d10 {n}
:: W10
d12 {n}
:: W12
d20 {n}
:: W20
d4 {n}
:: W4
d6 {n}
:: W6
d8 {n}
:: W8
dab {n} (fingerprint) SEE: fingerprint
dabble {v} (to cause splashing by moving a body part in soft mud, water, etc.)
:: platschen
dabble {v} (to participate in a casual or superficial way)
:: ein wenig befassen, dilettieren
dabbling duck {n} (duck that feeds by dabbling)
:: Gründelente {f}
dace {n} (Leuciscus leuciscus)
:: Hasel {m}
dacha {n} (Russian villa or summer house)
:: Datsche {f}
dachshund {n} (breed of dog)
:: Dackel {m}; Teckel {m}; Dachshund {m}
Dacia {prop} (ancient kingdom and Roman province)
:: Dacien {n}
Dacian {n} (member of an ancient Indo-European ethnic group of Dacia)
:: Daker {m}, Dakerin {f}
Dacian {prop} (language)
:: Dakisch {n}
Dacian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Dacia or the Dacians)
:: dakisch
dacite {n} (an igneous, volcanic rock with a high iron content)
:: Dazit {m}
Daco-Romanian {n} (a more specific name for the Romanian language)
:: Dakorumänisch {n}
dactyl {n} (poetical foot of three syllables)
:: Daktylus {m}
dactylic {adj}
:: daktylisch
dactyloscopic {adj}
:: daktyloskopisch
dactyloscopy {n} (forensic analysis of fingerprints)
:: Daktyloskopie {f}
dad {n} (informal: a father)
:: Papa {m}, Papi {m}, Vati {m}
dad {n} (familiar address of one's own father)
:: Papa {m}, Papi {m}, Vati {m}
Dada {n} (cultural movement, see also: dadaism)
:: Dadaismus {m}
dadaism {n} (cultural movement, see also: Dada)
:: Dadaismus {m}
daddy {n} (father)
:: Vati {m}, Papa {m}, Papi {m}
daddy longlegs {n} (harvestman)
:: Opa Langbein {m}, Weberknecht {m}
daddy longlegs {n} (cranefly) SEE: cranefly
daddy longlegs {n} (spider) SEE: daddy long-legs spider
daddy long-legs spider {n} (spider of Pholcidae)
:: Zitterspinne {f}
dad joke {n} (unfunny joke)
:: Schenkelklopfer {m}, Flachwitz {m}
Dadra and Nagar Haveli {prop} (Indian state territory)
:: Dadra und Nagar Haveli
Daedalus {prop} (Greek mythological figure)
:: Daidalos {m}
daemon {n} (computing: a process that does not have a controlling terminal)
:: Hintergrundprogramm {n}
Daesh {prop} (translations of the term "Daesh" only, see also: ISIS)
:: Daesh {m}, Daesch {m}, Daisch {m}, Daish {m}
daffodil {n} (flower)
:: Narzisse {f}, Osterglocke {f}
Daffy Duck {prop} (comic duck)
:: Daffy Duck
daft {adj} (foolish, silly, see also: foolish; silly)
:: albern
daft {adj} (crazy, insane, see also: crazy; insane; mad)
:: verrückt
daft {adj} (stupid, see also: stupid)
:: blöd, bescheuert, doof
dagesh forte {n}
:: Dagesch forte {n}
Dagestan {prop} (federal subject of Russia)
:: Dagestan {n}
dagga {n} (cement) SEE: cement
dagger {n} (a stabbing weapon)
:: Dolch {m}
dagger {n} (a text character)
:: Kreuz {n}
dago {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop
dahlia {n} (any plant of the genus Dahlia)
:: Dahlie {f}
Dahomey {prop} (former country in Africa)
:: Dahomey {n}
daikon {n} (large white radish)
:: Daikon {m}, chinesischer Rettich {m}, Daikon-Rettich {m}, Japanischer Rettich, Winterrettich, Mooli
daily {adj} (that occurs every day)
:: täglich
daily {n} (newspaper)
:: Tageszeitung {f}
daily {adv} (every day)
:: täglich
daily bread {n} (things needed to sustain physical life)
:: täglich Brot {n}
daily life {n} (activities in normal life)
:: Alltagsleben {n}
daimyo {n} (Japanese feudal lord)
:: Daimyo {m}, Daimio {m} (Daimjo {m}, Daimiô {m})
dainty {adj} (delicately small and pretty)
:: fein, delikat, zart, zierlich, niedlich
dainty {adj} (fastidious and fussy when eating)
:: anspruchsvoll, mäkelig, geziert, pingelig
daiquiri {n} (A cocktail of rum, lemon or lime juice and sugar, sometimes with fruit added)
:: Daiquiri {m}
dairy {n} (place, where milk is processed)
:: Molkerei {f}
dairy {n} (shop selling dairy products)
:: Milchladen {m}
dairy {n} (products produced from milk)
:: Molkereiprodukte {p}, Milchprodukte {p}
dairy cattle {n}
:: Milchvieh {n}
dairy farmer {n} (farmer who keeps dairy cows)
:: Milchbauer {m}
dairymaid {n} (woman who works in a dairy)
:: Milchmädchen {n}, Sennerin {f}, Melkerin {f}
dairyman {n} (man who works in a dairy) SEE: milkman
dairy product {n} (foodstuff made from milk)
:: Milchprodukt {m}
dais {n} (raised platform)
:: Podium {n}
daisy {n} (Bellis perennis)
:: Gänseblümchen {n}, Tausendschönchen {n}, Tagesauge {n}
daisy {n} (commonly used term for related flowers)
:: Tagesauge {n}
Dakota {prop} (Native American people)
:: Dakota
Dakota {prop} (Language of the Dakota)
:: Dakota
Dakota {n} (a member of the Dakota people)
:: Dakota
Dalai Lama {n} (the supreme head of Tibetan Buddhism)
:: Dalai Lama {m}
dale {n} (valley)
:: Tal {n}
Dalit {n} (person regarded as outcaste)
:: Dalit {m}, Unberührbarer {m}
Dallago {prop}
:: Dallago
Dallas {prop} (city in Texas)
:: Dallas
dalliance {n} (playful flirtation)
:: Liebesspiel {n}
dalliance {n} (a wasting of time in idleness or trifles)
:: Trödelei {f}
dally {v} (to waste time)
:: tändeln, trödeln
Dalmatia {prop} (region in Croatia)
:: Dalmatien {n}
Dalmatia {prop} (Roman province)
:: Dalmatien {n}
Dalmatian {adj} (relating to Dalmatia or its people)
:: dalmatisch
Dalmatian {n} (breed of dog)
:: Dalmatiner {m}
Dalmatian {prop} (extinct Romance language of Croatia)
:: Dalmatisch {n}
daltonic {adj} (color blind) SEE: color blind
dam {n} (structure placed across a flowing body of water)
:: Damm {m}
dam {v} (block)
:: stauen, abdämmen, absperren
dam {n} (female parent)
:: Muttertier
damage {n} (abstract measure of something not being intact; harm)
:: Schaden {m}
damage {n} (cost or expense)
:: Schaden {m}
damage {v} (to make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction)
:: beschädigen
damage control {n} (department responsible for taking action to control damage)
:: Schadensabwehr {f}, Schiffsicherung {f}
damage control {n} (efforts to curtail losses)
:: Schadensbegrenzung {f}
damages {n} (money awarded to a claimant)
:: Schadenersatz {m}, Schadensersatz {m}
Daman and Diu {prop} (Indian state territory)
:: Daman und Diu
Damascene {adj} (of or relating to Damascus)
:: damaszenisch
Damascus {prop} (the capital city of Syria)
:: Damaskus {n}
Damascus steel {n} (ancient kind of steel used in sword making)
:: Damast {m}
damask {n} (fabric)
:: Damast {m}, Damastgewebe {n}
damask {n} (peculiar markings on Damascus steel)
:: Damast {m}
damask {n} (Damascus steel) SEE: Damascus steel
damma {n} (an Arabic diacritic denoting the vowel point "u")
:: Damma {n}
Dammam {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia)
:: Dammam {n}
dammit {interj} (expression of anger or disappointment)
:: verdammt, verdammt noch mal
damn {v} (theology: to condemn to hell)
:: verdammen
damn {v} (to condemn as unfit, harmful, invalid, immoral, or illegal)
:: verteufeln
damn {v} (to put a curse upon)
:: verfluchen
damn {adj} (generic intensifier)
:: verdammt, verflucht
damn {adv} (awfully, extremely)
:: schrecklich, verdammt
damn {interj} (non-vulgar expression of contempt etc.)
:: verdammt, Mist
damn {n} (use of damn as a swear word)
:: verdammt, (so ein) Mist!, Scheiße!
damnable {adj} (deserving of damnation)
:: verdammenswert, verdammungswürdig
damnation {n} (The state of being damned; condemnation; openly expressed disapprobation)
:: Verdammnis {f}
damnation {n} (Condemnation to everlasting punishment in the future state, or the punishment itself)
:: Verdammnis {f}
damned {adj} (god-forsaken)
:: verdammt, verflucht
damp {adj} (Being in a state between dry and wet)
:: feucht
damp {n} (moisture)
:: Feuchtigkeit {f}
damp {v} (To render damp)
:: anfeuchten, befeuchten, abdampfen
damp {v} (To put out, as fire)
:: ersticken, dämpfen
damp {v} (To suppress vibrations or oscillations)
:: dämpfen
dampen {v} (make damp)
:: befeuchten
dampen {v} (depress, lessen)
:: dämpfen
damper {n} (valve or movable plate used to regulate flow of air)
:: Luftklappe {f}
damper {n} (contrivance to deaden vibrations)
:: Dämpfer {m}
damp squib {n} (firework that fails to go off, due to wetting)
:: Blindgänger {m}, Versager {m}
damp squib {n} (anything that doesn’t work properly)
:: Schuss in den Ofen {m}, Reinfall {m}, Schlag ins Wasser {m}, Rohrkrepierer {m}
damsel {n} (girl, maiden (without sexual experience))
:: Mädchen {f}, Jungfrau {f}
damselfly {n} (insect)
:: Kleinlibelle {f}, Wasserjungfer {f}, Seejungfer {f}, Schlankjungfer {f}
damsel in distress {n} (young woman perceived as being in a dangerous situation.)
:: Jungfrau in Nöten {f}, verfolgte Unschuld {f}
damson {n} (tree)
:: Kriechenpflaumenbaum {m}, Krieche {f}, Kriechenpflaume {f}
damson {n} (fruit)
:: Krieche {f}, Kriechenpflaume {f}
dance {n} (movements to music)
:: Tanz {m}
dance {v} (move rhythmically to music)
:: tanzen
danceable {adj} (suitable for dancing)
:: tanzbar
dance floor {n} (an area for dancing)
:: Tanzfläche {f}
dancehall {n} (public hall for dancing)
:: Tanzsaal {m}
dance music {n} (music composed to accompany social dancing)
:: Tanzmusik {f}
dancer {n} (person who dances)
:: Tänzer {m}
dancer {n} (a female person who dances)
:: Tänzerin {f}
dancer {n} (euphemism for stripper)
:: Tänzer {m}, Tänzerin {f}, exotischer Tänzer {m}, exotische Tänzerin {f}
dance studio {n} (studio)
:: Tanzschule {f}
dance to someone's tune {v} (to do what someone expects)
:: nach jemandes Pfeife tanzen
dandelion {n} (plant, wild flower of the genus Taraxacum)
:: Löwenzahn {m}, Hundeblume {f}, Kuhblume {f}, Seichblume {f}, Pusteblume {f}, Butterblume {f}
dandelion {n} (color of a dandelion flower, dandelion color, dandelion yellow)
:: Löwenzahnfarbe {f}, Löwenzahngelb {n}
dandelion {adj} (of a yellow colour)
:: löwenzahnfarbig, löwenzahngelb {n}
dander {n} (dead skin shed by animals)
:: Hautschuppe
dander {n} (passion, temper, anger)
:: Zorn {m}, Wut {f}
dandruff {n} (skin flakes)
:: Schuppen {f-p}, Kopfschuppen {f-p}
dandy {adj} (very good; better than expected but not as good as could be)
:: prima, schön, gut
dandy {n} (man very concerned about his clothes and his appearance)
:: Dandy {m}, Pinkel {m}
dandy {n} (yawl) SEE: yawl
Dane {n} (person from Denmark or of Danish descent)
:: Däne {m}, Dänin {f}
Danegeld {n} ((history) a tax raised to protect againt Vikings)
:: Danegeld {n}
Danelaw {prop} (part of Great Britain)
:: Danelag
danewort {n} (Sambucus ebulus)
:: Zwerg-Holunder {m}
dang {adj} (damn) SEE: damn
danger {n} (exposure to likely harm)
:: Gefahr {f}, Risiko {n}
danger {n} (instance or cause of liable harm)
:: Gefahr {f}, Bedrohung {f}
danger in delay {n}
:: Gefahr im Verzug
dangerless {adj}
:: gefahrlos, ungefährlich
dangerous {adj} (full of danger)
:: gefährlich
dangerous {adj} (causing danger, ready to do harm or injury)
:: gefährlich
dangerous goods {n} (substances that are intrinsically dangerous)
:: Gefahrgut {n}
dangerously {adv} (in a dangerous manner)
:: gefährlich
dangerousness {n} (state or quality of being dangerous)
:: Gefährlichkeit {f}
dangle {v} (hang loosely)
:: baumeln
Danian {prop} (a subdivision of the Paleocene epoch)
:: Danium
Danicize {v} (to make (more) Danish)
:: danisieren, dänisieren
Daniel {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Daniel
Daniel {prop} (biblical person)
:: Daniel
Daniel {prop} (male given name)
:: Daniel
Danify {v} (Danicize) SEE: Danicize
danish {n} (pastry)
:: Plunder {m}, Plundergebäck {n}
Danish {prop} (language)
:: Dänisch {n}
Danish {adj} (of Denmark)
:: dänisch
Danish {n} (native of Denmark) SEE: Dane
Danish {n} (Danish pastry) SEE: Danish pastry
Danish crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow
Danish pastry {n} (yeast roll)
:: Kopenhagener {m}, Plunder {m}, Teilchen {n} , Plundergebäck {n}
dank {adj} (dark, damp and humid)
:: feucht, nasskalt
Danny {prop} (Diminutive of Dan, Daniel)
:: Dani {m} {f}
danse macabre {n} (a conventional subject of artistic painting or drawing)
:: Totentanz
Dantean {adj} (of or pertaining to Dante or his style) SEE: Dantesque
Dantesque {adj} (of or pertaining to Dante or his style, with elevated tone and somber focus)
:: dantesk
Danube {prop} (river of Europe that flows to the Black Sea)
:: Donau {f}
Danube bleak {n} (Alburnus chalcoides)
:: Mairenke {f}
Danube Swabian {n} (German living along the Danube)
:: Donauschwabe
Danubian {adj} (pertaining to the Danube)
:: donauisch
Danzig {prop} (Gdańsk) SEE: Gdańsk
daphne {n} (shrub in the genus Daphne)
:: Seidelbast {m}
Dapingian {prop}
:: Dapingium
Dardanelles {prop} (strait)
:: Dardanellen {p}
dare {v} (to have courage)
:: wagen
dare {v} (to defy or challenge)
:: herausfordern, trotzen
dare {v} (to brave or face up to)
:: riskieren
dare {n} (a challenge)
:: Mutprobe
daredevil {n} (person who engages in risky behavior)
:: Wagehals {m}, Waghals {m}, Draufgänger {m}, Draufgängerin {f}
daredevil {adj} (recklessly bold; adventurous)
:: tollkühn
Dargwa {prop} (North Caucasian language)
:: Darginisch
Dari {prop} (variety of Middle Persian)
:: Dari {n}
Dari {prop} (Eastern Persian)
:: Dari {n}
daric {n} (gold coin from Persia)
:: Dareikos {m}
daring {adj} (willing to take on risks)
:: mutig
daring {adj} (courageous)
:: mutig
daring {n} (boldness)
:: Wagemut {m}, Kühnheit {f}
daringness {n} (state or quality of being daring)
:: Kühnheit {f}
Darius {prop} (any of several Persian kings)
:: Dareios {m}, Darius {m}
dark {adj} (having an absolute or relative lack of light)
:: dunkel, finster
dark {adj} (hidden, secret)
:: dunkel, düster
dark {adj} (without moral or spiritual light)
:: schwarz
dark {adj} (not bright or light, deeper in hue)
:: dunkel
dark {n} (a complete or partial absence of light)
:: Dunkelheit {f}, Dunkel {n}
dark {n} (ignorance)
:: Dunkel {n}
dark {n} (nightfall)
:: Dunkelwerden
Dark Ages {prop} (historic period)
:: Dunkle Jahrhunderte
dark chocolate {n} (type of chocolate)
:: Bitterschokolade {f}, Zartbitterschokolade {f}
dark culture {n} (any of a set of subcultures)
:: Schwarze Szene {f}
darken {v} (to become darker (less bright))
:: verdunkeln
darken {v} (to become dark(er) in colour)
:: verdunkeln
dark energy {n} (hypothetical form of energy which, it is supposed, is spread uniformly throughout space and time and has anti-gravitational properties)
:: Dunkle Energie
dark figure {n} (estimated number of unreported criminal cases)
:: Dunkelziffer {f}
dark-haired {adj} (brunette) SEE: brunette
dark lantern {n} (lantern with panel)
:: Blendlaterne {f}, Diebslaterne {f}
dark magic {n} (black magic) SEE: black magic
dark matter {n} (particles of matter that cannot be detected by their radiation)
:: Dunkle Materie {f}
darkness {n} (state of being dark)
:: Dunkelheit {f}, Finsternis {f}
darknet {n} (network)
:: Darknet {n}
dark red {adj} (dark red - translation entry)
:: dunkelrot
darkroom {n} (dark room where photographs are developed)
:: Dunkelkammer {f}
darkroom {n} (darkened room for sexual activities)
:: Darkroom {m}
dark-skinned {adj} (having dark skin)
:: dunkelhäutig
dark space {n}
:: Dunkelraum {m}
darling {n} (person who is dear to one)
:: Liebling {m}, Schatz {m}
Darmstadt {prop} (city)
:: Darmstadt {n}
darmstadtium {n} (transuranic chemical element with atomic number 110)
:: Darmstadtium {n}
darn {adj} (damn) SEE: damn
darn {interj} (damn) SEE: damn
darn {v} (damn) SEE: damn
darn {v} (stitch with thread)
:: stopfen
darnel {n} (type of ryegrass found in wheatfields)
:: Taumel-Lolch {m}, Taumellolch {m}, Rauschgras {n}
darning needle {n} (damselfly) SEE: damselfly
Darriwilian {prop}
:: Darriwilium
dart {n} (zoology: fish) SEE: dace
dartboard {n} (target for darts)
:: Dartscheibe {f}
Darth Vader {n} (Malevolent individual)
:: Darth Vader {m}
darts {n} (game)
:: Darts {n}
Darwin {prop} (surname)
:: Darwin
Darwin {prop} (city in Australia)
:: Darwin
Darwinism {n} (principles of natural selection)
:: Darwinismus {m}
Darwinist {n} (a believer in Darwinism)
:: Darwinist {m}, Darwinistin {f}
Darwin's finch {n}
:: Darwinfinken {m-p}
Darwin's rhea {n} (Pterocnemia pennata)
:: Darwin-Nandu, Darwin-Strauß
dasein {n} (philosophy: hereness)
:: Dasein {n}
dash {n} (colloquial: hyphen) SEE: hyphen
dash {n} (typographic symbol)
:: , Bindestrich {m}, Gedankenstrich {m}, Querstrich {m}
dash {n} (Morse code symbol)
:: Strich {m}
dash {n} (short run)
:: Spurt {m}, Sprint {m}, Sprung {m}, Blitzstart {m}
dash {n} (small quantity of liquid etc.)
:: Schuss {m}, Tropfen {m}, Spritzer {m}
dash {v} (to run short distance)
:: spurten, sprinten, rennen, sausen, düsen, rasen, flitzen, pesen, hereinstürzen, hinausstürzen
dash {v} (to destroy)
:: schlagen, zerschmettern, zerschlagen
dash {v} (to throw violently)
:: schleudern, werfen, schmettern, prallen, hinschleudern
dash {v} (to sprinkle)
:: streuen, spritzen
dash {v} (to throw in or on in a rapid, careless manner)
:: bespritzen, hinwerfen, stürzen, herunterstürzen
dash {v} (of hopes or dreams: to ruin)
:: zerstören, zunichtemachen, auslöschen
dash {v} (to dishearten)
:: entmutigen, bedrücken
dash {v} (to complete hastily)
:: herunterreissen, herunterstürzen
dash {v} (to draw quickly)
:: skizzieren, stricheln
dash {interj} (damn)
:: verdammt, Mist, verflucht
dash {n} (dashboard) SEE: dashboard
dashboard {n} (panel under the windscreen of a motor car or aircraft)
:: Armaturenbrett {n}, Instrumententafel {f}
dashboard {n} (graphical user interface)
:: Dashboard {n}
dashcam {n} (digital video recorder mounted on the dashboard of a vehicle or elsewhere inside the vehicle)
:: Dashcam {f}
dasheen {n} (cocoyam) SEE: cocoyam
dashing {adj} (spirited, audacious and full of high spirits)
:: schneidig
data {n} (information)
:: Daten {n-p}, Informationseinheiten {f-p}
databank {n} (database) SEE: database
database {n} (collection of information)
:: Datenbank {f}
database {n} (software program)
:: Datenbank {f}
database administrator {n} (person)
:: Datenbankadministrator {m}
data centre {n}
:: Rechenzentrum {n}
data entry {n} (act of inputting data into a computer)
:: Dateneingabe {f}
data flow {n} (transfer of data between the components of a computer) SEE: data stream
data management {n} (all the disciplines related to managing data as a valuable resource, such as data modeling or metadata management)
:: Datenmanagement {n}
data mining {n} (technique for searching large-scale databases for patterns)
:: Data Mining {n}
data path {n} (computing)
:: Datenpfad {m}
data point {n} (datum, (ordered set of) measurement(s))
:: Datenpunkt {m}
data point {n} (point in chart or graph)
:: Datenpunkt {m}
data processing {n} (operations on data)
:: Datenverarbeitung {f}
data rate {n} (speed of data transmission)
:: Datenübertragungsrate {f}
data record {n}
:: Datensatz {m}
data science {n}
:: Datenwissenschaft {f}
data set {n} (modem) SEE: modem
data set {n} (file of related records)
:: Dataset {n}
data set {n} (set of data to analyze)
:: Datensatz {m}
data stream {n} (a sequence of digitally encoded coherent signals used in a transmission)
:: Datenstrom {m}
data structure {n} (organization of data)
:: Datenstruktur {f}
data type {n} (classification or category of data)
:: Datentyp {m}
data warehouse {n} (collection of data)
:: Datenlager {n}
date {n} (fruit of the date palm)
:: Dattel {f}
date {n} (that which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.)
:: Datum {n}
date {n} (point of time at which a transaction or event takes place)
:: Datum {n}, Zeitpunkt {m}
date {n} (point in time)
:: Zeitpunkt {m}
date {n} (assigned end; conclusion)
:: Ende {n}
date {n} (obsolete: given or assigned length of life)
:: Zeit {f}
date {n} (pre-arranged social meeting)
:: Treffen {n}, Verabredung {f}
date {n} (companion when one is partaking in a social occasion)
:: Verabredung {f}
date {n} (meeting with a lover or potential lover; a person so met)
:: Rendezvous {n}, Date {n}, Verabredung {n}, Stelldichein {n}
date {v} (to determine the age of something)
:: datieren
date {v} (to take (someone) on a series of dates)
:: ausgehen, daten
date {n} (date palm) SEE: date palm
dated {adj} (marked with a date)
:: datiert
dated {adj} (out of date)
:: veraltet
dated {adj} (anachronistic)
:: veraltet, anachronistisch, (wie) aus der Zeit gefallen
dated {adj} (no longer fashionable)
:: unmordern, unmodisch, altmodisch
date of birth {n} (birthday) SEE: birthday
date of birth {n} (date and year when something was born)
:: Geburtsdatum {n}
date palm {n} (Phoenix dactylifera)
:: Dattelpalme {f}
date plum {n} (fruit)
:: Lotuspflaume {f}
date rape drug {n} (drug to assist rape)
:: Vergewaltigungsdroge {f}
date tree {n} (date palm) SEE: date palm
dating {n} (a form of romantic courtship)
:: Stelldichein {mf}
dating {n} (process of estimating the age of something)
:: Datierung {f}
dating agency {n} (business)
:: Partnervermittlungsagentur {f}, Partneragentur {f}
dative {adj} (grammar: noting the case of noun which expresses indirect object)
:: Dativ-, dativisch
dative {n} (dative case) SEE: dative case
dative case {n} (case used to express direction towards an indirect object)
:: Dativ {m}, Wemfall {m}, dritter Fall {m}, Wem-Fall {m}
datolite {n} (a mineral, a calcium borosilicate)
:: Datolith {m}
datum {n} (single piece of information)
:: Fakt {m} {n}, Faktum {n}, Informationseinheit {f}
datura {n} (A plant of the genus Datura)
:: Datura {f}
daub {n} (soft coating of mud, plaster etc)
:: Kleckserei {f}, Schmiererei {f}, Graffiti {n}
daub {n} (crude or amateurish painting)
:: Geschmier {n}
daub {v} (to apply something in hasty or crude strokes)
:: klecksen, schmieren, bemalen, bestreichen
daub {v} (to cover with a specious or deceitful exterior)
:: kaschieren
dauber {n} (unskillful painter)
:: Pinseler {m}, Kleckser {m}, Schmierer {m}
Daugava {prop} (river in Europe)
:: Düna, westliche Dwina
Daugavpils {prop} (city in Latvia)
:: Dünaburg {n}, Daugavpils {n}
daughter {n} (female offspring)
:: Tochter {f}
daughter-in-law {n} (wife of one's child)
:: Schwiegertochter {f}, Schnur {f}
daughter language {n} (language which genetically descends from earlier, parent language)
:: Tochtersprache {f}
daughterling {n} (a daughter)
:: Tochterchen {f}, Tochterling {f}
daunt {v} (to discourage)
:: abschrecken, entmutigen, einschüchtern
daunt {v} (to overwhelm)
:: überwältigen
daunt {v}
:: einschüchtern, entmutigen
daunting {adj} (discouraging; inspiring fear)
:: abschreckend, beängstigend, einschüchternd, entmutigend
daunting {adj} (intimidatingly impressive, see also: awe-inspiring; overwhelming)
:: einschüchternd, entmutigend
dauntless {adj} (invulnerable to fear or intimidation)
:: unerschrocken, furchtlos
dauntlessness {n} (fearlessness)
:: Furchtlosigkeit {f}, Unerschrockenheit {f}, Verwegenheit {f}, Beherztheit {f}
Daurian jackdaw {n} (Corvus dauuricus)
:: Elsterdohle {f}
David {prop} (king of Israel)
:: David
David {prop} (male given name)
:: David
davit {n} (crane to sling a lifeboat, maintenance trapeze etc)
:: Davit {m}
Davos {prop} (mountain resort in Switzerland)
:: Davos
Davy Jones's locker {prop} (the ocean as a grave for sailors)
:: Grab in Meerestiefe {n}
daw {n} (Coloeus monedula) SEE: jackdaw
daw {v} (dawn) SEE: dawn
dawdle {v} (to spend time idly and unfruitfully, to waste time)
:: trödeln, Zeit totschlagen
dawdle {v} (to move or walk lackadaisically)
:: trödeln
dawn {v} (to begin to brighten with daylight)
:: dämmern
dawn {n} (morning twilight period)
:: Morgendämmerung {f}, Dämmerung {f}, Morgengrauen {n}
dawn {n} (rising of the sun)
:: Dämmerung {f}, Morgendämmerung {f}, Morgengrauen {n}, Tagesanbruch {m}
dawn {n} (time)
:: Dämmerung {f}, Morgendämmerung {f}, Morgengrauen {n}, Tagesanbruch {m}
dawn {n} (beginning)
:: Dämmerung {f}
dawnlight {n} (light of dawn)
:: Dämmerung {f}, Morgendämmerung {f}, Dämmerlicht {n}, Morgenlicht {n}, Dämmerschein {m}
dawn prayer {n} (fajr) SEE: fajr
day {n} (period of 24 hours)
:: Tag {m}
day {n} (period from midnight to the following midnight)
:: Tag {m}
day {n} (rotational period of a planet)
:: Tag {m}
day {n} (part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.)
:: Tag {m}
day {n} (period between sunrise and sunset)
:: Tag {m}
day after day {adv} (For an indefinite number of days)
:: Tag für Tag
day after tomorrow {n} (day after tomorrow - translation entry)
:: Übermorgen {n}
day after tomorrow {adv} (on the day after tomorrow; in two days - translation entry)
:: übermorgen, in zwei Tagen
day and night {adv} (all the time)
:: Tag und Nacht
daybed {n} (couch)
:: Ruhebett {n}, Bettcouch {f}
day before yesterday {n} (day before yesterday - translation entry)
:: Vorgestern {n}
day before yesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday - translation entry)
:: vorgestern
daybook {n} (A daily chronicle; a diary) SEE: diary
daybook {n} (A logbook) SEE: logbook
daybreak {n} (dawn)
:: Tagesanbruch {m}
day care center {n} (A nursery for the supervision of preschool children while the parents work)
:: Kindertagesstätte {f}, Kita {f} , Tagesstätte {f}, Ganztagskindergarten {m}
day count convention {n} (convention)
:: Zinsberechnungsmethode {f}
daydream {n} (a spontaneous and fanciful series of thoughts)
:: Tagtraum {m}
daydream {v} (to have such a series of thoughts)
:: tagträumen, träumen
day fine {n} (unit of fine payment)
:: Tagessatz {m}
day in, day out {adv} (day in, day out)
:: Tag für Tag, tagtäglich, tagein tagaus
day labor {n} (work done where the worker is hired and paid one day at a time)
:: Tagesarbeit {f}
day laborer {n} (laborer who is paid one day at a time)
:: Tagelöhner {m}, Tagelöhnerin {f}, Taglöhner {m}, Taglöhnerin {f}, Tagner {m}, Tagnerin {f}
day lark {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird
daylight {n} (light from the Sun)
:: Tageslicht {n}
daylight {n} (period of time between sunrise and sunset)
:: Tageslicht {n}
daylight {n} (daybreak) SEE: daybreak
daylight robbery {n} (The asking of an excessive or exorbitant price)
:: Beutelschneiderei {f}, Halsabschneiderei {f}
daylight savings time {n} (daylight saving time) SEE: daylight saving time
daylight saving time {n} (an adjustment of the official time during summer)
:: Sommerzeit {f}
daylily {n} (plant of Hemerocallis)
:: Taglilie {f}
day off {n} (a day of vacation etc.)
:: Ruhetag {m}
day of reckoning {n} (the final and eternal judgment by God)
:: Tag der Abrechnung {m}
days {n} (life)
:: Tage {f}
days {adv} (during the day)
:: tagsüber
daytime {n} (the time of daylight)
:: heller Tag {m}, Tageszeit {f}
day-to-day {adj} (ordinary or mundane)
:: alltäglich, gewöhnlich, banal
day-to-day {adj} (happening every day)
:: tagtäglich, täglich wiederkehrend
day trader {n} (person who practices the short-term investment strategy)
:: Daytrader {m}
day trip {n} (excursion lasting one day)
:: Tagesausflug {m}, Tagesreise {f}
dayworker {n} (employee paid on an irregular basis)
:: Tagelöhner {m}
daze {n} (the state of being dazed)
:: Benommenheit {f}
daze {v} (to stun or stupefy)
:: betäuben
dazed {adj} (in a state of shock or confusion)
:: verwirrt, wirr, durcheinander, konfus
dazed {adj} (stunned)
:: verblüfft, betäubt, benommen, verdutzt, sprachlos, bestürzt, überwältigt, fassungslos
dazzle {v} (confuse the sight)
:: blenden
dazzle {v} (figuratively)
:: verblüffen
DBMS {n} (database management system)
:: DBVS {n}
début {n} (first appearance)
:: Debüt {n}
décolleté {adj} (1. Having a low neckline that reveals the cleavage)
:: dekolletiert
décolletage {n} (low neckline)
:: Dekolleté {n}
D-Day {prop} (6 June 1944)
:: D-Day {m}
D-Day {n} (date of any major event planned for the future)
:: Tag X {m}
deacon {n} (a designated minister of charity in the early Church)
:: Diakon {m}
deacon {n} (a clergyman ranked directly below a priest)
:: Diakon {m}
deacon {n} (lay leader of a Protestant congregation)
:: Diakon {m}
deaconess {n} (female deacon)
:: Diakonin {f}, Diakonisse {f}, Diakonissin {f}
deactivate {v} (to make something inactive or no longer effective)
:: deaktivieren
deactivate {v} (to prevent the action of a biochemical agent)
:: unterbinden
dead {adj} (no longer alive)
:: tot, gestorben
dead {adj} (figuratively, not alive)
:: gestorben
dead {adj} (fully and completely motionless)
:: bewegungslos
dead {adv} (exactly)
:: genau
dead {adv} (Very, absolutely, extremely, suddenly)
:: tod-
dead {n} (those who have died)
:: Tote {p}
dead as a dodo {adj} (unquestionably dead)
:: mausetot
dead as a doornail {adj} (unquestionably dead)
:: mausetot
deadbeat {n} (lazy person, depending upon financially independent people for support)
:: Faulpelz {m}, Gammler {m}, Schnorrer {m}
dead code {n} (instructions that have no effect on the running of the program)
:: toter Code {m}, toter Kode {m}
dead end {n} (street or path that goes nowhere)
:: Sackgasse {f}, Stichstraße {f}
dead-end {n} (position) SEE: impasse
dead-end {n} (road with no exit) SEE: dead end
deadfall {n} (cheap, rough bar or saloon) SEE: dive
dead heat {n} (close race)
:: unentschiedenes Rennen
dead ice {n} (former glacier ice that is no longer connected to the active glacier)
:: Toteis {n}
dead key {n} (special modifier key on a typewriter or computer keyboard)
:: Tottaste {f}
dead language {n} (language with no native speakers)
:: tote Sprache {f}
deadlift {n} (weight training exercise)
:: Kreuzheben {n}
deadline {n} (date on or before which something must be completed)
:: Stichtag {m}, Frist {f}, Termin {m}; Deadline {f}
dead link {n} (hypertext link that points to a webpage that is permanently unavailable)
:: toter Link
dead load {n} (the weight of a structure itself)
:: Eigengewicht {n}
deadlock {n} (standstill)
:: toter Punkt {m}, Stillstand {m}
deadlock {n} (computing)
:: Deadlock {m}, Verklemmung {f}
deadly {adj} (lethal)
:: tödlich
deadly nightshade {n} (deadly nightshade; Atropa belladonna)
:: schwarze Tollkirsche {f}, Tollkirsche {f}
deadly sin {n} (any of the seven deadly sins)
:: Hauptsünde {f}
dead man's switch {n} (dead man's switch)
:: Totmannschalter {m}, Totmanneinrichtung {f}
deadnettle {n} (plant of the genus Lamium)
:: Taubnessel {f}
dead or alive {adj} (wanted poster term)
:: tot oder lebendig
deadpan {adj} (deliberately impassive or expressionless (as a face or look))
:: ausdruckslos
deadpan {adj} (having such a face or look (as a person))
:: ungerührt
Dead Sea {prop} (lake in the Middle East)
:: Totes Meer {n}
dead tired {adj} (very tired)
:: todmüde
deaf {adj} (unable to hear)
:: taub, gehörlos
deaf {n} (deaf people considered as a group)
:: die Gehörlosen {p}, rare: die Tauben {p}
deaf {n} (a single deaf person) SEE: deaf person
deaf aid {n} (hearing aid) SEE: hearing aid
deaf as a doorpost {adj} (stone deaf) SEE: stone deaf
deaf as a post {adj} (stone deaf) SEE: stone deaf
deafen {v} (to make deaf)
:: betäuben
deafening {adj} (loud enough to cause hearing loss)
:: ohrenbetäubend, ohrenzerreißend
deaf-mute {adj} (unable to hear or speak)
:: taubstumm
deaf-mute {n} (person who is unable to hear or speak)
:: Taubstummer {m}, Taubstumme {f}
deafness {n} (condition of being deaf)
:: Taubheit {f} , Gehörlosigkeit {f} , Schwerhörigkeit {f} , Surditas {f}
deaf person {n} (deaf person - translation entry)
:: Tauber {m}
deal {n} (division, share)
:: Anteil {m}, Portion {f}
deal {n} (large number or amount or extent)
:: Menge {f}
deal {v} (to give out as one’s portion or share)
:: austeilen, verteilen
deal {v} (to administer in portions)
:: austeilen, erteilen, zuteilen
deal {v} (to distribute (cards))
:: austeilen, geben
deal {v} (to take action; to act)
:: handeln
deal {v} (to trade)
:: handeln
deal {v} (to sell (illicit drugs))
:: dealen
deal {v} (to be concerned with)
:: handeln (von), behandeln, abhandeln
deal {v} (to handle, manage)
:: behandeln {f}, umgehen (mit)
deal {n} (instance of buying or selling, see also: transaction)
:: Handel {m}, Deal {m}
deal {n} (agreement, arrangement)
:: Pakt {m}, Abkommen {n}, Abmachung {f}, Abschluss {m}, Handel {m}, Deal {m}
deal {n} (wood that is easy to saw)
:: Bohle {f}
deal {n} (plank of softwood)
:: Planke {f}
deal {v} (to conduct oneself) SEE: behave
dealer {n} (one who deals in things, e.g. automobiles)
:: Händler {m}
dealer {n} (the person who deals the cards in a card game)
:: Geber {m}
dealer {n} (drug dealer) SEE: drug dealer
dealership {n} (a place that sells items, especially cars)
:: Verkaufsvertretung {f}
deal with {v} (handle verbally or in some form of artistic expression)
:: behandeln
deal with {v} (take action with respect to (someone or something))
:: sich auseinandersetzen mit
deamidate {v} (remove amide group)
:: deamidieren
dean {n} (senior official in college or university)
:: Dekan {m}, Dekanin {f}
dear {adj} (loved; lovable)
:: lieb
dear {adj} (precious to or greatly valued by someone)
:: teuer
dear {adj} (formal way of addressing)
:: Lieber, Teuerer (always capitalized), sehr geehrter
dear {adj} (an informal way of addressing the recipient in a letter's opening line)
:: lieber
dear {adj} (a formal way to start (often after my) addressing somebody one likes or regards kindly)
:: Lieber
dear {n} (a very kind, loving person)
:: Liebchen {n}, Liebste {f}, Liebster {m}, Teuerste {f}, Teuerster {m}
dear {adj} (high in price; expensive) SEE: expensive
dear {n} (beloved#noun) SEE: beloved
dear {adj} (sore) SEE: sore
dear me {interj} (good heavens) SEE: good heavens
dearth {n} (period when food is rare)
:: Hungersnot {f}
dearth {n} (scarcity)
:: Mangel {m}, Knappheit {f}
death {n} (cessation of life)
:: Tod {m}, Exitus {m}
death {n} (personification of death)
:: Tod {m}
death {n} (Tarot)
:: der Tod
death {n} (collapse or end)
:: Tod {m}, Untergang {m}
Death {prop} (the personification of death)
:: Tod {m} , Sensenmann {m}, Gevatter Tod {m}, Schlafes Bruder {m}, Schnitter {m}, Schnitter Tod {m}, Todesengel {m}, Todbringer {m}, Knochenmann {m}, König der Toten {m}, Freund Hain {m}, Freund Hein {m}, Boanlkramer {m}, Boandlkramer {m}, Boanl {m}, Boandl {m}
death adder {n} (Acanthophis)
:: Todesottern
deathbed {n} (the bed on which someone dies)
:: Sterbebett {n}, Totenbett {n}
deathblow {n} (strike or blow)
:: Todesstoß {m}
deathblow {n} (something that prevents the completion, or ends the existence of some project etc)
:: Todesstoß {m}
death camp {n} (facility)
:: Vernichtungslager {n} , Todeslager {n}
death cap {n} (Amanita phalloides)
:: Grüner Knollenblätterpilz {m}
death certificate {n} (document)
:: Totenschein {m}, Todesbescheinigung {f}, Sterbeurkunde {f}
deathday {n} (anniversary of a death)
:: Todestag
death erection {n} (post-mortem priapism)
:: postmortale Erektion
death knell {n} (tolling of a bell announcing death)
:: Totenglocke {f}, Totengeläut {n}
death knell {n} (sign foretelling the death or destruction of something)
:: Todesstoß {m}
deathlike {adj} (deadly) SEE: deadly
deathlore {n} (study of human aspects of death)
:: Sterbensforschung
deathly {adj} (appearing as though dead)
:: tödlich
deathly {adj} (fatal, causing death)
:: tödlich
death march {n} (forced movement of people in such circumstances that many die during the journey)
:: Todesmarsch {m}
death mask {n} (plaster or similar cast)
:: Totenmaske {f}
deathmatch {n} (competitive mode)
:: Deathmatch {n}
death note {n} (suicide note) SEE: suicide note
death penalty {n} (state punishment of death)
:: Todesstrafe {f}
death rate {n} (the number of deaths)
:: Sterberate {f}
death rattle {n} (Gurgling sound sometimes made by a dying person)
:: Rasselatmung {f}, Präfinales Rasseln {n}, Todesrasseln {n}
death row {n} (section of a prison which houses those inmates who are sentenced to death)
:: Todestrakt {m}
death seat {n} (the front passenger seat of an automobile) SEE: shotgun
death sentence {n} (sentence)
:: Todesurteil {n}
death's-head {n} (a human skull, as symbol of death)
:: Totenkopf {m}
death squad {n} (armed group)
:: Todesschwadron {f}
death throe {n}
:: Todeszuckung {f}
death toll {n} (the number of dead as a result of a war, natural disaster or other incident)
:: Blutzoll {m}, Zahl der Todesopfer {f}
death warrant {n} (warrant that authorizes capital punishment)
:: Todesurteil {n}, Hinrichtungsbefehl {m}
deathwatch {n} (a vigil beside a dying person)
:: Totenwache {f}
death wish {n} (desire for the death of oneself or of someone else)
:: Todeswunsch {m}
debacle {n} (event or enterprise that ends suddenly and disastrously)
:: Debakel {n}
debar {v} (To exclude or shut out; to bar)
:: ausschließen
debark {v} (to disembark) SEE: disembark
debarment {n} (The act, an instance of debarring)
:: Ausschluss {m}
debase {v} (lower in character, etc)
:: erniedrigen, entwürdigen, herabsetzen, mindern, verschlechtern
debasement {n} (The lowering of the value of a currency by reducing the amount of valuable metal in the coins)
:: Münzentwertung {f}
debate {n} (argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting)
:: Debatte {f}
debate {n} (informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views)
:: Diskussion {f}
debate {n} (discussion of opposing views)
:: Streitgespräch {n}
debate {n}
:: Debatte {f}
debate {v} (participate in a debate)
:: debattieren
debauch {n} (orgy) SEE: orgy
debauch {n} (act of debauchery)
:: Ausschweifung {f}
debauched {adj} (corrupted, immoral)
:: verderbt ; zügellos, ausschweifend, verkommen , genusssüchtig, genußsüchtig
debauchee {n} (somebody who is debauched; somebody who is dissolute and acts without moral restraint)
:: Verführer {m}, Wüstling {m}, Lüstling {m}
debauchee {n} (person addicted to excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures)
:: Schwelger {m}, Schlemmer {m}
debaucher {n} (Somebody who debauches or corrupts others)
:: Verführer {m}, Schwelger {m}, Lüstling {m}, Schlemmer {m}
debaucherous {adj} (excessively indulgent in sensual pleasures)
:: genussüchtig, genußsüchtig, ausschweifend
debauchery {n} (debauchery)
:: Ausschweifung {f}, Schwelgerei {f}, Verkommenheit {f}, Sittenlosigkeit {f}, Genusssucht {f}, Genußsucht {f}, Zügellosigkeit {f}
debeak {v} (remove part of a beak)
:: den Schnabel stutzen; den Schnabel kupieren, entschnabeln
debenture {n}
:: Obligation {f}
debilitate {v} (to make feeble; to weaken)
:: an den Kräften zehren, schwächen, entkräften
debilitating {adj} (causing a loss of energy or strength)
:: schwächend, zehrend, kräftezehrend, belastend
debit {v}
:: abbuchen
debit card {n} (card taking money directly from the bank account)
:: Debitkarte {f}
debone {v} (remove the bones from something)
:: entbeinen
debounce {v}
:: entprellen
debrain {v} (to remove the brain)
:: enthirnen
Debrecen {prop} (city in Hungary)
:: Debrecen {n}, Debrezin {n}
debrief {v} (to question someone after a military mission in order to obtain intelligence.)
:: (eingehend) befragen
debrief {v} (to question someone, or a group of people, after the implementation of a project in order to learn from mistakes etc..)
:: nachbesprechen
debrief {v} (to inform subjects of an experiment about what has happened in a complete and accurate manner)
:: (eingehend) unterrichten
debris {n} (rubble, wreckage, scattered remains of something destroyed)
:: Trümmer {n-p}, Schutt {m}, Ruinen {f}
debris {n} (litter and discarded refuse)
:: Müll {m}
debris {n} (ruins of a broken-down structure)
:: Ruine {f}
debris {n} (large rock fragments left by a melting glacier etc.)
:: Geröll {n}
debt {n} (action, state of mind, or object one has an obligation to perform for another)
:: Schuld {f}, Verbindlichkeit {f}, Verpflichtung {f}
debt {n} (state or condition of owing something to another)
:: Schulden {f}, Verbindlichkeit {f}
debt {n} (money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another)
:: Schulden {f}, Verbindlichkeit {f}
debt bondage {n} (condition similar to slavery)
:: Schuldknechtschaft {f}, Obnoxiation {f}
debt collection {n} (the process of pursuing payments of debts owed by individuals or businesses)
:: Inkasso {n}, Eintreiben {n}
debt-free {adj} (free of debt)
:: schuldenfrei
debtless {adj} (without debt)
:: schuldenfrei
debtor {n} (a person or firm that owes money)
:: Schuldner {m}, Schuldnerin {f}
debt relief {n} (forgiveness of debt)
:: Schuldenerlass {m}, (colloquial) Schuldenschnitt {m}
debt-ridden {adj} (dominated by debt)
:: hoch verschuldet, schuldengeplagt
debug {v} (to search for malfunctioning elements)
:: debuggen
debug {v} (to remove a hidden electronic surveillance device)
:: entwanzen
debug {v} (to remove insects)
:: entwanzen
debugger {n} (computer program)
:: Debugger {m}
debugging {n} (the process of finding and resolving bugs or defects that prevent correct operation of computer software or a system)
:: Debugging {n}, Debuggen {n}
debunk {v} (to discredit or expose the falsehood of something)
:: entlarven, diskreditieren, demaskieren, bloßlegen, entschleiern
deburr {v} (remove burrs)
:: entgraten
deburring tool {n} (tool)
:: Entgratwerkzeug {n}
debut {n} (a performer's first-time performance to the public)
:: Debüt {n}
Dec. {prop} (abbreviation of December)
:: Dez.
deca- {prefix}
:: deka-
decacarbonyl {n}
:: Decacarbonyl {n}
decade {n} (period of ten years)
:: Jahrzehnt {n}, Dekade {f}
decade {n} (series of ten things)
:: Dekade {f}
decade {n} (series of ten Hail Marys in the rosary)
:: Dekade {f}
decadence {n} (state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration)
:: Dekadenz {f}
decadent {adj} (characterized by moral or cultural decline)
:: dekadent
decadent {adj} (luxuriously self-indulgent)
:: dekadent
decadeslong {adj} (lasting for decades)
:: jahrzehntelang
decaf {n} (a decaffeinated drink)
:: koffeinfreies Getränk {n}
decaffeinated {adj} (From which caffeine has been removed)
:: entkoffeiniert, koffeinfrei
decagon {n} (polygon with ten sides)
:: Zehneck {n}
decahedron {n} (polyhedron with ten faces)
:: Dekaeder {m}, Zehnflächner {m}
decal {n} (design or picture to be transferred)
:: Abziehbild {n}
decalin {n} (decahydronaphthalene)
:: Decalin {n}
Decalogue {prop} (the Ten Commandments) SEE: Ten Commandments
Decameron {prop} (collection of 100 novellas by Boccaccio)
:: Dekameron {n}
decane {n} (decane)
:: Decan {n}
decangle {n} (decagon) SEE: decagon
decanoic acid {n} (capric acid) SEE: capric acid
decant {v} (to pour from one vessel into another)
:: umgießen, umfüllen
decanter {n} (vessel for decanting)
:: Dekanter {m}
decapitate {v} (remove the head of) SEE: behead
decapitation {n} (beheading)
:: Enthauptung {f}
decasyllabic {adj} (having ten syllables)
:: zehnsilbig
decathlete {n} (athlete who competes in the decathlon)
:: Zehnkämpfer {m}, Zehnkämpferin {f}
decathlon {n} (athletic contest)
:: Zehnkampf {m}
decay {n} (process or result of being gradually decomposed)
:: Verfall {m}, Verwesung {f}
decay {v} (to deteriorate)
:: verfallen, verderben
decay {v} (to rot)
:: verfaulen, verrotten, verwesen
decay {v}
:: faulen, verderben, verfallen, zerfallen, verwesen, abklingen, vermodern
decay chain {n}
:: Zerfallsreihe {f}
decease {n} (departure, especially departure from this life; death)
:: Ableben, Exitus, Hinschied
decease {v} (to die)
:: ableben, hinscheiden, dahinscheiden
deceased {adj} (no longer alive)
:: verstorben, gestorben
deceased {n} (dead person)
:: Verstorbene {f}, Verstorbener {m}
deceased {n} (plural: dead people)
:: Verstorbene {p}, Tote {p}
deceit {n} (act or behavior intended to deceive)
:: Betrügerei {f}
deceit {n} (act or fact of deceiving)
:: Täuschung {f}
deceit {n} (state of being deceptive)
:: Falschheit {f}
deceit {n}
:: Täuschung {f}, Betrug {m}
deceive {v} (trick or mislead)
:: betrügen, täuschen
deceiver {n} (person who lies or deceives)
:: Betrüger {m}, Betrügerin {f}
deceleration {n} (the act or process of decelerating)
:: Verlangsamung {f}
December {prop} (twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar)
:: Dezember {m}, Julmond {m}
Decembrist {n} (sympathizer of the Decembrist revolt)
:: Dekabrist {m}, Dekabristin {f}
decency {n} (quality of being decent)
:: Anstand {m}
decennium {n} (period of 10 years)
:: Dezennium {n}
decent {adj} (showing integrity, fairness, moral uprightness)
:: anständig, sittsam
decent {adj} (sufficiently clothed)
:: anständig
decent {adj} (fair; good enough; okay)
:: (ganz) anständig
decent {adj} (significant; substantial)
:: anständig
decentralization {n} (the action of decentralizing)
:: Dezentralisierung {f}, Dezentralisation {f}
decentralize {v} (cause to change from being concentrated)
:: dezentralisieren
decentralize {v} (reduce the authority of a governing body)
:: dezentralisieren
decentralized {adj} (not centralized)
:: dezentralisiert
deception {n} (instance of actions fabricated to mislead)
:: Täuschung {f}, Betrug {m}
deceptive {adj} (misleading, attempting to deceive)
:: betrügerisch, irreführend, trügerisch
deceptively {adv} (in a deceptive manner)
:: täuschend, irreführenderweise, trügerischerweise
deci- {prefix} (one tenth (1/10))
:: dezi-
decibel {n} (a common measure of sound intensity)
:: Dezibel {n}
decidable {adj} (computer science: describing a set)
:: entscheidbar
decide {v} (to resolve or settle)
:: entscheiden, beschließen
decide {v} (give judgement)
:: entscheiden, beschließen, festsetzen
decidedness {n} (The state or quality of being decided.)
:: Entschiedenheit {f}, Festigkeit {f}
deciduous {adj} (of or pertaining to trees which lose their leaves in winter or the dry season)
:: Laubbaum; Laubwald; sommergrün, laubabwerfend
deciduous tooth {n} (baby tooth) SEE: milk tooth
decile {n} (value)
:: Dezil {n}
deciliter {n} (decilitre) SEE: decilitre
decilitre {n} (unit of volume)
:: Deziliter {m} {n}
decillion {num} (1033)
:: Quintilliarde, Quinquilliarde
decillion {num} (1060, see also: novemdecillion)
:: Dezillion {f}
decimal {n} (number system)
:: Dezimalsystem {n}, Zehnersystem {n}
decimal {adj} (concerning numbers expressed in decimal or calculations using decimal)
:: dezimal
decimal {n} (number expressed in this system) SEE: decimal number
decimal {n} (decimal place) SEE: decimal place
decimal fraction {n} (fractional part of a decimal number)
:: Dezimalbruch {m}, Zehnerbruch {m}
decimal number {n} (number expressed in the decimal system)
:: Dezimalzahl {f}
decimal place {n} (position of digit to the right of the decimal point)
:: Dezimalstelle {f}, Nachkommastelle {f}
decimal point {n} (the point used in English mathematics)
:: Punkt {m}, Dezimalpunkt {m}
decimal point {n} (the decimal mark symbol, characteristic to the native tongue)
:: Komma {n}, Dezimalkomma {n}
decimal point {n} (decimal place) SEE: decimal place
decimal system {n} (numerical system of counting in tens)
:: Zehnersystem {n}
decimate {v} (Roman history: to kill one out of ten men)
:: dezimieren {n}
decimate {v} (to collect or pay a tithe) SEE: tithe
decimeter {n} (decimetre) SEE: decimetre
decimetre {n} (one-tenth of a metre)
:: Dezimeter
decipher {v} (to decode or decrypt a code or cipher)
:: dechiffrieren, entschlüsseln
decipher {v} (to read illegible or obscure text)
:: entziffern
decipher {v} (to find a solution)
:: entschlüsseln
decision {n} (choice or judgement)
:: Entscheidung {f}, Beschluss {m}
decisionism {n} (doctrine about moral or legal precepts)
:: Dezisionismus {m}
decisionist {adj} (of or pertaining to decisionism)
:: dezisionistisch, decisionistisch
decisionist {n} (proponent of decisionism)
:: Dezisionist {m}, Dezisionistin {f}, Decisionist {m} , Decisionistin {f}
decisionmaker {n} (One who makes decisions)
:: Entscheidungsträger {m}
decision making {n} (process of reaching a decision)
:: Entscheidungsfindung {f}, Beschlussfassung {f}
decision-making {n} (alternative form of decision making) SEE: decision making
decision tree {n} (visualization of decision making)
:: Entscheidungsbaum {m}
decisive {adj} (having the power or quality of deciding a question or controversy)
:: entscheidend, ausschlaggebend
decisive {adj} (marked by promptness and decision)
:: entschlussfreudig
decisiveness {n} (state or quality of being decisive)
:: Entschiedenheit {f}, Maßgeblichkeit {f}
deck {n} (any raised flat surface walked on)
:: Terrasse {f}
deck {n} (pack of playing cards)
:: Kartenstapel {m}, Kartenspiel {n}
deck {n} (floorlike covering on a ship)
:: Deck {n}
deck {v} (decorate) SEE: decorate
deck {v} (dress up) SEE: dress up
deck chair {n} (a folding chair with a wooden frame)
:: Deckstuhl {m}, Badeliege {f}, Faltstuhl {m}, Liegestuhl {m}, Poolliege {f}
deckhouse {n} (cabin on the deck of a boat)
:: Deckhaus {n}, Deckshaus {n}
deck out {v} (decorate) SEE: decorate
deck out {v} (dress up) SEE: dress up
declarant {n} (a person who makes a formal declaration or statement)
:: Deklarant {m}, Deklarantin {f}
declaration {n} (written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief)
:: Erklärung {f}, Deklaration {f}
declaration {n} (list of items for various legal purposes)
:: Erklärung {f}, Deklaration {f}
declaration {n} (act or process of declaring)
:: Erklärung {f}, Deklaration {f}
declaration {n} (specification of a variables type)
:: Deklaration {f}
declaration of war {n} (a formal announcement by an entity that it is in a state of war with another entity)
:: Kriegserklärung {f}
declaration of will {n} (manifestation of intent aimed at creating a legal effect)
:: Willenserklärung {f}
declarative {adj} (In programming)
:: deklarativ
declaratory {adj} (serving to declare or explain)
:: deklaratorisch, erklärend, feststellend, Feststellungs-
declaratory judgment {n} (ruling which declares the rights, duties, or obligations of each party in a dispute)
:: Feststellungsurteil {n}
declare {v} (to make a declaration)
:: bekanntmachen, bekanntgeben, deklarieren
declare {v} (to announce one's support, choice, opinion, etc)
:: ausrufen, aussagen, erklären
declare {v} (to announce something formally or officially)
:: bekanntmachen, bekanntgeben, deklarieren, verkünden
declare {v} (to affirm or state something emphatically)
:: feststellen, deklarieren, erklären
declare {v} (To make outstanding debts, e.g. taxes, payable.)
:: verzollen
declare war {v} (initiate a state of war)
:: den Krieg erklären
declension {n} (act)
:: Deklination {f}, Umendung {f}
declension {n} (way of categorizing)
:: Deklination {f}
declinable {adj} (capable of being declined)
:: deklinierbar, deklinabel
declination {n} (declension) SEE: declension
declination {n} (at a given point, the angle between magnetic north and true north)
:: Deklination {f}
declination {n} (at a given point, the angle between the line connecting this point with the geographical center of the earth and the equatorial plane)
:: Deklination {f}
decline {n} (downward movement, fall)
:: Sinken {n}, Fall {m}
decline {n} (sloping downward)
:: Gefälle {n}
decline {n} (weakening)
:: Abnahme {f}, Rückgang {m}
decline {n}
:: Niedergang {m}
decline {v} (move downwards)
:: sinken, fallen
decline {v} (become weaker or worse)
:: abnehmen, zurückgehen
decline {v} (refuse)
:: ablehnen
decline {v} (inflect)
:: deklinieren
decocainize {v} (remove cocaine from)
:: entkokainisieren
decocainized {adj} (from which all cocaine has been removed)
:: entkokainisiert
decoction {n} (an extraction or essence)
:: Abkochung {f}, Dekokt {n}
decode {v} (to convert from an encrypted form to plain text)
:: decodieren
decoherence {n} (loss of quantum coherence)
:: Dekohärenz {f}
decollate {v} (behead) SEE: behead
decolonization {n} (freeing of a colony from dependent status)
:: Entkolonialisierung {f}
decommission {v} (to take out of service or to render unusable)
:: stilllegen
decommunization {n} (act, process, or result of decommunizing)
:: Dekommunisierung {f}, Dekommunisation {f}, Entkommunisierung {f}
decompile {v} (to recreate the original source code)
:: dekompilieren
decompose {v} (to separate)
:: zerlegen, zerteilen ; zerlegen, teilen ; desintegrieren, dekomponieren
decompose {v} (to decay)
:: verrotten, verfallen, verfaulen, zerfallen, sich zersetzen
decomposer {n} (organism feeding off decomposing organic material)
:: Zersetzer {m}, Destruent {m}, Reduzent {m}
decomposition {n} (biological process)
:: Zersetzung {f}, Abbau {m}
decomposition {n} (act of taking something apart)
:: Zerlegung {f}
decomposition {n} (splitting into constituent parts)
:: Zerlegung {f}
decompression {n} (process of decompressing)
:: Dekomprimierung {f}, Dekompression {f}
decompression {n} (restoration to atmospheric pressure of a person)
:: Dekompression {f}
decompression sickness {n} (condition from rapid decompression)
:: Dekompressionskrankheit {f}, Caissonkrankheit {f}
decongestant {n} (drug that relieves congestion)
:: Abschwellmittel, Schleimlösemittel
deconstruct {v} (break down)
:: dekonstruieren, abbauen
decontamination {n} (process of removing contamination)
:: Dekontamination {f}
decorate {v} (to furnish with decorations)
:: ausschmücken, dekorieren
decorate {v} (to improve the appearance of a house, room, office and so forth)
:: renovieren, tapezieren, weißeln
decoration {n} (act of adorning)
:: Dekorieren {n}, Verschönern {n}
decoration {n} (that which adorns)
:: Dekoration {f}, Verschönerung {f}
decoration {n} (any mark of honor to be worn upon the person)
:: Auszeichnung {f}
decorative {adj} (that serves to decorate)
:: dekorativ
decorator {n} (one who decorates)
:: Dekoratör {m}, Dekoratörin {f}
decorator pattern {n}
:: Decorator {m}, Dekorierer {m}
decorporation {n} (therapeutic removal of radioactive material)
:: Dekorporation {n}
decorticator {n} (peeling machine)
:: Schälmaschine {f}
decorum {n} (appropriate social behavior; propriety)
:: Anstand {m}, Etikette {f}, Schicklichkeit {f}, Anständigkeit {f}, guter Ton {m}
decorum {n} (a convention of social behavior)
:: Anstandsregel {f}, Anstandsregeln {p}, Konventionen {p}, Konvention {f}
decouple {v} (to unlink)
:: entkoppeln
decoy {n} (person or object meant to lure something to danger)
:: Lockvogel {m}, Köder {m}
decoy {n} (animal used by hunters to lure game)
:: Lockvogel {m}
decoy {v} (to act or use a decoy)
:: ködern, locken
decrease {v} (become smaller)
:: abnehmen
decrease {v} (make smaller)
:: verringern
decrease {n} (amount of decrease)
:: Verringerung {f}
decree {n} (edict or law)
:: Erlass {m}, Dekret {n}, Verordnung {f}
decree {n} (judicial decision)
:: Verfügung {f}, Beschluss {m}, Entscheid {m}, Gerichtsentscheid {m}
decree {v} (to command by a decree)
:: bestimmen, verfügen, verordnen, dekretieren
decrementation {n}
:: Dekrement {n}
decrepit {adj} (weakened or worn out)
:: heruntergekommen, gammelig, gebrechlich, abgenutzt, altersschwach, verbraucht
decrepitude {n} (the state of being decrepit)
:: Abnutzung {f}, Altersschwäche {f}, Verfall {m}
decriminalization {n} (making something no longer illegal)
:: Entkriminalisierung {f}
decriminalize {v} (to change the laws so something is no longer a crime)
:: entkriminalisieren
decry {v} (to denounce as harmful)
:: herabsetzen, schlechtmachen, in Verruf bringen
decrypt {v} (to convert back to plain text)
:: entschlüsseln
decryption {n} (decoding)
:: Entschlüsselung {f}
decubitus {n} (bedsore) SEE: bedsore
decuplet {n} (one of ten babies born at the same birth)
:: Zehnling {m}
decurion {n} (officer)
:: Decurio {m}
decurion {n} (member of government)
:: Decurio {m}
Dedekind domain {n} (integral domain whose prime ideals factorise uniquely)
:: Dedekindring {m}
dedicate {v} (to set apart for a deity or for religious purposes; consecrate)
:: widmen
dedicate {v} (to set apart for a special use)
:: widmen
dedicate {v} (to commit (oneself) to a particular course of thought or action)
:: sich widmen
dedicate {v} (to address or inscribe (a literary work, for example) to another as a mark of respect or affection)
:: widmen
dedicated {adj} (devoted, loyal, conscientious)
:: dediziert, treu sorgend, hingebungsvoll
dedicated {adj} (intended for a special purpose)
:: dediziert
dedication {n} (the act of dedicating or the state of being dedicated)
:: Einsetzen {n}, Einsatz {m}, Hingeben {n}, Hingabe {f}, Engagement {n}
dedication {n} (note prefixed to a work of art)
:: Widmung {f}, Zueignung {f}
dedication {n} (a ceremony marking an official completion or opening)
:: Einweihung {f}, Weihe {f}, Konsekration {f}
Ded Moroz {prop} (Father Frost) SEE: Father Frost
dedovshchina {n} (bullying in the Soviet/Russian army)
:: Dedowschtschina {f}
deduce {v} (reach conclusion by logic)
:: folgern, ableiten, herleiten
deducible {adj} (capable of being deduced)
:: deduzibel
deduct {symbol} (to take one thing from another)
:: abziehen
deductible {n} (excess) SEE: excess
deductible {adj} (eligible to be deducted)
:: abziehbar, anrechenbar
deduction {n} (that which is subtracted or removed)
:: Abzug {m}
deed {n} (action)
:: Tat {f}, Akt {m}, Werk {n}
deed {n} (legal instrument)
:: Urkunde {f}
deem {v} (to hold in belief or estimation)
:: halten, erachten
deem {v} (to have or hold as an opinion)
:: erachten, ansehen
deem {n} (an opinion, judgment) SEE: opinion
deen {n} (religion) SEE: religion
deen {n} (Islam) SEE: Islam
deep {adj} (having its bottom far down)
:: tief
deep {adj} (profound)
:: tief
deep {adj} (seriously or to a significant extent, not superficial)
:: tief
deep {adj} (in extent in a direction away from the observer)
:: tief
deep {adj} (voluminous)
:: tief
deep {adj} (of a sound or voice, low in pitch)
:: tief
deep {adj} (of a color, dark and highly saturated)
:: dunkel
deep {adj} (a long way inward)
:: tief
deep {adj} (a long way forward)
:: tief
deep {adj} (in a number of rows or layers)
:: tief
deep {adj} (difficult to awake)
:: tief
deep {adj} (right into one's mind)
:: tief
deep {adj} (with a lot of)
:: tief
deep {adv} (deeply)
:: tief
deep {n} ((literary) part of a lake, sea, etc)
:: Tiefe {f}
deep {n} ((US, rare) part of a problem)
:: Tiefe {f}
deep {n} (the sea, the ocean)
:: Tiefe {f}
deep blue {adj} (dark blue) SEE: navy
deep drawing {n} (metal forming process)
:: Tiefziehen {n}
deepen {v} (to make deep or deeper)
:: aushölen, vertiefen
deepen {v} (to make darker or more intense)
:: zunehmen
deepen {v} (to make more poignant)
:: vergrößern
deepen {v} (to make lower in tone)
:: vergrößern
deepen {v} (to become deeper)
:: vertiefen
deep-fat fryer {n} (heated vessel for frying food by immersing in hot fat or oil) SEE: deep fryer
deep freeze {n} (freezer) SEE: freezer
deep-freeze {v} (to freeze at very low temperatures)
:: tieffrieren
deep-fried {adj} (cooked in deep fryer)
:: frittiert
deep-frozen {adj}
:: tiefgefroren
deep-fry {v} (to cook by immersing the food in hot fat)
:: frittieren
deep fryer {n} (vessel for deep frying)
:: Fritteuse {f}
deep-frying {n} (method of cooking)
:: frittieren
deep geological repository {n} (concept of placing radioactive waste)
:: Atommüllendlager {n}, Endlager {n}
deep link {n}
:: Deep Link {m}
deeply {adv} (at depth)
:: tief
deeply {adv} (profoundly)
:: zutiefst
deep-sea prawn {n} (Pandalus borealis)
:: Eismeergarnele {f}
deep six {v} (to completely put an end to something)
:: beerdigen
deep sleep {n} (state of sleep)
:: Tiefschlaf {m}
deep state {n} (large group of people believed to have long-lasting political influence)
:: Schattenregierung {f}; Staat im Staat {m}; Deep State {m}
deepthroating {n} (the act of deepthroat)
:: Deepthroating
deep water {n} (waters suitable for deep-draft ships)
:: tiefes Wasser {n}
deep water {n} (difficult or embarrassing situation)
:: Schwierigkeiten {f-p}, tiefe Not {f}
deepwater prawn {n} (Pandalus borealis)
:: Eismeergarnele {f}
deer {n} (animal of the family Cervidae)
:: Hirsch {m}
deer {n} (meat from the animal) SEE: venison
deer fly {n} (Lipoptena cervi)
:: Hirschfliege
deerfly {n} (deer fly) SEE: deer fly
deer ked {n} (Lipoptena cervi) SEE: deer fly
deer meat {n} (venison) SEE: venison
deer mouse {n} (Peromyscus)
:: Hirschmaus {f}
deer tick {n} (hard-bodied tick)
:: Hirschzecke {f}
de facto {adj} (in fact or in practice)
:: de facto
defamation {n} (act of injuring another's reputation by any slanderous communication)
:: Verleumdung {f}, Diffamierung {f}
defamatory {adj} (damaging to someone's reputation)
:: verleumderisch
defame {v} (to harm, to diminish the reputation of)
:: diffamieren
defame {v} (to disgrace, bring into disrepute)
:: diffamieren
default {n} ((finance) condition of failing to meet an obligation)
:: Fristversäumnis {f}, Säumnis {n}, Zahlungseinstellung {f}, Zahlungsverzug {m}, Nichtzahlung {f}, Zahlungsausfall {m}, Forderungsausfall {m}
default {n} ((electronics, computing) original settings)
:: Grundzustand {m}, Standard {m}, Voreinstellung {f}
default {n} (value used when none has been given.)
:: Standard {m}, Ausgangswert {m}, Standardwert {m}
default {n} ((law) failure of defendant to appear)
:: Versäumnis {n}, Leistungsstörung {f}, Nichterscheinen {n}
defeasible {adj} (capable of being defeated, invalidated, …)
:: annullierbar
defeat {v} (to overcome in battle or contest)
:: schlagen, besiegen, niederringen, bewältigen, bezwingen
defeat {v} (to reduce, to nothing, the strength of)
:: zunichtemachen
defeat {n}
:: Niederlage {f}
defeated {adj} (subjugated, beaten, overcome)
:: besiegt
defeatism {n} (acceptance of defeat without struggle)
:: Defätismus {m}; Kapitulantentum {n}; Untergangsstimmung {f}
defeatist {adj} (of, or relating to defeatism)
:: defätistisch
defeatist {n} (someone who advocates defeatism, or has such an attitude)
:: Defätist {m}
defecate {v}
:: defäkieren, koten, ausleeren
defect {n} (fault or malfunction)
:: Fehler {m}, Defekt {m}
defect {v} (to abandon; to change one's loyalty)
:: überlaufen, sich zurückziehen, aussteigen, desertieren
defect {v} (to desert; to flee combat)
:: desertieren
defect {v} (to join the enemy)
:: überlaufen
defection {n} (act or incidence of defecting)
:: Abtrünnigkeit {f}, Treuebruch {m}, Überlaufen {n} (to the other party)
defective {adj} (having one or more defects)
:: fehlerhaft, defekt
defective {adj} (having only some forms)
:: mangelhaft, unvollständig
defector {n} (one who defects)
:: Überläufer {m}
defence {n} (defence) SEE: defense
defenceless {adj} (defenceless) SEE: defenseless
defend {v} (ward off attacks against)
:: verteidigen
defendant {n} (person prosecuted or sued, the accused)
:: Angeklagter {m}, Angeklagte {f}, Angeschuldigter {m}, Angeschuldigte {f}, Beschuldigter {m}, Beschuldigte {f}, Beklagter {m}, Beklagte {f}
defender {n} (someone who defends)
:: Verteidiger {m}, Verteidigerin {f}
defender {n} (sports term)
:: Verteidiger {m}
defenestrate {v} (eject from a window)
:: defenestrieren
defenestration {n} (act of throwing out a window)
:: Fenstersturz {m}, Defenestration {f}
defense {n} (action of protecting from attack)
:: Verteidigung {f}, Wehr {f}
defense {n} (anything employed to oppose attack)
:: Verteidigung {f}
defenseless {adj} (lacking any form of defense; vulnerable; open to attack)
:: schutzlos, wehrlos
defense mechanism {n} (psychological strategy)
:: Abwehrmechanismus {m}
defensive {adj}
:: defensiv
defensive programming {n}
:: defensives Programmieren {n}
defer {v} ((transitive) to delay)
:: aufschieben, aufheben, verzögern, vertagen, verschieben, zurückstellen, hinausschieben, stunden, aussetzen, den Vortritt lassen
defer {v} ((intransitive) to delay)
:: abwarten, zuwarten, zögern
defer {v} (to submit to the opinion or desire of another)
:: sich fügen, nachgeben, sich beugen, sich einlassen auf
deference {n} (great respect)
:: Ehrerbietung {m}, Respekt {m}, Achtung {f}
deferential {adj} (showing deference)
:: ehrerbietig
deferment {n} (act or instance of deferring)
:: Aufschub {m}, Verzögerung {f}
deferment {n} (postponement of military service)
:: Aufschub {m}
deferrable {adj} (that can be deferred)
:: aufschiebbar, hinausschiebbar
deferred {adj} (delayed)
:: aufgeschoben
deferred {adj} (accounting: value not realized)
:: -aufschub
defiance {n} (the feeling of being defiant)
:: Trotz {m}, Auflehnung {f}
defiant {adj} (defying)
:: keck, frech, trotzig
defiant {adj} (boldly resisting opposition)
:: trotzig
defibrillator {n} (device)
:: Defibrillator {m}
deficiency {n} (insufficiency)
:: Mangel {m}
deficient {adj} (lacking something essential)
:: mangelhaft
deficient {adj} (insufficient or inadequate in amount)
:: defizient
deficient number {n} (deficient number)
:: defizienten Zahl {f}
deficit {n} (situation wherein spending exceeds government revenue)
:: Defizit {n}
deficit {n} (deficiency) SEE: deficiency
defile {v} (to make impure or dirty)
:: verunreinigen
defile {n} (narrow passage)
:: Pass {m}, Bergpass {m}, Engpass {m}, Hohlweg {m}
defilement {n}
:: Verunreinigung {f}
define {v} (to determine)
:: bestimmen
defined {adj} (having a definition or value)
:: definiert
definite {adj} (free from any doubt)
:: eindeutig
definite {adj} ((linguistics) designating an identified or immediately identifiable person or thing)
:: bestimmt; determiniert
definite {adj}
:: definitiv
definite article {n} (article introducing a noun and specifying it as the particular noun considered)
:: bestimmtes Geschlechtswort {n}, bestimmter Artikel {m}, definiter Artikel {m}, Definitartikel {m}
definitely {adv} (without question and beyond doubt)
:: definitiv, bestimmt, sicher
definiteness {n} (the state or quality of being definite)
:: Bestimmtheit
definition {n} (statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol)
:: Begriffserklärung {f}, Definition {f}
definition {n} (statement expressing the essential nature of something)
:: Definierung {f}, Definition {f}
definition {n} (action or process of defining)
:: Begriffserklärung {f}, Definierung {f}
definition {n} (act of defining)
:: Begriffserklärung {f}, Definierung {f}
definition {n} (product of defining)
:: Definition {f}
definition {n} (action or power of describing, explaining, or making definite)
:: Definition {f}
definition {n} (clarity of visual presentation, distinctness of outline or detail)
:: Scharfzeichnung {f}, Konturentreue {f}, Trennschärfe {f}
definition {n} (clarity, especially of musical sound in reproduction)
:: Schärfe {f}, Präzision {f}
definition {n} (sharp demarcation of outlines or limits)
:: Scharfzeichnung {f}, Konturentreue {f}, Trennschärfe {f}, Präzision {f}
definition {n} (bodybuilding: the degree to which individual muscles are distinct)
:: Definition {f}
definitive {adj} (conclusive or decisive)
:: endgültig
definitive {n} (philately: ordinary postage stamp)
:: Dauermarke {f}
deflagrate {v} (to burn with intense light and heat)
:: verpuffen
deflagration {n} (intense fire)
:: Verpuffung {f}
deflate {v} (reduction, usually in volume)
:: entleeren
deflation {n} (decrease in the general price level)
:: Deflation {f}
deflect {v} (to make deviate)
:: ablenken
deflect {v} (to make a ball unpredictable)
:: abfälschen
deflect {v} (to deviate)
:: ausweichen, abweichen
deflect {v} (to avoid addressing questions, criticism etc.)
:: ausweichen
deflect {v} (to divert attention, etc.)
:: zerstreuen
defloration {n} (the act of deflowering)
:: Entjungferung {f}, Defloration {f}
deflower {v} (to take the virginity of a woman or girl)
:: deflorieren, entjungfern
defoliant {n} (agent used to defoliate plants)
:: Entlaubungsmittel {n}
defoliate {v} (to remove foliage from plants)
:: entlauben
defoliation {n} (separation of ripened leaves from a branch or stem)
:: Entlaubung {f}
deforest {v} (to clear an area of forest)
:: entwalden
deforestation {n} (process of destroying a forest)
:: Abholzung {f}, Entwaldung {f}, Kahlschlag {m}
defragment {v} ((computing) to run a process to make file fragments on a hard disk contiguous)
:: defragmentieren
defragmentation {n} (action of defragmenting)
:: Defragmentierung {f}
defragmenter {n} (that which defragments; a program that performs defragmentation)
:: Defragmentierer {m}
defraud {v} (to obtain money or property by fraud)
:: betrügen, erschwindeln
defrauder {n}
:: Betrüger {m}, Betrügerin {f}, (Austria, Switzerland) Defraudant {m}, Defraudantin {f}
defrost {v} (to remove frost from)
:: entfrosten
defrost {v} (to thaw)
:: auftauen
defroster {n} (device for removing frost or ice from a surface or food by applying heat)
:: Entfroster {m}
deft {adj} (skillful)
:: geschickt
deftly {adv} (in a deft manner)
:: sicher und geschickt, gewandt, flink
defunct {adj} (deceased)
:: gestorben, verstorben
defunct {adj} (no longer in use)
:: erloschen, gelöscht, nicht mehr existierend, tot
defuse {v} (to remove the fuse from a bomb)
:: entschärfen
defuse {v} (to make something less dangerous)
:: entschärfen
defy {v} (to renounce or dissolve all bonds)
:: trotzen
defy {v} (to challenge (someone))
:: herausfordern
defy {v} (to refuse to obey)
:: trotzen
defy {v} (to provoke to combat or strife)
:: herausfordern
defy {n} (challenge) SEE: challenge
degeneracy {n} (degeneration) SEE: degeneration
degenerate {adj} (having deteriorated, degraded or fallen from normal)
:: entartet
degenerate {adj} (having lost good or desirable qualities)
:: widernatürlich, dekadent, degeneriert, entartet
degenerate {adj} (having the same quantum energy level)
:: entarten
degenerate {v} (to lose good or desirable qualities)
:: entarten
degenerate {v} (to cause to lose good or desirable qualities)
:: entarten
degeneration {n} (process or state of growing worse)
:: Entartung {f}
degeneration {n} (condition of a tissue or an organ in which its vitality has become diminished)
:: Degeneration {f}
degenerative {adj} (characterized by or causing degeneration)
:: degenerativ
deglaze {v} ((transitive) to detach small pieces of cooked food from a pan)
:: ablöschen
deglobalization {n} (The process of deglobalizing economies)
:: Deglobalisierung {f}
deglobalize {v} (To make independent according to deglobalization)
:: deglobalisieren
degmacyte {n} (bite cell) SEE: bite cell
degradable {adj} (that which can be degraded)
:: abbaubar
degradation {n} (act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing)
:: Degradierung {f}
degrade {v} (to lower in value or social position)
:: degradieren, herabstufen, herunterstufen, herabsetzen
degrade {v} (to reduce in quality or purity)
:: vermindern, abbauen
degrade {v} (to reduce in altitude or magnitude, as hills and mountains; to wear down)
:: erodieren
degree {n} (in geometry: unit of angle)
:: Grad {m}, Winkelgrad {n}, Altgrad {n}, Neugrad {n}
degree {n} (unit of temperature)
:: Grad {m}
degree {n} (amount, proportion, extent)
:: Ausmaß {n}, Grad {m}, Umfang {m}
degree {n} (academic award)
:: Diplom {m}, akademischer Diplom {m}
degree Celsius {n} (unit of temperature)
:: Grad Celsius {m} {n}
degree Fahrenheit {n} (one degree on Fahrenheit scale)
:: Grad Fahrenheit {n}
degree of comparison {n} (form of an adjective)
:: Steigerungsform {f}, Steigerungsstufe {f}, Vergleichungsstufe {f}, Vergleichungsstaffel {f}
degree of freedom {n} (minimum number of coordinates usable to describe a mechanical system)
:: Freiheitsgrad {m}
degrowth {n} (negative growth)
:: Wachstumsrücknahme {f}, Postwachstum
degustation {n} (tasting) SEE: tasting
dehiscence {n} ((medicine) rupture)
:: Platzbauch {m}
dehort {v} (to dissuade) SEE: dissuade
dehumanization {n} (the act or process of dehumanizing)
:: Entmenschlichung {f}, Dehumanisation {f}
dehumanize {v} (to take away humanity)
:: entmenschen, entmenschlichen, dehumanisieren
dehumidification {n}
:: Entfeuchtung {f}
dehumidifier {n} (device for removing moisture from air)
:: Luftentfeuchter {m}, Lufttrockner {m}
dehumidify {v}
:: entfeuchten
dehydrate {v} (to lose or remove water)
:: dehydrieren
dehydrated {adj} (Suffering from dehydration)
:: dehydriert
dehydration {n} (act or process of freeing from water)
:: Austrocknung {f}, Entwässerung {f}, Dehydration {f}
dehydration {n} (condition in which water in the body drops below normal levels)
:: Dehydration {f}, Dehydrierung {f}, Austrocknung {f}
dehydrogenase {n} (enzyme)
:: Dehydrogenase {f}
dehydrogenate {v} (to remove hydrogen from a substance)
:: Wasserstoff entziehen
dehydrogenation {n} (reaction in which hydrogen is removed)
:: Wasserstoffentziehung {f}
deice {v} (remove ice)
:: enteisen
deictic {adj} (pertaining to deixis)
:: deiktisch
deification {n} (Act of deifying)
:: Vergötterung {f}
deify {v} (to make a god of)
:: als Gott verehren, vergöttern
deign {v} ((intransitive) to condescend)
:: sich herablassen (with zu + infinitive), geruhen (with zu + infinitive)
Dei gratia {adv} (by the Grace of God) SEE: by the Grace of God
Deimos {prop} (the outermost natural satellite of Mars)
:: Deimos {m}
deindustrialization {n}
:: Deindustrialisierung {f}, Entindustrialisierung {f}
deindustrialize {v}
:: deindustrialisieren, entindustrialisieren
deiodination {n} (removal of iodine from a compound)
:: Deiodierung {f}
deism {n} (belief)
:: Deismus {m}
deist {adj} (of or relating to deism)
:: deistisch
deist {n} (person who believes in deism)
:: Deist
deistic {adj} (pertaining to a deity)
:: deistisch
deity {n}
:: Gott {m}, Gottheit {f}
deity {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity
deixis {n} (reference relying on context)
:: Deixis {f}
dejecta {n} (body waste)
:: Dejektion
dejected {adj} (sad and dispirited)
:: mutlos, niedergeschlagen, deprimiert, entmutigt, betrübt, traurig
de jure {adj} (by right)
:: de jure
dekulakization {n} (repression of the kulaks)
:: Entkulakisierung {f}
dekulakize {v} (to dispossess a kulak (wealthy peasant))
:: entkulakisieren
Del {n} (abbreviation on the delete key on a keyboard)
:: Entf
delative case {n} (case used to indicate movement from an object)
:: Delativ {m}
Delaware {prop} (indigenous Native American people)
:: Delawaren {m} {p}, Lenni Lenape {p}, Lenape {p} , , Delaware {p}
Delaware {prop} (Algonquian languages of these people)
:: Delawarisch {n}, delawarische Sprache {f}, Delawarensprache {f}
Delaware {prop} (river)
:: Delaware {m}, Delaware-Fluss {m}, Delaware River {m}
Delaware {prop} (US state)
:: Delaware
Delaware {n} (member of the Lenape / Delaware people)
:: Delaware {m}, Delawarin {f}
delay {n} (period of time before an event occurs)
:: Verzögerung {f}, Verspätung {f}
delay {v} (put off until a later time)
:: sich verspäten, verschieben, vertagen, aufschieben
delay differential equation {n} (type of differential equations)
:: retardierte Differentialgleichung {f}
delectable {adj} (pleasing to the taste; delicious)
:: köstlich, lecker
delectable {n} (something that is pleasing to the taste)
:: Leckerei {f}, Köstlichkeit {f}
delegate {n} (deputy, envoy, representative)
:: Delegierter {m}, Abgeordneter {m}, Vertreter {m}
delegation {n} (act of delegating)
:: Delegierung {f}, Abordnung {f}
delegation {n} (a group of delegates)
:: Delegation {f}, Abordnung {f}
delegation {n} ((computing) a method dispatching technique)
:: Delegation {f}
delegation {n} ((law) a contract whereby the original debtor substitutes a new debtor in his stead)
:: Schuldübernahme {f}
delegation language {n}
:: Delegationssprache {f}
delete {v} (to remove)
:: streichen, löschen
deleterious {adj} (harmful)
:: schädlich, gesundheitsschädlich
deletion {n} (the act of deleting)
:: Löschung {f}
deletion {n} (mutation in which a gene, or other section of DNA, is removed from a chromosome)
:: Deletion {f}
Delhi {prop} (city in India)
:: Delhi
deliberate {adj} (intentional)
:: absichtlich, bewusst, vorsätzlich
deliberate {adj} (of a person, carefully considering the probable consequences of a step)
:: wohlerwogen, wohlüberlegt
deliberate {adj} (carefully considered)
:: wohlerwogen, wohlüberlegt, überlegt
deliberate {adj} (not hasty or sudden)
:: bedacht, bedachtsam, vorsichtig
deliberate {v} (consider carefully)
:: erwägen, beraten, abwägen, überlegen
deliberately {adv} (intentionally)
:: mit Absicht, absichtlich, vorsätzlich
deliberately {adv} (slowly and carefully)
:: vorsichtig
deliberation {n} (the act of deliberating, or of weighing and examining the reasons for and against a choice or measure)
:: Abwägung {f}
deliberation {n} (careful discussion and examination of the reasons for and against a measure)
:: Abwägung {f}
delicacy {n} (quality of being delicate)
:: Feinheit {f}, Zartheit {f}
delicacy {n} (something appealing, especially a pleasing food)
:: Delikatesse {f}, Leckerbissen {m}, Köstlichkeit {f}
delicate {adj} (easily damaged or requiring careful handling)
:: empfindlich, heikel, schwierig
delicate {adj} (characterized by a fine structure or thin lines)
:: feingliedrig, filigran, zart, zierlich, grazil
delicate {adj} (intended for use with fragile items)
:: empfindlich
delicate {adj} (refined, gentle)
:: behutsam, feinfühlig, taktvoll
delicate {adj} (of weak health, easily sick)
:: anfällig, schwächlich
delicate {adj} (unwell, especially because of having drunk too much alcohol)
:: angeschlagen
delicate {adj} (pleasing to the senses; refined)
:: köstlich, erlesen, delikat
delicate {adj} (slight and shapely; lovely; graceful)
:: zart, grazil, anmutig
delicate {adj} (light, or softly tinted)
:: leicht, sanft, zart
delicate {adj} (of exacting tastes and habits; dainty; fastidious.)
:: erlesen, ausgesucht, anspruchsvoll, delikat, wählerisch
delicate {adj} (highly discriminating or perceptive)
:: feinfühlig, empfindsam, wählerisch
delicate {adj} (affected by slight causes)
:: empfindlich, hochempfindlich
delicate {adj}
:: heikel
delicatessen {n} (shop selling prepared foods)
:: Feinkostladen {m}, Delikatessengeschäft {n}, Delikatessenladen {m}
delicatessen {n} (delicacies)
:: Delikatessen {p}, Feinkost {f}
delicious {adj} (pleasing to taste)
:: köstlich, lecker, geschmackvoll, schmackhaft
deliciousness {n} (state or quality of being delicious)
:: appetitlich, kystlich
delight {n} (joy, pleasure)
:: Freude {f}, Entzückung {f}, Wohlgefallen {n}, Lust {f}
delighted {adj} (Greatly pleased)
:: erfreut, hocherfreut
delightful {adj} (pleasant; pleasing)
:: reizvoll, entzückend, angenehm
Delilah {prop} (biblical mistress of Samson)
:: Delila
delimit {v} (to mark or fix the limits of)
:: eingrenzen
delimitation {n}
:: Abgrenzung {f}
delineate {v} (sketch out, draw or trace an outline)
:: umreißen
delineate {v} (depict, represent with pictures)
:: skizzieren
delineate {v} (describe or depict with words or gestures)
:: schildern
delineate {v} (outline or mark out)
:: abgrenzen
delineation {n} (an image of the outline of an object)
:: Skizze {f}
delinquent {adj} (late or failing to pay a debt or other financial obligation)
:: säumig
delinquent {n} (one who breaks the law)
:: Delinquent, Krimineller {m}
delipidation {n} (removal of lipids)
:: Delipidisierung {f}
delirious {adj} (being in the state of delirium)
:: deliriös
delirium {n} (mental state of confusion)
:: Delirium {n}, Fieberphantasie {n}, Taumel {m}
delirium tremens {n} (psychosis of alcoholism)
:: Delirium tremens, Alkoholdelirium {n}
deliver {v} (to set free)
:: erlösen, befreien
deliver {v} (to give birth)
:: gebären
deliver {v} (to bring or transport something to its destination)
:: liefern, abliefern
deliverable {adj} (able to be delivered)
:: lieferbar
deliverable {n} (end product)
:: Arbeitsergebnis {n}
deliverance {n} (Act of delivering, the state of being delivered, or something delivered)
:: Auslieferung {f}, Abgabe {f}
deliverance {n} (Extrication from danger, imprisonment, etc.)
:: Erlösung {f}, Befreiung {f}
delivery {n} (act of conveying something)
:: Lieferung {f}
delivery {n} (item which has been conveyed)
:: Lieferung {f}
delivery {n} (act of giving birth)
:: Entbindung {f}, Geburt {f}
deliveryman {n} (someone employed to make deliveries)
:: Lieferant {m}, Zusteller {m}
delivery room {n}
:: Kreißsaal {m}
dell {n} (valley) SEE: valley
delouse {v} (to remove lice from)
:: entlausen
Delphi {prop} (city of ancient Greece)
:: Delphi {n}
Delphic {adj} (of or relating to Delphi)
:: delphisch
delphinium {n} (plant) SEE: larkspur
Delphinus {prop} (constellation)
:: Delfin {m}, Delphin {m}
delta {n} (fourth letter of modern Greek alphabet)
:: Delta {n}
delta {n}
:: Delta
delta wing {n} (swept-back wing)
:: Deltaflügel {m}
deltiology {n} (study and collection of postcards)
:: Philokartie {f}
deltoid {adj} (in the shape of Δ) SEE: triangular
delude {v} (to deceive)
:: irreführen, täuschen
deluded {adj} (to hold a misleading belief)
:: getäuscht, verblendet, verwirrt, in die Irre geführt
Deluge {prop} (the Biblical flood)
:: Sintflut {f}
delusion {n} (act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind)
:: Täuschung {f}, Irreführung {f}
delusion {n} (state of being deluded or misled)
:: Wahn {m}
delusion {n} (that which is falsely or delusively believed or propagated; false belief; error in belief)
:: Täuschung {f}, Wahnvorstellung {f}, Wahn {m}
delusional {adj} (Suffering from or characterized by delusions)
:: wahnhaft, Wahn- (compound noun, e.g. Wahnidee)
delusion of grandeur {n} (False belief that one is important or powerful)
:: Größenwahn {m}, Megalomanie {f}
deluxe {adj} (fine in quality)
:: luxuriös, de luxe, Luxus-
delve {v} (to dig in the ground)
:: graben, buddeln
delve {v} (to search carefully for information)
:: untersuchen, erforschen, ergründen, eintauchen, wühlen, sich befassen mit
demagnetize {v} (to make something nonmagnetic)
:: entmagnetisieren
demagnetized {adj} (from which all magnetism has been removed)
:: entmagnetisiert
demagogic {adj} (of or pertaining to demagogy or a demagogue)
:: demagogisch
demagogism {n} (The practice and principles of a demagogue)
:: Demagogie
demagogue {n} ((historical) a leader of the people)
:: Führer {m}
demagogue {n} ((pejorative) a political orator or leader who gains favor by pandering to or exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience rather than by using rational argument)
:: Demagoge {m}, Demagogin {f}
demagogy {n} (demagogism)
:: Demagogie {f}
demand {n} (desire to purchase goods and services)
:: Nachfrage {f}
demand {n} (economics: amount a consumer is willing to buy at a particular price)
:: Nachfrage {f}
demand {n} (forceful claim for something)
:: Anspruch {m}
demand {v} (to request forcefully)
:: verlangen, bestehen
demarcate {v} (mark the limits or boundaries of something)
:: abgrenzen
demarcation {n} (strictly defined separation)
:: Abgrenzung {f}
demean {v} (to debase)
:: herabwürdigen, entwürdigen, erniedrigen, herabsetzen
demean {v} (to debase; to lower; to degrade)
:: erniedrigen, herabwürdigen, herabsetzen
demean {v} (to humble, humble oneself; to humiliate)
:: kleinmachen, demütigen, erniedrigen
demean {v} (to mortify)
:: beschämen
demean {v} (to manage; to conduct; to treat)
:: behandeln, führen
demean {v} (to conduct; to behave; to comport)
:: benehmen, verhalten, führen, aufführen
demeanor {n} (outward way in which a person behaves)
:: Benehmen {n}
demented {adj} (insane or mentally ill)
:: wahnsinnig, verrückt
demented {adj} (suffering from dementia)
:: dement
dementia {n} (progressive decline in cognitive function)
:: Demenz {f}
demerit {n} (quality of being inadequate)
:: Nachteil {m}
demerit {n} (mark for bad conduct)
:: Minuspunkt {m}
demesne {n} (a lord's chief manor place)
:: Grundbesitz {m}, Hausmacht {f}
Demeter {prop} (Greek goddess of the harvest)
:: Demeter {f}
Demetrius {prop} (male given name)
:: Demetrius {m}
demigod {n} (a half-god or hero)
:: Halbgott {m}
demigod {n} (a lesser deity)
:: Halbgott {m}
demijohn {n} (bottle)
:: Glasballon, Korbflasche {f}
demilitarisation {n} (removal of a military force)
:: Demilitarisierung {f}
demilitarization {n} (demilitarisation) SEE: demilitarisation
demilitarize {v} (remove troops from an area)
:: entmilitarisieren
demilitarized {adj} (declared free of all military)
:: entmilitarisiert
demilitarized zone {n} (area)
:: entmilitarisierte Zone {f}
demimonde {n} (class of women maintained by wealthy protectors)
:: Milieu {n}
demimonde {n} (group having little respect or reputation)
:: Halbwelt {f}
demine {v} (remove explosive mines from)
:: entminen
demineralize {v} (remove minerals)
:: entmineralisieren
demineralized {adj} (from which all minerals have been removed)
:: entmineralisiert
demise {n} (end, downfall, or failure)
:: Untergang {m}, Verschwinden {n}
demisemiquaver {n} (music)
:: Zweiunddreißigstelnote {f}
demiurge {n} (being that created the universe)
:: Demiurg {m}
Demiurge {prop} (Inferior creator deity in Gnosticism)
:: Demiurg {m}
demo {n} (a brief demonstration or visual explanation)
:: Demonstration {f}
demobilization {n} (disorganization or disarming of troops)
:: Demobilisierung {f}
demobilize {v} (to release someone from military duty)
:: demobilisieren
demobilize {v} (to disband troops)
:: demobilisieren
democide {n}
:: Demozid {m} {n}
democracy {n} (rule by the people)
:: Demokratie {f}
democracy {n} (government under the rule of its people)
:: Demokratie {f}
democrat {n} (supporter of democracy)
:: Demokrat {m}, Demokratin {f}
democrat {n} (ruler in a democracy)
:: Demokrat {m}, Demokratin {f}
Democrat {n} (supporter of the Democratic Party of the US)
:: Demokrat {m}, Demokratin {f}
democratic {adj} (pertaining to democracy)
:: demokratisch
democratically {adv} (in a democratic way)
:: demokratisch
Democratic People's Republic of Korea {prop} (country in East Asia (official name))
:: Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea {f}
Democratic Republic of the Congo {prop} (large central African nation, formerly called Zaire)
:: Demokratische Republik Kongo {f}
democratic socialism {n} (socialism based on democratic principles)
:: demokratischer Sozialismus {m}
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka {prop} (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka)
:: Demokratische Sozialistische Republik Sri Lanka {f}
democratization {n} (the introduction of democracy)
:: Demokratisierung {f}
democratize {v} (to make democratic)
:: demokratisieren
Democritus {prop} (Greek philosopher)
:: Demokrit
demodulate {v} (undo the effects of modulation)
:: demodulieren
demodulator {n} (any device that demodulates a signal)
:: Demodulator {m}
demogerontia {n} (local government in Greece)
:: Demogerontie
demographic {adj} (of or pertaining to demography)
:: demographisch
demographical {adj} (demographic) SEE: demographic
demography {n} (study of human populations)
:: Demografie {f}
demoiselle {n} (Calopterygidae)
:: Prachtlibelle {f}
demoiselle crane {n} (crane)
:: Jungfernkranich
demolish {v} (to destroy)
:: abreißen, niederreißen
demolition {n} (the action of demolishing or destroying)
:: Zerstörung {f}, Abriss {m}, Demolierung {f}, Abbruch {m}
demolition derby {n} (competition in which contestants crash cars)
:: Stockcar
demon {n} (evil spirit)
:: Dämon {m}, Teufel {m}
demon {n} (false god, Satanic divinity)
:: Dämon {m}
demoniacal {adj} (of a demon, evil, devilish) SEE: demonic
demonic {adj} (Pertaining to evil spirits)
:: dämonisch
demonisation {n} (demonization) SEE: demonization
demonization {n} (the act of demonizing or something demonized)
:: Dämonisierung {f}, Verteufelung {f}
demonize {v} (turn into a demon)
:: dämonisieren
demonological {adj} (of or pertaining to demonology)
:: dämonologisch
demonology {n} (study of demons)
:: Dämonologie {f}
demonstrable {adj} (able to be demonstrated)
:: nachweislich
demonstrate {v} (to show how to use something)
:: demonstrieren
demonstrate {v} (to show the steps taken to create a logical argument or equation)
:: demonstrieren, aufzeigen
demonstrate {v} (to participate in a demonstration)
:: demonstrieren
demonstration {n} (act)
:: Demonstration {f}
demonstration {n} (event)
:: Demonstration {f}, Vorführung {f}
demonstration {n} (public display of opinion)
:: Demonstration {f}, Kundgebung {f}
demonstrative {n} (demonstrative pronoun) SEE: demonstrative pronoun
demonstrative {n} (demonstrative adjective) SEE: demonstrative adjective
demonstrative {adj} (that serves to demonstrate, show or prove)
:: demonstrativ
demonstrative {adj} ((grammar) that specifies the thing or person referred to)
:: demonstrativ
demonstrative adjective {n} (type of adjective)
:: see adjektivisches Demonstrativpronomen
demonstrative pronoun {n} (pronoun which replaces a noun)
:: hinweisendes Fürwort {n}, Demonstrativpronomen {n}, Demonstrativum {n}, Demonstrativ {n}
demonstrator {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger
demonstrator {n} (a person involved in a demonstration)
:: Demonstrant {m}, Demonstrantin {f}, Kundgebungsteilnehmer {m}, Kundgebungsteilnehmerin {f}
demonym {n} (name for an inhabitant or native of a specific place)
:: Volksbezeichnung {f}
demoralization {n} (act of corrupting or subverting morale)
:: Demoralisierung {f}
demoralize {v} (to destroy morale; to dishearten)
:: demoralisieren
De Morgan's law {n} (law of formal logic)
:: De Morgen'sches Gesetz {n}
De Morgan's law {n} (law of set theory)
:: De Morgen'sches Gesetz {n}
demoscene {n} (computing subculture)
:: Demoszene {f}
demosponge {n} (sponge of class Demospongiae)
:: Hornkieselschwämme {f}
Demosthenes {prop} (Ancient Greek name)
:: Demosthenes
demote {v} (To lower the rank or status of)
:: degradieren, zurückstufen, herabstufen, zurückversetzen
demote {v} (To relegate)
:: verbannen, relegieren
demotic {adj} (of the vulgar form of ancient Egyptian hieratic writing)
:: demotisch
demotic {n} (language of the common people)
:: Umgangssprache {f}
Demotic Greek {n} (Modern Greek vernacular language)
:: Demotike, Dhimotiki {f}, Dimotiki {f}, Dimotikí {f}
demotion {n} (An act of demoting; a lowering of rank or status)
:: Herabstufung {f}, Herunterstufung {f}, Degradierung {f}, Rückstufung {f}, Abstieg {m}
demotivate {v} (to decrease the motivation)
:: demotivieren
demoware {n} (computer program)
:: Demoware {f}
demur {v} (intransitive: To delay; to pause; to suspend proceedings)
:: vertagen, aufschieben, unterbrechen, zögern, verschieben
demur {v} (intransitive: To balk; to oppose.)
:: einwenden, opponieren, widersprechen, sich verweigern, hindern
demur {v} (transitive, obsolete: To cause delay to; to put off)
:: verzögern, hinauszögern
demure {adj} (modest, quiet, reserved)
:: zurückhaltend, ernst
demurrage {n} (detention of a freight vehicle during delayed loading or unloading)
:: Demurrage {f}
demurrage {n} (compensation paid for such detention)
:: Demurrage {f}
demyelinating {adj}
:: demyelinisierend
demystify {v} (to explain)
:: entmystifizieren
den {n} (home of certain animals)
:: Höhle {f}, Bau {m}
den {n} (living room of a house)
:: Wohnzimmer {n}
Denali {prop} (highest mountain peak in North America)
:: Denali
denar {n} (currency of the Republic of Macedonia)
:: Denar {m}
denarius {n} (silver coin)
:: Denar {m}
denature {v} (to subject a protein to conditions altering its original form)
:: denaturieren
denaturize {v} (denature) SEE: denature
denazification {n} (process of the removal of Nazis)
:: Entnazifizierung {f}
dendrochronology {n} (science of counting tree rings)
:: Dendrochronologie {f}
dendrology {n} (the study of trees)
:: Dendrologie {f}
dendron {n} (section of a dendrimer that includes the central atom or group)
:: Dendron {n}
Deneb {prop} (blue giant in Cygnus)
:: Deneb
dengue {n} (disease)
:: Denguefieber {n}
dengue fever {n} (disease)
:: Denguefieber {n}
deniability {n} (condition)
:: Abstreitbarkeit {f}, Bestreitbarkeit {f}
denial {n} (negation in logic)
:: Verneinung {f}, Negation {f}, Negierung {f}
denial {n} (refusal to comply with a request)
:: Verweigerung {f}, Zurückweisung {f}, Absage {f}
denial {n} (assertion of untruth)
:: Leugnung {f}, Dementi {n}, Bestreitung {f}, Abstreitung {f}
denial {n} (refusal to believe a problem exists)
:: Leugnen {n}, Abstreiten {n}, Nichtwahrhabenwollen {n}, Verleugnung {f}
denialism {n} (position of those who reject propositions that are strongly supported by scientific or historical evidence)
:: Leugnung {f}, Verleugnung {f}
denialist {n} (one who denies an assertion in a controversial debate)
:: Leugner {m}, Leugnerin {f}
denier {n} (person who denies something)
:: Leugner {m}
denigrate {v} (to criticise so as to besmirch)
:: anschwärzen, verleumden, verunglimpfen
denigrate {v} (to treat as worthless)
:: verleumden, verunglimpfen, herabsetzen
denigrate {v} (blacken)
:: anschwärzen
denigration {n} (blackening or defamation)
:: Verunglimpfung {f}
denigration {n} (unfair criticism)
:: Anschwärzung {f}
denigratory {adj} (tending to denigrate)
:: verunglimpfend
denim {n} (textile with diagonal pattern)
:: Denim {m} {n}, Baumwolldrillich {m}, Jeansgewebe {n}, Jeansstoff {m}, Kattun {m}, Jeans-
denitrify {v} (to remove nitrogen)
:: denitrieren
denizen {n} (an inhabitant of a place; one who dwells in)
:: Bewohner {m}, Bewohnerin {f}
denizen {n} (one who frequents a place)
:: Stammgast {m}, Stammgästin {f}
denizen {n} ((UK) a citizen naturalized through letters patent)
:: teilweise eingebürgerter Ausländer {m}
denizen {n} (local flora and fauna)
:: Bewohner
Denmark {prop} (country in Northern Europe)
:: Dänemark {n}
Denmark-Norway {prop} (former political entity)
:: Dänemark-Norwegen
Denney {prop} (town in France)
:: Düringen
Dennis {prop} (male given name)
:: Dennis, Denis
denominal {adj}
:: denominal
denomination {n} (act of naming, designation)
:: Benennung {f}
denomination {n} (name, designation, or title)
:: Bezeichnung {f}
denomination {n} (class or society with the same name, a sect)
:: Konfession {f}
denomination {n} (unit in a series of units)
:: Stückelung {f}
denominator {n} (number or expression written below the line in a fraction)
:: Nenner {m}
denormalization {n} (the act or process of denormalizing)
:: Denormalisierung {f}
denote {v} (to indicate, mark)
:: markieren, kennzeichnen, bezeichnen, anzeigen, formalisieren
denote {v} (to make overt)
:: preisgeben, offenlegen, offenbaren, aufdecken
denote {v} (to convey as meaning)
:: bedeuten, symbolisieren
denounce {v} (to criticize or speak out against)
:: verurteilen
denounce {v} (to announce the termination of; especially a treaty)
:: kündigen, aufkündigen
de novo {adv} (anew) SEE: anew
dense {adj} (having relatively high density)
:: dicht
dense {adj} (compact; crowded together)
:: dicht
dense {adj} (thick; difficult to penetrate)
:: dicht
dense {adj} (opaque; allowing little light to pass through)
:: dicht
dense {adj} (obscure, or difficult to understand)
:: dicht
dense {adj} (math: being a well-approximating subset)
:: dicht
density {n} (physics: amount of matter contained by a given volume)
:: Dichte {f}, Massendichte {f}
density {n} (number of particles or other quantity contained by a given volume)
:: Dichte {f}
density function {n} (function)
:: Dichtefunktion {f}
dent {n} (shallow deformation in the surface)
:: Beule {m}, Delle {f}
dent {v} (produce a dent)
:: einbeulen, eindellen
dental {adj} (of or concerning the teeth)
:: Zahn-
dental {adj} (of or concerning dentistry)
:: zahnärztlich
dental {n} (dental sound)
:: Zahnlaut {m}
dental alveolus {n} (tooth socket) SEE: tooth socket
dental calculus {n} (crust on the teeth)
:: Zahnstein {m}
dental floss {n} (cord of thin filaments used to clean the areas between the teeth)
:: Zahnseide {f}
dental notation {n} (system for associating information with teeth)
:: Zahnformel {f}
dentin {n} (material of a tooth)
:: Dentin {n}
dentist {n} (specialized tooth doctor)
:: Zahnarzt {m}, Zahnärztin {f}, Dentist {m}
dentistry {n} (the field of medicine which studies and treats conditions of the teeth)
:: Zahnmedizin {f}, Zahnheilkunde {f}
dentition {n} (process of growing teeth) SEE: teething
denture {n} (set of teeth, the teeth viewed as a unit)
:: Gebiss {n}, Zahnprothese {f}, Prothese {f}, Zahnersatz {m}
denture {n} (artificial replacement of one or more teeth)
:: Zahnersatz {m}
denture {n} (complete replacement of all teeth in a mouth)
:: Zahnersatz {m}, die dritten Zähne, künstliche Gebiss {n}
denuclearization {n} (act or process of denuclearizing)
:: Denuklearisierung {f}
denunciatory {adj} (tending to denounce)
:: denunziatorisch
Denver {prop} (capital of Colorado)
:: Denver
Denver boot {n} (wheel clamp) SEE: wheel clamp
deny {v} (disallow) SEE: forbid
deny {v} (to assert that something is not true)
:: leugnen, bestreiten, dementieren
deodorant {n} (odor-controlling cosmetic for the underarm)
:: Deodorant {n}, Deo {n}
deodorant {adj} (acting to control odor)
:: geruchtilgend
deodorize {v} (mask or eliminate odor)
:: geruchlos machen, deodorisieren, desodorieren
deontological {adj} (of or relating to deontology)
:: deontologisch
Deo volente {interj} (God willing) SEE: God willing
deoxyribonucleic acid {n} (deoxyribonucleic acid)
:: Desoxyribonukleinsäure {f}
deoxyribonucleotide {n} (nucleotide containing deoxyribose)
:: Desoxyribonukleotid {n}
deoxyribose {n} (derivative of ribose)
:: Desoxyribose
depart {v} (to leave)
:: verlassen, aufbrechen
depart {v} (to die)
:: verlassen
depart {v} (to deviate)
:: abweichen
department {n} (subdivision of organization)
:: Abteilung {f}
department store {n} (store containing many departments)
:: Kaufhaus {n}, Warenhaus {n}
departure {n} (the act of departing)
:: Abfahrt {f}, Abreise {f}, Abflug {m}
departure {n} (deviation from a plan or procedure)
:: Verlassen {n}
departure {n} (death)
:: Dahinscheiden {n}
depend {v} (be contingent or conditioned)
:: abhängen
dependable {adj} (able to be depended on)
:: zuverlässig, verlässlich
dependence {n} (state of being dependent)
:: Abhängigkeit {f}
dependence {n} (irresistible need)
:: Abhängigkeit {f}
dependency {n} (something dependent or subordinate to something else)
:: Abhängigkeit {f}
dependency {n} (a colony or similar territory subject to rule by an external power)
:: Kolonie {f}, Schutzgebiet {n}
dependency {n} (addiction)
:: Abhängigkeit {f}
dependency {n} (computing: reliance on functionality)
:: abhängig
dependency grammar {n}
:: Dependenzgrammatik {f}
dependency injection {n} (a process of supplying an external dependency to a software component)
:: Dependency Injection {f}
dependency inversion principle {prop}
:: Abhängigkeits-Invertierungs-Prinzip {n}, Dependency-Inversion-Prinzip {n}
dependent {adj} (relying upon; depending upon)
:: abhängig, angewiesen
dependent {n} (one who relies on another for support)
:: Unterhaltsempfänger
dependent clause {n} (subordinate clause) SEE: subordinate clause
dependent variable {n} (in sciences)
:: abhängige Variable {f}
depict {v} (to render a representation of something, see also: describe)
:: darstellen, beschreiben, abbilden
depiction {n} (lifelike image)
:: Darstellung {f}, Abbildung {f}
depiction {n} (representation)
:: Schilderung {f}
depilate {v} (to remove hair from the body)
:: epilieren
depilation {n} (epilation) SEE: epilation
deplete {v} (exhaust) SEE: exhaust
deplete {v} (empty or unload)
:: leeren, räumen, aufbrauchen
depleted {adj} (used up, expended)
:: aufgebraucht, erschöpft
depleted uranium {n} (uranium that contains reduced U-235)
:: abgereichertes Uran {n}
depletion {n} (exhaustion)
:: Erschöpfen {n}, Erschöpfung {f}
depletion {n} (consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished)
:: Leerung {f}, Schwund {m}, Abbau {m}, Verarmung {f}
deplorable {adj} (deserving strong condemnation; shockingly bad)
:: verdammungswürdig, verdammenswert; (verdammenswert) kläglich, (verdammenswert) erbärmlich, skandalös, miserabel, verwerflich, schimpflich
deplorable {adj} (lamentable, to be felt sorrow for, worthy of compassion)
:: bedauernswert, bedauerlich, beklagenswert
deplore {v} (to bewail; to weep bitterly over; to feel sorrow for)
:: bedauern
deploy {v} (to prepare and arrange (usually military unit or units) for use)
:: aufstellen, formieren, aufmarschieren lassen, stationieren, in Stellung bringen
deploy {v} (to unfold, open, or otherwise become ready for use)
:: öffnen, entfalten
deployment {n} (implementation, or putting into use, of something)
:: Auslieferung {f}, Verteilung {f}
deployment {n} (distribution of military forces prior to battle)
:: Aufmarsch {m}, Entsendung {f}
depoliticization {n}
:: Entpolitisierung {f}
depoliticize {v} (remove from political influence)
:: entpolitisieren
depolymerization {n} (decomposition of a polymer)
:: Depolymerisation {f}
deponent {n} (a deponent verb)
:: Deponens {n}
depopulate {v} (to reduce the population of a region by disease, war, forced relocation etc.)
:: entvölkern
depopulation {n} (act or condition of depopulating)
:: Entvölkerung {f}
deport {v} (to evict, especially from a country)
:: abschieben, deportieren
deportation {n} (act of deporting or exiling)
:: Abschiebung {f}, Deportation {f}
deportee {n} (deported person)
:: Deportierter {m}, Deportierte {f}
depose {v} (to put - or lay something down)
:: niederlegen, deponieren
depose {v} (to remove (a leader) from office)
:: absetzen; entthronen (monarch only)
depose {v} (to give evidence or testimony)
:: unter Eid {m} aussagen, bezeugen
depose {v} (to interrogate and elicit testimony)
:: verhören
deposit {n} (money given as an initial payment)
:: Anzahlung {f}
deposit {n} (security for a borrowed item)
:: Pfand {m}, Kaution {f}
deposit {v} (to put money or funds into an account)
:: einzahlen
deposition {n} (removal of someone from office)
:: Entlassung {f}
deposition {n} (act of depositing material, especially by a natural process; resultant deposit)
:: Ablage {f}, Ablagerung {f}
deposition {n} (process of taking sworn testimony out of court; the testimony so taken)
:: eidesstattliche Erklärung {f}
Deposition {prop} (taking Jesus down from the cross)
:: Kreuzabnahme {f}
depository {n} (a place where something is deposited)
:: Depot {n}
depot {n} (warehouse or similar storage facility)
:: Depot {n}, Lager {n}, Speicherraum {m}
deprave {v} (To make bad or worse)
:: verderben
depraved {adj} (extremely wrong in a moral sense)
:: verdorben {m}
depravity {n} (The state or condition of being depraved)
:: Verdorbenheit {f}, Schlechtigkeit {f}, Sittenlosigkeit {f}
depravity {n} (A particular depraved act or trait)
:: Schandtat {f}, schändliche Tat {f}
deprecate {v} (express disapproval of)
:: ablehnen, missbilligen, nicht gutheißen
deprecate {v} (to discontinue)
:: als überholt einstufen, als veraltet einstufen
deprecate {v} (to pray against)
:: beten dagegen
deprecated {adj} (strongly disapproved of)
:: abgelehnt, verurteilt, unzulässig, verboten, missbilligt
deprecated {adj} (computing: obsolescent)
:: veraltet, obsolet, überholt
deprecated {adj}
:: veraltet, obsolet
deprecating {adj} (in manner that deprecates)
:: missbilligend, herablassend, tadelnd, herabsetzend
deprecative {adj} (tending to deprecate)
:: abwertend, deprekativ
depreciate {v} ((tr.) to lessen in price or value)
:: herabsetzen
depreciate {v} ((intr.) to decline in value over time)
:: abschreiben
depreciate {v} (to belittle)
:: herabsetzen, schmälern
depreciate {v}
:: abwerten, entwerten
depredator {n}
:: Plünderer {m}, Plünderin {f}
depress {v} (to make depressed, sad or bored)
:: deprimieren
depressed {adj} (severely despondent and unhappy)
:: deprimiert, gedrückt, niedergedrückt, bedrückt
depressed {adj} (suffering from clinical depression)
:: depressiv
depressing {adj} (causing depression or sadness)
:: deprimierend, bedrückend
depression {n} (geography: low area)
:: Senke {f}
depression {n} (psychology: state of mind)
:: Depression {f}
depression {n} (economics: period of major economic contraction)
:: Depression {f}, Abschwung {m}
deprive {v} (take something away; deny someone of something)
:: entziehen, berauben, vorenthalten, verweigern, nicht zugestehen
deprotection {n} (removal of a protecting group)
:: Entschützung {f}
depth {n} (vertical distance below a surface)
:: Tiefe {f}
depth charge {n} (bomb designed to detonate at a certain depth underwater)
:: Wasserbombe {f}
depth-first search {n} (algorithm where one starts at the root and explores as far as possible down before going up)
:: Tiefensuche {f}
depth of field {n} (distance in focus)
:: Schärfentiefe {f}, Tiefenschärfe {f}
depths {n} (plural of depth) SEE: depth
deputation {n} (appointing a representative)
:: Abordnung {f}
deputize {v} (to make (someone) a deputy)
:: ernennen
deputize {v} (to make/name as a substitute)
:: vertreten
deputy {n} (representative)
:: Stellvertreter {m}, Stellvertreterin {f}
deputy {n} (legislator)
:: Deputierter {m} , Deputierte {m} {f} , Abgeordneter {m} , Abgeordnete {m} {f}
deracinate {v} (pull up by the roots; to uproot; to extirpate)
:: entwurzeln
deracinate {v} (force (people) from their homeland to a new or foreign location)
:: entwurzeln
deracinate {v}
:: entwurzeln
derail {v} (to come off the tracks)
:: entgleisen
derail {v} (to deviate from the previous course or direction)
:: entgleisen
derail {v} (to cause to deviate from a set course or direction)
:: zum Entgleisen bringen
derailleur {n} (The mechanism on a bicycle used to move the chain from one sprocket (gear) to another)
:: Schaltwerk {n}
derailment {n} (action of a locomotive or train leaving the rails along which it runs)
:: Entgleisung {f}
deranged {adj} (insane)
:: geisteskrank
derby {n} (horse race)
:: Derby {n}
derby {n} (bowler hat) SEE: bowler hat
derby {n} (local derby) SEE: local derby
Derby {n} (city in England)
:: Derby
deregulate {v} (to remove the regulations from)
:: deregulieren
Derek {prop} (given name)
:: Dietrich, Dirk
derelict {adj} (abandoned)
:: aufgegeben, verfallen, verlassen
derelict {adj} (negligent)
:: pflichtvergessen
derelict {n} (abandoned ship)
:: aufgegeben-ein verlassenes Schiff
dereliction {n} (willful neglect of one's duty)
:: Pflichtversäumnis {n}, Dienstpflichtverletzung {f}
dereliction {n} (the act of abandoning something, or the state of being abandoned)
:: Dereliktion {f}
deride {v} (to harshly mock; ridicule)
:: verhöhnen, verlachen, verspotten, lustig machen über , lächerlich machen
derision {n} (act of treating with contempt)
:: Hohn {m}, Spott {m}, Verhöhnung {f}, Verspottung {f}, Gespött {n}
derisive {adj} (expressing or characterized by derision; mocking)
:: spöttisch, höhnisch
derisive {adj} (deserving or provoking derision)
:: lächerlich
derisively {adv} (in a derisive manner)
:: spöttisch, höhnisch, verächtlich
derivation {n} (math: operation of deducing)
:: Derivation {f}
derivative {n} (something derived)
:: Ableitung {f}
derivative {n} (word that derives from another)
:: Ableitung {f}, Derivatum, Derivativum
derivative {n} (financial instrument whose value depends on the valuation of an underlying instrument)
:: Derivat {n}
derivative {n} (chemical derived from another)
:: Abkömmling {m}, Derivat {n}
derivative {n} (in analysis: value)
:: Ableitung {f}
derivative {n} (in analysis: function) SEE: derived function
derivatization {n} (technique for transforming a chemical)
:: Derivatisierung {f}
derive {v} (obtain (something) from something else)
:: erlangen
derive {v} (deduce (a conclusion) by reasoning)
:: herleiten, ableiten
derive {v} (find the derivation of (a word or phrase))
:: herleiten, ableiten
derive {v} (create (a compound) from another by means of a reaction)
:: ableiten
derive {v} (originate (from))
:: abstammen, kommen von
derived function {n} (calculus: a function)
:: Ableitung {f}
dermal {adj} (of or pertaining to skin or integument)
:: dermal, Haut-
dermatitis {n} (inflammation of the skin)
:: Dermatitis {f}, Ausschlag {m}
dermatologic {adj} (dermatological) SEE: dermatological
dermatological {adj} (of or pertaining to dermatology)
:: dermatologisch
dermatologist {n} (one who is skilled, professes or practices dermatology)
:: Dermatologe {m}, Dermatologin {f}, Hautarzt {m}, Hautärztin {f}
dermatology {n} (the study of the skin and its diseases)
:: Dermatologie {f}
dernier {adj} (final, last) SEE: final
dernier cri {n} (latest sensation; last word, newest or ultimate expression or example)
:: letzter Schrei {m}
derogate {v} (to debase oneself) SEE: debase
derogatory {adj} (tending to lessen the value of)
:: abwertend, pejorativ, abfällig, beleidigend
derogatory {adj} (legal clause)
:: derogativ, derogatorisch
derrick {n} (device used for lifting and moving large objects)
:: Ladebaum {m}, Lademast {m}, Kranbaum {m}, Kranmast {m}, Montagekran {m}, Ladekran {m}, Derrickkran {m}, Drehkran {m}, Lastkran {m}
derrick {n} (framework constructed over a mine or oil well)
:: Bohrturm {m}
dervish {n} (a member of Dervish fraternity of Sufism)
:: Derwisch {m}, Derwischin {f}
Dervish {n} (a Sufi Muslim ascetic fraternity)
:: Derwisch {m}, Derwischin {f}
desalination {n} (process of removing salt from sea water in order to make drinking water)
:: Meerwasserentsalzung {f}, Entsalzung {f}
desalination plant {n} (plant which converts seawater)
:: Entsalzungsanlage {f}, Meerwasserentsalzungsanlage {f}
desalt {v} (to remove salt from)
:: entsalzen
descale {v} (remove scale from a boiler)
:: entkalken
descale {v} (remove the scales from a fish)
:: entschuppen
descaling {n} (removal scale from a boiler)
:: Entkalkung {f}
descend {v} (to pass from a higher to a lower place)
:: absteigen, niedergehen, herunterkommen, herabsteigen
descendant {n} (one who is the progeny of someone)
:: Nachkomme {m}, Nachkommin {f}, Deszendent {m}, Deszendentin {f}, Spross {m}, Sproß {m} , Sprössling {m}, Abkomme {m}, Abkommin {f}, Abkömmling {m}, Nachfahr {m}, Nachfahre {m}, Nachfahrin {f}, Nachkömmling {m}, Nachwuchs {m}
descendant {n} (later evolutionary type)
:: Abkömmling {m}
descendantless {adj} (not having any descendants)
:: nachkommenlos
descent {n} (instance of descending)
:: Abstieg {m}, Runterweg {m}
descent {n} (way down)
:: Abstieg {m}
descent {n} (sloping passage or incline)
:: Abstieg {m}
descent {n} (lineage or hereditary derivation)
:: Herkunft {f}, Abstammung {f}
descent {n} (drop to a lower status or condition)
:: Abstieg {m}, Verschlechterung {f}
describe {v} (to represent in words)
:: beschreiben
describe {v} (to give rise to a geometrical structure)
:: beschreiben
description {n} (account in words)
:: Beschreibung {f}
description word {n} (adjective) SEE: adjective
descriptive {adj} (describing a language)
:: deskriptiv
descriptiveness {n} (being descriptive)
:: Deskriptivität {f}
descriptivity {n} (the quality or state of being descriptive) SEE: descriptiveness
descry {v} (see) SEE: see
descry {v} (to discover; to detect)
:: wahrnehmen, erkennen, entdecken, herauslesen, entdecken
Desdemona {prop} (moon of Uranus)
:: Desdemona {f}
desecrate {v} (to profane or violate sacredness)
:: entheiligen, schänden, entweihen
desecration {n} (act of disrespect towards sacred)
:: Profanierung {f}, Profanation {f}, Entheiligung {f}, Schändung {f}, Entweihung {f}
desensitize {v} (cause to become insensitive)
:: unempfindlich machen , desensibilisieren
desert {n} (barren area)
:: Wüste {f}
desert {adj} (Abandoned, deserted, or uninhabited)
:: wüst
desert {v} (to abandon)
:: verlassen, im Stich lassen
desert {v} (to leave military service)
:: desertieren, fahnenflüchtig werden, Fahnenflucht begehen
desert cat {n} (African wildcat) SEE: African wildcat
desert date {n} (tree native to Africa and the Middle East)
:: Wüstendattel {f}, Zachunbaum {m}
deserted {adj} (abandoned)
:: verlassen
deserted {adj} (desolate)
:: verwüstet
deserter {n} (person who leaves a military or naval unit)
:: Deserteur {m}, Fahnenflüchtiger {m}
desertification {n} (process by which a region becomes a desert)
:: Desertifikation {f}, fortschreitende Wüstenbildung {f}
desertion {n} (deserting)
:: Fahnenflucht {f}, Desertion {f}, Desertation {f}
deserve {v} (to merit)
:: verdienen
deserving {adj} (meriting, worthy)
:: verdient
desiccate {v} (to remove moisture from, see also: dry)
:: trocknen, dörren
desiccate {v} (to preserve by drying)
:: trocknen, dörren
desiccate {v}
:: trocknen, dehydratieren
desiccated {adj} (dried)
:: ausgetrocknet, verdorrt
desiccation {n} (The state or process of being desiccated)
:: Trocknung {f}
desideratum {n} (something wished for, or considered desirable)
:: Desideratum {n}
Desiderius {prop} (given name)
:: Desiderius
design {n} (plan)
:: Design {n}, Entwurf {m}, Plan {m}
design {n} (pattern)
:: Muster {n}
design {n} (intention)
:: Absicht {f}
design {n} (appearance)
:: Entwurf {m}
design {n} (art of designing)
:: Design {n}, Entwurf {m}
design {v} (to plan an artwork etc.)
:: entwerfen, designen
designate {v} (to mark out and make known; to point out; to name; to indicate)
:: bestimmen, kennzeichnen, markieren, benennen, designieren, signieren, festlegen, vorsehen, ausweisen, ansetzen
designate {v} (to call by a distinctive title; to name)
:: designieren, nominieren, nennen, bezeichnen, benennen, ernennen
designate {v} (to indicate or set apart for a purpose or duty)
:: vorsehen, bestimmen, ausersehen, designieren, einstufen, ausweisen
designation {n} (indication)
:: Benennung {f}
designation {n} (distinguishing mark or name)
:: Benennung {f}
design by contract {n}
:: Design by Contract {m}, Entwurf gemäß Vertrag {m}
designee {n} (one who has been designated) SEE: assignee
designer {n} (person who designs)
:: Designer {m}, Designerin {f}
design pattern {n} (general solution to a variety of similar problems)
:: Entwurfsmuster {n}
desirable {adj} (suitable to be desired)
:: erwünscht
desirable {adj}
:: wünschenswert, begehrenswert
desire {v} (desire) SEE: want
desire {v} (wish for earnestly)
:: begehren
desire {v} (want emotionally or sexually)
:: begehren
desire {n} (something wished for)
:: Begehren {n}, Wunsch {m}
desire {n} (strong attraction)
:: Begehren {n}
desire {n} (feeling of desire)
:: Begehren {n}
desire line {n} (informally taken path)
:: Trampelpfad {m}
desist {v} (to cease to proceed or act)
:: aufhören
desk {n} (table for writing and reading)
:: Schreibtisch {m}
desk {n} (team in a news outlet specialized on a topic)
:: Ressort {f}
desk {n} (lectern) SEE: lectern
desklamp {n} (lamp)
:: Schreibtischlampe {f}, Schreibtischleuchte {f}
desktop {n} (the top surface of a desk)
:: Schreibtischfläche {f}
desktop {n} (a desktop computer)
:: Desktop-Computer {m}
desktop {n} (on-screen background)
:: Benutzeroberfläche {f}, Arbeitsoberfläche {f}
desktop computer {n} (a computer of a size designed to be used on a desk)
:: Desktop-Computer {m}
desktop picture {n} (picture)
:: Hintergrundbild {n}
Des Moines {prop} (the capital city of the state of Iowa)
:: Des Moines {n}
desmosome {n} (a structural unit that functions in the adhesion of cells to form tissue)
:: Desmosom {n}
desolate {adj} (deserted)
:: verlassen
desolate {adj} (barren / lifeless)
:: verlassen
desolate {adj} (unfit for habitation)
:: verlassen
desolate {adj} (dismal)
:: öde
desolate {adj} (hopeless)
:: trostlos
desolation {n} (act of desolating or laying waste)
:: Verwüsten {n}, Verwüstung {f}
desolation {n} (state of being desolated or laid waste)
:: Verwüstetsein {n}, Verwüstung {f}, Verlassenheit {f}, Trostlosigkeit {f}
desolation {n} (place or country wasted and forsaken)
:: Ort des Elends {m}, Wüstung {f}, Wüstenei {f}, Wüste {f}
desorbent {n} (substance that can enable sorption)
:: Desorptionsmittel {n}
despair {v} (to despair of)
:: verzweifeln
despair {v} (to cause to despair)
:: zur Verzweiflung bringen
despair {v} (to be hopeless)
:: verzweifeln, die Hoffnung aufgeben
despair {n} (loss of hope)
:: Verzweiflung {f}
desperate {n} (filled with despair)
:: verzweifelt
desperately {adv} (in a desperate manner)
:: verzweifelt
desperate times call for desperate measures {proverb} (in adverse circumstances, actions that might have been rejected may become the best choice)
:: außergewöhnliche Umstände erfordern außergewöhnliche Maßnahmen
desperation {n} (the act of despairing or becoming desperate; a giving up of hope)
:: Verzweiflung {f}
desperation {n} (a state of despair, or utter hopelessness)
:: Verzweiflung {f}
despicable {adj} (deserving to be despised)
:: verachtenswert, gemein, niederträchtig, verabscheuungswürdig, widerwärtig, abscheulich, schnöde
despise {v} (to regard with contempt or scorn)
:: verachten
despite {prep} (in spite of)
:: trotz
despond {v} (to give up the will, courage, or spirit)
:: verzagen
despondence {n} (despondency) SEE: despondency
despondency {n} (loss of hope or confidence)
:: Verzagtheit {f}, Mutlosigkeit {f}
despondency {n} (a feeling of depression or disheartenment)
:: Niedergeschlagenheit {f}, Mutlosigkeit {f}
despondent {adj} (in low spirits from loss of hope or courage)
:: mutlos, niedergeschlagen, deprimiert, entmutigt, traurig
despot {n} (ruler with absolute power; tyrant)
:: Despot {m}, Despotin {f}
despotic {adj} (of or pertaining to a despot)
:: despotisch
despotic {adj} (acting or ruling as a despot)
:: despotisch
despotism {n} (government by a singular authority)
:: Despotie {f}, Despotismus {m}, Willkür {f}
dessert {n} (sweet confection served as the last course of a meal)
:: Nachspeise {f}, Dessert {n}, Nachtisch {m}
dessertspoon {n} (spoon)
:: Dessertlöffel {m}, Teelöffel {m}
dessiatina {n} (a Russian measure of land)
:: Desjatine {f}
destabilise {v} (destabilise) SEE: destabilize
destabilization {n} (destabilizing)
:: Destabilisierung {f}
destabilize {v} (to make something unstable)
:: destabilisieren
destabilize {v} (to become unstable)
:: sich destabilisieren
destalinization {n} (process of discrediting and the reforming the policies of Joseph Stalin)
:: Entstalinisierung {f}
destigmatization {n} (process or act of destigmatizing)
:: Entstigmatisierung {f}, Destigmatisierung {f}
destigmatize {v} (remove the disgraceful or ignominious characterization from)
:: entstigmatisieren, destigmatisieren
destination {n} (the place set for the end of a journey, or to which something is sent)
:: Reiseziel {n}, Bestimmungsort {m}
destine {v} (intransitive: to assign for a use)
:: bestimmen, vorbestimmen
destiny {n} (predetermined condition; fate; fixed order of things) SEE: fate
destitute {adj} (lacking something, devoid; poor, impoverished, poverty-stricken)
:: mittellos, völlig verarmt
destitution {n} (extreme state of poverty)
:: Armut {f}
destroy {v} (to damage beyond use or repair)
:: zerstören, vernichten, kaputtmachen
destroy {v} (to put down or euthanize (e.g. an animal))
:: notschlachten, einschläfern
destroy {v} ((computing) to remove data (e.g., from memory))
:: löschen
destroy {v} ((colloquial) to defeat soundly)
:: zerstören, vernichten
destroy {v}
:: zermalen, zerstören, kaputt machen
destroyable {adj} (able to be destroyed)
:: zerstörbar
destroyer {n} (that who/which destroys)
:: Zerstörer {m}
destroyer {n} (type of warship)
:: Zerstörer {m}
destruct {v} (to cause the destruction of)
:: zerstören
destruction {n} (act of destroying)
:: Zerstörung {f}, Vernichtung {f}
destruction {n} (results of a destructive event)
:: Zerstörung {f}
destructive {adj} (causing destruction; damaging)
:: destruktiv, schädlich, zerstörend
destructor {n} (one who destructs)
:: Zerstörer {m}
destructor {n} (cleaning-up commands in object oriented programming)
:: Destruktor {m}
destructure {v} (dismantle) SEE: dismantle
desulfurization {n} (process of removing sulfur)
:: Entschwefelung {f}
desulfurize {v} (to remove the sulfur)
:: entschwefeln
desultory {adj} (jumping, or passing, from one thing or subject to another, without order or rational connection)
:: sprunghaft
detaboo {v} (detaboo)
:: enttabuisieren
detach {v} (to take apart or take off)
:: entfernen, ablösen, lösen, loslösen, abtrennen, herausnehmen, losmachen
detached house {n} (free-standing family dwelling unit)
:: Einfamilienhaus {n}
detail {n} (something small enough to escape casual notice)
:: Detail {n}, Einzelheit {f}
detail {n} (uncountable: a profusion of details)
:: Detail {n}
detail {n} (something considered trivial enough to ignore)
:: Detail {n}
detail {v} (to explain in detail)
:: detaillisieren
detailed {adj} (characterized by attention to detail and thoroughness of treatment)
:: detailliert, umfassend
detailed balance {n} (a quality of Markov processes)
:: detailliertes Gleichgewicht {n}, detailed balance
detain {v} (to detain) SEE: hold
detain {v} (put under custody)
:: verhaften
detainee {n} (one who is detained)
:: Häftling {m}
detect {v} (to detect) SEE: notice
detect {v} (to discover or find by careful search, examination, or probing)
:: entdecken
detected {adj} (Referring to something that has been noticed)
:: entdecken, aufspüren
detected {v} (Simple past tense and past participle of detect)
:: entdecken
detective {n} (police officer who looks for evidence)
:: Ermittler {m}, Ermittlerin {f}, Detektiv {m}
detective {n} (person employed to find information)
:: Detektiv {m}, Privatdetektiv {m}, Privatermittler {m}, Schnüffler {m}
detector {n} (device capable of registering a specific substance or physical phenomenon)
:: Detektor {m}
detention {n} (act or state)
:: Haft {m}, Gewahrsam {m}
detention {n} (temporary custody or confinement)
:: Nachsitzen {n}
detention {n} (holding in one's control with no intention to possess)
:: Innehabung {f}, Detention {f}
deter {v} (to prevent something from happening)
:: abhalten, verhindern
deter {v} (to persuade someone not to do something)
:: entmutigen
detergent {n} (any non-soap cleaning agent, especially a synthetic surfactant)
:: Reinigungsmittel {n}
deteriorate {v} (make worse)
:: verschlechtern
deteriorate {v} (grow worse)
:: verschlechtern, sich verschlechtern
deteriorating {adj}
:: abwärts, bergab
deterioration {n} (process of making or growing worse)
:: Verschlimmerung {f}, Verschlechterung {f}, Verschärfung {f}, Abgrund {m}
determinable {adj} (able to be determined or limited)
:: bestimmbar
determinans {n}
:: (in compound words) Bestimmungswort, Beysatz, Determinans
determinant {n} (scalar that encodes certain characteristics of a square matrix)
:: Determinante {f}
determinate {adj} (distinct, defined)
:: bestimmt, entschieden, eindeutig
determination {n} (act of determining, or the state of being determined)
:: Bestimmung {f}
determination {n} (direction or tendency to a certain end; impulsion)
:: Determination {f}
determination {n} (quality of mind which reaches definite conclusions; decision of character; resoluteness)
:: Bestimmtheit {f}
determination {n} (state of decision; a judicial decision, or ending of controversy)
:: Feststellung {f}
determination {n} (that which is determined upon; result of deliberation; purpose; conclusion formed; fixed resolution)
:: Entschluss {m}
determination {n} (act, process, or result of any accurate measurement)
:: Bestimmung {f}
determination {n} (act of defining a concept or notion by giving its essential constituents)
:: Bestimmung {f}
determination {n} (addition of a differentia to a concept or notion, thus limiting its extent)
:: Unterscheidung {f}
determination {n} (act of determining the relations of an object, as regards genus and species)
:: Bestimmung {f}
determinative {n} (determiner) SEE: determiner
determinator {n} (determining factor)
:: bestimmender Faktor {m}
determine {v} (to set the limits of)
:: bestimmen, eingrenzen
determine {v} (to ascertain definitely)
:: festlegen
determined {adj} (decided or resolute)
:: entschlossen, resolut, beherzt, bestimmt, entschieden
determiner {n} (class of words)
:: related terms: Artikelwort {n}, Determinans {n}, Determinativ {n}, Determinierer {m}
determinism {n} (notion in ethics)
:: Determinismus {m}
deterministic {adj} (of or relating to determinism)
:: deterministisch
deterministic {adj} (of a Turing machine)
:: deterministisch
deterministic {adj} (having exactly predictable time evolution)
:: deterministisch
deterministic {adj} (computing, having each stage depend only on the immediately previous state)
:: deterministisch
deterrence {n} (act of deterring)
:: Abschreckung {f}
deterrence {n} (action taken by states or alliances)
:: Abschreckung {f}
deterrence {n} (art of producing fear of attacking)
:: Abschreckung {f}
deterrent {n} (Something that deters)
:: Abschreckung {f}
detest {v} (to dislike intensely)
:: verabscheuen
dethrone {v} (forcibly remove a monarch)
:: entthronen, absetzen, stürzen
dethrone {v} (remove governing authority from power)
:: absetzen, stürzen
dethronize {v} (dethrone) SEE: dethrone
detonate {v} (to cause to explode)
:: detonieren
detonation {n} (an explosion)
:: Detonation {f}
detonator {n} (device used to detonate an explosive device)
:: Zünder {m}
detour {n} (diversion or deviation)
:: Umleitung {f} (diversion), Umweg {m} (deviation)
detour {v} (intransitive: to make a detour)
:: einen Umweg machen
detour {v} (transitive: to direct or send on a detour)
:: umleiten
detoxification {n} (detoxification)
:: Entgiftung {f}, Entschlackung {f} (purification, purging)
detoxify {v} (remove harmful substances)
:: entgiften, (to purge) entschlacken
detractor {n} (a person that belittles the worth of another person or cause)
:: Lästerer {m}, Verleumder {m}, Lästermaul {n}, Spötter {m}
detrending {n} (removal of long-term trends)
:: Trendbereinigung {f}
detriment {n} (harm, hurt, damage)
:: Schaden {m}
detrimental {adj} (causing damage or harm)
:: schädlich, abträglich
detritivore {n} (organism that feeds on detritus)
:: Detritivore
Detroit {prop} (largest city and former capital of Michigan)
:: Detroit {n}
dette {n} (debt) SEE: debt
deuce {n} (tennis: tie, both players able to win by scoring two additional points)
:: Einstand {m}
deuce {n} (Devil, used in exclamations of confusion or anger)
:: Deibel {m}, Teufel {m}
deus ex machina {n} (contrived plot resolution)
:: Deus ex Machina {m}
deuteragonist {n} (second most important character)
:: Deuteragonist {m}, Deuteragonistin {f}
deuteragonist {n} (second actor)
:: Deuteragonist {m}, Deuteragonistin {f}
deuterium {n} (isotope of hydrogen, see also: heavy hydrogen)
:: Deuterium {n}
Deuteronomy {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Deuteronomium {n}
deuterothematic {adj} (composed of two traditional name elements)
:: dithematisch, zweigliedrig
Deutsche Mark {n} (former currency unit of Germany)
:: Deutsche Mark {f}, D-Mark {f}
devalue {v} (lower value of something)
:: abwerten, entwerten
devalue {v} (lose value)
:: an Wert verlieren
Devanagari {prop} (abugida alphabet of India and Nepal)
:: Devanagari {f}, Dewanagari {f}
devastate {v} (to ruin many or all things over a large area)
:: verwüsten, verheeren
devastated {adj} (ruined, ravaged)
:: verwüstet, verheert
devastating {adj} (causing devastation)
:: verheerend
devastation {n} (act of devastating or state of being devastated)
:: Verwüstung {f}, Zerstörung {f}
develop {v} (to progress)
:: entwickeln
develop {v} (to progress through stages)
:: sich entwickeln, entwickeln
develop {v} (to create)
:: entwickeln
develop {v} (to bring out photographic images)
:: entwickeln
develop {v} ((chess) to place one's pieces actively)
:: entwickeln
developed {adj} ((of a country) not primitive; not third world)
:: entwickelt
developed {adj} (mature)
:: entwickelt
developed country {n} (country with an advanced economy)
:: Industriestaat {m}
developer {n} (someone engaged in product creation and improvement)
:: Entwickler {m}, Entwicklerin {f}
developer {n} (liquid used in chemical film processing)
:: Entwickler {m}
developer {n} (film developer)
:: Entwickler {m}
developer {n} (software programmer)
:: Entwickler {m}, Entwicklerin {f}
developing {adj} (of a country)
:: entwickelnd, Entwicklungs-
developing country {n} (poorer country)
:: Entwicklungsland {n}
development {n} (process of developing)
:: Entwicklung {f}
development {n} (something which has developed)
:: Entwicklung {f}
development aid {n} (financial aid)
:: Entwicklungshilfe {f}
deverbal {adj} (related to something that is derived from a verb)
:: deverbal, deverbativ
deverbative {n} (deverbal) SEE: deverbal
deviant {adj} (of or pertaining to a deviation)
:: abweichend, abnormal, pervers
deviant {n} (person who deviates)
:: Abweichler {m}, Abnormaler {m}, Perverser {m}
deviant {n} (thing that deviates)
:: Perversität {f}
deviate {v} (To go off course from; to change course; to change plans)
:: abweichen
deviate {v} (To fall outside of, or part from, some norm; to stray)
:: abweichen
deviated nasal septum {n} (physical disorder)
:: Nasenscheidewandverkrümmung {f}
deviation {n} (act of deviating)
:: Abweichung {f}, Abweichen {n}
deviation {n} (state or result of having deviated)
:: Übertretung {f}, Verfehlung {f}, Sünde {f}
deviation {n} (shortest distance between the center of the target and the point where a projectile hits or bursts)
:: Abweichung
deviation {n} (statistical deviation)
:: Abweichung {f}
deviationist {n} (One who deviates from accepted beliefs or policies)
:: Dissident {m}, Dissidentin {f}, Dissenter {m} , Dissenterin {f} , Abweichler {m}
deviator {n} (1. That which deviates, or causes deviation)
:: Abweichler {m}
device {n} (piece of equipment)
:: Gerät {n}, Apparat {m}, Einheit {f}, Instrument {n}, Baustein {m}, Vorrichtung {f}, Einrichtung {f}, Hilfsmittel {n}
device {n} (project, stratagem, artifice)
:: Instrument {n}, Kunstgriff {m}, Vorrichtung {f}, Einrichtung {f}, Hilfsmittel {n}
device {n} (heraldry: personal motto or emblem)
:: Motto {n}, Emblem {n}, Devise {f}
device {n} (law: image used in whole or part as a trademark or service mark)
:: Emblem {n}, Marke {f}
device {n} (computing) SEE: peripheral device
device {n} (rhetoric: device) SEE: rhetorical device
device driver {n} (software that communicates between operating system and hardware)
:: Gerätetreiber {m}, Treiber {m}
devil {n} (dust devil) SEE: dust devil
devil {n} (a creature of hell)
:: Teufel {m}
devil {n} (the devil: the chief devil)
:: Teufel {m}, Satan {m}
devil {n} (bad part of the conscience)
:: Teufel {m}
devil {n} (wicked or naughty person)
:: Teufel {m}, Teufelin {f}
devil {n} (euphemistically, with an article: Hell (as an intensifier))
:: Teufel {m}
devil {n} (person, especially a man; used to express a particular opinion of him)
:: Teufel {m}
devil {n} (in Christian Science, an evil or erring entity)
:: Teufel {m}
devil {v} (annoy or bother)
:: reizen, ärgern, aufbringen, plagen, schikanieren
devilish {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a devil)
:: teuflisch
devilish {adj} (extreme, excessive)
:: teuflisch
devil is in the details {proverb} (specific provisions of something may be complicated)
:: der Teufel steckt im Detail
devil-may-care {adj} (carefree)
:: leichtsinnig, nachlässig
devilry {n} (mischief)
:: Unfug {m}, böser Ulk {m}
devilry {n} (wickedness, cruelty)
:: Quälerei {f}
devilry {n} (witchcraft)
:: Hexerei {f}
devilry {n} (An act of such mischief, wickedness, cruelty or witchcraft)
:: Teufelei {f}, Unfug {m}, Hexerei {f}
devil's advocate {n} (debater)
:: des Teufels Advokat {m}, Advocatus Diaboli
devil's advocate {n} (canon lawyer)
:: des Teufels Advokat {m}, Advocatus Diaboli
devil's beating his wife {interj} (interjection uttered when it rains while the sun is shining)
:: Frau Holle hat Kirmes
devil's wheel {n} (amusement ride)
:: Teufelsrad {n}
deviltry {n} (devilry)
:: Teufelskunst, Teufelei, Unfug
devious {adj}
:: unaufrichtig, verschlagen, durchtrieben, link, doppelzüngig, undurchsichtig, irrig, gewunden, abwegig, hinterhältig, indirekt, krumm
devise {v} (use the intellect to plan or design)
:: ausdenken, entwerfen, erdenken, planen
devise {v} (leave in a will)
:: letztwillig vermachen, durch Testament verfügen
devoid {adj} (empty, completely without)
:: frei (von) adj.: leer
Devos {prop}
:: Devos
devote {v} (to commit oneself for a certain matter)
:: widmen
devoted {adj} (zealous; characterized by devotion)
:: hingebungsvoll
devotee {n} (admirer)
:: Bewunderer {m}, Enthusiast {m}, Fan {m}, Anhänger {m}, Entourage {p} {f}, Anhängerschaft {p} {f}, Liebhaber {m}, Verehrer {m}, Enthusiast {m}
devotee {n} (believer)
:: Eiferer {m}, Gläubiger {m}, Anhänger {m}, Verehrer {m}
devotion {n} (the act or state of devoting or being devoted)
:: Hingebung {f}, Hingabe {f}, Zuneigung {f}, Zuwendung {f}, Ergebenheit {f}, Aufopferung {f}, Widmung {f}, Anhänglichkeit {f}
devotion {n} (feelings of strong or fervent affection; dedication)
:: Ergebenheit {f}, Zuwendung {f}, Hingebung {f}, Hingabe {f}, Widmung {f}, Anhänglichkeit {f}, Aufopferung {f}
devotion {n} (religious veneration, zeal, or piety)
:: Andacht {f}, Hingebung {f}, Hingabe {f}, Ergebenheit {f}, Frömmigkeit {f}, Verehrung {f}, Devotion {f}
devotional {adj} (of or pertaining to devotion or worship)
:: andächtig
devour {v} (to eat greedily)
:: verschlingen, fressen, schlingen, herunterschlingen
devour {v} (to rapidly destroy, engulf or lay waste)
:: zerstören, vernichten, verschlingen
devour {v} (to take in avidly)
:: verschlingen
devour {v} (to absorb or engross the mind fully)
:: besessen sein von, eingenommen sein von
devout {adj} (devoted to religion or to religious feelings and duties)
:: tiefgläubig, andächtig
devoutly {adv} (1. In a devout manner)
:: andächtig
dew {n} (moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc)
:: Tau {m}
dewatering {n} (technique for the removal of water)
:: Entwässerung {f}
dewberry {n} (Rubus caesius)
:: Kratzbeere {f}, Ackerbeere {f}, Bockbeere {f}
dewclaw {n} (dewclaw)
:: Geäfter {n}, Afterkralle {f}
dewdrop {n} (a droplet of water formed as dew)
:: Tautropfen {m}
dewlap {n} (pendulous skin under neck)
:: Wamme {f}, Kehlwamme {f}
deworm {v} (to cause to excrete worms)
:: entwurmen
deworming {n} (elimination of parasitic worms)
:: Entwurmung {f}
dew point {n} (temperature)
:: Taupunkt {m}
dexter {adj} (right)
:: dexter, rechts, rechtsseitig
dexterity {n} (skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands)
:: Fingerfertigkeit {f}, Geschicklichkeit {f}, Gewandtheit {f}
dexterous {adj} (skillful with one's hands)
:: behänd, geschickt, fingerfertig
dexterous {adj} (skillful in some specific thing)
:: geschickt, gewandt, tüchtig
dexterous {adj} (agile; flexible)
:: agil, flexibel, flink, gewandt
dexterously {adv} (in a dexterious manner)
:: gewandt, geschickt
dextrin {n} (polymers of glucose)
:: Dextrin {n}
dextromanual {adj} (right-handed) SEE: right-handed
dextrose {n} (naturally-occurring form of glucose)
:: Traubenzucker {m}, Dextrose {f}
D-flat major {n} (major key)
:: Des-Dur
dharma {n} (principle that orders the universe)
:: Dharma
Dhivehi {n} (an Indo-Aryan language)
:: Dhivehi {n}, Maledivisch
dhole {n} (Asian wild dog)
:: Rothund {m}
di- {prefix} (two, twice double)
:: di-, zwei-, doppel-
diabetes {n} (A group of metabolic diseases)
:: Diabetes {m}, Zuckerkrankheit {f}, Zucker {m}
diabetes {n}
:: Diabetes {f}, Zuckerkrankheit {f}
diabetes mellitus {n} (medical disorder)
:: Zuckerkrankheit {f}
diabetic {adj} (of diabetes)
:: Diabetiker-
diabetic {adj} (having diabetes)
:: zuckerkrank
diabetic {adj} (suitable for one having diabetes mellitus)
:: diabetisch
diabetic {n} (person suffering from diabetes mellitus)
:: Diabetiker {m}, Diabetikerin {f}
diabetologist {n} (physician whose speciality is diabetology)
:: Diabetologe {m}, Diabetologin {f}
diabetology {n} (the study of the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes)
:: Diabetologie {f}
diabolic {adj} (showing wickedness typical of a devil)
:: teuflisch, diabolisch
diabolic {adj} (extremely evil or cruel)
:: teuflisch, diabolisch
diabolically {adv} (In a diabolical manner)
:: diabolisch
diachronic {adj} (changing with time)
:: diachronisch
diachronic linguistics {n} (historical linguistics) SEE: historical linguistics
diacritic {n} (diacritical mark) SEE: diacritical mark
diacritical mark {n} (symbol)
:: diakritisches Zeichen {n}, Diakritikum {n}, Diakritikon {n}
diadem {n} (ornamental headband)
:: Diadem {n}
diadem {n}
:: Diadem {n}
diademed sifaka {n} (Propithecus diadema)
:: Diademsifaka {m}
diaeresis {n} (diacritic placed over a vowel letter)
:: Trema {n}; Umlaut {m}
diaeresis {n} (separation of a vowel into two distinct syllables)
:: Diärese {f}, Diäresis {f}
diagnose {v} (determine the root cause of)
:: diagnostizieren
diagnosis {n} (identification of the nature and cause of an illness)
:: Diagnose {f}
diagnosis {n} (identification of the nature and cause of something)
:: Diagnose {f}
diagnostic {adj} (of, or relating to diagnosis)
:: diagnostisch
diagnostics {n} (the process of determining the state of or capability of a component)
:: Diagnose {f}
diagonal {n} (slash) SEE: slash
diagonal {adj} (geometry: joining two nonadjacent vertices)
:: diagonal, schräg
diagonal {n} (something forming or resembling a diagonal line)
:: Diagonale {f}
diagonal matrix {n} (type of matrix)
:: Diagonalmatrix {f}
diagram {n} (plan, drawing, sketch or outline to show workings or parts relationships)
:: Diagramm {n}
diagram {n} (graph or chart)
:: Diagramm {n}
diagram {n}
:: Diagramm {n}
dial {n} (sundial) SEE: sundial
dial {n} (graduated, circular scale over which a needle moves)
:: Zifferblatt {n}
dial {n} (disk with finger holes on a telephone)
:: Wählscheibe {f}
dial {v} (To select a number, or to call someone, on a telephone)
:: wählen
dial {n} (clock face) SEE: clock face
dial-a-ride {n}
:: Taxibus {m}
dial down {v} (reduce in intensity)
:: vermindern
dialect {n} (particular variety of a language)
:: Dialekt {m}, Mundart {f}
dialectal {adj} (relating to a dialect)
:: mundartlich, dialektal, dialektisch
dialect continuum {n} (a range of dialects)
:: Dialektkontinuum {n}
dialectical {adj} (peculiar to a nonstandard dialect) SEE: dialectal
dialectical materialism {n} (branch of philosophy)
:: dialektischer Materialismus {m}
dialecticism {n} (dialectal word)
:: Dialektismus {m}
dialectics {n} (systematic method of argument)
:: Dialektik {f}
dialectologist {n} (Translations)
:: Dialektologe {m}, Dialektologin {f}
dialectology {n} (the study of dialects)
:: Dialektologie {f}
dialog {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals) SEE: dialogue
dialog {n} (verbal part of a literary or dramatic work) SEE: dialogue
dialog {n} (literary form resembling a conversation) SEE: dialogue
dialog {n} (computing: dialogue box) SEE: dialogue
dialog box {n} (window that prompts the user to enter information)
:: Dialogfenster {n}, Dialogfeld
dialogue {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals)
:: Dialog {m}, Gespräch {n}
dialogue {n} (computing: dialogue box)
:: Dialogfenster {n}, Dialog {m}
dialogue {v} (discuss)
:: Zwiesprache halten
dial tone {n} (telephony signal)
:: Wählton {m}
dialysis {n} (chemical method)
:: Dialyse {f}
dialysis {n} (medicine: artificial removal of waste products from the blood)
:: Dialyse {f}
dialysis {n} (rhetoric: asyndeton) SEE: asyndeton
dialyzer {n} (part of a hemodialysis machine)
:: Dialysator {m}
diameter {n} (line)
:: Durchmesser {m}
diameter {n} (length of this line)
:: Durchmesser {m}
diametrically {adv} (on exactly the opposite side)
:: diametral, diametrisch
diamond {n} (rhombus) SEE: rhombus
diamond {n} (uncountable: mineral)
:: Diamant {m}
diamond {n} (gemstone)
:: Diamant {m}, Brillant {m}
diamond {n} (card games: card of the diamonds suit)
:: Karo {n}
diamond {n} (diamond ring) SEE: diamond ring
diamond anvil cell {n}
:: Diamantstempelzelle {f}
diamond frame {n} (bicycle shape)
:: Diamantrahmen {m}
diamond ring {n} (finger ring on which is mounted a diamond)
:: Diamantring {m}
diamond ring {n} (optical phenomenon during a solar eclipse)
:: Diamantringeffekt {m}
diamonds {n} (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♦)
:: Karo {n}
Diana {prop} (Roman goddess)
:: Diana {f}
Diana {prop} (female given name)
:: Diana {f}
dianoialogy {n} (science of the dianoetic or intellectual faculties)
:: Dianoiologie {f}
Diaoyu Islands {prop} (Senkaku Islands) SEE: Senkaku Islands
diaper {n} (absorbent garment worn by a baby, or by someone who is incontinent)
:: Windel {f}
diaper {v} (To put diapers on someone)
:: windeln, wickeln
diaphanous {adj} (of a fine, almost transparent texture)
:: durchscheinend, diaphan
diaphanous {adj} (transparent; allowing light to pass through)
:: durchscheinend, diaphan, durchsichtig
diaphoretic {adj} (generating sweat)
:: schweißtreibend
diaphragm {n} (anatomy: sheet of muscle separating thorax from abdomen)
:: Zwerchfell {n}
diaphragm {n} (contraceptive device)
:: Diaphragma {n}
diaphragm {n} (mechanics: flexible membrane)
:: Membran {f}
diaphragm {n} (optics: structure with a central aperture used to limit the passage of light)
:: Blende {f}
diapir {n} (intrusion of ductile rock)
:: Diapir {m}
diapositive {n} (photography: slide)
:: Diapositiv {n}, Dia {n}
diarchy {n} (form of government)
:: Diarchie {f}, Doppelherrschaft {f}, Doppelspitze {f}
diarist {n} (one who keeps a diary)
:: Tagebuchschreiber {m}, Tagebuchschreiberin {f}
diarrhea {n} (medical condition)
:: Durchfall {m}, Dünnschiss {m}, Diarrhö {f}, Diarrhoe {f}
diarthrosis {n} (a joint that can move freely in various planes)
:: Diarthrose {f}
diary {n} (daily log of experiences)
:: Tagebuch {n}
diaspora {n} (dispersion of a group of people)
:: Diaspora {f}
Diaspora {prop} (dispersion of a group of people) SEE: diaspora
diasporal {n} (diluted collodial solution of some compound)
:: Diasporal
diastole {n} (relaxation of the heart)
:: Diastole {f}, Herzerschlaffung {f}
diatom {n} (grouping of minute algae)
:: Kieselalge {f}
diatomaceous earth {n} (soil consisting of siliceous diatom remains)
:: Kieselguhr {f}, Diatomeenerde {f}
diatonic {adj} (diatonic)
:: diatonisch
diatribe {n} (bitter denunciation)
:: gehässiger Angriff {m}, Hetze {f}, Hetzrede {f}, Hetzschrift {f}, Ausfall {m}
diatribe {n} (prolongued discourse)
:: Suada {f}
diazepam {n} (minor tranquillizer)
:: Diazepam {n}
dibasic {adj} (of an acid)
:: zweibasisch
dibble {n} (pointed implement)
:: Pflanzholz {n}, Setzholz {n}
dibbler {n} (Parantechinus apicalis)
:: Sprenkelbeutelmaus {f}
dicastery {n} (administrative body of the Vatican)
:: Dikasterium {n}
dice {v} (to cut into small cubes)
:: in Würfel schneiden, würfeln
dice {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) SEE: die
dice snake {n} (Natrix tessellata)
:: Würfelnatter {f}
dicey {adj} (fraught with danger)
:: brenzlig
dicey {adj} (of uncertain, risky outcome)
:: riskant
dichasium {n} (cymose inflorescence)
:: Dichasium {n}
dichogamy {n} (dichogamy)
:: Dichogamie
dichotomous {adj} (dividing or branching into two pieces)
:: dichotom
dichotomy {n} (separation or division into two)
:: Dichotomie {f}, Zweiteilung {f}
dichotomy {n} (such a division involving apparently incompatible or opposite principles) SEE: duality
dichromate {n} (any salt of dichromic acid)
:: Dichromat {n}
dick {n} (slang: penis)
:: Schwanz {m}, Schlange {f}
dick {n} (highly contemptible person)
:: Arsch {m} , Arschloch {m} , Schwanzlutscher
dick {n} (detective)
:: Schnüffler {m} (sniffer)
dickhead {n} ((slang) glans penis)
:: Eichel {f}, Nille {f}
dickhead {n} ((slang) stupid person)
:: Dummkopf {m}, Depp {m}, Schwachkopf {m}
dickhead {n} (glans penis) SEE: glans penis
dick-measuring contest {n} (competition to demonstrate worthiness)
:: Schwanzvergleich {m}
dicotyledon {n} (in botany)
:: Zweikeimblättrigen
dictaphone {n} (dictation machine) SEE: dictation machine
dictate {n} (an order or command)
:: Diktat {n}, Gebot {n}
dictate {v} (to order, command, control)
:: diktieren, bestimmen, vorschreiben
dictate {v} (to speak in order for someone to write down the words)
:: diktieren
dictation {n} (an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down)
:: Diktat {n}
dictation machine {n} (sound recording device)
:: Diktiergerät {n}
dictator {n} (totalitarian leader of a dictatorship)
:: Diktator {m}
dictatorial {adj} (of or pertaining to a dictator)
:: diktatorisch
dictatorial {adj} (in the manner of a dictator)
:: diktatorisch
dictatorship {n} (a government led by a dictator)
:: Diktatur {f}, Gewaltherrschaft {f}, Willkürherrschaft {f}
dictatorship of the proletariat {n} (the temporary period following the fall of capitalism)
:: Diktatur des Proletariats {f}
diction {n} (clarity of word choice)
:: Ausdrucksweise {f}, Diktion {f}
dictionary {n} (publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words)
:: Wörterbuch {n}, Diktionär {n} {m}
dictionary {n} (an associative array)
:: assoziatives Datenfeld {n}
dictionary form {n}
:: Grundform {f}, Lemmaform {f}, Wörterbuchform {f}
dictum {n} (authoritative statement)
:: Machtspruch
didactic {adj} (instructive or intended to teach or demonstrate)
:: didaktisch
diddle {v}
:: beschummeln
Didymoteicho {prop} (city)
:: Didymoticho
die {v} (to stop living)
:: sterben, umkommen, versterben
die {v} (to perish, to cease to exist)
:: umkommen
die {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance)
:: Würfel {m}
diegetic {adj}
:: diegetisch
diehard {adj} (thorough of in one's beliefs)
:: eingefleischt, hartgesotten
Diekirch {prop} (city)
:: Diekirch
dieldrin {n} (cyclodiene insecticide)
:: Dieldrin
dielectric {n} (physics: nonconducting material)
:: Dielektrikum {n}
dielectric {adj} (electrically insulating)
:: dielektrisch
Diels-Alder reaction {n} (cycloaddition reaction between a conjugated diene and an alkene)
:: Diels-Alder-Reaktion {f}
diencephalon {n} (region of the human brain)
:: Zwischenhirn, Diencephalon {n}, Dienzephalon {n}
-diene {suffix} (diene)
:: -dien
-diene {suffix} (polymer of a diene)
:: -dien
die out {v} (to become extinct)
:: aussterben
diesel {n} (fuel)
:: Diesel {m}
diesel-electric {adj}
:: dieselelektrisch
diesel engine {n} (type of engine)
:: Dieselmotor {m}, Diesel {m}
diesel motor {n} (diesel engine) SEE: diesel engine
diet {n} (food a person or animal consumes)
:: Ernährung {f}, Nahrung {f}
diet {n} (controlled regimen of food)
:: Diät {f}
diet {n} (habitual consumption)
:: Kost {f}
diet {n} (council of leaders)
:: Versammlung {f}, Parlament {n}, Kokkai {n}, Tag {m}
dietary fibre {n} (undigested substance)
:: Ballaststoff {m}
dietary supplement {n} (substance taken as a supplement to food to replace nutrients)
:: Nahrungsergänzungsmittel {m}
diethylene glycol {n} (organic compound)
:: Diethylenglykol
diethyl ether {n} (diethyl ether)
:: Diethylether {m}
dietitian {n} (person who studies or practices dietetics)
:: Ernährungsberater {m}, Ernährungsberaterin {f}
diffeomorphic {adj} (mathematics: having a diffeomorphism)
:: diffeomorph
diffeomorphism {n} (mathematics: differentiable homeomorphism between differentiable manifolds)
:: Diffeomorphismus {m}
differ {v} (not to have the same characteristics)
:: sich unterscheiden, abweichen, differieren, verschieden sein, nicht übereinstimmen
differ {v} (to have diverging opinions, disagree)
:: unterschiedlicher Meinung sein, sich uneinig sein, streiten, verschiedener Meinung sein, anderer Meinung sein, uneinig werden
Differdange {prop} (city)
:: Differdingen
difference {n} (quality of being different)
:: Unterschied {m}, Unterscheidung {f}, Andersartigkeit {f}, Anderssein {n}
difference {n} (characteristic of something that makes it different from something else)
:: Unterschied {m}, Differenz {f}
difference {n} (disagreement or argument about something important)
:: Meinungsverschiedenheit {f}, Differenz {f}
difference {n} (arithmetic: result of a subtraction)
:: Differenz {f}
difference {v} (to distinguish or differentiate)
:: differenzieren, unterscheiden
difference engine {n} (computer)
:: Differenzmaschine {f}
different {adj} (not the same)
:: verschieden, unterschiedlich, different
different {adj} (unlike most others)
:: anders
differentiable {adj} (having a derivative)
:: differenzierbar
differential {adj} (relating to differentiation or differential calculus)
:: Differenzial {n}
differential calculus {n} (calculus that deals with instantaneous rates of change)
:: Differentialrechnung {f}, Differenzialrechnung {f}
differential equation {n} (equation involving the derivatives of a function)
:: Differentialgleichung {f}
differentiate {v} (to perceive the difference)
:: differenzieren, unterscheiden, diskriminieren
differentiate {v} (math: to calculate the derivative)
:: ableiten
differentiate {v} (math: to calculate the differential)
:: differenzieren
differentiation {n} (act of differentiating)
:: Unterscheidung {f}
differentiation {n} (act of distinguishing or describing a thing, by giving its different, or specific difference)
:: Differenzierung, Unterscheidung {f}
differentiation {n} (gradual formation or production of organs or parts by a process of evolution or development)
:: Differenzierung {f}
differentiation {n} (in analysis)
:: Differentiation {f}, Differenziation {f}
differently {adv} (in a different way)
:: anders
different strokes for different folks {proverb} (there's no accounting for taste) SEE: there's no accounting for taste
difficult {adj} (hard, not easy)
:: schwer, schwierig
difficulty {n} (state of being difficult)
:: Schwierigkeit {f}
diffidence {n} (The state of being diffident, timid or shy; reticence or self-effacement)
:: Zurückhaltung {f}, Verlegenheit {f}, Schüchternheit {f}
diffident {adj} (distrustful)
:: misstrauisch
diffident {adj} (lacking confidence in oneself)
:: schüchtern, unsicher
diffidently {adv} (in a diffident manner; without confidence in oneself)
:: schüchtern, zaghaft
diffraction {n} (the breaking up of an electromagnetic wave as it passes a geometric structure)
:: Beugung {f}
diffraction grating {n} (surface having many closely spaced lines or slits)
:: Beugungsgitter {n}
diffuse {v} ((transitive) to spread over or through)
:: diffundieren
diffuse {v} ((intransitive) to be spread over or through)
:: diffundieren
diffuse {adj} (not focused or concentrated)
:: diffus
diffusible {adj} (able to be diffused)
:: diffusibel, diffusionsfähig
diffusion {n} ((physics) the intermingling of the molecules)
:: Diffusion {f}
dig {v} (to move hard-packed earth out of the way)
:: graben
dig {n} (archeological investigation)
:: Grabung {f}, Ausgrabung {f}
digamma {n} (letter of the Old Greek alphabet)
:: Digamma {n}
digest {v} (to distribute or arrange methodically)
:: ordnen
digest {v} (to separate food in the alimentary canal)
:: verdauen
digest {v} (to think over and arrange methodically in the mind)
:: überdenken, verdauen
digest {v} (in chemistry: to soften by heat and moisture)
:: aufschließen
digest {v} (to undergo digestion)
:: verdaulich sein
digest {n} (that which is digested)
:: Verdaute {n}
digest {n} (magazine of abridged articles)
:: Digest {m}
digestibility {n} (digestibility)
:: Verdaulichkeit {f}
digestible {adj} (capable of being digested)
:: verdaulich
digestif {n} (beverage)
:: Digestif
digestion {n} (process in gastrointestinal tract)
:: Verdauung {f}
digestive {adj} (of, relating to, or functioning in digestion)
:: digestiv
digestive {adj} (that causes or promotes digestion)
:: digestiv
digestive system {n} (system of organs)
:: Verdauungssystem {n}
digestive tract {n} (system of organs within multicellular animals which takes in food)
:: Verdauungstrakt {m}
digger {n} (spade (playing card)) SEE: spade
digger {n} (nickname for a friend) SEE: bugger
digger {n} (gold miner) SEE: gold digger
digit {n} (finger or toe)
:: Finger , Zeh
digit {n} (numeral)
:: Ziffer {f}, Stelle
digital {adj} (having to do or performed with a finger)
:: Finger-, digital
digital {adj} (representing discrete values)
:: digital
digital {adj} (of or relating to computers)
:: digital
digital camera {n} (electronic camera)
:: Digitalkamera {f}
digital clock {n} (clock that displays the time using)
:: Digitaluhr {f}
digital distribution {n} (digital means of content distribution)
:: Digitale Distribution {f}
Digital Era {prop} (the historical period characterized by the existence of digital technology)
:: digitales Zeitalter {n}
digital footprint {n} (digital evidence of a person's activities on the Internet)
:: digitaler Fingerabdruck {m}
digitalis {n} (genus)
:: Fingerhut {m}
digitalization {n} (digitization) SEE: digitization
digitalize {v} (make digital)
:: digitalisieren
digital rights management {n}
:: digitale Rechteverwaltung {f}
digital television {n} (broadcasting)
:: digitales Fernsehen {n}
digital watch {n} (A watch, usually electronic, that displays time in the form of numbers)
:: Digitaluhr {f}
digitigrade {n} (animal that walks on its toes)
:: Zehengänger {m}
digitization {n} (conversion of data from digital)
:: Digitalisierung {f}
digitize {v} (represent something as a sequence of binary digits)
:: digitalisieren
digitizer {n}
:: Digitalisierer {m}, Digitalisiergerät {n}, Digitizer {m}
digits {n} (slang: telephone number)
:: Nummer
digit sum {n} (single operation)
:: Quersumme {f}, Ziffernsumme {f}
digit sum {n} (iterated digit sum)
:: einstellige Quersumme {f}, iterierte Quersumme {f}
diglossia {n} (the coexistence of two closely related native languages)
:: Diglossie {f}
dignified {adj} (respectable)
:: würdevoll, würdig
dignitary {n} (important or influential person)
:: Würdenträger {m}, Würdenträgerin {f}
dignity {n} (quality or state)
:: Würde {f}
dig out {v} (to find or retrieve something by removing overlying material)
:: ausgraben
digraph {n} (pair of letters)
:: Digraph {m}
digress {v} (to deviate)
:: abgehen, abschweifen, ausschweifen
digression {n} (a departure from the main subject in speech or writing)
:: Exkurs {m}, Umschweif {m}, Abschweifung {f}
digressive {adj} (marked by digression; rambling)
:: abschweifend
digs {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes
dig up {v} (to excavate)
:: ausgraben
dihedral angle {n} (angle between two planes)
:: Diederwinkel {m}
dihydrogen monoxide {n} (water, H₂O, see also: water)
:: Dihydrogenmonoxid {n}
Dijon {prop} (city in Burgundy)
:: Dijon
dilapidated {adj} (having fallen into a state of disrepair)
:: verfallen, baufällig, heruntergekommen
dilapidation {n} (the state of being dilapidated)
:: Verfall {m}, Baufälligkeit {f}
dilapidation {n} ((law) damaging a building or structure)
:: Verwahrlosung {f}, Zerstörung {f}
dilatation {n} (act of dilating; dilation)
:: Vergrößerung {f}
dilatation {n} (dilation of a canal or other organ)
:: Vergrößerung {f}
dilate {v} (to enlarge; to make bigger)
:: dilatieren, weiten, vergrößern, erweitern, dehnen
dilate {v} (to become wider or larger; to expand)
:: sich weiten, ausdehnen, weiten, vergrößern, dehnen, dilatieren
dilation {n} (delay) SEE: delay
dilation and curettage {n} (surgical procedure)
:: Kürettage {f}, Curetage {f}
dilatory {adj} (intentionally delaying)
:: aufschiebend, dilatorisch, verspätet (answer)
dilatory {adj} (slow or tardy)
:: langsam, zögernd
dildo {n} (artificial phallus)
:: Dildo {m}, Plastikschwanz {m}
dilemma {n} (circumstance in which a choice must be made between two alternatives)
:: Dilemma {n}
dilettante {n} (someone who dabbles)
:: Dilettant {m}, Amateur {m}, Stümper {m}, Laie {m}
dilettante {n} (person with a general but superficial interest)
:: Dilettant {m}, Nichtfachmann {m}
dilettante {n}
:: Kunstliebhaber {m}
dilettante {adj} (pertaining to or like a dilettante)
:: dilettantisch
dilettantism {n} (the act of behaving like a dilettante, of being an amateur)
:: Dilettantismus
diligence {n} (carefulness)
:: Sorgfalt
diligence {n} (qualities of a hard worker, including conscientiousness, determination, perseverance)
:: Fleiß {m}, Eifer {m}
diligent {adj} (hard-working and focused)
:: fleißig, arbeitsam, eifrig
diligently {adv} (in a diligent manner)
:: fleißig
dill {n} (fool) SEE: fool
dill {n} (herb of the species Anethum graveolens)
:: Dill {m}
dill {n} (dill pickle, cucumber pickled with dill)
:: Dillgurke {f}, saure Gurke {f}
diluent {n} (That which dilutes)
:: Verdünnungsmittel {n}, Verdünner {m}, Verdünnung {f}
diluent {n} (A solvent or other liquid preparation used to dilute a sample prior to testing)
:: Lösungsmittel {n}
dilute {v} (to add more of a solvent to a solution; especially to add more water)
:: verdünnen
dilute {v} (to weaken)
:: verwässern, abschwächen
dilute {adj} (having a low concentration)
:: verdünnt
dilution {n} (process of making something dilute)
:: Verdünnung {f}
diluvial {adj} (Relating to a flood)
:: sintflutartig
diluvian {adj} (pertaining to a deluge, or flood; diluvial)
:: sintflutartig
dim {adj} (not bright, not colourful)
:: dämmerig, schummrig
dim {adj} (not smart)
:: dämlich
dim {v} (to make something less bright)
:: verdunkeln, dimmen
dim-bulb {adj} (slow-witted, stupid) SEE: stupid
dime {n} (A coin worth one-tenth of a dollar)
:: Zehncentstück {n}
dime a dozen {adj} (so common as to be practically worthless)
:: wie Sand am Meer
dimension {n} (measure of spatial extent)
:: Dimension {f}
dimension {n} (in geometry)
:: Dimension {f}
dimension {n} (in physics)
:: Dimension {f}
dimension {n} (in computing)
:: Dimension {f}
dimension {n} (in science fiction)
:: Dimension {f}
dimension {v} (to mark, cut or shape something to specified dimensions)
:: dimensionieren
dimensional {adj} (having a stated number of dimensions)
:: -dimensional
dimensional stone {n} (dimension stone) SEE: dimension stone
dimensionful {adj} (antonym of dimensionless)
:: dimensionsbehaftet
dimension stone {n}
:: Werkstein {m}
dimeric {adj} (of or being a dimer)
:: dimer
dimethylmercury {n} ((CH3)2Hg)
:: Dimethylquecksilber {n}
diminish {v} (To make smaller)
:: vermindern, verkleinern, reduzieren, verringern
diminish {v} (To become smaller)
:: schrumpfen
diminish {v} (To taper)
:: schmälern, abschwächen, verringern
diminuendo {n} (direction to play gradually more softly)
:: Diminuendo
diminutive {adj} (very small)
:: winzig, diminutiv
diminutive {adj} (serving to diminish)
:: verkleinernd
diminutive {adj} (grammar)
:: diminutiv
diminutive {n} (grammar: word form expressing smallness)
:: Diminutiv {m}, Diminutivum {m}, Verkleinerungsform {f}, Verkleinerungswort {n}, Diminutivbildung {f}, Deminutiv {n}, Deminutivum {n}
dimmable {adj} (able to be dimmed)
:: dimmbar
dimmer {n} (Rheostat)
:: Dimmer {m}
dimple {n} (small depression or indentation in generic surface)
:: Delle {f}, Beule {f}
dimple {n} (skin depression, especially at corners of the mouth)
:: Grübchen {n}
dimple {v} (create a dimple in)
:: eindellen, einbeulen
dim-sighted {adj} (not able to see clearly or easily)
:: schwachsichtig
dim sum {n} (dim sum)
:: Dim Sum {n}, Dimsum {n}
dimwit {n} (person who is deficient in intelligence)
:: Schwachkopf {m}, Dummkopf {m}, Blödmann {m}, Dumpfbacke {f}
din {n} (loud noise)
:: Lärm {m}, Krach {m}
dine {v} (to eat; to eat dinner or supper)
:: speisen
dine and dash {n} (leaving a restaurant without paying after eating)
:: Zechprellerei {f}
diner {n} (a small and inexpensive type of restaurant which may be modelled to resemble a dining car)
:: Speisewagen {m}
diner {n} (dining car) SEE: dining car
ding-a-ling {n} (dick) SEE: dick
ding-a-ling {n} (sound of a small bell; of a fire engine)
:: Klingling {n}, Klingeling {n}, Tatütata {n}
ding-a-ling {n} (eccentric or crazy person)
:: Hohlkopf {m} , Bekloppter {m} , Bekloppte {f}
ding-dong ditch {v} (ringing someone's door bell and running away)
:: Klingelmännchen {n}, Klingelstreich {m}, Klingelputzen {n}, Klingelpost {f}
dinghy {n} (small boat)
:: Dingi {n}, Jolle {f}
dinghy {n} (inflatable boat)
:: Schlauchboot {n}, Floßsack {m}
dingle {n} (small, narrow or enclosed, usually wooded valley)
:: Waldschlucht {f}
dingleberry {n} (piece of feces)
:: Klabusterbeere {f}
dingo {n} (wild dog native to Australia)
:: Dingo {m}
dingy {adj} (drab; shabby; dirty; squalid)
:: anrüchig, schäbig, schmutzig
dining car {n} (restaurant carriage)
:: Speisewagen {m}
dining room {n} (room, in a home or hotel, where meals are eaten)
:: Esszimmer {n}, Speisezimmer {n}
dining table {n} (table in the dining room on which meals are served)
:: Esstisch {m}
dinitrogen tetroxide {n} (binary compound nitrogen and oxygen, N2O4)
:: distickstofftetroxid
dinky {adj} ((informal, British) Tiny and cute; small and charmful)
:: schnuckelig, niedlich
dinky {adj} ((informal, US) Tiny and insignificant; small and undesirable)
:: klein und schäbig, klein und mies
dinner {n} (main meal of the day)
:: Hauptmahlzeit {f}, Abendessen {n}
dinner {n} (a meal given to an animal)
:: Futter {n}
dinner {n} (midday meal)
:: Mittagessen {n}
dinner jacket {n} (type of formal suit) SEE: tuxedo
dinnertime {n} (mid-day break) SEE: lunchtime
dinosaur {n} (extinct reptile)
:: Dinosaurier {m}, Dinosaurus {m}, Dino {m}, Saurier {m}
dinosaur {n}
:: Dinosaurier {m}, Dinosaurierin {f}
diocese {n} (region administered by a bishop)
:: Diözese {f}, Bistum {n}, Eparchie {f}
Diocletian {prop} (Roman cognomen)
:: Diokletian
diode {n} (electronic device)
:: Diode {f}
dioecious {adj} (botany: having the male and female reproductive organs on separate plants)
:: diözisch, zweihäusig, getrenntgeschlechtig
dioecy {n} (the condition of being dioecious)
:: Zweihäusigkeit {f}
Diogenes {prop} (Ancient Greek name)
:: Diogenes {m}
diol {n} (organic compound)
:: Diol {n}
Diomedes {prop} (Greek mythical hero)
:: Diomedes
Dione {prop} (moon of Saturn)
:: Dione {f}
diopside {n} (mineral)
:: Diopsid {m}
dioptase {n} (Mineral)
:: Dioptas
diopter {n} (unit of measure)
:: Dioptrie {f}
diopter {n} (lens system)
:: Diopter {n}
diopter {n} (theodolite)
:: Diopter {n}
diopter {n} (speculum) SEE: speculum
diopter {n} (alidade) SEE: alidade
diorama {n} (a three-dimensional display of a scenery)
:: Diorama {n}
diorite {n} (Igneous rock)
:: Diorit
dioxide {n} (any oxide containing two oxygen atoms in each molecule)
:: Dioxid {n}
dip {n} (lower section of a road or geological feature)
:: Senke {f}, Absenkung {f}
dip {n} (dip stick)
:: Ölmessstab {m}, Eichmaß {n}, Messstab {m}
dip {n} (short swim to refresh)
:: Tauchen {n}, Schwimmen {n}, Baden {n}
dip {n} (sauce for dipping)
:: Soße {f}, Tunke {f}, Dip {m}
dip {v} (to lower into a liquid)
:: (food) tunken, eintunken, stippen, (otherwise) eintauchen
dip {v} (to lower the beam)
:: abblenden
dip {v} (to use dipstick to check oil)
:: Ölstand {m} prüfen
diphenyl ether {n} ((C6H5)2O)
:: Diphenylether {n}
diphtheria {n} (infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract)
:: Diphtherie {f}
diphthong {n} (complex vowel sound)
:: Diphthong {m}, Doppellaut {m}, Zwielaut {m}
diplodocus {n} (dinosaur)
:: Diplodocus {m}
diploid {adj} (of a cell, having a pair of each type of chromosome)
:: diploid
diploma {n} (certificate)
:: Diplom {n}, Abgangszeugnis {n}
diplomacy {n} (art of conducting international relations)
:: Diplomatie {f}
diplomacy {n} (tact and subtle skill in dealing with people)
:: Diplomatie {f}
diploma mill {n} (university churning out diplomas to unqualified students)
:: Titelmühle {f}
diplomat {n} (person who is accredited to represent a government)
:: Diplomat {m}, Diplomatin {f}
diplomat {n} (someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people)
:: Diplomat {m}, Diplomatin {f}
diplomatic {adj} (concerning relationships between governments)
:: diplomatisch
diplomatic {adj} (exhibiting diplomacy)
:: diplomatisch
diplomatic mission {n} (group of people)
:: Auslandsvertretung {f}
diplomatics {n} (science of authenticating, dating, and interpreting old official documents)
:: Diplomatik
diplomatist {n} (diplomat) SEE: diplomat
dipped headlight {n} (main light on a motor vehicle)
:: Abblendlicht {n}
dipper {n} (bird)
:: Wasseramsel {f}
dipper {n} (vessel)
:: Kelle {f}, Schöpflöffel {m}
dipshit {n} (stupid or undesirable person)
:: , Arschloch {n}, Hasenhirn {n}
dipsomania {n} (addiction to alcohol)
:: Dipsomanie {f}
diptote {n} (a noun which has only two cases)
:: Diptoton {n}
diptotic {adj} (behaving like a diptote)
:: diptotisch
diptych {n} (picture or series of pictures painted on two tablets)
:: Diptychon {n}
dipyramid {n} (geometry)
:: Doppelpyramide {f}, Bipyramide {f}, Dipyramide {f}
dire {adj} (warning of bad consequences)
:: düster, böse, fatal
dire {adj} (requiring action to prevent bad consequences)
:: verzweifelt, händeringend, fürchterlich dringend
dire {adj} (expressing bad consequences)
:: schrecklich, entsetzlich, furchtbar
dire {adj} (bad in quality)
:: furchtbar, schlimm, fürchterlich
direct {adj} (Straight, constant, without interruption)
:: direkt, unmittelbar
direct {v} (to manage, control, steer)
:: beaufsichtigen
direct {v} (to be in charge of the direction of a play)
:: inszenieren
direct {v} (to order)
:: befehlen
direct case {n} (any noun case except the nominative (and vocative))
:: Casus rectus {m}, Rektus {m}
direct current {n} (electric current in which the electrons flow in one direction, but may vary with time)
:: Gleichstrom {m}
direct debit {n} (single order to allow an entity to charge one's account)
:: Lastschrift, Abbuchung {f}
directed acyclic graph {n} (directed graph without cycles)
:: gerichteter azyklischer Graph {m}
direct flight {n} (a flight without changing aircraft)
:: Direktflug {m}
direct free kick {n} (soccer)
:: direkter Freistoß {m}
direct inward dialing {n} (telecommunications)
:: Durchwahl {f}
direction {n} (indication of the point toward which an object is moving)
:: Richtung {f}
direction {n} (work of the director (manager))
:: Führung {f}
direction {n} (work of the director in cinema or theater)
:: Regie {f}
directions {n} (direction) SEE: direction
directions {n} (instructions)
:: Anweisungen {f-p}
directive {n} (instruction or guideline)
:: Richtlinie {f}
directive {n} (authoritative decision)
:: Anweisung {f}, Anordnung {f}, Befehl {m}, Direktive {f}
directive {n} (form of legislative act addressed to the EU member states)
:: Richtlinie {f}
directly {adv} (in a direct manner)
:: direkt, gerade
directly {adv} (in a straightforward way)
:: unmittelbar
directly {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately
direct object {n} (the noun a verb is directly acting upon)
:: direktes Objekt {n}, Akkusativobjekt {n}
director {n} (supervisor, manager, see also: film director)
:: Direktor {m}, Direktorin {f}, Regisseur {m}, Regisseurin {f}
directorate {n} (an agency headed by a director)
:: Direktorium {n}
director of photography {n} (cinematographer) SEE: cinematographer
directory {n} (list of names, addresses etc.)
:: Verzeichnis {n}
directory {n} (structured listing of files)
:: Verzeichnis {n}, Ordner {m}
directory {n} (simulated folder)
:: Verzeichnis {n}, Ordner {m}
directory service {n} (software system)
:: Verzeichnisdienst {m}
directress {n} (a female director)
:: Direktorin {f}, Leiterin {f}, Regisseurin {f}, Vorsteherin {f}
directrix {n} (a female who directs) SEE: directress
direct speech {n} (the writing of speech)
:: direkte Rede {f}, wörtlich angeführte Rede {f}
dire straits {n} (difficult position)
:: Notlage {f}
dirge {n} (mournful poem or piece of music)
:: Klagelied {n}, Trauersang {m}, Grabsang {m}
dirham {n} (unit of currency)
:: Dirhem {m}, Dirham {m}
dirigible {n} (a self-propelled airship that can be steered)
:: Luftschiff {n}
dirigiste {adj} (controlled or guided by a central authority, as in an economy)
:: dirigistisch
dirndl {n} (traditional Alpine women's dress)
:: Dirndl {n}
dirt {n} (soil or earth)
:: Erde, Schmutz {m}, Dreck {m}
dirt {n} (stain or spot (on clothes etc))
:: Fleck, Schmutz {m}, Dreck {m}
dirt {n} (previously unknown negative information, kompromat)
:: Schmutz {m}, Kompromat {n}
dirt cheap {adj} (easily affordable)
:: spottbillig
dirt-poor {adj} (very poor)
:: bettelarm
dirty {adj} (covered with or containing dirt)
:: schmutzig, dreckig, verdreckt
dirty {adj} (that makes one dirty)
:: schmutzig
dirty {adj} (morally unclean, obscene or indecent)
:: schmutzig, dreckig, vulgär, obszön, ordinär
dirty {adj} (dishonourable, violating standards or rules)
:: schmutzig
dirty {adj} (illegal, improper)
:: schmutzig
dirty {adj} (of color: discolored by impurities)
:: schmutzig
dirty {v} (to make dirty)
:: verdrecken, beschmutzen
dirty bomb {n} (device containing conventional explosives and radioactive material)
:: schmutzige Bombe {f}
dirty look {n} (unpleasant look)
:: scheeler Blick {m}
dirty money {n} (Money illegally gained)
:: Schwarzgeld {n}
dirty trick {n} (an unkind trick)
:: Gemeinheit {f}, Niederträchtigkeit {f}
dirty weather {n} (undesirable weather)
:: Schlechtwetter {n}
dirty word {n} (word that is considered vulgar)
:: Schimpfwort {n}
dis- {prefix} (reversal or removal)
:: ent-
dis- {prefix} (apart)
:: ent-
dis {v} (diss) SEE: diss
dis {n} (diss) SEE: diss
disability {n} (legal incapacity or incompetency)
:: Behinderung {f}
disability {n}
:: Invalidität {f}
disable {v} (to render unable; to take away the ability)
:: außerstand setzen, außerstande setzen, außer Stand setzen, außer Stande setzen
disable {v} (to impair the physical or mental abilities of)
:: behindern
disable {v} (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
:: deaktivieren, abschalten
disabled {adj} (having a disability)
:: behindert
disablement {n} (the action of disabling or the state of being disabled)
:: Behinderung {f}
disaccharide {n} (a sugar consisting of two monosaccharides)
:: Disaccharid {n}
disadvantage {n} (weakness)
:: Nachteil
disagreeable {adj} (not agreeable, unsuitable)
:: unangenehm, unsympathisch
disagreement {n} (An argument or debate)
:: Streit {m}, Meinungsverschiedenheit {f}
disagreement {n} (A condition of not agreeing or concurring)
:: Meinungsverschiedenheit {f}
disallow {v} (to refuse to allow) SEE: forbid
disallow {v} (to reject as invalid, untrue, or improper)
:: nicht anerkennen
disambiguate {v} (remove ambiguities)
:: disambiguieren, eindeutig machen, vereindeutigen
disambiguation {n} (removal of ambiguity)
:: Disambiguation, Begriffsklärung
disappear {v} (to vanish)
:: verschwinden, entschwinden
disappear {v} (to make vanish)
:: zum Verschwinden bringen, verschwinden lassen
disappearance {n} (action of disappearing or vanishing)
:: Verschwinden {n}
disappoint {v} (to displease by underperforming etc.)
:: enttäuschen
disappointed {adj} (defeated of hope or expectation)
:: enttäuscht
disappointing {adj} (that disappoints or disappoint)
:: enttäuschend
disappointment {n} (emotion)
:: Enttäuschung {f}
disapproval {n} (disapproval)
:: Missbilligung {f}
disapprove {v} (to refuse to approve) SEE: reject
disarm {v} (to deprive of arms)
:: entwaffnen
disarm {v} (to deprive of the means or the disposition to harm)
:: entwaffnen
disarmament {n} (the reduction of military forces and armaments)
:: Abrüstung {f}
disarray {n} (Want of array or regular order)
:: Unordnung {f}
disarray {n} (Confused attire; undress)
:: Verwirrung {f}
disassemble {v} (to take to pieces)
:: demontieren, auseinander nehmen
disassembler {n} (program that translates machine code into assembly language)
:: Disassembler {m}
disaster {n} (unexpected catastrophe causing physical damage, etc.)
:: Desaster {n}
disaster {n} (unforeseen event causing great loss, etc.)
:: Desaster {n}
disastrous {adj} (of the nature of a disaster; calamitous)
:: desaströs, katastrophal, verheerend
disastrous {adj} (foreboding disaster; ill-omened)
:: verhängnisvoll
disavow {v} (to refuse to own or acknowledge)
:: abstreiten, verleugnen, widersprechen, sich distanzieren von, desavouieren
disavow {v} (to deny or show the contrary of)
:: bestreiten, zurückweisen
disavowal {n} (denial)
:: Verleugnung {f}
disband {v} (to break up or cause to cease to exist)
:: auflösen
disbandment {n} (act of disbanding)
:: Auflösung {f}
disbelief {n} (unpreparedness, unwillingness, or inability to believe that something is the case)
:: Unglaube {m}
disbelieve {v} (not believe)
:: ungläubig sein
disc {n} (disk) SEE: disk
discalced {adj} (pertaining to a religious order that was historically barefoot)
:: unbeschuht
discard {v} (to throw away, reject)
:: verwerfen
discard {v} (to throw out a playing card)
:: abwerfen, ablegen
discard {v} (to discard, set aside) SEE: remove
disc brake {n} (type of brake)
:: Scheibenbremse {f}
discern {v} (to detect with the senses, especially with the eyes)
:: erkennen, wahrnehmen, bemerken, feststellen, merken, mitbekommen
discern {v} (to perceive, recognize or comprehend with the mind; to descry)
:: erkennen, verstehen, herauslesen, wahrnehmen
discern {v} (to distinguish something as being different from something else; to differentiate)
:: unterscheiden
discern {v} (to perceive differences)
:: unterscheiden
discernible {adj} (possible to discern)
:: erkennbar
discerning {adj} (of keen insight)
:: aufgeweckt, scharfsichtig, wahrnehmend, erkennend, unterscheidend, urteilsfähig, anspruchsvoll , kennerhaft
discernment {n} (discrimination)
:: Diskriminierung {f}, Urteilsvermögen {n}
discernment {n} (the ability to distinguish between things)
:: Urteilsvermögen {n}
discernment {n} (the ability to perceive differences that exist)
:: Einsicht {f}
discernment {n} (the condition of understanding)
:: Einsicht {f}
discernment {n} (aesthetic discrimination; taste, appreciation)
:: Urteilsvermögen {n}
discernment {n} (perceptiveness)
:: Einsicht {f}
discernment {n} (the ability to make wise judgements; sagacity)
:: Urteilsvermögen {n}
discernment {n} (discretion in judging objectively)
:: Urteilsvermögen {n}
discharge {v} ((electricity) the act of releasing an accumulated charge)
:: entladen
discharge {v} ((medicine) to release (an inpatient) from hospital)
:: entlassen
discharge {v} ((military) to release (a member of the armed forces) from service)
:: entlassen
discharge {v} (unload)
:: entladen
discharge {n} (act of accomplishing (an obligation))
:: Ablauf {m}
discharge {n} (act of expelling or letting go)
:: Befreiung {f}
discharge {n} (act of releasing an accumulated charge)
:: Entladung {f}
discharge {n} (act of releasing an inpatient from hospital)
:: Entlassung {f}
discharge {n} (act of releasing a member of the armed forces from service)
:: Entlassung {f}
discharge {n} (volume of water transported by a river in a certain amount of time)
:: Ablauf {m}, Abfluss {m}
discharge tube {n}
:: Entladungsröhre {f}, Gasentladungsröhre {f}
disciple {n} (person who learns from another)
:: Jünger {m}, Jüngerin {f}
disciple {n} (active follower or adherent)
:: Jünger {m}, Jüngerin {f}
discipleship {n} (condition of being a disciple)
:: Jüngersein {n}, Jüngerschaft {f}
disciplinary {adj} (Having to do with discipline, or with the imposition of discipline)
:: disziplinarisch
disciplinary {adj} (For the purpose of imposing punishment)
:: disziplinarisch, Disziplinar-
disciplinary {adj} (Of or relating to an academic field of study)
:: fachlich, fachbezogen
discipline {n} (controlled behaviour, self-control)
:: Disziplin {f}
discipline {n} (punishment)
:: Strafe {f}, Bestrafung {f}
discipline {n} (specific branch or knowledge or learning)
:: Disziplin {f}
discipline {n} (category in which a certain activity belongs)
:: Disziplin {f}
discipline {v} (to teach someone to obey authority)
:: disziplinieren
discipline {v} (to punish someone in order to (re)gain control)
:: disziplinieren, disziplinarisch bestrafen
discipline {v} (to impose order on someone)
:: disziplinieren
disciplined {adj} (possessing mental discipline)
:: diszipliniert
disclaimer {n} (public disavowal)
:: Haftungsausschluss {m}, Ausschlussklausel {f}, Verzichtserklärung {f}, Ablehnungshinweis {m}, Schrankenerklärung {f}
disclaimer {n} (law: denial, disavowal, or renunciation (as of a title, claim, interest, estate, or trust; relinquishment or waiver of an interest or estate))
:: Nichtanerkennung {f}, Gegenerklärung {f}, Widerruf {m}
disclose {v} (physically expose to view)
:: enthüllen
disclose {v} (make known)
:: veröffentlichen, bekanntgeben, bekanntmachen
disclose {v} (open up) SEE: open up
disclosure {n} (the act of revealing something)
:: Offenlegung {f}, Enthüllung {f}
disclosure {n} (the making known of facts)
:: Offenlegung {f}, Veröffentlichung {f}, Bekanntgabe {f}
disco {n} (discotheque)
:: Diskothek {f}, Disco {f}
disco {n} (type of music)
:: Discomusik {f}
disco ball {n} (mirrored sphere)
:: Spiegelkugel {f}, Diskokugel {f}
discography {n} (complete collection of the releases of a musical act)
:: Diskografie {f}
discolor {v} ((intransitive) to change or lose color)
:: sich verfärben
discolor {v} ((transitive) to change or lose color)
:: verfärben
discoloration {n} (act of discolouring or state of being discolored)
:: Verfärbung {f}
discoloration {n} (discoloured spot)
:: Verfärbung {f}, Fleck {m}, Blutfleck {m} , Kaffeefleck {m}
discombobulate {v} (to befuddle)
:: verwirren
discomfit {v} (to embarrass greatly)
:: Unbehagen bereiten, aus der Fassung bringen, beunruhigen
discomfiting {adj} (tending to discomfit)
:: beunruhigend
discomfort {n} (mental or bodily distress)
:: Unbehagen {n}
disconcert {v} (bring into confusion)
:: verwirren
disconcert {v} (frustrate)
:: stören, vereiteln
disconcert {v}
:: beunruhigen, verwirren
disconcerted {adj} (ruffled, upset and embarrassed)
:: verwirrt, in Verlegenheit gebracht
disconcerted {adj} (self-consciously distressed)
:: durcheinandergebracht, verdutzt, befremdet
disconcerted {adj} (frustrated and disarranged)
:: verwirrt, betroffen, durcheinandergebracht, aus der Fassung gebracht, aus der Fassung geraten
disconcerting {adj} (tending to cause discomfort, uneasiness or alarm; unsettling; troubling; upsetting)
:: beunruhigend, unangenehm, befremdlich
disconnect {v} (to sever or interrupt a connection)
:: ausblenden aus
disconnect {n} (break in an existing connection)
:: abklemmen, unterbrechen, ausschalten
disconnect {n} (switch used to isolate a portion of an electrical circuit) SEE: disconnector
disconnection {n} (to have no connections)
:: Unterbrechung
disconnector {n} (switching device used to open an electric circuit)
:: Trennschalter {m}, Trenner {m}
disconsolate {adj} (cheerless, dreary)
:: trostlos
disconsolate {adj} (inconsolable)
:: untröstlich
disconsolateness {n} (state of being disconsolate)
:: Trostlosigkeit {f}
discontent {n}
:: Unzufriedenheit {f}
discontent {n} (dissatisfaction) SEE: dissatisfaction
discontention {n} (discontent) SEE: discontent
discontinuity {n} (lack of continuity)
:: Diskontinuität {f}
discontinuous {adj} (in mathematics)
:: unstetig
discord {n} (lack of agreement)
:: Uneinigkeit {f}, Streit {m}
discord {n} (strife resulting from lack of agreement; dissension)
:: Zwietracht {f}
discord {n} (harsh or confused sound)
:: Missklang {m}, Lärm {m}
discord {n} (musical dissonance)
:: Dissonanz {f}, Kakophonie {f}
Discordian {n}
:: diskordisch, diskordianisch
Discordianism {prop} (parodic religion based on the worship of Eris)
:: Diskordianismus {m}
discotheque {n} (nightclub)
:: Diskothek {f}, Disko {f}, Disco {f}, Tanzlokal {n}
discount {v} (to deduct from an account, debt, charge, and the like)
:: nachlassen, Nachlass gewähren, einen Rabatt gewähren, abziehen
discount {v} (to take into consideration beforehand)
:: einkalkulieren, einberechnen, mitberücksichtigen, mit in Betracht ziehen
discount {v} (to leave out of account)
:: außer Acht lassen, unberücksichtigt lassen, abtun
discount {n} (reduction in price)
:: Rabatt {m}, Preisnachlass {m}, Nachlass {m}, Ermäßigung {f}
discount {n} (deduction made for interest)
:: Abgeld {n}, Disagio {n}, Abschlag {m}
discount store {n} (store with lower prices)
:: Discountwarenhaus {n}, Discountgeschäft {n}, Discountladen {m}, Discounter {m}, Diskonter {m} , Rabattgeschäft {n}, Rabattladen {m}
discourage {v} (to dishearten)
:: entmutigen, abschrecken
discourage {v} (to persuade somebody not to do something)
:: abraten, abraten von, abbringen von
discourse {n} (expression in (spoken or written) words)
:: Diskurs {m}
discourse {n} (formal lengthy exposition of some subject)
:: Diskurs {m}, Abhandlung {f}
discourse {n} (verbal exchange or conversation)
:: Diskurs {m}, Gespräch {n}
discourse {n} (in social sciences)
:: Diskurs {m}
discourse {v} (engage in discussion or conversation)
:: reden
discourse {v} (write or speak formally and at length)
:: eine Rede {f} halten
discourse analysis {n} (number of approaches to analyzing discourse)
:: Diskursanalyse {f}
discover {v} (expose something previously covered)
:: erleben, erfahren, dabei sein, mit erleben / reisen
discover {v} (find something for the first time)
:: entdecken
discoverable {adj} (findable) SEE: findable
discoverer {n} (one who discovers)
:: Entdecker {m}
discovery {n} (something discovered)
:: Entdeckung {f}
discovery {n} (the discovering of new things)
:: Entdeckung {f}
discredit {v} (harm reputation)
:: in Misskredit bringen , diskreditieren
discredit {n} (act or state)
:: Misskredit {m}
discreet {adj} (respectful of privacy or secrecy; quiet; diplomatic)
:: diskret
discreet {adj} (not drawing attention, anger or challenge; inconspicuous)
:: diskret
discrepancy {n} (inconsistency)
:: Diskrepanz {f}, Widerspruch, Unstimmigkeit, Abweichung
discrete {adj} (Separate; distinct; individual)
:: diskret
discrete {adj}
:: diskret, eigenständig, einzeln, unstetig, separat
discretion {n} (the quality of being discreet or circumspect)
:: Diskretion {f}, Takt {m}, Verschwiegenheit {f}
discretion {n} (the ability to make wise choices or decisions)
:: Klugheit {f}, Umsicht {f}
discretion {n} (the freedom to make one's own judgements)
:: Ermessen {n}, Gutdünken {n}
discretionary {adj} (available at one's discretion)
:: auf Ermessen beruhend, nach freiem Ermessen gewährt, Ermessens-, ins freie Ermessen gestellt, frei verfügbar, dem eigenen Gutdünken überlassen
discretization {n} (act of discretizing)
:: Diskretisierung {f}
discretize {v} (convert continuous space into discrete space)
:: diskretisieren
discriminant function {n} (function)
:: Diskriminanzfunktion {f}
discriminate {v} (to make decisions based on prejudice)
:: diskriminieren
discrimination {n} (the act of making a distinction, noting differences between things)
:: Diskriminierung {f}, Unterscheidung {f}
discrimination {n} (distinct treatment of an individual or group to their disadvantage)
:: Diskriminierung {f}, Schlechterstellung {f}
discriminatory {adj} (showing prejudice)
:: diskriminierend
discus {n} (round plate-like object for throwing)
:: Diskus {m}, Wurfscheibe {f}
discus {n} (athletics sport of throwing the discus)
:: Diskuswerfen {n}
discuss {v} (to converse or debate concerning a particular topic)
:: diskutieren, besprechen, erörtern, debattieren
discussion {n} (conversation or debate)
:: Diskussion {f}, Erörterung {f}
discus throw {n} (athletic event where a discus is thrown)
:: Diskuswurf {m}, Diskuswerfen {n}
discus thrower {n} (athlete)
:: Diskuswerfer {m}, Diskuswerferin {f}
disdain {n} (feeling of contempt or scorn)
:: Verachtung {f}, Geringschätzung {f} (disrespect), Missachtung {f} (contempt)
disdain {v} (to regard with strong contempt)
:: verachten, verschmähen
disdainful {adj} (showing contempt or scorn)
:: geringschätzig, verächtlich
disease {n} (an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction)
:: Krankheit {f}, Infektionskrankheit {f}, Seuche {f}
diseased {adj} (Affected with of suffering from disease)
:: krank
disease-ridden {adj} (dominated by disease)
:: krankheitsverseucht, von Krankheitserregern verseucht, verpestet
disembark {v} (remove from on board a vessel)
:: ausschiffen
disembodiment {n} (spirit that lacks a physical form)
:: Entkörperlichung {f}
disembody {v} (to cause one's soul, spirit, or consciousness to become separated from the physical body)
:: entkörperlichen
disembogue {v} ((of a river or waters) to pour out, to debouch)
:: münden
disembowel {v} (to take or let out the bowels)
:: ausweiden
disenchant {v} (To free from illusion, false belief or enchantment; to undeceive or disillusion)
:: desillusionieren
disenchant {v} (To disappoint)
:: enttäuschen
disenchant {v} (To remove a spell or magic enchantment from)
:: entzaubern
disenfranchise {v} (to deprive someone of a franchise, generally their right to vote)
:: das Wahlrecht entziehen, vom Wahlrecht ausschließen
disenfranchisement {n} (explicit or implicit revocation of, or failure to grant the right to vote)
:: Wahlrechtsausschluss {m}, Wahlrechtsentzug {m}
disentanglement {n} (removal of, or extrication from twists, tangles, complications or confusion)
:: Entwirrung {f}, Entflechtung {f}, Befreiung {f}
disenthrall {v} (To free from slavery or captivation)
:: befreien
disequilibrium {n} (the loss of equilibrium or stability)
:: Ungleichgewicht {n}
disfigure {v} (change appearance to the negative)
:: entstellen, verunstalten
disgorge {v} (to vomit or spew)
:: ausspeien, ausspucken, auswerfen
disgorge {v}
:: auszuspeien
disgrace {n} (condition of being out of favor)
:: Ungnade {f}, Schande {f}
disgrace {n} (state of being dishonored)
:: Schande {f}, Schmach {f}
disgrace {n} (that which brings dishonor)
:: Schande {f}, Schmach {f}, Blamage {f}, Peinlichkeit {f}
disgraceful {adj} (bringing or warranting disgrace)
:: schändlich, skandalös, erbärmlich
disgruntle {v} (to make discontent)
:: verärgern
disgruntled {adj} (unhappy, dissatisfied)
:: verstimmt, missmutig, unzufrieden
disguise {n} (attire to hide/assume an identity)
:: Verkleidung {f}
disguise {n} (that which masks what's beneath)
:: Tarnung {f}
disguise {v} (to prevent revealing something secret)
:: verstellen
disgust {v} (to cause an intense dislike for something)
:: ekeln
disgust {n} (an intense dislike or repugnance)
:: Ekel {m}
disgusting {adj} (repulsive, distasteful)
:: ekelhaft, ekelig, grauslich, abstoßend, ekelerregend
dish {n} (vessel for holding/serving food)
:: Teller {m} (for holding food), Schüssel {f} (for serving food)
dish {n} (contents of such a vessel)
:: Gericht {n}
dish {n} (specific type of food)
:: Gericht {n}
dish {n} (tableware to be/being washed)
:: Geschirr {n}
dish {n} (type of antenna)
:: Parabolantenne {f}, Satellitenschüssel {f}, Schüssel {f}
disharmony {n} (the absence of harmony)
:: Disharmonie {f}
dishcloth {n} (for washing)
:: Spültuch {n}, Spüllappen {m}
dishcloth {n} (for drying)
:: Geschirrtuch {n}; Trockentuch {n}
dishearten {v} (discourage someone by removing their enthusiasm or courage)
:: entmutigen
disher {n} (a type of scoop)
:: Eiskugelzange {f}, Eislöffel {m}, Eisportionierer {m}
dishes {n} (dishwashing)
:: Abwasch {m}
dishevel {v} (throw into disorder)
:: in Unordnung bringen, herumschmeißen, verwirren
dishevel {v} (disarrange or loosen)
:: zerzausen, zerwühlen, zerstrubbeln, verlottern
dishevelled {adj} (uncombed)
:: ungekämmt, struppig, zerzaust
dishevelled {adj} (untidy in appearance)
:: unordentlich, ungepflegt , zerzaust , verwirrt
dishonest {adj} (not honest)
:: unehrlich
dishonor {n} (dishonour) SEE: dishonour
dishonor {v} (dishonour) SEE: dishonour
dishonour {n} (shame or disgrace)
:: Schande {f}
dishonour {v} (to bring disgrace upon someone or something)
:: schänden
dishrag {n} (piece of cloth)
:: Spüllappen {m}
dish towel {n} (towel for wiping dishes)
:: Spüllappen, Spültuch; Geschirrtuch {n}; Trockentuch {n}
dishtowel {n} (a cloth or towel used to dry dishes) SEE: dishcloth
dishware {n} (crockery)
:: Geschirr {n}
dishwasher {n} (machine)
:: Geschirrspüler {m}, Geschirrspülmaschine {f}, Spülmaschine {f}
dishwasher {n} (person)
:: Abwäscher {m}, Abwäscherin {f}
dishwasher-safe {adj} (capable of being washed in a dishwasher)
:: spülmaschinenfest
dishwashing {n} (dishwashing) SEE: dishes
dishwashing {n} (dishwashing) SEE: washing-up
dishwater {n} (washing water)
:: Spülwasser {n}, Spülicht {n}, Abwaschwasser {n}
disillusion {v} (to free or deprive of illusion; to disenchant)
:: desillusionieren
disillusion {n} (act or state of disenchanting or freeing from a false belief)
:: Desillusion {f}
disillusioned {adj} (experiencing disillusionment)
:: desillusioniert, enttäuscht
disillusionment {n} (feeling that arises from the discovery that something is not what it was anticipated to be)
:: Desillusionierung {f}, Enttäuschung {f}, Ernüchterung {f}
disillusionment {n} (act of freeing from an illusion)
:: Desillusionierung {f}, Ernüchterung {f}
disimprovement {n} (reduction from a better to a worse state, see also: deterioration)
:: Verschlimmbesserung {f}
disinfect {v} (sterilize by the use of cleaning agent)
:: desinfizieren
disinfectant {n} (A substance which kills germs and/or viruses)
:: Desinfektionsmittel {n}
disinfection {n} (treatment)
:: Desinfektion {f}, Desinfizierung {f}
disinformation {n} (intentionally false information)
:: Desinformation {f}
disingenuous {adj} (not noble; unbecoming true honor)
:: unaufrichtig, unehrlich, unwürdig, hinterlistig, verschlagen, unredlich
disingenuously {adv} (in a manner that is not frank or open; deceptively)
:: unredlicherweise, verschlagen, hinterlistigerweise, unehrlicherweise
disingenuously {adv} (in an unnoble manner; in a manner unbecoming of true honor or dignity; unworthily)
:: unwürdig
disinherit {v} (to exclude from inheritance)
:: enterben
disintegrate {v} (cause to break into parts)
:: desintegrieren, auflösen
disintegrate {v} (break up into one's parts)
:: sich auflösen, zerfallen
disintegration {n} (a process by which anything disintegrates)
:: Zerfall {m}
disinterest {n} (a lack of interest)
:: Desinteresse {n}
disinterested {adj} (having no stake in the outcome)
:: unparteiisch
disinterested {adj} (lacking interest)
:: desinteressiert
disinvite {v} (to cancel an invitation) SEE: uninvite
disjoin {v} (To separate)
:: trennen
disjoint {adj} (having no members in common)
:: disjunkt
disjoint {v} (To render disjoint)
:: zertrennen
disjunction {n} (logic)
:: Disjunktion {f}
disjunctive {n} (disjunction) SEE: disjunction
disk {n} (a thin, flat, circular plate)
:: Scheibe, Kreisscheibe {f}, Kreisfläche {f}
disk {n} (something resembling a disk)
:: Scheibe
disk {n} (intervertebral disc)
:: Bandscheibe
disk {n} (a vinyl phonograph/gramophone record)
:: Schallplatte {f}, Platte {f}, Scheibe {f}
disk {n} (a computer's hard disk)
:: Festplatte {f}
diskette {n} (small, flexible, magnetic disk for storage and retrieval of data) SEE: floppy disk
dislike {n} (feeling of distaste)
:: Unbehagen {n}
dislike {v} (not to like something)
:: ablehnen
dislocate {v} (to dislodge a bone)
:: auskugeln, ausrenken, verrenken
dislocation {n} (dislocating of a joint)
:: Verrenkung {f}, Luxation {f}
dislodge {v} (To remove or force out from a position or dwelling previously occupied)
:: herauslösen; außer Position bringen
disloyal {adj} (without loyalty)
:: illoyal, treulos
disloyalty {n} (act of being disloyal)
:: Illoyalität {f}
disloyalty {n} (quality of being disloyal)
:: Illoyalität {f}
dismal {adj} (disappointingly inadequate)
:: unzureichend, unzulänglich, jämmerlich, kläglich, miserabel
dismal {adj} (gloomy and bleak)
:: traurig, trübe, trostlos, freudlos, düster, finster, trist, trüb, fade, fad, trübselig, trübsinnig
dismal {adj} (depressing)
:: unglücklich, deprimiert, deprimierend, traurig, trostlos, freudlos, düster, finster, trist, trübselig, trübsinnig
dismantle {v} (remove fittings or furnishings)
:: abwracken
dismantle {v} (take apart)
:: demontieren, auseinander nehmen
dismay {n} (a sudden loss of courage)
:: Furcht {f}, Ohnmacht {f}
dismember {v} (remove limbs)
:: zergliedern
dismember {v} (cut into pieces)
:: zerstückeln
dismiss {v} (to discharge)
:: entlassen
dismiss {v} (to order to leave)
:: entlassen
dismiss {v} (to reject, refuse to accept)
:: abweisen, einstellen, zurückweisen
dismiss {v} (to give someone a red card)
:: die rote Karte zeigen
dismissal {n} (act of sending someone away)
:: Wegschicken {n}, Abweisen {n}, Abweisung {f}
dismissal {n} (deprivation of office)
:: Entlassung {f}, Kündigung {f}, Abberufung {f}
dismissal {n} (rejection of a legal proceeding, or a claim)
:: Abweisung {f}, Zurückweisung {f}
dismount {v} (to get off)
:: abnehmen, absteigen
dismutase {n} (any of several enzymes that catalyze dismutation reactions)
:: Dismutase {f}
disobedience {n} (refusal to obey)
:: Ungehorsam {m}
disobedient {adj} (not obedient)
:: ungehorsam
disorder {n} (absence of order)
:: Unordnung {f}
disorder {n} (disturbance of civic order or of public order)
:: Unruhen {f-p}
disorder {n} (physical or psychical malfunction)
:: Störung {f}
disordered {adj} (chaotic)
:: durcheinander
disorderly {adj} (not in order)
:: unordentlich
disorganized schizophrenia {n} (disorganized schizophrenia)
:: hebephrene Schizophrenie {f}, Hebeprenie {f}
disoriented {adj} (having lost one's direction)
:: desorientiert, verwirrt
disown {v} (to refuse to own)
:: verstoßen, verleugnen, ableugnen, enteignen, zurückweisen, sich distanzieren
disparage {n} (marriage)
:: nicht standesgemäße Ehe {f}, Missheirat {f}
disparage {v} (to dishonor by a comparison)
:: herabsetzen, herabwürdigen, entehren
disparage {v} (to ridicule)
:: lächerlich machen, verächtlich machen, in Verruf bringen
disparagement {n} (An act of disparaging)
:: Verunglimpfung {f}, Herabsetzung {f}, Herabwürdigung {f}
disparaging {adj} (insulting)
:: abfällig, abschätzig, abwertend, geringschätzig, herabsetzend, verunglimpfend
disparate {adj} (composed of inherently different elements)
:: disparat, verschieden, ungleich, ungleichartig
disparity {n} (the state of being unequal; difference)
:: Differenz {f}, Unterschiedlichkeit {f}, Unterschied {m}, Disparität {f}, Ungleichheit {f}
disparity {n} (incongruity)
:: Unvereinbarkeit {f}, Ungleichheit {f}
dispassionate {adj} (not showing, and not affected by, emotion, bias, or prejudice)
:: leidenschaftslos
dispatch {v} (To send with promptness)
:: verschicken, versenden
dispatch {v} (To hurry)
:: beeilen
dispatch {v} (To defeat)
:: besiegen
dispatch {v} (To deprive)
:: entziehen
dispatch {n} (dismissal) SEE: dismissal
dispatcher {n} (A person who controls the movements of vehicles)
:: Flugdienstberater {m}, Dispatcher {m}
dispatching {n} (sending)
:: Versendung {f}
dispatch rider {n} (military messenger)
:: Meldereiter {m}
dispel {v} (to drive away by scattering)
:: zerstreuen
dispensable {adj} (able to be done without; able to be expended; easily replaced)
:: entbehrlich, verzichtbar, überflüssig, abkömmlich
dispensation {n} (relaxation of a law in a particular case)
:: Dispens {f}
dispense {v} (to issue, distribute, or give out)
:: ausgeben, austeilen, verteilen
dispense {v} (to supply or make up a medicine or prescription)
:: dosieren
dispense {v}
:: abgeben
dispenser {n} (object used to dispense other items)
:: Abroller {m}, Austeiler {m}, Spender {m}, Verteiler {m}
dispersant {n} (substance used to stabilize a dispersion)
:: Dispergiermittel {n}
disperse {v} (to scatter)
:: zerstreuen, sich zerstreuen
disperse {v} (to dissipate)
:: dissipieren
disperse {v} (to distribute)
:: verteilt
dispersion {n} (state)
:: Verteilung {f}
dispirit {v} (Lower the morale of)
:: entmutigen
dispirited {adj} (without spirit) SEE: despondent
displace {v} (to move something or someone)
:: umsiedeln, vertreiben, verschieben, verlagern
displace {v} (to supplant, or take the place of something or someone; to substitute)
:: verdrängen
displaced person {n} (refugee)
:: Displaced Person {f}, DP {f}
displacement {n} (the state of being displaced)
:: Verstellung {f}
displacement current {n} (change of the electric displacement field)
:: Verschiebungsstrom {m}
displacement speed {n} (hull speed) SEE: hull speed
display {n} (spectacle)
:: Vorführung {f}
display {n} (electronic screen)
:: Display {n}, Monitor {m}, Bildschirm, Anzeige {f}
display {v} (to show conspicuously)
:: anzeigen
displease {v} (to fail to please or satisfy)
:: missfallen
disposable {n} (object that is designed to be disposed of)
:: Einwegartikel {m}, Wegwerfartikel {m}
disposable {adj} (that is designed to be discarded rather than refilled or repaired)
:: einweg-, wegwerf-
disposable income {n} (amount of a person's income which is available to be saved or spent)
:: verfügbares Einkommen {n}
disposable razor {n} (a safety razor designed to be disposed of in its entirety once its cutting edge has dulled)
:: Einwegrasierer
disposal {n} (disposing of)
:: Beseitigung {f}, Entsorgung {f}
disposal {n} (power to use something)
:: Verfügung {f}
dispose {v} (to get rid of something)
:: beseitigen, entsorgen
disposition {n} (tendency or inclination)
:: Neigung {f}, Gesinnung {f}, Hang {m}, Veranlagung {f}
disposition {n} (The arrangement or placement of certain things)
:: Einteilung {f}, Gliederung {f}, Anordnung {f}
disposition {n} (Temperamental makeup or habitual mood)
:: Gemütsstimmung {f}, Gemütsart {f}, Geistesart {f}
disproportionation {n} (a form of redox reaction wherein the reactant is both oxidized and reduced)
:: Disproportionierung {f}
disprovability {n} (the ability to be disproven; refutability)
:: Widerlegbarkeit {f}
disprove {v} (to refute)
:: widerlegen
disproven {adj} (shown to be false)
:: widerlegt
disputatious {adj} (relating to something that is in question)
:: umstritten, bestritten, kontrovers, strittig
disputatious {adj} (inclined to argue; provoking debate)
:: streitbar, streitsüchtig
dispute {n} (argument, failure to agree)
:: Streit {m}, Disput {m}
dispute {n} (verbal controversy)
:: Debatte {f}
dispute {v} (to oppose by argument or assertion, to controvert)
:: bestreiten
disqualification {n} (act of disqualifying)
:: Disqualifikation {f}
disquiet {n} (want of quiet)
:: Beunruhigung {f}, Unbehagen {n}
disquiet {v} (To make (someone) worried or anxious)
:: beunruhigen
disquieting {adj} (Causing mental trouble)
:: beunruhigend, verstörend, besorgniserregend
disrecommend {v} (to recommend the opposite or negation of)
:: abraten
disregard {v} (disregard) SEE: neglect
disregard {n} (not paying attention or caring about)
:: Gleichgültigkeit {f}, Nichtbeachten {n}, Nichtbeachtung {f}, Missachtung {f}, Zurücksetzung {f}
disregard {v} (to ignore)
:: missachten, außer Betracht lassen
disrespect {n} (lack of respect)
:: Nichtachtung {f}, Respektlosigkeit
disrespectful {adj} (lacking respect)
:: respektlos, despektierlich, unhöflich, verächtlich, respektwidrig, unehrerbietig
disrobe {v} (undress someone or something)
:: entkleiden
disrupt {v} (to throw into confusion or disorder)
:: durcheinander bringen, stören
disrupt {v} (to interrupt or impede something)
:: unterbrechen, hindern
disruption {n} (interruption)
:: Unterbrechung {f}, Störung {f}, Störfaktor {m}
disruption {n} (disorder)
:: Durcheinander {n}, Unordnung {f}
disruptive {adj} (causing disrupt or unrest)
:: störend
diss {v} (to put someone down or show verbal disrespect)
:: dissen
diss {n} (insult or put-down)
:: Diss
dissatisfaction {n} (unhappiness or discontent)
:: Unzufriedenheit {f}
dissatisfied {adj} (feeling or displaying disappointment or a lack of contentment)
:: unzufrieden
dissatisfied {adj} (not satisfied (with the quality of something))
:: nicht zufrieden
dissect {v} (to study a dead animal's anatomy by cutting it apart)
:: sezieren
dissect {v} (to analyze an idea in detail by separating it into its parts)
:: zerlegen, analysieren
dissection {n} (the act of dissecting, of cutting a dead body apart)
:: Präparation {f}, Dissektion {f}
dissemble {v} (to disguise or conceal something)
:: verbergen
dissemble {v} (to feign)
:: vortäuschen
dissemble {v} (to deliberately ignore something)
:: verbergen, verhehlen
dissemble {v} (to falsely hide one's opinions or feelings)
:: sich nichts anmerken lassen, sich verstellen, heucheln
dissembler {n} (someone who dissembles)
:: Heuchler {m}, Gleisner {m}
disseminate {v} (transitive: to sow and scatter principles, etc. for propagation, like seed)
:: verbreiten, verteilen, aussähen, veröffentlichen, ausbreiten, disseminieren
disseminate {v} (intransitive: to become scattered)
:: verbreiten, verteilen, ausstreuen, ausbreiten
disseminate {v} (to disseminate) SEE: disperse
dissemination {n} (act of disseminating)
:: Verbreitung {f}
dissent {v} (to disagree)
:: dissentieren
dissenter {n} (someone who dissents)
:: Dissident {m}, Dissidentin {f}, Dissenter {m} , Dissenterin {f} , Abweichler {m}
dissertation {n} (formal exposition of a subject)
:: Doktorarbeit {f}, Dissertation {f}
disservice {n} (service that results in harm)
:: Bärendienst {m} , schlechter Dienst {m}, Schaden {m}
dissident {n} (person who opposes the current political structure, group or laws)
:: Dissident {m}, Dissidentin {f}, Regimekritiker {m}, Regimekritikerin {f}
dissident {n} (ecclesiastical: one who disagrees)
:: Andersdenkender {m}, Andersdenkende {f}, Andersgläubiger {m}, Andersgläubige {f}, Dissenter {m}, Dissenterin {f}
dissimilar {adj} (not similar)
:: ungleich
dissimulate {v} (to deceive by concealment or omission)
:: sich verstellen
dissipate {v} (to dissipate) SEE: disperse
dissipate {v} (to drive away)
:: zerstreuen, zerteilen, verscheuchen, lösen, abbauen, zersplittern, dissipieren
dissipate {v} (to use up or waste)
:: aufbrauchen, verbrauchen, abbauen, auflösen, verschwenden, vergeuden, ableiten, verprassen, verzetteln, verschleudern
dissipate {v} (to vanish)
:: verschwinden, abführen, verflüchtigen, sich auflösen, sich zerteilen, sich zerstreuen
dissipation {n} (act or state of dispersing)
:: Zerstreuung {f}, Zersplitterung {f}, Zerteilung {f}, Auflösung {f}, Dissipation {f}
dissipation {n} (dissolute way of life)
:: Verschwendung {f}, Verprassen {n}, Ausschweifung {f}, Verschleuderung {f}, Durchbringen {n}, Ausschweifungen {p}
dissipation {n} (trifle which wastes or distracts)
:: Zeitvertreib {m}, Ablenkung {f}
dissipation {n} (loss of energy)
:: Dissipation {f}, Leistungsverlust {m}, Abführung {f}, Ableitung {f}
dissipation {n}
:: Zerstreuung
dissociate {v} (to part, stop associating)
:: sich distanzieren
dissolution {n} (termination of an organized body or legislative assembly)
:: Auflösung {f}
dissolution {n} (dissolving, or going into solution)
:: Auflösung {f}
dissolve {v} (to terminate a union of multiple members actively)
:: auflösen
dissolve {v} (transitive: to disintegrate into a solution by immersion)
:: auflösen
dissolve {v} (intransitive: to be disintegrated into a solution by immersion)
:: sich auflösen
dissolve {v} (to resolve itself as by dissolution)
:: sich auflösen
dissolve {v} (to disperse a group)
:: auflösen
dissolve {v} (fade out) SEE: fade out
dissonant {adj} (music)
:: dissonant
dissuade {v} (convince not to try or do)
:: abbringen, abraten
dissuasion {n} (act or dissuading)
:: Abraten {n}
distaff {n} (device to which fibres are attached for temporary storage)
:: Rocken {m}, Spinnrocken {m} , Kunkel {f} , Wocken {m}
distaff {n} (part of a spinning wheel)
:: Rocken {m}, Spinnrocken {m} , Kunkel {f} , Wocken {m}
distance {n} (amount of space between two points)
:: Distanz {f}, Entfernung {f}, Abstand {m}
distance {n} (remoteness of place; a remote place)
:: Ferne {f}, Weite {f}
distance {v} (move away)
:: entfernen
distance education {n} (distance learning) SEE: distance learning
distance function {n}
:: Distanzfunktion {f}
distance learning {n} (education obtained remotely)
:: Fernstudium {n}, Fernunterricht {m}
distant {adj} (far off)
:: fern, entfernt, distanziert, abstehend
distantly {adv} (in a distant manner)
:: entfernt
distasteful {adj} (having a bad or foul taste)
:: geschmacklos, widerwärtig
distasteful {adj} (unpleasant)
:: unangenehm, widerwärtig
distasteful {adj} (offensive)
:: anstößig
distemper {n} (disease)
:: Staupe {f}
distended {adj} (extended or expanded)
:: gebläht
distended {adj} ((biology) gravid)
:: aufgetrieben, schwanger
distich {n} (couplet) SEE: couplet
distil {v} (to subject a substance to distillation)
:: destillieren
distil {v} (to make by means of distillation)
:: destillieren
distill {v} (subject to distillation) SEE: distil
distill {v} (undergo distillation) SEE: distil
distill {v} (make by distillation) SEE: distil
distill {v} (exude in small drops) SEE: distil
distill {v} (trickle down in small drops) SEE: distil
distillation {n} (separation of a substance)
:: Destillation {f}
distillation {n} (substance once extracted)
:: Destillat {n}
distilled water {n} (water that has been purified by distillation)
:: destilliertes Wasser {n}, Aqua destillata {n}, Aq. dest. {n}, Aquadest {n}
distiller {n} (a person who distills, one who owns or works in a distillery)
:: Brenner {m}, Brennerin {f}, Branntweinbrenner {m}, Branntweinbrennerin, Schnapsbrenner {m}, Schnapsbrennerin {f}
distiller {n} (an apparatus that distills, a condenser, a still)
:: Destillierapparat {m}
distillery {n} (a place where distillation takes place)
:: Branntweinbrennerei {f}, Brennerei, Destillerie {f}, Destille {f}, Schnapsbrennerei {f}, Whiskybrennerei {f}, Whiskydestillerie {f}
distinct {adj} (very clear)
:: deutlich
distinction {n} (that which distinguishes)
:: Unterschied {m}
distinction {n} (a feature that causes someone or something to be better)
:: Auszeichnung {f}
distinctive {adj} (characteristic)
:: kennzeichnend, charakteristisch, unverwechselbar, ausgeprägt
distinctly {adv} (in a distinct manner)
:: deutlich
distinguish {v} (to see someone or something as different from others)
:: unterscheiden
distinguish {v} (to see someone or something clearly or distinctly)
:: erkennen
distinguish {v} (to make oneself noticeably different)
:: sich auszeichnen
distinguishable {adj} (able, or easily able to be distinguished)
:: unterscheidbar, differenzierbar
distinguished {adj} (celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious)
:: bedeutend, hervorragend
distinguished {adj} (having a dignified appearance or demeanor)
:: vornehm, distinguiert
distort {v} (to bring something out of shape)
:: verzerren
distort {v} (to give false account of)
:: verzerren
distortion {n} (act of distorting)
:: Verzerrung {f}, Verformung {f}, Verwindung {f}, Verdrehung {f}
distortion {n} (result of distorting)
:: Verzerrung {f}, Verformung {f}, Enstellung {f}
distortion {n} (misrepresentation of the truth)
:: Verzerrung {f}, Verformung {f}, Zerrbild {n}
distortion {n} (noise)
:: Verzerrung {f}
distortion {n} (effect used in music)
:: Verzerrung {f}
distract {v} (To divert the attention of)
:: ablenken
distracter {n} (incorrect answer)
:: Distraktor {m}
distraction {n} (something that distracts)
:: Ablenkung {f}, Ablenkungsmanöver {n}
distraction {n} (the process of being distracted)
:: Ablenkung {f}, Störung {f}, Zerstreuung {f}
distraction {n} (mental disorder)
:: Wahnsinn {m}, Zerstreuung {f}
distrain {v} (To seize somebody's property in place of payment of a debt)
:: pfänden
distraught {adj} (deeply hurt, saddened, or worried)
:: verstört, aufgelöst, außer sich, völlig verzweifelt
distress {n} ((cause of) discomfort)
:: Kummer {m}, Bedrängnis {f}, Drangsal {f}, Bekümmerung {f}
distress {n} (serious danger)
:: Not {f}, Notlage {f}, Seenot {f}
distress {v} (to cause strain or anxiety)
:: bedrücken, bekümmern, heimsuchen, peinigen
distress {v} (to retain someone’s property)
:: zurückbehalten
distress {v} (to treat to make look old)
:: patinieren, (künstlich) altern
distressed {adj} (anxious or uneasy)
:: beunruhigt
distribute {v} (to distribute) SEE: disperse
distribute {v} (to divide into portions and dispense)
:: aufteilen, verteilen
distribute {v} (to supply to retail outlets)
:: ausliefern, verteilen, beliefern
distribute {v} (to deliver or pass out)
:: ausliefern, verteilen
distribute {v} (to scatter or spread)
:: verteilen
distribute {v} (to apportion)
:: verteilen
distribute {v} (to classify or separate into categories)
:: aufteilen
distribution {n} (act of distribution or being distributed)
:: Distribution {f}, Verbreitung {f}, Austeilung {f}
distribution {n} (apportionment by law of funds, property)
:: Aufteilung {f}
distribution {n} (process by which goods get to final consumers)
:: Distribution {f}, Absatz {m}
distribution {n} (frequency of occurrence or extent of existence)
:: Distribution {f}, Verbreitung {f}, Aufteilung {f}
distribution {n} (anything distributed)
:: Streuung {f}, Verbreitung {f}, Aufteilung {f}
distribution {n} (the result of distributing; arrangement)
:: Distribution {f}, Aufteilung {f}
distribution {n} (statistics: set of relative likelihoods, see also: probability distribution)
:: Distribution {f}, Gliederung {f}, Aufteilung {f}
distribution {n}
:: Verteilung {f}
distributive {adj} (math: property of functions)
:: distributiv
distributivity {n} (fact of being distributive)
:: Distributivgesertz, Distributivität
distributor {n} (one who distributes, a thing that distributes)
:: Verteiler {m}
distributor {n} (device that distributes current to the spark plugs)
:: Verteiler {m}
district {n} (administrative division)
:: Bezirk {m}, Kreis {m}, Landkreis {m}, Stadtteil {m} , Stadtviertel {n} , Distrikt {m}, Stadtbezirk {m}
district attorney {n} (the title of the local public official who represents the government in the prosecution of alleged criminals)
:: Staatsanwalt {m}, Staatsanwältin {f}, Bezirksstaatsanwalt {m}, Bezirksstaatsanwältin {f}, Bezirksanwalt {m}, Bezirksanwältin {f}
district heating {n} (system)
:: Fernwärme {f}
distrust {n} (lack of trust or confidence)
:: Misstrauen {n}, Argwohn {m}
distrustful {adj} (marked by distrust; doubtful; suspicious)
:: misstrauisch
disturb {v} (confuse or irritate)
:: stören
disturbance {n} (act of disturbing, being disturbed)
:: Störung {f}
disturbance {n} (something that disturbs)
:: Störenfried {m}
disturbance {n} (interruption of that which is normal or regular)
:: Störung {f}
disturbance {n} ((psychology) serious mental imbalance or illness)
:: Störung {f}, Geistesstörung {f}
disturbance {n}
:: Störung Belästigung, Beunruhigung, Aufregung Unruhe, Tumult, Aufruhr Verwirrung
disturbed {adj} (showing symptoms of mental illness, severe psychosis, or neurosis)
:: gestört
disturbing {adj} (causing distress or worry)
:: störend
disuse {n} (disuse)
:: Nichtgebrauch {m}, Nichtnutzung {f}
disyllabic {adj} (comprising two syllables)
:: zweisilbig
disyllable {n} (a word comprising two syllables)
:: zweisilbiges Wort, Zweisilber, Zweisilbler, Disyllabum, Dissyllabum
ditch {n} (trench)
:: Graben {m}, Schanze {f}
ditch {v} (to abandon)
:: entledigen
ditch {v} (to crash-land on the sea)
:: notwassern
ditch {v} (to play hookey)
:: schwänzen
dittany {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant
ditto {adv} (likewise) SEE: likewise
ditto {n} (the aforesaid)
:: dito
ditto {n} (ditto mark)
:: Unterführungszeichen {n}
diuresis {n} (excessive production of urine, see also: polyuria)
:: Diurese {f}
diuretic {adj} (increasing urination)
:: harntreibend
diuretic {n} (drug)
:: Diuretikum {n}
diurnal {adj} (happening during daylight; primarily active during the day)
:: tagaktiv
diurnal {adj} (done once every day)
:: täglich
diva {n} (female celebrity)
:: Diva {f}
diva {n} (person who considers herself much more important than others)
:: Diva {f}
divan {n} (sofa)
:: Diwan {m}
divan {n} (council)
:: Diwan {m}
divan {n} (collection of poems)
:: Diwan {m}
dive {v} (to swim under water)
:: tauchen
dive {v} (to jump into water)
:: ins Wasser springen
dive {v} (to descend)
:: abtauchen
dive {v} (imitate a foul)
:: eine Schwalbe machen
dive {n} (a swim under water)
:: Tauchen {n}
dive {n} (seedy bar)
:: Spelunke {f}
dive {n} (deliberate fall after a challenge)
:: Schwalbe
dive bomber {n} (type of military aircraft)
:: Sturzkampfbomber {m}, Sturzbomber {m}, Sturzkampfflugzeug, Stuka
diver {n} (someone who dives)
:: Taucher {m}, Taucherin {f} (underwater diver)
diver {n} (the loon (bird)) SEE: loon
diverge {v} (to run apart)
:: divergieren, auseinandergehen, auseinanderstreben, auseinanderlaufen
diverge {v} (to have no limit)
:: divergieren
divergence {n} (the degree of divergence)
:: Abweichung {f}
divergence {n} (mathematical operator)
:: Divergenz {f}
diverse {adj} (various)
:: mannigfaltig, divers
diverse {adj} (different)
:: verschieden, unterschiedlich
diversification {n} (act of diversifying)
:: Diversifikation {f}, Diversifizierung {f}
diversify {v} (To make diverse)
:: abwechslungsreich gestalten , diversifizieren
diversion {n} (tactic used to draw attention away from the real threat or action)
:: Ablenkung {f}, Ablenkungsmanöver {n}
diversion {n} (hobby; an activity that distracts the mind)
:: Unterhaltung {f}, Zerstreuung {f}, Ablenkung {f}, Hobby {n}, Zeitvertreib {m}
diversion {n} (act of diverting)
:: Umlenken {n}, Umleiten {n}, Abschweifen {n}, Abweichen {n}, Exkurs {m}
diversion {n} (removal of water via a canal)
:: Entwässerung {f}, Wasserableiten {n}, Abführen {n}, Ableiten {n}
diversion {n} (A detour, such as during road construction)
:: Umleitung {f}
diversion {n} (rerouting of cargo or passengers to a new transshipment point or destination)
:: Umleitung {f}
diversity {n} (quality of being diverse; difference)
:: Vielfältigkeit {f}, Mannigfaltigkeit {f}, Vielfalt {f}, Diversität {f}, Unterschiedlichkeit {f}
divert {v} (turn aside)
:: umlenken, umleiten
divert {v} (distract)
:: ablenken
divertimento {n} (eighteenth-century composition in several short movements)
:: Divertimento {m}
divest {v} (undress) SEE: undress
divest {v} (to strip, deprive, or dispossess of something)
:: berauben, entziehen
divestiture {n} (act of divesting) SEE: divestment
divestment {n} (sale of some kind of asset)
:: Desinvestition {f}, Desvestition {f}
divide {v} (split into two or more parts)
:: aufteilen, teilen, einteilen
divide {v} (divide up; share by dividing)
:: teilen
divide {v} (calculate quotient)
:: dividieren, teilen
divide {n} (thing that divides)
:: Trennlinie {f}, Abtrennung {f}
divide {n} (act of dividing)
:: Teilung {f}
divide {n} (distancing)
:: Kluft {f}, Graben {f}
divide {n} (large chasm, gorge or ravine between two areas of land)
:: Kluft {f}, Schlucht {f}, Graben {f}
divide {n} (topographical boundary dividing two adjacent catchment basins)
:: Wasserscheide {f}
divide and conquer {v} (Divide and conquer)
:: teile und herrsche
divide and rule {v} (Divide and conquer)
:: Teile und herrsche
divided {adj} (separated or split into pieces)
:: geteilt
dividend {n} (arithmetic: a number or expression)
:: Dividend {m}
dividend {n} (finance: a payment of money by a company to its shareholders)
:: Dividende {f}
divider {n} (object that separates)
:: Trennwand {f}, Teiler {m}
divination {n} (act of divining)
:: Wahrsagerei {f}, Wahrsagen {n}
divine {n} (a deity) SEE: deity
divine {adj} (of or pertaining to a god)
:: göttlich
divine {adj} (eternal, holy or otherwise godlike)
:: göttlich
divine {adj} (of superhuman or surpassing excellence)
:: göttlich
divine {adj} (beautiful, heavenly)
:: göttlich
divine {v} (foretell (something))
:: prophezeien
divine {v} (guess (something))
:: erraten, erahnen
Divine Providence {n} (the sovereignty of God over events)
:: göttliche Vorsehung {f}
diviner {n} (one who foretells the future)
:: Hellseher {m}, Hellseherin {f}, Wahrsager {m}, Wahrsagerin {f}
diviner {n} (one who searches for underground water)
:: Rutengänger {m}, Rutengängerin {f}, Wünschelrutengänger {m}, Wünschelrutengängerin {f}
divine service {n} (a service of public Christian worship)
:: Gottesdienst {m}
diving {n} (sport of jumping head first into water)
:: Wasserspringen {n}
diving {n} (practice of swimming underwater)
:: Tauchen {n}
diving bell {n} (airtight chamber used by divers)
:: Taucherglocke {f}
diving bell spider {n} (spider)
:: Wasserspinne {f}
diving board {n} (springboard) SEE: springboard
diving board {n} (diving platform) SEE: diving platform
diving header {n} (ball)
:: Flugkopfball {m}
diving mask {n} (mask worn while diving)
:: Tauchermaske {f}
diving petrel {n} (bird of the family Pelecanoididae)
:: Tauchsturmvogel {m}
diving platform {n} (structure used for competitive diving)
:: Sprungturm {m}
diving suit {n} (garment or apparatus worn by a diver for protection from the underwater environment)
:: Taucheranzug {m}
divining rod {n} (rod used for dowsing)
:: Wünschelrute {f}
divinity {n} (deity) SEE: deity
divinity {n} (godhood, state of being God or a god)
:: Gottheit {f} , Göttlichkeit {f}
divisibility {n} (property of being divisible)
:: Teilbarkeit {f}
divisible {adj} (capable of being divided)
:: teilbar, dividierbar
divisible {adj} (of an integer, that when divided leaves no remainder)
:: teilbar
divisim {adv} (formal: separately) SEE: separately
division {n} (act or process of dividing anything)
:: Teilung {f}
division {n} (each of the parts resulting from division)
:: Teil {m}
division {n} (arithmetic: process of dividing a number by another)
:: Division {f}
division {n} (large military unit)
:: Abteilung {f}, Division {f}
division sign {n} (Symbol)
:: Divisionszeichen {n}
divisive {adj} (having a quality that divides or separates)
:: spaltend, entzweiend, teilend
divisiveness {n} (the characteristic of being divisive)
:: Trennung, Teilung, Spaltung, Entzweiung, Uneinigkeit, Gespaltenheit
divisor {n} (arithmetic: a number or expression)
:: Divisor {m}
divorcé {n} (a divorced man)
:: Geschiedener {m}, geschiedener Mann {m}
divorce {n} (legal dissolution of a marriage)
:: Scheidung {f}, Ehescheidung {f}
divorce {v} (to legally dissolve a marriage)
:: scheiden
divorce {v} (to end one's own marriage)
:: sich scheiden lassen
divorce {v} (to obtain a legal divorce)
:: sich scheiden lassen
divorcée {n} (a divorced woman)
:: Geschiedene {f}
divorced {adj} (legally dissolved)
:: geschieden
divorced {adj} (having had one's marriage legally dissolved)
:: geschieden
divorcee {n} (a person divorced)
:: Geschiedener {m}, Geschiedene {f}
divot {n} (piece of turf)
:: Rasenstück {n}, Grassode {f}
divulge {v} (to make public)
:: verbreiten, bekanntmachen, enthüllen
divulge {v} (to indicate publicly; to proclaim)
:: ausplaudern, bekannt machen, bekanntgeben, enthüllen
divvy {v} (arithmetic: a number or expression)
:: Dividend {m}
divvy up {v} (divide) SEE: divide
Diwali {prop} (Hindu festival of lights)
:: Diwali
dizygotic {adj} (derived from two eggs that have been separately fertilized)
:: zweieiig, dizygot
dizziness {n} (state of being dizzy)
:: Schwindel {m}, Schwindelgefühl {n}, Schwindelanfall {m}, Benommenheit {f}, Benommenheitsgefühl {n}
dizzy {adj} (having a sensation of turning around)
:: schwindelig, schwindlig
dizzy {adj} (producing giddiness)
:: schwindelerregend
dizzying {adj} (tending to make one dizzy)
:: schwindelerregend
dizzyness {n} (dizziness) SEE: dizziness
djellaba {n} (robe worn by men in North Africa)
:: Dschellaba {f}
Djibouti {prop} (Republic of Djibouti)
:: Dschibuti
Djiboutian {n} (person)
:: Dschibutier {m}, Dschibutierin {f}
Djiboutian {adj} (pertaining to Djibouti)
:: dschibutisch
déjà vu {n} (something which one has or suspects to have seen or experienced before)
:: Déjà-vu-Erlebnis {n}
D major {n} (the major key with D as its tonic)
:: D-Dur {n}
D major {n} (the major chord with a root of D)
:: D-Dur {n}
D minor {n} (the minor key with D as its tonic)
:: d-Moll {n}
D minor {n} (the minor chord with a root of D)
:: d-Moll {n}
Dmitry {prop} (transliteration of Дмитрий)
:: Dmitri {m}
DNA {n} (abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid (see deoxyribonucleic acid for full forms))
:: DNS {f}, DNA {f}
Düne {prop} (island in Germany)
:: Düne {f}
Dnieper {prop} (river to the Black Sea)
:: Dnjepr {m}
Dniester {prop} (river in Europe)
:: Dnister {m}
Dönmeh {n} (Sabbatean crypto-Jews)
:: Dönme
dénouement {n} (the conclusion or resolution of a plot)
:: Auflösung {f}
do {v} (in questions)
:: Not used in German, tun
do {v} (in negations)
:: Not used in German
do {v} (for emphasis)
:: schon
do {v} (referring to an earlier verb (pro-verb))
:: Not used in German
do {v} (perform, execute)
:: tun, machen
do {v} (work, suffice)
:: reichen
do {v} (take drugs)
:: nehmen
doable {adj} (possible to do) SEE: feasible
dobbin {n} (old broken-down horse)
:: Schindmähre {f}, Mähre {f}, Klepper {m}
Dobermann {n} (large dog originating in Germany)
:: Dobermann {m}
dobra {n} (official currency of São Tomé and Príncipe)
:: Dobra
Dobruja {prop} (region)
:: Dobrudscha
do business {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate
docent {n} (teacher or lecturer in university)
:: Dozent {m}, Dozentin {f}
docile {adj} (yielding to control)
:: fügsam, gefügig, steuerbar, handhabbar, sanftmütig, gutmütig, unterwürfig
docile {adj} (accepting instructions)
:: fügsam, gefügig, gehorsam, folgsam, gelehrig
dock {v} (to cut off a section of an animal's tail)
:: kupieren
dock {n} (fixed structure to which a vessel is secured)
:: Dock {n}
dock {n} (body of water between two piers or wharves)
:: Dock {n}
docker {n} (dockworker) SEE: dockworker
docket {n} (short entry of the proceedings of a court)
:: Prozessregister {n}
docket {n} (schedule of cases in a court)
:: Prozessliste {f}
docking {n} (process of connecting one spacecraft to another)
:: Docking {n}
docking station {n} (piece of hardware)
:: Dockingstation {f}, Andockstation {f}
dockworker {n} (worker at a dock)
:: Hafenarbeiter {m}
dockyard {n} (ship repair place)
:: Werft {f}
doctor {n} (person who has attained a doctorate)
:: Doktor {m}, Doktorin {f}
doctor {v} (act as a medical doctor to)
:: verarzten
doctor {v} (award the title of doctor to)
:: doktorieren
doctor {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian
doctor {n} (medical doctor) SEE: physician
Doctor {n} (title of a doctor, used before the doctor's name)
:: Doktor {m}, Doktorin {f}, Dr. {m}
doctorand {n} (postgrad aiming at doctorate)
:: Doktorand {m}, Doktorandin {f}
doctorate {n} (highest degree awarded by a university faculty)
:: Doktorgrad {m}, Doktorat {n}, Doktortitel {m}
doctor's certificate {n} (medical certificate) SEE: medical certificate
doctrinaire {n} (person who stubbornly holds to a philosophy or opinion)
:: Prinzipienreiter {m}
doctrinaire {adj} (stubbornly holding on to an idea)
:: prinzipienreiterisch, doktrinär
doctrinal {adj} (of or relating to a doctrine)
:: doktrinal
doctrine {n} (belief)
:: Doktrin {f}
doctrine {n} (body of beliefs or teachings)
:: Lehre {f}, Doktrin {f}
document {n} (original or official paper)
:: Unterlagen {p}, Dokument {n}, Aktenstück {n}, Schriftstück {n}
document {v} (to record in documents)
:: dokumentieren
documentarian {n} (person whose profession is to create documentary films)
:: Dokumentarfilmer {m}, Dokumentarfilmerin {f}, Dokumentarist {m}, Dokumentaristin {f}
documentary {n} (programme or publication of fact)
:: Dokumentation {f}, Doku {f}
documentary {n} (documentary film)
:: Dokumentation {f}, Dokumentarfilm {m}
documentary hypothesis {prop} (literary-critical theory about the Penteteuch)
:: Urkundenhypothese {f}
documentation {n} (documents that explain the operation of a particular machine or software program)
:: Dokumentation {f}
document camera {n} (real-time image capture device)
:: Visualizer {m}, Document Camera {f}
docuseries {n} (a documentary presented as a series)
:: Doku-Serie {f}
docusoap {n} (form of reality television)
:: Doku-Soap {f}
dodder {v} (shake or tremble)
:: tattern
dodder {n} (parasitic plant (of about 100-170 species) of the genus Cuscuta)
:: Seide {f}, Teufelszwirn {m}
dodderer {n} (somebody who dodders)
:: Tattergreis {m} , Tattergreisin {m}
doddery {adj} (doddering, trembly, shaky)
:: tatterig
dodecagon {n} (geometry)
:: Dodekagon {n}, Zwölfeck {n}
dodecahedron {n} (a polyhedron with 12 faces)
:: Dodekaeder {m}, Zwölfflächner {m}
dodecane {n} (organic compound)
:: Dodecan {n}
Dodecanese {prop} (an island chain consisting of twelve main islands)
:: Dodekanes {m}
dodecaphonist {n} (proponent of dodecaphony)
:: Dodekaphonist {m}
dodecasyllabic {adj} (of twelve syllables)
:: zwölfsilbig
dodge {v} (to avoid by moving out of the way)
:: ausweichen, beiseite springen
dodge {v} (to avoid; to sidestep)
:: ausweichen, umgehen
dodgeball {n} (a sport)
:: Völkerball {m}
dodgem {n} (dodgem) SEE: bumper car
dodger {n} (one who dodges)
:: Umgeher {m}, Ausweicher {m}
dodger {n} (nautical: companionway cover in a sailboat)
:: Sprayhood {n}
dodgy {adj} (evasive and shifty)
:: ausweichend
dodgy {adj} (unsound and unreliable)
:: unzuverlässig
dodgy {adj} (dishonest)
:: unehrlich
dodgy {adj} (risky)
:: riskant, risikoreich
dodo {n} (Raphus cucullatus)
:: Dodo {m}, Dronte {m}, Doudo {m}, Dudu {m}
doe {n} (female deer)
:: Hirschkuh {f}, Hinde {f} , Hindin {f}
doe {n} (female fallow deer)
:: Damhirschkuh {f}
doe {n} (female roe deer)
:: Ricke {f}, Rehgeiß {f}
doe {n} (female hare)
:: Häsin {f}
doer {n} (Someone who does)
:: Macher {m}
does anyone here speak English {phrase} (does anyone here speak English?)
:: spricht hier jemand Englisch?
dog {n} (metal support for logs) SEE: andiron
dog {n} (slang: man) SEE: guy
dog {n} (hinged catch) SEE: pawl
dog {v} (to pursue with the intent to catch)
:: jagen, verfolgen, hetzen
dog {v} (to follow in an annoying way)
:: verfolgen, plagen, an den Fersen bleiben
dog {v} (to fasten a hatch securely)
:: befestigen, sichern, fixieren, festmachen
dog {n} (animal)
:: Hund {m}, Hündin {f}
dog {n} (male canine)
:: Rüde {m}
dog {n} (dull, unattractive girl or woman)
:: Schabracke {f}
dog {n} (morally reprehensible person, See also scoundrel)
:: Hund {m}, Schurke {m}, Schuft {m}
dogbane {n} (Apocynum)
:: Hundsgift {n}
dog biscuit {n} (a bard biscuit-based snack for dogs)
:: Hundekuchen {m}
dog cart {n} (cart drawn by a dog)
:: Hundewagen {m}
dogcatcher {n} (catcher of stray dogs)
:: Hundefänger {m}
dog collar {n} (collar for a dog)
:: Halsband {n}
dog days {n} (the days between early July and early September)
:: Hundstage {p}
doge {n} (chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa)
:: Doge {m}
dog-ear {n} (folded corner of a page)
:: Eselsohr {n} (donkey ear)
dogfight {n} (fight between dogs)
:: Hundekampf {m}
dogfight {n} (fight between military aircraft)
:: Luftkampf {m}
dogfish {n} (bowfin) SEE: bowfin
dogfish {n} (shark in family Scyliorhinidae) SEE: catshark
dog food {n} (food eaten by dogs)
:: Hundefutter {n}
dogged {adj} (stubbornly persevering, steadfast)
:: beharrlich, hartnäckig, stur, zäh, verbissen
doggerel {n} (comic or humorous verse)
:: Knittelvers {m}
doggy {n} (a dog, especially a small one)
:: Hündchen {n}, Hundchen, Zamperl {n}, Hündlein {n}
doggy {adj} (suggestive of or in the manner of a dog)
:: Hunde-
doggy style {n} (position for such intercourse)
:: Hündchenstellung {f}
doghouse {n} (kennel) SEE: kennel
doghouse bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass
dog in the manger {n} (one who denies to others something that he or she cannot use)
:: Neidhammel {m}
dog Latin {prop} (bad, erroneous Latin)
:: Küchenlatein {n}
dogless {adj} (without a dog)
:: hundlos
dogma {n} (authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion)
:: Dogma {n}
dogmatic {adj} (asserting beliefs in an arrogant way)
:: dogmatisch
dogmatist {n} (stubborn, assertive, opinionated person)
:: Dogmatiker {m}
dog meat {n} (dog eaten as meat)
:: Hundefleisch {n}, Hundchenfleisch {n}
do-gooder {n} (one who has a conviction of their own moral superiority)
:: Gutmensch {m}
do-goodism {n} (action of a do-gooder)
:: Gutmenschentum {n}, Weltverbesserei {f}
Dogrib {prop} (language)
:: Dogrib
dog rose {n} (the species Rosa canina)
:: Hundsrose {f}, Hagrose {f}, Heckenrose {f}
dogsbody {n} (Person who does menial work)
:: Handlanger {m}
dog shit {n} (deceitful statements, etc) SEE: bullshit
dog shit {n} (fecal matter produced by a dog)
:: Hundescheiße {f}, Hundescheisse {f}, Hundekacke {f}
dogshit {n} (dog excrement) SEE: dog shit
dogsit {v} (take care of a dog)
:: hundesitten
dogsitter {n} (one who takes care of dogs when the owner is absent)
:: Hundesitter {m}, Hundesitterin {f}
dogsled {n} (sled pulled by dogs)
:: Hundeschlitten {m}
dog's life {n} (miserable life)
:: Hundeleben {n}
Dog Star {prop} (Sirius) SEE: Sirius
dog tag {n} (disk attached to a dog's collar)
:: Hundemarke {f}
dog tag {n} (identification tag worn around the neck by military personnel)
:: Erkennungsmarke {f}
dog-tired {adj} (exhausted)
:: hundemüde
dogtooth grass {n} (any grass in the genus Cynodon)
:: Hundszahngräser
dogtooth tuna {n} (Gymnosarda unicolor)
:: Einfarben-Thun
dogwatch {n} (nautical: short watch)
:: Hudewache {f}
dogwood {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Cornus)
:: Hartriegel {m}
dogwood winter {n} (blackberry winter) SEE: blackberry winter
d'oh {interj} (expression of frustration)
:: (on the Simpsons:) nein; (otherwise also:) uh; hmm; or gasping up air audibly through one's mouth
Doha {prop} (capital of Qatar)
:: Doha {n}
do ill {v} (to harm, to injure) SEE: harm
doily {n} (ornamental piece)
:: Deckchen {n}
doing {n} (a deed or action)
:: Tun {n}
do-it-yourselfer {n} (a practitioner of do it yourself)
:: Heimwerker {m}
do justice {v} (allow to be apprehended in its full scope)
:: gerecht werden
dolce far niente {n} (enjoyment of idleness)
:: Dolcefarniente {n}, Nichtstun {n}, Muße {f}
dolce vita {n} (life of self-indulgence and luxury)
:: Dolce Vita {f} {n}
doldrum {adj} (boring, uninteresting) SEE: boring
doldrums {n} (state of apathy or lack of interest)
:: Trübsal {f}, trübselige Stimmung {f}, Trübsinn {m}, Lustlosigkeit {f}, Flautenstimmung {f}, Flaute {f}
doldrums {n} (part of the ocean near the equator)
:: Kalmengürtel {m}, Innertropische Konvergenzzone {f}
doleful {adj} (evoking sadness)
:: traurig, trübsinnig
dolichocephaly {n} (quality or condition of being dolichocephalic)
:: Dolichocephalie {f}
doline {n} (any sinkhole) SEE: sinkhole
doline {n} (depression in karstic terrain)
:: Doline {f}
doll {n} (a toy in the form of a human)
:: Puppe {f}
dollar {n} (designation for specific currency)
:: Dollar {m}
dollar sign {n} (punctuation symbol $)
:: Dollarzeichen {n}
dollhouse {n} (miniature house for dolls) SEE: doll's house
dollop {n} (considerable lump)
:: Klumpen {m}, Klacks {m}
doll's house {n} (miniature house for dolls)
:: Puppenstube {f}, Puppenhaus {n}
dolly {n} (doll) SEE: doll
dolma {n} (any of a family of stuffed vegetable dishes)
:: Dolma {n}
dolmen {n} (tomb consisting of a capstone supported by two or more upright stones)
:: Dolmen {m}, Hünenbett {n}, Hünengrab {n}, Hünenstein {m}
dolomite {n} (mineral)
:: Dolomit {m}
Dolomites {prop} (section of the Alps)
:: Dolomiten {p}
dolor {n} (sorrow)
:: Schmerz {m}
dolostone {n} (rock made mainly of dolomite)
:: Dolomitstein {m}
dolphin {n} (aquatic mammal)
:: Delphin {m}, Delfin {m}
dolphin {n} (maritime structure)
:: Dalbe {f}
dolphinarium {n}
:: Delfinarium {n}, Delphinarium {n}
dolt {n} (A stupid person; a blockhead or dullard)
:: Blödmann {m}, Tölpel {m}, Trottel {m}, Dummkopf {m}, Tölpel {m}, Depp {m}
domain {n} (geographic area owned or controlled by a single person or organization)
:: Domäne {f}, Gebiet {n}, Bezirk {m}
domain {n} (a field or sphere of activity, influence or expertise)
:: Domäne {f}, Gebiet {n}, Bereich {m}
domain {n} (group of related items)
:: Gebiet {n}, Bereich {m}
domain {n} ((mathematics) the set on which a function is defined)
:: Definitionsbereich {m}, Definitionsmenge {f}
domain {n} (DNS domain name)
:: Domain {f}, Domäne {f}
domain {n} (collection of DNS domain names)
:: Domains {f-p}, Domänen {f-p}
domain {n} (collection of information)
:: Domain {f}, Domäne {f}, Wissensgebiet {n}
domain {n} (collection of computers)
:: Domain {f}, Domäne {f}
domain {n} ((taxonomy) highest-level grouping of organisms)
:: Domäne {f}, Bereich {f}
domain of discourse {n} (in formal logic)
:: Diskursuniversum {n}
domain-specific {adj}
:: domänenspezifisch
domain-specific language {n}
:: domänenspezifische Sprache {f}
dome {n} (architectural element)
:: Kuppel {f}, Schild {m}
Dome of the Rock {prop} (shrine in Jerusalem)
:: Felsendom
domestic {adj} (of or relating to the home)
:: häuslich, Haus-
domestic {adj} (of or relating to activities normally associated with the home, wherever they actually occur)
:: häuslich, Haus-
domestic {adj} ((of a domesticated animal) kept by someone)
:: Haus-
domestic {adj} (internal to a specific country)
:: national, staatlich, innerstaatlich
domestic {n} (house servant; a maid)
:: Domestik {m}, Domestike {m}, Domestikin {f}
domesticate {v} ((transitive) to adapt to live with humans)
:: domestizieren
domesticate {v} ((intransitive) to adapt to live with humans)
:: domestizieren
domestication {n} (The act of domesticating the action of taming)
:: Domestizierung {f}
domestic cat {n} (a domesticated cat)
:: Hauskatze {f}, Hauskater {m}, Hauskätzin {f}
domestic debt {n} (debt owed to creditors resident in the same country as debtor)
:: Inlandsschuld {f}, Inlandsverschuldung {f}
domestic policy {n} (government's policy)
:: Innenpolitik {f}
domestic sheep {n} (Ovis aries)
:: Hausschaf {n}
domestic violence {n} (violence committed in a domestic setting)
:: häusliche Gewalt {f}
domestique {n} (rider who assists)
:: Domestik {m}
domicile {n} (home or residence)
:: Domizil {n}
dominance {n} (state of being dominant)
:: Dominanz {f}
dominance {n} (being in a position over others)
:: Herrschaft {f}
dominant {adj} (ruling, governing)
:: dominant
dominate {v} (to govern, rule or control by superior authority or power)
:: dominieren
dominatrix {n} (A dominant female in sadomasochistic practices)
:: Domina {f}
Dominic {prop} (male given name)
:: Dominik {m}
Dominica {prop} (Commonwealth of Dominica)
:: Dominica {n}
dominical {adj} (of or pertaining to Sunday)
:: sonntäglich
Dominican {n} (person from Dominican Republic)
:: Dominikaner {m}, Dominikanerin {f}
Dominican {n} (person from Dominica)
:: Dominicaner {m}, Dominicanerin {f}
Dominican {n} (member of religious order)
:: Dominikaner {m}, Dominikanerin {f}
Dominican {adj} (from the Dominican Republic)
:: dominikanisch
Dominican {adj} (from Dominica)
:: dominicanisch
Dominican {adj} (of or belonging to the religious order)
:: dominikanisch, Dominikaner-
Dominican Republic {prop} (country in the Caribbean)
:: Dominikanische Republik {f}
dominion {n} (power or the use of power; sovereignty over something)
:: Herrschaft {f}, Oberherrschaft {f}, Vorherrschaft {f}
dominion {n} (a kingdom, nation, or other sphere of influence)
:: Herrschaftsgebiet {n}, Machtgebiet {n}, Einflussbereich {m}, Dominion {n}
domino effect {n} (chain of events)
:: Dominoeffekt {m}
domino effect {n} (theory of encroaching communism)
:: Dominoeffekt {m}
dominoes {n} (game)
:: Domino {f}
Domodedovo {prop} (airport in Russia)
:: Domodedowo {n}
don {v} (put on clothes)
:: anziehen
don {n} (professor) SEE: professor
Don {prop} (River in European Russia)
:: Don {m}
Donald {prop} (male given name)
:: Donald {m}
Donald Duck {prop} (Disney character)
:: Donald Duck {m}
Donaldism {n} (Disney fan culture)
:: Donaldismus {m}
donate {v} (to give away something of value)
:: spenden, stiften, schenken
donation {n} (a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause)
:: Abgabe {f}, Spende {f}
Donatism {n} (Christian belief)
:: Donatismus {m}
donator {n} (one who donates)
:: Spender {m}
Donbas {prop} (An industrial region in eastern Ukraine.)
:: Donezbecken {n}
Donbass {prop} (Donbas) SEE: Donbas
done {adj} ((of food) ready, fully cooked)
:: gar, fertig
done {adj} (In a state of having completed or finished an activity)
:: fertig
Donegal {prop} (county in Ireland)
:: Donegal {n}
doner kebab {n} (Turkish dish of grilled meat served with pita)
:: Döner {m}, Döner Kebab {m}
Donetsk {prop} (city)
:: Donezk {n}
Donetsk People's Republic {prop} (secessionist state)
:: Volksrepublik Donezk {f}
dong {n} (currency)
:: Đồng {m}
donga {n} (a dry, eroded watercourse)
:: Donga {f}
dongle {n} (A hardware device utilized by a specific application for purposes of copy protection)
:: Dongle {m} {n}, Kopierschutzstecker {m}
dongle {n} (Any short wired connector)
:: Adapter {m}
donjon {n} (fortified tower) SEE: keep
Don Juan {n} (a man who obsessively seduces women; a philanderer)
:: Don Juan {m}
donkey {n} (a domestic animal, see also: ass)
:: Esel {m}; Grauchen {n} , Grautier {n}
donkey {n} (a stubborn person)
:: Esel {m}
donkey {n} (a fool)
:: Esel {m}
Donohue syndrome {n} (rare genetic disorder)
:: Leprechaunismus {m}
donor {n} (one who donates)
:: Schenker {m}
do not disturb {phrase} (do not disturb)
:: nicht stören, bitte nicht stören
do not enter {phrase} (do not enter)
:: nicht eintreten, Eintritt verboten
Don Quixote {prop} (the protagonist of a famous Spanish novel)
:: Don Quijote {m}
don't {v} (do not)
:: imperative + nicht, nicht + infinitive
don't count your chickens before they're hatched {proverb} (don't count on things if you don't have them yet)
:: mach keine Milchmädchenrechnung auf (don't calculate like the milkmaid) ; man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben (don't call it a good day before the evening) , Man soll das Fell des Bären nicht verteilen, bevor er erlegt ist.
don't let the door hit you on the way out {phrase} (good riddance) SEE: good riddance
don't look a gift horse in the mouth {proverb} (a phrase referring to unappreciatively questioning of a gift or handout too closely)
:: einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul, einem geschenkten Gaul sieht man nicht ins Maul, einem geschenkten Gaul guckt man nicht ins Maul
don't mention it {phrase} (it is too trivial to warrant thanks)
:: nichts zu danken, keine Ursache
don't mind if I do {phrase} (used to express acceptance of something offered to the speaker)
:: sehr gerne!
don't worry {phrase} (indicates to the interlocutor not to worry about something)
:: machen Sie sich keine Sorgen , mach dir keine Sorgen
donut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough) SEE: doughnut
doodad {n} (thingy) SEE: thingy
doodah {n} (thingy) SEE: thingy
doodle {n} (small mindless sketch)
:: Gekritzel {n}, Kritzelei {f}
doodle {n} (penis)
:: Penis {m}, Schwanz {m}
doodle {v} (to draw or scribble aimlessly)
:: kritzeln
doofer {n} (remote control for a television) SEE: remote control
doofer {n} (object the name of which the speaker or writer cannot remember or does not know) SEE: thingy
doohickey {n} (a thing)
:: Dingsbums, Dingsda
doom {n} (death)
:: Untergang {m}
doom {n} (feeling of danger)
:: drohendes Unheil {n}
doom {v} (to condemn)
:: verurteilen
doom {n} (Last Judgment) SEE: Last Judgment
doomed {adj} (certain to suffer death, failure, or a similarly negative outcome)
:: verurteilt
doomsayer {n} (one who predicts doom)
:: Apokalyptiker {m}, Untergangsprophet {m}
doomsday {n} (day when God is expected to judge the world)
:: Tag des jüngsten Gerichts {m}
doomsday {n} (any day of decisive judgement)
:: Tag des jüngsten Gerichts
doona {n} (Padded blanket)
:: Bettdecke {f}, Steppdecke {f}, Deckbett {n}
do one {v} (go away)
:: abhauen
door {n} (portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle)
:: Tür {f}, Türen {p}, Türe {f}
doorbell {n} (device on or adjacent to an outer door for announcing one's presence)
:: Türklingel {f}, Klingel {f}, Türglocke {f}, Hausglocke {f}
door chain {n} (a device that allows a door to be partially opened from the inside)
:: Türkette {f}, Türkette {f}
door frame {n} (frame into which a door is fitted)
:: Türrahmen {m}
door handle {n} (mechanism used to open or close a door)
:: Klinke {f}, Türklinke {f}, Türknauf {m}
doorhandle {n} (door handle) SEE: door handle
doorkeeper {n} (person in charge of an entryway)
:: Portier {m}, Concierge {m} {f}
doorknob {n} (circular device attached to a door, the rotation of which permits the unlatching of a door)
:: Türknauf {m}, Türknopf {m}, Türklinke {f}
doorknocker {n} (door knocker)
:: Türklopfer {m}, Klopfer {m}
doorless {adj} (doorless)
:: türlos
doorman {n} (man who holds open the door at the entrance to a building)
:: Pförtner {m}
doormat {n} (coarse mat that appears at the entrance to a house)
:: Fußmatte {f}, Fußabstreifer {m}
doorstep {n} (threshold of a doorway)
:: Eingangsstufe {f}, Türschwelle {f}
door to door {adv} (from one household or business to the next)
:: von Tür zu Tür
door to door {adv} (from ultimate origin to ultimate destination)
:: von Tür zu Tür
door-to-door {adj} (going from house to house)
:: Tür-zu-Tür
doorway {n} (passage of a door)
:: Türöffnung {f}
do over {v} (to beat up) SEE: beat up
dopamine {n} (the neurotransmitter)
:: Dopamin {n}
dope {n} (slang: any illicit drug)
:: Stoff {m}
dope {v} (slang: affect with drugs)
:: dopen
dope {v} (electronics: add a dopant to)
:: dotieren
dope fiend {n} (drug addict) SEE: drug addict
doping {n} (use of drugs to improve athletic performance)
:: Doping {n}
doping {n} (addition of small quantities of an element to a semiconductor)
:: Dotierung {f}
doppelbock {n} (beer)
:: Doppelbock {m} {n}
doppelganger {n} (ghostly double of a living person)
:: Doppelgänger {m}
doppelganger {n} (remarkably similar double)
:: Doppelgänger {m}
Doppler effect {n} (change in frequency or wavelength)
:: Dopplereffekt {m}, Doppler-Effekt {m}
Dorado {prop} (a particular constellation)
:: Schwertfisch {m}
dorcas gazelle {n} (Gazella dorcas)
:: Dorkasgazelle {f}
Doric {prop} (Greek dialect)
:: Dorisch {n}, Dorismus {m}
dork {n} (a quirky, silly, and/or stupid socially inept person, or one who is out of touch with contemporary trends)
:: Trottel {m}, Depp {m}, Idiot {m}
dork {n} (vulgar, slang: penis)
:: Pimmel {m}, Rute {f}, Schwanz {m}
dorm {n} (room)
:: Schlafsaal {m}
dorm {n} (state)
:: Ruhezustand {m}
dormant {adj} (inactive, asleep, suspended)
:: schlafend, inaktiv
dormant volcano {n} (inactive volcano that may return active)
:: ruhender Vulkan {m}
dormer {n} (dormer-window) SEE: dormer-window
dormer {n} (roofed projection)
:: Dachgaube {f}
dormer-window {n} (upright window in a roof)
:: Gaube {f}, Gaubenfenster {n}, Gaupe {f}, Gaupenfenster {n}, Dachgaubenfenster {n}
dormitory {n} (room for sleeping)
:: Schlafsaal {m}, Dormitorium {n}
dormitory {n} (building or part thereof)
:: Studentenwohnheim {n}, Studentenheim {n}, Wohnheim {n}, Heim {n}, Dormitorium {n}
dormitory town {n} (bedroom community) SEE: bedroom community
dormouse {n} (rodent)
:: Bilch {m}, Schläfer {m}, Schlafmaus {f}, Siebenschläfer {m}
dormouse {n} (A person who sleeps a great deal)
:: Siebenschläfer, Schlafmütze {m}
Dorothea {prop} (female given name) SEE: Dorothy
Dorothy {prop} (female given name)
:: Dorothea {f}
Dorpat {prop} (former name of Tartu, see also: Tartu)
:: Dorpat
dorsal {adj} (relating to the side in which the backbone is located)
:: Rücken-
dorsal {adj}
:: dorsal
dorsal fin {n} (fin on a marine animal's back)
:: Rückenflosse {f}, Finne {f}
dorsum {n} (astrogeology)
:: Dorsum {m}
dorsum {n} (back of an animal)
:: Dorsum {m} , Rücken {m}
dorsum {n} (back of the tongue)
:: Dorsum linguae , Dorsum , Zungenrücken
Dortmund {prop} (a city in western Germany)
:: Dortmund {n}
dosage {n} (medication)
:: Dosierung {f}
dose {n} (measured portion of medicine)
:: Dosis {f}
dose {n} (quantity of an agent administered at any one time)
:: Dosis {f}
dose {v} (to administer a dose)
:: dosieren
dose {v} (to prescribe a dose)
:: dosieren
dosimeter {n} (device used to measure a dose)
:: Dosimeter {m}
dosing {n} (1. The administration of a dose)
:: Dosierung {f}
doss-house {n} (sleeping-place for the homeless)
:: Absteige {f}, Penne {f}
dossier {n} (a collection of papers and/or other sources)
:: Dossier {n}, Akte {f}
dot {n} (small spot or mark)
:: Punkt {m}
dot {n} (punctuation mark)
:: Punkt {m}
dot {n} (decimal point)
:: Punkt {m}
dot {n} (morse code symbol)
:: Punkt {m}
dot {n} (dot in URL's or email addresses)
:: Punkt {m}
dotage {n} (senility)
:: Senilität {f}, Altersschwäche {f}
dot-com bubble {n}
:: Dotcom-Blase {f}
dote {v} (to be foolishly fond of)
:: schwärmen, vernarrt sein (in jemanden), einen Narren fressen (an etwas), verhätscheln
dote {n} (darling, cutie)
:: Liebling {m}, Schatz {m}, Schätzchen {n}
do the dishes {v} (to wash up dishes)
:: abwaschen, spülen
do the laundry {v} (to wash the laundry)
:: die Wäsche machen, waschen
do time {v} (colloquial: to spend time in prison)
:: sitzen, einsitzen
dot matrix {n} (two-dimensional array or pattern of dots)
:: Punktmatrix
dot matrix printer {n} (type of printer)
:: Nadeldrucker {m}, Matrixdrucker {m}
dot product {n} (scalar product) SEE: scalar product
dotted {adj} ((of a line) made up of a series of dots)
:: gepunktet
dotted line {n} (a line made up of dots or dashes)
:: gepunktete Linie {f}
dot the i's and cross the t's {v} (Take care of every detail)
:: das i-Tüpfelchen setzen
Douala {prop} (city in Cameroon)
:: Douala, Duala
double {adj} (made up of two matching or complementary elements)
:: doppelt
double {adj} (twice the quantity)
:: doppelt
double {adj} (Designed for two users)
:: doppel-
double {adj} (folded in two; composed of two layers)
:: doppellagig, zweilagig
double {adj} (having two aspects; ambiguous)
:: doppelt
double {adj} (false, deceitful, or hypocritical)
:: doppel-
double {adj} (of flowers, having more than the normal number of petals)
:: gefüllt
double {adj} (in music, of an instrument, sounding an octave lower)
:: kontra-
double {n} (twice the number or size etc)
:: Doppelte {n}
double {n} (a person resembling or standing for another)
:: Doppelgänger {m}, Double {n}
double {n} (a drink with double amount of alcohol)
:: Doppelter {m}
double {v} (to multiply by two)
:: verdoppeln, doppeln, verzweifachen
double {v} (to fold over so as to make two folds)
:: verdoppeln
double {v} (to clench)
:: ballen
double {v} (to serve two roles)
:: doubeln
double {v} (bridge: to make a call that will double certain scoring points)
:: kontrieren
double {v} (to act as substitute)
:: doubeln
double {v} (to go at twice the normal speed)
:: doppeln
double agent {n} (spy)
:: Doppelagent {m}, Doppelagentin {f}
double-barrelled shotgun {n} (type of shot-firing gun)
:: Doppelflinte {f}, doppelläufige Schrotflinte {f}
double barrel vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults) SEE: groin vault
double bass {n} (largest instrument of violin family)
:: Kontrabass {m}
double bed {n} (a bed designed for two adults)
:: Doppelbett {n}
double bridle {n} (bridle)
:: Kandarenzaum, Stangenzaum
double-check {v} (to check again)
:: gegenchecken
double chin {n} (a layer of fat under the chin)
:: Doppelkinn {n}
double-click {n} (action or event of pushing mouse-button twice)
:: Doppelklick {m}
double-click {v} (to push a mouse-button twice)
:: doppelklicken
double-cross {v} (to betray or go back on)
:: hintergehen, aufs Kreuz legen, ein Doppelspiel treiben mit
double-decker {n} (bus with two decks)
:: Doppeldecker {m}
double-decker bus {n} (bus that has two levels of seating)
:: Doppeldecker {m}, Doppeldeckerbus {m}, Doppelstockbus {m}
double-digit {adj} (between 10 and 99 inclusive)
:: zweistellig
double doors {n} (a set of two adjoining doors that can be opened independently)
:: Doppeltüren {f-p}
double down {v} (gambling)
:: verdoppeln
double Dutch {n} (incomprehensible language)
:: Kauderwelsch {n}
double-edged {adj} (a blade that is sharp on both edges)
:: zweischneidig
double-edged {adj} (figuratively: possibly dangerous, ambiguous)
:: zweischneidig
double-edged sword {n} (idiomatic)
:: zweischneidiges Schwert {n}
double English {n} (22-point type)
:: Roman
double entendre {n} (phrase with two meanings)
:: Doppeldeutigkeit {f}, Zweideutigkeit {f}
double fault {n} (missing of both the first serve and second serve)
:: Doppelfehler {m}
double great primer {n}
:: Canon
double jeopardy {n} (trying someone twice for the same offense)
:: nicht zweimal in derselben Sache, Doppelbestrafung {f}
double life {n} (existence or life that has two aspects, particularly when one of them is regarded as embarrassing, immoral, or unlawful and thus kept hidden from a person's family, friends, and work colleagues)
:: Doppelleben {n}
double negative {n} (phrase in which there are two negative words)
:: doppelte Verneinung
double-park {v} (to park a car next to a car already parked on the side of a street)
:: in zweiter Reihe parken
double penetration {n} (The simultaneous penetration of one or more orifices of one person by two other people)
:: Doppelpenetration {f}, Doppeldecker {m}
double pica {n} (22-point type)
:: Text, Secunda
double pica {n} (24-point type)
:: Doppelcicero
double reed {n} (a pair of reeds in wind instruments)
:: Doppelrohrblatt
double room {n} (hotel room with two beds or one double bed)
:: Doppelzimmer {n}
double sheet bend {n} (knot)
:: Doppelte Schotstek {m}
double standard {n} (the situation of groups one of which is excused from following a standard)
:: Doppelmoral {f} (double moral); Messen mit zweierlei Maß {n} (measuring with two kinds of measures), zweierlei Maß {n}
double star {n} (double star)
:: Doppelstern {m}
doublet {n} (pair of cognates in a language)
:: Dublette {f}, Scheideform {f}
double take {n} (reaction to surprising sight)
:: zweimal hinsehen müssen (to have to look twice)
doublethink {n} (The power of holding two contradictory beliefs)
:: Doppeldenk {n}
double-track {adj} (railways: having a pair of tracks in order to allow trains to pass in opposite directions)
:: zweigleisig
double-u {n} (name of the letter W, w)
:: We {n}
doubloon {n} (former Spanish gold coin)
:: Dublone {f}, Duplone {f}
doubly {adv} (in a double manner)
:: doppelt
doubt {v} (to lack confidence in)
:: bezweifeln, zweifeln
doubt {n} (disbelief or uncertainty (about something))
:: Zweifel {m}
doubtful {adj} (subject to, or causing doubt)
:: zweifelhaft
doubtful {adj} (experiencing or showing doubt)
:: zweifelnd
doubtful {adj} (undecided or of uncertain outcome)
:: zweifelhaft
doubtful {adj} (improbable or unlikely)
:: zweifelhaft
doubtful {adj} (suspicious, or of dubious character)
:: zweifelhaft
doubting Thomas {n} (one who requires proof)
:: ungläubiger Thomas {m}
doubtless {adj} (characterized by no doubt)
:: zweifelsfrei, zweifellos
doubtless {adv} (without question)
:: zweifellos
doubtlessly {adv} (doubtless) SEE: doubtless
douche {n} (a jet or current of water or vapour directed upon some part of the body to benefit it medicinally)
:: Dusche {f}
douche {v} (to use a douche)
:: spülen
douche {n} (jerk, idiot) SEE: douchebag
douchebag {n} (slang: jerk, idiot)
:: Idiot {m}, Arschloch {n}, Scheißkerl {m}, Widerling {m}, Penner {m}
dough {n} (mix of flour and other ingredients)
:: Teig {m}
dough {n} (money (slang))
:: Knete {f}
doughlike {adj} (resembling dough)
:: teigartig
doughnut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough or batter)
:: Krapfen {f} (ellipsoidal), Donut {m}, Berliner {m}, Pfannkuchen {m}
doughnut {n} (tire)
:: Reifen {m}
doughy {adj} (Having the characteristics of dough)
:: teigig, teigartig
doula {n} (support person)
:: Doula {f}
do unto others as you would have them do unto you {proverb} (One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself)
:: behandle andere so, wie du von ihnen behandelt werden willst
dour {adj} (stern, harsh and forbidding)
:: mürrisch, rau, verdrießlich, griesgrämig, unwirsch, abweisend
dour {adj} (unyielding and obstinate)
:: unnachgiebig, halsstarrig, starrköpfig , störrisch
dour {adj} (expressing gloom or melancholy)
:: düster, dumpf, trist
Douro {prop} (river in northern Portugal and Spain)
:: Douro {m}, Duero {m}
douroucouli {n} (monkey of genus Aotus)
:: Nachtaffe {m}
dove {n} (bird of the family Columbidae)
:: Taube {f}
dove {n} (politics: person favouring conciliation)
:: Taube {f}
dove {n} (term of endearment)
:: Täubchen {n}
dovecot {n} (dovecote) SEE: dovecote
dovecote {n} (house or box in which domestic pigeons breed)
:: Taubenhaus {n}
dovehouse {n} (dovecote) SEE: dovecote
Dover {prop} (port in Kent, England)
:: Dover
dove's-foot {n} (columbine) SEE: columbine
dovetail {n} (woodworking)
:: Verzahnung {f}, Schwalbenschwanzverbindung {f}
dovetail {v} (fit together well (ditransitive))
:: einpassen
dovetail {v} (fit together well (transitive))
:: aufeinander abgestimmt sein, aufeinander verzahnt sein, sich nahtlos zusammenfügen, haargenau zu (etwas) passen
dowager {n} (widow)
:: Witwe von Stand {f}
dowager {n} (lady of dignified bearing)
:: Matrone {f}
dowdy {adj} (plain and unfashionable in style or dress)
:: schäbig, unelegant
dowdy {adj} (lacking stylishness or neatness; shabby)
:: abgetragen, schäbig
dowel {n} (a pin fitting into holes, partly in one piece and partly in the other to keep them in their position)
:: Dübel {m}
dowel {n} (piece of wood fitted into a surface)
:: Dübel {m}; Dübel {m}
dower {n} (part of deceased's property)
:: Leibzucht, Leibgedinge {n}
dower {n} (property given to wife at marriage)
:: Wittum {n}
down {adv} (from a high to a low position, downwards)
:: runter, herunter
down {adv} (in a lower position)
:: unten
down {prep} (from one end to another)
:: ab
down {adj} (depressed)
:: down
down {adj} (sick or ill)
:: krank
down {adj} (on a lower level than before)
:: unten
down {v} (to drink or swallow)
:: exen, runterkippen, drinken, schlucken
down {v} (to pot a ball)
:: versenken
down {v} (to drop)
:: fallen lassen
down {n} (hill, rolling grassland)
:: Hügel {m}
down {n} (soft, immature feathers)
:: Daune {f}
down and out {adj} (in a condition of poverty or debility)
:: heruntergekommen
downbeat {adj} (sad)
:: pessimistisch
down bow {n}
:: Abstrich {m}
downcast {adj} (looking downwards)
:: niedergeschlagen
downcast {adj} (feeling despondent)
:: niedergeschlagen, geknickt, entmutigt
downer {n} (drug)
:: Downer {m}
downfall {n} (precipitous decline in fortune; death or rapid deterioration, as in status or wealth)
:: Niedergang {m}, Untergang {m}, Verfall {m}
downfall {n} (cause of such a fall; a critical blow or error)
:: Ruin {m}
downgrade {v} (To place lower in position)
:: herabstufen, herunterstufen
downhearted {adj} (sad or discouraged)
:: niedergeschlagen
downhill {adj} (easy) SEE: easy
downhill {adv} (down a slope)
:: bergab
downhill {n} (discipline of alpine skiing)
:: Abfahrt {f}
downhill {n} (alpine skiing) SEE: alpine skiing
downhiller {n} (skier)
:: Abfahrer {m}, Abfahrtsläufer {m}
downing {n} (defeat) SEE: defeat
down in the mouth {adj} (sad)
:: den Kopf hängen lassen
download {n} (file transfer to the local computer)
:: Download {m}, Herunterladen {n}
download {v} (to transfer data from a remote computer to a local one)
:: herunterladen, downloaden
downloadable {adj} (capable of being downloaded)
:: downloadbar
down payment {n} (payment representing a fraction of the price)
:: Anzahlung {f}
downplay {v} (to de-emphasize; to present or portray something as less important or consequential)
:: herunterspielen, verharmlosen, kleinreden, bagatellisieren
downpour {n} (heavy rain)
:: Regenguss {m}
downright {adv} (really; actually; quite; thoroughly; utterly)
:: geradezu
downshift {v} (shift a transmission into a lower gear)
:: herunterschalten
downside {n} (disadvantageous aspect of something that is normally advantageous)
:: Kehrseite {f}, Nachteil {m}, Schattenseite {f}
downside {n} (downward tendency)
:: Abwärtsbewegung {f}, Abwärtstrend {m}, Abschwächung {f}
downsizing {n} (reducing engine's capacity at same power or increasing engine's power without increasing capacity)
:: Downsizing {n}
downspout {n} (vertical pipe or conduit)
:: Fallrohr
Down's syndrome {prop} (condition caused by chromosomal deficiency) SEE: Down syndrome
downstairs {adv} (downstairs (adverb))
:: unten, treppab, treppabwärts, nach unten
downstate {n} (southern section of a state)
:: südliche Hälfte (des US-Bundesstaates), südlicher Teil (des US-Bundesstaates)
downstream {adj} (lower down, in relation to a river or stream)
:: stromabwärts
downstream {adv} (Following the path of a river or stream)
:: flussabwärts
Down syndrome {prop} (condition caused by chromosomal deficiency)
:: Downsyndrom {n} / Down-Syndrom {n}, Mongolismus {m}
down the line {prep} (further along) SEE: down the track
down the road {prep} (further along) SEE: down the track
down the track {prep} (further along, in terms of time or progress)
:: am Ende, in der Zukunft , später einmal, in der weiteren Entwicklung, im weiteren Verlauf, in der Folge, später
downtime {n} (amount of time lost)
:: Ausfallzeit {f}, Downtime {f}
down-to-earth {adj} (practical; realistic)
:: bodenständig
downtown {n} (either the lower, or the business center of a city or town)
:: Stadtmitte {f}, Innenstadt {f}, Stadtzentrum {n}, Zentrum {n}
downtrodden {adj} (oppressed, persecuted or subjugated)
:: unterdrückt
downturn {n} (a downward trend, or the beginnings of one)
:: Abschwung {m}, Rückgang {m}
downward {adv} (toward a lower level)
:: abwärts, nach unten, runter
downward {adj} (moving down)
:: nach unten gehend, absteigend, niedersinkend , Abwärts-
downwards {adv} (towards a lower place)
:: abwärts, nach unten
downwind {adv} (in the same direction as the wind is blowing)
:: vor dem Wind, mit dem Wind, in Windrichtung, windabgewandt, windabwärts, unter dem Winde
down with {interj} (away with)
:: nieder mit
downy {adj} (having down)
:: flaumig
dowry {n} (property or payment given at time of marriage)
:: Aussteuer {f}; Mitgift {f}, Brautschatz {m}
dowser {n} (one who uses the dowser or divining rod)
:: Rutengänger {m}, Rutengängerin {f}, Wünschelrutengänger {m}, Wünschelrutengängerin {f}, Wünschelrutengeher {m}, Wünschelrutengeherin {f}, Rhabdomant {m}, Rhabdomantin {f}
dowser {n} (divining rod) SEE: divining rod
dowsing {n} (water-seeking practice)
:: Wünschelrutengehen {n}
doxology {n} (expression of praise to God, especially a short hymn)
:: Doxologie {f}
doxx {v} (publish personal information (of an individual) on the Internet)
:: doxen
doyen {n} (the senior member)
:: Altmeister {m}
do you accept American dollars {phrase} (do you accept American dollars?)
:: akzeptieren Sie US-Dollar?
do you accept credit cards {phrase} (do you accept credit cards?)
:: akzeptieren Sie Kreditkarten?, nehmen Sie Kreditkarten?
do you believe in God {phrase} (do you believe in God?)
:: glauben Sie an Gott?, glaubst du an Gott?
do you come here often {phrase} (do you come here often?)
:: kommen Sie oft hierher?
do you have a boyfriend {phrase} (do you have a boyfriend?)
:: hast du einen festen Freund?
do you have a girlfriend {phrase} (do you have a girlfriend?)
:: hast du eine (feste) Freundin?
do you have a menu in English {phrase} (phrase)
:: haben Sie ein Menü auf Englisch?
do you have any brothers or sisters {phrase} (do you have any siblings?)
:: haben Sie Geschwister?, hast du Geschwister?
do you have any pets {phrase} (do you have pets?)
:: haben Sie Haustiere?
do you have children {phrase} (do you have children?)
:: haben Sie Kinder?, hast du Kinder?
do you have Wi-Fi {phrase} (do you have Wi-Fi?)
:: Haben Sie WLAN?
do you know {phrase} (do you know? (of knowledge))
:: wissen Sie?, weißt du? , wißt ihr?
do you need help {phrase} (Do you need help?)
:: brauchen Sie Hilfe?, brauchst du Hilfe?
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak English? (English specifically))
:: sprichst du Englisch?, sprecht ihr Englisch?, sprechen Sie Englisch?
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak...? (fill with the name of the current foreign language))
:: sprichst du Deutsch? sprechen Sie Deutsch?
doze {v} (to sleep lightly or briefly)
:: dösen
dozen {n} (twelve)
:: Dutzend {n}
dozen {n} (dozens: a large number)
:: Dutzende (of: von)
doze off {v} (fall asleep unintentionally)
:: einnicken
dozer {n} (one who dozes)
:: Dösender {m}, Dösende {f}, Schlummernder {m} , Schlummernde {f}
dozer {n} (dozer)
:: Dozer {m} , Raupe {f}
DP {n} (determiner phrase)
:: DP {f}
département {n} (administrative unit in various French-speaking countries)
:: Departement {n}
DPRK {prop} (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) SEE: Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Dr {n} (Doctor)
:: Dr.
drachma {n} (currency)
:: Drachme {f}
Draco {prop} (constellation)
:: Drache {m}
draconian {adj} (severe, oppressive or strict)
:: drakonisch, drastisch, entschieden
Dracula {prop} (fictional vampire)
:: Drakula {m}, Dracula {m}
draft {n} (current of air coming in)
:: Zug {m}, Luftzug {m}, Durchzug {m}, Zugluft {f}
draft {n} (draw through a flue)
:: Zug {m}
draft {n} (amount of liquid that is drunk in one swallow)
:: Schluck {m}, Zug {m}
draft {n} (beer drawn from a cask or keg)
:: Fassbier {n}, gezapftes Bier {n}
draft {n} (depth of water needed to float ship)
:: Tiefgang {m}
draft {n} (early version of a written work)
:: Entwurf {m}
draft {n} (preliminary sketch or outline)
:: Entwurf {m}
draft {n} (order for money to be paid)
:: Tratte {f}
draft {n} (conscription)
:: Musterung {f}, Wehrdienst {m}
draft {n} (system of assigning rookie players to professional sports teams)
:: Draft {f} {m}
draft {v} (to write a first version)
:: zeichnen, entwerfen
draft {v} (to conscript a person)
:: abkommandieren, einziehen , einberufen
draft {v} (to select a rookie player)
:: draften
draft {v}
:: auswählen, einberufen
draft {adj} (referring to drinks on tap)
:: vom Fass
draft animal {n} (draught animal) SEE: draught animal
draft dodger {n} (person who illicitly seeks to avoid compulsory military service)
:: Wehrdienstumgeher {m}, Kriegsdienstumgeher {m}, Drückeberger {m}
draftee {n} (one who is drafted)
:: Wehrpflichtiger {m}, Rekrut {m}
draft horse {n} (horse used for muscular work)
:: Zugpferd {n}
drafting table {n} (drafting table) SEE: drawing board
draftsmanship {n} (the art or craft of a draftsman)
:: Zeichenkunst {f}
drafty {adj} (characterized by gusts of wind; windy)
:: zugig
drafty {adj} (of a building: not sealed against draughts)
:: zugig
drag {n} (street) SEE: street
drag {n} (resistance of the air or some other fluid)
:: Widerstand {m}, Luftwiderstand {m}
drag {n} (puff on cigarette)
:: Zug {m}
drag {v} (to pull along a surface)
:: schleifen, schleppen, zerren, ziehen
drag {v} (to move slowly)
:: sich ziehen, sich dahinziehen
drag {v} (computing: to move a cursor while holding down a button on the mouse)
:: ziehen
drag {n} (slang: women’s clothing worn by men)
:: Fummel {m}
dragger {n} (nautical: trawler) SEE: trawler
draglift {n} (type of ski lift)
:: Schlepplift {m}
dragline excavator {n} (any of several very large vehicles used for lifting)
:: Schürfkübelbagger {m}
dragoman {n} (an interpreter, especially for the Arabic and Turkish languages)
:: Dolmetscher {m}, Dragoman {m}
dragon {n} (mythical creature)
:: Drache {m}
dragon {n} (pejorative: unpleasant woman)
:: Drache {m}
dragon {n}
:: Drache {m}, Lindwurm {m}, Wurm {m} , Wyvern
dragon {n} (Komodo dragon) SEE: Komodo dragon
dragon {n} (lizard of the genus Draco) SEE: Draco
dragon {n} (constellation Draco) SEE: Draco
dragon boat {n} (a type of boat raced in Chinese festivals)
:: Drachenboot {n}
dragonfly {n} (insect of the infraorder Anisoptera)
:: Libelle {f}; Wasserjungfer {f}
dragon fruit {n} (fruit)
:: Drachenfrucht {f}, Pitahaya {f}, Pitaya {f}
dragon's wort {n} (tarragon) SEE: tarragon
dragonwort {n} (a perennial herb of Greece and the Balkans, Dracunculus vulgaris)
:: Drachenwurz {f}
dragoon {n} (horse soldier)
:: Dragoner {m}
dragoon {n} (variety of pigeon)
:: Dragonertaube {f}, Dragoner-Taube {f}, Dragoner {m}, Drachentaube {f}, Drachen-Taube {f}, Dragoner-Bagdette {f}
drag queen {n} (male who dresses up in women's clothing)
:: Drag Queen {m} {f}
dragster {n} (drag queen) SEE: drag queen
drain {n} (conduit for liquids)
:: Abfluss {m}
drain {v} (cause liquid to flow out of)
:: entwässern, abfließen lassen, ablassen
drain {v} (dry out a wet place)
:: trocknen, trockenlegen
drain {v} (deplete of energy)
:: leeren, entladen
drainage {n} (removal of fluid)
:: Entwässerung {f}, Drainage {f}, Dränage {f}, Dränage {f}
drainage basin {n} (topographic region in which all water drains to a common outlet)
:: Einzugsgebiet {n}, Wassereinzugsgebiet {n}
drainage system {n} (pattern formed by the streams, rivers, and lakes in a particular drainage basin)
:: Flusssystem, Flussnetz
draining {n}
:: Austrocknung {f}, Entwässerung {f}, Trockenlegunung {f}
drainpipe {n} (pipe connecting the drain to the gutter)
:: Regenrohr {n}
draisine {n} (light auxiliary rail vehicle)
:: Eisenbahn-Draisine {f}, Draisine {f}
drake {n} (male duck)
:: Erpel {m}, Enterich {m}, Entenmännchen {n}, männliche Ente {f}
dram {n} (Greek weight) SEE: drachma
drama {n} (composition)
:: Drama {m}
drama {n} (theatrical plays)
:: Drama {m}, Schauspiel {n}
drama queen {n} (exaggeratedly dramatic person)
:: hysterische Tussi {f}, Schauspielerin {f}, Dramaqueen {f}
dramatic {adj} (of or relating to the drama)
:: dramatisch
dramatic {adj} (striking in appearance or effect)
:: dramatisch
dramatist {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright
dramatize {v} (to adapt a literary work)
:: dramatisieren
dramatize {v} (to present something in a dramatic or melodramatic manner)
:: dramatisieren
dramaturge {n} (playwright)
:: Bühnenautor {m}, Dramatiker {m}, Schauspieldichter, Stückeschreiber
dramaturge {n} (literary adviser or editor)
:: Dramaturg {m}, Dramaturgin {f}
dramaturgic {adj} (of or relating to the art of dramatic composition for the stage)
:: dramaturgisch
dramaturgical {adj} (dramaturgic) SEE: dramaturgic
dramaturgically {adv} (in terms of dramaturgy)
:: dramaturgisch
dramaturgy {n} (art of dramaturgic composition)
:: Dramaturgie {f}
drape {n} (curtain, drapery) SEE: curtain
drape {v} (to cover or adorn with drapery or folds of cloth, or as with drapery)
:: drapieren
drape {v} (to design drapery, arrange its folds, etc.)
:: drapieren
drapery {n} (countable: a piece of cloth, hung vertically as a curtain)
:: Vorhang {m}
drapes {n} (UK plural) SEE: drape
drastic {adj} (extreme, severe)
:: drastisch
drat {interj} (cry of anger or frustration)
:: menno
draught {n} (game piece)
:: Spielstein {m}
draught animal {n} (animal used to pull heavy objects)
:: Zugtier {n}
draughtproof {adj} (that prevents the access of draughts)
:: winddicht
draughtproof {v} (to seal an opening to prevent draughts)
:: winddicht machen
draughtproofing {n} (material to making something draughtproof) SEE: weatherstrip
draughts {n} (game for two players)
:: Dame {n}, Damespiel {n}
draughtsman {n} (person skilled at drawing engineering or architectural plans)
:: Zeichner {m}, Bauzeichner {m}, Konstruktionszeichner {m}, Konstrukteur {m}, technischer Zeichner {m}
draughtsman {n} (book illustrator)
:: Buchillustrator {m}
Drava {prop} (river)
:: Drau {f}
Dravidian {prop} (family of languages)
:: Dravidisch {n}
draw {v} (to produce a picture)
:: zeichnen
draw {v} (to drag, pull)
:: ziehen
draw {v} (to pull out)
:: ziehen, herausziehen
draw {v} (to extract a liquid, or cause a liquid to come out)
:: schöpfen
draw {v} (to attract)
:: anziehen
draw {v} (to deduce or infer)
:: schließen, ableiten
draw {v} (to rely on)
:: ziehen, schöpfen, zurückgreifen
draw {v} (to close curtains etc.)
:: zuziehen
draw {v} (of drinks: to leave temporarily so as to allow the flavour to increase)
:: ziehen
draw {v} (to end a game with neither side winning)
:: unentschieden spielen
draw {v} (to consume)
:: ziehen, verbrauchen
draw {v} (to determine the result of a lottery)
:: auslosen, ziehen
draw {v} (cardgames: to take the top card of a deck into hand)
:: aufdecken, ziehen
draw {n} (tie as a result of a game)
:: Unentschieden {n}, Remis {n}
draw {n} (procedure by which the result of a lottery is determined)
:: Ziehung {f}
draw {n} (colloquial: cannabis)
:: Hasch {n}
draw {v} (to cause) SEE: cause
draw {v} (to inhale) SEE: inhale
draw {v} (to disembowel) SEE: disembowel
draw attention {v} (to rouse someone to notice something, to cause someone to focus on something)
:: Aufmerksamkeit anziehen
draw attention to {v} (to rouse someone to notice something, to cause someone to focus on something)
:: Aufmerksamkeit anziehen
drawback {n} (a disadvantage)
:: Nachteil {m}, Minuspunkt {m}, Schattenseite {f}, Haken {m}
drawback {n} (a partial refund)
:: Zollrückvergütung {f}
drawbridge {n} (bridge which can be raised)
:: Zugbrücke {f}
drawer {n} (open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing)
:: Schublade {f}
drawer {n} (one who draws something)
:: Zeichner {m}, Zeichnerin {f}
drawer {n} (artist who primarily makes drawings)
:: Zeichner {m}
drawer {n} (one who writes a bank draft, check/cheque or promissory note)
:: Aussteller {m}
drawer {n} (a barman)
:: Barmann {m}
drawers {n} (plural of drawer) SEE: drawer
drawing {n} (picture, likeness, diagram or representation)
:: Zeichnung {f}, Bild {n}
drawing {n} (graphic art form)
:: Zeichnen {n}
drawing {n} (action where the outcome is selected by chance using a draw)
:: Auslosung {f}, Ziehung {f}
drawing board {n} (plane surface or table to which paper can be fastened for drawing purposes)
:: Reißbrett {n}
drawing pin {n} (tack for attaching paper) SEE: thumbtack
drawl {v} (to speak with a drawl)
:: gedehnt sprechen, schleppend sprechen
draw on {v} (to use as a source)
:: zurückgreifen auf
draw straws {v} (decide at random)
:: Stöckchen ziehen, Streichhölzer ziehen
draw the short straw {v} (to select the shortest straw)
:: den Kürzeren ziehen, das kürzere Stöckchen ziehen, das kürzere Streichholz ziehen
draw the short straw {v} (to be selected to do an undesirable task)
:: den Kürzeren ziehen
draw up {v} (to compose a document)
:: redigieren
draw up {v} (to cause to come to a halt)
:: anhalten
draw up {v} (to come to a halt)
:: anhalten
dread {v} (to fear greatly)
:: fürchten
dread {v} (to anticipate with fear)
:: befürchten
dread {n} (great fear in view of impending evil)
:: Furcht {f}, Angst {f}
dread {adj} (terrible)
:: furchterregend, grauenerregend
dreaded {adj} (Causing fear, dread or terror)
:: gefürchtet
dreadful {adv} (causing dread)
:: furchtbar, schrecklich
dreadfully {adv} (in a dreadful manner)
:: furchtbar
dreadfully {adv} (exceptionally, eminently, very much)
:: furchtbar
dreadlocks {n} (hair left to grow into long matted strings)
:: Dreadlocks {p}, Dreads {p}
dreadnought {n} (battleship)
:: Schlachtschiff {m}
dream {n} (imaginary events seen while sleeping)
:: Traum {m}
dream {n} (hope or wish)
:: Traum {m}, Wunsch {m}
dream {v} (see imaginary events while sleeping)
:: träumen
dream {v} (to hope, to wish)
:: träumen, wünschen
dream {v} (to create an imaginary experience)
:: träumen
dream {v} (daydream) SEE: daydream
dreamcatcher {n} (decorative Native American object)
:: Traumfänger {m}
dream come true {n} (desire that has finally happened)
:: wahr gewordener Traum
dreamer {n} (ladybird) SEE: ladybird
dreamer {n} (one who dreams)
:: Träumer {m}, Träumerin {f}
dreamer {n} (someone whose beliefs are far from realistic)
:: Schwärmer {m}, Schwärmerin {f}, Fantast {m}, Fantastin {f}
dreamish {adj} (resembling a dream) SEE: dreamlike
dreamland {n} (imaginary world experienced while dreaming)
:: Traumland {n}
dreamlike {adj} (like something from a dream)
:: traumähnlich, träumerisch, versonnen, verträumt, traumhaft
dreamt {adj} (imagined or only extant in a dream)
:: geträumt
dreamwork {n} (An attempt to discover what deeper meaning a dream might contain)
:: traumwerk {m} {n}
dreamworld {n} (an imaginary world)
:: Traumwelt {f}
dreamy {adj} (resembling a dream) SEE: dreamlike
dreary {adj} (drab)
:: öde, trostlos, trüb, freudlos
dredge {n} (dredging machine)
:: Baggermaschine {f}
dredger {n} (A vessel)
:: Schwimmbagger {m}, Baggerschiff {n}
dreg {n} (sediment in a liquid)
:: Sediment {n}, Bodensatz {m}, Niederschlag {m}, Feststoff {m}
dreg {n} (the lowest and most worthless part of something)
:: Dreck {m}, Bodensatz {m}
dreggy {adj} (muddy) SEE: muddy
dregs {n} (settled sediment)
:: Bodensatz {m}, Satz {m}
dregs {n} (the worst and lowest)
:: Abschaum {m}, Dreck {m}
dreidel {n} (four-sided spinning top)
:: Dreidel {m}
drench {v} (to soak, to make very wet)
:: durchnässen
drenched {adj} (completely wet; sodden)
:: klatschnass, pitschnass, patschnass, klitschnass, pudelnass
Dresden {prop} (capital city of the German Federal State of Saxony)
:: Dresden {n}
dress {v} (to clothe (something or somebody))
:: kleiden, ankleiden, anziehen
dress {v} (to clothe oneself)
:: sich anziehen
dress {n} (item of clothing worn by a woman)
:: Kleid {n}
dress {n} (apparel)
:: Kleidung {f}
dressage {n} (schooling of a horse)
:: Dressur {f}
dressage {n} (horse sport)
:: Dressurreiten {n}
dressage {n} (event of the horse sport)
:: Turnier {n}, Reitschau {f}, Springreiten {n}, Dressurwettkampf {m}
dress code {n} (formal specification of acceptable attire)
:: Kleiderordnung {f}, Kleidervorschrift {f}, Dresscode {m}
dressed {v} (having clothes on)
:: gekleidet, bekleidet
dresser {n} (bedroom furniture)
:: Kommode {f}
dressing {n} (material applied to a wound)
:: Verband {m}
dressing {n} (sauce, especially a cold one for salads)
:: Dressing
dressing {n} (activity of getting dressed)
:: Ankleiden {n}
dressing-down {n} (reprimand) SEE: reprimand
dressing gown {n} (item of clothing)
:: Morgenrock {m}, Morgenmantel {m}, Schlafrock {m}, Bademantel {m}
dressing room {n}
:: Ankleideraum {m}
dressing table {n} (low table equipped with mirror for dressing and makeup)
:: Toilettentisch {m}, Schminktisch {m}, Kommode {f}
dressmaker {n} (person who makes women's clothes)
:: Schneiderin {f}
dress rehearsal {n} (rehearsal prior to a public spectacle, where all the performers are in costume)
:: Generalprobe {f}, Hauptprobe {f}
dress shirt {n} (collared shirt)
:: Hemd {n}
dress up {v}
:: aufputzen, sich herausputzen, sich verkleiden
drever {n} (dog breed)
:: Drever {m}
dribble {v} (to let saliva drip from the mouth)
:: sabbern
dribble {v} (to fall in drops or an unsteady stream)
:: tropfen
dribble {v} (to move (with) a ball by kicking or bouncing it)
:: dribbeln
dribble {n} (act of kicking or bouncing a ball)
:: Dribbeln {n}, Dribbling {m}
dried {adj} (without water or moisture)
:: getrocknet
dried fruit {n} (small fruit that have been preserved by drying)
:: Trockenobst {n}
drift {n} (shallow place in a river) SEE: ford
drift {n} (act or motion of drifting)
:: Drift {f}
drift {v} (to move slowly, pushed by currents of water, air, etc)
:: driften, treiben
drift {v} (to move haphazardly without any destination)
:: irren, ziellos ziehen, ziellos wandern
drift {v} (to deviate gently from the intended direction of travel)
:: abdriften nach, ziehen nach
drift {v} (to drive or carry, as currents do a floating body)
:: treiben
drift {v} (to drive into heaps)
:: zu einen Haufen zusammenwehen, sich zu einer Verwehung anhäufen
drift {v} (to accumulate in heaps by the force of wind)
:: zu Haufen zusammengeweht werden, Verwehungen bilden
drift {v} (to oversteer a vehicle, causing loss of traction)
:: driften
drift ice {n} (detached, floating slabs of ice)
:: Treibeis {n}
driftwood {n} (floating piece of wood)
:: Treibholz {n}
driftwood {n} (wood that has been cast ashore)
:: Treibholz {n}
drill {v} (to make a hole)
:: bohren
drill {v} (to practice)
:: schleifen
drill {v} (to repeat in order to make remember)
:: drillen
drill {n} (tool)
:: Bohrer {m}, Bohrmaschine {f}
drill {n} (driving part of a drill)
:: Drill {m}
drill {n} (activity done as an exercise or practice)
:: Drill {m}
drill {n} (cotton fabric)
:: Drillich {m}
drill bit {n} (twist drill) SEE: twist drill
drill bit {n} (any cutter used in similar way)
:: Bohrer {m}, Bohreinsatz {m}, Bohreisen {n}
drill bit {n}
:: Bohreisen {n}
Drina {prop} (river that flows northward 160 miles along the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia)
:: Drina
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth)
:: trinken, saufen
drink {v} (consume alcoholic beverages)
:: saufen
drink {n} (served beverage)
:: Getränk {n}, Trinken {n}, Trank {m}, Trunk {m}
drink {n} (type of beverage)
:: Getränk {n}, Trank {m}, Trunk {m}
drink {n} (served alcoholic beverage)
:: Getränk {n}, alkoholisches Getränk, Drink {m}
drink {n} (action of drinking)
:: Trinken {n}, Trinkerei {f}
drink {n} (alcoholic beverages in general)
:: Drink {m}
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth)
:: trinken, saufen
drink {v} (consume alcoholic beverages)
:: saufen
drinkable {adj} (safe to drink)
:: trinkbar
drink-driver {n} (person who operates motor vehicle when drunk)
:: betrunkener Autofahrer {m}, betrunkene Autofahrerin {f}
drink-driving {n} (drink-driving) SEE: drunk driving
drinker {n} (one that drinks)
:: Trinker {m}, Trinkerin {f}
drinker {n} (regular drinker of alcohol)
:: Trinker {m}, Trinkerin {f}, Gewohnheitstrinker {m}, Gewohnheitstrinkerin {f}
drinking {n} (act or session by which drink is consumed)
:: Trinken
drinking bird {n} (toy)
:: Trinkvogel {m}, Wippvogel {m}
drinking fountain {n} (device that is used to provide water to drink)
:: Trinkbrunnen {m}
drinking game {n} (game involving drinking)
:: Trinkspiel {n}
drinking horn {n} (drinking vessel fashioned from an animal's horn)
:: Trinkhorn {n}
drinking-horn {n} (a drinking-vessel made from the horn of an animal)
:: Trinkhorn
drinking song {n} (song which celebrates or accompanies drinking alcohol)
:: Trinklied {n}
drinking straw {n} (a long plastic or paper tube through which a drink is drunk)
:: Strohhalm {m}, Trinkhalm {m}, Trinkrohr {n}
drinking water {n} (water for humans)
:: Trinkwasser {n}
drink oneself to death {v} (to consume alcohol in large enough quantities to induce fatal reactions)
:: sich zu Tode trinken
drink someone under the table {v} (drink more alcohol than)
:: unter den Tisch trinken, unter den Tisch saufen
drink to {v} (to raise one's glass)
:: auf etwas/jemanden trinken, auf etwas/jemanden anstoßen
drip {v} (to fall one drop at a time)
:: tropfen
drip {v} (to leak slowly)
:: lecken
drip {v} (to let fall in drops)
:: tropfen
drip {n} (a drop of a liquid)
:: Tropfen {m}
drip {n} (an ineffectual or uninteresting person)
:: Einfaltspinsel {m}
drip {n} (an apparatus that slowly releases a liquid)
:: Tropf {n}
dripstone {n} (stalactites and stalagmites collectively)
:: Tropfstein {m}
drivable {adj} (capable of being driven on (road))
:: befahrbar
drive {n} (motivation to do or achieve)
:: Drive {m}
drive {n} (mechanism used to power a vehicle)
:: Antrieb {m}
drive {n} (trip made in a motor vehicle)
:: Fahrt {f}
drive {n} (driveway)
:: Auffahrt {f}, Einfahrt {f}, Zufahrt {f}
drive {n} (type of public roadway)
:: Weg {m}
drive {n} (psychology: desire or interest)
:: Trieb {m}
drive {n} (computing: mass-storage device)
:: Laufwerk {n}
drive {n} (golf: stroke made with a driver)
:: Abschlag {m}, Drive {m}
drive {n} (baseball, tennis: ball struck in a flat trajectory)
:: Drive {m}
drive {v} (herd (animals) in a particular direction)
:: treiben
drive {v} (move something by hitting it with great force)
:: schlagen, einschlagen
drive {v} (cause a mechanism to operate)
:: antreiben
drive {v} (operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle))
:: fahren
drive {v} (to motivate)
:: treiben
drive {v} (compel (to do something))
:: zwingen
drive {v} (cause to become)
:: treiben
drive {v} (to travel by operating a motorized vehicle)
:: fahren
drive {v} (convey (a person, etc) in a wheeled motorized vehicle)
:: fahren
driveable {adj} (drivable) SEE: drivable
drive at {v} (to mean, signify; to aim or tend to a point)
:: auf etwas hinauswollen
drive away {v} (to depart by driving)
:: wegfahren
drive away {v} (to force someone to leave)
:: vertreiben, verjagen, verscheuchen
drive-in {n} (outdoor cinema)
:: Autokino {n}
drive-in {n} (drive-in restaurant) SEE: drive-through
drive-in theatre {n} (drive-in cinema) SEE: drive-in
drivel {n} (senseless talk)
:: Blödsinn {m}, Faselei {f}, Gefasel {n}, Gelaber {n}, Laberei {f}, Geschwafel {n}, Schwafelei {f}, Gewäsch {n}, Geschwätz {n}, Gesülze {n}, Gerede {n}, Palaver {n}
drivel {n} (saliva, drool)
:: Geifer {m}, Sabber {m}
drivel {v} (to have saliva drip from the mouth)
:: sabbern
drivel {v}
:: faseln, geifern, speicheln
drive off {v} (force to leave or go away)
:: austreiben
drive out {v} (to force someone out of somewhere)
:: austreiben
driver {n} (one who drives something, e.g. cattle)
:: Fahrer {m}, Fahrerin {f}, Treiber {m}, Treiberin {f}
driver {n} (person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus)
:: Fahrer {m}, Fahrerin {f}
driver {n} (person who drives some other vehicle)
:: Fahrer {m}, Fahrerin {f}
driver {n} (program acting as interface between an application and hardware)
:: Treiber {m}
driver {n} (golf club)
:: Driver {m}
driverless {adj} (without a driver)
:: fahrerlos
driver's licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license
driver's license {n} (documenting permitting a person to drive)
:: Führerschein {m}, Fahrerlaubnis {f}
drive sale {n} (garage sale) SEE: garage sale
driveshaft {n} (a shaft used to transmit rotary motion)
:: Antriebswelle {f}, Kardanwelle {f}
drive someone up the wall {v}
:: jemanden auf die Palme bringen
drive-through {n} (establishment providing drive-through service)
:: Drive-in-Restaurant {n}, Drive-Thru {n}
drivetrain {n} (powertrain) SEE: powertrain
driveway {n} (short private road that leads to a house or garage)
:: Einfahrt {f} (to small building), Auffahrt {f} (to large building), Zufahrt {f}
driving {n} (action of the verb to drive in any sense)
:: Fahren {n}, Lenkung {f}
driving licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license
driving school {n} (institution where people learn to drive)
:: Fahrschule {f}
driving under the influence {n} (drunk driving) SEE: drunk driving
drizzle {v} (to rain lightly)
:: nieseln
drizzle {v} (to pour slowly and evenly)
:: träufeln
drizzle {n} (light rain)
:: Nieselregen {m}, Sprühregen {m}
drizzle {n} ((physics, weather) numerous small and uniformly dispersed water drops)
:: Nieselregen {m}, Sprühregen {m}
DRM {n}
:: DRM
drogue {n} (wind cone) SEE: windsock
droll {adj} (oddly humorous; whimsical)
:: drollig
dromedary {n} (single-humped camel)
:: Dromedar {n}
drone {n} (male bee)
:: Drohne {f}
drone {n} (unmanned aircraft)
:: Drohne {f}
drone {v} (to speak in a monotone way)
:: eintönig sprechen, leiern
drone {n} (a low-pitched hum or buzz)
:: dröhnen
drone {n} (hum or buzz)
:: Dröhnen {n}
drone {n} (fixed-pitch pipe in bagpipe)
:: Basspfeife {f}
drool {v} (secrete saliva)
:: sabbern, geifern
drool {v} (talk nonsense)
:: Quatsch reden, Scheiße reden, dumm schwätzen
drool {n} (saliva)
:: Sabber {m}, Geifer {f}, Gesabbere {n}, Spucke {f}, Speichel {m}
droop {v} (to sink or hang downward; to sag)
:: durchhängen, herabhängen, herunterhängen, herabsinken, heruntersinken
droop {v} (to slowly become limp; to bend gradually)
:: nachgeben, erschlaffen, ermatten, abschlaffen, schwinden, welken
droop {v}
:: herunterhängen , erschlaffen
drop {n} (small mass of liquid)
:: Tropfen {m}
drop {n} (space into which someone or something could fall)
:: Abfall {m}, Absturz {m}
drop {n} (a fall)
:: Fall {m}, Sturz {m}
drop {n} (place where items may be left)
:: der tote Briefkasten {m}
drop {n} (small, round piece of hard candy)
:: Bonbon {n} {m}, Drops {m}
drop {v} (to fall)
:: fallen
drop {v} (to allow to fall from one's grasp)
:: fallen lassen
drop-ball {n} (method of restarting play)
:: Schiedsrichterball {m}
drop by {v} (to visit informally and spontaneously)
:: vorbeikommen; auf einen Sprung vorbeikommen; auf Stippvisite kommen
dropdown {n} (computing: selection object) SEE: dropdown list
drop-down list {n} (computing: selection object) SEE: dropdown list
dropdown list {n} (user interface element)
:: Dropdown-Liste {f}, Drop-down-Liste {f}, Dropdown-Listenfeld {n}
drop in the bucket {n} (an effort or action having very little influence, especially as compared to a huge problem)
:: ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein
drop in the ocean {n} (drop in the bucket) SEE: drop in the bucket
droplet {n} (very small drop)
:: Tröpfchen {n}
drop like flies {v} (die en masse)
:: wie die Fliegen fallen
drop off {v} (to deliver)
:: abliefern , abgeben, ablegen, dalassen, zurücklassen
drop-off {n} (sudden decrease)
:: Abnahme {f}, Minderung {f}, Rückgang {m}
dropout {n} (one who leaves without completing)
:: Abbrecher {m}, Abbrecherin {f}, Uni-Abbrecher {m} , Uni-Abbrecherin {f}, Schulabbrecher {m} , Schulabbrecherin {f}, Studienabbrecher {m} , Studienabbrecherin {f}
dropout {n} (someone who has opted out of conventional society)
:: Aussteiger {m}, Aussteigerin {f}
dropped ceiling {n} (secondary ceiling)
:: abgehängte Decke {f}
dropping {n} (animal excrement)
:: Kot {m}
dropping point {n} (temperature at which a grease becomes liquid)
:: Tropfpunkt {m}
dropsy {n} (swelling)
:: Wassersucht {f}
dropwise {adv} (one drop at a time)
:: tropfenweise, Tropfen für Tropfen
dropwort {n} (perennial herb)
:: Kleines Mädesüß {n}
droshky {n} (open horse-drawn carriage, especially in Russia)
:: Droschke {f}
dross {n} (Residue that forms on the surface of a metal)
:: Krätze
drought {n} (period of unusually low rain fall)
:: Dürre {f}, Trockenzeit {f}, Trockenheit {f}
drove {n} (a number of cattle driven to market or new pastures)
:: Herde {f}
drover {n} (person who drives animals)
:: Viehtreiber {m}, Viehtreiberin {f}
drown {v} (to be suffocated in fluid)
:: ertrinken
drown {v} (to deprive of life by immerson in liquid)
:: ertränken
drown {v} (to overpower)
:: überwältigen
drowned {adj} (that has died by drowning)
:: ertrunken
drowning {n} (an instance of someone drowning)
:: Ertrinken {n}
drown out {v} (to cover)
:: übertönen
drowsiness {n} (State of being drowsy)
:: Schläfrigkeit {f}
drowsy {adj} (inclined to drowse)
:: schläfrig
drowsy {adj} (disposing to sleep)
:: einschläfernd
drowsy {adj} (boring)
:: müde, langweilig, verschlafen
drowsy {adj} (dull, stupid)
:: dösig
drub {v} (to beat with a stick)
:: prügeln
drudge {n} (person who works in a low job)
:: Hiwi {m} , Sklave, Lakai {m}
drudgery {n} (tedious work)
:: Plackerei {f}
drug {n} (substance used as a medical treatment, see also: medicine)
:: Droge {f}
drug {n} (psychoactive substance ingested for recreational use, especially illegal and addictive one)
:: Droge {f}, Rauschgift {n}, Rauschmittel {n}, Betäubungsmittel {n}
drug abuse {n} (substance abuse) SEE: substance abuse
drug addict {n} (person with a chemical or psychological dependency on drugs)
:: Drogensüchtiger {m}, Drogensüchtige {f}, Drogenabhängiger {m}, Drogenabhängige {f}, Junkie {m} {f}, Drogi {m}, Rauschgiftsüchtiger {m}, Rauschgiftsüchtige {f}, Narkomane {m}, Narkomanin {f}, Junkie {m} {f}
drug addiction {n} (dependency on illegal drugs)
:: Drogenabhängigkeit {f}
drug dealer {n} (person who illegally sells drugs)
:: Drogendealer {m}, Drogendealerin {f}, Drogenhändler {m}, Drogenhändlerin {f}, Dealer {m}, Dealerin {f}, Ticker {m}
drug-ridden {adj} (dominated or plagued by illicit drugs)
:: drogenverseucht
drugstore {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy
drug test {n} (a check for the presence of drugs)
:: Drogentest {m}
drug trafficking {n} (smuggling, distribution and sale of drugs)
:: Drogenhandel {m}, Rauschgifthandel {m}, Suchtgifthandel {m}, Suchtgifthandel {m}, Drogenschmuggel {m}
druid {n} (an order of priests)
:: Druide {m}
druidess {n} (female druid)
:: Druidin {f}
drum {n} (musical instrument)
:: Trommel {f}
drum {n} (hollow, cylindrical object)
:: Trommel {f}
drum {n} (barrel etc. for liquid)
:: Fass {m}
drum {v} (to beat a drum)
:: trommeln
drum {v} (to beat with a rapid succession of strokes)
:: trommeln
drum {v} (to review to establish memorization)
:: einpauken, einbläuen
drum brake {n} (form of brake)
:: Trommelbremse {f}
drumfire {n} (heavy, continuous, rapid gunfire)
:: Trommelfeuer {n}
Drumian {prop}
:: Drumium
drum kit {n} (collection of drums and other percussion instruments played together)
:: Schlagzeug {n}
drum major {n} (one who conducts and commands a marching band)
:: Tambourmajor {m}
drummer {n} (one who plays the drums)
:: Schlagzeuger {m}, Trommler {m}, Schlagzeugerin {f}, Trommlerin {f}
drum roll {n} (sound produced by hitting a drum repeatedly)
:: Trommelwirbel {m}
drum set {n} (drum kit) SEE: drum kit
drumstick {n} (stick used to play drums)
:: Trommelstock {m}, Schlegel {m}
drumstick {n} (leg bone of a chicken or other fowl)
:: Hähnchenkeule {f}
drunk {adj} (intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol)
:: betrunken, besoffen, dicht, zu, blau, voll
drunk {n} (habitual drinker)
:: Trinker {m}, Säufer {m}
drunkard {n} (person who is habitually drunk) SEE: drunk
drunk driver {n} (drunk driver) SEE: drink-driver
drunk driving {n} (driving under the influence of alcohol)
:: Fahren unter Einfluss
drunken {adj} (In the state of alcoholic intoxication)
:: betrunken, trunken
drunkenness {n} (state of being drunk)
:: Trunkenheit {f}, Betrunkenheit {f}, Alkoholberauschung {f}, Alkoholberauschtheit {f}
drunkness {n} (drunkenness) SEE: drunkenness
drunk tank {n} (cell where drunken people are detained until they are sober)
:: Ausnüchterungszelle {f}
drupe {n} (stone fruit) SEE: stone fruit
Druze {n} (collective Druze)
:: Drusen {p}
Druze {n} (individual Druze)
:: Druse {m}, Drusin {f}
dry {adj} (free from liquid or moisture)
:: trocken
dry {adj} (maintaining temperance)
:: trocken
dry {v} (to become dry)
:: trocknen
dry {v} (to make dry)
:: trocknen, abtrocknen
dryad {n} (female tree spirit)
:: Dryade {f}
dry cell battery {n}
:: Trockenbatterie {f}
dry cleaner {n} (person whose business is dry cleaning)
:: Textilreiniger {m}, Textilreinigerin {f}
dry cleaner {n} (business establishment that engages in dry cleaning)
:: Reinigung {f}, chemische Reinigung {f}, Putzerei {f}
dry cleaning {n} (process of cleaning without water)
:: Trockenreinigung {f}, chemische Reinigung {f}
drydock {n} (dock that can be drained of water)
:: Trockendock {n}
dryer {n} (household appliance for drying clothing)
:: Wäschetrockner {m}, Trockner {m}
dryer {n} (hairdryer) SEE: hairdryer
drygulch {v} (slang: to murder, attack, assault, ambush)
:: abmurksen, überfallen
dry ice {n} (carbon dioxide frozen in the solid state)
:: Trockeneis {n}
drying {n} (a method of food preservation)
:: Dörren {n}
dry measure {n} (Unit of capacity for measuring dry commodities)
:: Trockenmaß {n}
dry mouth {n} (dry mouth)
:: Mundtrockenheit {f}, Xerostomie {f}
dryness {n} (a lack of moisture)
:: Trockenheit {f}
drypoint {n} (a technique of intaglio printmaking)
:: Kaltnadelradierung {f}
drypoint {n} (the needle used in this technique)
:: Kaltnadel {f}
dry powder {n} (powder from a fire extinguisher)
:: Löschpulver {n}
dry rot {n} (dry rot in wood)
:: Schwamm {m}, Hausschwamm {m}
dry run {n} (practice; rehearsal)
:: Probelauf
dry season {n} (season)
:: Trockenzeit {f}
drywall {n} (building material)
:: Gipskarton {m}
drywaller {n} (construction worker who specializes in laying drywall)
:: Trockenbauer {m}
D-sharp minor {n} (minor key)
:: dis-Moll
Düsseldorf {prop} (a city in Germany)
:: Düsseldorf {n}
Düsseldorf {prop} (an administrative region of North Rhine-Wesphalia)
:: Regierungsbezirk Düsseldorf {m}
détente {n} (a relaxing of tension, especially between countries)
:: Entspannungspolitik {f}
dual {adj} (in grammar)
:: dual
dual {n} (grammatical number of a noun marking two of something)
:: Dual {m}, Zweizahl {f}
dual citizen {n} (citizen of two countries)
:: Doppelbürger {m}, Doppelbürgerin {f}, Doppelstaater {m}, Doppelstaaterin {f}
dual citizenship {n} (status of being a citizen of two countries)
:: doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft {f}
duale tantum {n} (grammar: noun that can only occur in the dual)
:: Dualetantum {n}
dualism {n} (the view that the world consists of two fundamental principles)
:: Dualismus {m}
duality {n} (interchangeability of points and planes)
:: Dualität {f}
dual number {n} (grammatical number denoting a quantity of exactly two) SEE: dual
dub {v} (to confer knighthood)
:: zum Ritter schlagen
dub {v} (to name, to entitle, to call)
:: nennen, bezeichnen, rufen
dub {v} (to replace soundtrack of a film with translation)
:: synchronisieren
dub {n} (dubbing) SEE: dubbing
dubbing {n} (replacement of voice)
:: Synchronisation {f}
dubious {adj} (arousing doubt)
:: dubios, fragwürdig, ominös, zwielichtig
dubious {adj} (in disbelief, uncertain)
:: unsicher
dubious honor {n} (supposed honor)
:: zweifelhafte Ehre {f}
dubiously {adv} (in a dubious manner)
:: fraglicherweise
dubitation {n} (process of doubting)
:: Zweifeln {n}, Bezweifeln {n}
Dublin {prop} (the capital of the Republic of Ireland)
:: Dublin {n}
dubnium {n} (chemical element)
:: Dubnium {n}
Dubrovnik {prop} (Croatian port-city)
:: Dubrovnik
dubstep {n} (A genre of electronic music)
:: Dubstep {m}
ducal {adj} (relating to a duke or duchess)
:: herzoglich
ducat {n} (historical gold coin)
:: Dukat {m}
duchess {n} (female spouse or widow of a duke)
:: Herzogin {f}
duchess {n} (female ruler of a duchy)
:: Herzogin {f}
duchy {n} (a dominion or region ruled by a duke or duchess)
:: Herzogtum {n}
duck {v} (to quickly lower the head or body (intransitive))
:: sich ducken, sich schnell bücken
duck {v} (to quickly lower the head (transitive))
:: ducken
duck {n} (aquatic bird of the family Anatidae)
:: Ente {f}
duck {n} (female duck)
:: Ente {f}, Entenweibchen {n}, weibliche Ente {f}
duckboard {n} (board laid as path across wet ground)
:: Holzsteg {m}, Steg {m}
Duckburg {prop} (fictional city where Donald Duck lives)
:: Entenhausen {n}
duckface {n} (facial expression)
:: Duckface {n}; Entenschnute {f}
ducklike {adj} (similar to a duck)
:: entenartig
duckling {n} (young duck)
:: Entenjunges {n}, Entenküken {n}, Entchen {n}, Entlein {n}, Jungente {f}, junge Ente {f}
duckpond {n} (a pond populated by ducks)
:: Ententeich {m}
ducks and drakes {n} (pastime)
:: Steinehüpfen {n}, Steineflitschen {n}, Ditschen {f} {n}
duck soup {n} (something which is easy) SEE: piece of cake
duckspeak {n} (thoughtless speech)
:: Quaksprech {n}
ducktail {n} (hairstyle)
:: Schmalzlocke {f}
duck tape {n} (duct tape) SEE: duct tape
duck typing {n}
:: Duck-Typing {n}
duckweed {n} (plant)
:: Wasserlinse {f}, Entengrütze {f}
duct {n} (a pipe, tube or canal which carries air or liquid from one place to another)
:: Leitung {f}, Rohr {n}
ductility {n} (ability of material)
:: Verformbarkeit
duct tape {n} (multipurpose waterproof tape)
:: Panzerband {n}, Gewebeklebeband {n}, Gewebeband {n}
ductus deferens {n} (vas deferens) SEE: vas deferens
dud {n} (broken or nonfunctional device that does not perform its intended function)
:: Blindgänger {m} , Versager {m}
dud {n} (lottery ticket that does not give a payout)
:: Niete {f}
dud {n} (loser) SEE: loser
dude {n} (dandy) SEE: dandy
dude {n} (colloquial: man)
:: Kerl {m}, Junge {m}
dude {n} (colloquial: term of address for a young man)
:: Alter {m}
Dudelange {prop} (city)
:: Düdelingen
duduk {n} (Armenian musical instrument)
:: duduk
due {adj} (owed or owing, to be paid by the stated time)
:: fällig
due {adj} (of an event, scheduled, expected)
:: fällig
due date {n} (date payment is due)
:: Fälligkeitsdatum {n}
due date {n} (date by which a book borrowed from a library must be returned)
:: Rückgabetermin {m}
due diligence {n} (appropriate or required carefulness)
:: gebotene Sorgfalt {f}
due diligence {n} (a legally binding process during which a potential buyer evaluates the assets and liabilities of a company)
:: Due Diligence {f}, Due-Diligence-Prüfung {f}
duel {n} (combat between two persons)
:: Duell {n}, Zweikampf {m}
duel {n} (struggle between two parties)
:: Duell {n}, Zweikampf {m}
duel {v} (engage in a duel)
:: duellieren
duet {n} (a musical composition for two performers)
:: Duett {n}
due to {prep} (caused by)
:: aufgrund, wegen
duffel coat {n} (hooded coat made from duffel)
:: Dufflecoat {m}, Düffelmantel {m}
dufrenite {n}
:: Dufrenit {n}
dugong {n} (Dugong dugon)
:: Dugong, Meerkuh {f}
dugout {n} (canoe)
:: Einbaum {m}
dugout {n} (shelter)
:: Erdloch {n}
dugout canoe {n} (a canoe made from a tree trunk)
:: Einbaum
duh {interj} (Disdainful indication that something is obvious.)
:: (after a question:) ja klar with a squeaking tone on the second word; (after a statement:) ach; ach nee; ach was; na sowas; sag bloß all with an interrogative intonation
Duilius {prop} (a Roman nomen gentile)
:: Duilius
Duisburg {prop} (a city in Germany)
:: Duisburg {n}
duke {n} (male ruler of a duchy)
:: Herzog {m}
duke {n} (grand duke)
:: Großherzog {m}
Duke of York Islands {prop} (group of islands)
:: Neulauenburg
dulcet {adj} (sweet (voice, tone), melodious)
:: wohlklingend, melodisch, lieblich
dulcet {adj} (generally pleasing, soothing, agreeable)
:: angenehm, beruhigend, lind
dulcet {adj} (sweet to the taste)
:: lieblich, süß, angenehm
dulcimer {n} (musical instrument)
:: Cymbal {n}, Hackbrett {n}
dulcour {n} (sweetness; dulcitude; suavitude) SEE: sweetness
dull {adj} (lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp)
:: stumpf
dull {adj} (boring)
:: fad, langweilig
dull {adj} (not shiny)
:: matt, stumpf
dull {adj} (not bright or intelligent)
:: blöd, blöde, dumm, dumpf
dull {v} (to render dull)
:: abstumpfen
dull {v} (to soften, moderate or blunt)
:: abstumpfen
dull {v} (to become dull)
:: abstumpfen
dulse {n} (reddish brown seaweed that is eaten)
:: Lappentang {m}
duly {adv} (properly)
:: gebührend, ordnungsgemäß
duly {adv} (regularly)
:: pünktlich
duma {n} (lower house of Russian national parliament)
:: Duma {f}
Dumas {prop} (surname)
:: Dumas
dumb {adj} (unable to speak) SEE: mute
dumb {adj} (extremely stupid)
:: dumm, idiotisch
dumb {adj} (pointless or unintellectual)
:: sinnlos, dümmlich, dumm
dumbarse {n} (stupid person)
:: Vollpfosten {m}
dumbass {n} (stupid or foolish person)
:: Blödmann {m}, Trottel {m}
dumbbell {n} (a weight with two disks attached to a short bar)
:: Kurzhantel {f}, Hantel {f}
dumb blonde {n} (neutral)
:: Blondchen {n}
dumbfounded {adj} (shocked and speechless)
:: entgeistert, verdutzt
dumbledore {n} (beetle) SEE: beetle
dumbledore {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee
dumbledore {n} (dandelion) SEE: dandelion
dumbness {n} (the state of being dumb)
:: Stummheit {f}, Mutitas {f}
Dumbrăveni {prop} (city)
:: Elisabethstadt
dumbwaiter {n} (small elevator)
:: Speisenaufzug {m}, Speiseaufzug {m}
dumfounded {adj} (dumbfounded) SEE: dumbfounded
dummy {n} (a deliberately nonfunctional placeholder)
:: Attrappe {f}
dummy {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier
dump {n} (a place where waste or garbage is left)
:: Kippe {f}, Müllkippe {f}
dumping {n} (selling goods at less than their normal price, especially in the export market)
:: Dumping {n}, Warenverschleuderung {f}
dumpling {n} (food)
:: Knödel {m}, Kloß {m}, Klops {m}
dumpster {n} (large trash receptacle)
:: Müllcontainer {m}, Abfallcontainer {m}
dumpster dive {v} (practice dumper diving)
:: containern, dumpstern
dumpster diving {n} (act of recovering discarded items)
:: Dumpstern {n}, Containern {n}
dump truck {n} (heavy truck for carrying loose, bulk cargo)
:: Kipper {m}, Muldenkipper {m}
dun-bar {n} (species of moth)
:: Trapezeule
dunce cap {n} (Conical hat)
:: Eselsmütze {f}
dune {n} (a ridge or hill of sand piled up by the wind)
:: Düne {f}, Sanddüne {f}
dung {n} (manure)
:: Dünger {m}, Mist {m}
dung {v} (to fertilize with dung)
:: düngen
dungarees {n} (heavy denim pants or overalls)
:: Latzhose {f}
dung beetle {n} (insect of the family Scarabaeidae)
:: Mistkäfer {m}
dungeon {n} (underground prison or vault)
:: Verlies {n}, Kerker {m}
dungeon {n} (the main tower of a motte or castle; a keep or donjon)
:: Verlies {n}
dung heap {n} (dunghill) SEE: dunghill
dunghill {n} (heap of dung)
:: Misthaufen {m}
dunking {n} (submerging)
:: Eintauchen {n}
dunking {n} (basketball)
:: Dunking
Dunkirk {prop} (town in France)
:: Dünkirchen
dunlin {n} (Calidris alpina)
:: Alpenstrandläufer {m}
dunnage {n} (material, often wood, most commonly used to fill spaces to prevent items from shifting during shipment)
:: Garnier {n}
dunno {contraction} (do (does) not know)
:: weiß nich
dunnock {n} (bird)
:: Heckenbraunelle {f}
duo {n} (twosome, especially musicians)
:: Duo {n}
duodecillion {num} (1039)
:: Sextilliarde
duodecillion {num} (1072, see also: trevigintillion)
:: Duodezillion {f}
duodecimal {n} (base-twelve number system)
:: Duodezimalsystem {n}
duodecuple {adj} (twelvefold) SEE: twelvefold
duodenal {adj} (of or pertaining to the duodenum)
:: duodenal
duodenum {n} (first part of the small intestine)
:: Duodenum {n}, Zwölffingerdarm {m}
duopoly {n} (market situation in which two companies exclusively provide a particular product or service)
:: Duopol {n}, Dyopol {n}
duotrigintillion {num} (1099)
:: Sexdezilliarde
dupe {v} (to swindle, deceive, or trick)
:: überlisten
duplex {n} (house)
:: Doppelhaus {n}
duplicate {v} (to make a copy of)
:: vervielfältigen, kopieren, duplizieren, nachmachen
duplicate {v} (to do repeatedly; to do again)
:: wiederholen, nachmachen, kopieren
duplicate {v} (to produce something equal to)
:: entsprechen, etwas entgegenhalten
duplicate {n} (an identical copy)
:: Duplikat {n}, Kopie {f}
duplication {n} (duplicating)
:: Duplikation
duplicitous {adj} (given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech)
:: heuchlerisch
duplicity {n} (intentional deceptiveness)
:: Doppelspiel {n}, Doppelzüngigkeit {f}, Duplizität {f}
durability {n} (Permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force)
:: Haltbarkeit {f}
durable {adj} (able to resist wear; enduring)
:: strapazierfähig, haltbar, dauerhaft
durable good {n} (good that yields utility over time)
:: langlebiges Investitionsgut {n}
dura mater {n} (anatomy: outermost layer of the meninges)
:: Dura mater
duramen {n} (heartwood) SEE: heartwood
duration {n} (amount of time)
:: Dauer {f}
durative {adj} (long-lasting) SEE: long-lasting
dure {v} (to last, continue, endure)
:: dauern
duress {n} (constraint by threat)
:: Zwang {m}, Nötigung {f}
Durex {n} (condom) SEE: condom
Durex {prop} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape
durian {n} (fruit)
:: Durian {f}
during {prep} (for all of a given time interval)
:: während, unter
during {prep} (within a given time interval)
:: während, unter, in
Durrës {prop} (Adriatic port city in Albania)
:: Durrës {m}
durum {n} (durum wheat) SEE: durum wheat
durum wheat {n} (hard variety of wheat)
:: Hartweizen {m}
Dushanbe {prop} (capital of Tajikistan)
:: Duschanbe {n}
dusk {n} (period of time at the end of day when sun is below the horizon but before full onset of night)
:: Abenddämmerung {f}
dusky {adj} (dark-skinned) SEE: dark-skinned
dusky tit {n} (Melaniparus funereus)
:: Einfarbmeise {f}, Einfarb-Rußmeise {f}
dust {n} (fine, dry particles)
:: Staub {m}
dust {v} ((intransitive) to clean by removing dust)
:: entstauben, abstauben
dust {v} ((transitive) to remove dust from)
:: entstauben, abstauben
dust {v} (of a bird, to cover itself in sand)
:: ein Sandbad nehmen, sandbaden
dust {v} (to spray something with fine powder or liquid)
:: pudern, bestauben
dustbin {n} (container for trash) SEE: garbage can
dust bunny {n} (a small clump of dust)
:: Wollmaus {f}
dustcart {n} (rubbish collection vehicle) SEE: garbage truck
dustcloth {n} (cloth used for dusting)
:: Staubtuch {n}, Staublappen {m}
dust devil {n} (a swirling dust in the air)
:: Kleintrombe {f}, Staubteufel {m}
duster {n} (object used for dusting)
:: Staubtuch {n}, Staublappen {m}, Staubwedel {m}
duster {n} (person who dusts)
:: Staubwischer {m}, Staubwischerin {f}
duster {n} (a light, loose-fitting long coat)
:: Staubmantel {m}
dust jacket {n} (detachable protective cover of a book)
:: Schutzumschlag {m}, Buchumschlag {m}
dustman {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector
dust mite {n} (mite of the Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus species)
:: Hausstaubmilbe {f}
dust off {v} (to remove dust from something)
:: abstauben
dustpan {n} (flat scoop for assembling dust)
:: Kehrblech {n}, Kehrschaufel {f}, Kutterschaufel {f}
duststorm {n} (A storm of dust)
:: Sandsturm {m}
dusty {adj} (covered with dust)
:: staubig
dusty {adj} (powdery and resembling dust)
:: staubig
Dutch {adj} (of the Netherlands, people, or language)
:: niederländisch, holländisch
Dutch {prop} (the Dutch language)
:: Niederländisch {n}, Holländisch {n}
Dutch {n} (people from the Netherlands)
:: Niederländer, Holländer
Dutch cap {n} (contraceptive device) SEE: cervical cap
Dutch clover {n} (Trifolium repens) SEE: white clover
Dutch elm disease {n} (disease of elm trees)
:: Ulmensterben {n}
Dutch Limburg {prop} (the roughly northeastern part of the Benelux region of Limburg)
:: Niederländisch-Limburg {n}, Niederländischer-Limburg {m}
Dutchman {n} (a Dutch man)
:: Niederländer {m}, Holländer {m}
Dutchman's breeches {n} (Dicentra cucullaria)
:: Kapuzen-Herzblume {f}
Dutchwoman {n} (a Dutch woman)
:: Niederländerin {f}, Holländerin {f}
dutiful {adj} (accepting of one's obligations)
:: pflichtbewusst
duty {n} (that which one is morally or legally obligated to do)
:: Pflicht {f}
duty {n} (period of time)
:: Schicht {f}, Arbeitszeit {f}
duty {n} (tax; tariff)
:: Zoll {m}, Einfuhrsteuer {f}
duty calls {phrase} (expresses that the speaker has something they must do)
:: die Pflicht ruft
duty-free {adj} (exempt from duty, especially customs)
:: zollfrei, abgabenfrei
duty of care {n} (duty of care)
:: Sorgfaltspflicht {f}, Fürsorgepflicht {f}
duumvirate {n} (Roman offices)
:: Duumvirat {n}
duvet {n} (quilt)
:: Bettdecke {f}; Federbett {n}, Plumeau {n}, Plümo {n}; Daunendecke {f}
duvet {n} (duvet cover)
:: Bettbezug {m}
DVD {n} (digital video disc)
:: DVD {f}
DVD player {n} (DVD player)
:: DVD-Spieler {m}
dwarf {n} (being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit)
:: Zwerg {m}, Zwergin {f}
dwarf {n} (small person)
:: Zwerg {m}, Zwergin {f}
dwarf {n} (something much smaller than the usual of its sort)
:: Zwerg {m}
dwarf {n} (astronomy: relatively small star)
:: Zwerg {m}, Zwergstern {m}
dwarf {n}
:: Zwerg {m}, Zwergin {f}
dwarf {adj} (miniature)
:: Zwerg-, zwergenhaft
dwarf {v} (to become (much) smaller)
:: schrumpfen
dwarf elder {n} (Sambucus ebulus)
:: Zwerg-Holunder {m}
dwarf galaxy {n} (small galaxy)
:: Zwerggalaxie {f}
dwarfism {n} (condition of being a dwarf)
:: Kleinwuchs {m}
dwarf planet {n} (a type of celestial body)
:: Zwergplanet {m}
dwarf standing on the shoulders of giants {n} (A person who discovers by building on previous discoveries.)
:: Zwerge auf den Schultern von Riesen
dwarf star {n} (star that is a located in the main sequence)
:: Zwergstern {m}
dwarf tossing {n} (weird sport)
:: Zwergenwerfen {n}
dwell {v} (live, reside)
:: leben, verbleiben, wohnen
dwell {v} (to linger on as thoughts)
:: verweilen
dweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant
dwelling {n} (house or place in which a person lives)
:: Wohnsitz {m}, Wohnung {f}, Behausung, Wohnstätte
dwindle {v} ((intransitive) to decrease, shrink, vanish)
:: schwinden
dydoe {n} (a male genital piercing)
:: Dydoe
dye {n} (a colourant, especially one that has an affinity to the substrate to which it is applied)
:: Färbemittel {n}, Färbmittel {n}
dye {v} (to colour with dye)
:: färben, einfärben
dye {n} (die) SEE: die
dyed {adj} (colored with dye)
:: gefärbt
dyed-in-the-wool {adj} (dyed before being formed into cloth)
:: in der Wolle gefärbt
dyed-in-the-wool {adj} (firmly established in a person's beliefs or habits)
:: waschecht, eingefleischt
dyer {n} (one whose occupation is to dye)
:: Färber {m}
dying {adj} (approaching death)
:: sterbend, im Sterben liegen
dying {n} (process of approaching death)
:: Sterben {n}
dyke {n} (ditch) SEE: ditch
dyke {n} (ditch and bank running alongside each other)
:: Graben {m}
dyke {n} (barrier to prevent flooding)
:: Deich {m}
dyke {n} (geology: body of once igneous rock injected into older rocks)
:: Gesteinsgang {m}
dyke {n} (masculine lesbian, see also: lesbian)
:: Kampflesbe {f}
dyke {n}
:: Lesbe {f}
dynamic {adj} (not steady; in motion)
:: dynamisch
dynamic {adj} (powerful)
:: dynamisch
dynamic {adj} (able to change)
:: dynamisch
dynamic {n} (a behavior)
:: Dynamik {f}
dynamic {n} (the varying loudness or volume)
:: Dynamik {f}
dynamic {n} (a symbol in a musical score)
:: Dynamik {f}
dynamically-typed {adj}
:: dynamisch typisiert
dynamic language {n}
:: dynamische Sprache {f}
dynamic memory {n} (computer memory)
:: dynamischer Speicher {m}
dynamics {n} (branch of mechanics)
:: Dynamik {f}
dynamic typing {n} (in programming: type checking performed at run time)
:: dynamische Typisierung {f}
dynamite {n} (class of explosives)
:: Dynamit {n}
dynamite {n} (figuratively)
:: Sprengstoff {m}
dynamo {n} (dynamo-electric machine)
:: Dynamo {m}
dynamo {n} (an energetic person)
:: Energiebündel {n}
dynastic {adj} (pertaining to a dynasty)
:: dynastisch
dynasty {n} (A series of rulers or dynasts from one family)
:: Dynastie {f}, Herrschergeschlecht {n}, Herrscherhaus {f}, Herrscherhaus {n}
dysarthria {n} (difficulty in articulating)
:: Dysarthrie {f}
dyscalculia {n} (pathology: difficulty with numbers)
:: Dyskalkulie {f}, Rechenschwäche {f}
dyscrasia {n} (disorder, especially of the blood)
:: Dyskrasie {f}
dysentery {n} (disease characterised by inflammation of the intestines)
:: Dysenterie {f}, Ruhr {f}
dysfunction {n} (failure to function)
:: Fehlfunktion {f}, Dysfunktion {f}
dysfunctional {adj} (functioning incorrectly or abnormally)
:: dysfunktional
dysgraphia {n} (language disorder)
:: Dysgraphie {f}, Schreibschwäche {f}
dyslalia {n} (difficulty in talking due to a structural abnormality)
:: Dyslalie {f}
dyslexia {n} (learning disability)
:: Legasthenie {f}, Dyslexie {f}
dyslexic {adj} (having dyslexia)
:: legasthenisch, legasthen
dyslexic {n} (a person who has dyslexia)
:: Legastheniker {m}
dysmenorrhea {n} (painful menstruation)
:: Menstruationsbeschwerden {f-p}
dysmorphia {n} (dysmorphia)
:: Dysmorphophobie {f}
dyspeptic {adj} (of, relating to, or having dyspepsia)
:: dyspeptisch, magenkrank
dyspeptic {adj} (irritable or morose)
:: missgestimmt
dysphemism {n} (word or phrase used to replace another in this way)
:: Dysphemismus, Kakophemismus
dysphoria {n} (state of feeling unwell, unhappy, restless or depressed)
:: Verstimmung, Dysphorie {f}
dysphoric {adj} (pertaining to, or in a state of dysphoria)
:: dysphorisch
dyspnea {n} (difficult respiration)
:: Dyspnoe {f}, Atemnot {f}
dysprosium {n} (chemical element)
:: Dysprosium {n}
dyssynchrony {n} (lack of proper synchrony)
:: Dyssynchronie {f}, Asynchronie {f}
dyssynchrony {n} (heart condition)
:: Dyssynchronie {f}
dyssynchrony {n} (neurological condition)
:: Dyssynchronie {f}
dysthymia {n} (tendency to be depressed)
:: Dysthymie {f}
dysthymia {n} (form of clinical depression)
:: Dysthymie {f}
dystocia {n} (slow or difficult labour or delivery)
:: Gebärschwierigkeit {f}
dystopia {n} (vision of a future)
:: Dystopie {f}, Mätopie, Anti-Utopie {f}, Gegenutopie {f}
dystopia {n} (medical condition)
:: Dystopie {f}
dystrophin {n}
:: Dystrophin
dystrophy {n} (dystrophy)
:: Dystrophie {f}
dzhigit {n} (a brave equestrian in the Caucasus and Central Asia)
:: Dschigit {m}
Dzongkha {prop} (national language of Bhutan)
:: Dzongkha {n}
dzud {n} (a summer drought followed by a severe winter, generally causing serious loss of livestock)
:: Zud, Dsud