œcumenic {adj} (ecumenical) SEE: ecumenical
o {n} (name of the letter O, o)
:: ó {m}
-o- {interfix} (linking vowel between morphemes)
:: -o- , -ó- , -ô-
O {particle} (a vocative particle)
:: ó
oaf {n} (imbecile)
:: imbecil, idiota
oak {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Quercus)
:: carvalho {m}
oak {n} (wood)
:: carvalho {m}
oaken {adj} (made from the wood of an oak)
:: de carvalho
oak tree {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Quercus) SEE: oak
oakum {n} (fibrous caulking material)
:: estopa {f}
oakwood {n} (wood populated with oaks)
:: carvalhal {m}, carvalheira {f}
oar {n} (implement used to row a boat)
:: remo {m}
oar {v} (row) SEE: row
oar blade {n} (flanged portion of an oar)
:: pá {f}
oarsman {n} (man who rows a boat) SEE: rower
OAS {prop} (Organization of American States)
:: OEA (Organização dos Estados Americanos)
oasis {n} (well surrounded by fertile region)
:: oásis {m}
oasis {n} (quiet or peaceful place)
:: oásis {m}
oat {n} (a widely cultivated cereal grass)
:: aveia {f}
oat {n} (seeds of the oat) SEE: oats
oath {n} (curse) SEE: curse
oath {n} (solemn pledge)
:: juramento {m}, jura {f}, promessa {f}
oath {n} (affirmed statement)
:: juramento {m}
oath {n} (profanity)
:: palavrão {m}
oath {v} (to pledge)
:: jurar
oatmeal {n} (meal)
:: farinha de aveia {f}
oatmeal {n} (breakfast cereal, see also: porridge)
:: mingau de aveia {m}
oats {n} (seeds of an oat plant)
:: aveia {f}
Ob {prop} (river in Russia)
:: Ob {m}
Obadiah {prop} (book of the Old Testament)
:: Abdias, Obadias {m}
Obama {prop} (surname)
:: Obama
obedience {n} (quality of being obedient)
:: obediência {f}
obedient {adj} (willing to comply with commands)
:: obediente
obediently {adv} (in an obedient manner)
:: obedientemente
obelisk {n} (A tall, square, tapered, stone monolith topped with a pyramidal point)
:: obelisco {m}
obese {adj} (extremely overweight)
:: obeso
obesity {n} (act or state of being obese)
:: obesidade {f}
obey {v} (to do as ordered by)
:: obedecer
obfuscate {v} (make dark)
:: ofuscar
obfuscate {v} (make confusing)
:: ofuscar
obfuscate {v} (alter code)
:: ofuscar
obfuscation {n} (act or process of obfuscating, or obscuring the perception of something)
:: ofuscamento {m}
obfuscation {n} (confusion, bewilderment, or a baffled state resulting from something obfuscated)
:: ofuscamento {m}
obfuscation {n} (intentionally obscuring the meaning of something to make it more difficult to grasp)
:: ofuscamento {m}
obituary {n} (brief notice of a person's death, as published in a newspaper)
:: obituário {m}
obituary {n} (biography of a recently deceased person)
:: obituário {m}
object {n} (thing)
:: objeto {m}
object {n} (in grammar)
:: objeto {m}, complemento
object {n} (person or thing to which an emotion is directed)
:: objetivo {m}
object {n} (in object-oriented programming)
:: objeto {m}
object {v} (disagree with something or someone)
:: objetar
object-based programming {n} (programming paradigm that uses objects to design application and computer programs)
:: programação baseada em objetos
objectification {n}
:: coisificação {f}, reificação {f}, objetificação {f}
objection {n} (act of objecting)
:: objeção {f}
objection {n} (statement expressing opposition)
:: objeção {f}
objection {n} (official protest raised in a court of law)
:: protesto {m}, objeção {f}
objective {adj} (relating to a material object)
:: objetivo
objective {adj} (not influenced by emotions)
:: objetivo
objective {adj} (based on observed fact)
:: objetivo
objective {n} (material object)
:: objetivo {m}
objective {n} (goal)
:: objetivo {m}
objective {n} ((grammar) the objective case)
:: objetivo {m}
objective {n} (lens)
:: objetiva {f}
objectively {adv} (in an impartial, objective manner)
:: objetivamente
objectivity {n} (The state of being objective)
:: objetividade {f}
object-oriented {adj} (using entities called objects)
:: orientado a objetos
object-oriented programming {n} (programming paradigm that uses objects to design application and computer programs)
:: programação orientada a objetos {f}
object permanence {n} (understanding that an object still exists when it disappears from sight)
:: permanência de objetos {f}, permanência de objeto {f}
oblast {n} (region or province)
:: óblast
obligate {v} (to bind, compel, or constrain by a social, legal, or moral tie)
:: obrigação
obligate {v} (to commit (money, for example) in order to fulfill an obligation)
:: obrigação
obligate {adj} (Absolutely indispensable; essential)
:: exigido {m}, essencial
obligation {n} (act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie to someone)
:: obrigação {f}
obligation {n} (social, legal, or moral requirement)
:: obrigação {f}, compromisso {m}
obligatory {adj} (binding)
:: obrigatório
obligatory {adj}
:: obrigatório
obliged {adj} (Under an obligation to do something for someone)
:: obrigado {m}
obliged {adj} (Indebted because of a favor done)
:: obrigado {m}, agradecido {m}
obliging {adj} (Happy and ready to do favours for others)
:: prestativo
oblique {adj} (not erect or perpendicular)
:: oblíquo
oblique case {n} (any noun case except the nominative (and vocative))
:: caso oblíquo {m}
obliquity {n} (quality of being obscure) SEE: obscurity
obliquity {n} (quality of being oblique)
:: obliquidade {f}
obliquity {n} (mental or moral deviation)
:: obliquidade {f}
obliterate {v} (to remove completely, leaving no trace; to wipe out; to destroy)
:: aniquilar, obliterar
obliteration {n} (The total destruction of something)
:: obliteração {f}
oblivion {n} (state of forgetfulness or distraction)
:: esquecimento {m}
oblivion {n} (state of being completely forgotten)
:: esquecimento {m}
oblivious {adj} (unaware)
:: inconsciente, sem noção
oblivious {adj} (failing to remember)
:: esquecediço, esquecidiço
oblong {adj} (longer than wide)
:: oblongo, oblongado
obloquy {n} (abusive language)
:: xingamento {m}
obnoxious {adj} (offensive, very annoying)
:: insuportável, desagradável, obnóxio
obnubilation {n}
:: obnubilação {f}
oboe {n} (wind instrument)
:: oboé {m}
oboe d'amore {n} (instrument of the oboe family)
:: oboe d'amore {m}, oboé d'amore {m}
obolus {n} (silver coin)
:: óbolo {m}
obscene {adj} (offensive to current standards of decency or morality)
:: obsceno
obscene {adj} (lewd or lustful)
:: obsceno
obscene {adj} (disgusting or repulsive)
:: obsceno
obscenity {n} (something that is obscene)
:: obscenidade {f}
obscurantism {n} (state of opposition to progress)
:: obscurantismo {m}
obscurantism {n} (deliberate obscurity or vagueness)
:: obscurantismo {m}
obscure {adj} (dark, faint or indistinct)
:: obscuro
obscurity {n} (darkness; the absence of light)
:: obscuridade {f}
obsequious {adj} (obedient, compliant with someone else's orders)
:: obsequioso
obsequious {adj} (fawning, subservient)
:: obsequioso, submisso
observable {adj} (able to be observed)
:: observável
observation {n} (act of observing or being observed)
:: observação {f}
observation {n} (recording an event; the record of such noting)
:: registro {m}, observação
observation {n} (remark or comment)
:: observação {f}, comentário {m}
observation {n} (judgement)
:: parecer {m}
observation wheel {n} (Ferris wheel) SEE: Ferris wheel
observatory {n} (place where celestial bodies or natural phenomena are observed)
:: observatório {m}
observatory {n} (lookout) SEE: lookout
observe {v} (to notice, to watch, see also: notice)
:: observar, ver, verificar, olhar, reparar
observe {v} (to follow)
:: seguir, acompanhar, ter em conta, cumprir, respeitar
observe {v} (to comment)
:: observar, comentar, apontar
observer {n} (one who makes observations, monitors or takes notice)
:: observador {m}
obsessed {adj} (fixated on a single topic or emotion)
:: obcecado
obsession {n} (compulsive or irrational preoccupation)
:: obsessão {f}
obsession {n} (unhealthy fixation)
:: obsessão {f}
obsessive {adj} (having one thought or pursuing one activity to the absolute or nearly absolute exclusion of all others)
:: obsessivo
obsessive-compulsive disorder {n} (form of anxiety)
:: transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo {m}
obsessively {adv} (in an obsessive manner)
:: obsessivamente
obsidian {n} (a type of black glass produced by volcanoes)
:: obsidiana {f}
obsolescence {n} (state)
:: obsolescência {f}
obsolescent {adj} (in the process of becoming obsolete, but not obsolete yet)
:: obsolescente
obsolete {adj} (no longer in use)
:: obsoleto {m}, obsoleta {f}
obstacle {n} (something that impedes, stands in the way of, or holds up progress)
:: obstáculo {m}, estorvo {m}, impedimento {m}, empecilho {m}, obstrução {f}, entrave {m}, óbice {m}, barreira {f}, tolhimento {m}, trambolho {m}, travanca {f}
obstetric {adj} (relating to obstetrics)
:: obstétrico, obstetrício
obstetrician {n} (a physician who specializes in childbirth)
:: obstetra {m} {f}
obstetrics {n} (care of women during and after pregnancy)
:: obstetrícia {f}
obstinate {adj} (adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually unreasonably)
:: obstinado, persistente, pertinaz
obstinately {adv} (in an obstinate manner)
:: obstinadamente
obstruct {v} (To block or fill (a passage))
:: obstruir, trancar, entupir
obstruct {v} (To impede, retard, or interfere with)
:: obstruir
obstruct {v} (To get in the way of so as to hide from sight)
:: obstruir, ocultar, esconder
obstructive {adj} (causing obstructions)
:: obstrutivo
obtain {v} (to get hold of, acquire)
:: obter
obtain {v} (to hold, possess)
:: ter, possuir
obtainable {adj} (capable of being obtained)
:: obtenível, obtível, arranjável
obtuse {adj} (intellectually dull)
:: obtuso, bronco, parvo
obtuse {adj} (deadened, muffled, muted)
:: abafado
obtuse {adj} (of an angle)
:: obtuso
obtuse {adj} (botany, zoology: blunt)
:: obtuso
obtuse angle {n} (angle that is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees)
:: ângulo obtuso {m}
obviate {v} (to bypass a requirement)
:: obviar
obvious {adj} (easily discovered or understood; self-explanatory)
:: óbvio
obviously {adv} (in an obvious manner; clearly apparent)
:: obviamente
oca {n} (any of certain species of Oxalis which bear edible tubers)
:: oca {f}
ocarina {n} (musical instrument)
:: ocarina {f}
Occam's razor {prop} (both principles)
:: navalha de Occam {f}, navalha de Ockham {f}, lâmina de Occam {f}, lâmina de Ockham {f}
occasion {n} (favorable opportunity)
:: ocasião {f}
occasion {n} (particular happening)
:: ocasião
occasion {n} (occurrence or incident) SEE: occurrence
occasional {adj} (limited to certain occasions; not very often)
:: ocasional
occasionally {adv} (from time to time; now and then; once in a while; at infrequent intervals)
:: ocasionalmente
occident {n} (part of the horizon where the sun last appears in the evening; that part of the earth towards the sunset; the west)
:: ocidente {m}
occipital {adj} (of or pertaining to the occiput (back of the head) or the occipital bone)
:: occipital
occipital {n} (occipital bone)
:: occipital {m}
occiput {n} (back of the head or skull)
:: occipício {m}, occipúcio {m}, occipital {m}, occiput {m}
Occitan {prop} (the Romance language)
:: occitano {m}, occitânico {m}, língua d'oc {f}
Occitania {prop} (Occitania)
:: Occitânia
Occitanie {prop} (region of France)
:: Occitânia
occlusive {n} (plosive) SEE: plosive
occult {v} (to cover)
:: ocultar
occult {adj} (secret; hidden from general knowledge; undetected)
:: oculto, ocultado
occult {adj} (related to the occult)
:: oculto
occult {n} (supernatural affairs)
:: oculto, ocultismo
occultation {n} (astronomical event)
:: ocultação
occultism {n} (study of the supernatural)
:: ocultismo {m}
occultist {n} (person who practises occultism)
:: ocultista {m} {f}
occupancy {n} (the act of occupying, the state of being occupied or the state of being an occupant or tenant)
:: ocupação {f}
occupant {n} (person sitting in a vehicle)
:: ocupante {m} {f}
occupation {n} (activity or task with which one occupies oneself)
:: ocupação {f}, serviço {m}, emprego {m}, trabalho {m}
occupation {n} (act, process or state of possessing a place)
:: ocupação {f}
occupation {n} (control of a country or region by a hostile army)
:: ocupação {f}, tomada {f}
occupational hazard {n} (an unpleasant, inconvenient, or unusual circumstance which occurs or is likely to occur during the course of one's employment)
:: ossos do ofício {m-p}
occupied {adj} (reserved)
:: ocupado
occupied {adj} (busy)
:: ocupado
occupied {adj} (militarily subjugated)
:: ocupado
occupier {n} (one who occupies)
:: ocupante {m}
occupy {v} (to occupy) SEE: consume
occupy {v} (to fill (time))
:: ocupar
occupy {v} (to fill (space))
:: ocupar
occupy {v} (time or space)
:: ocupar
occupy {v} (reside in)
:: ocupar
occupy {v} (have (taken) control of)
:: ocupar
occupy {v} (hold a position)
:: ocupar
occupy {v} (hold attention of)
:: ocupar
occur {v} (take place)
:: ocorrer, acontecer
occur {v} (present itself)
:: ocorrer
occur {v} (meet or come to the mind)
:: ocorrer
occur {v} (be present or found)
:: ocorrer, encontrar-se
occurrence {n} (actual instance where a situation arises)
:: ocorrência {f}, acontecimento {m}
OCD {n} (obsessive-compulsive disorder) SEE: obsessive-compulsive disorder
ocean {n} (one of the large bodies of water)
:: oceano {m}
oceanarium {n} (park where visitors can see marine animals)
:: oceanário {m}
Oceania {prop} (geographical region)
:: Oceania {f}
Oceanian {adj} (from Oceania)
:: oceânico, oceaniense
Oceanian {n} (someone from Oceania)
:: oceânico {m}, oceaniense
oceanic {adj} (of or relating to the ocean)
:: oceânico
oceanic {adj} (living in the ocean)
:: oceânico
oceanic whitetip shark {n} (Carcharhinus longimanus)
:: galha-branca oceânico {m}
Oceanid {n} (any of the sea nymphs)
:: oceânide {f}
oceanographer {n} (person who studies oceanography, the science of oceans)
:: oceanógrafo {m}
oceanographic {adj} (relating to oceanography)
:: oceanográfico
oceanographical {adj} (oceanographical) SEE: oceanographic
oceanography {n} (oceanic exploration and study)
:: oceanografia {f}, oceanologia {f}
oceanological {adj} (of or pertaining to oceanology)
:: oceanológico
oceanology {n} (oceanography) SEE: oceanography
Oceanus {prop} (personification of the ocean)
:: Oceano {m}
ocellated lizard {n} (large lizard)
:: sardão {m}
ocelot {n} (feline carnivore)
:: jaguatirica {f}, gato-do-mato {m}, ocelote {m}
ochlocracy {n} (government by the masses)
:: oclocracia {f}
ochre {n} (earth pigment)
:: ocre {m}, ocra {f}
ochre {n} (yellowish-orange colour)
:: ocre {m}, ocra {f}
ochre {adj} (having yellow-orange colour)
:: ocre
ochric {adj} (too thin, light in colour, or low in organic matter to be considered mollic or umbric)
:: ócrico
o'clock {adv} (indication of time (the translations below are of "one o’clock"))
:: uma hora, uma (hora) em ponto
o'clock {adv} (the translations below are of "at one o’clock")
:: à uma (hora)
Oct {prop} (abbreviation of October)
:: out {m}
octagon {n} (polygon with eight sides and eight angles)
:: octógono {m}
octagonal {adj} (shaped like an octagon)
:: octogonal
octahedron {n} (a polyhedron with eight faces)
:: octaedro {m}
octalogy {n} (A set of eigth works of art that are connected)
:: octologia {f}, octalogia {f}
octane {n} (isomeric aliphatic hydrocarbons)
:: octano {m}
octane number {n} (measure of the antiknock properties of an automobile fuel)
:: octanagem {f}
octangular {adj} (octagonal) SEE: octagonal
octavate {v} (sound one octave higher or lower)
:: oitavar
octave {n} (interval)
:: oitava {f}
octave {n} (pitch octave higher than a given pitch)
:: oitava {f}
octave {n} (day that is one week after a feast day)
:: oitava {f}
Octavius {prop} (male given name)
:: Otávio {m}
octet {n} (group of eight)
:: octeto {m}
octet {n} (group of eight musicians performing together)
:: octeto {m}
octet {n} (byte of eight bits) SEE: byte
octillion {num} (a thousand trillion trillion, 1027)
:: octilhão
October {prop} (tenth month of the Gregorian calendar)
:: outubro {m}
octopus {n} (mollusc)
:: polvo {m}
octothorpe {n} (octothorpe) SEE: hash
ocular {adj} (seen by the eye) SEE: visual
oculist {n} (optometrist) SEE: optometrist
oculist {n} (ophthalmologist) SEE: ophthalmologist
odalisque {n} (a female harem slave)
:: odalisca {f}
odd {adj} (not having a mate)
:: ímpar
odd {adj} (strange)
:: estranho, raro
odd {adj} (indivisible by two)
:: ímpar
odd {adj} (casual, irregular)
:: ocasional
odd {adj} (about)
:: aproximadamente
oddball {n} (eccentric person)
:: excêntrico {m}
odd job {v} (task of incidental nature)
:: biscate {m}
odds {n} (the ratio of the probabilities of an event happening to that of it not happening)
:: chances {f-p}
odds and ends {n} (miscellaneous things)
:: miudezas {f-p}
ode {n} (a short poetical composition)
:: ode {f}
odeon {n} (ancient Greek or Roman building)
:: odeão {m}, odeom {m}
odeon {n} (modern theatre or concert hall)
:: odeão {m}, odeom {m}
Oder {prop} (river)
:: Oder {m}
Odesa {prop} (Odessa) SEE: Odessa
Odessa {prop} (Ukrainian city)
:: Odessa {f}
Odia {prop} (Oriya) SEE: Oriya
Odin {prop} (god in Norse mythology)
:: Odin, Ódin
odious {adj} (arousing strong dislike)
:: odioso
Odisha {prop} (state in India)
:: Orissa {f}
Odoacer {prop} (Flavius Odoacer, the first king of Italy)
:: Odoacro {m}, Odoacre {m}, Odoacer {m}
odometer {n} (instrument attached to the wheel)
:: odómetro {m} , odômetro {m} , hodómetro {m} , hodômetro {m}
odontoblast {n}
:: odontoblasto {m}
odontological {adj} (pertaining to odontology)
:: odontológico
odontology {n} (study of teeth)
:: odontologia {f}
odontology {n} (branch of dentistry)
:: odontologia {f}
odor {n} (any smell, whether fragrant or offensive; scent; perfume)
:: odor {m}
odorless {adj} (having no odor)
:: inodoro {m}
odourless {adj} (odourless) SEE: odorless
Odysseus {prop} (son of Laertes; Greek leader during the Trojan War)
:: Odisseu {m}, Ulisses {m}
odyssey {n} (extended adventurous voyage)
:: odisseia {f}
odyssey {n} (intellectual or spiritual quest)
:: odisseia {f}
Odyssey {prop} (epic poem describing the journey of Odysseus)
:: Odisseia {f}
oedema {n} (edema) SEE: edema
Oedipus {prop} (son of Laius and Jocasta)
:: Édipo {m}
Oedipus complex {n} (Freudian theory)
:: complexo de Édipo {m}
oeillade {n} (glance, ogle)
:: olhar {m}
oeno- {prefix} (forms terms relating to wine)
:: eno-
oenological {adj} (of or pertaining to oenology, the study of wine)
:: enológico
oesophagus {n} (the tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach)
:: esófago {m} , esôfago {m}
oestrus {n} (a female animal's readiness to mate)
:: estro {m}, cio {m}
of {prep} ((time) before, to)
:: para
of {prep} (introducing an epithet)
:: de
of {prep} (containing, comprising or made from)
:: de
of {prep} (linking class with example of class)
:: de
of {prep} (introducing subject matter)
:: de, sobre, em, a respeito de
of {prep} (connecting numeral or quantifier with quantified)
:: de (not used with quantifiers like todo, nem todo, para todo)
of {prep} (possessive genitive: belonging to)
:: de
of {prep} (objective genitive: connecting noun with object)
:: de
of {prep} (indicative of age)
:: de
of age {prep} (old enough to be considered an adult)
:: maior
of all time {prep} ((informal) ever)
:: de todos os tempos
of color {adj} (of a race other than white (euphemistic))
:: de cor
of course {adv} (naturally)
:: claro, naturalmente, lógico
off {adv} (into a state of non-operation or non-existence)
:: desligado
off {adj} (inoperative, disabled)
:: desligado
off {adj} (rotten)
:: estragado
off {v} (to kill)
:: apagar
off {v} (to switch off)
:: apagar, desligar
offal {n} (refuse) SEE: refuse
offal {n} (animal's organs as food)
:: miúdos {m-p}, cabidela {f} , fressura {f}, bofes {m-p}
offal {n} (carrion) SEE: carrion
offence {n} (offense) SEE: offense
offend {v} (to hurt the feelings)
:: ofender
offend {v} (to physically harm, pain)
:: prejudicar
offend {v} (to transgress or violate a law or moral requirement)
:: ofender
offend {v} (to feel or become offended)
:: ofender-se
offend {v} (sin) SEE: sin
offender {n} (one who gives or causes offense)
:: ofensor {m}
offender {n} (a person who commits an offense against the law)
:: transgressor {m}, criminoso {m}
offense {n} (act of offending against the law)
:: ofensa {f}, delito {m}, transgressão {f}
offense {n} (act of offending against manners)
:: ofensa {f}, insulto {m}
offense {n} (strategy and tactics employed when in position to score)
:: ataque {m}
offense {n} (portion of a team dedicated to scoring)
:: ataque {m}
offensive {adj} (causing offense)
:: ofensivo {m}, ofensiva {f}
offensive {adj} (relating to attack, offense)
:: ofensivo
offensive {adj} (team sports: having to do with play directed at scoring)
:: ofensivo
offensive {n} (an attack)
:: ofensiva {f}
offensive {n} (posture of attack)
:: ofensiva {f}
offer {n} (proposal)
:: oferta {f}, proposta {f}
offer {n} (something put forth)
:: oferta {f}
offer {n} (law: invitation to enter binding contract)
:: proposta {f}
offer {v} (propose)
:: oferecer
offer {v} (place at disposal)
:: oferecer
offering {n} (act of offering)
:: oferecimento {m}, oferta {f}
offering {n} (that which has been offered; a sacrifice)
:: oferenda {f}
offhand {adj} (without planning or thinking ahead)
:: improviso
office {n} (room(s) or building used for non-manual work)
:: escritório {m}
office {n} (major governmental division)
:: escritório {m}
office {n} (kindness) SEE: good offices
office chair {n} (desk chair used in an office)
:: cadeira de escritório {f}
office hours {n} (times when office workers are at their desks)
:: horário comercial
officer {n} (one who has a position of authority in a hierarchical organization)
:: oficial {m} {f}, comandante {m} {f}
officer {n} (one who holds a public office)
:: funcionário público {m}
officer {n} (contraction of the term "commissioned officer")
:: oficial {m} {f}
official {adj} (relating to an office; especially, to a subordinate executive officer or attendant)
:: oficial
official {n} (office holder invested with powers and authorities)
:: oficial {m}, funcionário {m}
official gazette {n} (periodical publication to publish notices)
:: diário oficial
officially {adv} (in an official manner)
:: oficialmente
off-licence {n} (liquor store) SEE: liquor store
offline {adj} (of a system, not connected to a larger network)
:: fora de linha, offline
offset {n} (compensating equivalent)
:: compensação {f}, contrapartida {f}
offset {n} (time at which something begins)
:: início {m}
offset {n} (difference in memory addresses)
:: offset {m}
offset {n} (distance by which one thing is out of alignment with another)
:: desalinhamento {m}
offset {v} (to compensate for something)
:: compensar
offset {n} (offset printing) SEE: offset printing
offset printing {n} (offset printing)
:: offset {m}, ofsete {m}
offshoot {n}
:: desvio {m}, ramificação {m}
offside {adj} (in an illegal position ahead of the ball)
:: impedido
offside {adj} (to the side of a road)
:: junto à estrada
offside {n} (offside play)
:: impedimento {m}
offspring {n}
:: filho {m}, filha {f}, rebento {m}
offspring {n} (plural or collective offspring (only males, only females, both sexes or sex unspecified))
:: descendência {f}
offspring {n} (plural or collective offspring, animal's or plant's progeny)
:: descendente {m} {f}
off the top of one's head {prep} (in an extemporaneous manner; without careful thought, preparation, or investigation)
:: de cabeça
of late {prep} (recently)
:: recentemente
of record {prep} (authoritative) SEE: authoritative
often {adv} (frequently, many times)
:: frequentemente, seguido, amiúde
oftenly {adv} (often) SEE: often
oghamic {adj} (in, of, or pertaining to Ogham)
:: ogâmico {m}
Oghuz {prop} (Oghuz people)
:: oguz {m} {f}
ogive {n} (Gothic pointed arch)
:: ogiva {f}
ogive {n} (nose of a bullet, missle, or rocket)
:: ogiva {f}
ogre {n} (brutish giant)
:: ogro {m}, ogre {m}
oh {interj} (expression of surprise)
:: ó
oh {interj} (expression of understanding)
:: ah
oh dear {interj} (expression of dismay, concern, worry or disapproval)
:: Virgem Maria!
Ohio {prop} (U.S. state)
:: Ohio {m}
Ohio {prop} (river)
:: Ohio {m}
ohm {n} (the derived unit of electrical resistance)
:: ohm {m}
Ohm's law {prop} (Ohm's observation)
:: lei de Ohm {f}
oh my {interj} (good heavens) SEE: good heavens
oh my God {interj} (excitement or shock)
:: meu Deus, nossa, ai!
oh my gosh {interj} (oh my God)
:: oh minha nossa
oh no {interj} (exclamation of alarm or concern)
:: bolas
oi {interj} (exclamation to get attention) SEE: hey
-oic {suffix}
:: -oico
-oid {suffix} (suffix meaning similar but not the same)
:: -oide
oil {n} (liquid fat)
:: óleo {m}
oil {n} (petroleum-based liquid)
:: petróleo {m}, óleo {m}
oil {v} (lubricate with oil)
:: olear
oil {v} (to grease with oil for cooking)
:: olear
oil company {n} (a company which trades, extracts or processes petroleum or oil)
:: petrolífera {f} , petroleira {f}
oiler {n} (oil well) SEE: oil well
oiler {n} (ship) SEE: oil tanker
oil lamp {n} (a simple vessel used to produce light)
:: lampião {m}, candeeiro {m}
oil painting {n} (a painting done with oil paints)
:: pintura a óleo {f}, óleo {m}
oil painting {n} (art of painting with oil paints)
:: pintura a óleo {f}
oil palm {n} (tree that produces palm oil)
:: palmeira-de-óleo {f}
oil pipeline {n} (oil pipeline)
:: oleoduto {m}
oil platform {n} (structure for oil)
:: plataforma de petróleo {f}, plataforma {f}
oil rig {n} (oil-drilling platform)
:: plataforma de poço de petróleo {f}
oil slick {n} (thin film of oil floating on the surface of water)
:: maré negra {f}
oil tanker {n} (Ship)
:: petroleiro {m}
oil well {n} (hole drilled into the earth from which petroleum is pumped)
:: poço de petróleo {m}
oily {adj} (relating to oil)
:: oleoso {m}, oleaginoso {m}, oleento {m}
oily {adj} (covered with or containing oil)
:: oleoso {m}, oleaginoso {m}, oleento {m}
oink {interj} (Representing the sound made by a pig)
:: oinc
oink {n} (sound made by a pig)
:: grunhido {m}
oink {v} (to oink)
:: grunhir
ointment {n} (viscous preparation, usually containing medication)
:: pomada {f}
Ojibwe {prop} (Ojibwe (language))
:: ojibwa {m}, ojibwe {m}
Ojibwe {n} (member of Ojibwe people)
:: ojibwa {m}
OK {n} (endorsement; approval)
:: ok, certo, tá, tá bom, tá bem, beleza
OK {adj} (all right, permitted)
:: OK {m}
OK {adj} (satisfactory)
:: bom
OK {adj} (in good health or in a good emotional state)
:: bem
OK {adv} (OK)
:: bem
OK {interj} (acknowledgement or acceptance)
:: OK, tudo bem, certo
okapi {n} (Large ruminant mammal)
:: ocapi {m}
okara {n} (food made from soybean pulp)
:: okara {m}
Okazaki fragment {n} (one of many newly synthesized DNA fragments formed on the lagging template strand during replication)
:: fragmento de Okazaki {m}
Okinawa {prop} (prefecture)
:: Okinawa {f}
Okinawa {prop} (city)
:: Okinawa {f}
Okinawan {prop} (Okinawan language)
:: oquinauano {m}
Oklahoma {prop} (state)
:: Oklahoma {m}
okra {n} (edible capsules of A. esculentus)
:: quiabo {m}
okra {n} (A. esculentus)
:: quiabeiro {m}
okroshka {n} (cold raw vegetable soup)
:: okroshka {f}
okrug {n} (administrative division)
:: okrug {m}
Olaf {prop} (male given name)
:: Olavo
old {adj} (of an object, concept, etc: having existed for a relatively long period of time)
:: velho, antigo
old {adj} (of a living being: having lived for relatively many years)
:: velho, idoso
old {adj} (former)
:: antigo
old {adj} (having existed or lived for the specified time)
:: de, com
old {adj} ((of an item) used, not new)
:: usado
old {adj} (tiresome)
:: cansativo
old age {n} (latter part of life)
:: velhice {f}
Old Armenian {prop} (language)
:: arménio clássico {m} , armênio clássico {m} , arménio antigo {m} , armênio antigo {m}
old as the hills {adj} (extremely old)
:: mais velho que a Sé de Braga
old boy {n} (alumnus) SEE: alumnus
Old Church Slavonic {prop} (the first literary and liturgical Slavic language)
:: eslavo eclesiástico {m}, antigo eslavo eclesiástico {m}
Old Dutch {prop} (language)
:: holandês antigo {m}
Old East Slavic {prop} (language)
:: antigo eslavo oriental {m}
Old English {prop} (ancestor language of modern English)
:: anglo-saxão {m}, anglo-saxónico , anglo-saxônico ; inglês antigo {m}
Old English Sheepdog {n} (a breed of herding dog)
:: pastor inglês {m}
older adult {n} (an old person) SEE: senior citizen
older brother {n} (multi-word, compound-word or otherwise sum-of-parts translations)
:: irmão mais velho {m}
older sister {n} (multi-word, compound-word or otherwise sum-of-parts translations)
:: irmã mais velha {f}
older than dirt {adj} (old as the hills) SEE: old as the hills
old-fashioned {adj} (outdated or no longer in vogue)
:: démodé, demodê, antiquado
old-fashioned {adj} (preferring the customs of earlier times)
:: antigo, antiquado , à moda antiga
old folks' home {n} (nursing home) SEE: nursing home
Old Frankish {prop} (Frankish) SEE: Frankish
Old French {prop} (French language from 9th to the early 14th century)
:: francês antigo {m}
old-growth forest {n} (forest that has attained great age without significant disturbance)
:: floresta primária {f}
old habits die hard {proverb} (established habits are difficult to change)
:: velhos hábitos nunca morrem
Old High German {prop} (Old High German)
:: alto alemão antigo {m}
old maid {n} (periwinkle) SEE: periwinkle
old maid {n} (elderly unmarried woman) SEE: spinster
old maid {n} (zinnia) SEE: zinnia
old man {n} (elderly man)
:: velho {m}, idoso {m}, velhote {m}
old man {n} (father (slang))
:: velhote {m}
oldness {n} (state of being old)
:: velhice
Old Norse {prop} (language of Scandinavia before 1400 CE)
:: escandinavo antigo {m}, nórdico antigo {m}, norreno {m}
old people's home {n} (nursing home) SEE: nursing home
Old Portuguese {prop} (Portuguese language from 13th to 16th centuries)
:: português antigo {m}, português arcaico {m}, galego-português {m}, galaico-português {m}
old salt {n} (seadog) SEE: seadog
Old Slavonic {prop} (Old Church Slavonic)
:: eslavo antigo {m}
Old Slavonic {prop} (Proto-Slavic)
:: proto-eslavo {m}
Old Testament {prop} (first half of the Christian Bible)
:: Antigo Testamento {m}
old-timer {n} (one who has been around for a long time or has a great deal of experience)
:: veterano {m}
Old Tupi {prop} (extinct language of Brazil)
:: tupi antigo {m}, tupi {m}
old woman {n} (elderly woman)
:: velha {f}, idosa {f}
Old World {prop} (The Eastern Hemisphere, especially Europe, Africa and Asia)
:: Velho Mundo {m}
Old World vulture {n} (large scavenging bird)
:: abutre-do-velho-mundo {m}
oleaginous {adj} (oily, greasy)
:: oleaginoso {m}
oleander {n} (A poisonous shrub)
:: oleandro {m}, espirradeira {f}
oleic {adj} (of or pertaining to oil)
:: oléico
oleic {adj} (of or pertaining to oleic acid)
:: oleico
oleic acid {n} (fatty acid with 18 carbon atoms and one double bond, found in olive oil)
:: ácido oleico {m}
oleiferous {adj} (that produces oil)
:: oleífero
olfaction {n} (the sense of smell)
:: olfato {m}, faro {m}
olfactory {adj} (concerning the sense of smell)
:: olfactório, olfatório, olfativo
Olga {prop} (female given name)
:: Olga {f}
olifant {n} (type of horn)
:: olifante {m}
oligarch {n} (a member of an oligarchy)
:: oligarca {m} {f}
oligarchic {adj} (of or pertaining to oligarchy)
:: oligárquico
oligarchy {n} (Government by only a few)
:: oligarquia {f}
oligarchy {n} (Those who make up an oligarchic government)
:: oligarquia {f}
oligarchy {n} (State ruled by such a government)
:: oligarquia {f}
oligo- {prefix} (few)
:: oligo-
oligochaete {n} (worm of the class Oligochaeta)
:: oligoqueta {m}
oligonucleotide {n} (a short sequence of nucleotides)
:: oligonucleotídeo {m}
oligopoly {n} (economic condition)
:: oligopólio {m}
olive {n} (fruit)
:: azeitona {f}, oliva {f}
olive {n} (wood)
:: oliveira {f}
olive {n} (colour)
:: verde-oliva {m}
olive {adj} (colour)
:: verde-azeitona, verde-oliva
olive {n} (olive tree) SEE: olive tree
olive grove {n} (cluster of olive trees)
:: olival {m}
Olivenza {prop} (town)
:: Olivença {f}
olive oil {n} (oil pressed from olives)
:: óleo de oliva {m}, azeite {m}
Oliver {prop} (male given name)
:: Olivério {m}, Óliver {m}
olive ridley sea turtle {n} (Lepidochelys olivacea)
:: tartaruga-oliva {f}
olive tree {n} (tree that produces olives)
:: oliveira {f}
Olivia {prop} (female given name)
:: Olívia
Olivier salad {n} (traditional Russian salad of boiled vegetables with mayonnaise)
:: salada russa {f}
olivine {n} (family of minerals forming orthorhombic crystals)
:: olivina {f}
olla podrida {n} (miscellaneous assortment) SEE: hodgepodge
olla podrida {n} (Spanish stew of seasoned meat and vegetables)
:: olla podrida {f}
olm {n} (Proteus anguinus)
:: próteo {m}, proteu {m}
Oltenia {prop} (Oltenia)
:: Oltênia {f} , Olténia {f}
Olympia {prop} (ancient city in Greece)
:: Olímpia
Olympiad {n} (period of four years)
:: olimpíada {f}
Olympic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Olympic Games)
:: olímpico
Olympic {adj} (of or pertaining to mountain Olympus)
:: olímpico
Olympic athlete from Russia {n}
:: Atletas Olímpicos da Rússia {f-p}
Olympic Games {prop} (international multi-sport event inspired by the ancient festival, see also: Olympics)
:: Jogos Olímpicos {m-p}, Olimpíadas {f-p}
Olympic goal {n} (goal scored directly from a corner kick)
:: gol olímpico {m}
Olympics {prop} (sport event, see also: Olympic Games)
:: Olimpíada {f}, Olimpíadas {f-p}
Olympic Winter Games {prop} (Olympic Winter Games)
:: Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno
Olympus {prop} (mountain)
:: Olimpo {m}
-oma {suffix} (suffix forming nouns indicating tumors or masses)
:: -oma {m}
Omaha {n} (a member of the Omaha tribe)
:: omaha {m} {f}
Omaha {prop} (city in Nebraska, United States)
:: Omaha {f}
Omaha {prop} (the language spoken by the Omaha tribe)
:: omaha {m}
Oman {prop} (country in the Middle East)
:: Omã {m}
Omani {n} (person from Oman or of Omani descent)
:: omanita {m} {f}, omani {m} {f}
Omani {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Oman, the Omani people or the Omani language)
:: omanita, omani, omaniano
Omar {prop} (male given name)
:: Omar {m}
omasum {n} (the third part of the stomach of a ruminant)
:: omaso {m}, saltério {m}
ombudsman {n} (official who investigates complaints)
:: ombudsman {m}, ouvidor {m}
ombudswoman {n} (a female ombudsman)
:: ouvidora {f}
omega {n} (letter of the Greek alphabet)
:: ómega {m}
omega {n} (angular velocity) SEE: angular velocity
omelette {n} (dish made with beaten eggs)
:: omelete {f}, fritada {f}
omen {n} (something which portends or is perceived to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the future; an augury or foreboding)
:: augúrio {m}, agouro {m}, presságio {m}, vaticínio {m}
omen {n} (prophetic significance)
:: presságio {m}
omicron {n} (Greek letter)
:: ômicron {m}
ominous {adj} (of or pertaining to an omen or to omens; being or exhibiting an omen)
:: ominoso, agourento {m}
ominous {adj} (giving indication of a coming ill)
:: agourento {m}, ominoso {m}
omission {n} (the act of omitting)
:: omissão {f}
omission {n} (the act of neglecting to perform an action one has an obligation to do)
:: negligência {f}
omission {n} (something deleted or left out)
:: omissão {f}
omission {n} (something not done or neglected)
:: omissão {f}
omit {v} (to leave out or exclude)
:: omitir
omni- {prefix} (all)
:: oni-, omni-
omnibus {n} (vehicle)
:: ônibus {m}, ónibus {m}, autocarro
omnibus {n} (anthology of previously released material)
:: compilação {f}
omnidirectional {adj} (in every direction)
:: omnidirecional {m} {f}
omnipotence {n} (unlimited power)
:: omnipotência {f} , onipotência {f}
omnipotent {adj} (having unlimited power, force or authority)
:: omnipotente, onipotente
omnipresence {n} (the ability to be at all places at the same time)
:: onipresença {f}
omnipresent {adj} (being everywhere)
:: omnipresente
omniracial {adj} (concerning every race)
:: omniracial
omniscience {n} (capacity to know everything)
:: omnisciência {f} , onisciência {f}
omniscient {adj} (having total knowledge)
:: onisciente
omnitheism {n} (The belief that all religions contain a core recognition of the same god)
:: omniteísmo {m}
omnium-gatherum {n} (collection of miscellaneous things) SEE: hodgepodge
omnivore {n} (animal eating both plants and meat)
:: onívoro
omnivorous {adj} (having the ability to eat both animal and vegetable food)
:: omnívoro , onívoro
om nom nom {interj} (sound made while relishing food)
:: nham nham
omphalo- {prefix} (relating to the navel)
:: onfalo-
omphalocele {n} (hernia of the navel)
:: onfalocele {f}
Omsk {prop} (large city in Russia)
:: Omsk {f}
-on {suffix} ((physics) subatomic particles)
:: -ão {m} , -on {m}
on {adj} (in the state of being active, functioning or operating)
:: ligado
on {prep} (positioned at the upper surface of)
:: na, no, sobre
on {prep} (covering)
:: em
on {prep} (at the date of)
:: na, no
on {prep} (dealing with the subject of)
:: na, no
on {prep} (touching; hanging from)
:: na, no
on account of {prep} (because of, owing to)
:: devido a
onager {n} (Asiatic wild ass or hemione)
:: onagro {m}
onager {n} (military engine)
:: onagro {m}
on air {prep} (transmitting live)
:: no ar
on all fours {adv} (on hands and knees)
:: de quatro
onanism {n} (masturbation)
:: onanismo {m}
on a whim {prep} (without thinking seriously about the consequences)
:: num repente
on behalf of {prep} (speaking or acting for)
:: em nome de
on board {adv} (aboard) SEE: aboard
on call {prep} (available to be summoned)
:: de sobreaviso, de plantão
once {adv} (one and only one time)
:: uma vez
once {adv} (formerly)
:: outrora
once {conj} (as soon as)
:: assim que, logo após/depois, tão logo
once {adv} (as soon as) SEE: as soon as
once again {adv} (one more time)
:: novamente, denovo, de novo, outra vez
once and for all {adv} (Finally, permanently, conclusively)
:: de uma vez por todas
once bitten, twice shy {proverb} (one is cautious in the future if hurt in the past)
:: gato escaldado de água fria tem medo
once in a blue moon {adv} (very rarely)
:: de vez em nunca
once more {adv} (one more time) SEE: once again
once upon a time {adv} (traditional beginning of children’s stories, especially fairy tales)
:: era uma vez
oncilla {n} (Leopardus tigrinus)
:: gato-do-mato-pequeno {m}
oncogene {n} (gene)
:: oncogene {m}
oncologic {adj} (of or pertaining to oncology)
:: oncológico
oncological {adj} (of or pertaining to oncology) SEE: oncologic
oncologically {adv} (with regard to oncology)
:: oncologicamente
oncologist {n} (one who specialises in oncology)
:: oncologista
oncology {n} (branch of medicine)
:: oncologia {f}
Ondine's curse {prop} (medical condition, sufferers of which stop breathing if they fall asleep)
:: maldição de Ondina {f}
one {pron} (impersonal pronoun)
:: not translated
one {pron} (indefinite personal pronoun)
:: use third-person singular reflexive
one {n} (digit or figure)
:: um {m}
one {adj} (of a period of time)
:: algum, um
one {adj} (a single, unspecified thing)
:: algum
one {adj} (sole, only)
:: único
one {adj} (whole, entire)
:: um
one {num} (ordinal number) SEE: first
-one {suffix} (ketone)
:: -ona {f}
one {num} (ordinal number) SEE: number one
one {num} (cardinal number 1)
:: um {m}
one and a half {num} (one and a half)
:: um e meio
one another {pron} (idiomatic, reciprocal pronoun)
:: um ao outro {m}, se
on earth {prep} (expletive giving emphasis after interrogative word)
:: diabos, raios
one at a time {adv} (individually)
:: um de cada vez {m}, uma de cada vez {f}
one by one {adv} (individually)
:: um por um
one-child policy {n} (a policy of population control)
:: política do filho único {f}
one day {adv} (at unspecified time in the future)
:: algum dia
one day {adv} (at unspecified time in the past)
:: uma vez
one-dimensional {adj} (having length, but no width, height or depth)
:: unidimensional
one-eyed {adj} (having only a single eye)
:: caolho, zanolho, zarolho
one for all, all for one {phrase} (motto: working for each other)
:: um por todos, todos por um
one for the road {n} (a final drink before one leaves)
:: saideira {f}
one hundred {num} (cardinal number 100) SEE: hundred
one hundred and one {num} (one hundred plus one, see also: one hundred one)
:: cento e um
one hundred and one {n} (figure 101)
:: cento e um
one hundred million {num} (number 100,000,000)
:: cem milhões
one hundred one {num} (101, see also: one hundred and one)
:: cento e um {m}
one hundred percent {adj} (complete, total)
:: cem por cento
one hundred percent {adv} (completely, totally)
:: cem por cento
oneiric {adj} (of or pertaining to dreams)
:: sonial
oneirologist {n} (interpreter of dreams)
:: onirólogo {m}
oneirology {n} (the study of dreams)
:: onirologia {f}
oneiromancy {n} (divination by the interpretation of dreams)
:: oniromancia {f}
oneironaut {n} (explorer of dream worlds)
:: onironauta
one man and his dog {n} (almost nobody; very few people)
:: gato pingado speckled cat"]
one-man band {n} (musician who plays several musical instruments)
:: homem-orquestra
one man's trash is another man's treasure {proverb}
:: o lixo de um homem é o tesouro de outro
one million {num} (cardinal number 1000000) SEE: million
one moment, please {phrase} (one moment please)
:: um momento, por favor
oneness {n} (state of being undivided)
:: unidade {f}
one-night stand {n} (sexual encounter)
:: ficada {f}
one o'clock {n} (the start of the second hour)
:: uma hora
one of these days {adv} (one day)
:: qualquer dia desses, algum dia desses, um dia desses
onerous {adj} (burdensome)
:: oneroso
one's {pron} (belonging to one)
:: seu, de alguém
one's bark is worse than one's bite {phrase} (one acts in a threatening way but is relatively harmless)
:: cão que ladra não morde
oneself {pron}
:: se, si
one-sided {adj} (partial or biased in favour of one faction)
:: parcial, unilateral
one-sided {adj} (with one competitor dominant over the other)
:: unilateral
one-size-fits-all {adj} (designed to be worn with comfort by people with a wide range of sizes.)
:: tamanho único {m}
one's marbles {n} (sanity) SEE: sanity
one step at a time {adv} (steadily, slowly)
:: um passo de cada vez
one swallow does not a summer make {proverb} (one instance of an event does not necessarily indicate a trend)
:: uma andorinha só não faz verão
one thousand {num} (cardinal number 1000) SEE: thousand
one-way {adj} (allowing movement in only one direction)
:: de mão única
one-way {adj} (allowing travel in only one direction)
:: sem retorno
one-way street {n} (road in which traffic is only allowed to proceed in one direction)
:: rua de mão única {f}
one-way ticket {n} (a ticket granting permission to travel to a place but not back)
:: passagem só de ida {f}, bilhete só de ida {m}, passagem sem volta {f}, passagem sem retorno {f}, bilhete sem volta {m}
on foot {prep} (walking, jogging, running)
:: a pé
ongoing {adj} (continuing, permanent)
:: contínuo, em curso
ongoing {adj} (presently or currently happening; being in progress)
:: em andamento, corrente, em curso
on hand {prep} (available)
:: em mãos
onion {n} (Allium cepa)
:: cebola {f}
onion {n} (bulb)
:: cebola
onion dome {n} (onion-shaped dome)
:: cúpula bulbosa {f}
oniony {adj} (resembling onion)
:: acebolado {m}
online {adj} (connected to a network)
:: online, em linha
online {adj} (available over the Internet)
:: online
online {adj} (connected to the Internet)
:: online, em linha
online {adv} (performed over Internet)
:: online
onlooker {n} (spectator, bystander) SEE: spectator
only {adj} (alone in a category)
:: único
only {adj} (without sibling)
:: filho único
only {adj} (singularly superior; the best)
:: único, melhor
only {adv} (without others or anything further; exclusively)
:: apenas, somente
only {adv} (no more than)
:: apenas, somente
only {adv} (as recently as)
:: apenas, somente
only {conj} (but)
:: mas, porém, todavia
only {conj} (however)
:: mas, porém, todavia
only {conj} (except)
:: salvo que, exceto que
only {n} (only child) SEE: only child
only child {n} (person who has no siblings)
:: filho único {m}, filha única {f}
onocentaur {n} (a centaur with the body of an ass)
:: onocentauro {m}
onomasiological {adj}
:: onomasiológico
onomasiologically {adv} (in an onomasiological manner or context)
:: onomasiologicamente
onomasiology {n} (branch of lexicology)
:: onomasiologia {f}
onomastic {adj} (of, or relating to onomastics)
:: onomástico {m}
onomastics {n} (branch of lexicology devoted to the study of names)
:: onomástica {f}
onomatopoeia {n} (property of a word of sounding like what it represents)
:: onomatopeia {f}
onomatopoeia {n} (word that sounds like what it represents)
:: onomatopeia {f}
onomatopoeic {adj} (of or relating to onomatopoeia)
:: onomatopaico {m}, onomatópico {m}, onomatopeico {m}
onomatopoeic {adj} (having the property of onomatopoeia)
:: onomatopaico {m}, onomatópico {m}, onomatopeico {m}
onomatopoetic {adj} (concerning onomatopoeia) SEE: onomatopoeic
on purpose {prep} (purposely, with intention)
:: de propósito, propositadamente, propositalmente, intencionalmente
on sale {prep} (available for purchase at reduced prices)
:: em promoção
onsen {n} (a Japanese hot spring; a Japanese-style resort hotel at a hot spring)
:: onsen {m}
onset {n} (rushing or setting upon)
:: investida {f}
onset {n} (medicine: initial phase of a disease or condition)
:: anábase {f}
onset {n} (phonology: initial portion of a syllable)
:: ataque {m}
onslaught {n} (fierce attack)
:: assalto {m}, investida {f}
onslaught {n} (large quantity of people or things resembling an attack)
:: invasão {f}
onslaughter {n} (onslaught) SEE: onslaught
Ontario {prop} (Lake between Ontario province and New York State, see also: Lake Ontario)
:: Ontário {m}
Ontario {prop} (Province in eastern Canada)
:: Ontário
on the air {prep} (in the process of recording or broadcasting) SEE: on air
on the back burner {prep} (not immediate)
:: em banho-maria
on the brink of {prep} (very near to)
:: à beira de
on the contrary {prep} (opposite)
:: ao contrário, pelo contrário
on the fly {adv} ((baseball, of the ball) Without a bounce)
:: sem sobressaltos
on the hook {prep} (liable) SEE: liable
on the loose {prep} (not in captivity)
:: à solta
on the one hand {prep} (from one point of view)
:: por um lado
on the other hand {prep} (from another point of view)
:: por outro lado
on the ropes {adj} (showing signs of imminent failure or collapse)
:: na corda bamba
on the same wavelength {prep} (in rapport)
:: em sintonia
on the street {prep} (without a home)
:: nas ruas
on the tip of one's tongue {prep} (known but not quite remembered)
:: estar na ponta da língua (to be on the tip of one’s tongue)
on the verge of {prep} (almost at the beginning)
:: a ponto de, prestes a
on the warpath {prep} (very angry or upset)
:: em pé de guerra
on the way {prep} (coming)
:: a caminho
ontic {adj}
:: ôntico {m}
on time {adv} (punctually)
:: na hora
onto {prep} (upon; on top of)
:: sobre, no {m}, na {f}
ontological {adj} (of, or relating to, ontology)
:: ontológico
ontologically {adv} (ontological manner)
:: ontologicamente
ontology {n} (study of being)
:: ontologia {f}
ontology {n} (system model in computer science)
:: ontologia {f}
on top of {prep} (atop) SEE: atop
onus probandi {n} (duty of a party in a legal proceeding) SEE: burden of proof
onward {adv} (In a forward direction)
:: para diante, a partir de agora, avante
onychophagia {n} (compulsive biting of one's nails)
:: onicofagia {f}
on your mark, get set, go {phrase} (three-command start of racing)
:: preparar, apontar, vai
onyx {n} (a banded variety of chalcedony)
:: ónix
oocyte {n} (cell that develops into egg or ovum)
:: oócito {m}, ovócito {m}
oofless {adj} (poor) SEE: poor
oology {n} (study of birds' eggs)
:: oologia {f}
oophorectomy {n} (surgical removal of ovaries)
:: ooforectomia {f}, ovariectomia {f}
oops {interj} (acknowledging a minor mistake)
:: opa, ops
oops {v} (to blunder) SEE: blunder
Oort Cloud {prop} (cloud of comets in the Solar System)
:: nuvem de Oort
ooze {n} (tanning liquor, tanning ooze)
:: licor de curtimenta {m}
ooze {v} (to secrete or slowly leak)
:: escoar, verter, excretar, segregar
opacity {n} (state of being opaque; blocking light)
:: opacidade {f}
opal {n} (a mineral consisting, like quartz, of silica, but inferior to quartz in hardness and specific gravity)
:: opala {f}
opaque {adj} (hindering light to pass through)
:: opaco {m}
OPEC {prop} (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
:: OPEP {f}
open {adj} (not closed)
:: aberto
open {adj} (prepared to conduct business)
:: aberto
open {adj} (receptive)
:: aberto
open {adj} (public)
:: aberto
open {v} (to make something accessible)
:: abrir
open {v} (to bring up (a topic))
:: abrir
open {v} (to make accessible to customers)
:: abrir
open {v} (to start (a campaign))
:: iniciar, começar
open {v} (to become open)
:: abrir
open {v} (to begin conducting business)
:: abrir
open {n} (sports event)
:: aberto {m}
open air {n} (the outside)
:: ar livre
open-air {adj} (taking place outdoors)
:: a céu aberto, ao ar livre
open-air museum {n} (outdoor museum)
:: museu a céu aberto {m}, museu ao ar livre {m}
open bar {n} (bar at which drinks are served without charge)
:: bar aberto {m}
open book {n} (thing easily interpreted)
:: livro aberto {m}
open book {n} (person naively honest or open)
:: livro aberto {m}
opener {n} (bottle opener) SEE: bottle opener
opener {n} (device that opens something)
:: abridor {m}
opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener
open fire {v} (to begin firing at something or someone)
:: abrir fogo
Open Game {n}
:: abertura aberta {f}
opening {n} (act or instance of making or becoming open)
:: abertura {f}
opening {n} (something that is open)
:: abertura {f}
opening {n} (act or instance of beginning)
:: abertura {f}
opening {n} (beginning)
:: início {m}
opening {n} (first performance of a show or play by a particular troupe)
:: abertura {f}
opening {n} (unoccupied employment position)
:: vaga {f}
opening hours {n} (the regular times of day when a shop is open)
:: horário de abertura {m}, horário de funcionamento {m}
openly {adv} (in an open manner, visibly, not covertly)
:: abertamente
open-minded {adj} (willing to consider new ideas)
:: de mente aberta
open relationship {n} (the relationship with possible additional relationships)
:: relacionamento aberto {m}
open sea {n} (part of the sea)
:: alto mar, mar aberto
open sesame {phrase} (open up)
:: abre-te sésamo
open source {n} (practice)
:: código aberto {m}
open source {n} (software)
:: código aberto {m}
open water {n} (expanse of open sea)
:: mar aberto {m}
open water {n} (unobstructed water surface)
:: águas livres {m-p}
opera {n} (theatrical work)
:: ópera {f}
opera {n} (score)
:: ópera {f}
opera {n} (building)
:: ópera {f}
opera {n} (company)
:: ópera {f}
opera house {n} (theatre for opera)
:: ópera {f}, teatro de ópera {m}
operand {n} (quantity to which an operator is applied)
:: operando
operate {v} (to perform a work or labour)
:: obrar, trabalhar
operate {v} (medicine)
:: operar
operate {v} (to operate a machine)
:: operar
operate {v}
:: operar
operating room {n} (room in a hospital used for performing surgical operations)
:: quirófano {m}
operating system {n} (software which controls computer)
:: sistema operativo {m}, sistema operacional {m}
operation {n} (method by which a device performs its function)
:: operação {f}
operation {n} (method or practice by which actions are done)
:: funcionamento {m}
operation {n} (surgical procedure)
:: operação {f}, cirurgia {f}
operation {n} (procedure for generating a value from one or more other values)
:: operação {f}
operation {n} (military campaign)
:: operação {f}
operational {adj} (determined by means of practical measures)
:: operacional
operative {adj} (based upon a surgical operation)
:: operatório
operator {n} (one who operates)
:: operador {m}
operator {n} (telecommunications operator)
:: telefonista {m} {f}
operator {n} (mathematical operator)
:: operador {m}
operator {n} (Chinese whispers) SEE: Chinese whispers
operculum {n} ((zoology) covering flap in animals)
:: opérculo {m}
operetta {n} (lighter version of opera)
:: opereta {f}
Ophelia {prop} (female given name)
:: Ofélia
ophidian {adj} (of or pertaining to Serpentes)
:: ofídico
ophidiophobia {n} (ophiophobia) SEE: ophiophobia
ophiophobia {n} (fear of snakes)
:: ofidiofobia {f}
Ophiotaurus {n} (mythical creature)
:: Ofiotauro {m}
Ophiuchus {prop} (zodiacal constellation of the northern summer)
:: Ofiúco {m}
ophthalmic {adj} (of or pertaining to the eyes)
:: oftálmico
ophthalmological {adj} (pertaining to ophthalmology)
:: oftalmológico
ophthalmologically {adv} (with reference to ophthalmology)
:: oftalmologicamente
ophthalmologist {n} (eye specialist)
:: oftalmologista {m} {f}, ocuista {m} {f}, oculista {m} {f}
ophthalmology {n} (eye medicine)
:: oftalmologia {f}
ophthalmopathy {n} (eye disease)
:: oftalmopatia {f}
ophthalmoscope {n} (instrument for examining the interior of the eye)
:: oftalmoscópio {m}
opiate {n} (drug, hormone or other substance derived from or related to opium)
:: opiáceo {m}
opination {n} (the state or process of opining)
:: opinação {f}
opine {v} (to have or express an opinion)
:: opinar
opine {v} (to state as an opinion)
:: opinar
opinion {n} (thought a person has formed about a topic)
:: opinião {f}
opinion {n} (EU: A judicial opinion by an Advocate General delivered to the European Court of Justice)
:: conclusão {f}
opinion {v} (opine) SEE: opine
opinionated {adj} (holding very strong opinions)
:: opinoso, opiniático
opinionated {adj} (obstinately holding to one's opinion)
:: teimoso
opinionative {adj} (relating to opinion)
:: opinativo {m}
opium {n} (drug from opium poppy)
:: ópio
Opium War {prop} (First Opium War or the Second Opium War)
:: Guerra do Ópio {f}
opopanax {n} (gum from the root of Opopanax chironium or what is equal)
:: opopanax {m}, opoponax {m}
Oporto {prop} (second-largest city of Portugal)
:: Porto
opossum {n} (marsupial of the Didelphidae)
:: gambá {m}, cuíca {f}, opossum {m}
opponent {n}
:: oponente {m} {f}, rival {m} {f}, adversário {m}
opportune {adj} (suitable)
:: adequado {m}, apropriado {m}, conveniente {m} {f}
opportune {adj} (at a convenient time)
:: oportuno {m}
opportunism {n} (the taking of opportunities)
:: oportunismo {m}
opportunist {n} (someone who takes advantage of any opportunity)
:: oportunista {m} {f}, chupim {m}
opportunistic {adj} (said of people who will take advantage of situations)
:: oportunista {m} {f}
opportunity {n} (chance for advancement, progress or profit)
:: oportunidade {f}
opportunity {n} (favorable circumstance or occasion)
:: oportunidade {f}
oppose {v} (to attempt to stop the progression of; to resist or antagonize by physical means, or by arguments, etc.)
:: opor
oppose {v} (to object to)
:: opor
opposite {adj} (located directly across from)
:: oposto
opposite {adj} (facing the other way)
:: oposto
opposite {adj} (of complementary or mutually exclusive things)
:: oposto
opposite {n} (contrary thing)
:: oposto {m}, contrário {m}
opposite {n} (opponent)
:: oponente {m} {f}
opposite {n} (antonym)
:: antónimo {m} , antônimo {m}
opposite {adv} (in an opposite position)
:: oposto
opposite {prep} (across from)
:: na frente de
opposites attract {proverb} (proverb)
:: os opostos se atraem
opposite sex {n} (the other gender to which one is referring)
:: sexo oposto {m}
opposition {n} (action of opposing; being in conflict)
:: oposição {f}
opposition {n} (politics: party or movement opposed to government)
:: oposição {f}
oppress {v} (keep down by unjust force)
:: oprimir
oppression {n} (act of oppressing, or the state of being oppressed)
:: opressão
oppressive {adj} (tyrannical or exercising unjust power)
:: opressivo, opressor, oprimente
oppressively {adv} (in an oppressive manner)
:: opressivamente
oppressor {n} (someone who oppresses others)
:: opressor {m}
op shop {n} (thrift shop) SEE: thrift shop
opt {v} (to choose)
:: optar
optic {adj} (of or relating to the eye or to vision)
:: óptico, ótico
optic {adj} (of or relating to optics or optical instruments)
:: óptico, ótico
optical {adj} (relating to sight) SEE: optic
optical {adj} (relating to optics) SEE: optic
optical character recognition {n} (electronic identification and digital encoding of characters)
:: reconhecimento ótico de caracteres {m}
optical fibre {n} (fibre used for transmitting light)
:: fibra ótica {f}
optic chiasm {n} (part of the brain)
:: quiasma óptico {m}
optician {n} (a person who makes or sells lenses, spectacles)
:: oculista {m} {f}
optic nerve {n} (nerve)
:: nervo óptico {m}, nervo ótico {m}
optics {n} (physics of light and vision)
:: óptica {f}
optimal {adj} (the best)
:: ótimo {m} , óptimo {m}
optimism {n} (a tendency to expect the best)
:: otimismo {m}
optimism {n} (the doctrine that this world is the best of all possible worlds)
:: otimismo {m}
optimism {n} (the belief that good will eventually triumph over evil)
:: otimismo {m}
optimist {n} (a person who expects a favourable outcome)
:: otimista {m} {f}
optimist {n} (a believer in optimism)
:: otimista {m} {f}
optimistic {adj} (expecting a good outcome)
:: otimista
optimistic {adj} (computing)
:: otimista
optimization {n} (the design and operation of a system or process to make it as good as possible in some defined sense)
:: otimização {f} , optimização {m}
optimize {v} (to make (something) optimal)
:: otimizar
optimize {v}
:: otimizar
option {n} (one of the choices that can be made)
:: opção
optional {adj} (not compulsory)
:: opcional, facultativo
option button {n} (radio button) SEE: radio button
optoelectronic {adj} (pertaining to optoelectronics)
:: optoeletrônico
optoelectronic {adj} (that has both optical and electronic components)
:: optoeletrônico
optometrist {n} (person trained in examining and testing the eyes for defects)
:: oculista {m} {f}
optronic {adj} (optoelectronic) SEE: optoelectronic
or {conj} (conjunction)
:: ou
or {n} (gold or yellow tincture)
:: ouro {m}
or {adj} (of yellow or gold tincture on a coat of arms)
:: ouro
orach {n} (saltbush) SEE: saltbush
oracle {n} (shrine to prophetic deity)
:: oráculo {m}
oracle {n} (priest through whom deity provides prophecy or advice)
:: oráculo {m}
oracle {n} (prophetic response)
:: oráculo {m}
oracle {n} (person who is a source of wisdom)
:: oráculo {m}
oracular {adj} (of or relating to an oracle)
:: oracular
oracular {adj} (prophetic, foretelling the future)
:: oracular
oral {adj} (relating to the mouth)
:: oral
oral {adj} (spoken)
:: oral
oral hygiene {n} (keeping the mouth clean)
:: higiene bucal {f}
oralisation {n} (oralization) SEE: oralization
oralise {v} (oralize) SEE: oralize
orality {n} (being oral)
:: oralidade {f}
oralization {n} (the act or an act of oralizing)
:: oralização {f}
oralize {v} (to turn something written into something oral)
:: oralizar
orally {adv} (by mouth)
:: oralmente
oral sex {n} (stimulation of the genitals using the mouth)
:: sexo oral {m}
orange {n} (tree)
:: laranjeira {f}
orange {n} (fruit)
:: laranja {f}
orange {n} (colour)
:: alaranjado {m}, cor-de-laranja {f}, laranja {m}
orange {adj} (having the colour of the fruit of an orange tree)
:: laranja, laranjado, alaranjado, cor-de-laranja
Orange {prop} (Orange River) SEE: Orange River
orangeade {n} (orange-flavored soft drink)
:: laranjada {f}
orangeade {n} (soda water and orange juice)
:: laranjada {f}
orange blossom {n} (white flower of the orange tree)
:: flor de laranjeira {f}
Orange Free State {prop} (former province of South Africa)
:: Estado Livre de Orange {m}
Orange Free State {prop} (former republic in southern Africa)
:: Estado Livre de Orange {m}
orange juice {n} (juice of squeezed oranges)
:: suco de laranja {m}, sumo de laranja {m}
orange peel {n} (the skin of an orange)
:: casca
Orange River {prop} (longest river in South Africa)
:: Orange {m}
orangery {n} (greenhouse in which orange trees are grown)
:: laranjal {m}
orange tree {n}
:: laranjeira {f}
orangish {adj} (relatively orange in color)
:: alaranjado
orangutan {n} (arboreal anthropoid ape)
:: orangotango {m}
orator {n} (someone who orates or delivers an oration)
:: orador {m}
oratorio {n} (a musical composition on a religious theme)
:: oratório {m}
oratory {n} (eloquence) SEE: eloquence
oratory {n} (art of public speaking)
:: oratória {f}
orature {n} (small room or chapel used for prayer and worship, or for private study) SEE: oratory
orb {n} (period of time marked off by the revolution of a heavenly body) SEE: year
orb {n} (circle) SEE: circle
orb {n} (orbit) SEE: orbit
orb {n} (spherical body)
:: orbe {m}
orb {n} (monarch's ceremonial sphere) SEE: globus cruciger
orbit {n} (path of one object around another)
:: órbita {f}, círculo {m}
orbit {v} (circle another object)
:: orbitar
orbit {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket
orbital {adj} (Of or relating to an orbit)
:: orbital
orbital {adj} (Of or relating to the eye socket (eyehole))
:: orbital
orbital cavity {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket
orbitational {adj} (orbital) SEE: orbital
orc {n} (evil monstrous humanoid creature)
:: orc
orc {n} (Orcinus orca) SEE: orca
orca {n} (Orcinus orca)
:: orca {f}
orchard {n} (land for cultivation of fruit or nut trees)
:: pomar {m}
orchard {n} (the trees in an orchard)
:: árvore frutífera {f}, árvores frutíferas {f-p}
orchestra {n} (large group of musicians who play together on various instruments)
:: orquestra {f}
orchestra {n} (semicircular space in front of the stage used by the chorus in Ancient theatres)
:: orquestra {f}
orchestra {n} (the area in a theatre or concert hall where the musicians sit)
:: orquestra {f}
orchid {n} (plant)
:: orquídea {f}
orchidaceous {adj} (pertaining to orchids)
:: orquidáceo
orchidarium {n} (orchid garden)
:: orquidário {m}
ordeal {n} (a painful or trying experience)
:: calvário {m}
ordeal {n} (trial in which the accused was subjected to a dangerous test)
:: ordália {f}
order {n} (arrangement, disposition)
:: ordem {f}
order {n} (good arrangement)
:: ordem {f}
order {n} (command)
:: ordem {f}
order {n} (request for some product or service)
:: encomenda {f}, pedido {m}
order {n} (religious group)
:: ordem {f}
order {n} (society of knights)
:: ordem {f}
order {n} (awarded decoration)
:: ordem {f}
order {n} (biology: taxonomical classification)
:: ordem {f}
order {v} (to set in (any) order)
:: ordenar
order {v} (to set in (a good) order)
:: ordenar
order {v} (to issue a command)
:: ordenar
order {v} (to request some product or service)
:: encomendar, pedir
ordered {adj} (in order, not messy, tidy)
:: organizado
ordered field {n} (field satisfying the properties of trichotomy, transitivity and preservation of an inequality when the same element is added to both sides)
:: corpo ordenado {m}
ordered pair {n} (in set theory)
:: par ordenado {m}
orderly {n} (hospital attendant given a variety of non-medical duties)
:: servente {m}
order of magnitude {n} (class of scale)
:: ordem de grandeza {f}
ordinal {adj} (indicating position in a numerical sequence)
:: ordinal
ordinal direction {n} (intercardinal direction) SEE: intercardinal direction
ordinal number {n} (grammar: word used to denote relative position in a sequence)
:: número ordinal {m}
ordinance {n} (a local law or regulation)
:: ordenança {f}
ordinarily {adv} (usually or as a general rule)
:: ordinariamente
ordinarily {adv} (in the usual manner)
:: ordinariamente
ordinary {adj} (normal, routine)
:: ordinário {m}, normal
ordinary differential equation {n} (equation)
:: equação diferencial ordinária {f}
ordinate {n} (y coordinate; second of two coordinates)
:: ordenada {f}
ordination {n} (ceremony)
:: ordenação {f}
ordure {n} (dirt, filth) SEE: dirt
ore {n} (rock that contains materials that can be economically extracted and processed)
:: minério {m}
oregano {n} (plant)
:: orégano {m}, orégão {m}
oregano {n} (leaves used to flavour food)
:: orégano {m}, orégão {m}
Oregon {prop} (northwestern state of the United States of America)
:: Oregon {m}, Oregão {m}
or else {phrase} (as an alternative)
:: senão, caso contrário
or else {phrase} (no matter what)
:: senão
Orenburg {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Oremburgo {f}
organ {n} (part of an organism)
:: órgão
organ {n} (musical instrument)
:: órgão
organ {n} (official magazine, newsletter, or similar publication)
:: publicação oficial {f}
organ donor {n} (person from whom an organ is removed)
:: doador de órgãos {m}
organelle {n} (a membrane bound compartment found within cells)
:: organela {f}
organic {adj} (pertaining to, or derived from living organisms)
:: orgânico
organic {adj} (pertaining to an organ)
:: orgânico
organic {adj} (chemistry: relating to the compounds of carbon)
:: orgânico, orgânico
organic {adj} (of food and food products: grown without agrichemicals)
:: orgânico
organic {n} (organic compound) SEE: organic compound
organic chemistry {n} (chemistry of carbon containing compounds)
:: química orgânica {f}
organic compound {n} (carbon containing covalent compound)
:: composto orgânico {m}
organigram {n} (representation of a structure or organization)
:: organograma {m}
organise {v} (organize) SEE: organize
organised {adj} (organized) SEE: organized
organism {n} (living thing)
:: organismo {m}
organism {n} (any complex thing with properties normally associated with living things.)
:: organismo {m}
organist {n} (musician who plays the organ)
:: organista {m} {f}
organizable {adj} (able to be organized)
:: organizável {m} {f}
organization {n} (quality of being organized)
:: organização {f}
organization {n} (the way in which something is organized)
:: organização
organization {n} (group of people or other legal entities with an explicit purpose and written rules)
:: organização {f}
organization {n} (group of people consciously cooperating)
:: organização {f}
organizational {adj} (of an organization)
:: organizacional {m} {f}
organize {v} (to arrange in working order)
:: organizar
organized {adj} (characterised by efficient organization)
:: organizado
organized crime {n} (criminal organizations seen as a whole)
:: crime organizado {m}
organized crime {n} (crimes carried out by these organizations)
:: crime organizado {m}
organizer {n} (person arranging public events)
:: organizador {m}
organochlorine {n} (chlorine substituted organic compound)
:: organoclorado {m}
organoleptic {adj} (of or pertaining to sensory properties of a particular substance)
:: organoléptico
organomercury {adj} (of an organic compound, containing a carbon to mercury bond)
:: organomercúrico
orgasm {n} (the peak of sexual pleasure)
:: orgasmo {m}
orgasm {n} (orgasm) SEE: climax
orgasmic {adj} (of or relating to orgasms)
:: orgástico, orgásmico
orgulous {adj} (proud, haughty)
:: orgulhoso {m}
orgulous {adj} (threatening, dangerous)
:: ameaçador
orgy {n} (sexual group activity)
:: orgia {f}
orgy {n} (excessive activity)
:: orgia {f}
orient {v} (to familiarize (oneself or someone) with a situation or circumstance)
:: orientar
orient {v} (to set the focus of (something) so as to appeal or relate to a certain group)
:: orientar
Orient {prop} (countries of Asia)
:: Oriente {m}
Oriental {adj} (of or relating to the Orient or Asia, especially the Far East)
:: oriental
Oriental {n} (person)
:: oriental {m} {f}
orientalism {n} (the tendency to represent eastern subjects)
:: orientalismo {m}
oriental pratincole {n} (Glareola maldivarum)
:: perdiz-do-mar-oriental {m}
Oriental Republic of Uruguay {prop} (official name of Uruguay)
:: República Oriental do Uruguai {f}
orientation {n} (the act of orienting)
:: orientação {f}
orientation {n} (position relative to compass bearings)
:: orientação {f}
orientation {n} (introduction to a new environment)
:: orientação {f}
orienteering {n} (racing across unfamiliar place using a map and compass)
:: orientação {f}
orifice {n} (orifice (see anus etc. for specific body cavities)) SEE: hole
orifice {n} (mouth or aperture, as of a tube, pipe)
:: orifício {m}
origami {n} (the Japanese art of paper folding)
:: origâmi {m}
origin {n} (beginning of something)
:: origem {f}, começo {m}
origin {n} (source of a river, information, goods, etc.)
:: origem {f}, nascente {f}
origin {n} (point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersect)
:: origem {f}
origin {n} (ancestry)
:: origem {f}
original {adj} (relating to the origin or beginning)
:: original, originário
original {adj} (first in a series)
:: original
original {adj} (newly created)
:: original
original {adj} (fresh, different)
:: original
original {n} (object from which all later copies and variations are derived)
:: original {m}
original {n} (archaism for an eccentric) SEE: eccentric
originality {n} (the quality of being original or novel)
:: originalidade {f}
originality {n} (the capacity to think independently or be inventive)
:: originalidade {f}
originality {n} (something original)
:: originalidade {f}
original sin {n} (state of sinfulness in each human)
:: pecado original {m}
originate {v} (to give origin to, cause)
:: originar
originate {v} (to take first existence, have origin)
:: originar
Orinoco {prop} (river)
:: Orinoco {m}
oriole {n} (any of the various colourful passerine birds)
:: oriolo {m}
Orion {prop} (in mythology)
:: Orion
Orion {prop} (constellation)
:: Orion
Orion's Belt {prop} (bright asterism)
:: as Três Marias
orisha {n} (deity in Yoruba religion)
:: orixá {m}
Oristano {prop} (town)
:: Oristano
Oriya {prop} (language)
:: oriá {m}
orkish {adj} (of, pertaining to, or sharing similarities with an orc)
:: órquico
Orkney Islands {prop} (group of islands)
:: Orcadas {f-p}, Orcades {f-p}, Órcadas {f-p}, Órcades {f-p}, Ilhas Orkney {f-p}
Orleans {prop} (capital of Centre-Val de Loire, France)
:: Orleães {f}, Orleans {f}
Ormus {prop} (kingdom)
:: Ormuz
ornament {n} (element of decoration)
:: ornamento {m}, ornato {m}
ornament {n} (musical flourish)
:: ornamento {m}
ornament {v} (to decorate)
:: ornamentar, ornar, decorar
ornamental {adj} (serving to ornament)
:: ornamental
ornamentation {n} (the act or process of decorating)
:: ornamentação {f}
ornitho- {prefix} (of or pertaining to birds)
:: ornito-
ornithological {adj} (of or pertaining to ornithology)
:: ornitológico
ornithologically {adv} (in terms of ornithology)
:: ornitologicamente
ornithologist {n} (expert in ornithology)
:: ornitólogo {m}, ornitóloga {f}
ornithology {n} (scientific study of birds)
:: ornitologia {f}
ornithophobia {n} (fear, dislike, or hate of birds)
:: ornitofobia {f}
ornithopter {n} (aircraft that flaps its wings)
:: ornitóptero {m}
Oroch {prop} (language)
:: Oroch
orography {n} (the scientific study, or a physical description of mountains)
:: orografia {f}
orology {n} (the study of mountains)
:: orologia {f}
Oromo {n} (a member of a pastoral people of Ethiopia and northern Kenya)
:: oromo {m}
Oromo {prop} (language)
:: oromo {m}
orphan {n} (person whose (parent or) parents have died)
:: órfão {m}, órfã {f}
orphanage {n} (a residential institution for the care and protection of orphans)
:: orfanato {m}
orphanarium {n} (orphanage) SEE: orphanage
orphan drug {n}
:: medicamento órfão {m}
orphanhood {n} (orphanhood)
:: orfandade {f}
Orpheus {prop} (the musician who searched for Eurydice)
:: Orfeu {m}
orpiment {n} (arsenic trisulphide)
:: auripigmento {m}, ouro-pimenta {m}, ouro-pigmento {m}
orthochromatic {adj} (uniformly sensitive across the entire visible range)
:: ortocromático {m}
orthoclase {n} (potassium aluminum silicate)
:: ortoclase
orthodontics {n} (correcting misalignment of teeth)
:: ortodontia {f}
orthodontist {n} (orthodontic dentist)
:: ortodontista {m} {f}
orthodox {adj} (conforming to accepted, established, or traditional doctrines of a given faith, religion, or ideology)
:: ortodoxo
orthodox {adj} (adhering to whatever is customary, traditional, or generally accepted)
:: ortodoxo
Orthodox {adj} (of the Orthodox Churches)
:: ortodoxo
Orthodox {adj} (of Orthodox Judaism)
:: ortodoxo
Orthodox Church {n} (the Eastern body of Christendom)
:: Igreja Ortodoxa {f}
orthodoxy {n} (correctness in doctrine and belief)
:: ortodoxia
orthodoxy {n} (the beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church) SEE: Orthodoxy
Orthodoxy {prop} (the Eastern Orthodox Church and its foundations)
:: ortodoxia {f}
orthoepy {n} (study of pronunciation)
:: ortoepia {f}, ortoépia {f}
orthoepy {n} (customary pronunciation)
:: ortoepia {f}, ortoépia {f}
orthogenesis {n} (the hypothesis that evolution tends toward a certain goal)
:: ortogénese {f} , ortogênese {f}
orthogonal {adj} (of right angles)
:: ortogonal, perpendicular
orthographically {adv} (in an orthographical manner)
:: ortograficamente
orthography {n} (study of correct spelling)
:: ortografia {f}
orthography {n} (aspect of language study)
:: ortografia {f}
orthography {n} (method of representing a language by written symbols)
:: ortografia {f}
orthologous {adj} (having been separated by a speciation event)
:: ortólogo
orthomolecular {adj} (relating to the theory that illness is the result of chemical deficiencies)
:: ortomolecular
orthopedia {n} (orthopedics) SEE: orthopedics
orthopedic {adj} (Of or relating to orthopedics)
:: ortopédico
orthopedics {n} (medicine: a branch of medicine)
:: ortopedia {f}
orthopedist {n} (orthopedic surgeon)
:: ortopedista {m} {f}
orthophoto {n} (geometrically corrected aerial photograph)
:: ortofoto {f}, ortofotografia {f}
orthorexia {n} (obsession with healthy food)
:: ortorexia
orthorhombic {adj} (having three unequal axes at right angles)
:: ortorrômbico
orthotropic {adj}
:: ortotrópico
Orwell {prop} (surname)
:: Orwell
or words to that effect {phrase} (used to indicate a paraphrase)
:: ou algo assim
Oryol {prop} (a city in Russia)
:: Oriol {f}, Orel {f}
oryx {n} (antelope)
:: órix {m}
OS {n} (operating system)
:: SO
Osaka {prop} (city in Honshū, Japan)
:: Osaka {f}, Osaca {f}
Oscan {adj} (Of or pertaining to the Oscan language or Oscan people, or their writing system)
:: osco {m}
Oscan {n} (Person)
:: osco {m}
Oscan {prop} (Language)
:: osco {m}
Oscar {prop} (male given name)
:: Oscar {m}, Óscar {m}
oscillate {v} (to swing back and forth, especially if with a regular rhythm)
:: oscilar
oscillation {n} (the act of oscillating)
:: oscilação {f}
oscillator {n} (an electronic circuit used to generate a continuous output waveform)
:: oscilador {m}
oscillograph {n} (oscilloscope) SEE: oscilloscope
oscilloscope {n} (electronic measuring instrument)
:: osciloscópio {m}
osculum {n} (main opening in a sponge)
:: ósculo {m}
-ose {suffix} (suffix used to form the names of sugars)
:: -ose {f}
osier {n} (plant)
:: vimeiro {m}
osier {n} (twig)
:: vime {m}
Osiris {prop} (Egyptian god of the dead and of the underworld)
:: Osíris {m}
-osis {suffix} (suffix for functional disorders)
:: -ose {f}
Oslo {prop} (Oslo (a county and municipality, the capital city of Norway))
:: Oslo {f}
osmium {n} (chemical element)
:: ósmio {m}
osmometer {n} (measuring device)
:: osmómetro {m} , osmômetro {m}
osmoregulation {n} (homeostatic regulation of osmotic pressure)
:: osmorregulação {f}
osmosis {n} (movement of molecules)
:: osmose
osmosis {n} (picking up knowledge accidentally)
:: osmose {f}
osmotic {adj} (of or relating to osmosis)
:: osmótico
osmotic pressure {n} (hydrostatic pressure)
:: pressão osmótica {f}
osprey {n} (bird of prey)
:: águia-pesqueira {f}
Osroene {prop} (ancient kingdom)
:: Osroene {f}
osseous {adj} (relating to bone)
:: ósseo
Ossetia {prop} (region in the Caucasus)
:: Ossétia {f}
Ossetian {adj} (pertaining to Ossetia)
:: osseta
Ossetian {n} (member of the people)
:: osseta {m} {f}
Ossetian {prop} (language)
:: osseto {m}
ossicle {n} (small bone in the ear; auditory ossicle)
:: ossículo {m}
osso buco {n} (Italian meat dish)
:: ossobuco {m}
ossuary {n} (a place where the dead are buried)
:: ossário {m}, ossuário {m}
ostensible {adj} (meant for open display; apparent)
:: aparente
ostensible {adj} (appearing as such; professed, supposed)
:: aparente, pretenso
ostensibly {adv} (ostensibly)
:: ostensivamente {f}
ostentatious {adj} (of ostentation)
:: ostentatório
ostentatious {adj} (intended to attract notice)
:: ostentoso {m}
ostentatious {adj} (of tawdry display)
:: espalhafatoso {m}
osteo- {prefix} (bone)
:: osteo-
osteoarthritis {n} (form of arthritis caused by chronic degeneration of the cartilage and synovial membrane of the joints)
:: artrose {f}
osteogenesis {n} (the formation and development of bone)
:: osteogénese {f} , osteogênese {f}
osteogenesis imperfecta {n} (disease characterized by bones that easily fracture)
:: osteogénese imperfeita {f} , osteogênese imperfeita {f}
osteological {adj} (of or relating to osteology)
:: osteológico
osteology {n} (study of bones)
:: osteologia {f}
osteology {n} (bone structure of a particular individual or species)
:: ossatura
osteomalacia {n} (medicine: a softening of adult bones due to inadequate mineralization)
:: osteomalacia {f}
osteomyelitis {n} (pathology: an infection of the bone)
:: osteomielite {f}
osteopathy {n} (branch of therapy)
:: osteopatia {f}
osteopenia {n} (the medical condition of having low bone density, but not low enough to be considered osteoporosis)
:: osteopenia
osteoporosis {n} (bone disease)
:: osteoporose {f}
ostracism {n} (in ancient Greece, the temporary banishment by popular vote)
:: ostracismo {m}
ostracism {n} (banishment, exclusion from community)
:: ostracismo {m}
ostracize {v} (to ban a person from a city for five or ten years by the procedure of ostracism)
:: ostracizar
ostracize {v} (to exclude a person from a community or from society by not communicating with them or by refusing to acknowledge their presence)
:: ostracizar, excluir
Ostrava {prop} (city in the Czech Republic)
:: Ostrava {f}
ostrich {n} (large flightless bird)
:: avestruz
ostrich politics {n} (evasive style of politics)
:: política de avestruz {f}
Ostrogoth {n} (member of a tribe of Eastern Goths)
:: ostrogodo {m}
Oswald {prop} (male given name)
:: Osvaldo {m}
otaku {n} (one with an obsessive interest in something such as anime or manga)
:: otaku {m} {f}
otalgia {n} (earache) SEE: earache
other {adj} (not the one previously referred to)
:: outro
other {n} (an other one)
:: outro {m}, outra {f}
other {determiner} (not the one referred to)
:: outro
other {adv} (apart from)
:: fora
other days, other ways {proverb} (other days, other ways)
:: mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se os costumes
others {n} (other people)
:: (os) outros
other side {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife
otherwise {adv} (differently, in another way)
:: diferente, diferentemente, de outra forma/maneira, de outro jeito/modo
otherwise {adv} (under different circumstances)
:: senão
otherwise {adv} (in all other respects)
:: fora isso, no mais
otherwise {adj} (other than supposed)
:: contrário, em contrário
otherwise {adv} (or else) SEE: or else
otic {adj} (related to the ear)
:: ótico
otitis {n} (inflammation of the ear)
:: otite {f}
otolaryngologist {n} (otorhinolaryngologist) SEE: otorhinolaryngologist
otolaryngology {n} (medical study of the ear, nose and throat)
:: otorrinolaringologia {f}
otological {adj} (of or pertaining to otology)
:: otológico
otology {n} (the branch of medicine that deals with the ear)
:: otologia {f}
otorhinolaryngologist {n} (medical doctor of ear, nose and throat)
:: otorrinolaringologista {m} {f}
otorhinolaryngology {n} (otolaryngology) SEE: otolaryngology
Ottawa {prop} (capital of Canada)
:: Otava {f}, Ottawa {f}
otter {n} (mammal)
:: lontra {f}
Otto {prop} (male given name)
:: Oto {m}, Otto {m}
ottoman {n} (low stool)
:: pufe {m}
Ottoman {n} (Turk from the period of Ottoman Empire)
:: otomano {m}
Ottoman {adj} (of the Islamic empire of Turkey)
:: otomano
Ottoman Empire {prop} (Turkish empire)
:: Império Otomano {m}
Ottoman Turkish {prop} (the variety of the Turkish language that was used as the administrative and literary language of the Ottoman Empire)
:: turco otomano {m}
Ouagadougou {prop} (capital of Burkina Faso)
:: Ouagadougou
ouch {interj} (expression of one's own physical pain)
:: ai, au
ouchie {n} (owie) SEE: owie
oud {n} (Arabic plucked string instrument)
:: ud {m}
ought {v} (indicating duty or obligation)
:: dever
ought {v} (indicating advisability or prudence)
:: dever
ought {v} (indicating desirability)
:: dever
ought {v} (indicating likelihood or probability)
:: dever
Ouija {n} (a board with letters of the alphabet and "yes" and "no")
:: ouija, tabuleiro ouija
ounce {n} (28.3495 g)
:: onça {f}
our {determiner} (belonging to us)
:: nosso
Our Lady {prop} (Virgin Mary)
:: Nossa Senhora {f}
Our Lady of Sorrows {prop} (the Virgin Mary in reference to her sorrows)
:: Nossa Senhora das Dores {f}, Nossa Senhora da Piedade {f}, Nossa Senhora da Soledade {f}, Nossa Senhora das Angústias {f}, Nossa Senhora das Lágrimas {f}, Nossa Senhora das Sete Dores {f}, Nossa Senhora do Calvário {f}, Nossa Senhora do Pranto {f}
ouroboros {n} (a serpent, dragon or worm who eats its own tail)
:: uróboro {m}
Ouro Preto {prop} (city in Brazil)
:: Ouro Preto {f}
ours {pron} (that which belongs to us)
:: o nosso {m}
ourselves {pron} (reflexive: us)
:: nos, nós
ourselves {pron} (emphatic: we)
:: nós mesmos
-ous {suffix} (suffix to form adjectives)
:: -oso
oust {v} (to expel; to remove)
:: retirar, expulsar
out {adv} (away from the inside or the centre)
:: fora
out {adv} (away from one's usual place or not indoors)
:: fora, afora
out {adv} (away from, at a distance)
:: longe
out {prep} (away from the inside)
:: para fora
outbid {v} (To bid more than somebody else)
:: fazer um lance maior que outros participantes, em leilão, concorrência ou licitação
outbreak {n} (an eruption, sudden appearance)
:: surto {m}
outbuilding {n} (separate building associated with a main building)
:: dependência {f}
outcast {n} (one that has been excluded from a society or system, a pariah)
:: deslocado {m}, deslocada {f}, excluído {m}, excluída {f}, pária {m} {f}
outcome {n} (result)
:: resultado {m}
outdated {adj} (out of date, old-fashioned, antiquated)
:: obsoleto, ultrapassado
outdo {v} (to go beyond)
:: superar
outdoor {adj} (situated in the open air)
:: ao ar livre
outdoors {adv} (in the open air)
:: ao ar livre, a céu aberto
outer {adj} (outside)
:: externo
outer ear {n} (portion of ear)
:: ouvido externo {m}
Outer Mongolia {prop} (East Asian region)
:: Mongólia Exterior {f}
outer space {n} (region)
:: espaço sideral {m}
outfit {v} (to provide with)
:: equipar
outfox {v} (outsmart) SEE: outsmart
outguess {v} (outsmart) SEE: outsmart
outhouse {n} (outdoor toilet, see also: shithouse; latrine; toilet)
:: casinha {f}, patente {f}
outhouse {n}
:: banheiro {m}
outhouse {n} (outbuilding) SEE: outbuilding
outlast {v} (to live longer than)
:: prevalecer
outlaw {n} (a fugitive from the law)
:: fora-de-lei {m} {f}
outlet {n} (vent)
:: ventilação
outlet {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket
outlier {n} (a person or thing situated away from the main body or outside its proper place)
:: extravagante
outline {n} (line marking the boundary of an object figure)
:: contorno {m}
outline {n} (outer shape of an object or figure)
:: contorno {m}
outline {n} (sketch or drawing in which objects are delineated in contours without shading)
:: esboço {m}
outline {n} (general description of some subject)
:: resumo {m}
outline {n} (statement summarizing the important points of a text)
:: resumo {m}, sinopse {f}
outline {n} (preliminary plan of a project)
:: esboço {m}
outlook {n} (place from which something can be viewed)
:: perspectiva {f}
outlook {n} (attitude, point of view)
:: ponto de vista {m}
out loud {adv} (aloud)
:: em voz alta
outmoded {adj} (unfashionable)
:: demodê
outmoded {adj} (obsolete)
:: demodê, antiquado, ultrapassado
outnumber {v} (be more in number)
:: exceder em número , disparidade
out of {prep} (from the inside to the outside of)
:: para fora
out of {prep} (with the motivation of)
:: de
out of {prep}
:: fora
out of bounds {n} (sideline) SEE: sideline
out of breath {prep} (breathing with difficulty)
:: ofegante
out of hand {adj} (not under control, out of control)
:: fora de controle
out of it {prep} (drunk) SEE: drunk
out of nowhere {prep} (unexpectedly or unexplicably)
:: do nada, da cartola
out of service {prep} (not available for use)
:: fora de serviço
out of sight, out of mind {proverb} (something not nearby is forgotten)
:: longe dos olhos, longe do coração, o que os olhos não veem o coração não sente
out of the blue {prep} (unexpectedly)
:: do nada (out of nowhere), da cartola (out of the top hat), à toa
out of the frying pan, into the fire {prep} (get from an already bad situation to a worse one)
:: da frigideira para o fogo
out of the ordinary {prep} (unusual; not ordinary)
:: fora do comum, fora do normal
out of thin air {adv} (from non-existent resource)
:: do nada
out of tune {prep} (not in correct musical pitch)
:: desafinado
out of work {prep} (unemployed) SEE: unemployed
outpatient {n} (patient)
:: paciente ambulatorial {m} {f}
outpost {n} (A military post)
:: posto avançado {m}
output {n} (production; quantity produced, created, or completed)
:: produção {f}
output {n} (data sent out of the computer)
:: saída (de dados/informação) {f}
outrage {n} (atrocity)
:: atrocidade {f}
outrage {n} (offensive, immoral or indecent act)
:: ultraje {m}
outrage {n} (anger)
:: raiva {f}
outrageous {adj} (shocking)
:: ultrajante, insultuoso, exurbitante
outreach {n} (extent)
:: extensão {f}
outreach {n} (practice)
:: extensão {f}
outreach {n}
:: extensão {f}
outreach {v}
:: alcançar
outright {adv} (wholly)
:: completamente
outright {adv} (openly)
:: abertamente
outset {n} (initial stage of something)
:: início {m}
outside {n} (outer surface)
:: exterior
outside {n} (the space beyond some limit or boundary)
:: exterior, lado de fora {m}
outside {adj} (pertaining to the outer surface or boundary)
:: exterior, externo
outside {adj} (pertaining to beyond the outer boundary)
:: externo
outside {adv} (in or to the outside)
:: fora, para fora
outside {adv} (outdoors)
:: fora
outside {prep} (on the outside of)
:: fora de
outsider {n} (someone excluded)
:: marginal, forasteiro {m}
outside the box {prep} (beyond convention)
:: fora da caixa, fora da caixinha
outskirt {n} (periphery)
:: periferia
outskirts {n} (the edges or areas around a city or town)
:: periferia {f}
outsmart {v} (beat in a competition of wits)
:: ser mais esperto que
outsource {v} (transfer of business to a third party)
:: terceirizar, externalizar
outsourcing {n} (transfer business)
:: terceirização {f}, externalização {f}, outsourcing {m}
outstanding {adj} (standing out from others)
:: excepcional, extraordinário, destacado
outstanding {adj} (distinguished from others by its superiority)
:: excepcional, extraordinário, destacado
outstanding {adj} (projecting outwards)
:: destacado, saliente
outstanding {adj} (not settled or finished)
:: pendente
outstanding {adj} (owed as a debt)
:: pendente
outwit {v} (outsmart) SEE: outsmart
ouzel {n} (Turdus merula) SEE: Eurasian blackbird
ouzo {n} (drink)
:: uzo {m}, ouzo {m}
oval {n} (shape like an egg or ellipse)
:: ovoide {m}
oval {adj} (oval-shaped)
:: oval, ovoide, ovalado
oval {adj} (of or pertaining to an ovum)
:: ovular
ovarian {adj} (Relating to the ovaries)
:: ovárico
ovary {n} (female organ)
:: ovário {m}
ovary {n} (botanical organ)
:: ovário {m}
ovation {n} (prolonged enthusiastic applause)
:: ovação {f}
oven {n} (chamber used for baking or heating)
:: forno {m}
ovenbird {n} (Seiurus auricapilla)
:: mariquita-de-coroa-ruiva
oven glove {n} (glove designed to carry hot oven trays)
:: luva de cozinha {f}, luva de forno {f}
oven mitt {n} (oven glove) SEE: oven glove
over {adj} (ended)
:: terminado, acabado, concluído
over {adv} (again)
:: de novo
over {prep} (physical positioning: on top of; above)
:: sobre
over {prep} (physical positioning: across or spanning)
:: sobre
over {prep} (physical positioning: in such a way as to cover)
:: sobre
over {prep} (math: divided by)
:: por
over {interj} (end of sentence in radio communication)
:: câmbio
over- {prefix} (above or higher)
:: sobre-, super-
over- {prefix} (superior)
:: sobre-, super-
over- {prefix} (excessively)
:: sobre-, super-
overabundant {adj} (excessively abundant)
:: superabundante
overaccumulation {n}
:: sobreacumulação {f}
overact {v} (act in an exaggerated manner)
:: exagerar
overall {adj} (all-encompassing)
:: abrangente, geral
overall {adv} (generally)
:: em geral
overall {n} (protective garment worn over clothing)
:: macacão
overalls {n} (loose fitting pair of pants with a bib)
:: macacão
over and out {interj} (end of conversation)
:: câmbio, desligo
over and over {adv} (repeatedly)
:: várias e várias vezes
overbearing {adj} (overly bossy or domineering)
:: prepotente arrogante
overbite {n} (malocclusion in which the upper teeth extend over the lower ones)
:: sobremordida {f}
overboard {adv} (over the edge, off a boat)
:: borda a fora, exceder
overburdened {adj} (having an excessive number of tasks to complete)
:: sobrecarregado
overcast {adj} (covered with clouds; overshadowed; darkened)
:: nublado
overcast {adj} (meteorological term)
:: encoberto
overcast {v} (to cover with cloud; to overshadow; to darken)
:: nublar
overcharge {v} (to charge more than correct amount)
:: sobrecarregar
overcoat {n} (garment)
:: sobretudo {m}
overcome {v} (to surmount, get the better of)
:: vencer, superar, ultrapassar
overcrowd {v}
:: sobrelotar, superlotar
overcrowded {adj} (Containing too many occupants)
:: sobrelotado, superlotado
overcrowding {n} (having more occupants than can be accommodated)
:: sobrelotação {f}
overdo {v} (to do too much of something)
:: exagerar
overdose {n} (excessive and dangerous dose of a drug)
:: overdose {f}, superdose {f}, overdose {f}
overdraft {n} (act of overdrawing a bank account)
:: saque a descoberto {m}
overdraught {n} (overdraft) SEE: overdraft
overdue {adj} (Late; especially, past a deadline or too late to fulfill a need)
:: tardio
overeat {v} (eat too much)
:: empachar
overestimate {v} (to judge too highly)
:: superestimar, sobrestimar, sobre-estimar
overestimated {v} (overrated) SEE: overrated
overexpose {v} (in photography)
:: sobre-expor
overexposure {n} (exposure of film to light for a longer time than is required)
:: sobre-exposição {f}
overexpression {n} (the artificial expression of a gene in increased quantity)
:: sobre-expressão {f}
overfishing {n} (excessive fishing)
:: sobrepesca {f}
overfit {v} (statistics: to use a statistical model that has too many parameters)
:: sobreajustar
overflow {n} (spillage)
:: transbordo {m}, transbordamento {m}
overflow {n} (outlet)
:: ladrão {m}
overflow {n} (computing: situation where a value exceeds the available range)
:: overflow {m}, transbordamento {m}
overflow {v} (to fill beyond the limits of)
:: transbordar
overgrazing {n} (excessive grazing to an extent that the land is damaged)
:: sobrepastoreio {m}, sobrepastagem {f}
overhaul {n} (a major repair, remake, renovation, or revision)
:: reestruturação {f}
overhead {n} (expense of a business not directly assigned to goods or services provided)
:: overhead {m}
overhead fan {n} (ceiling fan) SEE: ceiling fan
overhead projector {n} (projector that projects an image over the heads of the viewers onto a screen)
:: retroprojetor {m}
overhear {v} (To hear something that wasn't meant for one's ears)
:: ouvir por acaso, escutar sem querer
overheat {v} (overheat) SEE: burn
overheat {v} (to heat excessively)
:: sobreaquecer
overheat {v} (to become excessively hot)
:: rescaldar, sobreaquecer
over here {adv} (in this place)
:: aqui, cá
Overijssel {prop} (province of the Netherlands)
:: Overijssel {m}
overjet {n} (the extent of horizontal overlap of the maxillary central incisors)
:: sobressaliência {f}
overkill {n} (an unnecessary excess of something (idiomatic))
:: exagero
overlap {v} (to extend over and partly cover something)
:: sobrepor, cobrir
overlap {v} (to have DNA parts in common)
:: sobrepor-se
overlapping {adj}
:: superposto, sobreposto
overlapping {n} (the situation in which things overlap)
:: sobreposição {f}
overlay {v} (to lay, or spread, something over or across; to cover)
:: revestir, aplicar
overlay {v} (overwhelm) SEE: overwhelm
overload {v} (to load excessively)
:: sobrecarregar
overlook {n} (vista or point)
:: vista {f}, mirante {m}
overlook {v} (to fail to notice; to look over and beyond (anything) without seeing it)
:: desperceber
overlook {v} (to pretend not to have noticed; to pass over without censure or punishment)
:: deixar passar
overly {adv} (to an excessive degree)
:: exageradamente
overmatch {n} (a match)
:: batalha {f} perdida
overmorrow {adv} (on the day after tomorrow) SEE: day after tomorrow
overmorrow {n} (day after tomorrow) SEE: day after tomorrow
over my dead body {prep} (absolutely not)
:: só por cima do meu cadáver, sobre o meu cadáver
overnight {adv} (throughout the night)
:: durante a noite
overnight {adv} (during a single night)
:: em uma noite
overnight {adv} (in a very short amount of time)
:: de um dia para o outro, do dia para a noite
overnight {adj} (during a single night)
:: noturno
overnight {v} (stay overnight)
:: pernoitar
overnight {n} (overnight stay)
:: pernoite {m}, pernoitada {f}, pernoita {f}, pernoitamento {m}
overnourished {adj} (overweight) SEE: overweight
overpass {n} (A section of a road or path that crosses over an obstacle, especially another road, railway, etc)
:: viaduto {m}
overpopulation {n} (when the number of occupants of an area exceeds the ability of that area to provide for the occupants)
:: superpopulação {f}
overpower {v} (overpower) SEE: compel
overprotect {v}
:: superproteger {f}
overprotection {n} (act of overprotecting)
:: superproteção {f}
overrate {v} (to esteem too highly)
:: sobrestimar, superestimar
overrated {adj} (rated too highly)
:: sobrestimado
overreact {v} (react too much or too intensely)
:: reagir demais
overrepresent {v}
:: sobrerrepresentar
overrepresentation {n} (the condition of being overrepresented)
:: sobrerrepresentação {f}
overrepresented {adj}
:: sobrerrepresentado {m}, sobrerrepresentada
override {v} (to counteract the normal operation of something)
:: sobrepor
override {v} ((software) To define a new behaviour of a method)
:: sobrepor
overrun {v} (to infest, swarm over)
:: infestar
overseas {adj} (abroad)
:: do exterior
overseas {adj} (across a sea)
:: ultramarino
overseas {adv} (abroad)
:: no exterior
oversee {v} (to survey, look at something in a wide angle)
:: sondar
oversee {v} (to supervise, guide, review or direct the actions of a person or group)
:: supervisionar
oversee {v} (to see secretly or unintentionally)
:: vigiar
overseer {n} (one who oversees)
:: feitor
overshadow {v} (to dominate something and make it seem insignificant)
:: eclipsar, ofuscar
oversight {n} (omission)
:: descuido {m}
oversight {n} (supervision)
:: superintendência {f}, chefia {f}, monitoração, acompanhamento, supervisão
oversight {n} (overview) SEE: overview
oversleep {v} (to sleep for longer than planned)
:: dormir demais
overtake {v} (to pass a more slowly moving object)
:: ultrapassar
over there {adv} (in that place)
:: lá, ali
over the top {adj} (beyond normal, expected, or reasonable limits; excessive; exaggerated)
:: acima do limite (normal), excessivo, exagerado
overthrow {v} (to bring about the downfall of)
:: derrocar, derrubar, depor, golpe de estado {m}
over time {prep} (gradually, as time passes)
:: com o tempo, com o passar do tempo
overtime {n} (worktime)
:: hora extra {f}
overtime {n} (pay for overtime work)
:: hora extra {f}
overtime {n} (extra period in sports)
:: prolongamento {m}, prorrogação {f}
overtly {adv} (openly)
:: abertamente, declaradamente
overture {n} (musical introduction)
:: abertura {f}
overturn {v} (to turn over, capsize)
:: capotar
overturn {v} (legal: to reverse, overrule)
:: anular, derrubar
overview {n} (brief summary, as of a book or a presentation)
:: visão geral {f}, breve resumo {m}, apanhado {m}
overweight {adj} (of a person, heavier than is healthy)
:: com excesso de peso, sobrepeso
overwhelm {v} (engulf, surge over)
:: engolir
overwhelm {v} (to overpower, crush)
:: dominar, esmagar, avassalar
overwhelm {v} (overpower emotionally)
:: dominar
overwhelming {adj} (overpowering)
:: irresistivelmente forte, exageradamente maior, esmagador, avassalador
overwrite {v} (destroy old data)
:: sobrescrever
oviduct {n} (duct through which an ovum passes)
:: oviduto {m}
Oviedo {prop} (city in Spain)
:: Oviedo
ovulate {v} (produce eggs or ova)
:: ovular
ovulation {n} (release of an ovum from the ovary)
:: ovulação {f}
ovum {n} (gamete)
:: óvulo {m}
owe {v} (to be under an obligation)
:: dever
owe {v} (to be in debt)
:: dever
owie {n} (minor injury)
:: dodói
owing {adj} (still to be paid)
:: devendo
owing to {prep} (because of)
:: devido a
owl {n} (bird)
:: coruja {f}, estrige {f}
owlish {adj} (resembling or characteristic of an owl)
:: corujento
own {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat
own {adj} (belonging to (determiner))
:: próprio
own {v} (have rightful possession of)
:: possuir
owner {n} (one who owns)
:: proprietário {m}, dono {m}
ownership {n} (legal status)
:: propriedade {f}
own goal {n} (goal scored by player against their own team)
:: gol contra {m}
own up {v} (to confess)
:: confessar, assumir, confessar que, admitir
ox {n} (an adult castrated male of cattle)
:: boi {m}
ox {n} (any bovine animal used as a beast of burden)
:: boi {m}
oxalic acid {n} (the dicarboxylic acid (ethandioic acid))
:: ácido oxálico {m}
oxbow lake {n} (crescent-shaped lake)
:: braço morto {m}
oxcart {n} (cart drawn by ox)
:: carro de bois {m}
oxeye {n} (titmouse) SEE: titmouse
Oxford {prop} (city)
:: Oxford {f}, Oxónia {f} , Oxônia
oxidation {n} (combination of a substance with oxygen)
:: oxidação
oxidation {n} (chemical reaction)
:: oxidação {f}
oxidative {adj} (Relating to oxidation)
:: oxidativo
oxide {n} (binary compound of oxygen)
:: óxido {m}
oxidization {n} (oxidation) SEE: oxidation
oxidize {v} (to combine with oxygen)
:: oxidar
oxidize {v} (to increase the valence)
:: oxidar
oxidize {v} (to coat something with an oxide)
:: oxidar
oxidize {v} (to become oxidized)
:: oxidar
oxtail {n} (meat from the tail of a cow)
:: rabo de touro {m}, rabada {f}
oxyacid {n} (an acid containing oxygen)
:: oxiácido {m}
oxychloride {n} (compound of oxygen and chlorine)
:: oxicloreto {m}
oxygen {n} (chemical element)
:: oxigénio {m} , oxigênio {m}
oxygenate {v} (infuse with oxygen)
:: oxigenar
oxygenation {n} (process of treating something with oxygen)
:: oxigenação {f}
oxygen cylinder {n} (gas cylinder containing oxygen)
:: cilindro de oxigênio {m}
oxygen tank {n} (cyllinder holding oxygen)
:: tanque de oxigênio
oxymoron {n} (figure of speech)
:: oxímoro {m}, oximoro
oxymoron {n} (contradiction in terms) SEE: contradiction in terms
oxytone {adj} (oxytone)
:: oxítono
oxytone {n} (word with the stress or an acute accent on the last syllable)
:: oxítona {f}
oyster {n} (mollusk, see also: clam; mollusc; mussel)
:: ostra {f}
oyster {n} (food)
:: marisco {m}
oystercatcher {n} (bird)
:: ostraceiro {m}
oysterman {n} (person who cultivates, harvests or sells oysters)
:: ostricultor {m}, ostreicultor {m} ostreiro {m}
oyster plant {n} (Scorzonera hispanica) SEE: black salsify
oyster plant {n} (Acanthus mollis) SEE: bear's breech
oyster sauce {n} (sauce from oysters)
:: molho de ostra {m}, molho de ostras {m}
ozone {n} (O3)
:: ozônio {m}, ozono {m}
ozone layer {n} (a region of the stratosphere)
:: camada de ozônio {f}, camada de ozono {f}