Fabian {prop} (male given name)
:: Fabian
fable {n} (fictitious narration to enforce some useful truth or precept)
:: saga, berättelse, fabel {c}
fabled {adj} (legendary)
:: mytisk, legendarisk, mytomspunnen
fabliau {n} (short farcical tale)
:: fabliau
fabric {n} (material made of fibers)
:: tyg {n}
fabric {n}
:: tyg, väv, system, konstruktion
fabric softener {n} (a chemical agent used to prevent static cling and make fabric softer)
:: sköljmedel {n}
fabulous {adj} (mythical or legendary; incredible)
:: fabulös, sagolik, fantastisk
fabulous {adj} (of the nature of a fable; unhistorical)
:: sagolik
fabulous {adj} (extraordinary, especially in being very large)
:: sagolik, fantastisk
fabulous {adj} (very good; wonderful)
:: fantastisk, underbar, fabulös
fabulously {adv} (in a fabulous manner)
:: fabulöst
facade {n} (face of a building)
:: fasad
facade {n} (deceptive outward appearance)
:: fasad
face {v} (to face) SEE: look
face {v} (position oneself towards)
:: vända sig mot
face {v} (have its front closest to)
:: vara vänd mot, vetta
face {v} (deal with, confront)
:: ta itu med
face {n} (typography: typeface) SEE: typeface
face {n} (computing: interface) SEE: interface
face {n} (one's complete facial cosmetic application) SEE: makeup
face {n} (amount expressed on a bill, note, bond, etc.) SEE: face value
face {n} (front part of head)
:: ansikte {n}, anlete {n}, fjäs {n}, nuna {c}
face {n} (facial expression)
:: min {c}, uppsyn {c}
face {n} (public image)
:: ansikte {n}, anseende {n}, prestige {c}
face {n} (geometry: bounding surface of a polyhedron)
:: yta {c}
face {n} (slang: the mouth)
:: käft {c}
Facebook {prop} (social-networking website)
:: Facebook
face card {n}
:: klätt kort {n}
facelift {n} (plastic surgery to the face)
:: ansiktslyft {n}
facelift {v} (to perform a facelift)
:: göra en ansiktslyftning
facemask {n} (covering used to protect the face used for diving)
:: ansiktsmask {c}
face-off {n} (start of play in Ice Hockey etc.)
:: tekning {c}
faceoff {n} (hockey)
:: tekning
facepalm {v} (bring the palm of the hand to the face)
:: ta sig för pannan
facet {n} (flat surface cut into a gem)
:: fasett
facet {n} (one among many similar yet distinct things)
:: sida {c}
face the music {v} (to accept or confront the unpleasant consequences of one's actions)
:: stå sitt kast
facetious {adj} (pleasantly humorous, jocular)
:: skämtsam
face to face {adv} (in person)
:: ansikte mot ansikte, öga mot öga
face-to-face {adv} (face to face) SEE: face to face
face value {n} (the stated value or amount)
:: nominalvärde {n}, valör {c}
facial {adj} (of the face)
:: ansikts-
facial expression {n} (expression or countenance that seems to an onlooker to be represented by the appearance of a person's face)
:: ansiktsuttryck {n}
facial hair {n} (hair on the face of a human)
:: ansiktshår {n}
facial mask {n} (application to the face)
:: ansiktsmask {c}
facile {adj} (Easy, taking minimal effort)
:: enkel
facilitate {v} (to make easy or easier)
:: underlätta, förenkla
facilitator {n} (person who helps a group to have an effective dialog without taking any side of the argument)
:: underlättare {c}, möjliggörare {c}
facsimile {n} (copy or reproduction)
:: faksimil
facsimile {v} (fax) SEE: fax
fact {n} (an honest observation)
:: faktum {n}
fact {n} (something actual)
:: faktum
fact {n} (something which has become real)
:: verklighet
fact {n} (something concrete used as a basis for further interpretation)
:: faktum
fact {n} (an objective consensus on a fundamental reality)
:: faktum
fact {n} (information about a particular subject)
:: faktum {n}
facticity {n} (quality or state of being a fact)
:: fakticitet
facticity {n} (state of being in the world without any knowable reason for such existence, or of being in a particular state of affairs which one has no control over)
:: fakticitet
faction {n} (group of people)
:: fraktion {c}
factitious {adj} (created by man)
:: konstgjord
factoid {n} (inaccurate statement believed to be true)
:: faktoid {c} , vandringssägen {c}, klintbergare {c}
factor {n} (integral part)
:: faktor {c}
factor {n} (mathematical sense)
:: faktor {c}
factor {n} (influence)
:: faktor {c}
factorable {adj} (capable of being factored)
:: faktoriserbar
factorial {n} (mathematical operation or its result)
:: fakultet {c}
factorization {n} (creating a list of factors)
:: faktorisering {c}
factorization {n} (expression listing factors)
:: faktorisering {c}
factorize {v} (create a list of factors)
:: faktorisera
factorize {v} (divide an expression into listing items)
:: faktorisera
factor of production {n} (resource used for production)
:: produktionsfaktor {c}
factory {n} (manufacturing place)
:: fabrik {c}
factotum {n} (general servant)
:: allt-i-allo
factual {adj} (of facts)
:: faktamässig, faktuell
factually {adv} (in a factual manner)
:: faktamässigt
faculty {n} (scholarly staff at colleges or universities)
:: kollegium {n}, lärarkollegium {n}
faculty {n} (division of a university)
:: fakultet {c}
faculty {n} (ability, skill, or power)
:: färdighet {c}, förmåga {c}
fad {n} (phenomenon)
:: fluga {c}, dagslända {c}
fade {v} (to grow weak, lose strength)
:: avtyna, vekna
fade {v} (to lose freshness, brightness)
:: blekna
fade {v} (to vanish)
:: avklinga
fade {v} (to cause to fade)
:: dämpa
faded {adj} (of colour that has lost its intensity)
:: urblekt
fadeless {adj} (not fading)
:: oförvissnelig
fag {n} (homosexual man)
:: bög {c}
fag-end {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt
faggot {n} (male homosexual) SEE: fag
faggotry {n} (the quality of being a faggot)
:: bögeri {n}
fag hag {n} (woman who likes gay men)
:: faghag {c}
faience {n} (type of tin-glazed earthenware ceramic)
:: fajans {c}
fail {v} (be unsuccessful)
:: misslyckas
fail {v} (not achieve a stated goal)
:: misslyckas
fail {v} (be negligent)
:: svika
fail {v} (cease to operate)
:: fallera, mankera
failing {n} (defect)
:: fel {n}, brist {c}, svaghet {c}
failure {n} (state or condition opposite of success)
:: misslyckande
fain {adv} (gladly)
:: gärna
faint {adj} (lacking strength; inclined to lose consciousness)
:: svag, klen, kraftlös, vek
faint {adj} (wanting in courage)
:: klen, svag, feg, vek
faint {adj} (lacking distinctness, hardly perceptible)
:: svag
faint {adj} (performed in a weak or feeble manner)
:: svag
faint {n} (the act of fainting)
:: svimning {c}
faint {v} (to lose consciousness)
:: svimma
fainthearted {adj} (Faint of heart; irresolute; fearful)
:: klenmodig, rädd, osäker
fair {adj} (pretty or attractive)
:: fager
fair {adj} (light in color or pale)
:: ljuslagd, blond
fair {adj} (just, equitable)
:: rättvis
fair {adj} (adequate, reasonable, decent)
:: rimlig, skälig
fair {n} (market)
:: marknad {c}, mässa {c}
fair {n} (professional event, trade fair)
:: utställning {c}, mässa {c}
fair {n} (a travelling amusement park)
:: tivoli {n}
fair and square {adv} (fairly and undoubtedly)
:: rätt och riktig
fair and square {adv} (within the applicable rules)
:: rätt och riktig
fair-haired {adj} (blond) SEE: blond
fairheaded {adj} (blond) SEE: blond
fairly {adv} (in a fair manner)
:: rättvist
fairness {n} (property of being beautiful)
:: fägring
fair play {n} (good behavior)
:: rent spel, fair play
fair sex {n} (women)
:: det täcka könet {n}, det svaga könet {n}
fair trade {n} (system of trading)
:: rättvis handel {c}
fair wind {n} (wind in the right direction)
:: medvind {c}
fairy {n} (mythical being)
:: fe {c}, älva {c}
fairy cake {n} (cupcake) SEE: cupcake
fairy floss {n} (fairy floss) SEE: candy floss
fairy godmother {n} (benevolent magical female)
:: god fe
fairy godmother {n} (generous benefactor)
:: välgörare
fairyland {n} (the imaginary land or abode of fairies)
:: sagoland {n}
fairy ring {n} (ring of fungi)
:: häxring {c}
fairy tale {n} (folktale)
:: saga {c}
fairy-tale {adj} (of the nature of a fairy tale; as if from a fairy tale)
:: sagolik
fait accompli {n} (established fact)
:: fullbordat faktum {n}
faith {n} (feeling that something is true)
:: tro
faith {n} (religious belief system)
:: tro {c}
faithful {adj} (loyal; adhering firmly to person or cause)
:: trogen
faithfulness {n} (the state of being faithful)
:: trohet {c}
fake {adj} (not real)
:: falsk, fejk, oäkta
fake {n} (something which is not genuine, or is presented fraudulently)
:: förfalskning
fake {v} (to make a false display of)
:: fejka
fakir {n} (ascetic mendicant)
:: fakir {c}
falafel {n} (Middle Eastern food)
:: falafel {c}, falaflar {c-p}
falafel {n} (single falafel ball)
:: falafel {c}
falcon {n} (bird of the genus Falco)
:: falk {c}
falconry {n} (sport of hunting by using trained birds of prey)
:: falkjakt {c}, falkenering {c}
Falkland Islands {prop} (overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic)
:: Falklandsöarna
Falklands War {prop} (a conflict between Argentina and the United Kingdom)
:: Falklandskriget {n}
fall {n} (season) SEE: autumn
fall {n} (act of moving in gas or vacuum under the effect of gravity from a point to a lower point)
:: fall {n}
fall {n} (a period of decline before the end)
:: nedgång {c}
fall {n} (loss of greatness or status)
:: fall {n}
fall {v} (move to a lower position under the effect of gravity)
:: falla, trilla
fall {v} (come down or descend)
:: falla
fall {v} (prostrate oneself)
:: kasta sig
fall {v} (be brought to earth or be overthrown)
:: falla
fall {v} (die)
:: stupa
fall {v} (be allotted to)
:: falla
fall {v} (become or change into)
:: bli
fallacious {adj} (characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken)
:: felaktig
fallacy {n} (deceptive or false appearance)
:: bedräglighet
fallacy {n} (false argument)
:: felslut {n}
fall asleep {v} (to pass into sleep)
:: somna, falla i sömn
fall asleep {v} (euphemism for "to die")
:: somna in
fall equinox {n} (autumnal equinox) SEE: autumnal equinox
fall foliage {n} (coloration of leaves during autumn) SEE: autumn foliage
fall ill {v} (become ill)
:: insjukna, bli sjuk
falling star {n} (shooting star) SEE: shooting star
fall in love {v} (to come to have feelings of love)
:: bli kär, förälska sig
fall in love {v} (to come to have feelings of love towards each other)
:: bli kära, förälska sig
fall in love {v} (to come to have feelings of intense liking)
:: bli kär, förälska sig
fall into a trap {v} (To make a mistake, a bad decision or act insensibly and get into an extremely difficult situation)
:: göra en tabbe, tabba
Fallopian tube {n} (duct)
:: äggledare
fallout {n} (event of airborne particles falling to the ground)
:: nedfall {n}
fallout {n} (particles that fall to the ground)
:: nedfall {n}
fallout {n} (declined offer in a sales transaction when acceptance was presumed)
:: avslag {n}
fall over {v} (fall from an upright position to a horizontal position)
:: falla omkull
fallow {n} (ground left unseeded for a year)
:: träda {c}, trädesåker {c}
fallow deer {n} (Dama dama, a ruminant mammal)
:: dovhjort
false {adj} (untrue, not factual, wrong)
:: falsk, osann
false {adj} (spurious, artificial)
:: konstgjord
false {adj} (state in Boolean logic that indicates a negative result)
:: falskt
false acacia {n} (black locust) SEE: black locust
false alarm {n} (warning sound that turns out to be erroneous)
:: falskt alarm
false alarm {n} (thing or occurrence initially causing fear, etc. but subsequently seen to be no cause for concern)
:: falskt alarm
false croup {n} (croup) SEE: croup
false friend {n} (type of word)
:: falsk vän {c}
false hellebore {n} (Veratrum)
:: nysrötter {c-p}
false hellebore {n} (Adonis vernalis)
:: våradonis {c}
false positive {n} (result of a test that shows as present something that is absent)
:: falsk positiv
false start {n} (starting before the signal)
:: tjuvstart {c}
falsifiability {n} (quality of being falsifiable)
:: falsifierbarhet {c}
falsifiable {adj} (able to be proven false)
:: falsifierbar
falsify {v}
:: : falsifiera
falter {v} (To waver or be unsteady)
:: vackla
falter {v} (To stammer) SEE: stammer
fame {n} (state of being famous)
:: berömmelse {c}, kändisskap {n}
famed {adj} (having fame)
:: berömd, ryktbar
familial {adj} (of or pertaining to a human family)
:: familje-
familiar {adj} (known to one)
:: bekant
familiar {n} (attendant spirit)
:: husande {c}
family {n} (immediate family , e.g. parents and their children)
:: familj, hushåll
family {n} (group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom)
:: börd
family {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification, above both genus and species)
:: familj
family {n}
:: släkt, släktskap, ätt
family {adj} ((slang) homosexual)
:: bög
family doctor {n} (practitioner of family medicine) SEE: general practitioner
family man {n} (adult male with a spouse and children to whose well-being he is dedicated)
:: familjefar {c}
family name {n} (surname) SEE: surname
family reunion {n} (gathering of family members)
:: släktträff {c}, släktkalas {n}
family tree {n} (family tree)
:: släktträd {n}, härstamning {c}
famine {n} (extreme shortage of food in a region)
:: hungersnöd
famine {n} (a period of extreme shortage of food in a region)
:: svält
famished {adj} (extremely hungry)
:: utsvulten
famous {adj} (well known)
:: känd, berömd
famous {adj}
:: berömd
fan {n} (hand-held device)
:: solfjäder {c}
fan {n} (electrical device)
:: fläkt {c}
fan {v} (to blow air on by means of a hand-held fan)
:: fläkta
fan {v} (move or spread in multiple directions from one point)
:: sprida sig (spread out)
fan {n} (admirer)
:: fan {n}, beundrare {c}
fanatic {n} (one who is zealously enthusiastic)
:: fanatiker {c}
fanatical {adj} (having an extreme, irrational zeal or enthusiasm)
:: fanatisk
fan base {n} (fans of a thing or person taken as a group)
:: fanbase {c}
fanbelt {n} (belt which turns a cooling fan)
:: fläktrem {c}
fanciful {adj} (imaginative or unreal)
:: fantasifull
fan death {n} (death supposedly caused by staying overnight in a closed room with an electric fan)
:: fläktdöden
fang {n} (canine tooth)
:: huggtand {c}, gadd {c}
fang {n} (a tooth that can inject venom)
:: gifttand {c}
fan heater {n} (heater with a fan)
:: värmefläkt {c}
fanny {n} (buttocks) SEE: ass
fanny {n} (vulva or vagina) SEE: pussy
fanny {n} (Sexual intercourse with a woman) SEE: pussy
Fanny {prop} (female given name)
:: Fanny
fanny pack {n} (small pouch worn at the waist)
:: magväska {c}, midjeväska {c}
fantasise {v} (fantasise) SEE: fantasize
fantasize {v} (intransitive: to indulge in fantasy)
:: fantisera
fantastic {adj} (wonderful, marvelous, excellent, extraordinarily good)
:: fantastisk
fantastical {adj} (fantastic) SEE: fantastic
fantastical {adj} (fanciful) SEE: fanciful
fantasy {n} (that which comes from one's imagination)
:: fantasi {c}
fantasy {n} (literary genre)
:: fantasy
faqir {n} (fakir) SEE: fakir
far {n} (spelt) SEE: spelt
far {adv} ( to, from or over a great distance)
:: långt
far {adv}
:: långt
far {adj} (remote in space)
:: fjärran, långt bort, avlägsen
far {adj} (remote in time)
:: avlägsen, långt in i
far {adj} (extreme)
:: ytterst, extrem
farad {n} (unit of capacitance)
:: farad
farce {n} (style of humor)
:: fars {c}, buskis {c}
farce {n} (situation full of ludicrous incidents)
:: fars {c}
farce {n} (ridiculous or empty show)
:: fars {c}
fard {v} (to embellish or gloss over) SEE: embellish
fardingbag {n} (rumen) SEE: rumen
fare {n} (money paid for a transport ticket)
:: taxa {c}, biljettpris {n}, tariff {c}
fare {n} (paying passenger)
:: passagerare {c}, resande {c}
fare {v} (to travel)
:: fara
Far East {prop} (East and Southeast Asia, see also: )
:: Fjärran östern
fare dodger {n} (a person who deliberately avoids payment for public transport)
:: blindpassagerare (blind passenger)
farewell {n} (a wish of happiness at parting)
:: farväl {n}
farewell {n} (an act of departure)
:: farväl {n}, avsked {n}
farewell {adj} (parting, valedictory, final)
:: compounds with avsked
farewell {v} (bid farewell)
:: ta avsked
far-fetched {adj} (not likely)
:: långsökt
far from {adv} (not at all)
:: långtifrån
farinaceous {adj} (Made from, or rich in, starch or flour)
:: mjöl-
farinaceous {adj} (Having a floury texture; grainy)
:: grynig, mjölig
far left {n} (most liberal political or religious grouping)
:: extremvänster {c}
farm {n} (a place where agricultural activities take place)
:: gård {c}, jordbruk {n}, farm {c}
farm {v} (to grow a particular crop)
:: bruka, odla
farmer {n} (person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock)
:: bonde {c}
farmer's market {n} (market where farmers and growers sell produce directly to the public)
:: bondmarknad {c}
farmer's tan {n} (the tan line left by clothing)
:: bondbränna {c}
farming {n} (agriculture) SEE: agriculture
farmland {n} (land which is suitable for farming and agricultural production)
:: åkermark
Faroe Islander {n} (inhabitant of the Faroe Islands) SEE: Faroese
Faroe Islands {prop} (group of islands between Scotland and Iceland)
:: Färöarna
Faroese {adj} (pertaining to the Faroese language, people or Faroe Islands)
:: färöisk
Faroese {n} (person from the Faroe Islands)
:: färing {c}, färöiska
Faroese {n} (language)
:: färöiska {c}
Faroish {n} (person from the Faroe Islands) SEE: Faroese
Faroish {prop} (language) SEE: Faroese
Faroish {adj} (pertaing to the Faroish language, people or Faroe Islands)
:: färöisk
far post {n} (goalpost)
:: bortre stolpen
far-reaching {adj} (having a broad range, scope, or influence)
:: långtgående
farrier {n} (person who trims and shoes horses' hooves)
:: hovslagare {c}, hovslagerska {c}
farrow {n} (litter of piglets)
:: kull {c}
farrow {v} (give birth to (a litter of piglets))
:: grisa
Farsi {n} (Persian language) SEE: Persian
farsightedness {n} (condition of being unable to focus on near objects)
:: översynthet {c}, långsynthet, hyperopi, hypermetropi
fart {v} (to emit flatulent gases)
:: fisa, fjärta, prutta
fart {n} (an emission of flatulent gases)
:: fis {c}, fjärt {c}, prutt {c}
farthingale {n} (hooped structure)
:: krinolin {c}
fascia {n} (tissue)
:: fascia {c}
fascia {n} (dashboard) SEE: dashboard
fascinate {v} (to evoke interest or attraction)
:: fascinera
fascinate {v} (to spellbind)
:: fascinera
fascinating {adj} (having interesting qualities; captivating; attractive)
:: fascinerande
fascine {n} ((fortification) a cylindrical bundle of small sticks of wood, bound together, used in raising batteries, filling ditches, strengthening ramparts, and making parapets)
:: faskin {c}
fascism {n} (extreme totalitarian political regime)
:: fascism {c}
fascist {adj} (of or relating to fascism)
:: fascistisk, fascistoid
fascist {adj} (supporting the principles of fascism)
:: fascistisk
fascist {n} (proponent of fascism)
:: fascist {c}
fascistic {adj} (fascist) SEE: fascist
fascistoid {adj} (fascist) SEE: fascist
fashion {n} (current (constantly changing) trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons)
:: mode {n}
fashion {n} (style, or manner, in which to do something)
:: stil {c}, sätt {n}
fashion {n} (popular trends)
:: mode {n}
fashion house {n} (company employed in fashion)
:: modehus {n}
fashion model {n} (model) SEE: model
fashion show {n} (event)
:: modevisning {c}
fast {adj} (firmly or securely fixed in place)
:: fast, fäst
fast {adj} (moving or capable of moving with great speed)
:: snabb, kvick
fast {adj} (of sleep: deep or sound)
:: djup
fast {adj} (of a dye: not running or fading)
:: färgäkta
fast {adj} (ahead of the correct time or schedule)
:: före
fast {adj} (of photographic film: more sensitive to light than average)
:: snabb
fast {adv} (in a firm or secure manner)
:: fast
fast {adv} (of sleeping: deeply or soundly)
:: djupt
fast {adv} (with great speed)
:: fort, kvickt, snabbt
fast {adv} (ahead of the correct time or schedule)
:: före
fast {v} (to abstain from food)
:: fasta
fast {n} (train that only calls at some stations) SEE: express
fast {adj} (tenacious, retentive) SEE: tenacious
fast {n} (fasting) SEE: fasting
fasten {v} (to attach or connect in a secure manner)
:: fästa, sätta fast, spänna fast
fast food {n} (type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly)
:: snabbmat {c}
fast forward {v} (to cause media to roll fast)
:: snabbspola
fast-forward {v} (fast forward) SEE: fast forward
fastidious {adj} (excessively particular)
:: nogräknad, granntyckt
fastidious {adj} (overly concerned about tidiness and cleanliness)
:: petig, petnoga
fastidious {adj} (difficult to please)
:: kräsen {c}, kinkig
fasting {n} (act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food)
:: fasta {c}
fasting {n} (period of time when one abstains from or eats very little food)
:: fastetid {c}
fat {n} (vat) SEE: vat
fat {adj} (carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body)
:: fet, tjock
fat {adj} (thick)
:: tjock
fat {adj} (bountiful)
:: fet, rik
fat {n} (specialized animal tissue)
:: fett
fat {n} (refined substance chemically resembling the oils in animal fat)
:: fett
fat {v} (to make fat; to fatten)
:: göda
fatal {adj} (proceeding from fate)
:: ödesbestämd
fatal {adj} (foreboding death)
:: dödsbringande
fatal {adj} (causing death)
:: dödlig, fatal
fatality {n} (accident which caused death)
:: dödsolycka {c}
Fata Morgana {n} (form of mirage caused by temperature inversion)
:: fata morgana {c}
fatberg {n} (large accumulation of fat, etc., which clogs sewers)
:: fettberg {n}
fat dormouse {n} (edible dormouse) SEE: edible dormouse
fate {n} (that which predetermines events)
:: öde {n}
fate {n} (destiny)
:: öde {n}
fated {adj} (Foreordained, predetermined)
:: ödesbestämd
fateful {adj} (momentous, significant, setting or sealing ones fate)
:: ödesdiger
fateful {adj} (determined in advance by fate, fated)
:: ödesbestämd, förutbestämd
fat-free {adj} (not containing fat)
:: fettfri
father {n} (male parent)
:: fader, far, pappa
fatherhood {n} (being a father)
:: faderskap {n}
father-in-law {n} (one's spouse's father)
:: svärfar {c}
fatherland {n} (country of one's ancestry)
:: fosterland {n}, fädernesland {n}
fatherly {adj} (characteristic of what is considered the ideal behaviour pertaining to fatherhood)
:: faderlig
Father's Day {n} (holiday in celebration of fatherhood)
:: fars dag
fathom {n} (unit of length)
:: famn
fathom {v} ((transitive, archaic) to encircle with outstretched arms)
:: omfamna, famna om
fathom {v} ((transitive) to measure the depth of, take a sounding of)
:: loda
fathom {v} ((transitive, figuratively) to manage to comprehend)
:: begripa, fatta, förstå
fathomable {adj} (possible to understand)
:: begriplig, förståelig
fatigue {n} (weariness)
:: utmattning {c}
fatigue {n} (material failure due to cyclic loading)
:: förslitning {c}, slitage {n}, utnötning {c}, utmattning
fatigues {n} (military clothing)
:: grötrock {c}, grötmundering {c}, linnekläder {p}, arbetskläder {p}
fatso {n} (an overweight person)
:: fetto {n}, tjockis {c}, fetknopp {c}, rulta, fläskberg {n}
fat-soluble {adj} (dissolving easily in fat)
:: fettlöslig
fatten {v} (to cause to be fatter)
:: göda
fatten {v} (to become fatter)
:: tjockna
fatty {adj} (containing fat)
:: fet
fatty {adj} (like fat, greasy)
:: fettaktig, flottig, fet
fatty {adj} (large)
:: fet
fatty {n} (fat person)
:: fetknopp {c}, fetto {n}, tjockis {c}, tjocksmock {c}, rulta {c}
fatty acid {n} (acid)
:: fettsyra {c}
fatty liver {n} (fatty liver)
:: leversteatos {c}, fettlever {c}
fatwa {n} (legal opinion, decree or ruling issued by a mufti)
:: fatwa {c}
faucet {n} (tap) SEE: tap
fault {n} (defect)
:: fel {n}
fault {n} (mistake or error)
:: skuld {c}
fault {n} (geology fracture in rock)
:: förkastning {c}
faultless {adj} (without fault)
:: felfri
faun {n} (a mythical creature)
:: faunus {c}
Faustian {adj} (of or pertaining to Faust)
:: faustisk
faux ami {n} (false friend) SEE: false friend
fava bean {n} (Vicia faba) SEE: broad bean
favicon {n} (icon for website)
:: favicon {c}, adressikon {c}
favor {n} (deed in which help is voluntarily provided)
:: tjänst {c}
favor {v} (to do a favor (noun sense 1) for; to show beneficence toward)
:: Tjänst {n}
favour {n} (favor) SEE: favor
favour {v} (favor) SEE: favor
favourite {adj} (preferred)
:: favorit-, älsklings-
favourite {n} (person who enjoys special regard or favour)
:: favorit {c}
favourite {n} (contestant or competitor thought most likely to win)
:: favorit {c}
fawn {n} (young deer)
:: kid {c}, kalv {c}
fawn {v} (to seek favour by flattery)
:: lisma
fawner {n} (one who fawns)
:: lismare {c}
fax {n} (document transmitted by telephone)
:: fax {c}, telefax {c}
fax {v} (send document)
:: faxa
fax machine {n} (device which scans, transmits, receives and prints faxes)
:: fax {c}
fax number {n} (fax number)
:: faxnummer {n}
faze {v} (to frighten or cause hesitation; to daunt, put off; to disconcert, perturb)
:: besvära, bringa ur fattning, skrämma
fealty {n} (fidelity to one's lord)
:: trohet {c}, huldhet {c}, tro {c}, länsplikt {c}
fealty {n} (the oath by which this obligation was assumed)
:: trohetsed {c}, tro och loven {c}
fear {n} (uncountable: emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat)
:: skräck, rädsla {c}
fear {n} (a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone)
:: fruktan, rädsla
fear {n} (extreme veneration or awe)
:: fruktan
fear {v} (feel fear about (something))
:: frukta, rädas, (of something being the case or coming to pass) befara
fear {v} (venerate; to feel awe towards)
:: frukta, vörda
fearless {adj} (free from fear)
:: orädd
feasibility {n} (state of being feasible)
:: genomförbarhet {c}
feasible {adj} (that can be done in practice)
:: genomförbar, möjlig
feast {n} (large, often ceremonial meal)
:: fest {c}, festmåltid {c}
feat {n} (an accomplishment that's relatively rare or difficult)
:: bedrift {c}
feather {n} (branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds)
:: fjäder {c}
feather in one's cap {n} (a recognized accomplishment)
:: en fjäder i hatten
feather-light {adj} (extremely light)
:: fjäderlätt
feathermoss {n} (Pleurozium schreberi)
:: väggmossa {c}
feature {n}
:: kännemärke, kännetecknar, huvudnummer
featurephone {n} (mobile phone that is not as powerful as a smartphone)
:: knapptelefon {c}
February {prop} (second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars)
:: februari {c}
feces {n}
:: avföring, träck
feckless {adj} (lacking purpose)
:: hjälplös, rådlös
feckless {adj} (without skill, ineffective)
:: oduglig
fecund {adj} (leading to new ideas or innovation)
:: fruktbar
fecundate {v} (to inseminate)
:: befrukta
fecundity {n} (ability to produce offspring)
:: fruktsamhet {c}
federal {adj} (pertaining to a league or treaty; derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, especially between nations)
:: federal
federal {adj} (pertaining to the national government level)
:: federal
Federal Constitutional Court {prop} (supreme court of Germany)
:: Tysklands författningsdomstol {c}
federal government {n} (general term for a federal government)
:: federal regering {c}, förbundsregering {c}
Federal Republic of Germany {prop} (Germany's official name)
:: Förbundsrepubliken Tyskland {c}
Federated States of Micronesia {prop} (official name of Micronesia)
:: Mikronesiens federerade stater, Mikronesiska federationen
federation {n} (array of nations or states)
:: federation {c}
federative {adj} (federal) SEE: federal
Federative Republic of Brazil {prop} (official name of Brazil)
:: Förbundsrepubliken Brasilien {c}
fedora {n} (a felt hat)
:: fedora {c}, fedorahatt {c}
fed up {adj} (frustrated)
:: less
fee {n} (monetary payment charged for professional services)
:: avgift {c}
feeble {adj} (deficient in physical strength)
:: svag, kraftlös, vek, klen
feeble {adj} (wanting force, vigor or efficiency in action or expression)
:: svag, torftig
feeble-minded {adj} (unintelligent)
:: sinnessvag
feed {v} (to give food to eat)
:: mata, nära, föda
feed {v} (to eat, see also: eat)
:: livnära sig, leva på
feed {v} (to give to a machine for processing)
:: mata in
feed {n} (food given to (especially herbivorous) animals)
:: foder {n}
feedback {n} (critical assessment of process or activity)
:: feedback {c}
feedback {n} (signal that is looped back to control a system within itself)
:: återkoppling {f}
feedback {n} (howling noise)
:: rundgång
feeder {n} (baseball:pitcher) SEE: pitcher
feeding bottle {n} (feeding bottle)
:: nappflaska {c}
feedstock {n} (raw material constituting the principal input for an industrial process)
:: råvara {c}
feel {v} (transitive: to sense by touch)
:: känna
feel {v} (transitive: to experience an emotion or other mental state about)
:: känna
feel {v} (transitive: to think or believe)
:: känna, tycka, anse
feel {v} (intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental state)
:: må
feel {v}
:: känna , känna på sig , känna sig
feel {n} (quality)
:: yta, känsla
feel {n} (mental impression)
:: känsla {c}
feel {n} (act of fondling)
:: beröring {c}
feel {n} (vague understanding)
:: känsla {c}
feel {n} (intuitive ability)
:: känsla {c}
feeler {n} (Something ventured to test other's feelings)
:: försöksballong {c}
feeling {adj} (emotionally sensitive)
:: känslig {c}, känsligt {n}
feeling {n} (sensation)
:: sensation {c}, känsla {c}
feeling {n} (emotion)
:: känsla {c}
feeling {n} (in plural: emotional state or well-being)
:: känslor {c-p}
feeling {n} (in plural: emotional attraction or desire)
:: känslor {c-p}
feeling {n} (intuition)
:: känsla {c}
feel like {v} (have a desire for something, or to do something)
:: känna för
feet on the ground {n} (translations for "have one's feet on the ground"")
:: ha fötterna på jorden
Fehmarn Belt {prop} (strait in the Baltic Sea)
:: Fehmarn Bält {n}
feign {v} (to make a false show)
:: fingera, uppdikta, förege
feign {v} (to give a mental existence to something)
:: låtsas
feign {v} (to dissemble)
:: dölja
feijoa {n} (shrub)
:: feijoa
feint {v} (to make a counterfeit move to confuse an opponent)
:: finta
feint {n} (a movement made to confuse the opponent)
:: fint {c}
feisty {adj} (tenacious)
:: ettrig
feisty {adj} (belligerent)
:: stridslysten, stridbar
feldspar {n} (any of a large group of rock-forming minerals)
:: fältspat {c}
Felicia {prop} (female given name)
:: Felicia
felicitate {v} (congratulate) SEE: congratulate
felicitation {n} (congratulation) SEE: congratulation
felicitous {adj} (auspicious, fortunate, lucky) SEE: auspicious
felicity {n} (happiness) SEE: happiness
felid {n} (member of Felidae)
:: kattdjur {n}
feline {n} (cat) SEE: cat
Felix {prop} (male given name)
:: Felix
fell {v} (to make something fall)
:: fälla
fell {n} (animal hide)
:: fäll {c}
fell {n} (rocky ridge)
:: fjäll {n}
fell {n} (wild field or upland moor)
:: hed
fellatio {n} (oral stimulation of penis)
:: fellatio
feller {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack
fellow man {n} (kindred member of humanity)
:: medmänniska {c}
fellowship {n} (Company of people that shares the same interest or aim)
:: gemenskap {c}
felon {n} (a person convicted of a crime)
:: förbrytare, brottsling {c}
felt {n} (cloth made of matted fibres of wool)
:: filt {c}
felt {v}
:: filta
female {adj} (belonging to the sex that typically produces eggs, or the gender typically associated with it)
:: kvinnlig
female {n} (one of the feminine sex or gender)
:: kvinna {c}
female {n} (animal of feminine sex)
:: hona {c}
female circumcision {n} (operation involving removal of any of various parts of the female external genital organs)
:: könsstympning {c}
female ejaculation {n} (forceful expulsion of fluids from the vagina)
:: kvinnlig ejakulation {c}, fontänorgasm {c}, sprutorgasm {c}
female hysteria {n} (now unrecognized medical diagnosis)
:: hysteri {c}
feminazi {n} (intolerant radical feminist)
:: feminazist
feminine {adj} (of the female sex)
:: kvinnlig, feminin
feminine {adj} (belonging to females)
:: kvinnlig, feminin
feminine {adj} (having the qualities associated with women)
:: kvinnlig, feminin
feminine {adj} (of the feminine grammatical gender distinction)
:: feminin
feminine {n} ((grammar))
:: femininum {n}
feminine {n} (woman) SEE: woman
feminism {n} (the social theory or political movement)
:: feminism {c}
feminist {adj} (relating to or in accordance with feminism)
:: feministisk
feminist {n} (advocate of feminism; person who believes in bringing about the equality of men and women)
:: feminist {c}
feminist {n} (member of a feminist political movement)
:: feminist {c}
feministic {adj} (feminist) SEE: feminist
feminize {v} (to make (more) feminine)
:: feminisera
feminize {v} (to become (more) feminine)
:: feminiseras
femme fatale {n} (seductive and dangerous woman)
:: femme fatale {c}
femto- {prefix} (prefix)
:: femto-
femur {n}
:: lårben {n}
femur {n} (thighbone) SEE: thighbone
fence {n} (barrier)
:: staket {n}
fence {n} (someone who hides or buys and sells stolen goods)
:: hälare {c}
fence {v} (to enclose by building a fence)
:: inhägna
fence {v} (to engage in (the sport) fencing)
:: fäkta
fencer {n} (a participant in the sport of fencing)
:: fäktare {c}
fencing {n} (sport)
:: fäktning
fencing {n} (fences used as barriers or an enclosure)
:: inhägnad
fender {n} (panel of a car)
:: stänkskärm {c}
fender {n} (shield on a bicycle)
:: stänkskärm {c}
fender {n} (nautical term)
:: fender {c}
fennec {n} (fox)
:: fennek {c}, ökenräv {c}
fennec fox {n} (fox) SEE: fennec
fennel {n} (Foeniculum vulgare, the plant)
:: fänkål
fennel {n} (bulb, leaves, or stalks eaten as a vegetable)
:: fänkål {c}
fennel {n} (spice used in cooking)
:: fänkål
Fennoman {n} (member or supporter)
:: fennoman {c}
Fennoscandia {prop} (geographic area)
:: Fennoskandien {c}
Fennoscandia {prop} (Fennoscandian Shield)
:: Fennoskandiska skölden {c}
fenugreek {n} (plant and vegetable)
:: bockhornsklöver {c}
fenugreek {n} (spice)
:: bockhornsklöver {c}
feral {adj} (wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild)
:: förvildad
feral pigeon {n} (pigeon adapted to city life)
:: tamduva {c}
Ferdinand {prop} (male given name)
:: Ferdinand
fermata {n} (holding a note beyond its usual duration or the notation representing it)
:: fermat {n}
ferment {v} (to react using fermentation)
:: jäsa, fermentera
ferment {n} (substance causing fermentation)
:: jäsningsämne {n}, jäsämne {n}
fermentation {n} (anaerobic biochemical reaction)
:: jäsning {c}, fermentering {c}
fermion {n} (particle with totally antisymmetric composite quantum states)
:: fermion
fermium {n} (chemical element)
:: fermium {n}
fern {n} (plant)
:: ormbunke, bräken
ferocious {adj} (Marked by extreme and violent energy)
:: vild, vildsynt
ferret {n} (the mammal Mustela putorius furo)
:: tamiller, iller {c}
ferrimagnetism {n} (a form of antiferromagnetism)
:: ferrimagnetism {c}
Ferris wheel {n} (ride at a fair consisting of large wheel)
:: pariserhjul {n}
ferromagnetism {n} (the phenomenon whereby certain substances can become permanent magnets)
:: ferromagnetism {c}
ferrous {adj} (of or containing iron)
:: järn-
ferruginous duck {n} (Aythya nyroca)
:: vitögd dykand {c}
ferry {n} (boat)
:: färja
ferryman {n} (Charon) SEE: Charon
fertile {adj} ((of land etc) capable of growing abundant crops)
:: bördig
fertile {adj} ((biology) capable of reproducing)
:: fertil
Fertile Crescent {prop} (crescent-shaped arc of fertile land)
:: bördiga halvmånen {c}
fertilize {v} (to cause to become pregnant) SEE: impregnate
fertilizer {n} (a natural substance that is used to make the ground more suitable for growing plants)
:: gödsel {c}
fertilizer {n} (a chemical compound created to have the same effect.)
:: konstgödsel {c}
ferule {n} (Ruler-shaped instrument)
:: färla {c}
fervor {n} (passionate enthusiasm for some cause)
:: nit
fervour {n} (fervor) SEE: fervor
fescue {n} (stick, etc., used chiefly to point out letters to children) SEE: pointer
fess {n} (band)
:: bjälke {c}
fess up {v} (confess) SEE: confess
fesswise {adv} (in the manner of a fess)
:: bjälkvis
fest {n} (A gathering for a specified reason or occasion)
:: fest {c}, bjudning {c}
festival {n} (event or community gathering)
:: festival {c}
festoon {n} (ornament which hangs loosely from two tacked spots)
:: festong {c}
festschrift {n} (collection published as a memorial or tribute to a scholar)
:: festskrift
feta {n} (a variety of curd cheese)
:: feta {c}, fetaost {c}
fetch {n} (wraith) SEE: wraith
fetch {v} (To retrieve; to bear towards; to get)
:: hämta
fetch {v} (To obtain as price or equivalent; to sell for)
:: gå för, inbringa
fetid {adj} (foul-smelling)
:: stinkande
fetish {n} (something nonsexual which arouses sexual desire)
:: fetisch {c}
fetishism {n} (belief that natural objects have supernatural powers)
:: fetischism {c}
fetishism {n} (paraphilia where the object of attraction is an inanimate object or a part of a person's body)
:: fetischism {c}
fetishist {n} (one who has a sexual fetish)
:: fetischist {c}
fetishistic {adj} (related to fetishism or fetishists)
:: fetischistisk
fetter {n} (object used to bind a person or animal by its legs)
:: fotboja {c}
fetter {v} (to shackle or bind up with fetters)
:: fjättra
fetus {n} (fetus)
:: foster {n}
feudal {adj} (of, or relating to feudalism)
:: feodal
feudalism {n} (social system)
:: feodalism {c}
feudalistic {adj} (of feudalism) SEE: feudal
fever {n} (higher than normal body temperature)
:: feber {c}
fever {n} (usually in combination: any of various diseases)
:: feber {c}
fever {n} (state of excitement (of a person or people))
:: feber {c}
feverfew {n} (Tanacetum parthenium)
:: mattram {c}
few {determiner} (indefinite, usually small number)
:: få
few {determiner} (small number)
:: fåtal {n}
few {pron} (few people, few things)
:: få
fewer {determiner} (comparative of few; a smaller number)
:: färre
fey {adj} (doomed to die)
:: döende, på dödsbädden, moribund, dödsmärkt, dödsdömd
fey {adj} (strange or otherworldly)
:: egendomlig
fey {adj} (spellbound)
:: trollbunden, förtrollad
fey {adj} (magical or fairylike)
:: magisk, trolsk
Feynman diagram {n} (pictorial representation of the interactions of subatomic particles)
:: Feynmandiagram {n}
fez {n} (type of hat)
:: fez
Fez {prop} (city in Morocco)
:: Fez, Fes
ff. {phrase} (and the following)
:: ff.
f-hole {n} (hole in instrument)
:: ljudhål {n}
Führer {n} (leader exercising the powers of a tyrant)
:: führer {c}, förare {c}
Führer {n} (Adolf Hitler when chancellor)
:: Führern {c}
fiacre {n} (small carriage for hire)
:: fiaker {c}
fiancé {n} (man who is engaged to be married)
:: fästman {c}
fiancée {n} (woman who is engaged to be married)
:: fästmö {c}
fiasco {n} (ludicrous or humiliating situation)
:: fiasko {n}, pannkaka {c}
fiat {n} (An authoritative command or order to do something; an effectual decree)
:: dekret {n}, påbud {c}
fiat currency {n} (money by government fiat) SEE: fiat money
fiat lux {phrase} (let there be light) SEE: let there be light
fiat money {n} (money that is given a legal value)
:: fiatpengar
fiber {n} (fibre) SEE: fibre
fibre {n} (single elongated piece of material)
:: fiber {c}
fibre {n} (dietary fibre) SEE: dietary fibre
fibrin {n} (fibrous substance)
:: fibrin {n}
fibrinogen {n} (protein that in humans plays a part in the forming of clots)
:: fibrinogen {n}
fibroblast {n} (cell that produces fibers)
:: fibroblast
fibrous {adj} (of or pertaining to fibre)
:: fibrös
fichu {n} (woman's lightweight triangular scarf)
:: fischy
fickle {adj} (quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance)
:: ombytlig, nyckfull
fiction {n} (literary type)
:: fiktion {c}, skönlitteratur {c}
fictional {adj} (invented, as opposed to real)
:: fiktiv
fictitious {adj} (invented)
:: fiktiv
ficus {n} (plant of the genus Ficus)
:: fikus {c}
fiddle {n} (instrument)
:: fiol {c}
fiddlefuck {v} (waste time) SEE: waste time
fiddler {n} (one who plays the fiddle)
:: fiolspelman {c}, spelman {c}
fidelity {n} (faithfulness to one's duties)
:: trohet, plikttrohet
fidelity {n} (accuracy, or exact correspondence to some given quality or fact)
:: exakthet
fidelity {n} (loyalty, especially to one's spouse)
:: trohet
fidelity {n} (the degree to which an electronic system accurately reproduces a given sound or image)
:: fidelitet, exakthet
fie {interj} (expression of disgust)
:: fy
fief {n} (estate)
:: förläning
field {n} (land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country)
:: fält {n}, åker {c}
field {n} (wide, open space used to grow crops or to hold farm animals)
:: fält {n}
field {n} (place where a battle is fought)
:: fält {n}, slagfält {n}
field {n} (physics: region affected by a particular force)
:: fält {n}
field {n} (course of study or domain of knowledge or practice)
:: fält {n}, område {n}
field {n} (in mathematics)
:: kropp {c}
field {n} (sports: area reserved for playing a game)
:: plan {c} , bana {c}
field {n} (geology: region containing a particular mineral)
:: fält {n}, malmfält {n}, område {n}, fyndighet {c}
field {n} (heraldry: background of the shield)
:: fält {n}
field {n} (computing: area of memory or storage reserved for a particular value)
:: fält {n}
field {v} (to place in a playing field)
:: ställa upp
field {v} (to answer; to address)
:: ta emot, besvara
fieldfare {n} (Turdus pilaris)
:: björktrast {c}
field guide {n}
:: fälthandbok {c}
field hockey {n} (form of hockey)
:: landhockey {c}
field hospital {n} (medical unit)
:: fältsjukhus {n}
field kitchen {n} (mobile kitchen)
:: fältkök {n}
field maple {n} (Acer campestre)
:: naverlönn {c}
field marshal {n} (highest military rank after the commander in chief)
:: fältmarskalk {c}
field mouse {n} (Apodemus)
:: skogsmus {c}
field poppy {n} (Papaver rhoeas) SEE: corn poppy
field vole {n} (field vole)
:: åkersork
fiend {n}
:: djävul (demon), entusiast {m} (addict)
fiendishly {adv} (extremely, very) SEE: extremely
fierce {adj} (extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage)
:: våldsam
fierce {adj} (resolute or strenuously active)
:: tapper, viljestark, resolut, aktiv
fierce {adj} (threatening in appearance or demeanor)
:: hotfull, skrämmande
fiery {adj} (of, or relating to fire)
:: eldig
fiery {adj} (having the colour of fire)
:: eldfärgad, brandröd
fiery {adj} (spirited or filled with emotion)
:: eldig
fife {n} (small shrill pipe)
:: fältpipa
fifteen {num} (cardinal number)
:: femton
fifteenth {adj} (ordinal form of number fifteen, see also: 15th)
:: femtonde
fifteenth {n} (one of fifteen equal parts)
:: femtondel
fifth {adj} (Ordinal form of the number 5, see also: 5th)
:: femte (abbreviation 5:e)
fifth {n} (person or thing in the fifth position)
:: (den) femte {c}, femma {c}
fifth {n} (one of five equal parts of a whole)
:: femtedel {c}
fifth {n} (musical interval)
:: kvint {c}
fifth {n} (fifth gear) SEE: fifth gear
fifth column {n} (a group of people which clandestinely undermines a larger group, such as a nation, to which it is expected to be loyal)
:: femtekolonn {c}
fifth columnist {n} (a member of a fifth column)
:: femtekolonnare {c}, quisling {c}, kollaboratör {c}
fifth cousin {n} (fifth cousin)
:: sexmänning {c}
fifth gear {n} (the fifth gear of an engine)
:: femma {c}
fifth wheel {n} (type of trailer hitch)
:: vändskiva {c}
fifth wheel {n} (anything superfluous or unnecessary)
:: femte hjulet {n}
fifties {n} (The decade of the 1850s, 1950s, etc.)
:: femtiotalet {n}, femtiotal {n}
fiftieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number fifty)
:: femtionde
fifty {num} (cardinal number)
:: femtio
fifty {n} (a banknote with a denomination of 50)
:: femtiolapp {c}
fifty-fifth {adj} (ordinal number)
:: femtiofemte
fifty-five {num} (cardinal number)
:: femtiofem
fifty-move rule {prop} (chess rule)
:: 50-dragsregeln {c}
fifty-one {num} (cardinal number)
:: femtioett
fifty-sixth {adj} (ordinal number)
:: femtiosjätte
fifty-three {num} (cardinal number)
:: femtiotre
fifty-two {num} (cardinal number)
:: femtiotvå
fig {n} (tree or shrub)
:: fikon, fikonträd, fikus {c}
fig {n} (fruit)
:: fikon
fight {v} ((intransitive) to contend in physical conflict)
:: strida, slåss, kämpa
fight {v} ((reciprocal) to contend in physical conflict with each other)
:: slåss
fight {v} (to counteract)
:: bekämpa
fight {n} (battle)
:: strid, kamp
fight {n} (martial arts match)
:: match, fajt
fight {n} (conflict of will, strife)
:: kamp
fighter {n} (person who fights)
:: kämpe {c}, slagskämpe {c}
fighter {n} (warrior)
:: krigare {c}
fighter {n} (pugnacious, competitive person)
:: kämpe {c}
fighter {n} (aircraft type)
:: jaktflygplan {n}
fighter aircraft {n} (fighter aircraft) SEE: fighter plane
fighter pilot {n} (a pilot trained in using and assigned to pilot a fighter plane)
:: stridspilot {c}
fighter plane {n} (military aircraft)
:: jaktplan {n}
fight fire with fire {v} (idiomatic)
:: ont skall med ont fördrivas
fig leaf {n} (leaf of the fig plant)
:: fikonlöv {n}
fig leaf {n} (leaf covering genitals in a work of art)
:: fikonlöv {n}
fig tree {n} (fig tree) SEE: fig
figurative {adj} (metaphorical; not literal)
:: figurativ
figuratively {adv} (in a figurative manner)
:: bildligt
figure {n} (figure of speech) SEE: figure of speech
figure {v} (to think, to assume, to suppose, to reckon) SEE: assume
figure {n} (drawing)
:: figur
figure {n} (a person, representing a certain consciousness)
:: figur
figure {n} (numeral)
:: siffra
figure {n} (shape)
:: figur
figurehead {n} (carved figure on the prow of a sailing ship)
:: galjonsbild {c}, galjonsfigur {c}
figurehead {n} (someone in a nominal position of leadership)
:: galjonsfigur {c}, förgrundsgestalt {c}
figure of speech {n} (word or phrase)
:: talesätt {n}, stilfigur {c}
figure out {v} (to calculate) SEE: calculate
figure skater {n} (someone who figure skates)
:: konståkare {c}
figure skating {n} (sport where people perform spins, jumps and other moves on skates)
:: konståkning {c}
Fiji {prop} (Fiji - a country in Oceania comprising over 300 islands)
:: Fiji
Fijian {adj} (Pertaining to Fiji, or its language or people)
:: fijiansk
Fiji Hindi {prop} (Indo-Iranian language spoken by people of Indian descent in Fiji)
:: fijiansk hindi
filament {n} (wire in an incandescent light bulb)
:: glödtråd
filament {n} (stalk of a stamen in a flower)
:: ståndarsträng {c}
filbert {n} (hazelnut) SEE: hazelnut
filch {v} (to steal)
:: knycka, snatta, sno
file {n} (collection of papers)
:: arkiv {n}
file {n} (computer terminology)
:: fil {c}
file {v} (to archive)
:: arkivera
file {n} (column of people)
:: fil {c}, kö {c}
file {n} (chess: vertical line of squares)
:: linje
file {n} (cutting or smoothing tool)
:: fil
file {v} (to smooth with a file)
:: fila
file allocation table {n} (a computer file system architecture and industry standard)
:: filallokeringstabell {c}
file cabinet {n} (piece of office furniture) SEE: filing cabinet
file extension {n} (string of characters)
:: filändelse {c}, filsuffix {n}
filename {n} (name assigned to a file)
:: filnamn {n}
file system {n} ((computing) method of organizing blocks)
:: filsystem {c}
filetype {n} (identifier)
:: filtyp {c}
filigree {n} (a delicate and intricate ornamentation made from gold or silver twisted wire)
:: filigran {n}
filing cabinet {n} (piece of office furniture)
:: arkivskåp {n}, mappskåp {n}, vertikalskåp {n}
Filipina {adj} (Of or pertaining to female natives or inhabitants of the Philippines)
:: filippinsk
Filipino {n} (the national language of the Philippines)
:: filippinska
fill {v} (occupy fully, take up all of)
:: fylla
fill {v} (add contents to, so it is full)
:: fylla
fill {v} (enter, making it full)
:: fylla
fill {v} (become full of contents)
:: fyllas
filled {adj} (that is now full)
:: fylld
fillet {n} (strip of deboned meat or fish)
:: filé {c}
fill in {v} (fill) SEE: fill
filling {adj} (of food, that satisfies the appetite by filling the stomach)
:: mättande
filling {n} (contents of a pie, etc.)
:: fyllning {c}
filling station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station
fillip {n} (brief period of time) SEE: jiffy
fillip {v} (to strike or tap smartly) SEE: strike
fillip {n} (action of holding the tip of a finger against the thumb and then releasing it with a snap)
:: knäpp {c}, sprätt {c}
fillip {v} (to drive as if by a fillip) SEE: excite
fillip {n} (something unimportant) SEE: trifle
filly {n} (young female horse)
:: ungsto {n}, stoföl {n}
film {n} (motion picture) SEE: movie
film {n} (thin layer)
:: film {c}
film {n} (photographic film)
:: film {c}
film {v} (to record a motion picture)
:: filma
film director {n} (person)
:: filmregissör {c}
filming {n} (the action of the verb "to film")
:: inspelning {c}
filmmaker {n} (producer or director of films / movies)
:: filmskapare {c}
film star {n} (movie star) SEE: movie star
filmstrip {n} (length of film)
:: bildband {n}
filter {n} (device for separating impurities from a fluid or other substance)
:: filter {n}
filter {n} (electronics or software to separate unwanted signal)
:: filter {n}
filter {n} (any device or procedure that acts to separate or isolate)
:: filter {n}
filter {v} (to sort, sift, or isolate)
:: filtrera
filter {v} (to pass through a filter or to act as though passing through a filter)
:: filtrera
filter feeder {n} (animal)
:: filtrerare {c}
filtering {n} (filtrate) SEE: filtrate
filth {n} (dirt)
:: smuts {c}, lort
filthily {adv} (in a filthy manner)
:: smutsigt
filthy {adj} (covered with filth; very dirty)
:: smutsig
filthy {adj} (obscene or offensive)
:: snuskig
filthy rich {adj} (very rich)
:: stenrik
filtrate {n} (liquid or solution that has passed through a filter)
:: filtrat {n}
filtrate {v} (to filter)
:: att filtrera
filtration {n} (filtering)
:: filtration {c}
fin {n} (appendage of a fish)
:: fena
fin {n} (appendage of a cetacean or other marine animal)
:: fena, labb
fin {n} (aircraft component)
:: fena
fin {n} (device used by divers)
:: simfötter
Finagle's law {prop} (Murphy's law) SEE: Murphy's law
final {n} (sports: last round in a contest)
:: final {c}
final {n} (contest that narrows a field of contestants)
:: final
final {adj} (last; ultimate)
:: slutgiltig
final {adj} (linguistics: occurring at the end of a word)
:: ordfinal
finale {n} (grand end of something, especially a show or a piece of music)
:: final {c}
finalist {n} (participant in final)
:: finalist {c}
finally {adv} (ultimately)
:: slutligen
finally {adv} (lastly)
:: avslutningsvis
finally {adv}
:: äntligen
final obstruent devoicing {n} (language feature)
:: slutljudsskärpning {c}, utljudsskärpning {c}
finance {n} (management of money and other assets)
:: finans {c}
finance {v} (to obtain or provide funding for a transaction or undertaking)
:: finansiera
financial crisis {n} (period of economic slowdown)
:: finanskris {c}
financial year {n} (fiscal year) SEE: fiscal year
financier {n} (person profiting from financial transactions)
:: finansman {c}
financing {n} (funding) SEE: funding
finback {n} (fin whale) SEE: fin whale
finch {n} (any bird of the family Fringillidae)
:: fink {c}
find {v} (encounter, locate, discover)
:: finna, hitta, uppdaga, upptäcka, utröna
find {v} (point out)
:: finna, hitta
find {v} (decide that)
:: finna, konstatera
find {v} (determine, judge)
:: finna, konstatera
find {n} (anything found)
:: fynd {n}
find {v} (discover) SEE: discover
find out {v} (to discover)
:: ta reda på
fine {adj} (of superior quality)
:: fin, framstående, härlig, präktig, skicklig, utmärkt, utsökt
fine {adj} (of weather: sunny and not raining)
:: fin, härlig
fine {adj} (being acceptable, adequate, passable, or satisfactory)
:: bra
fine {adj} (good-looking, attractive)
:: grann, prydlig, stilig, ståtlig, vacker
fine {adj} (made up of particularly small pieces)
:: fin, finkornig
fine {adj} (particularly slender; especially thin, narrow, or of small girth)
:: fin, liten, nätt, smal, späd
fine {adj} (made of slender or thin filaments)
:: fin, fintrådig
fine {adv} (expression of agreement)
:: fint, OK
fine {v}
:: förfina, klara, raffinera, rena
fine {n} (payment for breaking the law)
:: bot {c}
fine {v} (to issue a fine as punishment)
:: bötfälla
fine arts {n} (purely aesthetic arts)
:: sköna konster {c-p}
finesse {n} (property of having elegance, grace, refinement, or skill)
:: finess {c}
fine-structure constant {n} (fine-structure constant)
:: finstrukturkonstanten
fine-tooth comb {n} (comb with fine, closely-spaced teeth)
:: finkam {c}
fine-tooth comb {v} (comb or search)
:: finkamma
fine-tune {v} (to make small adjustments to something until it is optimal)
:: finjustera
finger {v} (to identify or point out)
:: peka ut, utpeka
finger {v} (to poke)
:: fingra, peta
finger {v} (to penetrate and sexually stimulate with one's finger)
:: pulla
finger {n} (the breadth of a finger) SEE: digit
finger {n} ((anatomy) extremity of the hand)
:: finger {n}
fingerboard {n} (part of musical instrument)
:: greppbräda {c}
fingernail {n} (covering near the tip of finger)
:: fingernagel {m}, nagel {m}
fingerprint {n} (the pattern of ridges on the tips of the fingers)
:: fingeravtryck {n}
fingerprint {n} (the patterns left on surfaces where fingertips have touched)
:: fingeravtryck {n}
fingerprint {v} (to take fingerprints)
:: ta fingeravtryck på , ta någons fingeravtryck
fingertip {n} (the end of the finger)
:: fingerspets {c}
finical {adj} (finicky, fastidious, overly precise or delicate)
:: pedantisk, prudentlig
finish {n} (end)
:: mål {n}
finish {n} (protective coating)
:: yta {c}, finish {c}
finish {v} (to complete)
:: slutföra, fullfölja, gå i mål, avsluta
finish {v} (to come to an end)
:: sluta
finish {n} (finish line) SEE: finish line
finished {adj} (processed or perfected)
:: färdig
finishing move {n} (final blow)
:: nådastöt {c}
finish line {n} (line marking end of a race)
:: mållinje {c}
finish off {v} (to kill) SEE: kill
finish off {v} (to finish completely)
:: fullfölja, slutföra, ta slut på
finite {adj} (having an end or limit)
:: ändlig, begränsad
finite-dimensional {adj} (having a basis consisting of a finite number of elements)
:: ändligdimensionell
Finland {prop} (Nordic country)
:: Finland
Finlandization {n} (the influence of a large state on a smaller one)
:: finlandisering
Finn {n} (person from Finland)
:: finne {m} {f}, finska {f} (Finnish-speaking Finn), finländare {m} {f}, finländska {f} (any Finn), finlandssvensk {m} {f}, finlandssvenska {f} (Swedish-speaking Finn)
Finnic {adj} (Finnish) SEE: Finnish
Finnish {adj} (of Finland)
:: finsk, finländsk
Finnish {adj} (of the Finnish language)
:: finsk
Finnish {n} (language)
:: finska {c}
Finnish forest reindeer {n} (Rangifer tarandus fennicus)
:: skogsren {c}
fin whale {n} (Balaenoptera physalus)
:: sillval {c}
fir {n} (conifer of the genus Abies)
:: ädelgran, gran
fire {v} (to heat pottery, etc.)
:: bränna
fire {v} (to terminate the employment of)
:: sparka , avskeda
fire {v} (transitive: to shoot)
:: skjuta
fire {v} (intransitive: to shoot)
:: avfyra, ge eld
fire {v} (to set on fire) SEE: set on fire
fire {v} (farriery: to cauterize) SEE: cauterize
fire {n} (oxidation reaction)
:: eld {c}, brand {c}
fire {n} (instance of this chemical reaction)
:: eld {c}, brasa {c}, bål {n}
fire {n} (damaging occurrence of fire)
:: brasa {c}, brand {c}
fire {n} (alchemy: one of the basic elements)
:: eld {c}
fire {n} (heater or stove used in place of real fire)
:: spis {c}, ugn {c}
fire {n} (in-flight bullets)
:: eld {c}, beskjutning {c}
fire alarm {n} (device which warns people of a possible fire)
:: brandlarm {n}
fire alarm {n} (sound or other warning made by a fire alarm)
:: brandlarm {n}
fire alarm {n} (response to a fire by the fire department)
:: brandkårsutryckning {c}
fire and brimstone {adj} (referencing the wrath of God)
:: eld och svavel
firearm {n} (personal weapon)
:: skjutvapen {n}, eldvapen {n}
fire at will {phrase} (military command)
:: efterhand eld!
fire blanket {n} (a large piece of fireproof or fire resistant material, used exclusively to cover and extinguish a small fire)
:: brandfilt {c}
firebrand {n} (argumentative troublemaker or revolutionary)
:: brandfackla {c}, fyrsticka {c}
firebrand {n} (torch or other burning stick)
:: brandfackla {c}, fyrsticka {c}
firebreather {n} (performer) SEE: fire-eater
fire brigade {n} (group within a corporation or industrial site)
:: brandkår {c}
fire brigade {n} (organization for preventing and putting out fires)
:: brandkår {c}, räddningskår {c}, brandförsvar {n}
fire-capped tit {n} (Cephalopyrus flammiceps)
:: brandkronad mes {c}
firecrest {n} (passerine bird)
:: brandkronad kungsfågel {c}
fire department {n} (fire department)
:: brandkår {c}, räddningskår {c}, brandförsvar {n}
fire drill {n} (practice to prepare for evacuation in the event of a fire)
:: brandövning {c}
fire drill {n} (pointless activity)
:: tidsslöseri {n}
fire drill {n} (rod which is rotated on a flat surface)
:: eldborr {c}
fire-eater {n} (performer)
:: eldslukare {c}
fire engine {n} (fire truck)
:: brandbil {c}
fire escape {n} (emergency doors, ladders etc. as a class)
:: brandtrappa
fire escape {n} (emergency escape route)
:: nödutgång {c}
fire extinguisher {n} (device for putting out a fire)
:: brandsläckare {c}
firefighter {n} (person who puts out fires)
:: brandman {c}, brandsoldat {c}
firefighting {n} (action of extinguishing a fire)
:: brandbekämpning {c}
firefly {n} (Lampyridae)
:: lysmask
firefox {n} (red panda) SEE: red panda
fire hose {n} (hose designed to deliver water to douse a fire)
:: brandslang {c}
fire house {n} (fire station) SEE: fire station
firehouse {n} (fire station) SEE: fire station
fire hydrant {n} (a device used by firefighters to obtain water from the main)
:: brandpost {c}
fireman {n} (someone skilled in fighting fire) SEE: firefighter
fireman {n} (male skilled in fighting fire)
:: brandman {c}
fireman {n} (person who keeps the fire going underneath a steam boiler)
:: eldare {c}
fireplace {n} (open hearth)
:: eldstad {c}
fire-resistant {adj}
:: brandsäker
fire retardant {n}
:: släckmedel {n}
fire stairs {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape
fire station {n} (building for firefighters)
:: brandstation {c}
fire truck {n} (fire truck in general) SEE: fire engine
fire up {v}
:: starta
firewall {n} (computer software)
:: brandvägg {c}
firewood {n} (wood intended to be burned, typically for heat)
:: ved {c}, bränsle {n}
firework {n} (exploding device)
:: fyrverkeri
fireworks {n} (plural of firework)
:: fyrverkerier {n}
firing {n} (fuel)
:: bränsle {n}
firing {n} (discharge)
:: avfyrning {n}
firing {n} (dismissal)
:: avsked {n}
firing squad {n} (a group of soldiers detailed to execute someone or to discharge weapons ceremonially)
:: exekutionspluton {c}
firmament {n} (vault of the heavens, see also: heavens; sky)
:: firmament {n}, fäste {n}, himlavalv {n}
firmware {n} (firmware)
:: firmware {c}, fast programvara {c}, inbyggd programvara {c}
first {adj} (numeral first, see also: 1st)
:: förste (in front of a noun designating a male), första (in front of other nouns), först (if no noun after)
first {adv} (before anything else)
:: först
first {n} (person or thing in the first position)
:: etta
first {n} (first gear) SEE: first gear
first aid {n} (basic care)
:: första hjälpen {c}
first-aid box {n} (box containing first aid and medical supplies)
:: förbandslåda {c}, husapotek {n}
first and foremost {adv} (primarily; most importantly)
:: först och främst, framförallt, i första hand
first come, first served {proverb} (people will be dealt with in the order they arrive)
:: först till kvarn, först till kvarn får först mala
first cousin {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin
first cousin once removed {n} (child of a first cousin)
:: kusinbarn {n}
first floor {n} (floor at the level of the street)
:: gatuplan {n}, markplan {n}, förstavåning {c}, bottenvåning {c}
first floor {n} (floor above the ground floor)
:: andravåning {c}, andra våning {c}
first gear {n} (lowest gear of a transmission)
:: etta , ettans växel
first light {n} (dawn) SEE: dawn
firstly {adv} (In the first place)
:: först, för det första
first mate {n} (nautical: officer next in rank to the captain)
:: förste styrman {c}
first name {n} (name chosen by parents)
:: förnamn
first person {n} (the form of a pronoun verb used when the subject of a sentence is making the statement)
:: första person {c}
first things first {phrase} (let's deal with matters of highest priority first)
:: börja från början , börja i rätt ände {m} , börja i rätt ända {f}
First World {prop} (countries aligned with the West during the Cold War)
:: i-land {n}, väst, västvärlden {c}, västländerna {p}
First World {prop} (wealthy, developed nations)
:: första världen
first world problem {n} (frustration or complaint)
:: i-landsproblem
First World War {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I
fiscal {n} (attorney general) SEE: attorney general
fiscal law {n} (The area of law pertaining to public finances)
:: finansrätt {c}
fiscal year {n} (accounting period of one year)
:: räkenskapsår {n}, finansår {n}, budgetår {n}
fish {v} (intransitive: to try to catch fish)
:: fiska
fish {n} (vertebrate animal)
:: fisk {c}
fish {n} (collective plural of fish)
:: fiskar {p}
fish {n} (flesh of fish as food)
:: fisk {c}
fish {n} (period of time spent fishing)
:: fiske {n}
fishbait {n} (bait for fishing)
:: agn {n}, bete {n}
fishball {n} (pulverized fish shaped into a ball)
:: fiskbulle {c}
fishbone {n} (bone of a fish)
:: fiskben {n}
fisher {n} (person who fishes)
:: fiskare {c}
fisher {n} (marten)
:: fiskmård {c}
fisher cat {n} (Martes pennanti) SEE: fisher
fisherman {n} (person catching fish)
:: fiskare {c}, fiskarinna {c}, fiskerska {c}
fisheye lens {n} (wide-angle lens with extremely wide field of view)
:: fiskögeobjektiv {n}, fisheye-objektiv {n}
fish finger {n} (stick of processed fish)
:: fiskpinne {c}
fish food {n} (food for fish)
:: fiskmat {c}
fishhook {n} (barbed hook for fishing)
:: fiskkrok {c}, krok {c}
fishing {n} (act or sport of catching fish)
:: fiske {n}, fiskande {n}
fishing {n} (business of catching fish)
:: fiske {n}, fiskande {n}
fishing {n} (place for catching fish)
:: fiskevatten {n}
fishing boat {n} (boat used for fishing)
:: fiskefartyg
fishing cat {n} (Prionailurus viverrinus)
:: fiskarkatt {c}
fishing ground {n} (area of water used for fishing)
:: fiskevatten {n}
fishing hook {n} (fishhook) SEE: fishhook
fishing net {n} (net used for fishing)
:: fisknät {n}, håv
fishing rod {n} (rod used for angling)
:: fiskespö {c}
fishing vessel {n} (fishing vessel) SEE: fishing boat
fish ladder {n} (structure to facilitate migration of fish)
:: fisktrappa {c}
fishmonger {n} (fishmonger's) SEE: fishmonger's
fishmonger's {n} (shop that sells fish)
:: fiskaffär {c}
fishnet {n} (fishing net) SEE: fishing net
fish sauce {n} (condiment composed of fermented fish)
:: fisksås {c}
fish slice {n} (kitchen utensil) SEE: spatula
fish stick {n} (rectangular piece of processed fish) SEE: fish finger
fishway {n} (fish ladder) SEE: fish ladder
fishy {n} (little fish)
:: småfisk {c}, firre {c}
fishy {adj} (of, from, or similar to fish)
:: fiskaktig
fishy {adj} (suspicious; inspiring doubt)
:: skum, lurig
fissile {adj} (able to be split)
:: klyvbar
fissile {adj} (capable of undergoing nuclear fission)
:: fissil
fissure {n} (a crack or opening, as in a rock)
:: rämna, spricka {c}
fist {n} (clenched hand)
:: knytnäve {c}
fist-fuck {v} (to insert a fist)
:: fista
fistula {n} (abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels)
:: fistel {c}
fit {adj} (suitable, proper)
:: passande
fit {adj} (in good shape)
:: i form, i trim
fit {adj} (good-looking (female))
:: läcker, snygg
fit {v} (to conform to in size and shape)
:: passa
fit {v} (to tailor)
:: skräddarsy, prova ut
fit {v} (to have right size and cut, as of clothing)
:: passa
fit {n} (degree to which something fits)
:: passform {c}
fit {n} (seizure)
:: anfall {n}, utbrott {n}
fit {n} (sudden and vigorous appearance of a symptom)
:: anfall {n}, utbrott {n}, skov {n}
fit {n} (sudden outburst of emotion)
:: anfall {n}, utbrott {n}, attack
fit {v} (adjust) SEE: adjust
fit {v} (make ready) SEE: prepare
fit like a glove {v} (to be a perfect fit, to be exactly the right size)
:: passa som hand i handske
fitter {n} (a person who fits or assembles something)
:: montör {c}
fitting {adj} (appropriate)
:: lagom
fitting room {n} (a room in a store for trying on clothes)
:: provrum {n}
five {num} (cardinal number)
:: fem
five {n} (digit)
:: femma {c}
five {n} (banknote)
:: femma
five hundred {num} (cardinal number 500)
:: femhundra, fem hundra
five-hundredth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number five hundred)
:: femhundrade (500:de)
five-hundredth {n}
:: nummer femhundra , den femhundrade (the five-hundredth), femhundradel
five of a kind {n} (five cards of the same rank)
:: femtal {n}
fivescore {n} (hundred) SEE: hundred
five thousand {num} (5000)
:: fem tusen
fix {v} (to mend or repair)
:: fixa, åtgärda
fix {v} (to attach; to affix; to hold in place)
:: fästa
fix {v} (to prepare)
:: ordna
fix {n} (an instance of fixing)
:: fix
fixed asset {n} (finance: an organization's fixed assets)
:: anläggningstillgång {c}
fixed point {n} (value unchanged by a mapping)
:: fixpunkt {c}
fixed point {n}
:: fixpunkt {c}
fixed star {n} (distant star)
:: fixstjärna {c}
fixed wave {n} (standing wave) SEE: standing wave
fixture {n} (A lighting unit; a luminaire)
:: armatur
fizz {n} (carbonated beverage) SEE: soda
fizz {v} (to make a rapid bubbling sound)
:: fräsa
fizzle {v} (to splutter or hiss)
:: fräsa, pysa
fizzle {v} (to decay or die off to nothing)
:: ebba ut, gå i stöpet
fizzle {n} (spluttering or hissing sound)
:: fräsande, pysande
fizzy drink {n} (fizzy drink) SEE: soda
fjord {n} (long, narrow, deep inlet)
:: fjord {c}
flabbergast {v} (to overwhelm with bewilderment)
:: förbluffa
flabby {adj} (yielding to the touch)
:: slapp, sladdrig
flaccid {adj} (flabby)
:: sladdrig
flaccid {adj} (soft, floppy)
:: slak
flaccid {adj} (lacking energy or vigor)
:: slapp
flaccidity {n} (the condition of being flaccid)
:: slakhet {c}
flag {n} (piece of cloth or often its representation)
:: flagga, fana
flag {n} (nautical: flag showing the presence of an admiral)
:: amiralsflagga {c}
flag {n} (true-or-false variable)
:: flagga {c}
flag {v} (to mark with a flag)
:: signalera, flagga (för)
flag-bearer {n} (one who carries a flag)
:: fanbärare {c}
flag day {n} (officially designated day)
:: allmän flaggdag {c}
flagellant {n} (one who practices self-flagellation)
:: flagellant {c}
flagellate {v} (to whip or scourge)
:: flagellera, piska, gissla
flagellum {n} (whip) SEE: whip
flagellum {n} (long whiplike organelle)
:: flagell {c}
flagellum {n} (long whiplike appendage)
:: flagell {c}
flagpole {n} (pole for flags)
:: flaggstång {c}
flagrant {adj} (obvious and offensive)
:: flagrant
flagship {n} (ship occupied by the fleet's commander)
:: flaggskepp {n}
flagship {n} (the most important one out of a related group)
:: flaggskepp
flagstaff {n} (flagpole) SEE: flagpole
flail {n} (tool)
:: slaga
flail {n} (weapon)
:: stridsgissel, stridsslaga {c}
flail {n}
:: morgonstjärna
flail {v} (to wave or swing vigorously)
:: fäkta, vifta
flail {v} (to thresh)
:: tröska
flair {n} (natural or innate talent or aptitude)
:: smak
flake {n} (thin chiplike layer)
:: flinga, flaga
flak jacket {n} (piece of protective clothing)
:: splitterskyddsväst {c}
flambé {v} (to add and ignite alcohol to food)
:: flambera
flame {n} (visible part of fire)
:: flamma {c}, låga {c}
flame {n} (romantic partner)
:: flamma {c}
flame {n} (colour)
:: brandgul
flame {v} (to produce flames)
:: flamma, flamma upp
flamenco {n} (a genre of folk music and dance native to Andalusia, Spain)
:: flamenco
flame out {v} (flare up) SEE: flare up
flame retardant {n} (chemical used to impart flame resistance)
:: flamskyddsmedel {n}
flamethrower {n} (device that projects a flame)
:: eldkastare {c}
flaming {adj} (On fire with visible flames)
:: flammande
flaming {adj} (Damned, bloody)
:: jäkla, jädra, sabla, förbannad
flamingo {n} (bird)
:: flamingo {c}
flammable {adj} (capable of burning, see also: inflammable)
:: brännbar
flammable {adj} (easily set on fire)
:: lättantändlig, brandfarlig
Flanders {prop} (subnational state in the north of federal Belgium)
:: Flandern
Flanders {prop}
:: Flandern
flaneur {n} (one who wanders aimlessly)
:: flanör {c}
flange {n} (rib or rim for strengthening)
:: fläns {c}
flange {n} (slang:vulva) SEE: vulva
flank {v} (to place to the side(s) of something)
:: flankera
flank {v} (to be placed to the side(s) of something)
:: flankera
flank {n} (cut of meat)
:: sida {c}
flank {n} (side of military formation)
:: sida {c}, flank {c}
flank {n} (side)
:: sida {c}
flank steak {n}
:: flankstek
flannel {n} (soft cloth material)
:: flanell {c}
flap {v} (to move loosely back and forth)
:: fladdra
flapjack {n} (pancake) SEE: pancake
flapjack {n} (oat bar)
:: flapjack {m} {c}
flare {n} (source of brightly burning light or intense heat)
:: lysraket
flare {n}
:: signalraket, fladdrande låga, vredesutbrott, utbuktning, skeppssidas utfall, hudrodnad
flare up {v} (burn brightly again)
:: flamma upp, blossa upp
flare up {v} (become more intense suddenly)
:: blossa upp
flare up {v} (burst out suddenly, as in anger)
:: rasa till
flash {v} (to cause to shine)
:: lysa
flash {v} (to blink)
:: blinka
flash {v} (to be visible briefly)
:: glimta
flash {v} (to expose one's body briefly in public)
:: blotta
flash {n} (burst of light)
:: blixt {c}
flash {n} (material left around the edge of a moulded part)
:: skägg {n}
flash-ball {n} (rubber-projectiles fired) SEE: rubber bullet
flashcard {n} (memorization aide)
:: skrivkort {n}
flashcard {n} (solid-state digital memory)
:: flashkort
flash drive {n} (storage device)
:: USB-minne {n}, USB-sticka {c}, minnespinne {c}, minnessticka {c}
flasher {n} (a person who exposes his genitals indecently)
:: blottare {c}
flashlight {n} (battery-powered hand-held light source)
:: ficklampa {c}
flash mob {n} (group converging and dispersing quickly)
:: flash mob {c}
flash point {n} (figuratively; a hotspot)
:: krutdurk {c}
flashpoint {n} (lowest temperature at which a liquid can form an ignitable mixture) SEE: flash point
flashpoint {n} (figuratively; a hotspot) SEE: flash point
flask {n} (container for a small amount of beverage)
:: plunta {c}, flaska {c}
flask {n} (container to carry a small amount of alcoholic beverage; pocket flask)
:: fickflaska {c}, fickplunta {c}, fältflaska {c}
flask {n} (laboratory glassware)
:: kolv {c}
flat {n} (palm of the hand) SEE: palm
flat {adj} (having no variations in altitude)
:: flat, plan, platt
flat {adj} (of a tyre: deflated)
:: punkterad
flat {adj} (without variations in pitch)
:: monoton
flat {adj} (lowered by one semitone)
:: sänkt
flat {adj} (lower in pitch than it should be)
:: platt, låg
flat {adj} (with its carbon dioxide having come out of solution)
:: avslagen
flat {adj} (uninteresting)
:: avslagen
flat {adj} (unable to generate power)
:: död
flat {adv} (so as to be flat)
:: platt, jämnt
flat {adv} (with units of time, distance, etc: not exceeding)
:: jämnt, blankt
flat {adv} (completely)
:: helt, helt och hållet, totalt
flat {n} (flat tyre/tire)
:: punktering, punka
flat {n} (plural: ladies' shoes)
:: lågklackad (sko)
flat {n} (apartment) SEE: apartment
flat as a pancake {adj} (extremely flat)
:: platt som en pannkaka
flatbed truck {n} (tow truck) SEE: tow truck
flat-bottomed {adj} (having a flat bottom)
:: flatbottnad
flat cap {n} (man's cap made from wool, tweed, or other soft material.)
:: gubbkeps {c}
flat feet {n} (physical condition of the feet) SEE: flatfoot
flatfish {n} (fish of the order Pleuronectiformes)
:: plattfisk
flatfoot {n} (condition)
:: plattfot {c}
flatmate {n} (a person with whom one shares a flat)
:: rumskamrat
flat peach {n} (Prunus persica var. platycarpa)
:: paraguayo {c}, saturnuspersika {c}, platt persika, plattpersika, munkpersika {c}
flatscreen {n} (flatpanel screen or device)
:: plattskärm {c}
flatten {v} (to make something flat)
:: platta till
flatten the curve {v} (to reduce the rate at which an infection spreads during an epidemic)
:: platta ut kurvan, platta till kurvan
flatter {v} (to enhance someone's vanity)
:: smickra
flattered {adj} (in a positive mood because of a comment or action which causes one to feel proud of oneself)
:: smickrad
flattering {adj} (attractive or good-looking; that makes one look good)
:: smickrande
flat tyre {n} (deflated tyre)
:: punktering {c} , punkterat däck {n}
flatulist {n} (a professional farter)
:: professionell fjärtare
flaunt {v} (to display with ostentation)
:: stoltsera, paradera, briljera
flaunt {v} (To show off)
:: glänsa, briljera
flautist {n} (flute player)
:: flöjtist {c}
flavor {n} (the quality produced by the sensation of taste)
:: smak {c}
flavor {n} (a substance used to produce a taste)
:: smakämne {n}, smaktillsats {c}
flavor {n} (a variety (of taste))
:: smak {c}
flavor {n} (a type of something)
:: sort {c}, slag {n}
flavor {n} (in physics, the types of quarks or leptons)
:: arom {c}
flavor {v} (to add flavoring to something)
:: smaksätta
flavor enhancer {n} (any substance added to a food product to enhance its taste)
:: smakförstärkare {c}
flavorless {adj} (lacking taste or flavor)
:: smaklös, jolmig, fadd
flaw {n} (crack or breach)
:: spricka, skavank
flaw {n} (defect, fault)
:: fel, brist
flawed {adj} (having a flaw)
:: bristfällig
flawless {adj} (without flaws, see also: perfect)
:: felfri, fläckfri, fulländad, makalös, oklanderlig, otadlig
flawlessly {adv} (in a flawless manner)
:: felfritt, oklanderligt, klanderfritt
flax {n} (plant)
:: lin {n}
flax {n} (the fibers)
:: lin {n}
flay {v} (to strip skin off)
:: flå, flänga
flayer {n} (one who flays, see also: knacker)
:: rackare {c}, avdragare {c}, avtagare {c}, hudflängare {c}
flea {n} (parasitic insect)
:: loppa {c}
flea beetle {n} (beetles of tribe Alticini)
:: jordloppa {c}
flea market {n} (an outdoor market selling inexpensive antiques, curios)
:: loppis {n}, loppmarknad {c}, lopptorg {n}
fleck {n} (lock) SEE: lock
fleck {n} (flake) SEE: flake
fleck {n} (small spot)
:: fläck {c}
fledged {adj} (able to fly)
:: flygg
fledgling {adj} (inexperienced)
:: oerfaren, flygfärdig
fledgling {n} (young bird)
:: fågelunge
fledgling {n} (inexperienced person)
:: nybörjare {c}
flee {v} (to run away; to escape)
:: fly
flee {v} (to escape from)
:: fly
fleece {n} (textile)
:: fleece
fleer {v} (to make a wry face in contempt, or to grin in scorn)
:: hånle
fleet {n} (group of vessels or vehicles)
:: flotta {c}
fleeting {adj} (passing quickly)
:: flyktig
Fleming {n} (native or inhabitant of Flanders)
:: flamländare {m}, flamländska {f}
Flemish {adj} (of or relating to Flanders)
:: flamländsk
Flemish {adj} (of or relating to the Flemish variety of the Dutch language)
:: flamländsk
Flemish {prop} (the Dutch language as it is spoken in Flanders)
:: flamländska
flense {v} (To strip the blubber or skin from, as from a whale, seal, etc)
:: flänsa
flerovium {n} (chemical element)
:: flerovium {n}
flesh {n} (body tissue)
:: kött {n}
flesh {n} (animal tissue as food)
:: kött {n}
flesh out {v} (complete)
:: fylla ut
flesh wound {n} (injury which pierces the skin, but which does not injure any bones or vital organs)
:: köttsår {n}
fletcher {n} (a manufacturer of bows and arrows)
:: pilmakare
fleur-de-lis {n} (heraldic charge)
:: lilja {c}
Flevoland {prop} (province of the Netherlands)
:: Flevoland
flexibility {n} (quality of being flexible)
:: flexibilitet {c}
flexible {adj} (easily bent without breaking)
:: flexibel, böjlig
flexible {adj}
:: flexibel
flexitime {n} (arrangement that allows employees to set their own working hours)
:: flextid {c}
flick {n} (film) SEE: film
flick {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema
flick {n} (a short, quick movement)
:: svep {n}
flicker {n} (an unsteady flash of light)
:: flimmer {n}
flicker {n} (a short moment)
:: glimt {c}, ögonblick {n}
flicker {v} (to burn or shine unsteadily)
:: flimra
flicker {v} (to keep going on and off)
:: glimta, blinka
flick off {v} (to insult someone)
:: peka finger, ge fingret
flight {n} (act of flying)
:: flyg {n}
flight {n} (journey made by an aircraft)
:: flight {c}
flight {n} (act of fleeing)
:: flykt {c}
flight attendant {n} (member of the crew of an airplane who is responsible for the comfort and safety of its passengers)
:: flygvärdinna {c}; purser, flygvärd {c}
flight code {n} (flight number) SEE: flight number
flight deck {n} (aircraft cockpit) SEE: cockpit
flight number {n} (callsign)
:: flygnummer {n}, flightnummer {n}
flight recorder {n} (a device which records data onboard aircraft)
:: svart låda {c}
flinch {v} (to make a sudden, involuntary movement in response to a stimulus)
:: rycka till
fling {n} (short sexual relationship)
:: äventyr {n}, affär {c}
flint {n} (hard fine-grained quartz which generates sparks when struck)
:: flinta
flintlock {n} (firearm)
:: flintlås {n}
flip chart {n} (large pad)
:: blädderblock {n}
flip-flop {n} (footwear) SEE: thong
flip-flop {n} (bistable electronic circuit)
:: vippa {c}
flip-flop {n}
:: flip-flops
flip off {v} (to make a rude or obscene gesture)
:: peka finger, ge fingret
flip out {v} (to become very upset)
:: bli galen, flippa ur
flipper {n} (marine mammal's wide limb for swimming)
:: simfot, simfena {c}
flipper {n} (kitchen spatula) SEE: spatula
flip phone {n} (mobile telephone with a hinged top that is flipped open)
:: viktelefon {c}, flipptelefon {c}
flip the bird {v} (to make a rude or obscene gesture, particularly with the middle finger)
:: peka finger, ge fingret
flirt {n} (one who flirts)
:: flörtare {c}, flirtare {c}
flirt {n} (act of flirting)
:: flört, flirt {c}
flirt {v} (to play at courtship)
:: flirta
flittermouse {n} (bat) SEE: bat
flixweed {n} (Descurainia sophia)
:: stillfrö, dillsenap
float {v} (to be supported by a liquid)
:: flyta
float {v} (to be capable of floating)
:: flyta
float {v} (to drift gently through the air)
:: sväva
float {v} (to allow a price to be determined by the markets as opposed to by rule)
:: flyta
float {n} (buoyant device)
:: flöte {n}
floating market {n} (market)
:: flytande marknad
floating point {adj} (computing)
:: flyttal {n}
floating-point number {n} (computing)
:: flyttal {n}
flobber {n} (pouting) SEE: pouting
flock {n} (group of birds)
:: flock {c}
flock {n} (group of sheep or goats)
:: flock {c}, hjord {c}
flock {n}
:: flock {c}, hop, folkmassa
flock {v} (to congregate)
:: flockas
floe {n} (a low, flat mass of floating ice)
:: isflak
flog {v} (to sell) SEE: sell
flog {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat
flog {v} (to whip or scourge someone or something as punishment)
:: prygla, piska
flog {v} (to steal) SEE: steal
flogging {n} (punishment)
:: prygel {n}, aga {c}
flood {n} (overflow of water)
:: översvämning {c}
flood {v} (to overflow)
:: svämma över, översvämma
Flood {prop} (the flood referenced in the Book of Genesis)
:: syndafloden {c}
floof {v} (fluff) SEE: fluff
floor {n} (bottom part of a room)
:: golv {n}
floor {n} (right to speak)
:: ord {n}
floor {v} (cover with a floor)
:: lägga golv
floor {v} (strike down)
:: golva
floor {n} (storey of a building) SEE: storey
floor {n} (dance floor) SEE: dance floor
floorball {n} (hockey-like ball game)
:: innebandy {c}
floorcloth {n} (cloth for cleaning floors)
:: golvtrasa {c}
floor lamp {n} (a floor lamp supported by a pole)
:: golvlampa {c}
floozie {n} (vulgar or sexually promiscuous woman)
:: slampa {c}, slinka {c}
floozie {n} (prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets)
:: gatuflicka {c}, fnask {n}, glädjeflicka {c}, sköka {c}
flop {v} (to fail completely, not to be successful at all)
:: floppa
flop {v}
:: falla ihop ; floppa
flop {n} (failure, especially in the entertainment industry)
:: fiasko {n}, flopp {c}
flop {n}
:: flopp
floppy disk {n} (flexible disk used for storing digital data)
:: diskett {c}
flora {n} (plants considered as a group)
:: flora {c}
flora {n} (a book describing the plants of a country etc.)
:: flora {c}
flora {n} (the microorganisms that inhabit some part of the body)
:: flora {c}
Floréal {prop} ( the eighth month of French Republican Calendar)
:: floréal {c}, blomstermånad {c}
Florence {prop} (city in Tuscany, Italy)
:: Florens
Florentine {adj} (of or relating to the Italian city of Florence)
:: florentinsk
Florentine {n} (a native or resident of the Italian city of Florence)
:: florentinare {c}
floriculture {n} (the farming of flowers)
:: blomsterodling
florid {adj} (having a rosy colour)
:: rödlätt, rödblommig, blomstrande
florid {adj} (ornate)
:: blomster-, blomsterprydd, blomsterrik, grann, prunkande, utsirad, snirklad, yppig, överlastad
Florida {prop} (US state)
:: Florida {c}
floriography {n} (communication through the use of flowers)
:: blomsterspråk
florist {n} (a person who sells flowers)
:: blomsterhandlare {c}, florist {c}
florist's {n} (a shop that sells flowers)
:: blomsterhandel {c}, blombutik {c}
floss {n} (a thread used to clean the gaps between the teeth)
:: tandtråd {c}
floss {n} (spun sugar or cotton candy)
:: sockervadd {c}
flotilla {n} (small fleet)
:: flottilj {c}
flotsam {n} (flotsam)
:: drivgods {n}
flounce {v} (to make spastic motions) SEE: flounder
flounder {n} (any flatfish) SEE: flatfish
flounder {n} (Platichthys flesus)
:: skrubbskädda {c}, flundra {c}
flounder {v} (to flop around)
:: sprattla
flounder {v} (to attempt to move or regain one's balance)
:: sprattla
flour {n} (ground cereal grains or other foodstuff)
:: mjöl {n}
flour {v} (to apply flour to something)
:: mjöla
flourish {v} (to thrive or grow well)
:: blomstra, frodas
flow {v} (to flow) SEE: run
flow {n} (the movement of a fluid)
:: ström {c}, flöde {n}
flow {v} (to move as a fluid)
:: strömma, flyta
flow {v} (to flow) SEE: stream
flow chart {n} (schematic representation of a process)
:: flödesschema {n}, flödesdiagram
flower {n} (reproductive structure in angiosperms)
:: blomma {c}
flower {v} (to put forth blooms)
:: blomma
flowerbed {n} (place where flowers are grown)
:: blombädd {c}
flower box {n} (flower container)
:: blomlåda {c}
flower girl {n} (florist) SEE: florist
flowerpot {n} (container in which plants are grown)
:: blomkruka {c}, blomsterkruka {c}
flowery {adj} (decorated with flowers)
:: blommig, blomsterklädd
flow production {n} (mass production) SEE: mass production
flu {n} (influenza)
:: influensa {c}, flunsa {c}
flub {n} (mistake)
:: tabbe {c}
fluent {adj} (able to speak a language accurately and confidently)
:: flytande
fluently {adv} (expressing oneself easily)
:: flytande
fluff {n} (light fur etc)
:: ludd {c} {n}, fjun {n}
fluffy {adj} (covered with fluff)
:: fluffig
fluffy {adj} (light; soft; airy)
:: lätt, luftig, fluffig
fluid {n} (any state of matter which can flow)
:: vätska {c}
fluid {adj} (of or relating to fluid)
:: flytande
fluid {adj} (in a state of flux; subject to change)
:: flytande
fluke {n} (stroke of luck)
:: lyckträff {m}, oförutsedd tur
fluke {n} (lobe of whale's tail)
:: fluke {c}
flukey {adj} (lucky) SEE: lucky
flunk {v} (to fail)
:: kugga, köra
fluorescent {adj} (of or relating to fluorescence)
:: fluorescerande
fluorescent lamp {n} (gas-discharge lamp)
:: lysrör {n}, lysrörslampa {c}
fluorine {n} (chemical element)
:: fluor {n} {c}
flurry {n} (brief snowfall)
:: snöby {c}
flurry {n} (sudden activity)
:: virrvarr
flush {adj} (smooth, even, aligned; not sticking out)
:: jämn
flush {adj} (wealthy or well off)
:: burgen, rik, välmående
flush {v} (to cleanse by flooding with generous quantities of a fluid)
:: spola
flush {v} (to cleanse a toilet by introducing lots of water)
:: spola
flush {v} (to become suffused with reddish color)
:: rodna
flush {v} (of toilet: to be cleansed with generous quantities of water)
:: spola
flush {n} (poker hand)
:: färg {c}
flush mounting {n} (way of installing)
:: montering i apparatdosa
flush toilet {n} (toilet that uses water to remove waste)
:: vattenklosett, toalettstol
flute {n} (woodwind instrument)
:: flöjt
flute {n} (glass)
:: champagneglas {c}
flute {n} (helical groove going up a drill bit)
:: skär {n}
flute {n} (architecture: vertical groove in a pillar)
:: kannelyr {c}
flute {v} (to play flute)
:: spela flöjt
flute {v} (to make a flutelike sound)
:: flöjta
flute {v} (to utter with flutelike sound)
:: flöjta
fluted {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk
flutist {n} (flute player) SEE: flautist
flutter {v} (to flap or wave quickly)
:: fladdra
flutter {v} (to flap the wings without flying)
:: flaxa
fluvial {adj} (fluvial)
:: fluvial, älv-, flod-
flux {n} (a chemical agent for cleaning metal prior to soldering or welding)
:: flussmedel
flux density {n} (flux density)
:: flödestäthet {c}
fly {n} (insect of the order Diptera)
:: tvåvinge {c}
fly {n} (insect of the family Muscidae)
:: fluga {c}
fly {n} (fishing lure)
:: fluga {c}
fly {v} (to travel through air)
:: flyga
fly {v} (to flee)
:: fly
fly {v} (to cause to travel through the air)
:: flyga
fly {n} (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants)
:: gylf {c}
fly agaric {n} (Amanita muscaria)
:: röd flugsvamp
flyer {n} (someone who pilots or rides in an airplane)
:: cirkulär {n}
flyer {n} (female kangaroo)
:: känguru {c}, känguruhona {c}
fly fishing {n} (form of angling)
:: flugfiske
fly-half {n} (rugby position)
:: uthalv {c}
flying {n} (flying (noun)) SEE: flight
flying {adj} (that can fly)
:: flygande
flying buttress {n} (buttress that stands apart from the structure that it supports)
:: strävbåge {c}, strävpelare
Flying Dutchman {prop} (mythical ghost ship)
:: den flygande holländaren {c}
flying fox {n}
:: flyghund
flying fox {n} (bat of the family Pteropodidae) SEE: megabat
flying saucer {n} (disc-shaped unidentified flying object)
:: flygande tefat
Flying Spaghetti Monster {prop} (spaghetti deity)
:: flygande spaghettimonstret
flying squirrel {n} (squirrel)
:: flygekorre {c}
fly in the ointment {n} (something which ruins everything else)
:: smolk i mjölken, smolk i glädjebägaren
flyleaf {n} (blank page at the front or back of a book)
:: försätts, försättsblad
flyover {n} (road)
:: viadukt {c}, vägbro {c}
flypaper {n} (flypaper)
:: flugpapper {n}
flyswatter {n} (device for swatting flies)
:: flugsmälla {c}, flugsmällare {c}
flywheel {n} (rotating mass)
:: svänghjul {n}
F major {n} (the major key with F as its tonic)
:: F-dur
F major {n} (the major chord with a root of F)
:: F-dur {n}
foal {n} (young horse)
:: föl {n}
foal {v} (give birth (equestrian))
:: föla
foam {n} (substance composed of a large collection of bubbles or their solidified remains)
:: skum {n}
foam {v} (form or emit foam)
:: skumma
foam rubber {n} (foam rubber) SEE: foam
fob {n} (chain or ribbon)
:: klockkedja {c}
fob {n} (ornament)
:: berlock {c}
fob {n} (remote control for locking and unlocking a vehicle)
:: fjärrnyckel {c}, bilnyckel {c}
fob {n} (little pocket near waistline) SEE: watch pocket
focal length {n} (distance)
:: brännvidd {c}
focus {n} (in optics)
:: brännpunkt {c}, fokus {n}
focus {n} (fact of the convergence of light on the photographic medium)
:: fokus, skärpa {c}
focus {n} (quality of the convergence of light on the photographic medium)
:: fokus, skärpa {c}
focus {n} (concentration of attention)
:: fokus
focus {v} (to adjust (a lens, an optical instrument))
:: fokusera, ställa in fokus, ställa in skärpan
focus {v} (transitive: to concentrate one's attention)
:: fokusera
focus {v} (make (a liquid) less diluted)
:: koncentrera
focus {v} (intransitive: to concentrate one's attention)
:: fokusera, koncentrera sig
focus group {n} (a group of people interviewed for market research or political analysis)
:: fokusgrupp {c}
fodder {n} (food for animals)
:: foder {n}
foe {n} (enemy) SEE: enemy
foetus {n} (fetus) SEE: fetus
fog {n} (cloud that forms at a low altitude and obscures vision)
:: dimma {c}, dis {n}, mist {c}, töcken {n}
fog {n} (mist or film clouding a surface)
:: dimma {c}
fog {n} (state of mind characterized by lethargy and confusion)
:: oklarhet {c}, villrådighet {c}
fog {n} (photography: blur on a developed photographic image)
:: slöja {c}, suddighet {c}
fog {v} (to become covered with or as if with fog)
:: höljas i dimma,
fog {v} (to become obscured in condensation or water)
:: imma igen, imma sig
fog {v} (photography: to become dim or obscure)
:: bli suddig
fog {v} (to cover with or as if with fog)
:: göra dimmig, göra immig, hölja i dimma
fog {v} (to obscure in condensation or water)
:: göra immig, imma
fog {v} (to make confusing or obscure)
:: förmörka, göra förvirrad, omtöckna
fog {v} (photography: to make dim or obscure)
:: göra suddig
fog {n} (new growth of grass appearing on a field that has been mowed or grazed)
:: efterslåtter {c}
fog {n} (tall and decaying grass left standing after the cutting or grazing season)
:: fjolårsgräs {n}, kvarstående vintergräs {n}
fog {n} (Scottish: moss) SEE: moss
fogbow {n} (a white arc or circle)
:: dimbåge {c}, vit regnbåge {c}
fogey {n} (dull old fellow)
:: stofil {c}
foggy {adj} (obscured by mist or fog)
:: dimmig, disig
foghorn {n} (horn)
:: mistlur {c}
fog lamp {n} (a bright red lamp at the rear of a motor car)
:: dimljus {n}
fog light {n} (one of a pair of lights, mounted at the front of a car)
:: dimljus {n}
foie gras {n} (fattened liver of geese or ducks)
:: foie gras {c}, gåslever {c}, anklever {c}
foil {n} (thin sheet of metal)
:: folie
foil {n} (thin aluminium/aluminum or tin used for wrapping food)
:: aluminiumfolie
foil {n} (type of sword used in fencing)
:: florett {c}
foil {v} (prevent from being accomplished)
:: omintetgöra, kullkasta
foil {n} (shortened form of hydrofoil) SEE: hydrofoil
folate {n} (salt or ester of folic acid)
:: folat
-fold {suffix} (used to make adjectives)
:: -faldig
-fold {suffix} (used to make adverbs)
:: -faldigt, -falt
fold {v} (bend (thin material) over)
:: vika
fold {v} (make the proper arrangement (in a thin material) by bending)
:: vika
fold {v} (give way on a point or in an argument)
:: böja sig, vika sig
fold {v} (poker: withdraw from betting)
:: lägga sig
fold {n} (act of folding)
:: vikning {c}
fold {n} (bend or crease)
:: veck {n}
fold {n} (enclosure for domestic animals)
:: fålla {c}
folder {n} (organizer)
:: pärm {c}
folder {n} (container of computer files)
:: mapp {c}, katalog {c}
folding {adj} (made to fold)
:: vikbar, fällbar, ihopvikbar, ihopfällbar
folding {n} (action of folding)
:: vikning {c}
folding knife {n} (type of knife)
:: fällkniv {c}, fickkniv {c}, pennkniv {c}
foliage {n} (the leaves of plants)
:: lövverk {n}, bladverk {n}
foliage {n} (fall foliage) SEE: autumn foliage
folk {n} (inhabitants of a region)
:: folk {n}
folk dance {n} (genre of dance)
:: folkdans
folk etymology {n} (false etymology)
:: folketymologi {c}
folklore {n} (tales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population)
:: folklore
folkloristics {n} (formal academic study of folklore)
:: folkloristik
folk music {n} (music originating from a specific region)
:: folkmusik {c}
folk music {n} (contemporary music in traditional style)
:: folkmusik {c}, folk {c}
folk song {n} (song originating among the working people)
:: folksång {c}
folk song {n} (song in this style)
:: folksång {c}
folktale {n} (story that is part of the oral tradition of a people)
:: folksaga {c}
follicle stimulating hormone {n} (hormone)
:: follikelstimulerande hormon {n}
follow {v} (to go or come after in physical space)
:: följa
follow {v} (to go or come after in a sequence)
:: följa
follow {v} (to carry out in accordance to)
:: följa
follow {v} (to live one’s life according to)
:: följa
follow {v} (to understand)
:: hänga med, förstå, fatta , haja
follow {v} (to be a logical consequence of)
:: följa
follower {n} (one who follows)
:: följare {c}, följeslagare {c}
follower {n} (thing that comes after another thing)
:: efterföljare {c}, efterträdare {c}
follower {n} (one who adheres to the opinions, ideas or teachings of another)
:: anhängare {c}
follower {n} (pursuer)
:: förföljare {c}
follower {n} (social media consumer)
:: följare {c}
following {adj} (next in sequence or time)
:: följande
following {prep} (subsequent to)
:: efter
following {n} (group of followers)
:: följe {n}, anhängare {c-p}
follow suit {v} (play a card of the same suit)
:: bekänna färg
follow the crowd {v} (conform)
:: gå med strömmen, tjuta med vargarna, tjuta med ulvarna, bära kappan på båda axlarna
follow-up {n} (Internet: posted message in reply to a previous one)
:: svar {n}
folly {n} (foolishness)
:: dåraktighet {c}, dårskap {n}
Fomalhaut {prop} (star)
:: Fomalhaut
foment {v} (to incite or cause)
:: instigera, underblåsa, nära, befordra
foment {v} ((medicine) to apply a poultice to)
:: badda
fond {v} (be fond of, like) SEE: like
fond {adj} (affectionate)
:: tillgiven
fond {v} (be fond of, have affection for)
:: tycka om, hålla av
fondle {v} (to fondle)
:: smeka, kela med
fondue {n} (dish)
:: fondue
font {n} (a receptacle in church for holy water)
:: funt {c}, dopfunt {c}
font {n} (a receptacle for oil in a lamp)
:: reservoar {c}
font {n} (typesetting: a grouping of consistently-designed glyphs)
:: teckensnitt {n}, font {c}, typsnitt {n}, stilsort {c}
font {n} (a computer file containing the code used to draw and compose the glyphs)
:: teckensnitt {n}, font {c}, typsnitt {n}, stilsort {c}
fontanelle {n} (soft spot on a baby's head)
:: fontanell {c}
food {n} (any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life)
:: mat, föda
food {n} (anything intended to supply energy or nourishment of other forms)
:: föda {c}
food {n} (foodstuff)
:: matvara {c}, födoämne {n}, livsmedel {n}
food additive {n} (non-food substance added to food)
:: livsmedelstillsats {c}
food bank {n} (a non-profit, charitable organization that distributes food to feed the hungry)
:: matbank {c}
food bowl {n} (region)
:: kornbod {c}
food chain {n} (feeding relationship between species)
:: näringskedja
food coma {n} (state of lethargy after eating a large meal)
:: matkoma {c}
food fight {n} (disorderly outbreak in which food is thrown for amusement)
:: matkrig {n}
food fish {n} (fish used for food)
:: matfisk {c}
food for thought {n} (information or knowledge that is worthy of contemplation)
:: tänkvärdheter
foodie {n} (person with special interest in food)
:: matnörd {c}, matfantast {c}
food poisoning {n} (any food-borne disease)
:: matförgiftning {c}
food processor {n} (kitchen appliance)
:: matberedare {c} {c-p}
foodstuff {n} (material that may be used as food)
:: födoämne {n}
food web {n} (diagram showing the organisms that eat other organisms in a particular ecosystem)
:: näringsväv {c}
fool {n} (person with poor judgement or little intelligence)
:: dåre {c}
fool {n} (jester)
:: narr {c}
fool {n} (dessert)
:: kräm {c}
foolhardy {adj} (marked by unthinking recklessness with disregard for danger)
:: dumdristig
foolish {adj} (lacking good sense or judgement; unwise)
:: dåraktig, dum
foolproof {adj} ((device) fail-safe)
:: idiotsäker
fool's cap {n} (cap with bells and tassels)
:: narrmössa {c}
foolscap {n} (fool's cap) SEE: fool's cap
fool's gold {n} (mineral or other substance often mistaken for gold)
:: kattguld {n}
fool's mate {n} (quickest possible checkmate)
:: tokmatt {c}, idiotmatt {c}
foosball {n} (table soccer)
:: bordsfotboll {c}
foot {n} (part of animal’s body)
:: fot {c}, hov {c}, klöv {c}, tass {c}
foot {n} (part of human body)
:: fot {c}
foot {n} (bottom of anything)
:: fot {c}, ben {n}
foot {n} (projection on equipment)
:: fot {c}, ben {n}
foot {n} (unit of measure)
:: fot {c}
foot {v} (kick)
:: sparka, kicka
foot {v} (pay)
:: betala
foot {n} (metrical foot) SEE: metrical foot
footage {n} (amount of film that has been used)
:: filmmaterial {n}
foot-and-mouth disease {n} (foot-and-mouth disease)
:: mul- och klövsjuka {c}, mulsjuka, galla {n}
football {n} (Association football)
:: fotboll {c}
football {n} (ball)
:: fotboll {c}
football {n} (US game) SEE: American football
football {n} (Canadian game) SEE: Canadian football
footballer {n} (one who plays football)
:: fotbollsspelare {c}
football player {n} (footballer) SEE: footballer
footbath {n} (act of washing the feet)
:: fotbad {n}
footbath {n} (small basin or bath designed for washing feet)
:: fotbad {n}
footbath {n} (liquid mixture for washing the feet with)
:: fotbad {n}
foot brake {n} (brake operated by foot)
:: fotbroms {c}
footbridge {n} (bridge for pedestrians)
:: gångbro {c}
foot fault {n} (type of fault in sports)
:: fotfel {n}
foothold {n} (a solid grip with the feet)
:: fotfäste {n}
footing {n} (a ground for the foot)
:: fotfäste {n}
footnote {n} (comment at the bottom of a printed page)
:: fotnot {c}
footpath {n} (path for pedestrians)
:: gångväg {c}
footprint {n} (the impression of the foot)
:: fotspår {n}
footprint {n} (profession or lifestyle)
:: fotspår {n-p}
footprint {n} (ecological impact of a human activity)
:: fotavtryck {n}
footrest {n} (a support on which to rest the feet)
:: fotstöd {n}
footsie {n} (flirting game)
:: tåflört, tåsex
foot soldier {n} (infantryman) SEE: infantryman
footstool {n} (a low stool)
:: fotpall {c}
footwear {n} (an item of clothing that is worn on the foot)
:: skodon {n}
fop {n} (vain man)
:: sprätt {c}
foppery {n} (stupidity) SEE: stupidity
for {conj} (because)
:: eftersom, emedan , ty
for {prep} (towards)
:: mot, åt
for {prep} (directed at, intended to belong to)
:: för, åt
for {prep} (supporting)
:: för
for {prep} (because of)
:: för
for {prep} (over (a period of time))
:: i
for {prep} (in order to obtain or acquire)
:: efter, på
for a change {prep} (as a departure from the usual)
:: för omväxlings skull
foray {n} (incursion)
:: plundringståg, räd
forbid {v} (to disallow)
:: förbjuda, neka, förvägra
forbidden {adj} (not allowed)
:: förbjuden
forbidden fruit {n} (the fruit forbidden to Adam)
:: förbjuden frukt {c}
forbidden fruit is the sweetest {proverb} (forbidden things seem more appealing)
:: förbjuden frukt är ljuv
forbode {v} (forebode) SEE: forebode
force {n} (anything that is able to make a big change in person or thing)
:: kraft {c}
force {n} (physical quantity)
:: kraft
force {n} (group that aims to attack, control, or constrain)
:: styrka
force {v} (compel (someone to do something))
:: tvinga
force {n} (waterfall) SEE: waterfall
forced heirship {n}
:: laglott {c}
forced labor {n} (work which one is compelled to perform)
:: tvångsarbete {n}
force field {n} (science fiction)
:: kraftfält {n}
force majeure {n} (unavoidable catastrophe)
:: force majeure
forcemeat {n} (chopped meat)
:: köttfärs {c}
forces {n}
:: krafter , makter -->
forcibly {adv} (in a forcible manner)
:: med våld
ford {n} (crossing)
:: vadställe {n}
Fordism {n} (Fordism)
:: fordism {c}
fore {adj} (former; occurring earlier)
:: tidigare, före
forearm {n} (part of the arm)
:: underarm {c}
forebear {n} (ancestor)
:: förfader {c}
forebode {v} (to predict a future event; to hint at something that will happen (especially as a literary device))
:: förebåda
forebrain {n} (part of the brain)
:: framhjärna, prosencefalon
forecast {v} (estimate future conditions)
:: förutsäga, förutse
forecast {n} (estimation)
:: förhandsberäkning {c}, utsikt {c}
forecast {n} (weather prediction)
:: väderprognos {c}, prognos {c}
forecastle {n} (nautical: raised part of the upper deck at bow)
:: backdäck {n}, back {c}
forefather {n} (ancestor)
:: förfader {c}
forefinger {n} (first finger next to the thumb)
:: pekfinger {n}
forefoot {n} (either of the front feet of a quadruped)
:: framfot {c}
foregoing {adj} (occurring before or in front of something else)
:: föregående
foreground {n} (The elements of an image which lie closest to the picture plane)
:: förgrund {c}
forehand {n} (stroke in racket sports)
:: forehand {c}, forehandslag {n}
forehead {n} (part of face above eyebrows)
:: panna
foreign {n} (foreigner) SEE: foreigner
foreign {adj} (located outside one's own country or place)
:: främmande
foreign {adj} (originating from or characteristic of a different country)
:: främmande, utländsk
foreign {adj} (belonging to a different organization)
:: främmande
foreign affairs {n} (policy)
:: utrikes ärende {n}, utrikespolitik {c}
foreign affairs {n} (department)
:: utrikesdepartement {n}, utrikesministerium {n}
foreign correspondent {n} (reporter based in a foreign country)
:: utrikeskorrespondent {c}
foreign country {n} (country of which one is not a citizen)
:: främmande land {n}
foreign currency {n} (currency used in a foreign country)
:: utländsk valuta {c}
foreign debt {n} (debt owed to foreigners)
:: utlandsskuld {c}
foreign debt {n} (aggregate of debt to foreigners)
:: utlandsskuld {c}
foreign direct investment {n} (direct investment into a country)
:: utländsk direktinvestering {c}
foreigner {n} (person in a foreign land)
:: utlänning {c}
foreign exchange {n} (foreign currency) SEE: foreign currency
foreign exchange market {n} (market for trading one currency for another)
:: valutamarknad {c}
foreign key {n} (column referencing another table)
:: främmande nyckel {c}
foreign language {n} (any language other than that spoken by the people of a specific place)
:: främmande språk {n}
foreign minister {n} (cabinet official)
:: utrikesminister {c}
foreign policy {n} (government's policy)
:: utrikespolitik {c}
foreign trade {n} (trade between a country and other countries)
:: utrikeshandel
foreland {n} (headland) SEE: headland
foreleg {n} (either of the two legs towards the front of a four-legged animal)
:: framben {n}
foreman {n} (leader of a work crew)
:: förman {c}, lagbas {c}
foreman {n} (member of a jury who presides over it and speaks on its behalf)
:: ordförande {c}, juryordförande {c}
foremast {n} (foremost mast)
:: fockmast {c}
forename {n} (a name that precedes surname)
:: förnamn {n}
forenoon {n} (morning) SEE: morning
forenoon {n} (forenoon - part of the day before noon)
:: förmiddag
foreplay {n} (foreplay)
:: förspel
forerunner {n} (precursor, harbinger)
:: föregångare {c}
forerunner {n} (forebear, ancestor, predecessor)
:: föregångare {c}
foresee {v} (to anticipate)
:: förutse
foreseeable {adj} (able to be foreseen or anticipated)
:: förutsebar
foresight {n} (ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future)
:: framsynthet {c}
foreskin {n} (prepuce / foreskin)
:: förhud {c}
forest {n} (dense collection of trees)
:: skog, skogsdunge
forest {n} (any dense collection)
:: skog {c}, kluster {n}, samling {c}
forest {v} (to cover an area with trees)
:: beskoga, återplantera
forestall {v} (to anticipate)
:: förekomma
forester {n} (person practicing forestry)
:: skogsvetare {c}, skogsmästare {c}, jägmästare {c}, skogsbrukare {c}, skogvaktare {c}
forester {n} (person who lives in a forest)
:: skogsfinne {c} , skogsman {c}, skogsbonde {c}
forest fire {n} (fire)
:: skogsbrand {c}
forestry {n} (science of planting and growing trees)
:: skogsvetenskap {c} , forstvetenskap {c}
forestry {n} (art and practice of planting and growing trees)
:: skogsbruk {n}
forestry {n} (art of cultivating, exploiting and renewing forests for commercial purposes)
:: skogsbruk {n}
forestry {n} (tree farming)
:: skogsbruk {n}
foretaste {n} (taste taken in advance)
:: försmak {n}
foretell {v} (to predict the future)
:: förutspå, förutsäga
forethoughtful {adj} (having forethought)
:: förtänksam, förutseende, framsynt
for ever {adv} (forever) SEE: forever
forever {adv} (for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time)
:: för alltid, för evigt
forever {adv} ((colloquially) constantly or frequently)
:: alltid
forever {n}
:: för alltid, för evigt
forever stamp {n} (postage stamp indefinitely valid for a given rate class)
:: valörlöst frimärke {n} , fixvärdemärke {n}
forewarn {v} (to warn in advance)
:: förvarna
foreword {n} (an introductory section)
:: förord {n}
for example {prep} (as an example)
:: till exempel, exempelvis
forfeit {v} (to give up in defeat)
:: förlora på walk over, lämna walk over
forfend {v} (prohibit; forbid; avert)
:: förbjuda, avvärja, beskydda
for free {prep} (without paying)
:: gratis
for fuck's sake {prep} (expressing anger, frustration, subtle annoyance)
:: för i helvete
forge {n} (furnace or hearth)
:: ässja {c}
forge {n} (workshop)
:: smedja {c}
forge {v} (to shape a metal)
:: smida
forge {v} (to create a forgery of)
:: förfalska
forgery {n} (invention) SEE: invention
forgery {n} (that which is forged or counterfeited)
:: förfalskning {c}, falsifikat {n}
forget {v} (to lose remembrance of)
:: glömma, förgäta
forget {v} (to unintentionally not do)
:: glömma
forget {v} (to leave behind)
:: glömma
forget {v} (to cease remembering)
:: glömma
forget {v}
:: förgäta
forgetful {adj} (liable to forget)
:: glömsk
forgetfulness {n} (proneness to let slip from the mind)
:: glömska
forgetfulness {n} (loss of remembrance)
:: minnesförlust {c}
forgetfulness {n} (failure to bear in mind)
:: glömska {c}
forget-me-not {n} (plant of the genus Myosotis)
:: förgätmigej
forgettable {adj} (easily forgotten)
:: förglömlig
forgive {v} (transitive, to pardon)
:: förlåta
forgiveness {n} (the action of forgiving)
:: förlåtelse {c}
forgiving {adj} (inclined to forgive)
:: förlåtande
forgo {v} (to do without)
:: avstå från
for God's sake {interj} (Exclamation of anger, surprise, or impatience)
:: för Guds skull
for good {prep} (forever; permanently)
:: för gott, för alltid, för evigt
forgotten {adj} (of which knowledge has been lost, which is no longer remembered)
:: glömd
for instance {adv} (as an example) SEE: for example
fork {n} (pronged tool)
:: grep {c}
fork {n} (eating utensil)
:: gaffel {c}
fork {n} (intersection)
:: gren {c}, förgrening {c}, vägskäl {n}, korsväg {c}
fork {n} (point where a waterway splits)
:: gren {c}, förgrening {c}
fork {n} (figurative: point in time of making a decision)
:: vägskäl {n}, vägval {n}, korsväg {c}
fork {n} (chess: simultaneous attack)
:: gaffel {c}
fork {n} (bicycle fork)
:: framgaffel {c}
fork {n} (tuning fork) SEE: tuning fork
fork {n} (forklift) SEE: forklift
fork {n} (UK: crotch) SEE: crotch
fork {n} (gallows) SEE: gallows
forkful {n} (amount a fork will hold)
:: gaffelbit
forklift {n} (small industrial vehicle)
:: gaffeltruck {c}, truck {c}
form {n} (shape or visible structure)
:: form {c}
form {n} (document to be filled in)
:: formulär {n}, blankett
form {v} (to give shape)
:: forma
form {v} (to constitute, to compose)
:: forma
form {n} (level of pre-collegiate education) SEE: grade
formal {adj} (being in accord with established forms)
:: formell
formaldehyde {n} (organic compound)
:: formaldehyd {c}
formaldehyde {n}
:: formaldehyd
formality {n}
:: formalitet
formalize {v} (to give something formal or official standing)
:: formalisera
format {n} (layout of a document)
:: format {n}
format {n} (computing: file type)
:: format {n}, filformat {n}
format {v} (create or edit the layout of a document)
:: formatera
format {v} (change a document so it will fit onto a different type of page)
:: formatera
format {v} (computing: prepare a mass storage medium for initial use)
:: formatera
formation {n} (something possessing structure or form)
:: formation
formation {n} (process of influencing or guiding a person to a deeper understanding of a particular vocation)
:: forma
formatting {n} (The style of a document's format)
:: formatering {c}
formatting {n} (The code in a markup language which determines a document's format)
:: formatering {c}
former {adj} (previous)
:: före detta, forna, förra
former {adj} (first of aforementioned two items)
:: föregående
formerly {adv} (at some time in the past)
:: fordom
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia {prop} (provisional designation of the Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia; North Macedonia)
:: Före detta jugoslaviska republiken Makedonien
form factor {n} (in quantum field theory)
:: formfaktor {c}
formic acid {n} (methanoic acid)
:: myrsyra {c}
formidable {adj} (causing fear, dread, awe or admiration as a result of size, strength, or some other impressive quality)
:: fruktansvärd
formidable {adj} (difficult to defeat or overcome)
:: formidabel
formless {adj} (without form)
:: formlös
Formosa {prop} (Taiwan) SEE: Taiwan
Formosa {prop} (name given to Taiwan island)
:: Formosa
formula {n} (in mathematics)
:: formel {c}
formula {n} (in chemistry)
:: formel {c}
formulate {v} (to reduce to, or express in, a formula; to put in a clear and definite form of statement or expression)
:: formulera
Fornax {prop} (constellation)
:: Ugnen {c}
fornication {n} (sexual intercourse considered illicit)
:: otukt {c}
for now {prep} (at the moment; until later)
:: för tillfället, just nu
for once {prep} (in a rare exception to the rule)
:: för en gångs skull
for real {adj} (genuine, true or natural)
:: riktig, korrekt, sann, på riktigt
for real {adv} (truly)
:: på riktigt
for rent {prep} (being offered for renting)
:: hyres-
forsake {v} (to abandon)
:: försaka, överge
for sale {prep} (being offered for purchase)
:: till salu
Forster's tern {n} (Sterna forsteri)
:: kärrtärna {c}
forsythia {n} (shrub of genus Forsythia)
:: forsythia {c}
fort {n} (fortified defensive structure stationed with troops)
:: fäste {n}, fort {n}
forte {n} (strength or talent)
:: stark sida {c}, styrka {c}
for that matter {prep} (as far as that is concerned)
:: för den delen
for the moment {adv} (at the moment) SEE: for the time being
for the most part {adv} (mostly)
:: i stor utsträckning, mestadels, för det mesta, till största delen
for the nonce {prep} (for the time being)
:: för tillfället, för stunden, för närvarande
for the time being {adv} (temporarily; until later)
:: tills vidare, för tillfället
forthright {adj} (straightforward; not evasive)
:: rättfram
forthwith {adv} (without delay, see also: immediately)
:: genast, med en gång, omedelbart
forties {n} (the decade of the 1840s, 1940s etc)
:: fyrtiotalet {n}, fyrtiotal {n}
fortieth {adj} (ordinal form of forty, see also: 40th)
:: fyrtionde
fortified wine {n} (wine with distilled beverage added)
:: starkvin {n}
fortify {v} (increase the defenses of)
:: befästa
fortify {v} (add spirits to wine)
:: spetsa
fortify {v} (increase the nutritional value)
:: berika
fortitude {n} (mental or emotional strength)
:: tapperhet
fortnight {n} (period of two weeks)
:: två veckor {p}, fjorton dagar
fortress {n} (fortified place)
:: fästning {c}
fortuitous {adj} (happening by chance, not necessarily a lucky one)
:: tillfällig, slumpartad
fortuitous {adj} (happening by a lucky chance)
:: slumpartad
fortuitously {adv} (in a fortuitous manner)
:: tillfälligtvis
fortunate {adj} (Lucky, favored by fortune)
:: lycklig
fortunately {adv} (it is fortunate that)
:: lyckligtvis, som tur är
fortune {n} (a chance)
:: tillfällighet {c}
fortune {n} (good luck)
:: tur {c}
fortune {n} (lots of riches)
:: förmögenhet {c}
fortune cookie {n} (snack)
:: lyckokaka {c}
fortune favors the bold {proverb} (luck favors the adventurous)
:: lyckan står den djärve bi
fortune hunter {n} (person who eagerly seeks wealth)
:: lyckosökare, lycksökare {c}, lycksökerska {c}
fortuneteller {n} (cootie catcher) SEE: cootie catcher
fortune-telling {n} (fortunetelling, predicting one's future)
:: spådom
forty {num} (the cardinal number occurring after thirty-nine)
:: fyrti, fyrtio
forty-eight {num} (48)
:: fyrtioåtta
forty-five {num} (45)
:: fyrtiofem
forty-four {num} (44)
:: fyrtiofyra
forty-nine {num} (49)
:: fyrtionio
forty-one {num} (41)
:: fyrtiett
forty-seven {num} (47)
:: fyrtiosju
forty-six {num} (46)
:: fyrtiosex
forty-three {num} (43)
:: fyrtiotre
forty-two {num} (Cardinal number)
:: fyrtiotvå
forum {n} (place for discussion)
:: forum {n}
forum {n} (Internet message board)
:: forum {n}
forward {adj} (at the front)
:: främre
forward {adj} (without customary restraint)
:: påflugen
forward {adj} (expected in the future)
:: framtida
forward {adv} (towards the front)
:: framåt
forward {adv} (into the future)
:: hädanefter
forward {v} (send (something received) to a third party)
:: vidarebefodra
forward {n} (player nearest to the opposing soccer team)
:: anfallare {c}
forward slash {n} (slash) SEE: slash
fossil {n} (The mineralized remains of an animal or plant)
:: fossil {n}
fossil fuel {n} (fuel)
:: fossilt bränsle {n}
foster {adj} (providing parental care to unrelated children)
:: adoptera
foster {v} (to nurture or bring up offspring; or to provide similar parental care to an unrelated child)
:: uppfostra
foster child {n} (child in foster care)
:: fosterbarn {n}
foster family {n} (family having at least one foster child)
:: fosterfamilj {c}
foster home {n} (adoptive parent's home)
:: familjehem {n}, fosterhem {n}
fosterling {n} (foster child) SEE: foster child
foul {v} (to make dirty)
:: smutsa ner
foul {v} (to besmirch)
:: befläcka
foul {v} (to commit a foul)
:: foula
foul {n} (offence in sports)
:: foul {c}, regelöverträdelse {c}, regelbrott {n}
foul-smelling {adj} (having a bad odour)
:: illaluktande
foul wind {n} (wind against traveled direction)
:: motvind {c}
found {v} (to start an organization)
:: grunda
found {v} (to begin building)
:: grundlägga
found {v}
:: grunda
found {v} (melt) SEE: melt
foundation {n} (act of founding)
:: grundläggning {c}
foundation {n} (that upon which anything is founded)
:: grund {c}, fundament {n}
foundation {n} (lowest and supporting part or member of a wall)
:: grund {c}, bas {c}
foundation {n} (legacy constituting a permanent fund of charitable institution)
:: grundplåt {c}, kapital {n}, fond {c}, arv {n}, testamente {n}, förmögenhet {c}, stiftelse {c}, donation {c}
foundation {n} (endowed institution or charity)
:: stiftelse {c}, fond {c}
foundation {n} (cosmetic cream)
:: foundation {c}
founder {n} (one who founds, establishes, and erects; one who lays a foundation; an author)
:: grundare {c}
founder {v} (to sink)
:: kantra
founding {n} (establishment of something)
:: grundande {n}
founding father {n} (man who founded something)
:: grundare {c}
foundling {n} (abandoned child, left by its parent)
:: hittebarn {n}
foundry {n} (facility that melts metals)
:: gjuteri {n}
fountain {n} (spring) SEE: spring
fountain {n} (artificial water feature)
:: fontän, springbrunn, vattenkonst
Fountain of Youth {prop} (legendary spring of water that restores youth)
:: ungdomens källa {c}
fountain pen {n} (pen containing a reservoir of ink)
:: reservoarpenna {c}
four {num} (the cardinal number 4)
:: fyra
four {n} (digit or figure 4)
:: fyra {c}
four by two {n} (Jew) SEE: Jew
four-eyes {n} (person who wears spectacles)
:: glasögonorm {c}, glasögonbärare {c}
fourfold {v}
:: fyrdubbla, fyrfaldiga
fourgie {n} (foursome)
:: fyrkant {c}
fourhorn sculpin {n} (a species of fish)
:: hornsimpa {c}
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {prop} (Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
:: Apokalypsens fyra ryttare {c-p}
Fourier transform {n} (mathematics: a process that expresses a function)
:: Fouriertransform {c}
four-leaf clover {n} (clover with four leaves)
:: fyrklöver
four-letter word {n} (swear word) SEE: swear word
four o'clock {n} (the start of the fifth hour)
:: klockan fyra
four of a kind {n} (four cards of the same rank)
:: fyrtal {n}
foursome {n} (sex act between four people)
:: fyrkant {c}
four-stroke engine {n} (type of engine)
:: fyrtaktsmotor {c}
fourteen {num} (cardinal number)
:: fjorton
fourteenth {adj} (ordinal form of the number fourteen, see also: 14th)
:: fjortonde
fourth {n} (quarter) SEE: quarter
fourth {adj} (ordinal form of the number four, see also: 4th)
:: fjärde
fourth {n} (person or thing in the fourth position)
:: fjärde {c}, fyra {c}
fourth {n} (fourth-highest gear of an engine)
:: fyra {c}
fourth cousin {n} (fourth cousin)
:: pyssling {c}, femmänning {c}
fourth official {n} (soccer official)
:: fjärdedomare {c}
fourth person {n} (person distinct from first, second, and third persons)
:: fjärde person {c}
four-wheeler {n} (vehicle with four wheels)
:: fyrhjuling {c}
fowl {n} (bird) SEE: bird
fowler {n} (a hunter of wildfowl)
:: fågelfängare {c}
fox {n} (Vulpes)
:: räv {c}
fox {n} (any of the species in the tribe Vulpini)
:: räv {c}
fox {n} (cunning person)
:: räv
foxberry {n} (plant and berry Vaccinium vitis-idaea) SEE: lingonberry
fox cub {n} (young fox)
:: rävunge {c}
foxglove {n} (plant of the genus Digitalis)
:: fingerborgsblomma {c}
foxling {n} (little fox) SEE: fox cub
foxtail {n} (tail of a fox)
:: rävsvans {c}
foxtail {n} (foxtail grass)
:: kavle {c} (Alopecurus)
foxtrot {n} (a ballroom dance)
:: foxtrot
foxy {adj} (having the qualities of a fox)
:: rävaktig
foxy {adj} (attractive, sexy)
:: snygg
foxy {adj} ((of a person) red-haired)
:: rödhårig
foyer {n} (lobby, corridor, or waiting room)
:: foajé {c}, entré {c}
Fårö {prop} (the island)
:: Fårö
fracking {n} (hydraulic fracturing) SEE: hydraulic fracturing
fractal {n} (self-similar geometric figure)
:: fraktal {c}
fractal {n} (figure irregular at all scales)
:: fraktal {c}
fraction {n} (part of a whole)
:: bråkdel {c}
fraction {n} (arithmetic: ratio)
:: bråk {n}
fragile {adj} (easily broken or destroyed)
:: ömtålig, skör
fragility {n} (condition or quality of being fragile)
:: skörhet {c}, ömtålighet {c}
fragment {n} (portion or segment of an object)
:: fragment {n}
fragrance {n} (pleasant smell or odour)
:: doft {c}, vällukt {c}, arom {c}, vällukt {c}, arom {c}
frail {adj}
:: skröplig
frame {v} (add a decorative border to a picture)
:: rama, rama in
frame {v} (position visually within a fixed boundary)
:: komponera
frame {v} (establish a context in words)
:: utforma
frame {v} (cause a person to appear guilty)
:: sätta dit
frame {n} (structural elements of a building or other constructed object)
:: stomme, bjälklag
frame {n} (structure of a person's body)
:: kroppsbyggnad
frame {n} (rigid, generally rectangular mounting)
:: ram
frame {n} (piece of photographic film containing an image)
:: bildruta
frame {n} (chunk of data)
:: ram
frame lock {n}
:: frame lock-kniv
framer {n} (picture framer)
:: rammakare {c}
framer {n} (timber framer)
:: timmerman {c}
framer {n} (legislator)
:: lagstiftare {c}
frame saw {n} (design of saw)
:: ramsåg {c}
framework {n} (a basic conceptual structure)
:: ramverk {n}
franc {n} (former currency of France and Belgium)
:: franc {c}
France {prop} (country)
:: Frankrike
franchise {n} (right to vote at a public election)
:: rösträtt {c}
franchisee {n} (holder of a franchise)
:: franchisetagare
Francis {prop} (male given name)
:: Frans
francium {n} (chemical element)
:: francium
Franco- {prefix} (relating to France or French)
:: fransk, fransk-, franko-
Franconia {prop} (region of Germany)
:: Franken {n}
Francophone {adj} (French-speaking)
:: franskspråkig, fransktalande
frank {adj} (bluntly honest)
:: uppriktig, rättfram
frank {v} (to place a frank on an envelope)
:: frankera
Frank {n} (one of the Franks)
:: frank {c}
Frank {prop} (male given name)
:: Frank
frankenword {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word
frankfurter {n} (type of sausage) SEE: wiener
frankfurter {n} (type of sausage) SEE: Vienna sausage
frankincense {n} (incense)
:: rökelse
Frankish {prop} (the language of the Franks)
:: frankiska {c}
Franklin's gull {n} (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
:: präriemås {c}
frankly {adv} ((sentence adverb) In truth, to tell the truth)
:: ärligt talat
Fransén-Robinson constant {prop} (integral of the reciprocal gamma function over the positive real numbers)
:: Fransén–Robinsons konstant {c}
frantic {adj} (In a state of panic, worry, frenzy or rush)
:: hektisk, frenetisk
Franz Josef Land {prop} (archipelago in Russia)
:: Frans Josefs land {n}
fraternal nephew {n} (brother's son)
:: brorson {c}
fraternal niece {n} (brother's daughter)
:: brorsdotter {c}
fraternize {v} (to associate with others in a brotherly manner)
:: förbrödra
fraternize {v} (to associate as friends with an enemy)
:: fraternisera
fratricide {n} (killing of one's sibling)
:: brodermord {n}, brödramord {n}
fratricide {n} (person who commits this crime)
:: brodermördare {c}, brodermörderska {c}
fraud {n} (an act of deception)
:: bedrägeri {n}, svindel {c}
fraud {n} (assumption of a false identity to such deceptive end)
:: bedrägeri {n}, förfalskning {c}
fraud {n} (one who performs fraud)
:: bedragare {c}
fraudster {n} (a person who practices fraud)
:: bedragare {c}
fraudulence {n} (condition of being fraudulent)
:: bedräglighet
fraudulent {adj} (dishonest; based on fraud or deception)
:: falsk
fraudulent {adj} (false; phony)
:: falsk, förfalskad
fraught {adj} (charged or accompanied with)
:: full, hell
fraught {adj} (distressed)
:: belastad
fraxinella {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant
frazil {n}
:: kravis
freak show {n} (freak show)
:: missfostercirkus
freckle {n} (small pigmentation spot on the skin)
:: fräkne {c}
freckled {adj} (having freckles)
:: fräknig
Frederica {prop} (female given name)
:: Fredrika
Frederick {prop} (male given name)
:: Fredrik {c}
free {adj} (not imprisoned)
:: fri
free {adj} (unconstrained)
:: fri
free {adj} (not in use)
:: ledig
free {adj} (without obligations)
:: fri
free {adj} (software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement)
:: fri
free {adj}
:: fri, lös, släppt
free {adv} (without needing to pay)
:: gratis
free {v} (make free)
:: frigöra, befria, frita(ga)
free {adj} (obtainable without payment) SEE: free of charge
-free {suffix} (free from; without)
:: -fri
free cash flow {n} (measure of a company's financial performance)
:: fritt kassaflöde {n}
freedom {n} (not being imprisoned or enslaved)
:: frihet {c}
freedom {n} (The lack of a specific constraint)
:: frihet, frihetsgrad
freedom {n}
:: frihet
freedom fighter {n} (fighter)
:: frihetskämpe {c}
freedom fries {n} (french fries) SEE: french fries
freedom of assembly {n} (right of citizens to freely congregate or assemble)
:: mötesfrihet {c}
freedom of association {n} (right)
:: föreningsfrihet {c}, organisationsfrihet {c}
freedom of movement {n} (the right of a citizen to travel within a state, and to leave and return to that state)
:: rörelsefrihet
freedom of religion {n} (the right to hold any religious beliefs)
:: religionsfrihet {c}, trosfrihet {c}
freedom of speech {n} (right to speak without fear of harm) SEE: free speech
freedom of the press {n} (right of media to disseminate ideas and opinions)
:: tryckfrihet {c}, pressfrihet {c}
freedom to roam {n} (right to access public or privately owned land)
:: allemansrätten
free-for-all {n} (chaos)
:: huggsexa {c}
free kick {n} (kick played without interference of opposition)
:: frispark {c}
freelance {n} (one who sells their services to clients with short-term contracts)
:: frilans {c}
freelance {v} (intransitive: to work as a freelance)
:: frilansa
freelancer {n} (who freelances)
:: frilans {c}, frilansare {c}
freeloader {n} (one who does not contribute or pay appropriately)
:: snyltare
free market {n} (type of market)
:: fri marknad {c}
freemason {n} (freemason) SEE: Freemason
Freemason {n} (member of the Free and Accepted Masons)
:: frimurare {m}
freemium {n}
:: freemium {c}
free of charge {adv} (without any payment - adverb) SEE: for free
free of charge {adj} (not requiring any payment - adjective)
:: gratis, fri, kostnadsfri
free-range {adj} (pertaining to animals that are allowed to roam freely)
:: frigående
free sheet {n} (freesheet) SEE: freesheet
freesheet {n} (a free newspaper)
:: gratistidning {c}
free software {n} (software that can be freely copied and modified)
:: fri programvara {n}
free speech {n} (right to express an opinion in public)
:: yttrandefrihet
free-standing {adj} (free-standing) SEE: freestanding
freestanding {adj} (standing or set apart)
:: fristående
freestyle {n} (swimming event)
:: frisim {n}
freestyle {n} (front crawl)
:: frisim
freestyle skiing {n} (skiing discipline)
:: freestyle {c}
free time {n} (time that can be spent on one's own activities rather than work)
:: fritid
free trade {n} (trade free from government interference)
:: frihandel {c}
free up {v} (to make (space) available)
:: frigöra
freeway {n} (road designed for safe high-speed motoring)
:: motorväg
free will {n} (natural inclination)
:: egen vilja {c}
free will {n} (ability to choose one's actions)
:: fri vilja {c}
freeze {v} (to become solid due to low temperature)
:: frysa
freeze {v} (to lower something's temperature to freezing point)
:: frysa
freeze {v} (of temperature, to drop below zero)
:: frysa
freeze {v} (of machines and software: to come to a sudden halt)
:: hänga
freeze {v} (to become motionless)
:: frysa
freeze {n} (period of cold)
:: köldknäpp {c}
freeze {n} (halt of regular operation)
:: stopp {n}
freezer {n} (part of a refrigerator)
:: frysfack {n}
freezer {n} (stand-alone appliance)
:: frys {c}
freezer burn {n} (desiccation caused by being kept in a freezer too long)
:: frysbränna {c}
freezing point {n} (temperature)
:: fryspunkt {c}
freezing rain {n} (rain which freezes upon contact with the ground)
:: underkylt regn
Freiburg {prop} (a German city)
:: Freiburg
freight {n} (payment for transportation)
:: frakt, fraktavgift
freight {n} (goods)
:: fraktgods
freight {n} (transport of goods)
:: frakt {c}
freight {v} (to transport goods)
:: frakta
freighter {n} (vessel used to carry freight) SEE: cargo ship
freight train {n} (train used for transportation of freight) SEE: goods train
french {v} (to kiss another person) SEE: French kiss
french {v} (to kiss) SEE: French kiss
French {prop} (principal language of France and other related countries)
:: franska {c}
French {n} (people of France, collectively)
:: fransmän, fransoser
French {adj} (of or relating to France)
:: fransk
French {adj} (of or relating to the French people)
:: fransk
French {adj} (of or relating to the French language)
:: fransk, franskspråkig
French bread {n} (a long thin loaf of bread) SEE: baguette
french fries {n} (deep fried strips of potato)
:: pommes frites {c}, strips {p}
French Guiana {prop} (Department of French Guiana)
:: Franska Guyana
Frenchify {v}
:: förfranska
French kiss {n} (a kiss involving the tongue)
:: tungkyss {c}
French kiss {v} (to give a French kiss)
:: tungkyssa
French leave {n} (sudden or unannounced departure)
:: bondpermission {c}, bondpermis {c}
French letter {n} (condom) SEE: condom
Frenchman {n} (man of French birth or nationality)
:: fransman {c}, fransos {c}
French Polynesia {prop} (Overseas territory of France)
:: Franska Polynesien
French Republic {prop} (country)
:: Franska republiken, Republiken Frankrike {c}
French Republican Calendar {prop} (calendar used for twelve years in revolutionary France)
:: franska revolutionskalendern {c}, republikanska kalendern {c}
French Riviera {prop} (French Riviera)
:: Franska rivieran
French stick {n} (a long thin loaf of bread) SEE: baguette
French toast {n} (food prepared by dipping bread into egg batter and frying)
:: fattiga riddare {c-p}
Frenchwoman {n} (a French woman)
:: fransyska {c}
frenulum {n} (anatomy: small fold of tissue preventing an organ in the body from moving too far)
:: frenulum , penissträng {c}, ollonsträng {c}
frequency {n} (rate of occurrence of anything)
:: frekvens
frequency {n} (number of occurrences divided by time)
:: frekvens
frequency modulation {n} (use of a modulating wave)
:: frekvensmodulering {c}
frequentative {n} (subclass of imperfective verbs that denotes a continuously repeated action)
:: frekventativ {c}
frequently {adv} (at frequent intervals)
:: ofta
fresco {n} (artwork made by applying water-based pigment to wet or fresh lime mortar or plaster)
:: fresk {c}, freskomålning {c}
fresh {adj} (new or clean)
:: fräsch
fresh {adj} (of produce, not from storage)
:: färsk
fresh {adj} (refreshing or cool)
:: frisk
fresh {adj} (without salt)
:: färsk, färsk-
fresh air {n} (clean air from outside)
:: frisk luft {c}
freshman {n} (a person of either sex entering the first year of an institution)
:: förstaårselev {c}, recentior {c}
freshness {n} (freshness)
:: frisk
fresh water {n} (water with little salt)
:: sötvatten {n}, färskvatten {n}
freshwater {adj} (living in fresh water)
:: sötvattens-
freshwater {n} (fresh water) SEE: fresh water
freshwater pearl mussel {n} (Margaritifera margaritifera)
:: flodpärlmussla {c}
fresh yeast {n} (fresh yeast)
:: färsk jäst
fret {v} (to bind, tie) SEE: bind
fret {n} (one of the pieces of metal, etc., across the neck of a guitar or other string instrument)
:: band {n}, greppband {n}, tvärband {n}
fretless {adj} (having no frets)
:: bandlös
Freudian {adj} (relating to or influenced by Sigmund Freud)
:: freudiansk
Freudian {adj} (susceptible to analysis in terms of unconscious thoughts or desires)
:: freudiansk
Freudian {n} (a follower of Sigmund Freud)
:: freudian {c}
Freudian slip {n} (subconscious mistake in speech or action)
:: freudiansk felsägning {c}
Freya {prop} (Norse goddess of love)
:: Freja
Freya {prop} (female given name)
:: Freja
friar's cowl {n} (species of plant)
:: munkkåpa {c}
fricative {n} (consonant)
:: frikativa {c}
friction {n} (The rubbing of one object or surface against another)
:: friktion {c}
friction {n} (conflict)
:: friktion {c}
friction {n} (A force that resists the relative motion or tendency to such motion of two bodies in contact)
:: friktion {c}
frictionless {adj} (of or pertaining to lack of friction)
:: friktionsfri
Friday {n} (day of the week)
:: fredag {c}
fried {adj} (cooked by frying)
:: stekt, friterad
fried egg {n} (egg that has been shallow fried)
:: stekt ägg {n}
fried rice {n} (form of rice)
:: stekt ris {n}
friend {v} (to act as the friend of)
:: hjälpa, gynna, stödja
friend {n} (person whose company one enjoys)
:: kamrat {c}, vän {c}, väninna {c}
friend {n} (boyfriend or girlfriend)
:: pojkvän {m}, flickvän {c}
friend {n} (person with whom you are acquainted)
:: bekant, vän {c}, väninna {c}
friend {n} (person who provides assistance)
:: allierad {c}, vän {c}, väninna {c}
friend {n} (person who backs something)
:: anhängare {c}, vän {c}, väninna {c}
friendless {adj} (without friends)
:: vänlös
friendlily {adv} (friendly) SEE: friendly
friendly {adj} (approachable, warm)
:: vänlig
friendly {adj} (characteristic of friendliness)
:: vänlig
friendly {adv} (in a friendly manner)
:: vänligt
friendly {n} (sports: game) SEE: exhibition game
friendly match {n} (exhibition game) SEE: exhibition game
friends {n} (participants in a two-way friendship)
:: vänner {c-p}
friendship {n} ((uncountable) condition of being friends)
:: vänskap {c}
friend with benefits {n} (friend with whom one has a casual sexual relationship)
:: knullkompis {c}
Friesland {prop} (province of the Netherlands)
:: Friesland {n}
frieze {n} (kind of coarse cloth)
:: fris {c}
frieze {n} (architecture: space between architrave and cornice)
:: fris {c}
frig {v} (to masturbate)
:: pulla, onanera
frigate {n} (An obsolete type of sailing warship)
:: fregatt {c}
frigate {n} (A 19th c. type of warship)
:: fregatt {c}
frigate {n} (A modern type of warship)
:: fregatt {c}
frigatebird {n} (bird of the family Fregatidae)
:: fregattfågel {c}
Frigg {prop} (Germanic goddess)
:: Frigg {c}, Frigga {c}
fright {n} (A state of terror excited by the sudden appearance of danger)
:: skräck {c}, fruktan {c}, fasa {c}
frighten {v} (to disturb with fear)
:: skrämma
frightening {adj} (scary)
:: skrämmande
frigid {adj} (chilly in manner; lacking affection or zeal; impassive)
:: kylig
frigid {adj} (sexually unresponsive, especially of a woman)
:: frigid
frill {n} (pleated material used as decoration)
:: volang {c}, rynk {n}
Frimaire {prop} (the third month of the French Republican Calendar)
:: frimaire {c}, rimfrostmånad {c}, frostmånad {c}
fringe {n} (decorative border)
:: frans {c}
fringe {n} (peripheral part)
:: periferi {c}, utkant {c}, gränstrakt {c}, rand {c}, ytterområde {n}
fringe {n} (the periphery of a city)
:: utkant {c}, ytterområde {n}
fringe {n} (non-mainstream theatre)
:: experimentell teater {c}, avantgardeteater {c}
fringe {adj} (outside the mainstream)
:: marginal-, avantgarde-, rand-, alternativ-
Frisbee {n} (disk)
:: frisbee
friseur {n} (a hairdresser)
:: frisör {c}
Frisian {prop} (the Frisian language group)
:: frisiska {c}
Frisian {n} (person from the Dutch province of Friesland)
:: fris {c}, frisiska {c}
Frisian {adj}
:: frisisk
Frisian {prop} (the West Frisian language) SEE: West Frisian
frisk {v} (to search somebody by feeling their clothes)
:: visitera
frittata {n} (omelette) SEE: omelette
Friulian {prop} (language spoken in Friuli)
:: friuliska {c}
frivolous {adj} (silly; especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner)
:: frivol
frock {n} (female garment)
:: klänning {c}
frog {n} (amphibian)
:: groda {c}
frog legs {n} (hind legs of frog as food)
:: grodlår {n-p}
frogman {n} (diver)
:: grodman {c}
frogspawn {n} (frogs' eggs)
:: grodrom {c}
frolic {v} (behave playfully and uninhibitedly)
:: leka
from {prep} (with the source or provenance of or at)
:: från, ur
from {prep} (with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at)
:: från
from {prep} (with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of)
:: från
from A to Z {prep} (comprehensively)
:: från A till Ö
from cover to cover {adv} (from the first page to the last page)
:: från pärm till pärm
from now on {adv} (from now, indefinitely)
:: från och med nu, framöver
from the bottom of one's heart {prep} (in earnest, with one's full feelings)
:: från djupet av sitt hjärta, av allt hjärta
from time to time {prep} (occasionally)
:: då och då, stundom
front {n} (facing side)
:: framsida {c}
front {n} (main entrance side)
:: framsida {c}
front {n} (public face of covert organisation)
:: bulvan {c}
front {n} (meteorology: interface between airmasses)
:: front {c}
front {n} (military: area or line of conflict)
:: front {c}
frontal lobe {n} (division of cerebrum)
:: pannlob {c}, frontallob {c}
front crawl {n} (freestyle) SEE: freestyle
front desk {n} (reception) SEE: reception
front door {n} (main entrance)
:: ytterdörr
frontier {n} (part of a country that fronts or faces another country or an unsettled region)
:: landgräns {c}, gräns {c}
frontiersman {n} (person who resides near a border) SEE: borderer
frontispiece {n} (publishing: title page) SEE: title page
frontispiece {n} (publishing: illustration)
:: frontespis {c}, vinjettbild {c}, vinjettplansch {c}
frontispiece {n} (façade)
:: frontespis {c}
frontispiece {n} (small ornamental pediment)
:: frontespis {c}
front line {n} (military boundary between opposing positions)
:: frontlinje
front runner {n} (most likely winner in a contest, election, etc.)
:: favorit {c}, huvudkandidat {c}
front-wheel drive {n} (layout in which only ront wheels drive)
:: framhjulsdrift {c}
front yard {n} (area with greenery to the front of the house)
:: framsida {c}
frosh {n} (frog) SEE: frog
frost {n} (cover of minute ice crystals)
:: frost {c}, rimfrost {c}
frost {n} (cold weather that would cause frost)
:: frost {c}
frost {v} (to get covered with frost)
:: frosta
frost {v} (to coat with white icing to resemble frost)
:: glacera
frostbite {n} (the freezing of some part of the body)
:: köldskada {c}, förfrysning {c}
frost fair {n}
:: frostmarknad {c}
frosting {n} (a sugary coating for cakes and other baked goods)
:: glasyr
frothy {adj} (foamy or churned)
:: skummande
frounce {v} (to crease, wrinkle) SEE: frown
frounce {v} (to curl) SEE: curl
frown {v} (to have a frown on one's face)
:: rynka pannan
frozen {adj} (having undergone freezing)
:: fryst, frusen
Fructidor {prop} (the twelfth month of the French Republican Calendar)
:: fructidor {c}, fruktmånad {c}
fructify {v} (to bear fruit)
:: bära frukt
fructose {n} (monosaccharide ketose sugar)
:: fruktos, fruktsocker
frugal {adj} (economical, avoiding waste, thrifty)
:: frugal, sparsam
frugivore {n} (animal that eats mostly fruit)
:: fruktätare {c}
fruit {n} (part of plant)
:: frukt {c}
fruit {n} (food)
:: frukt {c}
fruit {n} (figuratively: positive end result or reward of labour or effort)
:: avkastning {c}, behållning {c}, frukt {c}, nytta {c}, produkt {c}, resultat {n}
fruit {n} (figuratively: child of a marriage)
:: avkomma {c}, frukt {c}, livsfrukt {c}
fruit {n} (offensive slang: homosexual or effeminate man)
:: bög {c}, fikus {c}
fruit {v} (to produce fruit)
:: ge frukt, avkasta
fruit bat {n} (bat of the family Pteropodidae) SEE: megabat
fruitcake {n} (cake)
:: fruktkaka {c}
fruitcake {n} (crazy person)
:: toka, tok, galning, knäppgök
fruitcake {n} (homosexual)
:: bög {c}
fruition {n} (fulfillment of something worked for)
:: förverkligande
fruit juice {n} (juice of fruit)
:: fruktsaft {c}
fruit salad {n} (salad made of fruit)
:: fruktsallad {c}
fruit tree {n} (a tree that bears a crop of edible fruit on a regular basis)
:: fruktträd {n}
frustrated {adj} (suffering from frustration; dissatisfied, agitated, and/or discontent)
:: frustrerad
frustrating {adj} (discouraging; causing annoyance or anger by excessive difficulty)
:: frustrerande
frustration {n} (feeling of annoyance)
:: frustration {c}
fry {v} (to cook (something) in hot fat or oil)
:: steka
fry {v} ((intransitive) cook in hot fat or oil)
:: steka
fry {v} (suffer because of too much heat)
:: steka
fry {n} (young fish)
:: yngel, fiskyngel
frying pan {n} (long-handled, shallow pan used for frying food)
:: stekpanna {c}, stekplåt {c}
Fu-chien {prop} (Fujian) SEE: Fujian
fuchsia {n} (plant)
:: fuchsia {c}
fuchsia {n} (colour)
:: fuchsia
fuck {v} (to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar)
:: knulla
fuck {n} (an act of sexual intercourse)
:: ligg {n}, knull {n}
fuck {n} (sexual partner)
:: ligg {n}, knull {n}
fuck {interj} (expression of dismay or discontent)
:: fan!, satan!
fuckability {n} (being desirable for sexual relations)
:: knullbarhet
fuckable {adj} (sexually attractive)
:: knullbar
fuck buddy {n} (vulgar term for a sex partner without emotional attachment)
:: knullkompis {c}
fucked up {adv} (damaged)
:: paj, skadad
fucked up {adv} (reprehensible)
:: sjuk, vrickad, fuckad
fucked up {adv} (in disarray or dishevelment)
:: förstörd
fucked up {adv} (drunk)
:: packad
fucking {n} (an act of sexual intercourse)
:: ligg {n}
fucking {adj} (as an intensifier)
:: jävla
fucking {adj} (offensive or worthless)
:: jävla, satans
fucking {adv} (an intensifier)
:: jävla
fuck off {v} (go to hell, disappear, screw oneself)
:: dra åt helvete
fuck off {interj} (go away!)
:: dra åt helvete!, stick och brinn!
fucktard {n} (an extraordinarily stupid person)
:: mongo {n}, kioskmongo {n}, cp {n}
fuck up {v} (to make a mistake, to go wrong)
:: misslyckas
fuck up {v} (to botch or make a mess of)
:: sabba
fuck up {v} (to injure or damage)
:: skada, sabba
fuck you {n} (fuck you)
:: dra åt helvete (go to hell)
fudge {n} (a very sweet confection)
:: mjuk kola
Fuegian {adj} (of or pertaining to Tierra del Fuego)
:: eldsländsk
Fuegian {n} (someone from Tierra del Fuego)
:: eldsländare {c}
fuel {n} (substance consumed to provide energy)
:: bränsle {n}
fuel cell {n} (electrochemical device)
:: bränslecell {c}
fuel tank {n} (a container of fuel)
:: bränsletank {c}
fugacious {adj} (Fleeting, fading quickly, transient)
:: flyktig, förgänglig
fugly {adj} (extremely ugly)
:: asful, skitful
fugue {n} (piece of music)
:: fuga {c}
Fujian {prop} (province of China)
:: Fujian
Fukushima {prop} (Fukushima, Japan)
:: Fukushima
fulcrum {n} (support about which a lever pivots)
:: rotationspunkt, ledpunkt, vridningspunkt
fulfill {v} (to carry out)
:: uppfylla
full {adj} (containing the maximum possible amount)
:: full
full {adj} (complete)
:: fullödig, fullständig
full {adj} (satisfied, in relation to eating)
:: mätt
full {n} (phase of the moon) SEE: full moon
full-back {n} ((soccer) a player who plays on the left or right side of defence)
:: ytterback {c}
full-blown {adj} (at the peak of blossom)
:: fullt utslagen
full employment {n} (a policy goal state in which all those wanting employment at the prevailing wages can find it)
:: full sysselsättning {c}
full-fledged {adj} (having all its feathers; able to fly)
:: fullfjädrad
full-fledged {adj} (having full qualification, credentials or preparation)
:: fullfjädrad
full house {n} (three of a kind and a pair)
:: kåk {c}
full moon {n} (phase of moon when in opposition to sun)
:: fullmåne {c}
full screen {adj} (occupying all the available displayable surface)
:: helskärm {c}, helskärmsläge {n}
full speed ahead {adj} (nautical)
:: full fart framåt
full speed ahead {adj} (idiom, maximum effort)
:: full fart framåt
full stop {n} (The punctuation mark “.”)
:: punkt {c}
full stop {interj} (And nothing less)
:: och därmed basta!, punkt slut
full-throated {adj} (having ample breasts) SEE: buxom
full-time {adj} (Involving a full amount of time spent on some activity)
:: heltids-
full-time {adv} (Spending a full amount of time)
:: heltid
fulmar {n} (seabird in the genus Fulmarus)
:: stormfågel {c}
fumarole {n} (opening in the crust of an astronomical body that emits steam and gases)
:: fumarol {c}
fumble {v} (To blunder uncertainly)
:: fumla sig, fumla
fume cupboard {n}
:: dragskåp {n}
fume hood {n} (a ventilated compartment in which chemical procedures may be undertaken)
:: dragskåp {n}
fun {n} (enjoyment or amusement)
:: skoj
fun {adj} (enjoyable, amusing)
:: rolig, kul, skojig
function {n} (what something does or is used for)
:: funktion {c}, uppgift {c}
function {n} (professional or official position)
:: förrättning {c}, kall {n}, syssla {c}, åliggande {n},
function {n} (official or social occasion)
:: bjudning {c}, tillställning {c}
function {n} (relation where one thing is dependent on another)
:: funktion {c}
function {n} (mathematics: a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs)
:: funktion
function {n} (computing: routine that returns a result)
:: funktion {c}, subrutin {c}
function {n} (biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part)
:: funktion {c}
function {n} (chemistry: characteristic behavior of a chemical compound)
:: funktion {c}
function {v} (to have a function)
:: fungera, tjänstgöra, verka
function {v} (to carry on a function)
:: fungera, tjänstgöra
functional {adj} (in good working order)
:: fungerande
functional {adj} (useful, serving a purpose)
:: funktionell
functional {n} (a function that takes a function as its argument)
:: funktional {c}
functional group {n} (characteristic grouping of elements)
:: funktionell grupp {c}
functionalist {adj} (relating to functionalism)
:: funktionalistisk
functionality {n} (ability)
:: funktionalitet {c}
functionary {n} (a person employed as an official in a bureaucracy)
:: statstjänsteman, ämbetsman
functioning {adj} (functional) SEE: functional
function space {n} (metric space whose elements are functions)
:: funktionsrum {n}
functor {n} (category theory: category mapping)
:: funktor {c}
fund {n} (sum or source of money)
:: fond {c}, kapital {n}
fund {v} (to pay for)
:: finansiera
fundament {n} (anus) SEE: anus
fundament {n} (foundation) SEE: foundation
fundamental {adj} (pertaining to the foundation or basis; serving for the foundation)
:: grundläggande, fundamental
fundamental force {n} (force between elementary particles) SEE: fundamental interaction
fundamental interaction {n} (basic forces that act between elementary particles)
:: fundamental växelverkan {c}
fundamentalism {n} (religion)
:: fundamentalism {c}
fundamentalist {n} (one who reduces religion to strict interpretation of core or original texts)
:: fundamentalist {c}
funding {n} (money provided as funds)
:: finansiering {c}
fundraising {n} (raising money)
:: insamling, pengainsamling
Funen {prop} (the second largest island of Denmark)
:: Fyn
funeral {n} (ceremony to honour a deceased person)
:: begravning {c}
funeral director {n} (undertaker) SEE: undertaker
funeral home {n} (mortuary)
:: begravningsbyrå {c}
funeral home {n} (business providing funeral services)
:: begravningsbyrå {c}
funerary {adj} (relating to a funeral)
:: compounds with begravning
fungus {n} (any member of the kingdom Fungi)
:: svamp
fun house {n} (euphemism for brothel)
:: glädjehus {n}
funicular {n} (rail transit system)
:: bergbana {c}
funk {n} (spark) SEE: spark
funk {n} (genre of popular music)
:: funk {c}
funnel {n} (utensil used to guide poured liquids)
:: tratt {c}
funnel {n} (smoke flue, chimney) SEE: chimney
funnel cake {n} (specialty baked good)
:: Finland: struva {c}; Sweden: funnel cake
funnel chanterelle {n} (Craterellus tubaeformis)
:: trattkantarell {c}, trattis {c} , höstkantarell {c}
funny {adj} (amusing; comical)
:: rolig, komisk, lustig, skojig
funny {adj} (strange; unusual)
:: konstig, märklig, underlig, sällsam
funny bone {n} (nerve)
:: tjuvsena {c}, änkestöt {c}
funny farm {n} (informal term for lunatic asylum) SEE: madhouse
fur {n} (hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick)
:: päls {c}
fur {n} (hairy skin processed to serve as clothing)
:: päls {c}
fur beetle {n} (Attagenus pellio)
:: pälsänger
fur coat {n} (coat made of animal fur)
:: pälskappa {c}, päls {c}
furious {adj} (transported with passion or fury)
:: ursinnig, rasande, furiös
furlough {n} (leave of absence)
:: permission
furnace {n} (device for heating in a factory, melting metals, etc)
:: masugn {c}
furnace {n} (device for heating) SEE: oven
furnish {v} (to provide with furniture or other equipment)
:: inreda, möblera
furnish {v} (to supply)
:: tillhandahålla, förse
furnished {adj} (equipped with whatever is needed)
:: försedd, utrustad
furnished {adj} (supplied with furniture)
:: möblerad, inredd
furniture {n} (large movable items)
:: möbel
furrier {n} (person who sells, makes and deals otherwise with fur)
:: körsnär {c}, buntmakare {c}
furrow {v} (to wrinkle) SEE: wrinkle
furrow {n} (trench cut in the soil)
:: fåra, plogfåra
furrow {n} (deep wrinkle in the skin of the face)
:: fåra, rynka
furry {adj} (covered with fur)
:: pälsig
furry {n} (member of the furry fandom)
:: furry {c}, pälsare {c}
fur seal {n} (marine mammal)
:: pälssäl {c}
further education {n} (education beyond compulsory schooling)
:: vidareutbildning {c}
furthermore {adv} (In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information)
:: därutöver, dessutom, vidare
furuncle {n} (boil) SEE: boil
fury {n} (extreme anger)
:: raseri {n}, vrede {c}, ursinne {n}
fury {n} (an angry or malignant person)
:: furie {c}
Fury {prop} (female personification of vengeance)
:: furie {c}
fuse {n} (cord)
:: stubin, stubintråd
fuse {n} (device igniting charge)
:: tändrör
fuse {n} (device preventing overloading of a circuit)
:: säkring, propp
fuse {v} (transitive: to melt together)
:: sammansmälta
fuse {v} (intransitive: to melt together)
:: sammansmälta
fuse {v} (transitive: to furnish with a fuse)
:: säkra
fuselage {n} (main body of aerospace vehicle)
:: flygkropp {c}, flygplanskropp
fusilli {n} (pasta)
:: fusilli
fusion {n} (act of melting something by heating it)
:: fusion {c}, smältning {c}
fussy {adj} (particular about details)
:: petig
futile {adj} (incapable of producing results)
:: meningslös, lönlös, fåfäng
futility {n} (quality of being futile)
:: meningslöshet {c}, fruktlöshet {c}, värdelöshet {c}
futsal {n} (form of soccer)
:: futsal
futtock {n} (curved rib-like timbers)
:: ziltror {c}, uplangor {c}, ribbe {c}
future {n} (the time ahead)
:: framtid {c}
future {n} (grammar) SEE: future tense
future tense {n} (time form of a verb)
:: futurum
futurism {n} (study of possible futures) SEE: futurology
futurist {n} (one who studies and predicts possible futures) SEE: futurologist
futurologist {n} (person)
:: framtidsforskare {c}
futurology {n} (scientific forecasting of future trends in science, technology or society)
:: framtidsstudier, futurologi {c}
fuzz {n} (cop) SEE: cop
fuzz {n} (police) SEE: police
fuzzy {adj} (vague or imprecise)
:: luddig, dimmig
fuzzy {adj} (not clear; unfocused)
:: suddig, otydlig
FXML {prop}
:: FXML {n}
FX risk {n} (currency risk) SEE: currency risk
fy {interj} (expression)
:: fy
fylfot {n} (swastika) SEE: swastika
fynbos {n} (fynbos)
:: fynbos