ha {interj} (a representation of laughter)
:: ha
Haapsalu {prop} (town)
:: Haapsalu
Habacuc {prop} (Habakkuk) SEE: Habakkuk
Habakkuk {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Habakkuk
Habakkuk {prop} (prophet)
:: Habakkuk
Habakkuk {prop} (male given name)
:: Habakkuk
habit {n} (an action done on a regular basis)
:: vane {c}
habit {n} (action performed repeatedly and automatically, usually without awareness)
:: vane {c}
habitat {n} (natural conditions in which a plant or animal lives)
:: levested {n}, habitat {n}, udbredelsesområde {n}
habitual {adj} (engaging in some behaviour as a habit)
:: vanemæssig
Habsburg {n} (a member of the Habsburg noble family)
:: habsburger {c} , Habsburg
hack {v} (to gain unauthorised access to a computer or online account)
:: hacke
hackberry {n} (plant)
:: nældetræ {n}
hackberry {n} (Prunus padus) SEE: bird cherry
hacker {n} (one who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data)
:: hacker {c}
hackle {n} (an instrument with pins)
:: hegle {c}
haddock {n} (marine fish)
:: kuller
Hadrian {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adrian
haematology {n} (scientific study of blood and blood-producing organs)
:: hæmatologi {c}
haemo- {prefix} (pertaining to blood)
:: hæmo-
haemophilia {n} (any of several hereditary illnesses that impair the body's ability to control bleeding)
:: blødersyge
hafnium {n} (chemical element)
:: hafnium {n}
hag {n} (fruit of Prunus padus) SEE: bird cherry
hagberry {n} (tree) SEE: bird cherry
hagberry {n} (fruit) SEE: bird cherry
Haggai {prop} (book of The Bible)
:: Haggaj
haggis {n} (traditional Scottish dish)
:: haggis
haggle {v} (to argue for a better deal)
:: prutte, købslå
Hagia Sophia {prop} (a former basilica, now a museum in Turkey)
:: Hagia Sophia
hagiography {n} (study of saints)
:: hagiografi {c}
hagiography {n} (biography of a saint)
:: hagiografi {c}
haha {interj} (representation of laughter)
:: ha, ha ha, hæhæ
haiku {n} (Japanese poem of a specific form)
:: haiku {n} {c}
haiku {n} (poem of similar structure)
:: haiku {n} {c}
hail {n} (balls of ice)
:: hagl {n}
hail {v} (to greet)
:: hil
hair {n} (a pigmented keratinaceous growth on the human head)
:: hår {n}
hair {n} (the collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of humans and animals)
:: hår {n}
hair {n} (one of the above-mentioned filaments)
:: hår {n}
hair-brush {n} (a brush used in hair care) SEE: hairbrush
hairbrush {n} (a brush used in hair care)
:: hårbørste {c}
hair conditioner {n} (cosmetic product)
:: hårbalsam {c}, balsam {c}
hairdresser {n} (professional for haircutting or hairstyling)
:: frisør
hairdresser's {n} (hairdresser’s shop) SEE: hair salon
hairdressing salon {n} (hairdressing salon) SEE: hair salon
hair dryer {n} (an electrical device used for drying hair) SEE: hairdryer
hairdryer {n} (electrical appliance for drying hair)
:: hårtørrer {c}, føntørrer {c}
hairless {adj} (bald) SEE: bald
hairnet {n} (net designed to keep hair up)
:: hårnet {n}
hair of the dog {n} (curing drink)
:: reparationsbajer {c}
hair salon {n} (workplace of a beautician or barber)
:: frisørsalon {c}
hairstyle {n} (the style in which someone's hair has been cut and arranged)
:: frisure {c}
hairy {adj} (of a person)
:: håret, behåret
hairy {adj} (of an animal)
:: lodden
hairy {adj} (of a body part other than the head)
:: håret, behåret
Haiti {prop} (a country in the Caribbean)
:: Haiti
Haitian {n} (person from Haiti)
:: haitianer {c}
Haitian {adj} (pertaining to the country, people, or language)
:: haitiansk, haitisk
hajj {n} (pilgrimage to Mecca)
:: hajj {c}
hake {n} (fish)
:: kulmule {c}
halal {adj} (in general, according to Muslim customs, permissible to have or do)
:: halal
halal {adj} (fit to eat according to Muslim religious customs)
:: halal
halberd {n} (hand weapon)
:: hellebard {c}, atgejr {c}
half {adj} (consisting of a half)
:: halv
half {n} (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided)
:: halvdel {c}
half-life {n} (time in physics)
:: halveringstid {c}
half-line {n} (ray) SEE: ray
half-moon {n} (the moon in its first or last quarter)
:: halvmåne {c}
half-moon {n} (anything shaped like a crescent)
:: halvmåne {c}
half-open {adj} (partially open)
:: halvåben
half-open {adj} (mathematics: containing only one of its endpoints)
:: halvåben
half sister {n} (a female half sibling)
:: halvsøster {c}
half title {n} (book title)
:: smudstitel
half-year {n} (period of half a year)
:: halvår {n}
halibut {n} (fish of genus Hippoglossus)
:: helleflynder
hall {n} (meeting room)
:: sal {c}
hallelujah {interj} (exclamation to praise God)
:: halleluja
hallelujah {interj} (general exclamation of gratitude)
:: gudskelov
hallow {n} (holy person)
:: helgen {c}
hallow {v} (to sanctify)
:: hellige, helliggøre
Halloween {prop} (October 31st)
:: allehelgensaften {c}
hallows {n} (plural of hallow) SEE: hallow
hallucination {n} (sensory perception of something that does not exist)
:: hallucination
hallux {n} (big toe) SEE: big toe
hallway {n} (corridor) SEE: corridor
halo {n} (atmospheric phenomenon)
:: halo {c}
halo {n} (luminous disc around the heads of saints)
:: glorie {c}
halyard {n} (rope)
:: fald {n}
ham {n} (thigh of a hog cured for food)
:: skinke {c}
hamartia {n} (sin) SEE: sin
Hamburg {prop} (city and state of Germany)
:: Hamborg
hamburger {n} (sandwich)
:: hamburger {c}
hamburger {n} (patty)
:: hamburgerbøf {c}
hamburger {n} (ground beef)
:: hakkekød {n}
Hamiltonian {n} ((quantum mechanics))
:: Hamiltonoperator {c}
Hamiltonian cycle {n} (graph theory: a cycle visiting all vertices once)
:: hamiltonkreds {c}
hamlet {n} (small village)
:: landsby
Hamlet {prop} (the main character of the play Hamlet)
:: Hamlet {m}
hammam {n} (Turkish bath) SEE: Turkish bath
hammer {n} (tool)
:: hammer {c}
hammer {n} (part of a firearm)
:: geværhane {c}
hammer {n} (piano part)
:: hammer {c}
hammer {v} (to strike repeatedly)
:: hamre
hammer and sickle {n} (symbol of communism)
:: hammer og segl
hammerhead {n} (shark)
:: hammerhaj
hammerhead shark {n} (shark of the genus Sphyrna)
:: hammerhaj
hammock {n} (swinging couch or bed)
:: hængekøje {c}
ham radio {n} (ham radio) SEE: amateur radio
hamster {n} (small, short-tailed European rodent)
:: hamster {c}
hamstring {n} (great tendon)
:: hase
Han character {n} (Chinese character) SEE: Chinese character
hand {n} (part of the fore limb)
:: hånd {c}
hand {n} (pointer of an analogue/analog clock)
:: viser {c}
hand {n} (side; part; direction, either right or left)
:: side
hand {n} (power of performance; means of execution; ability; skill; dexterity)
:: evne, håndlag
hand {n} (servant, laborer, workman, trained for special duty; a performer)
:: matros {c}
hand {n} (instance of helping)
:: give en hånd med
hand {n} (handwriting; style of penmanship)
:: håndskrift {c}
hand {n} (person's autograph or signature)
:: underskrift {c}
hand {n} (that which is, or may be, held in a hand at once)
:: håndfuld {c}
hand {n} (set of cards held by a player in a card game)
:: hånd {c}
hand {n} (bundle of tobacco leaves)
:: bundt {n}
hand {n} (bunch of bananas)
:: klase {c}
hand {n} (applause)
:: klapsalve {c}
hand {n} (small part of a gunstock near the lock, grasped when aiming)
:: håndgreb {n}
handbag {n} (small bag carried in the hand)
:: håndtaske {c}
handball {n} (team sport)
:: håndbold
handball {n} (ball in team sport)
:: håndbold {c}
handball player {n} (person who plays handball)
:: håndboldspiller {c}
handbrake {n} (hand-operated brake in a car)
:: håndbremse
handcuff {n} (ring of a locking fetter for the hand)
:: håndjern
handcuffs {n} (metal rings for fastening wrists)
:: håndjern {n-p}
handful {n} (amount held in hand)
:: håndfuld {c}
handful {n} (breadth of hand)
:: håndsbred {c}
handful {n} (small number)
:: håndfuld {c}
hand grenade {n} (explosive device)
:: håndgranat {c}
handkerchief {n} (cloth for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands)
:: lommetørklæde {n}
handle {n} (part of an object held in the hand when used or moved)
:: håndtag {n}
handle {n} (part of a door)
:: klinke
handlebar {n} (bar for steering)
:: styr {n}, cykelstyr {n}
hand-me-down {n} (An item that is passed along for someone else to use)
:: aflagt stykke tøj
handrail {n} (rail which can be held)
:: gelænder
handset {n} (the part of a telephone containing both receiver and transmitter, held in the hand)
:: telefonrør {c}
handshake {n} (grasping of hands by two people)
:: håndtryk {n}
handsoap {n} (handsoap)
:: håndsæbe {c}
hands up {interj} (surrender!)
:: hænderne op!
handwriting {n} (characteristic writing of a particular person)
:: håndskrift {c}
handyman {n} (man who does odd tasks)
:: altmuligmand {c}
hang {v} (to be or remain suspended)
:: hænge
hangar {n} (a large garage-like structure where aircraft are kept)
:: hangar {c}
hanger {n} (clothes hanger)
:: bøjle {c}
hangover {n} (illness caused by heavy drinking)
:: tømmermænd {c-p}
hangover {n} (unpleasant relic left from prior events)
:: levn {n-p}
Hannah {prop} (mother of Samuel)
:: Hanna
Hannah {prop} (female given name)
:: Hanna, Hannah
Hanoi {prop} (capital of Vietnam)
:: Hanoi
hanse {n} (Hanseatic League) SEE: Hanseatic League
Hanse {n} (German commercial league) SEE: Hanseatic League
Hanseatic {adj} (of or pertaining to the German Hanse)
:: hanseatisk
Hanseatic city {n} (member-city of the Hanseatic League)
:: hansestad {c}
Hanseatic League {prop} (former commercial and military alliance)
:: Hansaen, Hanseforbundet {n}
Hanseong {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul
Hans Island {prop} (island)
:: Hans Ø
Hanyang {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul
Hanzi {n} (Chinese character) SEE: Chinese character
hapless {adj} (very unlucky; ill-fated)
:: ulykkelig
haply {adv} (perhaps) SEE: perhaps
happen {v} (to occur)
:: ske, hænde, indtræffe
happily ever after {adv} (happily until one's death)
:: og de levede lykkeligt til deres dages ende
happiness {n} (emotion of being happy)
:: lykke {c}, glæde {c}
happy {adj} (contented, joyous)
:: glad, lykkelig
happy {adj} (fortunate, lucky)
:: heldig
happy birthday {interj} (good wishes for a birthday)
:: tillykke med fødselsdagen, tillykke
happy Easter {phrase} (an expression used during Easter)
:: Glædelig Påske
happy New Year {phrase} (Happy New Year)
:: godt nytår
Happy Ramadan {phrase} (An expression used during Ramadan)
:: glædelig ramadan
Harare {prop} (capital of Zimbabwe)
:: Harare
harassment {n} (persistent attacks and criticism causing worry and distress)
:: chikane {c}
harassment {n} (deliberate pestering or annoying)
:: chikane {c}
harbor {n} (place of shelter)
:: rede {c}
harbor {n} (for ships)
:: havn {c}
harbor {v} (to provide safe place)
:: huse, skjule, gemme
harbor {v} (to hold in one's thoughts)
:: rumme
harbormaster {n} (official responsible for the enforcement of regulations in a port)
:: havnefoged {c}, havnechef {c}, havnekaptajn {c}, havnemester {c}
harbour {n} (harbor) SEE: harbor
harbourmaster {n} (harbourmaster) SEE: harbormaster
hard {adj} (resistant to pressure)
:: hård
hard {adj} (requiring a lot of effort to do or understand)
:: vanskelig
hard candy {n} (candy prepared from one or more syrups)
:: bolsje {n}
hard disk {n} (unit and all the disks within it)
:: harddisk {c}
hard drive {n} (device used for storing large amounts of data)
:: harddisk
hard hat {n} (construction helmet)
:: sikkerhedshjelm {c}, beskyttelseshjelm {c}
hard labor {n} (forced labor) SEE: forced labor
hardly {adv} (barely, only just)
:: knap
hard nut to crack {n} (challenging problem to solve)
:: en hård nød at knække
hard of hearing {adj} (having difficulty hearing)
:: tunghør
hard-on {n} (rigid state of the penis) SEE: erection
hard roe {n} (roe) SEE: roe
hardware {n} (fixtures, equipment, tools and devices)
:: isenkram {n}
hardware {n} (equipment)
:: udstyr {n}
hardware {n} (material part of a computer)
:: hardware {c}
hardware {n} (electronic equipment)
:: maskinel {n}, hardware {n}
hardware {n} (metal implements)
:: udstyr {n}
hardware {n} (slang: firearm)
:: skydevåben {n}
hardware store {n} (merchant)
:: byggemarked {n}
hard water {n} (water with a high concentration of dissolved minerals)
:: hårdt vand {n}
hard-working {adj} (tending to work with ardour) SEE: hardworking
hardworking {adj} (taking their work seriously and doing it well and rapidly)
:: hårdtarbejdende, flittig, arbejdsom
hardy {adj} (inured to fatigue or hardships)
:: hårdfør, modstandsdygtig, stovt
hare {n} (animal)
:: hare {c}
harebell {n} (plant)
:: blåklokke {c}
harelip {n} (congenital malformation of the upper lip)
:: hareskaar
harem {n} (the private part of an Arab household)
:: harem {n}
harem {n} (group of women in a polygamous household)
:: harem {n}
harlequin {n} (pantomime fool)
:: harlekin {c}
harlequin duck {n} (Histrionicus histrionicus)
:: strømand {c}
harlot {n} (a female prostitute)
:: skøge {c}
harm {n} (injury; hurt; damage)
:: skade
harm {v} (cause damage)
:: skade
harmful {adj} (likely to be damaging)
:: skadelig
harmonica {n} (wind instrument)
:: mundharmonika {c}, mundharpe {c}
Harold {prop} (male given name)
:: Harald
harp {n} (musical instrument)
:: harpe
harpoon {n} (spearlike weapon)
:: harpun {c}
harpsichord {n} (musical instrument)
:: cembalo {c}
harpsichordist {n} (one who plays the harpsichord)
:: cembalist {c}
harpy {n} (Fabulous winged monster with the face of a woman)
:: harpy {c}
harpy {n} (Obnoxious, shrewish woman)
:: furie {c}
harquebus {n} (obsolete matchlock firearm)
:: arkebuse {c}
harrow {n} (device)
:: harve {c}
harsh {adj} (rough)
:: ru, grov
harsh {adj} (severe or cruel)
:: grov
harvest {n} (autumn, fall) SEE: autumn
harvestman {n} (arachnid)
:: mejer {c}
hash {n} (the # symbol)
:: firkant {c} , nummertegn {n}, havelåge {c} , hashtag {n}
hash {v} (to chop into small pieces)
:: hakke
hash {n} (clipped form of hashish)
:: hash {c}
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan {prop} (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)
:: Det hashemitiske kongerige Jordan {n}
hashish {n} (marijuana generally) SEE: cannabis
hashish {n} (dried leaves of the Indian hemp plant)
:: hashish, hash
hash mark {n} (symbol #) SEE: hash
hashtag {n} (a tag with a hash sign)
:: hashtag {n}
Hasidism {prop} (Jewish movement)
:: chasidisme {c}, chassidisme {c}, hasidisme {c}, hassidisme {c}
Hassidism {prop} (Hasidism) SEE: Hasidism
hassium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 108)
:: hassium {n}
hassle {n} (trouble, bother, unwanted annoyances or problems)
:: besvær {n}, bøvl {n}, mas {n}
hassle {n} (fight or argument)
:: skænderi {n}, slagsmål {n}
hassle {v} (To trouble, to bother, to annoy)
:: chikanere, genere, plage
Hassānīya {prop} (Language)
:: Hassania
haste makes waste {proverb} (being too hasty leads to wasteful mistakes)
:: hastværk er lastværk
hasty {adj} (acting in haste; being too hurried or quick)
:: forhastet
hat {n} (a head covering)
:: hat {c}
hat {n} (a role or capacity)
:: kasket {c}
hatch {n} (trapdoor) SEE: trapdoor
hatch {v} (to shade an area) SEE: crosshatch
hate {v} (to dislike intensely)
:: hade
hate {n} (hatred) SEE: hatred
hateful {adj} (full of hate)
:: hadefuld
hate speech {n} (offensive speech)
:: hadefuld omtale
hatred {n} (strong aversion)
:: had
hatstand {n} (coat stand) SEE: coat stand
hatted {adj} (wearing a hat)
:: hatteklædt
hat trick {n} (three achievements in a single game or similar)
:: hattrick {n}
Hattusa {prop} (city)
:: Hattusas
haulm {n} (an individual plant stem)
:: halm {c}
haunt {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost
Hauts-de-France {prop} (region of France)
:: Hauts-de-France
Havana {prop} (capital of Cuba)
:: Havana
have {v} (to possess)
:: have
have {v} (to partake of something)
:: have, få
have {v} (auxiliary used in forming the perfect and the past perfect tenses)
:: have
have {v} (give birth to)
:: få
have {v} (engage in sexual intercourse with)
:: have
have {v} (cause to, by command or request)
:: få
have {v} (cause to be)
:: have, få
have {v} (be affected by an occurrence)
:: få
have {v}
:: have
have {v} (must) SEE: have to
have a bun in the oven {v} (To be pregnant; to be expecting a baby)
:: have en kage i ovnen, have brød i ovnen
have another think coming {v} (be deluded)
:: tro om igen
have bats in one's belfry {v} (to be crazy or eccentric)
:: have rotter på loftet
have butterflies in one's stomach {v} (be nervous)
:: have sommerfugle i maven
have eyes on {v} (observe) SEE: observe
haven {n} (harbour)
:: havn {c}
haven {n} (refuge)
:: tilflugtssted {n}, refugium {n}, fristed {n}
have one's cake and eat it too {v} (to seek to have two things which are mutually incompatible)
:: man kan ikke både blæse og have mel i munden
have one's eye on {v} (watch) SEE: watch
have sex {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) SEE: copulate
have sex {v} (take part in a sexual act)
:: ha sex, dyrke sex
have the foggiest {phrase} ("I haven't the foggiest": I don't know)
:: jeg har ingen anelse, det ved jeg da ikke noget om
have to {v} (obligation)
:: skulle
Hawaii {prop} (state of the United States)
:: Hawaii
Hawaiian {n} (Hawaiian language)
:: hawaiiansk {n}
Hawaiian goose {n} (Branta sandvicensis) SEE: nene
hawfinch {n} (finch)
:: kernebider
hawk {n} (predatory bird of Accipitridae)
:: høg {c}
hawk {n} (advocate of aggressive politics)
:: høg {c}
hawk {n} (plasterer's tool)
:: mørtelbræt {n}
hawk {v} (to sell)
:: falbyde
hawk {v} (to attempt to cough up, to clear the throat)
:: harke, rømme sig
hawser {n} (cable)
:: trosse {c}
hawthorn {n} (type of shrub)
:: tjørn {c}
hay {n} (grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder)
:: hø {n}
hay {v} (to cut green plants for fodder)
:: slå hø
haya {n} (beech) SEE: beech
hay fever {n} (allergy to pollen)
:: høfeber {c}
haystack {n} (a mound, pile, or stack of stored hay)
:: høstak {c}
hazard {n} (chance) SEE: chance
hazel {n} (tree / shrub)
:: hassel {c}
hazel {n} (hazelnut) SEE: hazelnut
hazel grouse {n} (bird)
:: hjerpe {c}, jærpe {c}
hazelnut {n} (shrub) SEE: hazel
hazelnut {n} (fruit)
:: hasselnød {c}
HDMS {prefix} (His/Her Danish Majesty's Ship)
:: KDM
he- {prefix} (prefix for a male)
:: han, han-
he {pron} (personal pronoun "he")
:: han
head {n} (antler of a deer) SEE: antler
head {n} (bow of a vessel) SEE: bow
head {n} (headache) SEE: headache
head {v} (to behead) SEE: behead
head {n} (music: drum head) SEE: drum head
head {n} (headdress) SEE: headdress
head {n} (part of the body)
:: hoved {n}
headache {n} (pain or ache in the head)
:: hovedpine {c}
headache {n} (nuisance or unpleasant problem)
:: hovedpine {c}
headboard {n} (vertical panel at the head of a bed)
:: hovedgærde {n}
headbutt {n} (sharp blow)
:: skalle {c}
headbutt {v} (to deliver a sharp blow)
:: nikke en skalle
headdress {n} (a decorative covering or ornament worn on the head)
:: hovedbeklædning {c}
headmistress {n} (female head teacher)
:: kvindelig rektor {c}
head office {n} (main admin centre)
:: hovedkontor {n}
head of government {n} (chief officer of the executive branch of a government)
:: regeringschef {c}
head of state {n} (the chief public representative of a nation)
:: statsoverhoved {n}
headphones {n} (pair of speakers worn over or in the ears so only the wearer can hear the sound)
:: hovedtelefoner {p}, høretelefoner {p}
headpiece {n} (helmet) SEE: helmet
headquarters {n} (center of organisation's activity)
:: hovedkvarter {n}
headscarf {n} (piece of material worn over the head)
:: tørklæde
heads or tails {n} (heads or tails)
:: plat eller krone
headstone {n} (tombstone) SEE: tombstone
head tax {n} (tax determined as uniform amount per individual) SEE: poll tax
headwind {n} (wind that blows directly against the course of a vessel)
:: modvind {c}
health {n} (state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction)
:: sundhed
health {n} (physical condition)
:: helse {c}
health {n} (overall level of function of an organism)
:: helse {c}
health care {n} (prevention, treatment, and management of illnesses)
:: sundhedsvæsen {n}
healthcare {n} (health care) SEE: health care
health insurance {n} (insurance against incurring medical expenses among individuals)
:: sygeforsikring {c}
healthy {adj} (enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit: well)
:: sund
heap {n} (pile)
:: stak {c}
hear {v} (to perceive with the ear)
:: høre
hearse {n} (vehicle for transporting dead)
:: ligvogn {c}, rustvogn {c}
heart {n} (an organ)
:: hjerte
heart {n} (emotions or kindness)
:: hjerte
heart {n} (a shape or symbol)
:: hjerte
heart {n} (a suit of cards)
:: hjerter {p}
heart {n} (centre or core)
:: hjerte
heart attack {n} (death) SEE: death
heart attack {n} (failure) SEE: failure
heart attack {n} (acute myocardial infarction)
:: hjerteanfald {n}, hjertetilfælde {n}
heart failure {n} (chronic inability of the heart)
:: hjerteinsufficiens {c}, hjertesvigt {n}
heart failure {n} (cessation of the heartbeat; cardiac arrest)
:: hjertestop {n}, hjerteslag {n}
hearth and home {n} (traditional family values)
:: hjemmets arne
heartless {adj} (without feeling)
:: hjerteløs
hearts {n} (the card suit (♥))
:: hjerter {c}
hearts {n} (plural of "heart") SEE: heart
heart-shaped {adj} (having the supposed shape of a heart)
:: hjerteformet
heart to heart {adj} (sincere, serious, or personal)
:: fortrolig
heart valve {n} (valve in the heart)
:: hjerteklap {c}
he-ass {n} (he-ass, male ass, male donkey)
:: æsel {n}, hanæsel {n}, æselhingst {c}
heat {n} (thermal energy)
:: varme {c}
heat {n} (condition or quality of being hot)
:: varme {c}
heat {n} (attribute of a spice that causes a burning sensation in the mouth)
:: styrke {c}
heat {n} (period of intensity, particularly of emotion)
:: hede {c}
heat {n} (condition where a mammal is aroused sexually or where it is especially fertile)
:: løbetid {c}
heat {n} (preliminary race, used to determine the participants in a final race)
:: heat {n}, runde {c}
heat {n} (one cycle of bringing metal to maximum temperature and working it until it is too cool to work further)
:: opvarmning {c}
heat {n} (hot spell)
:: hedebølge {c}
heat {v} (to cause an increase in temperature of an object or space)
:: opvarme
heat {v} (to arouse, to excite (sexually))
:: tænde
heat {n} (heating system) SEE: heating
heat capacity {n} (the capability of a substance to absorb heat energy)
:: varmekapacitet {c}
heathen {adj} (not adhering to an Abrahamic religion)
:: hedning {c}
heathen {adj} (savage)
:: hedning {c}, barbar {c}
heathen {adj} (Heathen) SEE: Heathen
heathen {n} (Heathen) SEE: Heathen
Heathen {adj} (pertaining or adhering to the faith of Heathenry)
:: hedensk
Heathen {n} (adherent of the Germanic neo-pagan faith of Heathenry)
:: hedning {c}
heather {n} (plant)
:: hedelyng, lyng {n}
heating {n} (system)
:: opvarmning {c}
heat lightning {n} (Heat lightning)
:: kornmod
heat stroke {n} (severe hyperthermia)
:: hedeslag
Heavenly Father {prop} (A formal name for the Judeo-Christian God)
:: himmelske Fader {c}
heavy {adj} (having great weight)
:: tung
heavy cross to bear {n} (cross to bear) SEE: cross to bear
heavy metal {n} (type of metal)
:: tungmetal {n}
heavy water {n} (water containing deuterium instead of normal hydrogen)
:: tungt vand {n}
heavyweight {n} (large, heavy or impressive person)
:: sværvægter {c}
heavyweight {n} (weight class in boxing and other sports)
:: sværvægt {c}
hebdomad {n} (period of seven days) SEE: week
hebdomadal {adj} (occurring once a week) SEE: weekly
Hebraic {adj}
:: hebraisk, hebræisk
Hebraist {n} (a scholar who specializes in the study of the Hebrew language)
:: hebraist {c}
Hebrew {adj} (pertaining to the people)
:: hebraisk, hebræisk
Hebrew {adj} (pertaining to the language)
:: hebraisk, hebræisk
Hebrew {n} (language, see also: Biblical Hebrew)
:: hebraisk {n}, hebræisk {n}
Hebrews {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Hebræerbrevet {n}
Hebrides {prop} (group of islands)
:: Hebriderne {c-p}, Syderøerne {c-p}
he-cat {n} (male cat)
:: hankat {c}
Hecate {prop} (Greek goddess)
:: Hekate
heckle {v} (insult, tease, make fun of, badger)
:: håne, fornærme
hecto- {prefix} (hundred)
:: hekto-
hectopascal {n} (unit of pressure)
:: hektopascal
Hector {prop} (Trojan hero)
:: Hektor {c}
hedge {n} (thicket of bushes planted in a row)
:: hæk {c}
hedge garlic {n} (Alliaria petiolata) SEE: garlic mustard
hedgehog {n} (animal)
:: pindsvin {n}
hedonism {n} (philosophy)
:: hedonisme {c}
-hedron {suffix} (solid figure)
:: -eder {n}
Hedwig {prop} (female given name)
:: Hedvig
heedless {adj} (unaware, without noticing)
:: ubetænksom, ubesinding, uden hensyn til
heel {n} (anatomy: part of the foot)
:: hæl {c}
heel {n} (part of shoe)
:: hæl {c}
Heffalump {n} (fictional elephant-like creature)
:: Hafferlaf {c}
Hegelian {adj} (of or pertaining to Hegel's ideas)
:: hegelsk, hegeliansk
he-goat {n} (billy goat) SEE: billy goat
Heibergian {adj} (Heibergian)
:: heibergsk
heifer {n} (young cow)
:: kvie {c}
height {n} (distance from bottom to top)
:: højde {c}
Heijō {prop} (Pyongyang) SEE: Pyongyang
heil {v} (to greet with a Sieg Heil)
:: heile
Heilongjiang {prop} (Amur) SEE: Amur
heinous {adj} (totally reprehensible)
:: afskyelig, frygtelig, grufuld, motbydelig
heir {n} (one who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property of another)
:: arving {c}
heiress {n} (a woman who stands to inherit)
:: arving {c}
heirloom {n} (valued possession passed down through the generations)
:: arvestykke {n}
Hel {prop} (goddess of the realm of the dead)
:: Hel
Hel {prop} (realm of the dead)
:: Hel
Helen {prop} (female given name)
:: Helene
Helga {prop} (female given name)
:: Helga
helicopter {n} (aircraft)
:: helikopter {c}
Heligoland {prop} (island)
:: Helgoland {n}
helium {n} (chemical element)
:: helium {n}
helix {n} (curve)
:: skruelinje
hell {prop} (abode for the condemned)
:: helvede {n}
hell {interj} (hell!)
:: helvede!
Hellenic Republic {prop} (official name of Greece)
:: Den Hellenske Republik {c}
Hellenist {n} (specialist in the study of Greek culture or history)
:: hellenist {c}
hello {interj} (greeting)
:: hej, dav, god dag , hallo
hello {interj} (when answering the telephone)
:: hallo
hello {interj} (is anyone there?)
:: hallo
hello {interj} (sarcastic: that was foolish)
:: hallo!, hey!
hello {interj} (expression of puzzlement)
:: hallo?
hellspawn {n} (monster) SEE: monster
hellspawn {n} (fiend) SEE: fiend
helm {n} (steering apparatus of a ship)
:: ror {n}
helm {n} (maritime: member of the crew in charge of steering)
:: styrmand {c}
helm {n} (metaphor: position of leadership or control)
:: ror {n}
helmet {n} (protective head covering)
:: hjelm {c}
helmsman {n} (person responsible for steering a ship)
:: styrmand {c}, rorgænger {c}
helot {n} (serf, slave) SEE: slave
help {n} (action given to provide assistance)
:: hjælp {c}
help {v} (transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something))
:: hjælpe
help {interj} (cry of distress)
:: hjælp
helper {n} (one who helps)
:: hjælper {c}
helpful {adj} (furnishing help; giving aid; useful)
:: hjælpsom
helping verb {n} (auxiliary verb) SEE: auxiliary verb
helpless {adj} (unable to defend oneself)
:: hjælpeløs
Helsinki {prop} (the capital city of Finland)
:: Helsinki
helter-skelter {adv} (in confused, disorderly haste)
:: hulter til bulter
Helvetia {prop} (an ancient Celtic country in central Europe)
:: Helvetien {n}
he-man {n} (virile man)
:: rigtigt mandfolk
hematite {n} (mineral)
:: hæmatit {c}, jernglans {c}
hematocrit {n}
:: hæmatokrit {c}
hematology {n} (study of blood and related organs) SEE: haematology
hemicryptophyte {n} (hemicryptophyte)
:: hemikryptofyt {c}, jordskorpeplante {c}
hemisphere {n} (half of the Earth)
:: halvkugle {c}
hemisphere {n} (any half-sphere)
:: halvkugle
hemlock {n} (tree)
:: hemlock, skarntydegran
hemlock {n} (poisonous plant of genus Conium)
:: skarntyde {c}
hemlock {n} (poisonous plant of genus Cicuta) SEE: cowbane
hemp {n} (Cannabis sativa)
:: hamp {c}
hemp-nettle {n} (any weed of the genus Galeopsis in the Lamiaceae family)
:: hanekro
hen {n} (female chicken)
:: høne {c}
hen {n} (female bird)
:: høne {c}
henbane {n} (Hyoscyamus niger)
:: bulmeurt {c}
hence {adv} (from here)
:: heden, herfra
hence {adv} (as a result, therefore)
:: derfor
hence {adv}
:: deraf
henceforth {adv} (from now on)
:: fra nu af, for fremtiden, fremover
henceforward {adv} (from now on) SEE: from now on
hen harrier {n} (bird)
:: blå kærhøg {c}
henhouse {n} (house for chickens to live in)
:: hønsehus {n}
hen night {n} (party) SEE: bachelorette party
hen party {n} (bachelorette party) SEE: bachelorette party
henpecked {adj} (plagued or overwhelmed by one's wife)
:: i sin hule hånd, tøffelhelt
Henrietta {prop} (feminine form of Henry)
:: Henriette, Henrikke
Henriette {prop} (female given name) SEE: Henrietta
Henry {prop} (given name)
:: Henrik
hentai {n} (a work of anime that contains sexual art (esp. manga or anime))
:: hentai
hepatitis {n} (liver inflammation)
:: leverbetændelse, hepatitis
heptagon {n} (polygon with seven sides and seven angles)
:: syvkant {c}
heptalingual {adj} (speaking seven languages)
:: syvsproget
heptalingual {adj} (written in seven languages)
:: syvsproget
heptathlon {n} (athletic contest)
:: syvkamp {c}
her {determiner} (belonging to)
:: hendes
her {pron} (she)
:: hende
Heracles {prop} (the son of Zeus, see also: Hercules)
:: Herakles
herald {n} (a messenger, especially one bringing important news)
:: herold {c}
heraldic {adj} (relating to the profession of devising and blazoning arms)
:: heraldisk
heraldry {n} (the profession of devising and blazoning arms)
:: heraldik {c}
herb {n} (plant used to flavour food)
:: krydderurt {c} , urt {c}
herb {n} (plant used in medicine)
:: lægeurt {c}
herbaceous {adj} (botany: not woody)
:: urteagtig
herbalism {n} ((obsolete) botany) SEE: botany
herbivore {n} (plant-eating organism)
:: planteæder {c}
Hercules {prop} (The Roman name of Heracles, see also: Heracles)
:: Herkules
herd {n} (a number of domestic animals assembled together under the watch or ownership of a keeper)
:: hjord
herd {n} (any collection of animals gathered or travelling in a company)
:: hjord {c}, flok {c}
herd {n} (a crowd, a mass of people; now usually pejorative)
:: hob {c}
herd {n} (herdsman)
:: hyrde {c}
herd immunity {n} (form of indirect protection against a disease)
:: flokimmunitet {c}
herding dog {n} (herding dog)
:: hyrdehund
here {adv} (in, on, or at this place)
:: her
here {adv} (to this place)
:: herhen
here {n} (this time, the present situation)
:: nu {n}
here {adj} (to call attention)
:: her
hereafter {n} (existence after death) SEE: afterlife
hereafter {adv} (from now on) SEE: from now on
here and there {adv} (from time to time) SEE: from time to time
here and there {adv} (in one place and another)
:: her og der
hereditary {adj} (which is passed on as inheritance)
:: arvelig
hereditary {adj} (of a title, honor or right: granted to somebody's descendant after that person's death)
:: arvelig
hereditary {adj} (of a disease or trait: passed in the genes)
:: arvelig
heresy {n} (dissension from religious dogma)
:: kætteri {n}
heresy {n} (a controversial opinion)
:: kætteri {n}
heretic {n} (someone who believes contrary to fundamentals)
:: kætter {c}
heretic {adj} (heretical) SEE: heretical
heretical {adj} (of or pertaining to heresy or heretics)
:: kættersk
hereto {adv} (so far) SEE: so far
here you are {phrase} (said when handing something over)
:: værsgo, værsågod, værsartig
Her Highness {pron} (a title of respect when mentioning a female royal)
:: Hendes Højhed
heritage {n} (property)
:: arv {c}
Her Majesty {pron} (title of respect when referring to a queen)
:: Hendes Majestæt
Herman {prop} (given name)
:: Herman
hermaphrodite {n} (individual or organism having both male and female gonads)
:: hermafrodit {c}
hermaphrodite {adj} (having both male and female gonads)
:: tvekønnet, hermafroditisk
hermaphroditic {adj} (of or pertaining to hermaphrodism)
:: hermafroditisk
hermaphroditic {adj} (biology: possessing the reproductive organs of both sexes)
:: hermafroditisk
hermaphroditism {n} (state of having both male and female sexual organs)
:: hermafroditisme {c}, hermafrodisme {c}, tvekønnethed {c}
hermeneutical {adj} (concerning hermeneutics)
:: hermeneutisk
hermeneutics {n} (art and science of text interpretation)
:: hermeneutik {c}
hermit {n} (hermit crab) SEE: hermit crab
hermit crab {n} (crustacean)
:: eremitkrebs {c}
hernia {n} (part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part)
:: brok
hero {n} (person of great bravery)
:: helt {c}, heltinde {c}
Herodotus {prop} (ancient historian)
:: Herodot
heroic {adj} (of or relating to a hero or heroine)
:: heroisk
heroic {adj} (of or relating to heroism)
:: heltemodig, heroisk
heroin {n} (powerful and addictive drug)
:: heroin {c}
heroine {n} (female hero)
:: heltinde {c}
heroism {n} (the qualities characteristic of a hero, the display of them)
:: heltemod
heron {n} (bird)
:: hejre {c}
herpes {n} (viral disease)
:: herpes
herpes zoster {n} (acute viral inflammation) SEE: shingles
herrenvolk {n} (master race)
:: herrefolk {n}
herring {n} (fish in Clupea)
:: sild {c}
herringbone {n} (bone of a herring)
:: sildeben {n}
herringbone {n} (pattern)
:: sildebensmønster {n} , sildebensparket {n}
hers {pron} (that which belongs to her)
:: hendes
Hertha {prop} (female given name)
:: Hertha
hertz {n} (the derived unit of frequency)
:: hertz {c}
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram {n} (plot of the absolute magnitude of stars)
:: Hertzsprung-Russell-diagrammet {n}
Herzegovinian {n} (a person from Herzegovina)
:: hercegoviner {c}
Herzegovinian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Herzegovina and its inhabitants)
:: hercegovinsk
he/she {pron} (he or she)
:: han/hun, høn
hesitate {v} (to stop or pause respecting decision or action)
:: tøve, nøle, vakle, have/nære betænkeligheder
hesitate {v} (to stammer; to falter in speaking)
:: stamme, hakke i det
Hesse {prop} (state)
:: Hessen
Hessian fly {n} (Mayetiola destructor)
:: hessisk galmyg {c}
he's unconscious {phrase} (he's unconscious)
:: han er bevidstløs
hetero {n} (heterosexual person)
:: hetero {c}
heterogeneity {n} (diversity) SEE: diversity
heterogeneous equilibrium {n} (heterogeneous equilibrium)
:: heterogen ligevægt {c}
heterogeneous mixture {n} (heterogeneous mixture)
:: heterogen blanding {c}
heteronormative {adj}
:: heteronormativ
heteronormativity {n} (heteronormativity)
:: heteronormativitet {c}
heterosexism {n} (Discrimination in favor of heterosexuals)
:: heterosexisme {c}
heterosexual {adj} (sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex)
:: heteroseksuel
heterosexual {n} (a heterosexual organism)
:: heteroseksuel
heterotrophic {adj} (being a heterotroph)
:: heterotrof
hetman {n} (a historical military commander in various Eastern European countries)
:: hetman {c}
heuristic {adj} (relating to general strategies or methods for solving problems)
:: heuristisk
heuristic {n} (heuristic method, heuristics)
:: heuristik
he who digs a pit for others falls in himself {proverb} (he who digs a pit for others, falls in himself)
:: den, der graver en grav for andre, falder selv i den
he who laughs last laughs best {proverb} (success is better after you've endured ridicule)
:: den der ler sidst, ler bedst
he who laughs last laughs hardest {proverb} (he who laughs last laughs best) SEE: he who laughs last laughs best
he-wolf {n} (male wolf)
:: hanulv {c}
hex {n} (an evil spell or curse)
:: forbandelse {c}
hex {n} (a witch)
:: heks {c}
hexadecimal {n} (number system with base sixteen)
:: hexadecimale talsystem {n}, sekstentalssystem {n}
hexadecimal {adj} (expressed in hexadecimal)
:: hexadecimal
hexagon {n} (A polygon with six sides and six angles)
:: sekskant {c}
hexalingual {adj} (speaking six languages)
:: sekssproget
hexalingual {adj} (written in six languages)
:: sekssproget
hexapod {n} (insect) SEE: insect
hex head wrench {n} (Allen key) SEE: Allen key
hex key {n} (Allen key) SEE: Allen key
hey {n} (country dancing figure)
:: hej
heyday {n} (a period of success, popularity or power)
:: blomstringstid {c}, storhedstid {c}, velmagtsdage {c-p}
Hezbollah {prop} (Lebanese Shia islamic organisation)
:: Hizbollah
Hezekiah {prop} (biblical king)
:: Ezekias
hi {interj} (friendly, informal greeting)
:: hallo, goddag, hej!, dav
hiccough {n} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup
hiccough {v} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup
hiccup {n} (spasm of the diaphragm)
:: hikke {m}, hik {n}
hiccup {v} (to hiccup)
:: hikke
hick {v} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup
hidden agenda {n} (wish (and plan) to implement a particular idea without telling anybody)
:: skjult dagsorden
hide {v} ((transitive))
:: gemme, skjule
hide {v} ((intransitive))
:: gemme sig
hide {n} (skin of an animal)
:: skind
hide and go seek {n} (hide and seek) SEE: hide and seek
hide and seek {n} (game)
:: gemmeleg {c}
hideout {n} (A place to hide)
:: skjulested {n}, tilflugtssted {n}, gemmested {n}
hiding place {n} (a place where something or someone may be hidden)
:: gemmested {n}, skjulested {n}
hierarchical {adj} (Pertaining to a hierarchy)
:: hierarkisk
hierarchy {n} (body of authoritative officials organised by rank)
:: hierarki {n}
hierarchy {n} (class of objects)
:: hierarki {n}, rangorden {c}
hieroglyph {n} (element of ideographic writing system)
:: hieroglyf
high {adj} (elevated; tall)
:: høj
high {adj} (slang: stoned)
:: høj, skæv
high {n} (anticyclone) SEE: anticyclone
highbush blueberry {n} (common species of blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum)
:: amerikansk blåbær {n}
high court {n} (supreme court) SEE: supreme court
higher education {n} (education at university level or beyond)
:: videregående uddannelse {c}, højere uddannelse {c}
higher learning {n} (higher education) SEE: higher education
High German {n} (any of a group of West Germanic languages)
:: højtysk
High German {n} (standard German)
:: højtysk
high jump {n} (athletics event)
:: højdespring {n}
high jumper {n} (athlete)
:: højdespringer {c}
high-priced {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive
high-rise {n} (A tall building)
:: højhus {n}
high road {n} (main road or highway) SEE: highway
high school {n} (secondary school)
:: gymnasium (ca.)
high street {n} (the main street of any town)
:: hovedgade {c}
hight {v} (call) SEE: call
hight {v} (be called)
:: hedde
high tech {n} (high technology) SEE: high technology
high technology {n} (specialized technological application)
:: hightech {n} {c}, højteknologi {c}
high tide {n} (the natural tide at its highest level)
:: flod {c}, højvande {n}
high tide {n} (the time of day when the sea has risen to its highest level)
:: flod {c}, højvande {n}
high treason {n} (Criminal disloyalty to one's country)
:: højforræderi {n}
high voltage {adj} (pertaining to high voltage)
:: højspænding
highway {n} (main public road)
:: motorvej {c}
highwayman {n} (a person who robbed travelers on roads)
:: landevejsrøver {c}
Hiiumaa {prop} (island of Estonia)
:: Dagø
hijack {v} (to seize control of a vehicle)
:: kapre
hijack {n} (instance of hijacking of a vehicle)
:: kapring {c}
hijacking {n} (instance of such an act) SEE: hijack
hiking boot {n}
:: vandrestøvle {c}
hilarious {adj} (very funny; causing great merriment and laughter)
:: hylende morsom, hylemorsom
hilarity {n}
:: munterhed
Hilbert space {n} (a space in mathematics)
:: Hilbertrum {n}
Hilda {prop} (female given name)
:: Hilda
hill {n} (elevated location)
:: bakke {c}
hill {n} (sloping road)
:: bakke {c}
hill {n} (steepness)
:: stigning {c}
him {pron}
:: ham
him {pron} (he) SEE: he
Himalayas {prop} (a mountain range of south-central Asia)
:: Himalaya
hinder {v} (to make difficult to accomplish)
:: hindre
hinder {v} (to keep back; to delay or impede)
:: hindre
hinder {adj} (of or belonging to that part in the rear)
:: bagest, bag-
Hindi {n} (language)
:: hindi
Hindi-Urdu {prop} (Hindustani) SEE: Hindustani
hindsight {n} (after-the-fact realisation or understanding)
:: bagklogskab {c}
hindsight is 20/20 {proverb} (in hindsight things are obvious that were not obvious from the outset)
:: i bagklogskabens klare lys (prepositional phrase)
Hindu {adj} (of or relating to Hinduism)
:: hinduistisk, hinduisk
Hindu {adj} (of or relating to Hindus and their culture)
:: hinduistisk, hinduisk
Hindu {n} (religious adherent)
:: hindu {c}, hinduist
Hinduism {prop} (religion)
:: hinduisme {c}
Hindustani {prop} (language)
:: hindustani {n}
hinge {n} (device for the pivoting of a door)
:: hængsel {n}
hinge {n} (statistics: median of upper or lower half of a batch) SEE: quartile
hinge {n} (philately: paper rectangle for affixing postage stamps) SEE: stamp hinge
hinny {n} (hybrid offspring of a male horse and a female donkey)
:: muldyr {n}, mulæsel {n}
hip {n} (joint)
:: hofte {c}
hip {n} (the fruit of a rose)
:: hyben {n}
hip bone {n} (bone)
:: hofteben {n}
hip flask {n} (pocket-size container for alcoholic beverages)
:: lommelærke
hip hop {n} (popular urban culture) SEE: hip-hop
hip-hop {n} (urban youth culture)
:: hip-hop {c}
hippogriff {n} (creature)
:: hippogrif {c}
hippopotamus {n} (large African mammal)
:: flodhest {c}
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia {n} (the fear of long words)
:: hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliofobi {c}, angst for lange ord
hire {v} (to employ)
:: ansætte
hirsutism {n} (excessive and increased hair growth)
:: hirsutisme {c}
his {determiner} (attributive: belonging to him)
:: hans
his {pron} (that which belongs to him)
:: hans
His Highness {pron} (a title of respect when mentioning a male royal)
:: Hans Højhed
His Imperial Majesty {pron} (His Imperial Majesty)
:: Hans Kejserlige Majestæt
His Majesty {pron} (title of respect used when referring to a king)
:: Hans Majestæt
His Royal Highness {pron} (royal title)
:: Hans Kongelige Højhed
hiss {n} (sound made by a snake, cat, escaping steam, etc.)
:: hvæse
hiss {v} (to make a hissing sound)
:: hvæse
histogram {n} (graphical display)
:: histogram {n}
historian {n} (writer of history)
:: historiker {c}
historian {n} (person who studies history)
:: historiker {c}
historic {adj} (historical) SEE: historical
historical {adj} (pertaining to history)
:: historisk
historiography {n} (writing of history)
:: historieskrivning {c}
historiography {n} (study of the discipline and practice of history)
:: historigrafi {c}
history {n} (aggregate of past events)
:: historie {c}
history {n} (branch of knowledge that studies the past)
:: historie {c}
history {n} (record or narrative description of past events)
:: historie {c}, beretning {c}
histrionic {adj} (excessively dramatic or emotional)
:: patetisk
histrionic personality disorder {n}
:: histrionisk personlighedsforstyrrelse, histrionisk personlighedsstruktur
hit {v} (to give a blow)
:: slå
hit {v} (to come into contact with forcefully and suddenly)
:: slå imod
hit {v} (to manage to touch in the right place)
:: træffe
hit {v} (to briefly visit)
:: møde
hit {v} (to affect negatively)
:: slå
hit {n} (collision of a projectile with the target)
:: træffer
hit {v} (to hit) SEE: strike
hitchhike {v} (to try to get a ride in a passing vehicle while standing at the side of a road)
:: tomle, blaffe
hitchhiker {n} (a person who hitchhikes)
:: tomler, blaffer
hither {adv} (to here)
:: herhen, hid
hither and thither {adv} (In a disorderly manner)
:: hid og did
hitherto {adv} (up to this time)
:: hidtil
Hitler {prop} (Austrian surname held by Adolf Hitler)
:: Hitler {c}
hitman {n} (contract killer)
:: lejemorder, snigmorder
hit on {v} (to approach somebody seeking love, sex, etc.)
:: lægge an på
hit the nail on the head {v} (identify something exactly)
:: ramme hovedet på sømmet
hive {n} (structure for housing a swarm of honeybees) SEE: beehive
hives {n} (medical condition) SEE: urticaria
Hmong {n} (people)
:: hmong
hoard {n} (hidden supply)
:: forråd {n} , skat
hoard {n} (archeology: cache of valuable objects)
:: skattefund {n}, skat {c}, depotfund {n}
hoard {v} (to amass)
:: samle, hamstre , puge
hoarfrost {n} (frozen dew drops)
:: rim
hobbit {n} (fictional small humanoid creature)
:: hobbit {c}
hobble {n} (Short straps tied between the legs of unfenced horses)
:: fodreb {n}
hobble {n} (An unsteady, off-balance step)
:: humpen {c}
hobble {v} (To walk unevenly)
:: humpe, halte
hobby {n} (activity done for enjoyment in spare time)
:: hobby {n}
hobby {n} (Falco subbuteo)
:: lærkefalk {c}
hobby horse {n} (child's toy)
:: kæphest {c}
hobby horse {n} (topic about which someone loves to talk)
:: kæphest {c}
hockey {n} (the sport)
:: hockey {c}
hockey puck {n} (puck used in hockey)
:: puck
hoe {n} (agricultural tool)
:: hakke
hog {n} (animal of the family Suidae)
:: svin {n}
hogshead {n} (measure of capacity for liquids)
:: oksehoved
hogshead {n} (large barrel or cask)
:: oksehoved
hogweed {n} (umbelliferous plant)
:: bjørneklo {c}
Hohenzollern {prop} (a noble family and royal dynasty)
:: Hohenzollern
Hohenzollern {n} (a member of the Hohenzollern family and dynasty)
:: hohenzoller {c}
Hokkaido {prop} (a northern largest island of Japan, or a prefecture based in itself)
:: Hokkaido
hold {v} (to grasp)
:: holde
hold {v} (to reserve)
:: bestille, reservere
hold {v} (to cause to wait)
:: tilbageholde
hold {v} (to detain)
:: anholde
hold {v} (to maintain, to consider)
:: anse
hold {v} (to organise an event or meeting)
:: holde, anordne
holding company {n} (company whose main purpose is to own shares of other companies)
:: holdingselskab {n}
hold one's horses {v} (idiomatic: to be patient)
:: klappe hesten, spise brød til
hold one's tongue {v} (refrain from talking about something, see also: shut up)
:: tie, tie stille
hold water {v} (withstand scrutiny)
:: holde vand
hole {n} (hollow in some surface)
:: hul {n}
hole {n} (opening in a solid)
:: hul {n}
hole {n} (weakness, flaw)
:: hul {n}
hole {n} (lack of an electron)
:: hul {n}
hole {n} (security vulnerability)
:: sikkerhedshul {n}
hole {n} (orifice (see anus etc. for specific body cavities))
:: hul {n}
hole {n} (portion of a game of golf)
:: hul {n}
hole {v} (to make holes)
:: lave hul, slå hul, punktere
hole {v} (to destroy) SEE: destroy
hole punch {n} (tool)
:: hullemaskine {c}, hulapparat {n}
holiday {n} (day on which a festival etc. is traditionally observed)
:: helligdag {c}
holiday {n} (day declared free from work by the government)
:: helligdag {c}, fridag {c}
holiday {n} (period of one or more days taken off work for leisure and often travel)
:: ferie {c}
holiday {n} (period during which pupils do not attend school)
:: ferie {c}
holiday {n} (unintentional gap)
:: helligdag {c}
Holland {prop} (region of the Netherlands, see also: Netherlands)
:: Holland
hollow {n} (hollow in some surface) SEE: hole
hollow {adj} (having an empty space inside)
:: hul
hollow {adj} (echoing, reverberating, as if in a hollow space)
:: dyb
hollow {adj} (without substance)
:: hul
hollow of the knee {n} (shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint) SEE: poplit
hollow victory {n} (Pyrrhic victory) SEE: Pyrrhic victory
holly {n} (any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Ilex)
:: kristtorn
holme {n} (small island)
:: holm {c}
holmium {n} (chemical element)
:: holmium
Holocaust {prop} (the mass murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany)
:: Holocaust, jødeudryddelse {c}
Holocaust {prop} (the mass murder of 11 million people by Nazi Germany)
:: Holocaust
Holstein {prop} (region)
:: Holsten
holy {adj} (dedicated to a religious purpose)
:: hellig
Holy Communion {prop} (Christian sacrament)
:: altergang {c}
Holy Ghost {prop} (aspect of the Holy Trinity) SEE: Holy Spirit
Holy Land {prop} (that part of Asia in which most Biblical events are set)
:: Det Hellige Land {n}
Holy Roman Empire {prop} (state)
:: Tysk-romerske rige {n}
Holy See {prop} (episcopal see of the Catholic Church)
:: Hellige stol {c}
Holy Spirit {prop} (Christian: aspect of the Holy Trinity)
:: Helligånden {c}
Holy Thursday {prop} (Maundy Thursday) SEE: Maundy Thursday
Holy Thursday {prop} (Ascension Day) SEE: Ascension Day
holy war {n} (primarily religious war)
:: hellig krig {c}
holy water {n} (water, sanctified)
:: vievand {n}
homage {n} (in feudalism, the formal oath of a vassal to his or her lord)
:: lenshyldning {c}
homage {n} (demonstration of respect)
:: hyldest {c}, tribut {c}
homage {n} (artistic work imitating another in a flattering style)
:: hyldest {c}
home {n} (house or structure in which someone lives)
:: hjem {n}
home {n} (someone’s native land)
:: hjemland {n}
home {v} (to home ("in on"))
:: sigte ind på
home {adv} (at home)
:: hjemme
home {adv} (homewards)
:: hjem, hjemad
home appliance {n} (household appliance) SEE: household appliance
homeland {n} (country which one regards as home)
:: hjemland {n}
homeland {n} (one's country of birth)
:: fædreland {n}, fødeland {n}
homeland {n} (traditional territory of an ethnic group)
:: hjemland {n}
homeland {n} (South Africa: area for blacks)
:: hjemland {n}
homeless {adj} (lacking a permanent residence)
:: hjemløs
homelessness {n} (state of being homeless)
:: hjemløshed {c}
home office {n} (room in a private home equipped for long-distance work)
:: hjemmekontor {n}
homeomorphism {n} (in topology)
:: homøomorfi {c}, homeomorfi {c}
homeopath {n} (a person who practices homeopathy)
:: homøopat {c}
homeopathic {adj} (of or pertaining to homeopathy)
:: homøopatisk
homeopathy {n} (system of treating diseases with very small amounts)
:: homøopati {c}
homeostasis {n} (ability to stabilize internal environment)
:: homøostase
homeowner association {n} (private association formed by a real estate developer)
:: boligejerforening {c}, ejerforening {c}, grundejerforening {c}, husejerforening {c}
home page {n} (main or first page of a website)
:: hjemmeside {c}
Homerian {adj} (of or relating to Homer)
:: homerisk
Homeric {adj} (resembling or relating to the epic poetry of Homer)
:: homerisk
home rule {n} (home rule)
:: hjemmestyre {n}
home school {n} (boarding school) SEE: boarding school
homesickness {n} (missing one's home or family)
:: hjemve
homestead {n} (place that is one's home)
:: hjemsted {n}
hometown {n} (place of birth or residence)
:: hjemby {c}
homework {n} (work that is done at home)
:: lektier {p}, hjemmearbejde {n}
homo {n} (short form of homosexual)
:: homo {c}
homoerotic {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual
homogeneity {n} (quality of being homogeneous)
:: homogenitet {c}
homogeneous equilibrium {n} (homogeneous equilibrium)
:: homogen ligevægt {c}
homogeneous mixture {n} (homogeneous mixture)
:: homogen blanding {c}
homogenized milk {n} (treated milk)
:: homogeniseret mælk {c}
homomorphism {n} (notion in mathematics)
:: homomorfi {c}
homonym {n} (word with the same sound or spelling)
:: homonym {n}
homophobia {n} (fear, dislike, or hate of homosexuals)
:: homofobi {c}
homophonic {adj} (linguistics: having the same sound)
:: homofon
homophonic {adj} (music: having a single, accompanied, melodic line)
:: homofon
homophony {n}
:: homofoni {c}
homosexual {adj} (sexually attracted solely or primarily to the same sex)
:: homoseksuel
homosexual {n} (person who is attracted solely or primarily to others of the same sex)
:: homoseksuel {c}
homosexuality {n} (sexual orientation)
:: homoseksualitet {c}
homotopy {n} ((topology) continuous deformation of one continuous function to another)
:: homotopi {c}
Honduras {prop} (a country in Central America)
:: Honduras
hone {n} (sharpening stone)
:: slibesten {c}
hone {v} (to sharpen with a hone)
:: skærpe
hone {v} (to produce a precision bore with a hone)
:: kalibrere
hone {v} (to refine or master a skill)
:: finslibe
hone {v} (to make more acute, intense or effective)
:: forfine
honest {adj} (scrupulous with regard to telling the truth)
:: ærlig
honesty {n} (quality of being honest)
:: ærlighed {c}
honesty {n} (ornamental plant)
:: judaspenge {c}
honey {n} (sweet substance produced by bees)
:: honning {c}
honey {n} (term of affection)
:: skat {c}
honey badger {n} (Mellivora capensis)
:: honninggrævling {c}
honeybadger {n} (honey badger) SEE: honey badger
honey buzzard {n} (Pernis apivorus)
:: hvepsevåge {c}
honeycomb stomach {n} (reticulum) SEE: reticulum
honeymoon {n} (period of time immediately following a marriage)
:: hvedebrødsdage
honeymoon {n} (trip taken by a newly wed married couple)
:: bryllupsrejse
honeysuckle {n} (plant)
:: gedeblad {c}, kaprifolie {c}
honey wine {n} (mead) SEE: mead
Hong Kong {prop} (coastal administrative region in south-east China)
:: Hongkong
Honolulu {prop} (the capital of Hawaii)
:: Honolulu
honor {n} (recognition of importance or spiritual value; respect)
:: ære, ærbødighed {c}, agtelse {c}
honor {n} (token of praise or respect)
:: ære
honour {n} (honour) SEE: honor
honour {v} (honour) SEE: honor
honour killing {n} (murder as a cultural practice)
:: æresdrab {n}
hood {n} (headwear)
:: hætte {c}
-hood {suffix} (condition or state)
:: -hed
hooded {adj} (wearing a hood)
:: hætteklædt
hooded crow {n} (Corvus cornix)
:: gråkrage {c}
hoodiecrow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow
hoof {n} (tip of a toe of ungulates)
:: hov {c}
hook {n} (rod bent into a curved shape)
:: krog {c}, knage {c}, hage {c}
hook {n} (type of cricket shot)
:: hook
hook {n} (golf shot that curves unintentionally)
:: hook
hook {n} (type of boxing punch)
:: hook
hook {v} (to attach a hook)
:: hænge
hook {v} (to catch with a hook)
:: få på krogen, få til at bide på
hook {v} (to connect)
:: koble
hook {v} (to steal) SEE: steal
hook {n} (fishhook) SEE: fishhook
hooker {n} (prostitute) SEE: whore
hooknose {n} (aquiline nose) SEE: aquiline nose
hookup {n} (brief sexual relationship) SEE: fling
hoop {n} (jockey) SEE: jockey
hoopoe {n} (bird Upupa epops)
:: hærfugl {c}
hoopster {n} (basketball player) SEE: basketball player
hooter {n} (slang: penis) SEE: dick
hooter {n} (owl) SEE: owl
hoover {v} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum
hoover {n} (vacuum cleaner) SEE: vacuum cleaner
hop {n} (the plant whose flowers are used in brewing)
:: humle {c}
hop {n} ((plural) flowers of the hop plant)
:: humle {c}
hope {v} (to want something to happen, with expectation that it might)
:: håbe
hope {n} (belief that something wished for can happen)
:: håb {n}
hope {n} (person or thing that is a source of hope)
:: håb {n}
hopeful {adj} (feeling hope)
:: håbefuld
hopefully {adv} (it is hoped that)
:: forhåbentlig
hopeless {adj} (destitute of hope; having no expectation of good; despairing)
:: håbløs
hopeless {adj} (desperate) SEE: desperate
hope springs eternal {proverb} (the feeling of hopefulness endlessly renews itself)
:: håbet er lysegrønt (hope is bright green)
hophornbeam {n} (Any species of the genus Ostrya)
:: humlebøg {c}
horde {n} (wandering troop or gang)
:: horde {c}
horde {n} (a large number of people)
:: horde {c}
hordeolum {n} (infection) SEE: stye
horizon {n} (line that appears to separate the Earth from the sky)
:: horisont {c}
horizontal {adj} (parallel to the plane of the horizon)
:: vandret
hormone {n} (substance produced by the body that effects physiological activity)
:: hormon
hormone {n} (synthetic compound with the same activity as a hormone)
:: hormon
horn {n} (antler) SEE: antler
horn {n} (growth on the heads of certain animals)
:: horn {n}
horn {n} (substance)
:: horn {n}
horn {n} (any of several musical wind instruments)
:: horn {n}
horn {n} (instrument used to signal others)
:: horn {n}, jagthorn {n}
horn {n} (loud alarm, especially on a motor vehicle)
:: horn {n}
horn {n} (conical device used to direct waves)
:: horn {n}
horn {n} (informal: generally, any brass wind instrument)
:: horninstrument {n}
horn {n} (slang: telephone)
:: knogle {c}
horn {n} (peninsula or crescent-shaped tract of land)
:: horn {n}
hornbill {n} (bird)
:: næsehornsfugl {c}
horned lark {n} (Eremophila alpestris)
:: bjerglærke {c}
hornet {n} (a large wasp, of the genus Vespa, with a brown-and-yellow-striped body)
:: hveps {c}, gedehams {c}
Horn of Africa {prop} (peninsula in East Africa)
:: Afrikas horn
horn of plenty {n} (the cornucopia) SEE: cornucopia
horny {adj} (having horns)
:: behornet
horny {adj} (sexually aroused)
:: liderlig, kåd
horny {adj} (sexually arousing)
:: fræk
horoscope {n} (astrological forecast)
:: horoskop {n}
horror {n} (intense distressing fear or repugnance)
:: gru, rædsel
horror movie {n} (motion picture which horrifies or frightens)
:: horrorfilm {c}
hors d'oeuvre {n} (appetizer)
:: forret {c}, hors d'oeuvre
horse {n} (members of the species Equus ferus)
:: hest {c}, hingst {c} , hoppe
horse {n} (cavalry soldiers)
:: kavaleri {n}
horse-drawn {adj} (pulled along by horse)
:: hestetrukken, hestetrukket
horsefly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae)
:: klæg {c}
horseling {n} (foal) SEE: foal
horseling {n} (pony) SEE: pony
horsemanship {n} (equestrianism) SEE: equestrianism
horsemeat {n} (horse meat)
:: hestekød {n}
horsepower {n} (non-metric)
:: hestekraft {c}
horsepower {n} (metric)
:: hestekraft {c}
horse race {n} (a competitive race for horses carrying jockeys; often the subject of betting)
:: hestevæddeløb
horseradish {n} (plant)
:: peberrod {c}
horseradish {n} (condiment)
:: peberrod {c}
horseriding {n} (the practice of riding horses for sport or pleasure)
:: ridning {c} , ridesport {c}
horseshit {n} (bullshit) SEE: bullshit
horseshoe {n} (metallic shoe of a horse)
:: hestesko {c}
horseshoe {v} (to apply horseshoes to a horse)
:: sko
horseshoe crab {n} (arthropod)
:: dolkehale {c}
horsetail {n} (ponytail hairstyle) SEE: ponytail
horsetail {n} (plant of the order Equisetales)
:: padderokke {c}, padderok {c}
horsewhip {n} (whip used on horses)
:: ridepisk {c}
hortensia {n} (hydrangea) SEE: hydrangea
hose {n} (flexible tube)
:: slange {n}
hose {n} (stocking-like garment) SEE: tights
Hosea {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Hosea
Hosea {prop} (prophet)
:: Hosea
hospitable {adj} (cordial and generous towards guests)
:: gæstfri
hospitableness {n} (quality of being hospitable)
:: gæstfrihed {c}
hospital {n} (large medical facility)
:: hospital {n}, sygehus {n}
hospitalise {v} (hospitalize) SEE: hospitalize
hospitality {n} (act or service of welcoming, receiving, hosting, or entertaining guests)
:: gæstfrihed {c}
hospitality {n} (business of providing catering, lodging and entertainment service)
:: service {c}
hospitalize {v} (to send to a hospital)
:: indlægge
host {n} (person who receives or entertains a guest)
:: vært
host {n} (person or organisation responsible for running an event)
:: vært
host {n} (consecrated bread)
:: oblat {c} , hostie {c}
hostage {n} (person given as a pledge or security)
:: gidsel {n}
hostel {n} (short for youth hostel) SEE: youth hostel
hostess {n} (female host)
:: værtinde {c}
hostess {n} (female innkeeper)
:: værtinde {c}
hostility {n} (state of being hostile)
:: fjendtlighed {c}
hot {adj} (having a high temperature)
:: varm
hot {adj} (slang: stolen)
:: varm
hot {adj} (electrically charged)
:: strømførende
hot {adj} (slang: physically very attractive)
:: hot, lækker
hotbed {n} (low bed of earth covered with glass)
:: varmebed, drivbænk
hot chocolate {n} (beverage)
:: varm kakao {c}
hot dog {n} (frankfurter in a bun)
:: hotdog, varm hund {c}, pølse med brød {c}
hot dog {n} (sausage)
:: pølse {c}
hotel {n} (establishment providing accommodation)
:: hotel {n}
hothead {n} (one who angers easily or goes in search of arguments or fights)
:: brushoved, hidsigprop, hystade , furie
hothouse {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel
hotkey {n} (keyboard shortcut) SEE: keyboard shortcut
hot-tempered {adj} (easily angered)
:: hidsig
hottie {n} (informal: hot-water bottle) SEE: hot water bottle
hot water bottle {n} (a flexible bottle for heat therapy)
:: varmedunk
hound {n} (dog, hunting dog)
:: hund {c}
hour {n} (time period of sixty minutes)
:: time
hourglass {n} (clock)
:: timeglas {n}
hourglass figure {n} (a human body shape resembling an hourglass)
:: timeglasfigur {c}, hvepsetalje {c}
houri {n} ((Islam) a nymph in the form of a beautiful virgin)
:: huri
house {v} (keep within a structure or container)
:: indhuse
house {n} (bingo) SEE: bingo
house {n} (genre of music) SEE: house music
house {n} (human abode)
:: hus {n}
house {n} (archetypal structure of a human abode)
:: hus {n}
house {n} (debating chamber for government politicians)
:: hus {n}
house {n} (an establishment, business)
:: hus {n}
house {n} (the inner workings, as of a clock)
:: hus {n}
house {n} (dynasty, familiar descendance)
:: hus {n}
house {n} (astrology: one of the twelve divisions of an astrological chart)
:: stjernetegn {n}
house arrest {n} (confinement of a person, by authorities, to his or her residence)
:: husarrest {c}
houseboat {n} (vessel)
:: husbåd {c}
housefire {n} (large fire in a house)
:: husbrand {c}
household {n} (those living in the same residence)
:: husstand {c}
household appliance {n} (machine)
:: husholdningsmaskin {c}
household deity {n} (patron saint) SEE: patron saint
house music {n} (type of electronic dance music with an uptempo beat and recurring kickdrum)
:: house
house of cards {n} (structure made by stacking playing cards)
:: korthus {n}
house of cards {n} (structure or argument built on a shaky foundation)
:: korthus {n}
House of Commons {prop} (lower house in UK or Canadian parliament)
:: Underhuset {n}
house of ill fame {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel
House of Lords {prop} (upper chamber of UK parliament)
:: Overhuset {n}
House of Representatives {prop} (lower house of parliament)
:: Repræsentanternes hus {n}
house of worship {n} (house of worship) SEE: place of worship
house sparrow {n} (Passer domesticus)
:: gråspurv {c}
housewife {n} (female head of household)
:: husmor {c}
housework {n} (domestic household chores)
:: husholdningsarbejde
how {adv} (to what degree)
:: hvor
how {adv} (in what manner)
:: hvordan, hvorledes
how {adv} (in what state)
:: hvordan, hvorledes
how {adv} (used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings)
:: hvor
how {conj} (in which way)
:: hvordan, hvorledes
how are you {phrase} (greeting)
:: hvordan har du det?, hvordan går det?
how do I get to {phrase} (how do I get to...?)
:: hvordan kommer jeg til ...?
how do I get to the airport {phrase} (how do I get to the airport?)
:: hvordan kommer jeg til lufthavnen?
how do I get to the bus station {phrase} (how do I get to the bus station?)
:: hvordan kommer jeg til busstationen?
how do I get to the train station {phrase} (how do I get to the train station?)
:: hvordan kommer jeg til banegården?, hvordan kommer jeg til stationen
how do you pronounce this word {phrase} (how do you pronounce this word?)
:: hvordan udtales dette ord?, hvordan udtaler man dette ord?
how do you say …… in English {phrase} (request for translation into English)
:: hvordan siger man …… på engelsk?
how do you spell this word {phrase} (how do you spell this word?)
:: hvordan staves det ord?
howdy {interj} (hi) SEE: hi
howdy doody {interj} (hi) SEE: hi
however {adv} (nevertheless)
:: dog
howitzer {n} (a cannon)
:: haubits {c}
howl {n} (protracted, mournful cry of a dog or a wolf)
:: hyl {n}
how long {adv} (how long (length of time))
:: hvor længe
how many {determiner} (what number)
:: hvor mange
how many languages do you speak {phrase} (how many languages do you speak?)
:: hvor mange sprog taler du?
how much {determiner} (what quantity)
:: hvor meget
how much does it cost {phrase} (how much is it?)
:: hvad koster det?, hvor meget koster det?
how much do you charge {phrase} (how much do you charge?)
:: hvor meget koster det?, hvad koster det?
how much is it {phrase} (how much does it cost) SEE: how much does it cost
how no {adv} (why not) SEE: why not
how old are you {phrase} (what is your age in years)
:: hvor gammel er du?
how's it going {phrase} (how's it going? - informal greetings)
:: hvordan går det?
how's the weather {phrase} (how's the weather?)
:: hvordan er vejret?
howzit {interj} (what's up) SEE: what's up
hp {n} (horsepower)
:: hk
HP {n} (horse power) SEE: hp
Hrodna {prop} (Grodno) SEE: Grodno
HTML {prop} (initialism)
Hubert {prop} (male given name)
:: Hubert {c}, Hubertus {c}
hubris {n} (excessive pride or arrogance)
:: hybris, overmod
hue {n} (color or shade of color; tint; dye)
:: farve {c}, skær {n}, kulør {c}
hue {n} (character; aspect)
:: afskygning {c}
hue {n} (the characteristic related to the light frequency that appears in the color)
:: farvetone {c}
hug {n} (affectionate embrace)
:: kram, omfavnelse, knus
hug {v} (embrace)
:: omfavne, kramme, knuse
huge {adj} (very large)
:: enorm, kæmpestor
hugely {adv} (hugely)
:: mægtig
huggable {adj} (capable of, or suitable for, being hugged)
:: krammelig
Hugh {prop} (male given name)
:: Hugo
Hugo {prop} (male given name) SEE: Hugh
Huguenot {n} (member of the Protestant Reformed Church of France during the 16th and 17th century)
:: huguenot {c}
Huguenot {adj} (of, like or relating to Huguenotism)
:: huguenottisk
Huguenot {adj} (of, like or relating to a Huguenot, Huguenots)
:: huguenottisk
huh {interj} (to reinforce a question)
:: æh
hula hoop {n} (toy in the form of a large hoop)
:: hulahopring {c}
Huldah {prop} (biblical prophetess)
:: Hulda
hull {n} (frame of a ship or plane)
:: skrog
human {adj} (of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens)
:: menneskelig
human {adj} (having the nature or attributes of a human being)
:: menneskelig, human
human being {n} (a human being) SEE: human
human being {n} (person)
:: menneske {n}
human condition {n} (characteristics, key events and situations which compose the essentials of human experience)
:: conditio humana
humanism {n} (ethical system)
:: humanisme
humanist {n} (person who believes in the philosophy of humanism)
:: humanist {c}
humanize {v} (to make human)
:: humanisere
humankind {n} (human race) SEE: mankind
human milk {n} (breast milk) SEE: breast milk
human resources {n} (the personnel department of an organization)
:: personaleafdeling {c}
human right {n} (basic right that all humans should be guaranteed)
:: menneskeret {c}
human rights {n} (basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed)
:: menneskerettighederne {c-p}
human shield {n} (civilians placed in or around targets)
:: menneskeskjold {n}
human smuggling {n} (smuggling of people)
:: menneskesmugling {c}
human trafficking {n} (criminal activity in which people are recruited, etc. to serve an exploitative purpose)
:: menneskehandel {c}
humble {adj} (near the ground)
:: jordnær, ydmyg
humble {adj} (thinking lowly of oneself)
:: ydmyg
humble {v} (to bring low, etc.)
:: nedgøre, ydmyge
humble {v} (to make humble or lowly in mind, etc.)
:: ringagte
humerus {n} (bone of the upper arm)
:: overarmsknogle {c}
humid {adj} (slightly wet)
:: fugtig
humidity {n} (dampness, especially that of the air)
:: luftfugtighed {c}
humiliation {n} (the act of humiliating or humbling someone; abasement of pride; mortification)
:: ydmygelse {c}
humiliation {n} (the state of being humiliated, humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission)
:: ydmygelse {c}
humility {n} (characteristic of being humble)
:: ydmyghed {c}
hummingbird {n} (any of various small American birds in the family Trochilidae)
:: kolibri {c}
humour {n} (something funny)
:: humor {c}
hump {n} (deformity of the human back)
:: pukkel {c}
humpbacked {adj} (having a hump on the back)
:: pukkelrygget
humpback whale {n} (Megaptera novaeangliae)
:: pukkelhval {c}
Hun {n} (German) SEE: German
Hun {n} (derogatory: German) SEE: Fritz
hunchbacked {adj} (having hunched back) SEE: humpbacked
hundred {num} (cardinal number 100)
:: hundred, hundrede
hundred {n} (historical: administrative division)
:: herred {n}
hundreds and thousands {n} (sprinkles) SEE: sprinkles
Hundred Years' War {prop} (conflict between France and England)
:: Hundredårskrigen
hung {adj} (suspended by hanging)
:: ophængt
hung {adj} (having hanging additions or appendages)
:: behængt
hung {adj} (having a large penis)
:: veludrustet
Hungarian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Hungary)
:: ungarsk
Hungarian {n} (person from Hungary)
:: ungarer
Hungarian {n} (the language)
:: ungarsk
Hungary {prop} (the country)
:: Ungarn
hunger {n} (need for food)
:: sult
hunger is a good sauce {proverb} (hunger is the best sauce) SEE: hunger is the best sauce
hunger is the best sauce {proverb} (being hungry makes one less concerned about the taste of one's food)
:: sult er det bedste krydderi
hung over {adj} (suffering from a hangover)
:: bagstiv
hungry {adj} (affected by hunger; desirous of food)
:: sulten
hunk {n} (large piece of something)
:: stort stykke, luns
hunk {n} (sexually attractive man)
:: tyr
hunt {v} (to chase down prey)
:: jage, gå på jagt efter
hunt {v} (to search for something)
:: søge, lede
hunt {n} (the act of hunting, shooting)
:: jagt {c}
hunter {n} (person who hunts game)
:: jæger {c}
hunter {n} (hunting dog)
:: jagthund {c}
hunter {n} (person who pursues someone)
:: forfølger {c}
hunter {n} (person who searches for something)
:: jæger {c}
hurdy-gurdy {n} (barrel organ) SEE: barrel organ
hurricane {n} (weather phenomenon)
:: orkan {c}
hurricane {n} (meteorology: a wind scale for quite strong wind)
:: orkan {c}
hurry {v} (to do things quickly)
:: skynde sig
hurt {v} (to be painful)
:: gøre ondt
husband {n} (male partner in marriage)
:: mand {c}, ægtemand {c}, husbond {c}
husband {v} (to conserve)
:: spare på
husband and wife {n} (husband and wife, see also: married couple)
:: mand og kone {p}
hush {n} (silence)
:: stilhed {c}
hussy {n} ((obsolete) a housewife or housekeeper) SEE: housewife
hustler {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute
hustler {n} (a pimp)
:: alfons {c}
hustler {n} (a male prostitute who sells his services to men)
:: trækkerdreng {c}
hut {n} (small wooden shed)
:: hytte {c}
hut {n} (primitive dwelling)
:: hytte {c}
hutia {n} (rodent of the family Capromyidae)
:: bæverrotte {c}
hutong {n} (alley) SEE: alley
hyacinth {n} (plant of the genus Hyacinthus)
:: hyacint
Hydra {prop} (mythical serpent)
:: Hydra
Hydra {prop} (one of Pluto's moons)
:: Hydra
hydrangea {n} (shrub)
:: hortensia
hydrate {n} (solid compound containing or linked to water molecules)
:: hydrat {n}
hydrate {v} (to absorb water)
:: hydrere
hydraulics {n} (engineering science that deals with liquid in motion)
:: hydraulik {c}
hydro- {prefix} (pertaining to water)
:: hydro-
hydrocarbon {n} (compound of carbon and hydrogen)
:: kulbrinte {c}, karbonhydrid {n}
hydrochloric acid {n} (strong acid made by dissolving the gas, hydrogen chloride)
:: saltsyre {c}
hydrogen {n} (chemical element)
:: brint, hydrogen
hydrogen bomb {n} (thermonuclear bomb)
:: brintbombe {c}
hydrogen peroxide {n} (H2O2)
:: brintoverilte
hydrologist {n} (one who is skilled in or practises hydrology)
:: hydrolog {c}
hydrolysis {n} (a chemical process of decomposition)
:: hydrolyse {c}
hydromechanics {n} (fluid mechanics) SEE: fluid mechanics
hydronium {n} (H3O+)
:: oxonium
hydronym {n} (name of a body of water)
:: vand-navn
hydrophilic {adj} (having an affinity for water)
:: hydrofil, vandelskende
hydrophobia {n} (rabies, see also: rabies)
:: hundegalskab, rabies
hydrophobia {n} (fear of water, see also: aquaphobia)
:: hydrofobi
hydrophobic {adj} (lacking an affinity for water)
:: hydrofob, vandskyende
hydrophyte {n} (plant that lives in or requires an abundance of water)
:: vandplante, hydrofyt
hyena {n} (mammal)
:: hyæne
hygge {n} (cosiness, conviviality)
:: hygge {c}
hygiene {n} (conditions and practices that promote and preserve health)
:: hygiejne {c}
hygienic {adj} (pertaining to hygiene)
:: hygiejnisk
hygrometer {n} (instrument that measures humidity)
:: hygrometer {n}
hymen {n} (membrane which occludes the vagina)
:: mødom {c}, jomfruhinde {c}, mødomshinde {c}, hymen {c}
hymn {n} (a song of praise or worship)
:: hymne {c}
hymnal {n} (book or collection of hymns)
:: salmebog {c}
hymnary {n} (book of hymns) SEE: hymnal
hymnbook {n} (book of hymns) SEE: hymnal
hyper- {prefix}
:: hyper-
hyperbola {n} (geometric curve)
:: hyperbel {c}
hyperbole {n} (rhetorical device)
:: hyperbel {c}
hyperbolic {adj} (pertaining to a mathematical hyperbola)
:: hyperbolsk
hyperbolical {adj} (hyperbolic) SEE: hyperbolic
hypergamy {n} (hypergamy)
:: hypergami {n}
Hyperion {prop} (a Titan, the son of Gaia and Uranus)
:: Hyperion
hyperlink {n} (link from one electronic document to another)
:: hyperlink {n}
hypermarket {n} (combination of department store and supermarket)
:: hypermarked {n}
hypermetropia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: farsightedness
hypernova {n} (the gravitational collapse of a massive star to form a black hole)
:: hypernova {c}
hypernym {n} (superordinate grouping word)
:: hypernym {n}, overbegreb {n}
hyperonym {n} (hypernym) SEE: hypernym
hyperopia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: farsightedness
hypertext {n} (uncountable: text for the Web)
:: hypertekst
hyphen {n} (symbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split)
:: bindestreg {c}
Hypnos {prop} (Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep)
:: Hypnos {c}
hypnosis {n} (a trancelike state)
:: hypnose {c}
hypnotist {n} (person who uses hypnotism)
:: hypnotisør {c}
hypocorism {n} (baby talk) SEE: baby talk
hypocrite {n} (person practising hypocrisy)
:: hykler {c}
Hypocrites {prop} (63rd sura of the Qur'an)
:: Hyklerne {c-p}
hypodermic needle {n}
:: kanyle {c}
hypogamy {n} (hypogamy)
:: hypogami {n}
hyponym {n} (more specific word)
:: hyponym {n}, underbegreb {n}
hypotenuse {n} (The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle)
:: hypotenuse {c}
hypothesis {n} (tentative conjecture in science)
:: hypotese
hypothesis {n} (assumption taken to be true)
:: hypotese
hypothesize {v} (to believe or assert)
:: hypotetisere
hypothetical {adj} (based upon a hypothesis)
:: hypotetisk
hyrax {n} (mammal of the order Hyracoidea)
:: klippegrævling
hyssop {n} (herb of the genus Hyssopus)
:: isop
hysteria {n} (behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion)
:: hysteri {n}