applicable {adj} (suitable for application; relevant)
:: приложим
application {n} (the act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense)
:: приложение {n}, употреба
application {n} (the act of directing or referring something to a particular case)
:: приложимост
application {n} (a verbal or written request, especially for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar)
:: заявление {n}, молба {f}
applied {adj} (put into practical use)
:: практичен
applied {adj} (concerned with practical problems, rather that theoretical abstractions)
:: приложен
apply {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use
apply {v} (to put to use for a purpose)
:: употребявам, прилагам
apply {v} (to submit oneself as a candidate)
:: кандидатствам
appoint {v} (to fix (the time and place of))
:: определям, предписвам
appoint {v} (to furnish with everything necessary)
:: оборудвам
appoint {v} (to fix with power or firmness)
:: установявам
appoint {v}
:: предназначавам, назначавам
appointment {n} (act of appointing; designation of a person to hold an office)
:: назначение {n}
appointment {n} (arrangement for a meeting; an engagement)
:: уговорка {f}, среща {f}
apportion {v} (to divide and distribute portions of a whole)
:: разпределям
apportion {v} (to allocate proportionally)
:: разделям
apportion {v} (to apportion) SEE: distribute
appose {v} (place next to or near to)
:: съпоставям
apposite {adj}
:: подходящ, уместен, удачен
apposition {n} (grammatical construction)
:: приложение
appraisal {n} (judgement)
:: оценка {f}, преценка {f}
appraise {v} (determine value or worth)
:: оценявам
appraise {v} (to estimate; to conjecture)
:: преценявам
appraisement {n} (appraisal) SEE: appraisal
appreciable {adj} (large enough to be estimated; considerable)
:: забележим, чувствителен
appreciate {v} (to be grateful for something)
:: благодарен съм
appreciate {v} (to view as valuable)
:: оценявам, ценя високо
appreciate {v} (to be aware of)
:: разбирам, отчитам, усещам, различавам
appreciation {n} (A just valuation or estimate of merit, worth, weight, etc.; recognition of excellence)
:: благодарност, висока оценка
appreciation {n} (Accurate perception; true estimation; as, an appreciation of the difficulties before us; an appreciation of colors)
:: разбиране, отчитане, оценяване
apprehend {v} (to take or seize; to take hold of)
:: хващам, задържам
apprehend {v} (to arrest; to apprehend a criminal)
:: арестувам
apprehend {v} (to understand; to recognize)
:: схващам, долавям
apprehend {v} ((transitive) to anticipate with anxiety, dread, or fear)
:: опасявам се
apprehendable {adj} (apprehensible) SEE: apprehensible
apprehensible {adj} (able to be apprehended)
:: разбираем, понятен
apprehension {n} (seizure)
:: хващане
apprehension {n} (arrest)
:: арест, задържане
apprehension {n} (act of grasping with the intellect)
:: схващане, разбиране
apprehension {n} (opinion)
:: представа, мнение
apprehension {n} (faculty by which ideas are conceived)
:: разбиране
apprehension {n} (distrust or fear at the prospect of future evil)
:: опасение {n}
apprehensive {adj} (anticipating something with anxiety or fear)
:: тревожен, загрижен
apprentice {n} (trainee, especially in a skilled trade)
:: чирак
apprise {v} (to notify)
:: уведомявам, известявам, съобщавам
approach {v} (to come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer)
:: приближавам се
approach {v} (To draw near, in a figurative sense)
:: доближавам се
approach {v} (To come near to in place, time, or character)
:: приближавам се, подхождам
approach {v} (To take approaches to)
:: обръщам се, контактувам с
approach {n} (the act of drawing near)
:: приближаване
approach {n} (an access, or opportunity of drawing near)
:: достъп, подход
approach {n} (movements to gain favor; advances)
:: аванси
approach {n} (a way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access)
:: вход, подход
approach {n} (a manner in which a problem is solved or policy is made)
:: подход
approach {n} (the way a plane comes in to land at an airport)
:: заход
approachable {adj} (easy to talk to)
:: достъпен, достижим
appropinquation {n} (approach) SEE: approach
appropriate {adj} (peculiar, suitable, fit, proper)
:: подходящ, уместен, съответен
appropriate {v} (to take to oneself in exclusion of others)
:: присвоявам си
appropriate {v} (to set apart for)
:: определям, предназначавам
appropriation {n} (act of appropriating, or something appropriated)
:: присвояване
approval {n} (permission)
:: разрешение
approval {n} (acceptance)
:: съгласие
approve {v} ((archaic in English) to make proof of; to demonstrate; to prove or show practically)
:: доказвам
approve {v} (to sanction officially; to ratify; to confirm; as, to approve the decision of a court-martial)
:: утвърждавам
approve {v} (to regard as good; to commend; to be pleased with; to think well of)
:: одобрявам
approximant {n} (mathematics: approximation) SEE: approximation
approximate {adj} (Approaching; proximate; nearly resembling)
:: приблизителен
approximate {v} (to carry or advance near; to cause to approach)
:: приближавам се до
approximate {v} (to come near to; to approach)
:: приближавам се до
approximately {adv} (imprecise but close to in quantity or amount)
:: приблизително, почти, около
approximation {n} (act of approximating)
:: приближение
approximation {n} (imprecise solution)
:: приближение
appurtenant {adj} (of or pertaining to an appurtenance)
:: принадлежащ, отнасящ се към
appurtenant {n} (appendage or attachment)
:: принадлежност, прибавка
apricot {n} (fruit)
:: кайсия {f}, зарзала {f}, зарзалия {f}
apricot {n} (tree)
:: кайсия {f}
April {prop} (fourth month of the Gregorian calendar)
:: април
apéritif {n} (alcoholic drink served before a meal as an appetiser)
:: аперитив
a promise is a promise {proverb} (one must keep one's promises)
:: обещаното си е обещано
apron {n} (clothing)
:: престилка {f}
apse {n} (semicircular projection from a building)
:: аспида
apt {adj} (fit or fitted; suited; suitable; appropriate)
:: уместен, подходящ
apt {adj} (having an habitual tendency; habitually liable or likely; disposed towards)
:: склонен
apt {adj} (ready; especially fitted or qualified (to do something); quick to learn; prompt; expert)
:: способен, възприемчив
aptitude {n} (natural ability to acquire knowledge or skill)
:: дарба, способност
Apulia {prop} (region of Italy)
:: Апулия {f}
apurpose {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose
aquamarine {n} (type of beryl)
:: аквамарин
Aquarian {n} (Aquarius) SEE: Aquarius
aquarium {n} (tank for keeping fish)
:: аквариум {m}
Aquarius {prop} (constellation)
:: Водолей {m}
Aquarius {prop} (astrological sign)
:: Водолей {m}
Aquarius {n} (Someone with a Aquarius star sign)
:: водолей {m}
aquatic {adj} (relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water)
:: воден
aquatile {adj} (aquatic) SEE: aquatic
aquation {n} (the replacement of a ligand by water in a complex)
:: хидратиране
aqueous {adj} (consisting mainly of water)
:: воден
aquiline {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of eagles)
:: орлов
Arab {adj} (of or pertaining to Arabs and their nations)
:: арабски
Arab {n} (Semitic person)
:: арабин {m}, арабка {m}
Arab {n} (horse)
:: арабски кон {m}
arabesque {n} (ornamental design used in Islamic Art)
:: арабеска {f}, арабеск {m}
arabesque {n} ((music) ornate composition)
:: арабеска {f}, арабеск {m}
Arabia {prop} (a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf;)
:: Арабия {f}
Arabian camel {n} (dromedary) SEE: dromedary
Arabian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in the Middle East)
:: Арабски полуостров {m}
Arabian Sea {prop} (part of the Indian Ocean)
:: Арабско море {n}
Arabic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour)
:: арабски
Arabic {prop} (language)
:: арабски език {m}, арабски {m}
Arabic {prop} (alphabet)
:: арабска азбука {f}
arable {adj} (suitable for cultivation)
:: орна
Arab Republic of Egypt {prop} (Official name of Egypt)
:: Арабска република Египет {f}
Arab Spring {prop} (movement)
:: Арабска пролет {f}
Arab World {prop} (Arabic speaking world)
:: арабски свят {m}
Aragon {prop} (an autonomous community in Spain)
:: Арагон {m}
Aragvi {prop} (river)
:: Арагви
arbiter {n} (a person appointed, or chosen, by parties to determine a controversy between them)
:: арбитър {m}
arbiter {n} (judge without control)
:: господар, повелител
arbitrament {n} (arbitration) SEE: arbitration
arbitrary {adj} (based on individual discretion or judgment)
:: произволен, своеволен
arbitrary {adj} (unrestrained by law; tyrannical)
:: деспотичен, тираничен
arbitrary {adj} (chosen at random)
:: произволен, случаен
arbitrary {adj} ((mathematics))
:: произволен
arbitration {n} (the act or process of arbitrating)
:: арбитраж {m}
arbitration {n} (process through which two or more parties use an arbitrator or arbiter in order to resolve a dispute)
:: арбитраж {m}
arborescent {adj}
:: дървовиден, разклонен
arborway {n} (avenue) SEE: avenue
arc {n} (curve)
:: дъга {f}
arcade {n} (row of arches)
:: аркада {f}
arcade {n} (covered passage, usually with shops on both sides)
:: пасаж {m}
arcane {adj} (understood by only a few; obscure)
:: тайнствен, езотеричен
arch {n} (inverted U shape)
:: дъга
arch {n} (arrangement of trapezoidal stones)
:: свод
arch {n} (architectural element)
:: арка
arch- {prefix} (chief, highest, most extreme)
:: архи-, най-
archaeologian {n} (archaeologist) SEE: archaeologist
archaeologist {n} (someone who studies or practises archaeology)
:: археолог {m}, археоложка {f}
archaeology {n} (scientific study of past remains)
:: археология {f}
archaic {adj} (old-fashioned or antiquated)
:: архаичен, древен, стар
Archangel {prop} (Arkhangelsk) SEE: Arkhangelsk
archbishop {n} (senior bishop)
:: архиепископ {m}
archduchy {n} (territory of an archduke)
:: ерцхерцогство {n}
archebiosis {n} (abiogenesis) SEE: abiogenesis
archeology {n} (archaeology) SEE: archaeology
archfiend {n} (Satan) SEE: Satan
archimandrite {n} (The superior of a large monastery, or group of monasteries, in the Orthodox Church)
:: архимандрит {m}
archipelago {n} (group of islands)
:: архипелаг {m}
architect {n} (designer of buildings)
:: архитект {m}
architecture {n} (art and science of designing buildings and other structures)
:: архитектура {f}
architrave {n} (the lowest part of an entablature)
:: архитрав {m}
archive {n} (place for storing earlier material)
:: архив {m}
archive {v} (to archive)
:: архивирам
archiver {n} (archivist) SEE: archivist
archivist {n} (one who creates, maintains or controls archives)
:: архивар {m}
archon {n} (chief magistrate)
:: архонт
archontology {n} (study of historical offices and their occupants)
:: архонтология
Arctic {adj} (Pertaining to the northern polar region of the planet)
:: арктичен
Arctic {adj} (cold, snowy, or having other properties of extreme winter associated with the Arctic)
:: арктичен
Arctic {prop} (a region of the Earth)
:: Арктика {f}
Arctic Circle {prop} (one of the five major circles of latitude)
:: Северен полярен кръг
Arctic Ocean {prop} (the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole)
:: Северен ледовит океан {m}
arcuate {adj} (curved into the shape of a bow)
:: дъговиден, аркообразен
ardent {adj}
:: жарък, горещ, пламенен
ardor {n} (great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion)
:: плам, жар, страст, усърдие
ardour {n} (ardour) SEE: ardor
arduous {adj} (needing or using up much energy)
:: труден, усилен, мъчен
arduous {adj} (hard to climb)
:: стръмен, недостъпен
are {v} (second-person singular (informal) simple present indicative form of be)
:: си
are {v} (second-person plural simple present indicative form of be)
:: сте
are {v} (first-person plural simple present indicative form of be)
:: сме
are {v} (third-person plural simple present indicative form of be)
:: са
are {v} (be) SEE: be
area {n} (maths: measure of extent of a surface)
:: площ {f}, пространство {n}, повърхнина {f}
area {n} (particular geographic region)
:: област, район {m}
arena {n} (an enclosed area, often outdoor)
:: арена {f}
arenaceous {adj} (sandy)
:: пясъчен, песъчлив
Ares {prop} (the god of war, son of Zeus and Hera)
:: Арес {m}
are you married {phrase} (are you married?)
:: женен ли сте? , омъжена ли сте?
Arezzo {prop} (capital city of Arezzo)
:: Арецо {n}
argent {n} (silver or metal tincture)
:: сребро {n}
Argentina {prop} (Argentine Republic)
:: Аржентина {f}
Argentine {prop} (Argentina) SEE: Argentina
Argentine {adj} (pertaining to Argentina)
:: аржентински {m}
Argentine {n} (person from Argentina)
:: аржентинец {m}, аржентинка {f}
Argentinian {n} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine
Argentinian {adj} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine
argileh {n} (hookah) SEE: hookah
argillaceous {adj} (pertaining to clay)
:: глинест, съдържащ глина
argillous {adj} (argillaceous) SEE: argillaceous
argon {n} (a chemical element)
:: аргон {m}
Argonaut {prop} (member of the Argo crew)
:: аргонавт {m}
argot {n} (secret language of thieves, tramps and vagabonds)
:: арго, жаргон
argot {n} (specialized vocabulary and terminology of a field)
:: жаргон
argue {v} (intransitive: to debate, disagree, or discuss opposing or differing viewpoints)
:: споря {impf}
argue {v} (to have an argument, a quarrel)
:: споря {impf}
arguing {n} (argument) SEE: argument
argument {n} (fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason)
:: довод, аргумент
argument {n} (verbal dispute; a quarrel)
:: спор, дискусия
argument {n} (independent variable)
:: аргумент
argument {n} (variable that is being passed to a function)
:: аргумент
argumentative {adj} (prone to argue or dispute)
:: дискусионен, спорен
argute {adj} (sharp, shrewd)
:: остър, пронизителен
aria {n} (type of musical piece)
:: ария {f}
Arian {adj} (pertaining to Arianism)
:: ариански {m}
Arica {prop} (Chilean city)
:: Арика {f}
arid {adj} (very dry)
:: сух, безводен
arise {v} (get up, stand up)
:: излизам, произлизам
arise {v} (start to exist, originate)
:: възниквам, появявам се
Aristarch {n} (severe critic)
:: аристарх {m}
aristocracy {n} (the nobility or the hereditary ruling class)
:: аристокрация {f}
aristocrat {n} (one of the aristocracy)
:: аристократ {m}, аристократка {f}
Aristotle {prop} (ancient Greek philosopher)
:: Аристотел {m}
ark {n} (large box)
:: сандък {m}
ark {n} (Noah's ship)
:: ковчег {m}, барка {f}
ark {n} (consecrated container)
:: кивот {m}
Arkhangelsk {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Архангелск {m}
arm {n} (weapon)
:: оръжие {n}
arm {v} (to supply with armour or weapons)
:: въоръжавам
arm {n} (upper limb from shoulder to elbow) SEE: upper arm
arm {n} (upper appendage from shoulder to wrist)
:: ръка {f}
arm {n} (bay or inlet)
:: ръкав
armadillo {n} (burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates)
:: броненосец
armament {n}
:: въоръжение, въоръжаване, въоръжени сили
armchair {n} (a chair with supports for the arms or elbows)
:: кресло {n}, фотьойл {m}
armed {adj} (equipped, especially with a weapon)
:: въоръжен
armed forces {n} (the military forces of a nation)
:: въоръжени сили {f-p}
armed police {n} (police) SEE: police
Armenia {prop} (ancient kingdom and country)
:: Армения {f}
Armenian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet)
:: арменски {m}
Armenian {n} (person)
:: арменец {m}, арменка {f}
Armenian {prop} (language)
:: арменски език {m}
Armenian cucumber {n} (fruit)
:: арменска краставица {f}
Armenian cucumber {n} (plant)
:: арменска краставица {f}
Armenian SSR {prop} (Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, see also: Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic)
:: Арменска ССР
armful {n} (amount an arm or arms can hold)
:: хватка, наръч
armhole {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit
Arminianism {n} (school of thought)
:: Арминианизъм
armistice {n} (formal agreement to end combat)
:: примирие {n}
armor {n} (tank) SEE: tank
armor {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces)
:: броня {f}
armor {n} (natural form of this kind of protection on an animal's body)
:: защитна обвивка {f}
armory {n} (armory) SEE: armoury
armour {n} (tank) SEE: tank
armour {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle etc.)
:: броня {f}
armour {n} (natural protection on an animal's body)
:: защитна обвивка {f}
armoured {adj} (Possessing armour)
:: брониран, армиран
armoured {adj} (Equipped with armoured vehicles)
:: бронетанков
armoured train {n} (railway train protected with armour)
:: брониран влак
armoury {n} (place where arms are kept, an arsenal)
:: арсенал
armpit {n} (cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder)
:: подмишница {f}
arm up {v} (arm) SEE: arm
arm wrestling {n} (a sport)
:: канадска борба {f}
army {n} (military force concerned mainly with ground operations)
:: армия {f}, войска {f}
aroma {n} (a pleasant smell)
:: аромат {m}, благоухание {n}
aromatic {adj} (fragrant or spicy)
:: ароматен, благоуханен
aromatic {adj} (in organic chemistry)
:: ароматен
aromatic {n} (fragrant plant or spice added to flavour a dish)
:: подправка
around {prep} (defining a circle or closed curve containing)
:: около
around {prep} (near)
:: около
around {adv}
:: наоколо, навсякъде, от всички страни, къде да е, наблизо
arouse {v} (to stimulate feelings)
:: събуждам
arouse {v} (to sexually stimulate)
:: възбуждам
arquebus {n} (firearm) SEE: harquebus
arraign {v} (charge someone in a court of law)
:: призовавам на съд
arrange {v} (to set up, organise)
:: нареждам, подреждам, систематизирам
arrangement {n} (act of arranging)
:: подреждане {n}
arrangement {n} (plural: preparations for some undertaking)
:: мерки {f-p}, приготовления {n-p}
arrangement {n} (agreement)
:: договореност {f}
arrangement {n} (music: adaptation of a piece of music)
:: аранжимент {m}
arrant {adj} (errant) SEE: errant
arrant {adj}
:: явен, отявлен
arras {n} (tapestry or wall hanging)
:: гоблен за стена
array {n} (clothing/ornamentation)
:: облекло, носия
array {n} (large collection)
:: маса, множество
array {v} (to clothe, ornament)
:: обличам, украсявам
arrest {v} (to stay, remain) SEE: stay
arrest {n} (condition of being stopped)
:: спиране, задържане
arrest {n} (legal: process of arresting a criminal, suspect etc)
:: арест {m}, арестуване {n}
arrest {n} (device to physically arrest motion)
:: аретир {m}, успокоител {m}
arrest {v} (to stop or slow a process etc.)
:: спирам, задържам
arrest {v} (to take into legal custody)
:: арестувам {impf} {pf}
arrest {v} (to catch the attention of)
:: хващам, приковавам
arrival {n} (act of arriving or something that has arrived)
:: пристигане {n}
arrive {v} (to reach)
:: достигам
arrive {v} (to get to a certain place)
:: стигам, пристигам
arrive {v} (to obtain a level of success or fame)
:: постигам
arrogance {n} (act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner)
:: високомерие {n}, надменност {f}, арогантност {f}
arrogant {adj} (having excessive pride)
:: арогантен, надменен, високомерен
arrow {n} (projectile)
:: стрела {f}
arrow {n} (symbol)
:: стрелка {f}
arrowhead {n} (the pointed part of an arrow)
:: връх на стрела
arrowhead {n} (symbol)
:: знак за високо напрежение
arrowhead {n} (plant)
:: стрелолист {m}
arse {n} (arse) SEE: ass
arsenal {n} (military establishment)
:: арсенал {m}
arsenic {n} (chemical element)
:: арсен {m}
arson {n} (crime of setting a fire)
:: палеж {m}
arsonist {n} (one who has committed the act of arson)
:: подпалвач {m}
arsonry {n} (arson) SEE: arson
art {n} (human effort)
:: изкуство {n}
art {n} (conscious production or arrangement)
:: изкуство {n}
art {n} (skillful creative activity)
:: умение
art {n} (skill)
:: умение
art {n}
:: изкуство {n}
artery {n} (blood vessel from the heart)
:: артерия {f}
artful {adj}
:: сръчен, ловък, изкусен
artfulness {n} (quality of being artful)
:: сръчност, ловкост
art historian {n} (an expert in art history)
:: историк на изкуството {m}
arthralgia {n} (pain in a joint)
:: болки в ставите {p}
arthritis {n} (inflammation of a joint)
:: артрит {m}
artic {n} (articulated bus)
:: съчленен автобус, полуремарке
artichoke {n} (vegetable)
:: артишок {m}
article {n} (story, report, or opinion piece)
:: статия {f}
article {n} (member of a group or class)
:: член {m}
article {n}
:: предмет {m}, артикул {m}
article {n} (part of speech that specifies a noun)
:: член
article {n} (section of a legal document)
:: параграф {m}
article {n} (object) SEE: object
articular {adj} (of, at, or relating to the joints of the body)
:: ставен
articulate {adj} (clear, effective)
:: ясен, отчетлив
articulate {adj} (speaking in a clear or effective manner)
:: членоразделен
articulate {adj} (able to bend or hinge at certain points or intervals)
:: ставен, шарнирен
articulate {v} (to clarify)
:: изяснявам
articulate {v} (to speak clearly)
:: произнасям ясно, артикулирам
articulate {v} (anatomy: to form a joint)
:: свързвам, съединявам
articulated {adj} (Having one or more pivoted joints)
:: съчленен, шарнирен
articulated {adj} (Describing a vehicle with such joints)
:: съчленен
artifice {n} (crafty but underhanded deception)
:: хитрина
artificer {n} (inventor) SEE: inventor
artificer {n} (artisan) SEE: artisan
artificial {adj} (man-made)
:: изкуствен
artificial {adj} (false, misleading)
:: прикрит
artificial {adj} (unnatural)
:: неестествен, принуден
artificial intelligence {n} (intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity)
:: изкуствен интелект {m}
artillery {n} (weapon)
:: артилерия
artillery {n} (army unit)
:: артилерия
artillery {n} (gunnery (science))
:: артилерия
artiodactyl {n} (any ungulate mammal with an even number of toes)
:: Чифтокопитен {n}
artisan {n} (skilled manual worker)
:: занаятчия
artisanal {adj} (of or pertaining to artisans)
:: занаятчийски
artist {n} (person who creates art)
:: художник
artist {n} (person who creates art as an occupation)
:: художник
artist {n} (skilled person)
:: майстор {m}
artmaker {n} (artist) SEE: artist
Aruba {prop} (territory in the Caribbean)
:: Аруба
arum {n} (flower or plant in the genus Arum)
:: кала, змиярник
Arunachal Pradesh {prop} (Arunachal Pradesh)
:: Аруначал Прадеш
Aryan {n} (in Nazism: a member of an alleged master race of non-Jewish Caucasians)
:: ариец
Aryan {adj} (pertaining to the (alleged) Aryan master race)
:: арийски
Aryan {adj} (used primarily by neo-Nazis: pertaining to the Caucasian race)
:: арийски
Aryan {adj} (of or pertaining to Indo-European or Aryan peoples, culture, and languages)
:: арийски, индоевропейски
as {conj} (relative conjunction) SEE: that
as {conj} (than) SEE: than
as {conj} (as if) SEE: as if
as {adv} (for example) SEE: for example
asarabacca {n} (Asarum europaeum)
:: копитник
asbestos {n} (any of several fibrous mineral forms of magnesium silicate)
:: азбест, азбестов
ascend {v} (to fly, to soar)
:: изгрявам, изкачвам се
ascendancy {n} (supremacy; superiority; dominant control)
:: надмощие, господство
ascendant {adj} (Rising, moving upward)
:: възходящ, изгряващ, издигащ се
ascendant {adj} (Surpassing or controlling)
:: господствуващ
ascendant {n} (Being in control)
:: власт, влияние
ascendant {n} (An ancestor)
:: предшественик
ascension {n} (the act of ascending)
:: издигане, изкачване, възход
Ascension {prop} (holiday celebrating Ascension of Jesus) SEE: Ascension Day
Ascension {prop} (entering heaven alive)
:: възнесение {n}
Ascension {prop} (Jesus' rise to heaven)
:: възнесение {n}
Ascension Day {prop} (the fortieth day of Easter)
:: Възнесение {n}, Възнесение Господне {n}
ascent {n} (act of ascending; motion upwards)
:: издигане, изкачване
ascent {n} (eminence, hill, or high place)
:: стръмнина
ascent {n} (degree of elevation of an object, or the angle it makes with a horizontal line)
:: стръмност, стръмнина
ascertain {v} (find out; discover or establish)
:: установявам, убеждавам се
ascetic {adj} (related to ascetics)
:: аскетичен
ascetic {n} (devotee to the practice of self-denial)
:: аскет
asceticism {n} (the principles and practices of an ascetic)
:: аскетизъм {m}
Asclepius {prop} (Greek god of medicine and healing)
:: Асклепий
Ascoli Piceno {prop}
:: Асколи Пичено
ascribe {v} (attribute a cause or characteristic)
:: приписвам
ascribe {v} (attribute a book, etc)
:: приписвам
ascription {n} (act of ascribing a quality to someone or something)
:: приписване {n}
ASEAN {prop} (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
:: АСЕАН {m}, Асоциация на страните от Югоизточна Азия {f}
asexuality {n} (state of not experiencing sexual attraction)
:: асексуалност
as far as one knows {adv} (to the best of my knowledge)
:: до колкото знам
Asgard {prop} (the abode of gods in Norse mythology)
:: Асгард
ash {n} (solid remains of a fire)
:: пепел {f}
ash {n} (wood)
:: ясен
ash {n} (tree) SEE: ash tree
ashamed {adj} (feeling shame or guilt)
:: засрамен
ashen {adj} (of or resembling ashes)
:: пепеляв
ashlar {n} (a large square stone)
:: дялан камък {m}
ashlar {n}
:: (облицовка от) дялан камък
ashore {adv} (on the land)
:: на сушата
ashore {adv} (towards the shore)
:: към брега
ashtray {n} (receptacle for ashes)
:: пепелник {m}
ash tree {n} (Fraxinus tree)
:: ясен
ashy {adj}
:: пепеляв, бледен
Asia {prop} (the continent of Asia)
:: Азия {f}
Asia Minor {prop} (peninsula between the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea)
:: Мала Азия {f}
Asian {n} (person from Asia)
:: азиатец {m}, азиатка {f}
Asian {adj} (of, relating to or from Asia)
:: азиатски
Asian lion {n} (species of lion that inhabited Asia)
:: азиатски лъв {m}
aside {adv} (to or on one side)
:: настрана
as if {conj} (as though)
:: сякаш, все едно
as if {conj} (in mimicry of)
:: все едно
as if {interj} (interjection)
:: как ли пък не
as if nothing had happened {adv}
:: като че нищо не се беше случило
asinine {adj} (of or relating to a donkey)
:: магарешки
ask {v} (request an answer)
:: питам {impf}
ask {v} (make a request)
:: моля {impf}, искам {impf}
askance {adv} (of look: with disapproval)
:: подозрително
askance {adv} (sideways, obliquely)
:: накриво, изкосо
asleep {adj} (in a state of sleep)
:: заспал, спящ
asleep {adj} (numb or prickling)
:: изтръпнал
asparagus {n} (asparagus plant, Asparagus officinalis)
:: аспарагус {m}
asparagus {n} (asparagus shoots (food))
:: аспержа {f}
Asparukh {prop} (name of а ruler of Bulgars)
:: Аспарух, Исперих
aspect {n} (the way something appears)
:: вид {m}, перспектива {f}
aspect {n} (quality of a verb)
:: вид
asperity {n} (roughness as of stone)
:: грапавина
asperity {n} (harshness, as of temper)
:: рязкост
asperity {n} (something that is harsh and hard to endure)
:: строгост, суровост
asperity {n} (a part of a geological fault line that does not move)
:: разлом
asperse {v} (to falsely charge another)
:: клеветя
asphalt {n} (sticky, black and highly viscous liquid)
:: асфалт {m}
asphodel {n} (plant of the genus Asphodelus)
:: бял бърдун
aspic {n} (dish)
:: желе {n}, пача {f}
aspidistra {n} (plant of Aspidistra)
:: семейно щастие
aspiration {n} (hope or ambition)
:: стремеж, амбиция
aspiration {n} (burst of air that follows the release of some consonants)
:: придихание {n}
aspirator {n} (pump which draws gas through a liquid)
:: смукателен вентилатор {m}
aspire {v} (to hope or dream)
:: стремя се, домогвам се
aspirin {n} (analgesic drug)
:: аспирин {m}
ass {n} (buttocks)
:: гъз {m}, дупе {n}, задник {m}
assail {v} (to attack violently)
:: нападам, нахвърлям се
Assam {prop} (state in India)
:: Асам {m}
assassin {v} (assassinate) SEE: assassinate
assassin {n} (one who, motivated by political reasons, intentionally kills a particular person)
:: терорист
assassin {n} (any ruthless killer)
:: убиец {m}
assassinate {v} (to murder by sudden or obscure attack)
:: убивам, умъртвявам
assassinate {n} (assassination) SEE: assassination
assassinate {n} (assassin) SEE: assassin
assassination {n} (murder for political reasons or personal gain)
:: тероризъм, политическо убийство
assault {n} (violent onset or attack with physical means)
:: атака {f}, нападение {n}, щурм {m}
assault {v} (to attack)
:: атакувам, щурмувам
assault rifle {n} (a rifle)
:: автомат {m}
assay {n} (trial, attempt, essay)
:: опит, проба
assay {n} (the qualitative or quantitative chemical analysis of something)
:: анализ
assay {v} (to analyze (a metal, compound))
:: изпитвам, правя анализ
assemble {v} (to put together)
:: сглобявам, монтирам
assemble {v} (to gather as a group)
:: свиквам, събирам се
assembler {n} (program that converts assembly language to machine code)
:: асемблер
assembly {n} (set of pieces)
:: механизъм, агрегат
assembly {n} (congregation of people)
:: събиране, събрание
assembly {n} (legislative body)
:: асамблея
assent {v} (to agree, give approval)
:: одобрявам, съгласявам се
assent {n} (agreement, act of agreeing)
:: съгласие, одобрение
assert {v} (To affirm)
:: твърдя
assert {v} (To maintain; to defend)
:: защитавам, отстоявам
assertion {n} (affirmation; statement asserted)
:: твърдение {n}
assertive {adj} (boldly self-assured)
:: самоуверен, настоятелен, напорист
assess {v} (to determine the value of)
:: оценявам
assess {v} (to give or charge with)
:: облагам
assess {v} (to impose or subject to)
:: определям, (данък)
assessable {adj} (able to be assessed)
:: облагаем
assessment {n} (act of assessing a tax)
:: облагане {n}
assessment {n} (appraisal)
:: оценка {f}, оценяване {n}
asset {n} (something or someone of any value)
:: актив, авоари
assets {n} (any property or object of value that one possesses)
:: активи {m-p}
asseverate {v} (declare earnestly)
:: твърдя, заявявам
asseveration {n} (earnest affirmation)
:: твърдение, заявление
assfucker {n} (jerk) SEE: jerk
assiduity {n} (great and persistent toil or effort)
:: усърдие, старание, прилежание
assiduous {adj} (hard-working, diligent)
:: усърден, прилежен, старателен
assign {v} (to designate or set apart something for some purpose)
:: определям, предназначавам
assign {v} (to appoint or select someone for some office)
:: назначавам
assign {v} (to allot or give something as a task)
:: възлагам
assign {v} (to transfer property, a legal right, etc., from one person to another)
:: приписвам
assignment {n} (task)
:: задача {f}
assignment {n} (position)
:: назначение {n}
assignment {n} (typically a task given to students)
:: задача {f}
assignment {n} (transfer of rights or benefits)
:: преотстъпване
assignment {n} (operation(s) that assign a value to a variable)
:: присвояване
assignment {n}
:: задача, предназначение
assimilate {v} (to incorporate nutrients into the body after digestion)
:: усвоявам
assimilate {v} (to incorporate or absorb knowledge into the mind)
:: усвоявам
assimilate {v} (to absorb a group of people into a community)
:: асимилирам
assimilate {v} (to compare something to another similar one)
:: наподобявам
assimilation {n} (act or state)
:: асимилация, поглъщане
assimilation {n} (metabolic conversion)
:: поглъщане, усвояване
assist {v} (help)
:: помагам, съдействам
assist {v} (to make a pass in a sport)
:: асистирам
assist {n} (statistical recognition of making a pass)
:: асистенция
assistance {n} (aid; help; the act or result of assisting)
:: помощ {f}, съдействие {n}
assistant {n} (an auxiliary software tool) SEE: wizard
assistant {adj} (having a subordinate or auxiliary position)
:: спомагателен
assistant {n} (person who assists)
:: помощник {m}, помощничка {f}, помощница {f}, асистент {m}, асистентка {f}
associate {n} (partner)
:: колега, партньор {m}
associate {n} (companion; comrade)
:: другар, партньор
associate {n} (member of an institution or society who is granted only partial status or privileges)
:: член-кореспондент {m}
associate {v} (to join in or form a league, union, or association)
:: свързвам се, съединявам се
associate {v} (to spend time socially)
:: общувам
associate {v} (to join as a partner, ally, or friend)
:: присъединявам се
associate {v} (to connect or join together; combine)
:: свързвам се
association {n} (group of persons associated for a common purpose)
:: асоциация {f}
assonance {n} (repetition of similar or identical vowel sounds)
:: съзвучие {n}
assonant {adj} (characterized by assonance)
:: съзвучен
assort {v} (To sort or arrange according to characteristic or class)
:: сортирам, подреждам
assort {v} (To be associated with; to consort with)
:: съгласувам се, хармонирам
assorted {adj} (composed of different kinds)
:: разнороден, смесен, асорти
assortment {n} (collection of varying but related items)
:: избор, асортимент, сортиране
assuage {v} (mitigate, relieve)
:: облекчавам, смекчавам, успокоявам
assuage {v} (pacify)
:: успокоявам, уталожвам
assuagement {n}
:: облекчаване, смекчаване
assume {v} (to suppose to be true)
:: предполагам {impf}, предположа {pf}, допускам {impf}, допусна {pf}
assume {v} (take on a position)
:: поемам {impf}, заемам {impf}
assumed {adj} (intended to deceive; fictitious)
:: измислен, присторен
assumption {n} (the act of assuming, or taking to or upon oneself)
:: приемане
assumption {n} (supposition)
:: предположение, допускане
assumption {n} (thing supposed)
:: предположение, допускане
assumption {n} (taking of a person up into heaven)
:: успение
assumption {n} (festival in honor of the ascent of the Virgin Mary into heaven)
:: Успение Богородично
assurance {n} (the act of assuring)
:: уверение
assurance {n} (the state of being assured)
:: увереност, самоувереност
assurance {n} (excess of boldness)
:: самоувереност
assurance {n} (insurance)
:: застраховка
assure {v} (to make sure and secure)
:: уверявам
assure {v} (to give someone confidence in the trustworthiness of something)
:: убеждавам, удостоверявам
assure {v} (to reassure)
:: вдъхвам увереност
assured {adj} (confident) SEE: confident
Astana {prop} (the capital of Kazakhstan)
:: Астана {f}
astatine {n} (the chemical element)
:: астатин {m}
aster {n} (plant)
:: богородичка, димитровче
asterisk {n} (symbol used to highlight words or sentences)
:: звездичка {f}
Asterix {prop} (A fictional character from French comic books)
:: Астерикс
astern {adv} (backwards)
:: назад, зад кърмата
astern {adj} (behind (adj))
:: зад
astern of {prep} (behind (prep))
:: зад
asteroid {n} (astronomy)
:: астероид {m}
asthma {n} (chronic respiratory disease)
:: астма {f}, задух {m}
as though {conj} (as to suggest that)
:: сякаш, все едно, като че ли
Asti {prop} (province of Piedmont)
:: Асти
Asti {prop} (capital of Asti)
:: Асти
astonish {v} (to surprise, astound, flabbergast)
:: учудвам, удивлявам
astonishment {n}
:: учудване, удивление
astound {v} (to astonish, bewilder or dazzle)
:: поразявам, слисвам, изумявам
astounded {adj} (surprised, amazed, astonished or bewildered)
:: поразен, слисан
Astrakhan {prop} (city and region in Russia)
:: Астрахан {m}
astral {adj} (relating to or resembling the stars)
:: звезден
astray {adv}
:: заблуден, залутан
astride {adv} (with one’s legs on either side)
:: с разкрачени крака, яхнал
astrological sign {n} (sign that is used as the basis of astrology)
:: зодия {f}, знак {m}
astrology {n} (star divination)
:: астрология {f}
astronomer {n} (one who studies astronomy)
:: астроном {m}, астрономка {f}
astronomical unit {n} (measure of distance)
:: астрономическа единица {f}
astronomist {n} (astronomer) SEE: astronomer
astronomy {n} (study of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere)
:: астрономия {f}
astute {adj} (Quick at seeing how to gain advantage)
:: хитър, проницателен
asunder {adv} (into separate parts)
:: на парчета, на части
as well {adv} (in addition, also)
:: също
as well {adv} (to the same effect)
:: също добре
asylum {n} (place of safety)
:: убежище {n}
asylum {n} (mental asylum)
:: лудница {f}
at {prep} (in or very near a particular place)
:: при, до, на, у
at {prep} (indicating time)
:: в, във, на, през
at {prep} (in the direction of)
:: при, на, по време на
at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign
a tad {adv} (a little) SEE: a little
at all {prep} (at all)
:: изобщо
at all costs {prep} (sparing no effort)
:: на всяка цена
at any rate {prep} (in any case) SEE: in any case
atavistic {adj} (biology: of the recurrence of a trait after an absence of generations)
:: атавистичен
atelier {n} (studio)
:: ателие {n}
atheism {n} (rejection of belief that any deities exist (with or without a belief that no deities exist))
:: атеизъм {m}, безбожие {n}
atheist {n} (a person who believes that no deities exist)
:: атеист {m}, атеистка {f}
atheist {n} (a person who rejects belief that any deities exist, whether or not that person believes that deities do not exist)
:: атеист {m}, атеистка {f}, безбожник {m}, безбожница {f}, неверник {m}, неверница {f}
atheist {adj} (relating to atheists) SEE: atheistic
atheistic {adj} (relating to atheists)
:: атеистичен, безбожен
Athena {prop} (Greek goddess)
:: Атина {f}
Athens {prop} (capital city of Greece)
:: Атина {f}
athlete {n} (participant in one of several sporting activities)
:: лекоатлет
athlete {n} (person who actively participates in physical sports)
:: атлет, спортист
athletic {adj} (having to do with athletes)
:: атлетски
athletic {adj} (physically active)
:: атлетичен
athletic {adj} (having a muscular, well developed body, being in shape)
:: атлетичен
athletics {n} (physical activities)
:: атлетика
at home {prep} (In one's place of residence)
:: вкъщи, у дома
-ation {suffix} (-ation (suffix))
:: -ация {f}
Atlantic Ocean {prop} (the ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east)
:: Атлантически океан {m}
at large {prep} (on the loose)
:: свободен
at large {prep} (in general)
:: изобщо
atlas {n} (bound collection of maps)
:: атлас {m}
atlas {n} (bound collection of tables, illustrations, etc., on any subject)
:: атлас {m}
atlas {n} ((anatomy) The uppermost vertebra of the neck)
:: атлант {m}
atlas {n} (one who supports a heavy burden; mainstay)
:: атлант {m}
at least {prep} (at a lower limit)
:: поне, най-малко
ATM {n} ((banking) Automated Teller Machine)
:: банкомат {m}
atmosphere {n} (gases surrounding the Earth)
:: атмосфера {f}
atmosphere {n} (air in a particular place)
:: атмосфера {f}
atmosphere {n} (mood or feeling)
:: атмосфера
atmosphere {n} (a unit of measurement for pressure)
:: атмосфера {f}
at no time {prep} (never) SEE: never
atoll {n} (island)
:: атол
atom {n} (chemistry, physics: smallest possible amount of matter retaining its chemical properties)
:: атом {m}
atom {n} (smallest indivisible constituent)
:: атом {m}
atomic {adj} (of, or employing nuclear energy or processes)
:: атомен
atomic bomb {n} (nuclear weapon)
:: ядрена бомба {f}
atomic weapon {n} (nuclear weapon) SEE: nuclear weapon
atomism {n} (ancient Greek theory)
:: атомизъм {m}
atomize {v} (to make into a fine spray)
:: разпрашвам, пулверизирам
atomizer {n} (instrument for reducing a liquid to spray)
:: пулверизатор
at once {adv} (together)
:: заедно
at once {adv} (at the same time)
:: едновременно, по едно и също време
at once {adv} (immediately)
:: отведнъж
atone {v} (to make reparation, compensation, or amends, for an offence or a crime)
:: изкупвам
atone {v} (to clear someone else of wrongdoing)
:: изкупвам
atonement {n} (amends to restore a damaged relationship)
:: изкупване
atonement {n} (reconciliation of God and mankind)
:: изкупление
at one stroke {prep} (at once) SEE: at once
atrium {n} (central room in Roman homes)
:: атриум {m}
atrium {n} (one of two upper chambers of the heart)
:: ухо на предсърдието
atrocious {adj} (frightful, evil, cruel, monstrous)
:: жесток, брутален
atrocious {adj} (very bad)
:: отвратителен
atrocity {n} (extremely cruel act)
:: зверство {n}, жестокост
atrophy {n} (reduced functionality)
:: атрофия
atrophy {v} (wither)
:: атрофирам
at sign {n} (name of the symbol @)
:: маймунско а {n}, кльомба {f}
at-sign {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign
at symbol {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign
attach {v} (to fasten, to join to)
:: закрепвам, прикрепвам
attaché {n} (diplomatic officer)
:: аташе {m}
attachment {n} (strong bonding towards or with)
:: вярност, привързаност
attachment {n} (dependence, especially a strong one)
:: преданост
attachment {n} (file sent along with an email)
:: приложение {n}
attack {n} (attempt to cause damage or injury)
:: нападение {n}
attack {n} (offense of a battle)
:: атака, нападение, настъпление
attack {n} (medicine: sudden onset of a disease)
:: пристъп
attack {v} (to apply violent force)
:: нападам {impf}, атакувам {impf} {pf}
attack {v} (to aggressively challenge with words)
:: нахвърлям се, нападам
attain {v} (to accomplish; to achieve)
:: постигам (цел), добирам се до, осъществявам
attainable {adj} (able to be accomplished, achieved, or obtained)
:: достижим, постижим
attar {n} (essential oil extracted from flowers)
:: есенция, етерично масло
attempt {v} (to try)
:: пробвам, опитвам
attempt {n} (the action of trying at something)
:: опит {m}, проба {f}
attempt {n}
:: опит {m}
attend {v} (to turn one's consideration to, deal with)
:: обръщам внимание, грижа се, прислужвам
attend {v} (to be present at)
:: присъствам, посещавам
attendance {n} (the state of attending)
:: присъствие, посещение
attendance {n} (count of individuals)
:: присъствие
attendant {n} (one who attends)
:: спътник, съпроводител
attendant {adj} (going with; associated; concomitant)
:: придружаващ, свързан
attention {n} (mental focus)
:: внимание {n}
attention {n} (romantic interest)
:: ухажване {n}
attention {n} (state of alertness in the standing position)
:: внимание {n}
attentive {adj} (paying attention)
:: внимателен
attenuate {v} (To reduce)
:: намалявам
attenuate {v} (To weaken)
:: отслабвам
attenuate {v} (To rarefy)
:: разреждам
attenuation {n} (gradual diminishing in the strength)
:: намаляване, отслабване
attenuation {n} (physics: reduction in the level of some property with distance)
:: затихване
attest {v} (to affirm to be correct, true, or genuine)
:: потвърждавам, заверявам, удостоверявам
attestation {n} (something which bears witness, confirms or authenticates)
:: потвърждение
attestation {n} (such a confirmation or authentication)
:: потвърждение, заверка
attestation {n} (providing an independent opinion, on published information of an organization, by accountants or auditors)
:: атестация
at that {prep} (in addition)
:: при това
attic {n} (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof)
:: таван {m}, мансарда {f}
Attica {prop} (periphery)
:: Атика {f}
attire {n} (one's dress or clothes)
:: облекло, премяна, одеяние
attitude {n} (position of the body or way of carrying oneself)
:: стойка {f}, поза {f}
attitude {n} (disposition or state of mind)
:: становище, отношение {n}
attract {v}
:: привличам, притеглям
attraction {n} (tendency to attract)
:: привлекателност {f}
attraction {n} (feeling of being attracted)
:: привличане {n}, притегляне {n}
attraction {n} (something which attracts)
:: атракцион {m}
attractive {adj} (having the quality of attracting by inherent force)
:: притегателен
attractive {adj} (having the power of charming)
:: привлекателен
attractive {adj} (pleasing or appealing to the senses)
:: привлекателен
attribute {n} (characteristic or quality)
:: качество {n}, свойство {n}
attribute {n} (grammar: word qualifying a noun)
:: определение {n}
attribute {v} (to associate ownership or authorship with)
:: приписвам, отдавам
attribute {v} (attribute a cause or characteristic) SEE: ascribe
attrition {n} (wearing by friction)
:: изтъркване, изтриване
attune {v} (to bring into musical accord)
:: хармонизирам
attune {v} (to tune an instrument)
:: настройвам
aubergine {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant
auburn {n} (reddish-brown)
:: кестеняв цвят
auburn {adj} (reddish-brown)
:: кестеняв
Auckland {prop} (the largest conurbation in New Zealand)
:: Оукланд {m}
au contraire {adv} (on the contrary, see also: on the contrary)
:: напротив
auction {n} (public sales event)
:: търг {m}, наддаване {n}
auction {v} (to sell at an auction)
:: продавам на търг
audacious {adj} (showing willingness to take bold risks)
:: смел
audacious {adj} (impudent)
:: дързък
audacity {n} (insolent boldness)
:: дързост
audacity {n} (fearless daring)
:: смелост {f}, безстрашие {n}
audible {adj} (able to be heard)
:: чуваем, доловим
audience {n} (group of people seeing a performance)
:: публика {f}, аудитория {f}
audience {n} (readership of a written publication)
:: читатели
audience {n} (formal meeting with a dignitary)
:: аудиенция {f}
audiometer {n} (instrument)
:: аудиометър {m}
audit {n} (examination in general)
:: проверка {f}
audit {n} (independent review)
:: ревизия {f}, одит {m}
audit {v} (finance, business: to conduct an independent review and examination)
:: одитирам, правя ревизия
audition {n} (performance by an aspiring performer)
:: прослушване
audition {n} (sense of hearing)
:: слух {m}
audition {v} (evaluate one or more performers in through an audition)
:: прослушвам
auditorium {n} (a large room for public meetings or performances)
:: зала, салон
auditorium {n} (the space where the audience is located)
:: аудитория
auditory {adj} (of or pertaining to hearing)
:: слухов
augend {n} (A quantity to which another is added)
:: събираемо
auger {n} (carpenter's tool)
:: свредел, бургия
auger {n} (hollow drill used to take core samples of soil)
:: сонда {f}
auger {v} (drill holes using an auger)
:: сондирам
aught {n} (zero)
:: нула {f}
augment {v} (to increase, make larger or supplement)
:: увеличавам, прибавям
augment {v} (to become greater)
:: увеличавам се
augment {v} (to slow the tempo or meter)
:: забавям
augmentation {n} (the act or process of augmenting)
:: увеличаване
augur {n} (diviner who foretells events by unusual occurrences)
:: птицегадател
augur {v} (to foretell events; to exhibit signs of future events)
:: предсказвам, предвещавам
augury {n} (divination based on the appearance and behaviour of animals)
:: гадание
augury {n} (an omen or prediction; a foreboding)
:: предсказание, предчувствие
august {adj} (awe-inspiring, majestic, noble, venerable)
:: царствен, величествен
august {adj} (of noble birth)
:: благороден
August {prop} (eighth month of the Gregorian calendar)
:: август {m}
auk {n} (seabird of the family Alcidae)
:: гагарка
aunt {n} (a parent’s sister or sister-in-law)
:: леля {f}
aura {n} (The distinctive atmosphere or quality associated with someone or something)
:: атмосфера, излъчване
aura {n} (An invisible force surrounding a living creature.)
:: аура
aural {adj} (of or pertaining to the ear)
:: ушен
aural {adj} (of or pertaining to sound)
:: звуков, слухов
aureola {n} (luminous cloud)
:: ореол {m}
au revoir {interj}
:: довиждане
auric {adj} (trivalent gold)
:: златен
auricle {n} (smaller of the two types of heart chamber) SEE: atrium
auricle {n} (an ear-shaped appendage of the left or right atrium of the heart)
:: сърдечно ухо
auricle {n} (outer ear) SEE: pinna
auricular {adj} (of or pertaining to the ear)
:: ушен
auricular {adj} (of or pertaining to the sense of hearing)
:: слухов
auriferous {adj} (containing gold)
:: златоносен
aurist {n} (one skilled in treating and curing disorders of the ear)
:: отолог
aurochs {n} (European bison) SEE: European bison
aurora {n} (atmospheric phenomenon)
:: северно сияние {n}
Aurora {prop} (Roman goddess of dawn)
:: Аврора {f}
auscultate {v} (to practice auscultation)
:: преслушвам
auscultation {n} (diagnosis by stethoscope or similar auditory device)
:: аускултация {f}
auspice {n} (patronage)
:: покровителство
auspice {n} (omen)
:: знамение, предзнаменование
auspicious {adj} (indicating future success)
:: благоприятен, вещаещ добро
Aussie {n} (colloquial: an Australian, see also: Australian)
:: австралиец
austere {adj} (grim, stern, strict)
:: строг, суров
austere {adj} (not extravagant)
:: прост, аскетичен
austerity {n} (severity of manners or life)
:: строгост, суровост
austerity {n} (sourness and harshness to the taste)
:: стипчивост
austral {adj} (Of, relating to, or coming from the south)
:: южен
Australasia {prop} (Oceania) SEE: Oceania
Australia {prop} (Commonwealth of Australia)
:: Австралия {f}
Australian {n} (a person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent)
:: австралиец {m}, австралийка {f}
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to Australia, the Australian people or languages)
:: австралийски
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to the country of Australia)
:: австралийски
Austria {prop} (country in Central Europe)
:: Австрия {f}
Austria-Hungary {prop} (former country in Central Europe)
:: Австро-Унгария {f}
Austrian {adj} (related to Austria)
:: австрийски
Austrian {n} (Austrian person)
:: австриец {m}, австрийка {f}
autarchy {n} (autocratic government) SEE: autocracy
authentic {adj} (of undisputed origin)
:: автентичен
authentic {adj} (conforming to reality and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief)
:: достоверен
authenticate {v} (to render authentic)
:: удостоверявам, установявам автентичността на
authenticate {v} (to prove authentic)
:: проверявам автентичността на
authenticity {n} (the quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original)
:: автентичност {f}, достоверност
author {n} (writer) SEE: writer
author {n} (originator or creator of a work)
:: автор {m}, творец {m}
author {v} (to create a work as its author)
:: творя, създавам
authoress {n} (female author)
:: авторка {f}, писателка {f}
authoritarianism {n} (authoritarian form of government)
:: авторитаризъм {m}
authoritative {adj} (originating from a figure of authority)
:: авторитарен
authoritative {adj} (accurate or definitive)
:: авторитетен, достоверен
authoritative {adj} (having a commanding style)
:: заповеднически
authority {n} (power to enforce rules or give orders)
:: власт {f}, авторитет {m}
authority {n} (persons in command; specifically, government)
:: власти {f-p}
authority {n} (person accepted as a source of reliable information on a subject)
:: познавач {m}, авторитет {m}
authorization {n} (act of authorizing)
:: упълномощаване
authorization {n} (formal sanction, permission or warrant)
:: пълномощно
authorize {v} (to grant power or permission)
:: упълномощавам, разрешавам, одобрявам
authorship {n} (quality or state of being an author)
:: авторство
auto- {prefix} (regarding oneself)
:: авто-
auto- {prefix} (automatic)
:: авто-
auto- {prefix} (relating to cars or the driving of cars)
:: авто-
autobiography {n} (biography of oneself)
:: автобиография {f}
autocracy {n} (form of government)
:: автокрация {f}, самодържавие {n}, самовластие
autodidact {n} (a self-taught person)
:: самоук
autogamy {n} (self-fertilization)
:: самоопрашване
autograph {n} (signature)
:: автограф {m}
autolysis {n} (the destruction of an organism's cells by enzymes)
:: саморазлагане
automated teller machine {n} (banking)
:: банкомат {m}
automatic {adj} (capable of operating without external control)
:: автоматичен
automatic {adj} (acting without conscious thought)
:: неволен, машинален
automatic {adj} (describing a firearm which fires continuously)
:: автоматичен
automatic {n} (A semi-automatic pistol)
:: автомат
automatic teller machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine
automation {n} (converting the controlling of a machine to an automatic system)
:: автоматизация {f}
automobile {n} (passenger vehicle)
:: автомобил {m}, кола {f}
automotive {adj} (having the ability to move by itself; self-propelled or self-propelling)
:: самоходен
autonomous {adj} (self-governing)
:: автономен, независим
autonomous {adj} (acting on one's own)
:: самостоятелен
autonomy {n} (self-government)
:: автономия {f}, независимост {f}
autonomy {n} (capacity for individual decision)
:: самостоятелност
autophagy {n} (the process of self-digestion)
:: автофагия {f}
autoteller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine
autotomy {n} (invertebrate self-defense mechanism)
:: автотомия {f}
autumn {n} (season)
:: есен {f}
autumn {adj} (autumnal) SEE: autumnal
autumnal {adj} (of or relating to autumn)
:: есенен
auxiliary {n} (auxiliary verb) SEE: auxiliary verb
auxiliary {adj} (helping; giving assistance or support)
:: помощен, спомагателен
auxiliary {adj} (supplementary or subsidiary)
:: допълнителен
auxiliary {adj} (held in reserve for exceptional circumstances)
:: резервен
auxiliary {adj} (relating to an auxiliary verb)
:: спомагателен
auxiliary {n} (person or group that acts in an auxiliary manner)
:: помощник
auxiliary language {n} (international auxiliary language) SEE: international auxiliary language
auxiliary verb {n} (a helping verb)
:: спомагателен глагол
avail {v} (to turn to the advantage of)
:: помагам, подпомагам, от полза съм
avail {v} (to be of service to)
:: служа, послужа, допринасям, допринеса
avail {v} (to promote; to assist)
:: помагам, помогна, подпомагам, подпомогна
avail {v} (to be of use (intransitive))
:: от полза съм, помагам, помогна
avail {n} (benefit; value, profit; advantage toward success)
:: полза, облага
avail {n} (proceeds)
:: печалба {f}, средства {p}
available {adj} (capable of being used)
:: годен, полезен
available {adj} (readily obtainable)
:: наличен, разполагаем
available {adj} (law: valid)
:: валиден
avalanche {n} (large sliding mass of snow and ice)
:: лавина {f}
avalanche {n} (fall of earth, rocks, etc.)
:: свлачище
Avar {prop} (language)
:: аварски език {m}
avarice {n} (excessive or inordinate desire of gain)
:: користолюбие
avarice {n} (inordinate desire for some supposed good)
:: алчност
avaricious {adj} (actuated by avarice)
:: алчен, користолюбив
Avellino {prop}
:: Авелино
avenge {v} (to take vengeance for)
:: отмъщавам, мъстя {impf}
avens {n} (plant of Geum)
:: омайниче
aventurine {n} (variety of translucent quartz)
:: авантюрин {m}
avenue {n} (broad street)
:: авеню {n}
avenue {n} (way or opening; a passage)
:: алея {f}
aver {v} (to assert the truth of, to affirm with confidence; to declare in a positive manner)
:: твърдя, заявявам, настоявам
aver {v} (to prove or justify a plea)
:: доказвам
average {n} (arithmetic mean)
:: средно число
average {adj} (constituting or relating to the average)
:: среден
average {adj} (neither very good nor very bad)
:: среден
average {adj} (typical)
:: нормален, обикновен
averse {adj} (having opposition of mind)
:: неохотен
averse {adj} (turned away or backward)
:: обърнат назад
aversion {n} (fixed dislike)
:: антипатия, отвращение
aversion {n} (a turning away)
:: обръщане назад
avert {v} (to turn aside)
:: отклонявам
avert {v} (to ward off)
:: отблъсквам, отбивам
aviary {n} (confinement for keeping birds)
:: волиера, птичарник
aviation {n} (art or science of flying)
:: въздухоплаване {n}, авиация {f}
aviculture {n} (bird breeding)
:: птицевъдство
avid {adj} (enthusiastic; passionate)
:: страстен
avid {adj} (longing eagerly; eager; greedy)
:: алчен, лаком, ненаситен
avidity {n} (greediness; strong appetite)
:: лакомост, ненаситност, алчност
avocado {n} (fruit)
:: авокадо {n}
avocation {n} (calling away; diversion)
:: развлечение, странично занимание
avocation {n} (hobby)
:: хоби
avocation {n} (usual employment; vocation)
:: призвание
avocet {n} (bird)
:: саблеклюн
Avogadro constant {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) SEE: Avogadro's number
Avogadro's number {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12)
:: число на Авогадро {n}
avoid {v} (to keep away from)
:: отбягвам, страня от
avoid {v} ((law) To defeat or evade; to invalidate)
:: отменям, анулирам
avoidance {n} (The act of annulling)
:: отменяне, анулиране
avoidance {n} (A dismissing or a quitting; removal; withdrawal.)
:: оттегляне, касиране
avoidance {n} (The act of avoiding or shunning)
:: избягване, отбягване
avouch {v} (To declare freely)
:: декларирам
avouch {v} (to admit; to confess)
:: признавам
avouch {v} (To confirm or verify)
:: потвърждавам
avow {v} (declare openly)
:: признавам {impf}
avowal {n} (declaration of affirmation)
:: признание, декларация
Avraham {prop} (given name) SEE: Abraham
avuncular {adj} (in the manner of an uncle)
:: чичов, вуйчов
avuncular {adj} (kind, genial, benevolent or tolerant)
:: благ, добродушен
await {v} (transitive: to wait for)
:: чакам {impf}, очаквам {impf}
await {v} (transitive: to expect)
:: очаквам
await {v} (to serve)
:: обслужвам {impf}
await {v} (intransitive, to stay in waiting)
:: очаквам
awake {adj} (conscious)
:: буден
awake {v} (to gain consciousness)
:: събуждам се
awake {v} (to cause someone to stop sleeping)
:: будя, събуждам
award {n} (decision of arbitrators)
:: отсъждане, решение
award {n} (trophy or medal)
:: награда
award {v} (to give by judicial determination)
:: присъждам
award {v} (to make an award)
:: награждавам
aware {adj}
:: осведомен; който съзнава, усеща, чувствува, долавя, знае
awareness {n} (the state of consciousness)
:: съзнание {n}
awareness {n} (the state or quality of being aware of something)
:: осведоменост {f}
awash {adj} (washed by the waves or tide)
:: залят, наводнен
awe {n} (feeling of fear and reverence)
:: страхопочитание, благоговение
awe {v} (to inspire fear and reverence)
:: внушавам страхопочитание
aweigh {adj} (drawn out; hanging)
:: чиста котва
awestricken {adj} (awestruck) SEE: awestruck
awestruck {adj} (filled or overcome with awe)
:: обхванат от благоговеен страх
awful {adj} (very bad)
:: ужасен, отвратителен
awful {adj} (causing fear; appalling; terrible)
:: страшен, ужасен
awful {adj} (inspiring awe)
:: внушаващ страх
awful {adv} (colloquial: very, extremely)
:: ужасно
awfully {adv} (very) SEE: very
awfully {adv} (badly) SEE: badly
awhile {adv} (For some time; for a short time)
:: за известно време
awkward {adj} (lacking dexterity in the use of the hands)
:: несръчен, непохватен
awkward {adj} (not easily managed or effected; embarrassing)
:: неловък, неудобен
awkward {adj} (perverse; adverse; untoward)
:: неприятен, неудобен
awkwardness {n} (the state or quality of being awkward)
:: несръчност, непохватност
awl {n} (pointed instrument)
:: шило {n}
awlwort {n} (plant Subularia aquatica)
:: шилолист
awn {n} (the bristle or beard of certain plants)
:: осил
awning {n} (a rooflike cover)
:: навес {m}, тента {f}, козирка {f}
awry {adv} (obliquely, crookedly; askew)
:: накриво, косо
awry {adv} (perversely, improperly)
:: неправилно, криво
awry {adj} (turned or twisted toward one side)
:: крив, изкривен
awry {adj} (wrong or distorted; perverse, amiss)
:: погрешен, неправилен
axe {n} (tool)
:: брадва {f}, секира {f}, топор {m}
axe {n} (weapon)
:: брадва {f}, секира {f}, топор {m}
axe {n} (rejection)
:: отказ
axe {v} (fell or chop)
:: отсичам с брадва
axial {adj} (of or pertaining to an axis)
:: осов, аксиален
axiom {n} (philosophy: supposed self‐evident or necessary truth)
:: аксиома {f}
axiomatic {adj} (self-evident)
:: очевиден, не нуждаещ се от доказателства
axiomatic {adj} (relating to axioms)
:: аксиоматичен
axis {n} (geometry: imaginary line)
:: ос
axis {n} (basis of space or part of graph)
:: ос
axis of symmetry {n} (a line about which a geometric figure is symmetric)
:: ос на симетрия {f}
axle {n} (the pin or spindle on which a wheel revolves, or which revolves with a wheel)
:: ос, вал
axle {n} (a transverse bar or shaft)
:: ок
ayatollah {n} (a religious leader)
:: аятолах {m}
aye-aye {n} (nocturnal quadruped)
:: ай-ай {m}
Ayers Rock {prop} (Uluru) SEE: Uluru
Aymara {n} (indigenous people of South America)
:: аймара {f}
Aymara {prop} (language of South America)
:: аймара
Aytos {prop} (town)
:: Айтос
az {n} (name of the letter a in the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets)
:: аз
azalea {n} (plant)
:: азалия {f}
Azerbaijan {prop} (country)
:: Азербайджан {m}
Azerbaijani {prop} (language of Azerbaijan)
:: азербайджански {m}
Azerbaijani {adj} (pertaining to Azerbaijan)
:: азербайджански
Azerbaijan SSR {prop} (Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic)
:: Азербайджанска ССР
Azeri {n} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani
Azeri {prop} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani
azimuth {n} (arc of the horizon)
:: азимут {m}
azure {n} (colour of the sky)
:: небесносиньо {n}
azure {n} (the blue sky)
:: лазур {m}
azure {adj} (sky-blue coloured)
:: небесносин, лазурен
Ålesund {prop} (Norwegian municipality in Møre og Romsdal)
:: Олесун