-d {suffix}
:: your (second-person singular informal, single possession)
-d {suffix}
:: Used in the second-person singular definite forms of transitive verbs
-d {suffix}
:: When attached directly to a verb stem, it may be the combined form of a covert (∅) allophone of -j and the regular suffix -d, marking the short form of the second-person singular definite subjunctive
-d {suffix}
:: A frequentative suffix or denoting the beginning of a process
-d {suffix}
:: In this role, it is no longer productive. It can be found in place names, given names, and a few other words
-d {suffix}
:: Added to a cardinal number to form a fraction. It is used with a linking vowel, see -ad, -od, -ed, -öd
d {letter}
:: letter: dé
D {n}
:: s. (south)
D {letter}
:: letter: dé
-da {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to form a noun indicating the place of the action
dac {n}
:: defiance
dacára {postp}
:: despite, in spite of, notwithstanding
dacol {v}
:: defy, resist out of spite (someone or something val)
dacol {v}
:: brave, outbrave (to stand out bravely against something val)
-dad {suffix}
:: similar to, sort of, -like, resembling, in the nature of. Appended to a word to form an adjective
dada {n}
:: nurse
dadaista {adj}
:: Dadaist
dadaista {n}
:: Dadaist
dadaistább {adj}
:: comparative of dadaista
dadaizmus {n}
:: dadaism
dadog {vit}
:: to stutter, stammer, falter (to speak with pauses, either due to a medical condition or due to excitement, fear or embarrassment)
dafke {adv}
:: just for spite
dagad {vi}
:: to swell
dagad {vi}
:: to rise
dagadt {adj}
:: swollen
dagadt {adj}
:: fat
dagadtabb {adj}
:: comparative of dagadt
dagály {n}
:: high tide
dagályos {adj}
:: bombastic, grandiloquent
dagályosabb {adj}
:: comparative of dagályos
daganat {n}
:: tumor
daganatos {adj}
:: tumorous, tuberculated, neoplastic, with cancer
dagaszt {vt}
:: to knead (bread, dough)
dagaszt {vt}
:: to make something swell
dagerrotípia {n}
:: daguerreotype (an early photographic process)
dagerrotípia {n}
:: daguerreotype (a photograph created by this process)
Dagesztán {prop}
:: Dagestan
dagonya {n}
:: wallow (a pool of water or mud in which animals wallow)
dagonyázás {n}
:: wallow (an instance of wallowing)
dagonyázik {vi}
:: to wallow (to roll in anything defiling or unclean)
dajka {n}
:: nurse, nanny, fostress (a woman who takes care of other people’s young in a day nursery)
dajka {n}
:: wet-nurse
Dakka {prop}
:: Dakka (capital city)
dákó {n}
:: cue
dákó {n}
:: penis
-dal {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to form a verb to express the frequent repetition of an action
dal {n}
:: song
-dál {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to form a verb to express the frequent repetition of an action
dalai láma {n}
:: Dalai Lama
dálet {n}
:: dalet (the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet)
dalia {n}
:: hero, valiant knight
dalia {n}
:: a tall, muscular man
dália {n}
:: dahlia (any plant of the genus Dahlia)
dallam {n}
:: melody (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase)
dallamos {adj}
:: melodious, melodic, tuneful (having or producing a pleasing tune)
dallamosabb {adj}
:: comparative of dallamos
dallamosan {adv}
:: melodiously, musically, tunefully
Dalmácia {prop}
:: Dalmatia
dalmáciai {adj}
:: Dalmatian (relating to Dalmatia or people from Dalmatia)
dalmű {n}
:: opera
dalnok {n}
:: singer, songster
dalnok {n}
:: bard
dalnok {n}
:: minstrel
dalol {v}
:: to sing
-dalom {suffix}
:: Added to a verb or a noun to form an abstract noun
dalszerző {n}
:: songwriter
dalszínház {n}
:: opera house (a theatre, or similar building, primarily used for staging opera)
dalszöveg {n}
:: lyrics
dám {n}
:: fallow deer (Dama dama)
dáma {n}
:: lady, gentlewoman
dáma {n}
:: queen
dáma {n}
:: draughts , checkers
Damaszkusz {prop}
:: Damaszkusz (capital city)
damaszkuszi {adj}
:: Damascene (of or relating to Damascus)
damaszkuszi {n}
:: Damascene (a person living in or originating from Damascus)
damaszt {n}
:: damask (a reversible figured fabric of silk, wool, linen, cotton, or synthetic fibers, with a pattern formed by weaving)
dámszarvas {n}
:: fallow deer (Dama dama)
dámvad {n}
:: fallow deer (Dama dama)
dán {adj}
:: Danish (of or pertaining to Denmark, its people or language)
dán {n}
:: Danish (person)
dán {n}
:: (singular only) Danish (language)
dandár {n}
:: brigade (military unit)
Dani {prop}
:: given name
Dánia {prop}
:: Denmark
Dániel {prop}
:: given name
Dán Királyság {prop}
:: Kingdom of Denmark
Dante {prop}
:: given name
Dante {prop}
:: Dante Alighieri, Italian writer
dantei {adj}
:: Dantesque (of, relating to, or in the style of Dante Alighieri)
dara {n}
:: grits (hulled and coarsely ground grain)
dara {n}
:: sleet, ice pellets
darab {n}
:: piece, chunk
darab {n}
:: piece
darab {n}
:: synonym of színdarab, play, drama
darab {n}
:: some while
darál {vt}
:: to grind, mill (of grainlike seeds: to reduce to smaller pieces by crushing with lateral motion)
darál {vt}
:: to grind (of meat or similar texture: to cut to smaller pieces using a grinding machine)
darál {vt}
:: to gabble, rattle, drone (to rush through a speech, usually a learned text, monotonously, not caring about the meaning)
daráló {adj}
:: grinding, milling
daráló {n}
:: grinder (a kitchen gadget for processing coffee, herbs etc. into small or powdered pieces)
daráló {n}
:: mill (a grinding apparatus for substances such as grains, seeds)
daráló {n}
:: mill (the building housing such a grinding apparatus)
daráló {n}
:: shredder (a machine that tears up paper into smaller pieces)
darázs {n}
:: wasp (insect)
darázscsípés {n}
:: wasp sting
darázsfészek {n}
:: vespiary (a nest built by a social wasp species)
darázsfészek {n}
:: hornets' nest (an unpleasant or controversial situation)
darázsfészekbe nyúl {v}
:: to stir up a hornets' nest (to interfere in a controversial situation)
darázsfészekbe nyúl {v}
:: to open a can of worms
darázskürt {n}
:: vuvuzela (horn)
dárda {n}
:: spear (long stick with a sharp tip)
dárda {n}
:: penis
dárdahegy {n}
:: spearhead
Dardanellák {prop}
:: Dardanelles
Dareiosz {prop}
:: Darius (name of several Persian kings)
daru {n}
:: crane (machine, plural: daruk)
daru {n}
:: crane (bird, plural: darvak)
Darwin {prop}
:: Darwin (Charles Darwin, English naturalist)
Darwin {prop}
:: Darwin (capital city)
darwinista {n}
:: Darwinist
darwinizmus {n}
:: Darwinism (the principles of natural selection)
Darwin-nandu {n}
:: Darwin's rhea
datolya {n}
:: date (the fruit of the date palm, Phoenix dactylifera)
datolyapálma {n}
:: date palm, date, date tree (Phoenix dactylifera)
dátum {n}
:: date (point of time at which a transaction or event takes place)
David {prop}
:: David
Dávid {prop}
:: given name
Dávid {prop}
:: David (the second king of Judah and Israel)
Davy-lámpa {n}
:: Davy lamp
db {n}
:: abbreviation of darab
DDK {n}
:: SSE (south-southeast)
DDNy {n}
:: SSW (south-southwest)
D-dúr {n}
:: D major
-de {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to form a noun indicating the place of the action
de {adv}
:: how!, very much
de {conj}
:: but
de {conj}
:: (oh) yes!, surely! (used as a positive contradiction to a negative statement)
dé {n}
:: letter: d
deaktivál {vt}
:: to deactivate, to disable (to put something out of action)
Debrecen {prop}
:: Debrecen (city)
debreceni {adj}
:: of, from, or relating to Debrecen
debütál {vi}
:: to debut
debütáns {n}
:: debutant
dec. {n}
:: Dec, Dec. (December)
december {n}
:: December
decemberi {adj}
:: December, in December, of December
decentralizáció {n}
:: decentralization
deci- {prefix}
:: deci-
decibel {n}
:: decibel
decigramm {n}
:: decigramme (UK), decigram (US)
deciliter {n}
:: decilitre, deciliter (a unit of volume)
deciméter {n}
:: decimetre (UK), decimeter (US)
-ded {suffix}
:: similar to, sort of, -like, resembling, in the nature of. Appended to a word to form an adjective
déd- {prefix}
:: great-grand (indicates a family relationship to the third degree)
dédanya {n}
:: great-grandmother (the mother of one's grandparent)
dédi {n}
:: great-grandma
dedikáció {n}
:: dedication
dédike {n}
:: great-grandma
dédnagyanya {n}
:: great-grandmother (the mother of one's grandparent)
dédnagyapa {n}
:: great-grandfather
dédnagymama {n}
:: great-grandmother (the mother of one's grandparent)
dedukció {n}
:: deduction
dédunoka {n}
:: great-grandchild, great-grandson, great-granddaughter
defekt {n}
:: flat tire
definiál {vt}
:: to define
definíció {n}
:: definition
-degél {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to create a verb indicating repetitive action
degenerál {vt}
:: to degenerate
degradáció {n}
:: degradation
degradálás {n}
:: degradation
dehát {conj}
:: however, still, and yet, but then, well
dehát {conj}
:: but hey (said when surprised or being indignant)
dehogy {particle}
:: not at all, of course not
deista {n}
:: deist (a person who believes in deism)
deista {adj}
:: deist, deistic, deistical (of or relating to deism)
deizmus {n}
:: deism
-dék {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to form a noun to indicate the result of the action. No longer productive
deka- {prefix}
:: deka-, deca-
dekadencia {n}
:: decadence
dekadens {adj}
:: decadent
dekadens {n}
:: decadent, Decadent (a member of the late 19th-century artistic and literary movement)
dekadensebb {adj}
:: comparative of dekadens
dekagramm {n}
:: decagramme (UK), decagram (US)
Dekameron {prop}
:: Decameron (collection of 100 novellas by Boccaccio)
dékán {n}
:: dean (senior official in a college or university)
dékán {n}
:: dean (dignitary or presiding officer in certain church bodies)
-dekel {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to form a verb to express the frequent repetition of an action
deklaráció {n}
:: declaration
deklináció {n}
:: declension
dekoltázs {n}
:: décolletage, cleavage
dekoráció {n}
:: decoration (the act of adorning, ornamentation)
dekoráció {n}
:: decoration (that which adorns, ornament)
dekoráció {n}
:: decoration (any mark of honor to be worn upon the person, medal)
dekoráció {n}
:: set, scenery
dekoratív {adj}
:: decorative, ornamental (that serves to decorate)
dekoratív {adj}
:: beautiful, decorative
dekoratív {adj}
:: attractive, decorative, exquisite (spectacular in appearance)
dekoratívabb {adj}
:: comparative of dekoratív
dekrétum {n}
:: decree
-del {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to form a verb to express the frequent repetition of an action
dél {n}
:: noon
dél {n}
:: south, abbreviated as D
Dél-afrikai Köztársaság {prop}
:: Dél-afrikai Köztársaság (country)
Dél-Amerika {prop}
:: South America
dél-amerikai {adj}
:: South American (of or relating to South America)
dél-amerikai {n}
:: South American (a person from or living in South America)
délceg {adj}
:: stately, martial, shapely (tall, graceful, of confident bearing)
délceg {adj}
:: stately (tall, shapely, exquisite in appearance, full of fire)
délcegebb {adj}
:: comparative of délceg
dél-délkelet {n}
:: south-southeast
dél-délnyugat {n}
:: south-southwest
deléció {n}
:: deletion (mutation in which a gene, or other section of DNA, is removed from a chromosome)
delegáció {n}
:: delegation
delegál {vt}
:: to delegate
délelőtt {adv}
:: before noon, in the forenoon, in the morning (~ 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
délelőtt {n}
:: forenoon, morning
délelőtti {adj}
:: (late) morning (of or relating to the time period between approx. 9 and 12 o'clock)
-delem {suffix}
:: Added to a verb or a noun to form an abstract noun
Dél-Európa {prop}
:: Southern Europe
delfin {n}
:: dolphin
deli {adj}
:: stalwart, athletic (figure), well-built (person)
déli {adj}
:: south, southern
déli {adj}
:: midday
Déli {prop}
:: ellipsis of Déli pályaudvar
délibáb {n}
:: mirage, fata morgana
délibábos {adj}
:: mirage-haunted (having an optical phenomenon in which light is refracted through a layer of hot air close to the ground, giving an invert appearance of objects in the distance)
délibábos {adj}
:: illusionary, chimerical
délibábosabb {adj}
:: comparative of délibábos
délibábot kerget {v}
:: to chase a rainbow (to pursue something illusory, impractical, or impossible)
delibb {adj}
:: comparative of deli
délibb {adj}
:: comparative of déli
Déli-óceán {prop}
:: Southern Ocean
delírium {n}
:: delirium
Déli-sark {prop}
:: South Pole
delizsánsz {n}
:: diligence, stage-coach (a horse-drawn coach that runs routinely between two destinations to transport passengers)
Dél-Karolina {prop}
:: South Carolina
délkelet {n}
:: southeast
Délkelet-Ázsia {prop}
:: Southeast Asia
délkeleti {adj}
:: southeastern
délkeletibb {adj}
:: comparative of délkeleti
Dél-Korea {prop}
:: Dél-Korea (country)
délnyugat {n}
:: southwest
délnyugati {adj}
:: southwestern
délszláv {adj}
:: Yugoslav
délszláv {n}
:: Yugoslav
Dél-Szudán {prop}
:: Dél-Szudán (country)
delta {n}
:: delta (Greek letter)
delta {n}
:: delta (landform at the mouth of a river)
deltoid {n}
:: kite (a quadrilateral having two pairs of edges of equal length, the edges of each pair being consecutive)
délután {adv}
:: in the afternoon
délután {n}
:: afternoon
délutáni {adj}
:: afternoon
demagnetizáció {n}
:: demagnetisation
demagógia {n}
:: demagogy
Demeter {prop}
:: given name
Démétér {prop}
:: Demeter (the goddess of agriculture)
demizson {n}
:: demijohn (a large bottle with a short neck, with a handle at the neck, encased in wickerwork)
demó {n}
:: demo (a demonstration or visual explanation)
demó {n}
:: demo (an edition of limited functionality to give the user an example of how the program works)
demográfia {n}
:: demography (the statistical study of populations, especially human beings)
demográfiai {adj}
:: demographical
demokrácia {n}
:: democracy
demokrata {n}
:: democrat
demokratikus {adj}
:: democratic
demokratikusabb {adj}
:: comparative of demokratikus
demokratikus szocializmus {n}
:: democratic socialism
demokratizál {vt}
:: to democratize
demokratizmus {n}
:: democratism
démon {n}
:: demon, fiend (evil spirit)
démon {n}
:: vamp, siren (seductive woman)
demonstráció {n}
:: demonstration
demonstrál {vt}
:: to demonstrate, show, display, present
demonstrál {vi}
:: to demonstrate (to participate in a demonstration)
demonstratív {adj}
:: demonstrative
demonstratívabb {adj}
:: comparative of demonstratív
demoralizáció {n}
:: demoralization
demoralizál {vt}
:: to demoralize
denaturál {vt}
:: to denature (to make something unsuitable for human consumption using chemical alteration)
dendrokronológia {n}
:: dendrochronology, tree-ring dating (the scientific method of dating tree rings to the exact year they were formed)
Dénes {prop}
:: given name. Cognate to Dennis
denevér {n}
:: bat (small flying mammal)
depresszió {n}
:: depression (state of mind producing serious long-term lowering of enjoyment)
depressziós {adj}
:: depressed
depressziósabb {adj}
:: comparative of depressziós
deprimál {vt}
:: to depress, dispirit (to make depressed or sad)
dér {n}
:: frost
derék {n}
:: waist (the part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach)
derék {adj}
:: brave, honest, valiant
derék {adj}
:: well-built, sturdy
derekabb {adj}
:: comparative of derék
derékalj {n}
:: featherbed, mattress topper (a large, flat eiderdown- or pillow-like pad filled with feather, placed on the mattress or pallet to make the bed soft and warm)
derékszög {n}
:: right angle (an angle of exactly 90°)
derékszög {n}
:: square (L- or T-shaped tool used to place objects or draw lines at right angles)
derékszögű {adj}
:: right-angled
derékszögű háromszög {n}
:: right-angled triangle, right triangle (a triangle having a right angle as one of its interior angles)
derekú {adj}
:: -waisted, with a …… waist (having some specific type of waist)
derelye {n}
:: Hungarian filled pasta. It resembles Italian ravioli in its smooth, thin dough and method of preparation. The dough is cut with a fluted derelye cutter wheel into squares. It is most often filled with thick Hungarian szilvalekvár (plum jam) and is generally rolled into buttery, toasted breadcrumbs
derít {vt}
:: to cast or shed light on, clear up (followed by ra)
derít {vt}
:: to illuminate areas in shadow with fill light or fill flash
derítés {n}
:: fill light (light used to illuminate areas in shadow)
derítőlap {n}
:: board reflector (specialized reflective surface used to redirect light towards a given subject or scene)
derivált {n}
:: derivative
derivátum {n}
:: derivative (a word that derives from another one)
derivátum {n}
:: derivative (a chemical derived from another)
dermatológia {n}
:: dermatology (the study of the skin and its diseases)
dermatológiai {adj}
:: dermatological (of, or relating to dermatology)
derű {n}
:: bright weather, clear sky, brightness
derű {n}
:: serenity, gaiety
derül {vi}
:: to clear up
derül {vi}
:: to cheer up, brighten up
derül {vi}
:: to be amused (at or by something: n)
derül {v}
:: In certain expressions, with ra:
derűlátás {n}
:: optimism (a tendency to expect the best, or at least, a favourable outcome)
derűlátó {adj}
:: optimistic
derült {adj}
:: clear
derültebb {adj}
:: comparative of derült
derült égből villámcsapás {phrase}
:: bolt from the blue (a complete surprise; an unexpected misfortune, an unforeseen difficulty)
derűs {adj}
:: clear, unclouded
derűs {adj}
:: cheerful, smiling, happy, sunny, jolly
derűsebb {adj}
:: comparative of derűs
dervis {n}
:: Dervish, dervish
-des {suffix}
:: A frequentative suffix added to a monosyllable verb to form a new verb to express the frequent repetition of an action
Descartes-féle koordináták {n}
:: Cartesian coordinates
design {n}
:: design (art and profession of designing functional objects such as furniture, vehicles, household appliances, etc.)
despota {n}
:: despot, tyrant
destrukció {n}
:: destruction
destruktív {adj}
:: destructive
destruktívabb {adj}
:: comparative of destruktív
desz {n}
:: D-flat, D♭ (a tone one semitone lower than a D)
deszka {adj}
:: thin
deszka {n}
:: board
deszka {n}
:: skateboard, a short version for gördeszka
deszka {n}
:: surfboard
deszka {n}
:: motherboard
deszka {n}
:: a thin person
deszka {n}
:: a slice of bread
desszert {n}
:: dessert (a sweet confection served as the last course of a meal)
desszert {n}
:: truffle, bonbon, praline (filled chocolate in different shapes)
desztillál {vt}
:: to distill
desztillált {adj}
:: distilled
desztillátum {n}
:: distillate (the liquid that has been condensed from vapour during distillation)
detektív {n}
:: detective, investigator (a police officer who looks for evidence as part of solving a crime)
determináció {n}
:: determination
determinál {vt}
:: to determine
determináns {n}
:: determinant
Detk {prop}
:: Detk (village)
detonáció {n}
:: detonation
dettó {adv}
:: ditto
dévadászi {n}
:: devadasi
devalváció {n}
:: devaluation
devalvál {vt}
:: to devaluate, to devalue
dévanágari {n}
:: Devanagari (an abugida script used to write many languages originating in India and Nepal, including Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Maithili, Bhili, Konkani, Bhojpuri, and Nepali)
dévanágari {adj}
:: Devanagari (of the Devanagari script or of a Devanagari alphabet)
dévanágari írás {n}
:: Devanagari (abugida alphabet of India and Nepal)
deverbális {adj}
:: deverbal (derived from a verb)
deverbális főnév {n}
:: verbal noun, verbal substantive (a noun that is morphologically related to a verb and similar to it in meaning; in Hungarian it is a noun with the suffix -ás/-és)
deviáns {adj}
:: deviant
deviszont {conj}
:: but, nevertheless, on the other hand
deviza {n}
:: foreign currency (a substitute for cash, can be a check, voucher, etc.)
devizaszámla {n}
:: foreign currency bank account
dezertál {vi}
:: to desert (to leave a military or naval unit without permission)
dezertőr {n}
:: deserter
dezintegráció {n}
:: disintegration
dezodor {n}
:: deodorant
dezodoráns {n}
:: deodorant
dezorganizál {vt}
:: to disorganize
dezorientáció {n}
:: disorientation
dézsa {n}
:: tub, vat (a large round wooden container with a handle on each side)
dézsa {n}
:: a tub/vat of (as much as a tub can hold)
dézsma {n}
:: tithe
dézsmál {v}
:: to pilfer
Dezső {prop}
:: given name
dia {n}
:: slide, diapositive (transparent plate used with a projector for projecting images)
diabétesz {n}
:: diabetes
diadal {n}
:: triumph
diadalív {n}
:: triumphal arch
diadalmas {adj}
:: victorious, triumphant (being the winner in a contest, struggle, war, etc.)
diadalmas {adj}
:: victorious, triumphant (of or expressing a sense of victory or triumph)
diadalmasabb {adj}
:: comparative of diadalmas
diadalmasan {adv}
:: triumphantly, victoriously
diadalom {n}
:: victory
diadalom {n}
:: fight, combat
diagnoszta {n}
:: diagnostician (a person who diagnoses, especially a medical doctor)
diagnosztika {n}
:: diagnostics
diagnosztikai {adj}
:: diagnostic
diagnosztizál {vt}
:: to diagnose (to find the diagnosis)
diagnosztizálás {n}
:: diagnosis, diagnosing (act of identifying the nature and cause of an illness)
diagnózis {n}
:: diagnosis (identification of the nature and cause of an illness)
diagnózis {n}
:: diagnosis (the identification of the nature and cause of something of any nature)
diagram {n}
:: diagram
diák {n}
:: student
diákigazolvány {n}
:: student ID
diákkiállítás {n}
:: student exhibition (public showing of art works created by students)
diákotthon {n}
:: boarding house, boarding school, dormitory
diakritikus {adj}
:: diacritical (capable of distinguishing or of making a distinction)
diakritikus {adj}
:: diacritical (written above or below letters)
diakritikus jel {n}
:: diacritical mark (symbol used with a letter to indicate a different pronunciation, stress, tone, or meaning)
dialektus {n}
:: dialect (a language variety that is characteristic of a particular area, community or group)
dialógus {n}
:: dialogue
diapozitív {n}
:: diapositive, slide (transparent plate used with a projector for projecting images)
diazepám {n}
:: diazepam (minor tranquillizer)
dicsekedik {vi}
:: to boast, brag
dicsekszik {vi}
:: alternative form of dicsekedik
dicsér {vt}
:: to praise
dicséret {n}
:: praise, compliment, commendation
dicséretes {adj}
:: praiseworthy, laudable, commendable
dicséretesebb {adj}
:: comparative of dicséretes
dicséretre méltó {adj}
:: praiseworthy
dicséretre méltóbb {adj}
:: comparative of dicséretre méltó
dicsértetik {vi}
:: to be praised
dicső {adj}
:: glorious, heroic
dicsőbb {adj}
:: comparative of dicső
dicsőség {n}
:: glory, honour, honor, fame
dicsőséges {adj}
:: glorious, honourable, honorable
dicsőségesebb {adj}
:: comparative of dicsőséges
dicsőségesebben {adv}
:: comparative of dicsőségesen
dicsőségesen {adv}
:: gloriously
didaktika {n}
:: didactics
didereg {vi}
:: to shiver, tremble, shake (because of cold, fear or fever)
Didot-pont {n}
:: Didot point (former point size of 1/864 of the royal foot)
diéta {n}
:: diet
diétás {adj}
:: dietary, dietetic, diet
dietilamid {n}
:: diethylamide
differencia {n}
:: difference (the quality of being different)
differencia {n}
:: difference (a disagreement or argument)
differenciál {vi}
:: to differentiate, distinguish (to perceive the difference between things)
differenciál {vt}
:: to differentiate
differenciál {n}
:: differential
differenciál {n}
:: differential calculus
differenciál {n}
:: differential (the differential gear in an automobile)
differenciálegyenlet {n}
:: differential equation
differenciálgeometria {n}
:: differential geometry
differenciálszámítás {n}
:: differential calculus
diffúz {adj}
:: diffuse
diffúzió {n}
:: diffusion
diftéria {n}
:: diphtheria (a highly infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract characterised by a sore throat, fever, and difficulty breathing)
diftongus {n}
:: diphthong
digitális {adj}
:: digital (representing discrete values)
digitalizál {vt}
:: to digitize, digitalize
diglosszia {n}
:: diglossia
díj {n}
:: price, fee
díj {n}
:: prize
díjaz {v}
:: to pay, compensate, remunerate
díjaz {v}
:: to award (give an award/prize for merit)
díjaz {v}
:: appreciate, like
díjlovaglás {n}
:: dressage
díjmentes {adj}
:: free of charge (not requiring any payment)
díjmentesen {adv}
:: free of charge (without any payment being required)
díjnyertes {adj}
:: prize-winning, prizewinning (having won at least one prize)
díjnyertes {n}
:: prizewinner (a person or thing that has won a prize)
díjugratás {n}
:: show jumping
-dik {suffix}
:: -th. Added to a cardinal number to form an ordinal number
diktál {vt}
:: to dictate
diktátor {n}
:: dictator
diktatórikus {adj}
:: dictatorial (of or pertaining to a dictator)
diktatórikus {adj}
:: dictatorial, peremptory (in the manner of a dictator, usually with callous disregard for others)
diktatórikusabb {adj}
:: comparative of diktatórikus
diktatórikusan {adv}
:: dictatorially
diktatúra {n}
:: dictatorship
dili {adj}
:: crazy, cracked, nutty, batty
dili {n}
:: foolery
dili {n}
:: bug, craze (an enthusiasm for something)
dilinós {adj}
:: crazy, cracked, nutty, batty
dilinósabb {adj}
:: comparative of dilinós
dilis {adj}
:: crazy, cracked, nutty, batty
dimbes-dombos {adj}
:: hilly, rolling (having many hills)
dimenzió {n}
:: dimension
dimenziós {adj}
:: dimensional
dinamika {n}
:: dynamics
dinamikus {adj}
:: dynamic
dinamikusabb {adj}
:: comparative of dinamikus
dinamikusan {adv}
:: dynamically
dinamit {n}
:: dynamite (class of explosives)
dinamó {n}
:: dynamo
dinasztia {n}
:: dynasty (a series of rulers or dynasts from one family)
dingó {n}
:: dingo (Canis lupus dingo, a wild dog native to Australia)
dinoszaurusz {n}
:: dinosaur (extinct reptile)
dinsztel {vt}
:: to stew, braise, steam
dinnye {n}
:: melon
dinnye {n}
:: cantaloupe
dió {n}
:: walnut
dió {n}
:: some (but not all) other nuts (see the Derived terms below)
dióda {n}
:: diode
diófa {n}
:: walnut (tree)
diófacincér {n}
:: grain support beetle (Aegosoma scabricorne or Megopis scabricornis)
Dionüszosz {prop}
:: Dionysos (the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine)
dioptria {n}
:: dioptre, diopter (US) (unit of measure)
dioptriás {adj}
:: dioptric, (of) diopter (relating to a diopter; with a diopter strength of)
dioptriás {n}
:: wearing/having glasses with diopter lenses
Diósd {prop}
:: Diósd (town)
diótorta {n}
:: walnut cake (made from ground walnuts)
diótörő {n}
:: nutcracker
dioxid {n}
:: dioxide
diploma {n}
:: (university/college) degree and its certificate (on completion of higher education)
diploma {n}
:: diploma, certificate
diplomácia {n}
:: diplomacy (art of conducting international relations)
diplomáciai {adj}
:: diplomatic
diplomagyár {n}
:: diploma mill
diplomás {adj}
:: professional (person), college-educated, qualified
diplomás {n}
:: university/college graduate, professional
diplomatikus {adj}
:: diplomatic (concerning the relationships between the governments of countries)
diplomatikus {adj}
:: diplomatic, tactful, delicate, polite (exhibiting diplomacy; exercising tact or courtesy; using discussion to avoid hard feelings, fights or arguments)
diplomatikus {adj}
:: diplomatic, noncommittal (ambiguously cautious, guarded)
diplomatikus {adj}
:: artful, flattering, smooth, polished
diplomatikusabb {adj}
:: comparative of diplomatikus
direkt {adj}
:: direct, straightforward, forthright
direkt {adv}
:: on purpose, deliberately
direkt {adv}
:: specially, specifically, expressly, explicitly
direktíva {n}
:: directive
dirndli {n}
:: dirndl
dirr-durr {interj}
:: bang! pow! (representation of repetitive gun shots)
diskurál {vi}
:: to talk, chat (to be engaged in informal conversation)
diskurzus {n}
:: discourse (verbal exchange, conversation)
Disney {prop}
:: Disney
disz {n}
:: D-sharp, D♯ (a tone one semitone higher than a D)
dísz {n}
:: ornament, decoration
díszcserje {n}
:: ornamental shrubbery
díszes {adj}
:: decorative, ornamental
díszesebb {adj}
:: comparative of díszes
díszít {vt}
:: to decorate, ornament
díszítés {n}
:: decoration, ornament, adornment
díszítés {n}
:: ornamentation, decoration, adorning
díszítmény {n}
:: ornament, ornamentation, decoration, adornment
diszk {n}
:: disk
diszkó {n}
:: disco, discotheque
diszkógömb {n}
:: disco ball
diszkosz {n}
:: discus
diszkoszvetés {n}
:: discus throw
diszkózene {n}
:: disco music
diszkréció {n}
:: discretion
diszkrét {adj}
:: discreet, secretive (able to keep confidences secret)
diszkrét {adj}
:: discreet, tactful (able to deal with people in a sensitive manner)
diszkrét {adj}
:: discreet, delicate
diszkrét {adj}
:: discreet, unobtrusive
diszkrét {adj}
:: discreet, reserved
diszkrét {adj}
:: discrete
diszkrétebb {adj}
:: comparative of diszkrét
diszkrétebben {adv}
:: comparative of diszkréten
diszkréten {adv}
:: discreetly
diszkrimináció {n}
:: discrimination
diszkriminál {vt}
:: to discriminate
diszkrimináns {n}
:: discriminant
diszkriminatív {adj}
:: discriminatory, discriminative (marked by, originating from, or showing prejudice)
diszkriminatív {adj}
:: discriminatory (of, or relating to discrimination)
diszkvalifikál {vt}
:: to disqualify
diszlexia {n}
:: dyslexia (a syndrome, inability of reading)
disznó {n}
:: swine, pig (mammal)
disznó {n}
:: wild boar
disznó {n}
:: ace
disznó {n}
:: inkblot (a blot of ink)
disznó {n}
:: pig, bastard (a contemptible, rude person)
disznó {n}
:: ribald (an obscene, indecent person)
disznó {adj}
:: obscene, indecent, ribald
disznó {adj}
:: awful, terrible
disznóhús {n}
:: pork
disznóól {n}
:: pigpen, pigsty
disznópásztor {n}
:: swineherd
disznóság {n}
:: scandal, shame
disznóság {n}
:: dirty talk
disznóság {n}
:: dirty trick
disznósajt {n}
:: pork cheese, brawn (pig stomach filled with mainly chopped boiled pork head and ear meat, and mildly smoked)
disznózsír {n}
:: lard (a semi-soft white fat derived from fatty parts of the pig)
díszpárna {n}
:: throw pillow, cushion (a small decorative pillow)
diszpécser {n}
:: dispatcher
diszperzió {n}
:: dispersion
díszpinty {n}
:: weaver finch
díszpinty {n}
:: bad lot, ne'er-do-well
díszpont {n}
:: bullet (printed symbol in the form of a solid circle, (•), often used for marking items in a list)
disszertáció {n}
:: dissertation, thesis
disszimiláció {n}
:: dissimilation
disszimiláció {n}
:: dissimilation (the metabolic process opposite of assimilation)
disszonancia {n}
:: dissonance
dísztárcsa {n}
:: hubcap (a decorative and protective disk that covers the hub of a motor car wheel)
dísztelen {adj}
:: undecorated, unadorned, bare, naked, plain (having no decoration)
dísztelenebb {adj}
:: comparative of dísztelen
disztingvál {vt}
:: to distinguish
disztingvált {adj}
:: distinguished (having a dignified appearance or demeanor)
disztingváltabb {adj}
:: comparative of disztingvált
disztribúció {n}
:: distribution
disztributivitás {n}
:: distributivity
díszül {vi}
:: to become decorated, ornamented
díszvacsora {n}
:: banquet, gala dinner (ceremonial dinner)
-dít {suffix}
:: Added to a monosyllable onomatopoeic stem to form a verb
díva {n}
:: diva
díván {n}
:: divan (Muslim council of state)
díván {n}
:: divan (collection of poems)
dívány {n}
:: divan, couch, sofa
divat {n}
:: fashion
divatjamúlt {adj}
:: old-fashioned, outmoded
divatos {adj}
:: fashionable, stylish, trendy, current (characteristic of or influenced by a current popular trend or style)
divatos {adj}
:: fashionable, current (established or favoured by custom or use; prevailing at a particular time)
divatosabb {adj}
:: comparative of divatos
divergens {adj}
:: divergent (of a series which doesn't converge)
divergensebb {adj}
:: comparative of divergens
diverzáns {n}
:: saboteur, subversive
diviz {n}
:: hyphen (symbol "‐", used to join words, or to indicate that a word has been split at the end of a line)
dizájn {n}
:: alternative form of design
dízel {n}
:: diesel (fuel)
dízel {n}
:: diesel (a vehicle powered by a diesel engine)
dízelmotor {n}
:: diesel engine
dizentéria {n}
:: dysentery (a disease characterised by inflammation of the intestines)
dizőz {n}
:: female cabaret singer
DK {n}
:: SE (southeast)
dkg {n}
:: abbreviation of dekagramm
d-moll {n}
:: D minor
DNS {n}
:: DNA
DNy {n}
:: SW (southwest)
dó {n}
:: do, a syllable used in solfège to represent the first and eight note of a major scale
dob {vit}
:: to throw, to cast (to cause an object to move rapidly through the air)
dob {vit}
:: to roll (to throw dice)
dob {vt}
:: to dump (to end a relationship with)
dob {vt}
:: to throw (to send an error)
dob {n}
:: drum (a percussive musical instrument)
dobaj {n}
:: stamping, thumping (the dull sound of stamping the foot, paw or hoof)
dobál {vt}
:: to throw (repeatedly, one after the other)
dobás {n}
:: toss, throw (the act of throwing something)
dobás {n}
:: shot (an opportunity or attempt)
dobás {n}
:: success, accomplishment, deal
dobfelszerelés {n}
:: drum kit
dobhártya {n}
:: eardrum, tympanic membrane
dobó {n}
:: thrower, pitcher, caster (someone who throws)
dobogó {adj}
:: beating, pounding
dobogó {adj}
:: stamping (with feet)
dobogó {n}
:: platform, podium, rostrum, dais (a raised wooden stage for teachers, speakers, performers)
dobogtat {vt}
:: to beat, pound, stomp, thump
dobogtat {vt}
:: to make someone's heart beat/throb
dobókocka {n}
:: dice
dobol {vi}
:: to drum, play the drum (to beat a drum)
dobol {vi}
:: to drum, tap (to beat something lightly with fingers or feet)
dobol {vt}
:: to drum (to beat a drum in order to give signal for alert, retreat, tattoo)
dobolás {n}
:: drumming
dobos {n}
:: drummer (one who plays the drums)
dobostorta {n}
:: Dobos torte, a Hungarian cake made from six layers of vanilla sponge cake, each saturated with chocolate butter-cream icing, and topped with wedges of caramel-glaze
doboz {n}
:: box (rectangular container)
dobozos {adj}
:: boxed, tinned, canned, packaged (packed in boxes)
dobozos gyümölcslé {n}
:: juice box (a small carton of fruit juice with an attached plastic straw)
dobverő {n}
:: drumstick
docens {n}
:: associate professor, docent (a teacher in a higher education institution who ranks above an assistant professor and below a professor)
dodekaéder {n}
:: dodecahedron (a polyhedron with 12 faces)
dodzsem {n}
:: dodgem (UK), bumper car
-dogál {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to create a verb indicating repetitive action
dogma {n}
:: dogma (an authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true and indisputable, regardless of evidence or without evidence to support it)
dogma {n}
:: dogma (a doctrine (or set of doctrines) relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth authoritatively by a religious organization or leader)
dogmatikus {adj}
:: dogmatic, dogmatical
dogmatikus {n}
:: dogmatist, dogmatician, dogmatic (one of an ancient sect of physicians who went by general principles; opposed to the empiric)
dogmatikusabb {adj}
:: comparative of dogmatikus
dogmatizmus {n}
:: dogmatism
doh {n}
:: musty smell
dohány {n}
:: tobacco
dohány {n}
:: dough (money)
dohánygyár {n}
:: tobacco factory
dohánymonopólium {n}
:: tobacco monopoly
dohányos {n}
:: smoker (person who smokes tobacco habitually)
dohányzacskó {n}
:: tobacco pouch (a pouch used to hold tobacco)
dohányzás {n}
:: smoking (inhalation of tobacco)
dohányzik {vi}
:: to smoke (e.g., a cigarette)
dohányzóasztal {n}
:: coffee table
-dok {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to form a noun to indicate the result of the action. No longer productive
doki {n}
:: doctor, physician
dokk {n}
:: dock (a structure attached to shore for loading and unloading vessels)
doksi {n}
:: document
doksi {n}
:: documentary film
doktor {n}
:: doctor (physician)
doktorandusz {n}
:: doctorand (a postgraduate aiming to receive a doctorate; a Ph.D. student)
doktornő {n}
:: doctor (female physician)
dokumentáció {n}
:: documentation
dokumentál {vt}
:: to document
dokumentálás {n}
:: documenting, documentation (the process or act of recording in documents)
dokumentálás {n}
:: documentation (the act of furnishing with documents or papers necessary to establish facts or give information)
dokumentálás {n}
:: documentation (comments that explain the usage of individual functions, libraries and blocks of code)
dokumentálási {adj}
:: documentation
dokumentálhatatlan {adj}
:: undocumentable (not supportable with documentary evidence)
dokumentálható {adj}
:: documentable (capable of being supported by documentary evidence)
dokumentum {n}
:: document
dokumentumfilm {n}
:: documentary film
dolcsi {n}
:: buck, greenback (a dollar)
dolgozat {n}
:: paper, essay, test, composition
dolgozik {v}
:: to work
dolgozik, mint egy ló {v}
:: work like a horse
dolgozó {n}
:: employee
dolgozó {n}
:: office, workplace, place of business (a room, set of rooms, or building used for non-manual work; especially in reply to a question why a parent is away)
dolgozói {adj}
:: employee (of or related to employees)
dolgozószoba {n}
:: study (room in a house)
dollár {n}
:: dollar
dolmány {n}
:: dolman (a short, close-fitting, heavily braided military jacket, usually worn under a pelisse, originally by hussars)
dolog {n}
:: thing, object
dolog {n}
:: affair, business, matter
dolog {n}
:: task, work, job, duty, responsibility
dolog {n}
:: fate, (good or bad) time
dolog {n}
:: a matter or a question of (something)
dolog {n}
:: relieving oneself
dóm {n}
:: cathedral
Doma {prop}
:: given name
domb {n}
:: hill, mound, hump (an elevated location smaller than a mountain)
dombocska {n}
:: a small hill, hump, knoll
domboldal {n}
:: hillside
domború {adj}
:: convex, curved outwards
domborzat {n}
:: terrain, topography (the surface features of a land)
dombos {adj}
:: hilly (abundant in hills)
domén {n}
:: domain
domesztikáció {n}
:: domestication (the action of taming wild animals)
domesztikál {vt}
:: to domesticate
dominál {vt}
:: to dominate, prevail, to be dominant
domináns {adj}
:: dominant
domináns {n}
:: dominant (the fifth major tone of a musical scale)
dominánsabb {adj}
:: comparative of domináns
Dominika {prop}
:: given name
Dominika {prop}
:: Dominika (island/and/country)
dominikai {adj}
:: Dominican (of, from, or pertaining to the Dominican Republic, or its people)
dominikai {adj}
:: Dominican (of, from, or pertaining to Dominica, or its people)
dominikai {n}
:: A person from the Dominican Republic or of its descent
dominikai {n}
:: A person from the Commonwealth of Dominica or of its descent
Dominikai Közösség {prop}
:: Dominikai Közösség (country)
Dominikai Köztársaság {prop}
:: Dominikai Köztársaság (country)
dominó {n}
:: dominoes (game played by arranging domino tiles)
dominó {n}
:: domino (domino tile)
dominóeffektus {n}
:: domino effect
Domokos {prop}
:: given name
Domonkos {prop}
:: given name
Domonkos-rend {prop}
:: Dominicans (the religious order founded by St. Dominic)
Domonkos-rendi {adj}
:: Dominican (of or belonging to the Dominican religious order)
Don {prop}
:: Don (river)
Donald kacsa {prop}
:: Donald Duck (Disney character)
dong {vi}
:: to buzz, bumble, drone
dong {vi}
:: to boom, rumble, thunder (to make a dull, low-pitched, reverberating sound when hit)
dongó {adj}
:: buzzing (sounding like produced by something that buzzes, such as an insect)
dongó {n}
:: bumblebee
doppingszer {n}
:: dope, stimulant, drug (a performance-enhancing substance)
dór {adj}
:: Doric
Dóra {prop}
:: given name
Dóra {prop}
:: given name
dorgál {vt}
:: to rebuke, scold
doromb {n}
:: Jew's harp (musical instrument)
dorombol {vi}
:: to purr
dorong {n}
:: pole (a leafless branch or trunk of a younger tree used as a tool)
dorong {n}
:: cudgel, club (a stick of wood used as a weapon)
dór oszloprend {n}
:: Doric order
Dorottya {prop}
:: given name, 'the gift of God'
-dos {suffix}
:: A frequentative suffix added to a monosyllable verb to form a new verb to express the frequent repetition of an action
-dozik {suffix}
:: Added to a stem to form a verb denoting repetitive action
dózis {n}
:: dose (a measured portion of medicine taken at any one time)
dózis {n}
:: dose (a quantity of radiation or substance that the body is exposed to at any one time)
Dózsa {prop}
:: given name
dózse {n}
:: doge (chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa)
döf {vt}
:: to stab (to pierce or wound with pointed tool or weapon)
döfés {n}
:: stab (an act of stabbing or thrusting with an object)
döfköd {vit}
:: to prod, stab (something) repeatedly
dög {n}
:: carrion, carcass (the body of a dead animal)
dög {n}
:: beast
dög {n}
:: woman (a sexually attractive woman)
-dögél {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to create a verb indicating repetitive action
-dököl {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to form a verb to express the frequent repetition of an action
dől {vi}
:: to topple, to tumble (optionally with ra)
dől {vi}
:: to slope, to tilt, to incline (optionally with felé)
dől {vi}
:: to lean, to be propped against something (with nak)
dől {vi}
:: to gush, to pour, to reek (the origin of the liquid or odor is expressed with -ból/-ből or -ról/-ről)
dőlt {adj}
:: italic (having letters that lean to the right, whether true italic or software-generated)
dőltebb {adj}
:: comparative of dőlt
dölyf {n}
:: arrogance, haughtiness
dölyfös {adj}
:: arrogant, haughty, supercilious (having excessive pride in oneself, often with contempt or disrespect for others; arrogantly superior)
dölyfösebb {adj}
:: comparative of dölyfös
dömping {n}
:: dumping
döng {vi}
:: to resound, reverberate, echo, boom
döng {vi}
:: to buzz, hum, drone
dönget {vt}
:: to bang, rap, batter (to hit or strike something repeatedly)
döngicsél {vi}
:: to buzz (as a bee)
dönt {vit}
:: to decide on or about something ( ban or ról) (often used with úgy)
dönt {vt}
:: to tip, overturn, turn over (to change an object's position from vertical to horizontal)
dönt {vt}
:: to lean, prop, rest (against something nak or hoz) (to find a stable position for an object next to a vertical surface)
döntés {n}
:: decision
döntéshozó {adj}
:: decision-making (of or relating to reaching a decision)
döntéshozó {n}
:: decision maker, decisionmaker (one who makes decisions)
döntési {adj}
:: decision, judgment
döntést hoz {v}
:: to decide, to arrive at a decision
döntő {adj}
:: deciding, decisive, definitive, conclusive, crucial
döntő {n}
:: final (the last round of a contest)
döntőbb {adj}
:: comparative of döntő
döntőbe jut {v}
:: to reach the finals (of a contest)
döntően {adv}
:: mostly, mainly, predominantly
döntően {adv}
:: decisively, crucially
döntött {adj}
:: oblique (having slanted letters that do not resemble handwriting)
dőre {adj}
:: misguided, silly
dőrébb {adj}
:: comparative of dőre
dörgés {n}
:: thunder (a sound resembling thunder)
dörög {vi}
:: to thunder, rumble
dörög {vi}
:: to thunder, boom, roar
dörög {vit}
:: to thunder, fulminate, roar
dörzsöl {vt}
:: to rub
dörzsölt {adj}
:: cunning, knowing, shrewd, tricky, slick
-dös {suffix}
:: A frequentative suffix added to a monosyllable verb to form a new verb to express the frequent repetition of an action
Dötk {prop}
:: Dötk (village)
dr. {n}
:: Dr (doctor)
Dr. {n}
:: Dr. (doctor)
drága {adj}
:: expensive (having a high price or cost)
drága {adj}
:: precious, valuable (of high value or worth)
drága {adj}
:: costly (requiring great sacrifice, having grave consequences)
drága {adj}
:: dear
drága {n}
:: honey, sweetheart, darling (a person very much liked or loved by someone; mainly used in possessive forms)
drágább {adj}
:: comparative of drága
drágáll {vt}
:: to find/think something (too) expensive
drágám {n}
:: honey, sweetheart, darling (a term of endearment for a beloved person)
drágán {adv}
:: expensively
dragonyos {n}
:: dragoon
drágul {vi}
:: to get more expensive, to go up (to rise or increase in price or cost)
drákói {adj}
:: draconian
dráma {n}
:: drama (a theatrical play)
dráma {n}
:: drama (a real-life situation full of tension)
drámai {adj}
:: dramatic, pertaining to drama
drámai {adj}
:: dramatic, drastic, striking
drámaibb {adj}
:: comparative of drámai
drámaíró {n}
:: playwright
dramaturg {n}
:: dramaturge (a person in a coordinative function at theatre or film productions)
dramaturgia {n}
:: dramaturgy
dramaturgiai {adj}
:: dramaturgic
drasztikus {adj}
:: drastic, extreme, forceful, harsh (extremely severe)
drasztikus {adj}
:: drastic, violent (acting with force)
drasztikus {adj}
:: vulgar, coarse
drasztikus {adj}
:: drastic, dramatic (sudden, definitive, irreversible)
drasztikusabb {adj}
:: comparative of drasztikus
drasztikusan {adv}
:: drastically
Dráva {prop}
:: Drava
Drezda {prop}
:: Drezda (city/state capital)
Drinápoly {prop}
:: Adrianople (former name of Edirne, a city in Turkey)
drinápolyi {adj}
:: Adrianopolitan (of, or relating to Adrianople)
drinápolyi {n}
:: Adrianopolitan (a native or an inhabitant of Adrianople)
drog {n}
:: drug (mind-altering substance)
drogéria {n}
:: drugstore (a retail store of medications, health, and beauty products)
drogfogyasztás {n}
:: drug consumption
drogos {adj}
:: of drug, drug-induced, drug-related (of or relating to drugs, psychoactive substances ingested for recreational use)
drogos {adj}
:: drug-addicted (addicted to or using drugs)
drogos {adj}
:: drugged-out (under the influence of a narcotic drug)
drogos {n}
:: druggie, drug addict, junkie, methhead
dromedár {n}
:: dromedary (Camelus dromedarius, the single-humped camel)
drót {n}
:: wire
drukkol {vi}
:: to support, to pull for someone or a group, to keep one's fingers crossed for someone
drukkol {vi}
:: to jitter
drusza {n}
:: namesake (a person with the same given name as another)
druzsba {n}
:: chainsaw
du. {n}
:: abbreviation of délután
dualizmus {n}
:: dualism
duda {n}
:: horn (sound-making apparatus)
duda {n}
:: bagpipe
duda {n}
:: hooter (a woman's breast)
dudva {n}
:: weed
duett {n}
:: duet
dug {vt}
:: to stick, tuck, insert, push in
dug {vt}
:: to hide, conceal
dug {vt}
:: to have sex
dugaszaljzat {n}
:: socket
dugaszolóaljzat {n}
:: electrical socket
dugattyú {n}
:: piston
dugipénz {n}
:: nest egg (savings)
dugó {n}
:: plug, stopper (cylindrical piece of rubber, metal or other substance used to fill a hole)
dugó {n}
:: cork (bottle stopper made from the bark of the cork oak, or from plastic)
dugó {n}
:: electrical plug (pronged connecting device which fits into a mating socket)
dugó {n}
:: traffic jam (situation in which road traffic accumulates until it is very slow)
dugó {n}
:: shorty (person of small stature)
dugvány {n}
:: cutting (a leaf, stem, branch, or root removed from a plant and cultivated to grow a new plant)
-dul {suffix}
:: Added to a monosyllable onomatopoeic stem to form a verb
dúl {vit}
:: to ravage
dulakodik {vi}
:: to grapple, tussle, wrestle, scuffle
dulakszik {vi}
:: alternative form of dulakodik
duma {n}
:: duma
duma {n}
:: talk, chat
duma {n}
:: bullshit, lie
dumál {vi}
:: to talk, spiel, chatter (to talk at length unnecessarily)
dumál {vi}
:: to talk, to chat, to speak (to be engaged in informal conversation)
dumál {vt}
:: to say something to someone
dumál {vi}
:: to lie, fudge, prevaricate, fabricate (to state falsehoods)
Duna {prop}
:: Danube
Dunabökény {prop}
:: Mladenovo, a village in Serbia
dunai {adj}
:: Danubian (relating to, or bordering on, the Danube river in Europe)
Dunántúl {prop}
:: Transdanubia
Dunaújváros {prop}
:: Dunaújváros (city)
dunszt {n}
:: steam; steaming (of fruit)
dunszt {n}
:: idea, notion
dunyha {n}
:: eiderdown (a type of thick bedding consisting of a soft flat bag loosely filled with down feathers of ducks, usually protected with a removable cover)
duó {n}
:: duet (a musical composition for two performers)
duó {n}
:: duo (two musical or theatrical performers)
dupla {adj}
:: double, twofold, duplicate
dupla {n}
:: two shots of espresso
dupla vagy semmi {n}
:: double or quits, double or nothing
dupla vé {n}
:: letter: w
dupláz {vt}
:: to double (to multiply by two)
dúr {adj}
:: major
dúr {n}
:: a major key or scale
durva {adj}
:: coarse (of inferior quality)
durva {adj}
:: brusque, rough, rude
durvább {adj}
:: comparative of durva
durvábban {adv}
:: comparative of durván
durván {adv}
:: roughly, rudely
durván {adv}
:: coarsely
durván {adv}
:: roughly, approximately
dús {adj}
:: rich, plentiful
dús {adj}
:: thick (of hair), full (of bosom)
dúsabb {adj}
:: comparative of dús
dúsgazdag {adj}
:: very rich, overrich, opulent, wealthy, filthy rich
dúsít {vt}
:: to enrich
dúsít {vt}
:: to enrich, fortify (to add nutrients to foodstuffs)
dúsítás {n}
:: enrichment
dúskál {v}
:: to have something in abundance, have plenty of, abound in something, be in excess (followed by ban)
dúskál a pénzben {v}
:: to roll in wealth (to be very rich)
dús keblű {adj}
:: bosomy (having a large bosom)
dúskeblű {adj}
:: alternative form of dús keblű
dúskeblűbb {adj}
:: comparative of dúskeblű
dutyi {n}
:: lockup
duttyán {n}
:: food stall
duttyán {n}
:: booth
duzzad {vi}
:: to swell
duzzaszt {vt}
:: to inflate, swell (to cause to become bigger)
duzzog {vi}
:: to sulk
düftin {n}
:: duffel, duvetyne
düh {n}
:: fury, rage, wrath, temper, ire, anger
dühít {vt}
:: to anger, exasperate, enrage, infuriate (to make someone angry)
dühödt {adj}
:: furious, enraged, livid (extremely angry)
dühödt {adj}
:: frantic, unrestrained (pursuing something with intensity and fierceness)
dühödt {adj}
:: enraged, infuriated
dühödt {adj}
:: raging, violent, wild (said of a natural phenomenon, such as a storm, wind, or a body of water)
dühödtebb {adj}
:: comparative of dühödt
dühöng {vi}
:: to rage (to be in a raging temper)
dühös {adj}
:: furious, infuriated, angry
dühösebb {adj}
:: comparative of dühös
-dül {suffix}
:: Added to a monosyllable onomatopoeic stem to form a verb
dűl {vi}
:: alternative form of dől
dülmirigy {n}
:: prostate, prostate gland
dűne {n}
:: dune
dűt {vt}
:: synonym of dönt
dűt {vt}
:: synonym of ont
DVD {n}
:: DVD (digital video disc)
dz {letter}
:: letter: dzé
Dz {letter}
:: letter: dzé
dzé {n}
:: letter: dz
dzéta {n}
:: zeta (Greek letter)
dzs {letter}
:: letter: dzsé
Dzs {letter}
:: letter: dzsé
dzsainizmus {n}
:: Jainism
dzsámi {n}
:: large mosque
dzsé {n}
:: letter: dzs
dzsehennem {n}
:: hell (where sinners go)
dzsem {n}
:: jam
dzsentri {n}
:: Hungarian gentry
dzsentri {n}
:: a person belonging to this class
dzsessz {n}
:: jazz
Dzsesszika {prop}
:: given name
dzsesszzene {n}
:: jazz music
Dzshárkhand {prop}
:: Dzshárkhand (state)
Dzsibuti {prop}
:: Dzsibuti (country)
dzsihad {n}
:: alternative spelling of dzsihád
dzsihád {n}
:: jihad
dzsinn {n}
:: genie, jinn (a fictional magical being in Middle Eastern folktales)
dzsip {n}
:: jeep
dzsiudzsicu {n}
:: jujutsu, jujitsu
dzsogging {n}
:: jogging (exercise)
dzsóker {n}
:: joker
dzsömper {n}
:: jumper (woolen sweater or pullover)
dzsörzé {n}
:: jersey, a plain-knitted, flexible fabric
dzsúdó {n}
:: judo
dzsudogi {n}
:: gi, judogi (a Judo or Karate uniform)
dzsudoka {n}
:: judoka
dzsumbuj {n}
:: projects (settlement at the edge of a town)
dzsumbuj {n}
:: mess (a disorder)
dzsungel {n}
:: jungle
dzsunka {n}
:: junk