d. {adj}
:: abbreviation of dawny
d. {adv}
:: abbreviation of dawniej
dach {m inan}
:: roof
dach {m inan}
:: house, apartment
dachowiec {m anim}
:: moggy, mixed-breed cat
dachowiec {m anim}
:: feral cat
dachowy {adj}
:: roof
dachówka {f}
:: roof tile
Dacja {prop} {f}
:: Dacia (ancient kingdom and Roman province)
dacza {f}
:: dacha (Russian villa or summer house)
dać {vt pf}
:: to give
dać {v pf}
:: to let; to allow; to permit
dać {vi pf}
:: to put out; to consent to sex (used mainly of women)
dać {vr pf}
:: to give in; to let go
dać {vr pf}
:: to be feasible
dać drapaka {v pf}
:: to get away; to escape
dać dupy {v pf}
:: to screw up; to fail
dać dupy {v pf}
:: to put out; to spread legs; to have sex , especially for some gain (used in reference to women)
dać nogę {v pf}
:: to escape; to get away
dać sobie rękę uciąć {v pf}
:: to bet the farm, to be absolutely sure about something
dać sobie siana {v pf}
:: to chill out, to calm down, to let go of something
dać spokój {v pf}
:: to give it a rest
dadaista {m pers}
:: Dadaist
dadaistycznie {adv}
:: in a Dadaist manner
dadaistyczny {adj}
:: Dadaist
dadaizm {m inan}
:: dadaism
Dagestan {prop} {m}
:: Dagestan
Dagmara {prop} {f}
:: given name
Dakota Południowa {prop} {f}
:: Dakota Południowa (state)
Dakota Północna {prop} {f}
:: Dakota Północna (state)
daktyl {m anim}
:: date (fruit of the date palm)
daktylowiec {m inan}
:: date palm, any tree of the genus Phoenix
dal {f}
:: distance
dalas {m inan}
:: poverty, penury
dalej {adv}
:: comparative of daleko
dalej {adv}
:: next (in sequence)
dalej {adv}
:: further
dalej {adv}
:: then
dalej {interj}
:: next
dalej {interj}
:: come on (encouragement)
daleki {adj}
:: far, distant
Daleki Wschód {prop} {m}
:: Far East
daleko {adv}
:: far
dalekosiężny {adj}
:: far-reaching, wide-ranging, long-range, long-term
dalekowidz {m pers}
:: A farsighted person; a presbyope
dalekowzroczność {f}
:: farsightedness, hyperopia, hypermetropia
dalekowzroczność {f}
:: farsightedness (quality of being considerate about what might happen in the future)
dalia {f}
:: dahlia (any plant of the genus Dahlia)
dalia {f}
:: Alaska blackfish (Dallia pectoralis)
Dalmacja {prop} {f}
:: Dalmacja (region)
dalmatyńczyk {m anim}
:: Dalmatian (breed of dog)
dalmatyński {adj}
:: Dalmatian (relating to Dalmatia or its people)
dalszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of daleki
daltonizm {m inan}
:: color blindness
dama {f}
:: lady
dama {f}
:: queen
damasceński {adj}
:: Damascene
Damaszek {prop} {m}
:: Damaszek (capital)
Damian {prop} {m}
:: given name
damski {adj}
:: female, women's, ladies'
dandys {m pers}
:: (man) dandy
dane {p}
:: data
Dania {prop} {f}
:: Denmark
danie {n}
:: course (dish)
danie {n}
:: verbal noun of dać
danie główne {n}
:: main course
daniel {m anim}
:: fallow deer
Daniel {prop} {m}
:: given name
danieli {adj}
:: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of fallow deer
Danija {prop} {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Dania
danina {f}
:: tribute
Danka {prop} {f}
:: given name
dantejski {adj}
:: Dantesque, Dantean (suggesting Dante's style)
dantejski {adj}
:: macabre, disturbing as Hell is described in Dante's Divine Comedy
dantejskie sceny {nv}
:: hair-raising scenes; disturbing, shocking events
dantejskie sceny {nv}
:: great commotion, rush, ruckus
Danuta {prop} {f}
:: given name
dany {adj}
:: given
dar {m inan}
:: gift
darbuka {f}
:: darbuka, goblet drum
darcie {n}
:: verbal noun of drzeć
Darek {prop} {m pers}
:: given name
daremny {adj}
:: futile
dari {n}
:: Dari
Daria {prop} {pl} {f}
:: given name
Dariusz {prop} {pl} {m pers}
:: given name
darmo {adv}
:: free, gratis
darmo {adv}
:: in vain
darmowy {adj}
:: complimentary, free of charge
darmozjad {m pers}
:: A person who lives on other people's efforts or expense; a freeloader; a parasite
darmsztadt {m inan}
:: darmstadtium (chemical element)
darń {f}
:: sod, turf
darować {vt pf}
:: to pardon, to excuse, to forgive, to remit, to absolve
darowanemu koniowi nie zagląda się w zęby {proverb}
:: don't look a gift horse in the mouth
darowizna {f}
:: gift
darowizna {f}
:: donation
darowizna {f}
:: grant
darowizna {f}
:: endowment
darownik {m anim}
:: Any of various spiders belonging to the genus Pisaura
darowywać {vt impf}
:: to pardon, to excuse, to forgive, to remit, to absolve
darwinista {m pers}
:: Darwinist
darwinistka {f}
:: female Darwinist
darwinistyczny {adj}
:: Darwinistic
darwinizm {m inan}
:: Darwinism
darwinowski {adj}
:: Darwinian
daszek {m inan}
:: diminutive of dach
daszek {m inan}
:: peak, visor, vizor (the fore piece of a cap)
daszek {m inan}
:: circumflex (^)
data {f}
:: date (the point of time at which event takes place; a specific day)
datowalny {adj}
:: dateable (that may be ascribed a date or age)
Dauha {prop} {f}
:: Dauha (capital city)
daw. {adj}
:: abbreviation of dawny
daw. {adv}
:: abbreviation of dawniej
dawać {v impf}
:: to give
dawać {v impf}
:: to let; to allow; to permit
dawać {v impf}
:: to put out; to consent to sex (used mainly of women)
dawać dupy {v impf}
:: to fail; to screw up
dawać dupy {v impf}
:: to put out; to spread legs; to have sex , especially for some gain (used in reference to women)
dawanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dawać
dawca {m pers}
:: donor
dawczyni {f}
:: donor
Dawid {prop} {m pers}
:: given name
Dawid {prop} {m pers}
:: David (Biblical figure)
dawka {f}
:: dose
dawniej {adv}
:: formerly
dawniejszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of dawny
dawno {adv}
:: long, a long time ago
dawny {adj}
:: past, former, distant (in time)
dąb {m inan}
:: oak
dąbczak {m inan}
:: A young oak tree
dąbek {m inan}
:: diminutive of dąb
dąbrowa {f}
:: oakwood (oak forest or copse)
Dąbrowa Górnicza {prop} {f}
:: Dąbrowa Górnicza (city)
dąbrowiec samotnik {m anim}
:: Akimerus schaefferi, a longhorn beetle
dąć {v impf}
:: to blow, to push air into a horn-like wind instrument with one's mouth
dąć {v impf}
:: to blow, to produce an air current
dąć {v impf}
:: to be boastful
dąsać {vr impf}
:: to sulk, to pout
dąsanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dąsać
dąsik {m inan}
:: diminutive of dąs
dążenie {n}
:: verbal noun of dążyć
dążenie {n}
:: pursuance, pursuit, striving, aspiration
dążyć {vi impf}
:: to aspire, to strive
dbać {vi impf}
:: to care, to look after
dbale {adv}
:: heedfully; in a heedful manner
dbale {adv}
:: attentively; in an attentive manner
dbałość {f}
:: heedfulness
dbałość {f}
:: attentiveness
dbały {adj}
:: heedful
dbały {adj}
:: attentive
dbanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dbać
de- {prefix}
:: de- (reversal, undoing or removing)
deadline {m inan}
:: deadline (date on or before which something must be completed)
debata {f}
:: debate, discussion
debeściak {m pers}
:: pro, cool guy; someone worthy of admiration or respect
debil {m pers}
:: a moron
debil {m pers}
:: person with slight mental retardation
debiut {m inan}
:: debut
debrza {f}
:: dell, dingle
dech {m inan}
:: breath
dech {m inan}
:: gust (of wind), breeze
decha {f}
:: augmentative of deska
decy- {prefix}
:: deci-
decylitr {m inan}
:: deciliter
decymetr {m}
:: decimetre, (US) decimeter
decyzja {f}
:: decision (choice or judgement)
dedykacja {f}
:: dedication (note prefixed to a work of art)
dedykować {vt impf}
:: to dedicate (address or inscribe (a literary work, for example) to another as a mark of respect or affection)
dedykowanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dedykować
defetyzm {m inan}
:: defeatism
defilada {f}
:: parade
defiladowy {adj}
:: parade
definicja {f}
:: definition (statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol)
deflacja {f}
:: deflation
defloracja {f}
:: defloration
deforma {f}
:: a reform that makes things worse instead of better; dismantling
degrengolada {f}
:: downfall, degringolade
degustacja {f}
:: tasting, degustation
degustacyjny {adj}
:: tasting, degustation
deista {m pers}
:: deist
deizm {m inan}
:: deism
déjà vu {n}
:: déjà vu (something which one has or suspects to have seen or experienced before)
dekada {f}
:: decade
dekalog {m inan}
:: Ten Commandments, Decalogue
dekan {m inan}
:: decane
dekarz {m pers}
:: roofer (craftsman who lays and repairs roofs)
dekiel {m inan}
:: student headwear made from embroidered cloth, worn in Poland and Germany during the interbellum period, nowadays used in student fraternities
dekiel {m inan}
:: cap, cover, panel
dekiel {m inan}
:: hubcap
dekiel {m inan}
:: noggin, head
dekiel {m inan}
:: idiot
dekielek {m inan}
:: lens cap
dekielek {m inan}
:: diminutive of dekiel
deklinacja {f}
:: declension
dekolcik {m inan}
:: diminutive of dekolt
dekolt {m inan}
:: décolletage (low neckline on a woman's dress, especially one that reveals or emphasizes her cleavage)
dekolt {m inan}
:: décolletage (portion of a woman's body that is revealed by a low neckline)
dekomercjalizacja {f}
:: decommercialization
dekomunizacja {f}
:: decommunization
dekoracja {f}
:: decoration (that which adorns)
dekoracja {f}
:: decoration (act of adorning)
dekoracja {f}
:: decoration (any mark of honor to be worn upon the person)
dekoracja {f}
:: scenery (stage backdrops, property and other items on a stage that give the impression of the location of the scene)
dekoracyjny {adj}
:: decorative
dekorować {vt impf}
:: to decorate, to deck out, to adorn
dekorować {vt impf}
:: to decorate, to honour
dekret {m inan}
:: decree
Delaware {prop} {n}
:: Delaware (state)
Delaware {prop} {f}
:: Delaware (river)
delegacja {f}
:: delegation
delegacja {f}
:: business trip
delegat {m pers}
:: delegate
delficki {adj}
:: Delphic (of or pertaining to Delphi)
delfin {m anim}
:: dolphin
delfin {m anim}
:: butterfly
delfin {m pers}
:: dauphin
delfinarium {n}
:: dolphinarium
delfiniak {m inan}
:: dolphin striker
Delfy {prop} {p}
:: Delphi (city of ancient Greece, site of the Delphic oracle)
deliberacja {f}
:: proceedings, deliberations
deliberować {vi impf}
:: to deliberate
delicja {f}
:: delicacy, something very tasty
delicja {f}
:: Jaffa cake
delikates {m inan}
:: delicacy, rarity, sunket
delikatesy {nv}
:: delicatessen (shop selling prepared foods)
delikatnie {adv}
:: delicately
delikatniejszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of delikatny
delikatny {adj}
:: gentle
delikwent {m pers}
:: culprit
delirium {n}
:: delirium
delta {f}
:: delta
delta {f}
:: discriminant
deltoid {m inan}
:: kite
demagog {m pers}
:: demagogue, demagog
demagogia {f}
:: demagogy
demakijaż {m inan}
:: make-up (cosmetic) removal
demencja {f}
:: dementia (progressive decline in cognitive function)
dementi {n}
:: repudiation, denial; official statement denying a rumor or accusation
dementować {v impf}
:: to deny, to disclaim, to repudiate
dementowanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dementować
demiurg {m pers}
:: demiurge (being that created the universe)
demiurg {m pers}
:: demiurge (the title of a magistrate in a number of states of Ancient Greece, and in the city states (poleis) of the Achaean League)
demiurg {m pers}
:: demiurge (something (such as an idea, individual or institution) conceived as an autonomous creative force or decisive power)
demograf {m pers}
:: demographer
demografia {f}
:: demography
demograficzny {adj}
:: demographic
demokracja {f}
:: democracy
demokrata {m pers}
:: democrat
demokrata {m pers}
:: Democrat
Demokratyczna Republika Konga {prop} {f}
:: Democratic Republic of the Congo
demokratycznie {adv}
:: democratically
demokratyczny {adj}
:: democratic
demoludy {nv}
:: Eastern Bloc countries
demon {m anim}
:: demon
demoniczny {adj}
:: demonic
demonologia {f}
:: demonology
demonstracja {f}
:: demonstration (act of demonstrating)
demonstracja {f}
:: demonstration (event)
demonstracja {f}
:: demonstration (public display of opinion)
demonstrant {m pers}
:: demonstrator (participant of a demonstration)
demonstrantka {f}
:: female demonstrator
demonstrować {v impf}
:: to demonstrate (show how to use something)
demonstrować {v impf}
:: to demonstrate (show the steps taken to create a logical argument or equation)
demonstrować {v impf}
:: to demonstrate (participate in a demonstration)
demontować {v impf}
:: to dismantle, to disassemble
demontowanie {n}
:: verbal noun of demontować
demoralizacja {f}
:: depravation, depravity
demoralizować {vt impf}
:: to deprave, to corrupt, to demoralise
Den Bosch {prop} {m inan}
:: synonym of 's-Hertogenbosch
denaturat {m inan}
:: denatured alcohol; concentrated alcohol that was rendered unfit for human consumption by the addition of a denaturing agent and is thus exempt from excise tax
dendrochronologia {f}
:: dendrochronology
dendrologia {f}
:: dendrology (study of trees)
denerwować {vt impf}
:: to irritate, to annoy
denerwowanie {n}
:: verbal noun of denerwować
denko {n}
:: diminutive of dno
denny {adj}
:: seabed; riverbed; bottom; benthic; demersal
denny {adj}
:: shoddy, poor (of low quality)
dentysta {m pers}
:: dentist
dentystka {f}
:: female dentist
depalatalizacja {f}
:: depalatalization
depesza {f}
:: wire copy; an item published by a news agency or a wire service
depesza {f}
:: telegram
depeszować {v impf}
:: to telegram
depeszować {v impf}
:: to send wire copy
depilator {m inan}
:: epilator
deprecjacja {f}
:: depreciation (decline in value of assets)
deprecjonować {vt impf}
:: to depreciate, debase (to lessen in price or value)
deprecjonować {vt impf}
:: to depreciate, belittle
deprecjonować {vr impf}
:: to depreciate (to decline in value over time)
depresja {f}
:: depression (state of mind producing serious long-term lowering of enjoyment)
depresja {f}
:: depression
deptać {vt impf}
:: to tread, trample
deptak {m inan}
:: boardwalk, promenade; a street designed as a place of leisure, for use mostly or exclusively by pedestrians
dereń {m inan}
:: cornel, dogwood, any tree or shrub of genus Cornus
derkacz {m anim}
:: corncrake, landrail (Crex crex)
dermatolog {m pers}
:: dermatologist
dermatologia {f}
:: dermatology
dermatologiczny {adj}
:: dermatological
derwisz {m pers}
:: Dervish (member of a Sufi Muslim ascetic fraternity of mendicant friars)
derwisz {m pers}
:: fakir (faqir, owning no personal property and usually living solely off alms)
desant {m inan}
:: landing operation
deseczka {f}
:: diminutive of deska
deseń {m inan}
:: pattern (on fabric, paper etc.)
deser {m inan}
:: dessert
deska {f}
:: board; plank (piece of wood)
deska {f}
:: skateboard, snowboard, surfboard or a similar sports item
deska {f}
:: a flat woman; a woman with very small breasts
deskarz {m pers}
:: snowboarder
deskarz {m pers}
:: windsurfer
deskarz {m pers}
:: skater
deskorolka {f}
:: skateboard
deskryptywizm {m inan}
:: descriptivism
despekt {m inan}
:: despect, contempt, derision
desperacja {f}
:: desperation
despota {m pers}
:: despot
destalinizacja {f}
:: destalinization
destrukcyjny {adj}
:: destructive
destylacja {f}
:: distillation
destylat {m inan}
:: distillation (substance extracted by distilling)
deszcz {m inan}
:: rain
deszcz {m inan}
:: (rain) shower
deszczomierz {m inan}
:: rain gauge
deszczoodporny {adj}
:: rainproof, raintight
deszczowy {adj}
:: pertaining to rain; rainy
deszczówka {f}
:: rainwater
deszczyk {m inan}
:: diminutive of deszcz
detektyw {m pers}
:: detective
detektyw {f}
:: detective
determinizm {m inan}
:: Determinism (in ethics)
deuter {m inan}
:: deuterium
dewanagari {n}
:: Devanagari (abugida alphabet of India and Nepal)
deweloper {m pers}
:: real estate developer
deweloper {m pers}
:: software developer
dewiant {m pers}
:: pervert, deviant
dewiza {f}
:: philosophy, motto, watchword, byword
dewocjonalia {nv}
:: devotional articles (items related to religious worship which are the subject of trade)
dewota {m pers}
:: sanctimonious person; bigot
dewotka {f}
:: sanctimonious, bigoted woman
dezaktywować {v impf}
:: to deactivate, to disable (to put something out of action)
dezaprobata {f}
:: flak, disapproval
dezinformacja {f}
:: disinformation
dezinstalacja {f}
:: uninstallation
dezinstalator {m inan}
:: uninstaller (a program that uninstalls software)
dezodorant {m inan}
:: deodorant (cosmetic)
dezoksyrybonukleinowy {adj}
:: deoxyribonucleic
dezyderat {m inan}
:: desideratum
dezynfekcja {f}
:: disinfection
dębczak {m inan}
:: A young oak tree
dębczak {m inan}
:: An oak stick
dębek {m inan}
:: A young oak tree
dębik {m inan}
:: avens (a plant of the genus Dryas)
dębina {f}
:: oakwood (oak forest)
dębina {f}
:: oak (wood of an oak tree)
dębina {f}
:: oak branches
dębina {f}
:: oak (tree)
dębniak {m inan}
:: mead matured in oak barrels
dębniak {m inan}
:: oakwood (oak forest)
dębosz {m anim}
:: Aesalus scarabaeoides, a stag beetle
dębosz {m anim}
:: Cerambyx cerdo, a round-necked long-horn
dębowy {adj}
:: of, or pertaining to oak (trees or wood)
dęga {f}
:: wale
dętka {f}
:: inner tube (of a tire)
dętka {f}
:: bladder (inflatable bag inside a ball)
dętka {f}
:: Christmas bauble
diabelny {adj}
:: evil
diabelny {adj}
:: intensive
diabelski {adj}
:: devilish
diabelski {adj}
:: evil, fiendish
diabelski {adj}
:: intensive
diabelski młyn {m}
:: Ferris wheel
diabeł {m anim}
:: devil (a creature of hell)
diabeł nakrył ogonem {phrase}
:: used when something was misplaced and cannot be found
diabeł ogonem nakrył {phrase}
:: alternative form of diabeł nakrył ogonem
diabeł tkwi w szczegółach {proverb}
:: devil is in the details
diabli {adj}
:: devilish
diablica {f}
:: she-devil
diaboliczny {adj}
:: diabolic
diadem {m inan}
:: diadem (ornamental headband)
diagnozować {v impf}
:: to diagnose
diagnozowanie {n}
:: verbal noun of diagnozować
diagram {m inan}
:: diagram
diak {m pers}
:: A cantor in the Eastern Orthodox Church
diaks {m inan}
:: angle grinder
dialekt {m inan}
:: dialect
dialektologia {f}
:: dialectology
dialog {m inan}
:: dialog (conversation or other discourse between individuals)
diament {m inan}
:: diamond (mineral)
diamentowy {adj}
:: diamond-
diarchia {f}
:: diarchy
didżej {m pers}
:: DJ, disk jockey, deejay
didżejka {f}
:: female DJ, disk jockey, deejay
diecezja {f}
:: diocese
diecezjalny {adj}
:: diocesan (relating to a diocese)
diesel {m inan}
:: diesel (fuel)
diesel {m inan}
:: diesel (vehicle)
dietetyczny {adj}
:: dietetic
dietetyk {m pers}
:: dietician
dietetyka {f}
:: nutrition, dietetics
dildo {n}
:: dildo
dinar {m anim}
:: dinar
dinozaur {m anim}
:: dinosaur (prehistoric animal)
dioda {f}
:: diode
dioptria {f}
:: diopter (unit of measure)
dip {m inan}
:: dip (sauce for dipping)
dis {n}
:: D sharp
disco polo {n}
:: disco polo
diugoń {m anim}
:: dugong (Dugong dugon)
divertimento {n}
:: divertimento
diwa {f}
:: diva (female celebrity)
DJ {m pers}
:: DJ, disk jockey, deejay
dk. {adj}
:: abbreviation of dokonany; pf.
dk. {m pers}
:: abbreviation of diakon
dk {adj}
:: abbreviation of dokonany; pf.
dla {prep}
:: for
dlaczego {pron}
:: (interrogative pronoun) why
dlań {contraction}
:: contraction of dla niego
dlatego {pron}
:: therefore, that's why
dł. {f}
:: abbreviation of długość
dławica {f}
:: angina
dławica {f}
:: diphtheria
dławica {f}
:: gland
dławić {vt impf}
:: to stifle, to quell, to smother, to throttle, to choke down
dławić {vr impf}
:: to choke
dławigad {m anim}
:: Any stork of the genus Mycteria
dławik {m anim}
:: drongo, dicrurid (any bird of the family Dicruridae)
dławik {m inan}
:: choke; inductor that blocks high frequencies
dławik {m inan}
:: choke collar
dławik {m inan}
:: cable grommet
dławisz {m inan}
:: Any plant of the genus Celastrus; staff vine; bittersweet
-dło {suffix}
:: Appended to verbs to form nouns meaning: an object involved in performing the action. Comparable to the English -er
dłoniasty {adj}
:: palm-shaped (shaped like the palm of the hand)
dłoń {f}
:: palm (inner, concave part of hand)
dłubanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dłubać
dłubanka {f}
:: dugout (canoe)
dług {m inan}
:: debt
długas {m pers}
:: long-distance runner
długi {adj}
:: long (of large physical length)
długi {adj}
:: long (extended in time)
długo {adv}
:: long
długodystansowiec {m pers}
:: long-distance runner
długoletni {adj}
:: longtime, long-standing
długonosy {adj}
:: longnose
długopęd {m inan}
:: long shoot
długopis {m inan}
:: ballpoint pen (writing tool)
długosz {m inan}
:: Any fern of the genus Osmunda
Długosz {prop} {m pers}
:: given name
długoszpar {m anim}
:: basking shark
długoszyj {m inan}
:: Any moss of the genus Tayloria (Splachnaceae) (Splachnaceae); tayloria dung moss
długość {f}
:: length
długość {f}
:: duration
długowieczny {adj}
:: longevous
długowłosy {adj}
:: longhaired (having long hair)
dłuto {n}
:: chisel
dłutownica {f}
:: slotting machine, slotter (machine tool)
dłuż. {adj}
:: abbreviation of dolnołużycki
dłużej {adv}
:: comparative of długo
dłużnik {m pers}
:: debtor
dłuższy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of długi
dmuchać {vt impf}
:: to blow (produce an air current)
dmuchać {vt impf}
:: to have sex with someone
dmuchanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dmuchać
dmuchawa {f}
:: blower (device)
dmuchawiec {m inan}
:: dandelion, clock (seed head of a dandelion)
dmuchnąć {vt pf}
:: to blow (produce an air current)
dmuchnąć {vt pf}
:: to have sex with someone
dmuchnąć {vt pf}
:: to steal something
dmuszek {m inan}
:: hare's-tail grass (Lagurus (Poaceae) (Poaceae))
dna {f}
:: gout (form of inflammatory arthritis)
DNA {prop} {m} {n}
:: abbreviation of kwas dezoksyrybonukleinowy
dnieć {vi impf}
:: to dawn
dniem. {adj}
:: abbreviation of dolnoniemiecki
Dniepr {prop} {m}
:: Dnieper, the second-longest river flowing to the Black Sea
-dniowy {suffix}
:: -day-long; -day
-dniowy {suffix}
:: -day-old
dniowy {adj}
:: synonym of dzienny
dniówka {f}
:: daily wage
dno {n}
:: bottom (the lowest part of a container)
dno {n}
:: bottom (ground under the sea, ocean, river etc.)
do- {prefix}
:: further, additionally
do- {prefix}
:: completing something unfinished
do {prep}
:: to, towards, into
do {prep}
:: until
do {prep}
:: by
do dna {phrase}
:: bottoms up, literally "to the bottom!"
do dupy {adj}
:: See: pl do dupa
do dupy {adj}
:: shitty; crappy
do dupy {adv}
:: See: pl do dupa
do dupy {adv}
:: shitty; crappy
do góry nogami {adv}
:: upside down
do kurwy nędzy {phrase}
:: for fuck's sake
do porzygu {adj}
:: until you puke; until you drop
do porzygu {adv}
:: until you puke; until you drop
do porzygu {adv}
:: overdone
do usranej śmierci {adv}
:: until hell freezes over, ad infinitum
do widzenia {phrase}
:: goodbye
do zobaczenia {phrase}
:: see you
doba {f}
:: day (full 24 hours)
doba {f}
:: age, era, period
dobicie {n}
:: verbal noun of dobić
dobicie {n}
:: coup de grâce
dobić {vt pf}
:: to finish off, to kill, to deliver a killing blow
dobić {vt pf}
:: to kill, to cause anguish
dobieranie {n}
:: verbal noun of dobierać
dobijać {vt impf}
:: to finish off, to kill, to deliver a killing blow
dobijać {vt impf}
:: to kill, to cause anguish
dobijak {m anim}
:: great sand eel (Hyperoplus lanceolatus)
dobijak {m anim}
:: Certain other species of sandlance (fish of the family Ammodytidae)
dobijanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dobijać
dobitny {adj}
:: perspicuous, emphatic
dobór {m inan}
:: choice, selection, picking
dobór krewniaczy {m inan}
:: kin selection
dobór naturalny {m inan}
:: natural selection
dobra {nv}
:: goods (that which is produced, traded, bought or sold)
dobra {interj}
:: OK!
dobranoc {interj}
:: good night
dobro {n}
:: good
dobro {n}
:: a good
dobro {n}
:: estate, landed property
dobrobyt {m inan}
:: prosperity
dobroczynność {f}
:: charity; beneficence, philanthropy
dobroczynny {adj}
:: charitable, philanthropic, benevolent, beneficent
dobroczynny {adj}
:: beneficial, positive, good
dobroczyńca {m pers}
:: benefactor
dobroć {f}
:: goodness, kindness
dobrodziej {m pers}
:: benefactor; a beneficent person; someone who helps others
dobrodziej {m pers}
:: Christian priest
Dobrosława {prop} {f}
:: given name
dobrostan {m inan}
:: well-being
dobrowolny {adj}
:: voluntary (acting of one's free will)
dobry {adj}
:: good
dobry wieczór {phrase}
:: good evening
dobrymi chęciami jest piekło wybrukowane {proverb}
:: the road to hell is paved with good intentions
dobrze {adv}
:: well
dobrze {adv}
:: OK, alright
dobrze {adv}
:: good
dobyć {vt pf}
:: to draw (a weapon)
dobytek {m inan}
:: belongings (collection of personal items)
dobytek {m inan}
:: cattle, livestock
doceniać {v impf}
:: to appreciate
docenianie {n}
:: verbal noun of doceniać
docenienie {n}
:: verbal noun of docenić
docent {m pers}
:: docent, lecturer (teacher at a university)
docentura {f}
:: lectureship (position of a lecturer or docent)
dochodzenie {n}
:: verbal noun of dochodzić
dochodzenie {n}
:: investigation (an act conducted especially by prosecutor etc.)
dochodzić {v impf}
:: to come, to approach
dochodzić {v impf}
:: to approach (a conclusion)
dochodzić {v impf}
:: to investigate
dochodzić {v impf}
:: to come (orgasm)
dochowanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dochować
dochód {m inan}
:: net income
dociekać {vi impf}
:: to investigate, to inquire
docierać {vi impf}
:: to reach (arrive at by effort)
docierać {vt impf}
:: to finish grating, to grate some more
docinek {m inan}
:: barb, cutting remark
dociskanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dociskać
doczepiać {vt impf}
:: to hitch, to attach
doczepić {vt pf}
:: to hitch, to attach
doczepka {f}
:: trailer, tagalong (attachment for a bicycle)
doczepka {f}
:: extension, hair extension
doczesny {adj}
:: mundane, worldly (as opposed to divine or related to the afterlife)
dodać {vt pf}
:: to add (something to something else)
dodać {v pf}
:: to add (to take the sum)
dodajnik {m inan}
:: addend (any of the numbers added)
dodajnik {m inan}
:: addend, as opposed to an augend
dodatek {m inan}
:: addition, supplement
dodatek {m inan}
:: appendix (of a book)
dodatek {m inan}
:: add-on
dodatkowy {adj}
:: additional, supplementary
dodatni {adj}
:: plus, positive (above zero)
dodatni {adj}
:: profitable
dodawać {vt impf}
:: to add (something to something else)
dodawać {v impf}
:: to add (to take the sum)
dodawanie {n}
:: addition
dodekafonia {f}
:: dodecaphony
dodekafoniczny {adj}
:: dodecaphonic
dodekan {m inan}
:: dodecane
dodzwonić {vr pf}
:: to get through to
dog niemiecki {m anim}
:: Great Dane
dogadzać {vt impf}
:: to pamper, to please, to indulge, to pander to
dogięcie {n}
:: verbal noun of dogiąć
doglądać {vt impf}
:: to look after, to tend to
doglądać {vt impf}
:: to oversee, to supervise
dogłębny {adj}
:: in-depth, thorough, comprehensive
dogłębny {adj}
:: profound (characterized by intensity)
dogodny {adj}
:: convenient, conducive, commode
dogodzić {vt pf}
:: to pamper, to please, to indulge, to pander to
dogrywka {f}
:: extra time, overtime
dogryzienie {n}
:: verbal noun of dogryźć
doić {vt impf}
:: to milk (to express milk from mammal)
doić {v impf}
:: to milk; to exploit ruthlessly
dojarka {f}
:: milkmaid
dojazd {m inan}
:: access road
dojazd {m inan}
:: act of commuting or traveling somewhere (not on foot)
dojazd {m inan}
:: out-run (part of a ski jumping hill)
dojebać {v pf}
:: to add
dojebać {v pf}
:: to say something stupid
dojebać {v pf}
:: to worse the situation
dojebać {v pf}
:: to say something funny or clever
dojebać {v pf}
:: to annoy, to bother
dojebać {v pf}
:: to finish off
dojebać {v pf}
:: to beat
dojenie {n}
:: verbal noun of doić
dojęcie {n}
:: verbal noun of dojąć
dojny {adj}
:: milch
dojo {n}
:: dojo (a place where martial arts are practiced)
dojrzalszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of dojrzały
dojrzałość {f}
:: maturity
dojrzałość {f}
:: ripeness
dojrzały {adj}
:: mature
dojrzały {adj}
:: ripe
dojrzeć {vi pf}
:: to ripen, to mature
dojrzewać {vi impf}
:: to mature
dojrzewać {vi impf}
:: to ripen
dojść {v pf}
:: to arrive on foot, to reach
dojść {v pf}
:: to achieve
dojść {v pf}
:: to find out, to arrive at
dojść {v pf}
:: to come, to have an orgasm
dok {m inan}
:: dock
dokańczać {vt impf}
:: to finish, bring to completion (assuming that the majority of work has already been done)
dokarmiać {vt impf}
:: to feed additionally, to give extra food to
dokarmić {vt pf}
:: to feed additionally, to give extra food to
dokąd {pron}
:: where (the place to which)
dokądś {pron}
:: (to) somewhere (into some direction), somewhither
doker {m pers}
:: dockworker, docker, roustabout
dokładka {f}
:: seconds, second helping
dokładnie {adv}
:: accurately, exactly, precisely
dokładniej {adv}
:: comparative of dokładnie
dokładniejszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of dokładny
dokładny {adj}
:: exact, accurate
dokonać {v pf}
:: to bring to an end, to accomplish
dokonać {v pf}
:: to commit (a crime)
dokonanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dokonać; accomplishment
dokonany {adj}
:: perfective
dokonywać {v impf}
:: to accomplish, to bring to an end, to complete
dokonywać {v impf}
:: to commit (a crime)
dokończyć {vt pf}
:: to finish, bring to completion (assuming that the majority of work has already been done)
dokopanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dokopać
dokrojenie {n}
:: verbal noun of dokroić
doktor {m pers}
:: doctor, person holding a doctorate (Ph.D., M.D.)
doktor {m pers}
:: doctor (physician)
doktorant {m pers}
:: doctorand (A postgraduate aiming to receive a doctorate)
doktorantka {f}
:: feminine noun of doktorant (A postgraduate aiming to receive a doctorate)
doktorat {m inan}
:: doctorate, doctoral degree
doktorat {m inan}
:: dissertation, doctoral thesis
doktryna {f}
:: doctrine
doktrynalnie {adv}
:: doctrinally; in a doctrinal manner
doktrynalny {adj}
:: doctrinal
dokuczać {vi impf}
:: to tease
dokuczać {vi impf}
:: to annoy, trouble, bother, vex
dokument {m inan}
:: document
dokumentować {vt impf}
:: to document
dola {f}
:: destiny, fate
dola {f}
:: cut, share of goods from a robbery
dolar {m anim}
:: dollar
dolec {m anim}
:: U.S. dollar
dolewanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dolewać
doliczony czas {m inan}
:: injury time
dolina {f}
:: valley, dale
doliniarz {m pers}
:: pickpocket
dolinka {f}
:: diminutive of dolina
dolinny {adj}
:: valley, dale
dolnołużycki {adj}
:: Lower Sorbian
dolnoniemiecki {adj}
:: Low German
dolny {adj}
:: lower
Dolny Śląsk {prop} {m}
:: Lower Silesia
Dolomity {prop} {p}
:: Dolomity (mountain range)
dołączać {vt impf}
:: to add
dołączać {vi impf}
:: to join
dołączać {vr impf}
:: to get into the act, to get in on the act, to join in
dołączyć {vt pf}
:: to add
dołączyć {vi pf}
:: to join
dołączyć {vr pf}
:: to get into the act, to get in on the act, to join in
dom {m inan}
:: home
dom {m inan}
:: house (building)
dom publiczny {m inan}
:: brothel
dom wariatów {m inan}
:: psychiatric hospital, mental hospital
dom wariatów {m inan}
:: madhouse (chaotic place)
domagać {vr impf}
:: to demand, to want
domagać {vr impf}
:: to require, to need
Domarad {prop} {m pers} {f}
:: given name
Domaradz {prop} {m pers} {f}
:: given name
domarznięcie {n}
:: verbal noun of domarznąć
domator {m pers}
:: A homebody; a person that enjoys spending time at their own home
domek {m inan}
:: little house
domena {f}
:: domain (DNS domain name)
domena {f}
:: domain
domena {f}
:: demesne
domena publiczna {f}
:: public domain
domieszka {f}
:: admixture
domieszkować {v impf}
:: to dope, to add a dopant
dominacja {f}
:: domination
dominanta {f}
:: mode
dominanta {f}
:: dominant
Dominik {prop} {m pers}
:: given name
Dominika {prop} {f}
:: Dominika (island/and/country)
Dominika {prop} {f}
:: given name
Dominikana {prop} {f}
:: Dominikana (country)
domino {n}
:: dominoes
domino {n}
:: domino costume (masquerade costume)
dominowy {adj}
:: dominoes
dominowy {adj}
:: domino costume
domknięcie {n}
:: closure
domknięcie {n}
:: verbal noun of domknąć
domniemany {adj}
:: presumed, supposed, implied
domofon {m inan}
:: entryphone, doorphone
domokrążca {m pers}
:: door-to-door peddler
domownik {m pers}
:: household member, home-dweller, inmate (person who occupies or dwells within a dwelling-house)
domowy {adj}
:: domestic, home
domowy {adj}
:: house
domówka {f}
:: house party
Don {prop} {m}
:: Don (river)
donica {f}
:: flowerpot, plant pot, bowl, vase
donica {f}
:: mixing bowl
doniczka {f}
:: flowerpot
Donieck {prop} {m}
:: Donieck (city)
donosiciel {m pers}
:: informant, snitch
doń {contraction}
:: contraction of do niego
doń {contraction}
:: contraction of do niej
doosiowy {adj}
:: adaxial
dopadać {vt impf}
:: to approach quickly, to run towards
dopadać {vt impf}
:: to catch (e.g. a criminal), to catch up with, to nobble
dopadanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dopadać
dopalacz {m inan}
:: afterburner
dopalacz {m inan}
:: designer drug
dopaść {vt pf}
:: to approach quickly, to run towards
dopaść {vt pf}
:: to catch (e.g. a criminal), to catch up with, to nobble
dopełniacz {m inan}
:: genitive
dopełniacz {m inan}
:: complement
dopełniać {vt impf}
:: to complement, to complete, to supplement, to top up
dopełniać {vt impf}
:: to fulfill, to complete, to execute
dopełniać {vr impf}
:: to complement (one another), to be complementary
dopełnić {vt pf}
:: to complement, to complete, to supplement, to top up
dopełnić {vt pf}
:: to fulfill, to complete, to execute
dopełnić {vr pf}
:: to complement (one another), to be complementary
dopełnienie {n}
:: verbal noun of dopełnić
dopełnienie {n}
:: complement (something which completes)
dopełnienie {n}
:: fulfilment (the act of consummating a promise)
dopełnienie {n}
:: object
dopełnienie {n}
:: complement
dopełnienie dalsze {n}
:: indirect object
dopierdolić {v pf}
:: to make a verbal attack
dopierdolić {vr pf}
:: (dopierdolić się) to pick on someone, tyrannize
dopierdolić {v pf}
:: to add
dopierdolić {vr pf}
:: (dopierdolić się) to waste yourself completely
dopierdolić {v pf}
:: to create problems to somebody, to make life harder
dopiero {adv}
:: barely, scarcely, just
doping {m inan}
:: doping (the use of drugs to improve athletic performance)
doping {m inan}
:: support, encouragement, cheering
dopingować {vt impf}
:: to cheer on, to spur on, to encourage
dopingowy {adj}
:: doping
dopisek {m inan}
:: annotation (comment added to a text)
dopływ {m inan}
:: tributary (river or stream which flows into a larger one)
dopochwowo {adv}
:: vaginally (applied via the vagina)
dopóki {conj}
:: as long as, while
dopóki {conj}
:: until, till, before
dopracować {vt pf}
:: to refine, to tweak, to polish
dopracowywać {vt impf}
:: to refine, to tweak, to polish
dopranie {n}
:: verbal noun of doprać
doprawdy {particle}
:: emphasises truthfulness of a speaker's assertion; really, verily, indeed
doprawdy {interj}
:: is that so? really?
doprowadzać {v impf}
:: to lead (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection)
doprowadzać {v impf}
:: to let or make something enter some state
doprowadzać {v impf}
:: to let or make something happen
doprowadzanie {n}
:: verbal noun of doprowadzać
dopuszczać {vt impf}
:: to let near, to allow to approach
dopuszczać {vt impf}
:: to allow, to permit
dopuszczać {vr impf}
:: to commit, to perpetrate
dopuścić {vt pf}
:: to let near, to allow to approach
dopuścić {vt pf}
:: to allow, to permit
dopuścić {vr pf}
:: to commit, to perpetrate
dopychanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dopychać
dor. {adj}
:: dorycki
doradca {m pers}
:: advisor
dorastać {vi impf}
:: to grow up, come of age
dorastać {vi impf}
:: to measure up (qualify)
doraźnie {adv}
:: pro tem, on ad hoc basis
doraźny {adj}
:: interim, ad hoc
dormitarz {m inan}
:: dormitory (building or part thereof)
dormitorium {n}
:: dormitory (building or part thereof)
dorobek {m inan}
:: oeuvre (complete body of works)
dorobek {m inan}
:: possessions, belongings
dorosłość {f}
:: adulthood
dorosły {m pers}
:: adult
dorosły {adj}
:: adult
doroślejszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of dorosły
Dorota {prop} {f}
:: given name
Dorotka {prop} {f}
:: given name
dorożka {f}
:: droshky (open horse-drawn carriage)
dorównać {vt pf}
:: to match, to equal, to measure up to
dorównywać {vt impf}
:: to match, to equal, to measure up to
dorsz {m anim}
:: cod (marine fish of the family Gadidae)
doruta {f}
:: A gadiform fish, Trisopterus capelanus
dorycki {adj}
:: Doric
dorzecze {n}
:: drainage basin (of a river)
dorzucać {vt impf}
:: to stoke, to feed
dorzucać {vt impf}
:: to throw in, to add
dorzucać {vr impf}
:: to chip in, to club together, to kick in
dorzucić {vt pf}
:: to stoke, to feed
dorzucić {vt pf}
:: to throw in, to add
dorzucić {vr pf}
:: to chip in, to club together, to kick in
dosiadać {vt impf}
:: to mount, to bestride
dosiąść {vt pf}
:: to mount, to bestride
dosięgnąć {v pf}
:: to reach (with one's hands)
dosięgnąć {v pf}
:: of misfortune or punishment: to happen to someone; to strike; to be faced with; to be exacted
doskakiwać {vi impf}
:: to jump to, to reach by jumping
doskakiwać {vi impf}
:: to pop, to nip, to call
doskoczyć {vi pf}
:: to jump to, to reach by jumping
doskoczyć {vi pf}
:: to pop, to nip, to call
doskonale {adv}
:: perfectly
doskonalić {vt impf}
:: to perfect, hone, improve
doskonalszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of doskonały
doskonałość {f}
:: perfection
doskonałość {f}
:: excellence
doskonały {adj}
:: perfect, excellent, flawless
dosł. {adv}
:: abbreviation of dosłownie
dosłownie {adv}
:: literally (not metaphorically)
dosłowniej {adv}
:: comparative of dosłownie
dosłowny {adj}
:: literal (e.g., translation)
dosrać {v pf}
:: to maliciously criticize
dosrać {v pf}
:: to inflict distress
dostać {vt pf}
:: to get (to receive)
dostarczać {vt impf}
:: to deliver (bring or transport something to its destination)
dostarczanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dostarczać
dostateczny {adj}
:: sufficient
dostateczny {adj}
:: adequate
dostatek {m inan}
:: affluence, richness
dostatek {m inan}
:: abundance, plenty
dostatni {adj}
:: wealthy, affluent
dostawa {f}
:: delivery
dostawać {v impf}
:: to get (to receive)
dostawca {m pers}
:: supplier, provider
dostawca {m pers}
:: deliverer
dostawczak {m anim}
:: cargo van
dostęp {m inan}
:: access (a way or means of approaching)
dostępniejszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of dostępny
dostępność {f}
:: accessibility
dostępność {f}
:: availability
dostępny {adj}
:: accessible
dostępny {adj}
:: available
dostępny {adj}
:: approachable
dostojniczka {f}
:: female dignitary
dostojnie {adv}
:: dignifiedly
dostojnie {adv}
:: majestically
dostojnik {m pers}
:: dignitary
dostojność {f}
:: dignity
dostojność {f}
:: grandeur
dostojny {adj}
:: dignified
dostojny {adj}
:: majestic
dostosować {vt pf}
:: to adjust, to modify, to adapt
dostosować {vr pf}
:: to adapt (oneself), to adjust, to conform
dostosowywać {vt impf}
:: to adjust, to modify, to adapt
dostosowywać {vr impf}
:: to adapt (oneself), to adjust, to conform
dostrojenie {n}
:: verbal noun of dostroić
dostrzegać {v impf}
:: to see, to perceive
dostrzeganie {n}
:: verbal noun of dostrzegać
dosunięcie {n}
:: verbal noun of dosunąć
dosuwanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dosuwać
doszukać {vr pf}
:: to see, to find, to discern
doszukiwać {vr impf}
:: to see, to find, to discern
dość {adv}
:: quite (to a certain degree)
dość {adv}
:: sufficiently
dość {interj}
:: enough!
doświadczać {vt impf}
:: to experience
doświadczenie {n}
:: verbal noun of doświadczyć
doświadczenie {n}
:: experience (event(s) of which one is cognizant)
doświadczenie {n}
:: experiment
doświadczony {adj}
:: experienced, practised, seasoned
doświadczyć {vt pf}
:: to experience
dotarcie {n}
:: verbal noun of dotrzeć
dotąd {adv}
:: here, hereto (to this place)
dotąd {adv}
:: until now
dotknąć {v pf}
:: to touch (make physical contact with)
dotknąć {v pf}
:: to touch (to affect emotionally)
dotknięcie {n}
:: verbal noun of dotknąć
dotopienie {n}
:: verbal noun of dotopić
dotrwać {vi pf}
:: to last out
dotrwać {vi pf}
:: to persevere, persist steadfastly
dotrzeć {vi pf}
:: to reach (arrive at by effort)
dotrzeć {vt pf}
:: to finish grating, to grate some more
dotychczas {adv}
:: so far, until now, till now, hitherto
dotyczyć {v impf}
:: to concern, interest
dotyczyć {v impf}
:: to pertain to something, to apply
dotyk {m inan}
:: touch (sense of perception)
dotykać {v impf}
:: to touch (make physical contact with)
dotykać {v impf}
:: to touch (to affect emotionally)
dotykanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dotykać
dotykowy {adj}
:: touch, haptic, tactile (of or relating to the sense of touch)
dowcip {m inan}
:: joke (amusing story)
dowcip {m inan}
:: joke (root issue)
dowcip {m inan}
:: wit (spoken humour)
dowcip {m inan}
:: reason, cleverness, wit
dowcipnie {adv}
:: humorously, wittily
dowcipnie {adv}
:: vaginally
dowcipniej {adv}
:: comparative of dowcipnie
dowcipniś {m pers}
:: joker (person who makes jokes)
dowcipny {adj}
:: witty, amusing, funny, humorous
dowiedzieć {vr pf}
:: to find out
dowiercanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dowiercać
dowiercenie {n}
:: verbal noun of dowiercić
dowieść {v pf}
:: to prove
dowodzić {v impf}
:: to command, to lead, to direct with authority
dowodzić {v impf}
:: to prove
dowodzik {m inan}
:: diminutive of dowód
dowolny {adj}
:: any, arbitrary; not restricted
dowolny {adj}
:: arbitrary
dowolny {adj}
:: free
dowołanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dowołać
dowód {m inan}
:: evidence (anything admitted by a court as proof)
dowód {m inan}
:: proof
dowód {m inan}
:: identity card
dowód osobisty {m inan}
:: identity card
dowódca {m pers}
:: commander, commanding officer, leader
doznać {vt pf}
:: to experience, to feel
doznanie {n}
:: verbal noun of doznać
doznanie {n}
:: experience, sensation
doznawać {vt impf}
:: to experience, to feel
dozorca {m pers}
:: caretaker, keeper
dozorczyni {f}
:: female caretaker, keeper
dozór {m inan}
:: supervision
dozór {m inan}
:: inspection
dozór {m inan}
:: care
dozór {m inan}
:: attendance
dożyć {v pf}
:: to reach a certain age
dożylnie {adv}
:: intravenously
dożylny {adj}
:: intravenous
dożywocie {n}
:: life sentence
dożywocie {n}
:: notarial contract ceding real estate in exchange for lifelong care
dożywotni {adj}
:: lifelong (extending for the entire duration of life)
dół {m inan}
:: bottom (direction in space)
dół {m inan}
:: bottom (bottom part of an object)
dół {m inan}
:: pit (excavation)
dół {m inan}
:: fossa
dr {m pers}
:: abbreviation of doktor
dr {f}
:: abbreviation of doktor
drab {m pers}
:: large, imposing man
drabarz {m anim}
:: A horse with a lateral ambling gait
drabarz {m anim}
:: A dromedary (Camelus dromedarius)
drabik {m pers}
:: diminutive of drab
drabik {m inan}
:: Any moss of the genus Climacium
drabina {f}
:: ladder (climbing tool)
draczny {adj}
:: funny and weird at the same time
drag {m inan}
:: drug, recreational drug
drag queen {f} {m pers}
:: drag queen
draka {f}
:: fracas, fight, brawl, or row
dramat {m inan}
:: drama (mode of fiction)
dramat {m inan}
:: drama (work of such a fiction)
dramat {m inan}
:: calamity
dramatycznie {adv}
:: dramatically; in a dramatic manner
dramatyczny {adj}
:: dramatic (of or relating to the drama)
dramatyczny {adj}
:: dramatic (striking in appearance or effect)
drań {m pers}
:: scoundrel (villain)
drapacz chmur {m inan}
:: skyscraper
drapać {vt impf}
:: to scratch
drapanie {n}
:: verbal noun of drapać
draperia {f}
:: drapery (cloth draped gracefully in folds)
draperia {f}
:: drape, curtain
drapichrust {m pers}
:: vagrant, ne'er-do-well
drapież {f}
:: pillage, plunder, robbery (instance of pillaging, plundering, or robbing)
drapież {f}
:: plunder, loot (stolen property)
drapieżnica {f}
:: female predator
drapieżniejszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of drapieżny
drapieżnik {m anim}
:: predator
drapieżny {adj}
:: predatory
drastycznie {adv}
:: drastically
drastyczny {adj}
:: drastic, extreme
dratwa {f}
:: twine (strong thread)
draże {nv}
:: dragée (type of chocolate- or sugar-coated sweet)
drażliwość {f}
:: irritability, touchiness, irascibility
drażliwy {adj}
:: irritable, touchy, irascible
drażnić {v impf}
:: to irritate, to annoy
drąg {m inan}
:: pole, rod
drągal {m pers}
:: A large, clumsy man
drągal {m pers}
:: A tall boy; a beanpole
drążek {m inan}
:: diminutive of drąg
drążek {m inan}
:: horizontal bar
drążek {m inan}
:: pull-up bar, chin-up bar
drążek {m inan}
:: barre
drążyć {vt impf}
:: to hollow
dred {m inan}
:: dread
drelich {m inan}
:: drill (cotton fabric)
drelichowy {adj}
:: drill (cotton fabric)
Drenthe {prop} {n}
:: Drenthe, a province of the Netherlands
dres {m inan}
:: tracksuit
dres {m anim}
:: see dresiarz
dresiarz {m pers}
:: chav; a member of a subculture of young males, who live in urban tower blocks or tenement houses and are often seen as undereducated, unemployed, aggressive and anti-social
dreszcz {m inan}
:: thrill, shiver, shudder
drewienko {n}
:: diminutive of drewno
drewniak {m inan}
:: clog (a type of shoe)
drewniak {m inan}
:: A wooden building
drewniak {m inan}
:: Any fungus belonging to the genus Hypoxylon
drewniak {m anim}
:: guitarrito (a species of banjo catfish, Bunocephalus coracoideus)
drewniak {m anim}
:: brown centipede, stone centipede (Lithobius forficatus)
drewniak {m pers}
:: One who shuns amusements
drewniany {adj}
:: wooden
drewno {n}
:: wood (substance, timber)
drewno {n}
:: xylem (vascular tissue in land plants)
drewno {n}
:: a piece of wood
drewno {n}
:: someone very poor at dancing, acting, etc
drewnojad {m anim}
:: xylophage (any organism that feeds mainly on wood)
drewnojad {m anim}
:: Zophobas morio, a species of darkling beetle
drewutnia {f}
:: woodshed
Drezno {prop} {n}
:: Drezno (city)
dręczyć {vt impf}
:: to torment, to torture, to rack
dręczyć {vt impf}
:: to bother, to trouble, to distress
drętwienie {n}
:: verbal noun of drętwieć
drętwy {adj}
:: numb
drętwy {adj}
:: lifeless
drętwy {adj}
:: torpid
drgać {v impf}
:: to vibrate, to tremble, to quiver
drgalnica {f}
:: Any cyanobacterium of the genus Oscillatoria
drganie {n}
:: vibration
drganie {n}
:: verbal noun of drgać
drgawka {f}
:: convulsion
drgawkowy {adj}
:: convulsion
drgnąć {v pf}
:: to make small movements, to wince, to twitch
driakiew {f}
:: scabious (any plant of the genus Scabiosa)
Drina {prop} {f}
:: Drina
drink {m inan}
:: drink (served alcoholic beverage)
drjakiew {f}
:: alternative form of driakiew
drobiarz {m pers}
:: poultryman, poulterer, poultry farmer
drobiazg {m inan}
:: trifle
drobiazg {m inan}
:: trinket
drobiazgowo {adv}
:: detailedly, elaborately
drobiazgowo {adv}
:: pettily
drobiazgowość {f}
:: detailedness, elaborateness
drobiazgowość {f}
:: pettiness
drobiazgowy {adj}
:: detailed, elaborate
drobiazgowy {adj}
:: nitpicky, petty
drobić {vt impf}
:: to crumble, comminute, morsel
drobić {vi impf}
:: to toddle
drobina {f}
:: particle, corpuscle
drobiowy {adj}
:: poultry
drobniaczek {m inan}
:: diminutive of drobniak
drobniaczek {m inan}
:: Any moss of the genus Seligeria
drobniak {m inan}
:: A low-value coin
drobniak {m inan}
:: A smooth file (tool)
drobniuchno {adv}
:: diminutive of drobno
drobniuchny {adj}
:: diminutive of drobny
drobniusi {adj}
:: diminutive of drobny
drobniusieńki {adj}
:: diminutive of drobniusi
drobniusieńko {adv}
:: diminutive of drobniuśko
drobniuśki {adj}
:: diminutive of drobny
drobniuśko {adv}
:: diminutive of drobno
drobniuteńki {adj}
:: diminutive of drobniutki
drobniuteńko {adv}
:: diminutive of drobniutko
drobniutki {adj}
:: diminutive of drobny
drobniutko {adv}
:: diminutive of drobno
drobnonóg {m anim}
:: symphylan, pseudocentipede, garden centipede
drobnostka {f}
:: bagatelle
drobnoustrój {m inan}
:: microorganism, microbe
drobny {adj}
:: small, fine
drobny {adj}
:: petty, trivial, trifling
droga {f}
:: way
droga {f}
:: road
droga ekspresowa {f}
:: expressway; second-highest category of road in Poland, a limited-access highway with no direct access to properties, but not requiring a dual carriageway and some other features of an autostrada
droga ekspresowa {f}
:: any road with equivalent features in other countries
droga kołowania {f}
:: taxiway
Droga Mleczna {prop} {f}
:: Milky Way
droga startowa {f}
:: runway (strip for airplanes to land on or take off from)
droga wodna {f}
:: waterway
drogeria {f}
:: drugstore
drogi {adj}
:: expensive
drogi {adj}
:: dear
drogo {adv}
:: expensively, dearly
drogowiec {m pers}
:: roadworker
drogowskaz {m inan}
:: signpost
drogowy {adj}
:: pertaining to roads
drogówka {f}
:: traffic police
dromader {m anim}
:: dromedary
dron {m anim}
:: drone (unmanned aerial vehicle)
drop {m anim}
:: bustard; a bird belonging to the family Otididae, especially the great bustard (Otis tarda) or any member of the genus Ardeotis
dropik {m anim}
:: Any bustard of the genus Afrotis, Eupodotis, Heterotetrax, Lissotis, or Lophotis
drozd {m anim}
:: thrush (bird)
drozdoń {m anim}
:: Asian thrush (Zoothera)
droździk {m anim}
:: redwing (Turdus iliacus)
drożdże {nv}
:: yeast
drożdżowy {adj}
:: related to, or made of, yeast; yeasty
drożdżówka {f}
:: bun
drożeć {vi impf}
:: to become dearer (more expensive), go up (in price)
drożej {adv}
:: comparative of drogo
drożność {f}
:: patency, permeability
drożny {adj}
:: patent, unobstructed, permeable
droższy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of drogi
drób {m inan}
:: poultry
dróżka {f}
:: diminutive of droga
dróżka {f}
:: lane
druch {adv}
:: constantly; continuously; still
druciarz {m pers}
:: A wireworker (person who manufactures articles from wire)
druciarz {m pers}
:: A tinker; an itinerant mender of household utensils
drucik {m inan}
:: diminutive of drut
druga strona medalu {f}
:: flip side, other side of the coin
drugi {num}
:: second
drugie danie {n}
:: main course
drugoklasista {m pers}
:: second-grader
druh {m pers}
:: friend, companion
druid {m pers}
:: druid
druidka {f}
:: female druid
druk {m inan}
:: printing (the process of printing)
druk {m inan}
:: print (the letters forming the text of a document)
drukarka {f}
:: printer (device)
drukarnia {f}
:: printery; printshop; printing house
drukarz {m pers}
:: printer (person)
drukarz {m anim}
:: engraver beetle (Ips typographus)
drukować {v impf}
:: to print
drukowanie {n}
:: verbal noun of drukować
drukowany {adj}
:: printed; created through printing, as opposed to being handwritten
drum and bass {m inan}
:: drum and bass
drumla {f}
:: Jew's harp
drut {m inan}
:: wire (thin thread of metal)
drut {m inan}
:: knitting needle
drut {m anim}
:: shaft; penis
drużba {m pers}
:: best man, groomsman, bridesman
drużba {m pers}
:: friendship
drużyna {f}
:: druzhina, fellowship, retinue
drużyna {f}
:: team
drużyna {f}
:: squad, troop
drużyna {f}
:: troop
drwa {nv}
:: firewood (wood intended to be burned, typically for heat)
drwal {m pers}
:: logger, lumberjack
drwal {m anim}
:: woodcreeper of the genus Hylexetastes
drwalka {f}
:: woodshed
drwalnia {f}
:: woodshed
drwalnik {m anim}
:: Any ambrosia beetle of the genus Trypodendron
drwiąco {adv}
:: mockingly, derisively
drwiący {adj}
:: mocking, derisive, taunting
drwić {vi impf}
:: to scoff, scorn, jeer
drwina {f}
:: taunt, jeer, mockery
dryjakiew {f}
:: alternative form of driakiew
drylować {v impf}
:: to stone (to remove stone from fruit)
drylowanie {n}
:: verbal noun of drylować
drzazga {f}
:: splinter (a long, sharp fragment of material, often wood)
drzeć {vt impf}
:: to tear cloth, paper or similar material; to rend
drzeć {vr impf}
:: to yell; to speak very loudly
drzeć {vr impf}
:: to scream; to cry
drzemać {v impf}
:: to doze, to drowse, to snooze, to nap, to slumber
drzemanie {n}
:: verbal noun of drzemać
drzemka {f}
:: snooze, nap
drzemlik {m anim}
:: merlin (Falco columbarius)
drzewce {n}
:: spar
drzewce {n}
:: shaft
drzewce {n}
:: staff, pole
drzewiak {m anim}
:: tree-kangaroo (any marsupial of the genus Dendrolagus)
drzewiasty {adj}
:: woody (non-herbaceous)
drzewiec {m inan}
:: treap
drzewiej {adv}
:: formerly
drzewik {m anim}
:: tree vole (any rodent of the genus Arborimus)
drzewik {m anim}
:: Plasmopara viticola
drzewko {n}
:: diminutive of drzewo; small tree
drzewny {adj}
:: of or pertaining to a tree; ligneous
drzewny {adj}
:: of or pertaining to timber
drzewo {n}
:: tree
drzewo iglaste {n}
:: A tree with needle-like leaves; a coniferous tree
drzewo pomarańczowe {n}
:: orange (tree)
drzewo rozpinające {n}
:: spanning tree
drzewojad {m anim}
:: goat moth (Cossus cossus)
drzewojad {m inan}
:: wolf's bane, mountain tobacco (Arnica montana)
drzeworyt {m inan}
:: woodcut
drzewostan {m inan}
:: tree stand; trees present in a given area as a group
drzwi {nv}
:: door
drzwiczki {p}
:: diminutive of drzwi
drzwiowy {adj}
:: door
drżący {adj}
:: trill
drżączka {f}
:: quaking grass (any member of the genus Briza)
drżeć {v impf}
:: to tremble, to shiver
drżenie {n}
:: verbal noun of drżeć
drżenie {n}
:: tremor
dualizm {m inan}
:: dualism (condition of being double)
dualizm {m inan}
:: dualism (view that the world consists of two fundamental principles)
dualizm {m inan}
:: dualism (belief that the world is ruled by a pair of antagonistic forces)
dualizm {m inan}
:: dualism (separation of powers between the cabinet and parliament)
Dubaj {prop} {m}
:: Dubaj (emirate)
Dubaj {prop} {m}
:: Dubaj (capital city)
dubas {m inan}
:: A type of riverboat used mainly for transporting goods
dubas {m inan}
:: A large, blunt knife
dubbing {m inan}
:: dubbing (replacement of voice)
dubbingować {v impf}
:: to dub (to replace soundtrack of a film with translation)
dubbingowanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dubbingować
dubbingowy {adj}
:: dubbing (replacement of voice)
dubeltówka {f}
:: double-barrelled shotgun
dubiel {m pers}
:: fool, dummy, simpleton
dubiel {m anim}
:: A hybrid of Cyprinus carpio and Carassius carassius
dubiel {m anim}
:: A sharp-snout sea bream (Diplodus puntazzo)
dubler {m pers}
:: double, stunt double, body double, understudy
dublerka {f}
:: female double, stunt double, body double, understudy
Dublin {prop} {m}
:: Dublin (capital city)
dubliński {adj}
:: Dublin (of, from or pertaining to Dublin in Ireland)
dubn {m inan}
:: dubnium (chemical element, Db, atomic number 105)
dubrow. {adj}
:: abbreviation of dubrownicki
dubrownicki {adj}
:: Dubrovnikan
Dubrownik {prop} {m}
:: Dubrownik (city)
dubstep {m inan}
:: dubstep (music genre)
duch {m anim}
:: ghost (spirit appearing after death)
duch {m anim}
:: spirit
duchota {f}
:: muggy, stuffy air
duchowieństwo {n}
:: priesthood, clergy
duchowy {adj}
:: spiritual
duda {f}
:: A bagpipe
duda {f}
:: A person playing bagpipes
dudek {m anim}
:: hoopoe (Upupa epops)
dudek {m pers}
:: fool
dudy {nv}
:: bagpipes
dudziarz {m pers}
:: bagpiper
dukać {vi impf}
:: to stammer
duma {f}
:: pride (sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one)
dumać {v impf}
:: to muse, to ponder
dumniejszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of dumny
dumny {adj}
:: proud (feeling pride)
dumny {adj}
:: proud (having high self-esteem)
Dunaj {prop} {m}
:: the Danube, a European river
Dunajec {prop} {m}
:: Dunajec
dunajski {adj}
:: Danubian
Dunka {f}
:: Dane (female person from Denmark or of Danish descent)
duń. {noun}
:: duński
Duńczyk {m pers}
:: Dane (male person from Denmark or of Danish descent)
duński {adj}
:: Danish
duński {m inan}
:: Danish (language)
duńskojęzyczny {adj}
:: Danish-speaking
duńskojęzyczny {adj}
:: written, spoken or created in the Danish language
dupa {f}
:: ass, arse
dupa {f}
:: sexually attractive woman
dupa {f}
:: hollow, cavity
dupa {interj}
:: An expression of disappointment
dupczyć {v impf}
:: to fuck, to have sex
dupczyć {vr impf}
:: to fuck each other, to have sex
dupczyć {vr impf}
:: to break down
dupek {m pers}
:: asshole (mean or rude person)
dupek {m pers}
:: schmuck (poor schmuck or lost soul)
dupek {m anim}
:: jack (card)
duperele {p}
:: trifles, trinkets
duplikat {m inan}
:: duplicate (identical copy)
dupodajka {f}
:: slut, skank, a promiscuous woman
dupsko {n}
:: augmentative of dupa
dupy nie urywa {phrase}
:: alternative form of głowy nie urywa
dur {m inan}
:: One of several bacterial diseases:
dur {m inan}
:: major (scale)
dureń {m pers}
:: addle-brain, dimwit, blockhead, dummy, moron
durian {m inan}
:: durian
durniacha {f}
:: A naive or gullible person
durny {adj}
:: stupid, foolish, dumb
durny {adj}
:: arrogant
durny {adj}
:: armed
durny {adj}
:: proud
durszlak {m inan}
:: colander
dusiciel {m pers}
:: strangler, choker
dusiciel {m pers}
:: constrictor
dusiciel {m anim}
:: boid (snake of the family Boidae)
dusić {vt impf}
:: to suffocate, to strangle, choke
dusić {vt impf}
:: to stew, braise
dusigrosz {m pers}
:: miser, penny pincher
Düsseldorf {prop} {m}
:: Düsseldorf (capital city)
dusza {f}
:: soul, spirit
dusza {f}
:: (clothes iron) heater
dusza {f}
:: sound post
duszek {m anim}
:: A mythical or supernatural, usually benevolent, being; a sprite, ghost, or fairy
duszek {m anim}
:: Any ghost bat of the genus Diclidurus
dusznica {f}
:: asthma
dusznica {f}
:: angina
dusznica {f}
:: monster
duszny {adj}
:: stuffy (lacking fresh air or ventilation)
duszny {adj}
:: sultry, stifling
duszny {adj}
:: frowsty
duszny {adj}
:: confined
duża litera {f}
:: capital (uppercase letter)
dużo {adv}
:: much, a lot of, many
duży {adj}
:: big, large
duży fiat {m anim}
:: Fiat 125p car
dwa {num}
:: two
dwadzieścia {num}
:: twenty
dwadzieścia cztery {num}
:: twenty-four
dwadzieścia dwa {num}
:: twenty-two
dwadzieścia jeden {num}
:: twenty-one
dwadzieścia pięć {num}
:: twenty-five
dwadzieścia trzy {num}
:: twenty-three
dwadzieścioro {num}
:: (collective) twenty
dwakroć {adv}
:: twice
dwanaście {num}
:: twelve
dwanaścioro {num}
:: (collective) twelve
dwieście {num}
:: two hundred
dwoisty {adj}
:: dual (characterized by having two components)
dwojaki {adj}
:: twofold
dwoje {num}
:: two
dworka {f}
:: female courtier
dworzanin {m pers}
:: male courtier
dworzec {m inan}
:: station (central place in public transport, such as for trains or buses), in particular a station containing a station building with passenger facilities, such as ticket sales, waiting rooms, food outlets, etc
dwóchsetny {num}
:: rare spelling of dwusetny; two-hundredth
dwójeczka {f}
:: diminutive of dwójka
dwójka {f}
:: The digit 2
dwójka {f}
:: something assigned the number two: bus line, road, candidate on a ballot, etc
dwójka {f}
:: bad grade; E
dwójka {f}
:: deuce
dwójlist {m inan}
:: bee orchid (any member of the genus Ophrys)
dwójmyślenie {n}
:: doublethink
dwójniak {m inan}
:: mead with a 1:1 honey-to-water ratio
dwójnóg {m inan}
:: bipod (two-legged stand)
dwór {m inan}
:: court, mansion (residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or other dignitary)
dwór {m inan}
:: courtyard
dwór {m inan}
:: manor
dwór {m inan}
:: outside
dwórka {f}
:: alternative spelling of dworka; female courtier
dwu- {prefix}
:: double
dwu- {prefix}
:: two
dwubarwny {adj}
:: bicolor, bicolour
dwudniowy {adj}
:: two-day-old
dwudniowy {adj}
:: two-day-long; two-day (lasting two days)
dwudomowość {f}
:: heteroecism
dwudomowy {adj}
:: heteroecious
dwudziesty {num}
:: twentieth
dwugłowy {adj}
:: bicephalous (having two heads)
dwugodzinny {adj}
:: two-hour-long; two-hour (lasting two hours)
dwugodzinny {adj}
:: two-hour-old
dwuipółletni {adj}
:: two-and-a-half-year-old (thirty-month-old)
dwuipółletni {adj}
:: two-and-a-half-year-long; two-and-a-half-year (lasting two and a half years)
dwujęzyczność {f}
:: bilingualism
dwujęzyczny {adj}
:: bilingual (speaking two languages)
dwujęzyczny {adj}
:: bilingual (written in two languages)
dwukąt {m inan}
:: digon
dwukierunkowy {adj}
:: bidirectional
dwukołowy {adj}
:: two-wheeled, birotate
dwukropek {m inan}
:: colon (punctuation mark)
dwukrotny {adj}
:: two-time
dwukrotny {adj}
:: twofold
dwuletni {adj}
:: two-year-old
dwuletni {adj}
:: two-year-long; two-year (lasting two years)
dwulicowy {adj}
:: two-faced, duplicitous, deceitful
dwulistnik {m inan}
:: bee orchid (any member of the genus Ophrys)
dwumian {m inan}
:: binomial
dwumiesięcznik {m inan}
:: bimonthly; something that is published or released once every two months (bimestrially)
dwumiesięczny {adj}
:: two-month-old
dwumiesięczny {adj}
:: two-month-long; two-month (lasting two months)
dwunastnica {f}
:: duodenum
dwunastoletni {adj}
:: twelve-year-old
dwunasty {num}
:: twelfth
dwunożny {adj}
:: bipedal
dwunożny {adj}
:: two-legged
dwunóg {m anim}
:: biped
dwuosiowy {adj}
:: biaxial (having two axes)
dwuparzec {m anim}
:: millipede, diplopod
dwupienność {f}
:: dioecy
dwupienny {adj}
:: dioecious
dwupierścieniak {m inan}
:: Any fungus of the genus Catathelasma
dwupłat {m inan}
:: biplane
dwupłatowiec {m inan}
:: biplane
dwuręczny {adj}
:: two-handed (to be operated with two hands)
dwuróg {m inan}
:: double horn anvil
dwuróg {m inan}
:: bicorne (hat)
dwusetny {num}
:: two-hundredth
dwusieczna {f}
:: bisector
dwustronny {adj}
:: two-sided, bilateral (having two sides)
dwustronny {adj}
:: bipartite, bilateral (affecting two sides; involving two parties)
dwusuw {m inan}
:: two-stroke engine
dwusuwowy {adj}
:: two-stroke
dwutlenek {m inan}
:: dioxide
dwutlenek węgla {m}
:: carbon dioxide (CO2)
dwutygodnik {m inan}
:: biweekly, bimonthly, semimonthly; something that is published or released once every two weeks
dwutygodniowy {adj}
:: fortnightly; biweekly (occurring once every two weeks)
dwutygodniowy {adj}
:: two-week-long; two-week (lasting two weeks)
dwutygodniowy {adj}
:: two-week-old
dwutysięczny {num}
:: two thousandth
dwuwargowy {adj}
:: bilabial
dwuwarstwowiec {m anim}
:: diploblast (any diploblastic animal)
dwuwymiarowy {adj}
:: two-dimensional
dwuznaczny {adj}
:: ambiguous (open to multiple interpretations)
dwuznak {m inan}
:: digraph
dybać {vi impf}
:: to lurk, to lie in wait
dybuk {m anim}
:: dybbuk
dyby {fp}
:: stocks (device for public humiliation and punishment)
dycha {f}
:: augmentative of dyska
dycha {f}
:: ten
dycha {f}
:: tenner
dycha {f}
:: asthma
dychać {vi impf}
:: to breathe
dychać {vi impf}
:: to pant
dychanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dychać
dychawica {f}
:: asthma
dydaktyczny {adj}
:: didactic
dydaktyk {m pers}
:: didact, educator
dydaktyka {f}
:: didactics, teaching
dyftong {m inan}
:: diphthong
dygnitarski {adj}
:: of or pertaining to a dignitary
dygnitarz {m pers}
:: dignitary
dygotać {v impf}
:: to shiver, to quiver
dykcjonarz {m inan}
:: dictionary
dyktafon {m inan}
:: A dictation machine
dyktando {n}
:: dictation (orthography exam where the teacher reads out a text and the participants write it down)
dyktator {m pers}
:: dictator (totalitarian leader of a dictatorship)
dyktatorka {f}
:: dictator (female totalitarian leader of a dictatorship)
dyktatura {f}
:: dictatorship
dyktować {vt impf}
:: to dictate (speak in order for someone to write down the words)
dyktować {vt impf}
:: to dictate, impose (authoritatively)
dyktować {vt impf}
:: to dictate, lead, influence one's behavior
dyl {m inan}
:: A bar, beam
dyląż garbarz {m anim}
:: A species of longhorn beetle, Prionus coriarius
dylemat {m inan}
:: dilemma, perplexity, predicament, quandary (difficult circumstance)
dylemat {m inan}
:: dilemma
dyletant {m pers}
:: dilettante, dabbler, amateur
dyletantka {f}
:: female dilettante, dabbler, amateur
dyliżans {m inan}
:: diligence, stage-coach, post chaise, mailcoach
dyliżansowy {adj}
:: diligence, stage-coach, post chaise, mailcoach
dylogia {f}
:: dilogy, duology
dym {m inan}
:: smoke
dym {m inan}
:: stir, commotion
dymać {v impf}
:: to fuck, to have sex
dymać {v impf}
:: to screw, to fuck over, to exploit
dymać {v impf}
:: to run
dymić {v impf}
:: to smoke (give off smoke)
dymienica {f}
:: bubo
dymisja {f}
:: dismissal (deprivation of office)
dymisja {f}
:: resignation (from an office, public position)
dymnica {f}
:: fumitory, any plant of the genus Fumaria
dymnica {f}
:: smokebox
dymny {adj}
:: smoky
dynamika {f}
:: dynamics
dynamit {m inan}
:: dynamite
dynastia {f}
:: dynasty, house (series of rulers or dynasts from one family)
dynia {f}
:: pumpkin (plant of genus Cucurbita)
dynia {f}
:: pumpkin (fruit of that plant)
dynia {f}
:: head; noggin
dynia {f}
:: fatso; butterball (overweight person)
dynia {f}
:: A bad grade; F
dynia {f}
:: fist (clenched hand)
dyniowiec {m inan}
:: A plant belonging to the taxonomic order Cucurbitales
dyniowy {adj}
:: pumpkin- (of or made from pumpkin)
dyplom {m inan}
:: diploma
dyplom {m inan}
:: certificate (document containing a certified statement)
dyplomacja {f}
:: diplomacy (art of conducting international relations)
dyplomacja {f}
:: diplomacy (tact and subtle skill in dealing with people)
dyplomata {m pers}
:: diplomat (person who is accredited to represent a government)
dyplomata {m pers}
:: diplomat (person who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people)
dyplomatka {f}
:: diplomat (female person who is accredited to represent a government)
dyplomatka {f}
:: diplomat (female person who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people)
dyplomatycznie {adv}
:: diplomatically; in a diplomatic manner
dyplomatyczny {adj}
:: diplomatic
dyrekcja {f}
:: directorate
dyrekcja {f}
:: office of a directorate
dyrekcja {f}
:: the managerial body of a school
dyrekcja {f}
:: managerial duties
dyrekcja {f}
:: homeschooling
dyrekcja {f}
:: direction (orientation in space)
dyrektor {m pers}
:: head, principal, headmaster
dyrektor {f}
:: head, principal, headmaster
dyrektywa {f}
:: directive (instruction or guideline)
dyrygent {m pers}
:: conductor (a person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble)
dys- {prefix}
:: dis- (reversal or removal)
dys- {prefix}
:: dis- (apart)
dysharmonia {f}
:: discrepancy, disharmony, inharmony, mismatch
dysharmonia {f}
:: dissonance (conflicting notes that are not overtones of the note or chord sounding)
dyshonor {m inan}
:: dishonor
dyskietka {f}
:: floppy disk
dyskonto {n}
:: discount (deduction made for interest)
dyskoteka {f}
:: discotheque, nightclub
dyskoteka {f}
:: dance party
dyskotekowy {adj}
:: disco
dyskredytacja {f}
:: discredit (act or state)
dyskredytować {vt impf}
:: to discredit
dyskredytować {vr impf}
:: to disgrace oneself
dyskretniejszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of dyskretny
dyskretny {adj}
:: discreet
dyskryminacja {m inan}
:: discrimination
dyskryminować {v impf}
:: to discriminate, to make decisions based on prejudice
dyskurs {m inan}
:: discourse (expression in (spoken or written) words)
dyskurs {m inan}
:: discourse (formal lengthy exposition of some subject)
dyskurs {m inan}
:: discussion
dyskusja {f}
:: debate; discussion
dysleksja {f}
:: dyslexia
dyspalatalizacja {f}
:: depalatalization
dyspepsja {f}
:: indigestion
dysplazja {f}
:: dysplasia
dysponować {vt impf}
:: to have, to have at one's disposal
dyspozycja {f}
:: order, instruction
dyspozycja {f}
:: disposition
dyspozycyjność {f}
:: availability
dyspozycyjny {adj}
:: at one's disposal, available, disposable
dysproz {m inan}
:: dysprosium (chemical element, Dy, atomic number 66)
dyssypacja {f}
:: dissipation
dystans {m inan}
:: distance (amount of space between two points)
dystans do siebie {m}
:: the ability to take criticism and not treat oneself seriously; sense of humour, applied to oneself; self-deprecation
dystrybucja {f}
:: distribution (process by which commodities get to final consumers)
dystrybucja {f}
:: distribution (apportionment of income or wealth in a population)
dystrybucjonizm {m inan}
:: distributism
dystrybuować {vt impf}
:: to distribute (supply to retail outlets)
dystrybutor {m pers}
:: retailer, distributor
dystrybutor {m inan}
:: soda fountain
dystrybutor {m inan}
:: gas pump
dystrybutorka {f}
:: female retailer, distributor
dystrykt {m inan}
:: district
Dystrykt Kolumbii {prop} {m}
:: District of Columbia
dysydent {m pers}
:: dissident
dysydent {m pers}
:: noncomformist
dysza {f}
:: nozzle (short tube)
dyszeć {v impf}
:: to breathe with difficulty (pant)
dyszel {m inan}
:: shaft (long thin object by which an animal is harnessed to a vehicle)
dywan {m inan}
:: carpet (a fabric used as a floor covering)
dywan {m inan}
:: tapestry
dywan {m inan}
:: divan (a council)
dywan {m inan}
:: diwan (poetry)
dywersja {f}
:: diversion, subterfuge
dywiz {m inan}
:: hyphen (symbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split)
dywizjonizm {m inan}
:: divisionism
dyżur {m inan}
:: shift, duty (the state of being at work and responsible for or doing a particular task)
dzban {m inan}
:: pitcher (vessel), jug
dzban {m inan}
:: moron, fool, dunce, mug
dzbanek {m inan}
:: diminutive of dzban
dziać {vt impf}
:: to knit
dziać {vr impf}
:: to happen
dziad {m pers}
:: grandfather
dziad {m pers}
:: old man
dziad {m pers}
:: beggar
dziad {m inan}
:: bur, burr (of burdock)
dziad {m inan}
:: blackberry shrub or fruit
dziada z babą brakuje {phrase}
:: it's very messy
dziadek {m pers}
:: grandfather
dziadek {m pers}
:: old man
dziadek {m pers}
:: grandparents
dziadek {m pers}
:: A player whose hand is shown and is to be played from by another player, dummy
dziadek do orzechów {m}
:: nutcracker
dziadek płakał, jak sprzedawał {phrase}
:: stereotypical embellished sales pitch
dziadostwo {n}
:: crud, crap (something of poor quality)
dziadostwo {n}
:: A group of beggars or paupers
dziadowizna {f}
:: inheritance from one's grandfather
dziadowizna {f}
:: A group of beggars
dziadunio {m pers}
:: grandpa
dziadunio {m pers}
:: old man
dziadziuś {m pers}
:: diminutive of dziadek; grandpa
dział {m inan}
:: section
dział {m inan}
:: division
dział {m inan}
:: department
działacz {m pers}
:: activist
działaczka {f}
:: female activist
działać {v impf}
:: to act (perform an action)
działać {v impf}
:: to work, to function correctly
działalność {f}
:: activity
działanie {n}
:: verbal noun of działać action, operation
działanie {n}
:: operation (method of producing values from operands)
działanie {n}
:: action (homomorphism from a group to a group of automorphisms)
Działdowo {prop} {n}
:: Działdowo (town)
działka {f}
:: plot of land
działka {f}
:: rural vacation home
działka {f}
:: cut; share of criminal proceeds
działka {f}
:: fix; dose of an addictive drug
działko {n}
:: diminutive of działo; small-caliber cannon
działo {n}
:: gun (a cannon with relatively long barrel, operating with relatively low angle of fire, and having a high muzzle velocity)
dziamdzianie {n}
:: verbal noun of dziamdziać
dzianie {n}
:: verbal noun of dziać
dzianina {f}
:: knitted fabric; knitwear
dziany {adj}
:: knitted
dziany {adj}
:: loaded, rich, wealthy
dziarski {adj}
:: perky
dziarski {adj}
:: dashing
dziarski {adj}
:: rakish
dziarski {adj}
:: spry
dziatwa {f}
:: brood; offspring; minor children
dziąsło {n}
:: gum (the flesh around the teeth)
dziąsłowy {adj}
:: gingival (relating to the gums)
dziąsłowy {adj}
:: alveolar
dzicz {f}
:: wilderness (uncultivated tract of land)
dzicz {f}
:: mob (unruly group of people)
dziczek {m anim}
:: diminutive of dzik; young wild boar
dziczek {m pers}
:: diminutive of dzik; unmannerly, uncivilized, or antisocial person
dziczka {f}
:: wild fruit tree
dziczka {f}
:: unmannerly, uncivilized, or antisocial female person
dziczy {adj}
:: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a wild boar
dziczyzna {f}
:: wildmeat
dziczyzna {f}
:: uncivilized people, barbarians, savages
dziczyzna {f}
:: incivilization, wildness, barbarousness; the quality of being uncivilized
dziczyzna {f}
:: a place that is considered uncivilized
dzida {f}
:: spear, pike
dzidzia {f}
:: baby (very young human being)
dzidzia {f}
:: bimbo (physically attractive woman who lacks intelligence)
dzidziuś {m anim}
:: baby
dziechcioł {m pers}
:: tar worker or salesman
dzieciak {m pers}
:: child, kid
dzieciąteczko {n}
:: diminutive of dzieciątko
dzieciątko {n}
:: diminutive of dziecię
dziecię {n}
:: child
dziecięcy {adj}
:: childish (suitable for a child)
dziecinny {adj}
:: childish (behaving immaturely)
dzieciństwo {n}
:: childhood (the state of being a child)
dzieciństwo {n}
:: childhood (time when one is a child)
dzieciobójca {m pers}
:: infanticide (person who commits infanticide)
dzieciobójca {m pers}
:: filicide (person who commits filicide)
dzieciobójstwo {n}
:: filicide, infanticide (killing of a child, especially one's own)
dzieciuch {m pers}
:: small child
dzieciuch {m pers}
:: child (childish person)
dzieciuch {m inan}
:: A potato disease
dziecko {n}
:: child
dziedzic {m pers}
:: heir, inheritor, successor
dziedzic {m pers}
:: landlord, laird, squire
dziedzictwo {n}
:: heritage, legacy
dziedziczny {adj}
:: hereditary, inheritable
dziedzina {f}
:: field of study, discipline
dziedzina {f}
:: domain (geographic area)
dziedzina {f}
:: domain
dziedzina {f}
:: village
dziedziniec {m inan}
:: courtyard
dziegciarz {m pers}
:: tar worker or salesman
dziegieć {m inan}
:: tar
-dziej {suffix}
:: Attached to nouns to form agent nouns meaning: doer, maker
dzieje {p}
:: history
dziejopis {m pers}
:: chronicler (one who writes a chronicle)
dziejopis {m inan}
:: chronicle (written account of events)
dziejopisarz {m pers}
:: chronicler (one who writes a chronicle)
dziejopisca {m pers}
:: chronicler (one who writes a chronicle)
dziejopismo {n}
:: chronicle (written account of events)
dziekan {m pers}
:: dean
dziekan {m pers}
:: dean
dziekan {m pers}
:: dean
dziekański {adj}
:: of or pertaining to a dean
dziekański {adj}
:: decanal
dzielenie {n}
:: division, the process of dividing a number by another
dzielić {vt impf}
:: to split (divide along a more or less straight line)
dzielić {vt impf}
:: to divide (disunite in opinion or interest)
dzielić {vt impf}
:: to divide
dzielić {vr impf}
:: to share
dzielić {vr impf}
:: to split up, to divide
dzielna {f}
:: dividend
dzielnica {f}
:: district, quarter, borough
dzielnie {adv}
:: bravely, valorously
dzielnie {adv}
:: dexterously, skillfully
dzielniejszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of dzielny
dzielnik {m inan}
:: divisor (second operand of division)
dzielnik {m inan}
:: divisor (integer of which another integer is a multiply)
dzielność {f}
:: bravery, valour
dzielność {f}
:: dexterity, skillfulness
dzielny {adj}
:: brave, plucky, valiant
dzielny {adj}
:: dexterous, skillful
dzieło {n}
:: work (a literary, artistic, or intellectual production)
dziełucha {f}
:: girl
dziennie {adv}
:: daily, a day
dziennik {m inan}
:: journal
dziennik {m inan}
:: daily
dziennik {m inan}
:: gazette
dziennik {m inan}
:: logbook
dziennik {m inan}
:: diary
dziennik {m inan}
:: daily news
dziennikarka {f}
:: female journalist
dziennikarstwo {n}
:: journalism
dziennikarz {m pers}
:: journalist
dzienny {adj}
:: diurnal
dzień {m inan}
:: day
dzień {m inan}
:: daytime
dzień dobry {phrase}
:: good day, good morning, good afternoon
dzień sznura {m inan}
:: a supposedly upcoming mass murder of the ruling class
dziergacz {m anim}
:: sparrow-weaver (bird of the genus Plocepasser)
dziergać {vt impf}
:: to crochet, to embroider
dzierlatka {f}
:: A crested lark (Galerida cristata)
dzierlatka {f}
:: A cheerful, scatterbrained young girl
dzierzba {f}
:: Any shrike of the genus Lanius
dzierzby {nv}
:: Laniidae
dzierżawa {f}
:: lease, rental
dzierżawa {f}
:: holding
dzierżawa {f}
:: tenancy
dzierżawca {m pers}
:: tenant, leaseholder, lessee
dzierżawczy {adj}
:: possessive
dzierżyć {vt impf}
:: to hold, wield
Dzierżykraj {prop} {m pers} {f}
:: given name
dziesiąty {num}
:: tenth
dziesięciobój {m inan}
:: decathlon
dziesięciokąt {m inan}
:: decagon
dziesięciokrotny {adj}
:: ten-time
dziesięciokrotny {adj}
:: tenfold
dziesięciolecie {n}
:: decade (ten years)
dziesięcioletni {adj}
:: ten-year-old
dziesięcioletni {adj}
:: ten-year-long; ten-year (lasting ten years)
dziesięcionóg {m anim}
:: decapod (any crustacean of the taxonomic order Decapoda)
dziesięcioro {num}
:: ten
dziesięciotysięczny {adj}
:: ten-thousandth
dziesięć {num}
:: ten
dziesiętny {adj}
:: decimal (e.g., number, logarithm etc.)
dzietność {f}
:: fertility rate
dzieucha {f}
:: alternative form of dziełucha
dziewanna {f}
:: mullein, any plant of the genus Verbascum
dziewczątko {n}
:: diminutive of dziewczę
dziewczę {n}
:: girl
dziewczęcy {adj}
:: girlish
dziewczyna {f}
:: girl, young woman
dziewczyna {f}
:: girlfriend
dziewczynka {f}
:: diminutive of dziewczyna; little girl
dzieweczka {f}
:: diminutive of dziewka
dziewiąty {num}
:: ninth
dziewica {f}
:: maiden, virgin
Dziewica Maryja {prop} {f}
:: Virgin Mary (the mother of Christ)
dziewictwo {n}
:: virginity
dziewiczy {adj}
:: maiden, virgin
dziewiczy {adj}
:: pristine
dziewierz {m pers}
:: brother-in-law (the brother of one's husband)
dziewięciokąt {m inan}
:: nonagon
dziewięciokrotny {adj}
:: nine-time
dziewięciokrotny {adj}
:: ninefold
dziewięcioletni {adj}
:: nine-year-old
dziewięcioletni {adj}
:: nine-year-long; nine-year (lasting nine years)
dziewięciornik {m inan}
:: bog star, grass of Parnassus; any of several plants of the genus Parnassia, especially Parnassia palustris
dziewięcioro {num}
:: nine
dziewięć {num}
:: nine
dziewięćdziesiąt {num}
:: ninety
dziewięćdziesiąty {num}
:: ninetieth
dziewięćset {num}
:: nine hundred
dziewięćsetny {num}
:: nine-hundredth
dziewięćsił {m inan}
:: carline thistle (any plant of the genus Carlina)
dziewiętnasty {num}
:: nineteenth
dziewiętnaście {num}
:: nineteen
dziewiętnaścioro {num}
:: (collective) nineteen
dziewka {f}
:: girl
dziewoja {f}
:: girl
dzieża {f}
:: kneading trough
dzięcielina {f}
:: clover
dzięcioł {m anim}
:: woodpecker
dzięciorek {m inan}
:: A coop or cage for poultry
dzięciur {m anim}
:: Any woodpecker of the genus Melanerpes
dzięgiel {m inan}
:: angelica (plant of the genus Angelica)
dziękczynienie {n}
:: formal thanks
dziękczynienie {n}
:: grace (short prayer before or after a meal)
dzięki {nv}
:: thanks (expression of gratitude)
dzięki {prep}
:: thanks to
dzięki {interj}
:: thanks!
dziękować {vt impf}
:: to thank
dziękowanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dziękować
dzięks {interj}
:: thanks
dziękuję {interj}
:: thank you
dzik {m anim}
:: wild boar (Sus scrofa)
dzik {m pers}
:: unmannerly, uncivilized, or antisocial person
dziki {adj}
:: wild, untamed
dziki {adj}
:: wild, lacking inhibition or moderation (e.g. a party)
dziki {adj}
:: asocial, shut-in, very introverted
dzikie tłumy {nv}
:: excessive crowds, overcrowding at some type of event
dziko {adv}
:: wildly, untamedly
dziko {adv}
:: wildly, uncontrolledly
dziko {adv}
:: rudely
dzikszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of dziki
dzikus {m pers}
:: savage
dziobać {v impf}
:: to peck (used about a bird)
dziobak {m anim}
:: platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
dziobanie {n}
:: verbal noun of dziobać
dziobaty {adj}
:: pockmarked
dziobaty {adj}
:: pitted
dziobek {m inan}
:: alternative form of dzióbek
dziobogłowiec {m anim}
:: giant beaked whale (either member of the genus Berardius)
dzioborożec {m anim}
:: hornbill, bucerotid
dzioboróg {m anim}
:: ground hornbill (any bird of the genus Bucorvus)
dziobowal {m anim}
:: mesoplodont whale (any member of the genus Mesoplodon)
dziołcha {f}
:: girl
dzionek {m inan}
:: diminutive of dzień
dziób {m inan}
:: beak, bill (structure projecting from a bird's face)
dziób {m inan}
:: trap, gob, piehole (a person's mouth)
dziób {m inan}
:: mug (a person's face)
dziób {m inan}
:: mouthpiece
dziób {m inan}
:: bow (front of a boat or ship)
dzióbać {v impf}
:: alternative form of dziobać
dzióbek {m inan}
:: diminutive of dziób
dzióbek {m inan}
:: spout
dzióbek {m inan}
:: pout, duckface
dzisiaj {adv}
:: today
dzisiejszy {adj}
:: today's
dzisiejszy {adj}
:: present
dziś {adv}
:: today
dziuba {f}
:: turkey (bird)
dziuba {f}
:: chicken (bird)
dziubas {m pers}
:: friend, boyfriend
dziubas {m inan}
:: kiss
dziubas {m inan}
:: alternative form of dubas
dziumdzia {f}
:: An unintelligent or sluggish female person; a female dimwit, birdbrain, or airhead
dziumdzia {m pers}
:: An unintelligent or sluggish male person; a male dimwit, birdbrain, or airhead
dziupla {f}
:: tree hollow
dziupla {f}
:: place where stolen cars are prepared for resale or disassembled for parts; car thieves' hideout
dziura {f}
:: hole
dziura {f}
:: cavity (hole in a tooth)
dziura {f}
:: backwater, a place that is impoverished and perceived as far from civilization
dziura {f}
:: vagina
dziura {f}
:: cave, cavern
dziurawiec {m inan}
:: St John's wort, any plant of the genus Hypericum
dziurdziuch {m pers}
:: Someone who is stingy; a scrooge; a miser; a skinflint
dziurdziuch {m pers}
:: A malcontent (person)
dziureczka {f}
:: diminutive of dziurka
dziurka {f}
:: diminutive of dziura
dziurkacz {m inan}
:: hole punch
dziw {m inan}
:: wonder
dziwaczek {m pers}
:: diminutive of dziwak
dziwaczek {m inan}
:: Any plant of the genus Mirabilis
dziwaczka {f}
:: female weirdo or eccentric
dziwacznie {adv}
:: weirdly, bizarrely, freakishly, outrageously
dziwaczny {adj}
:: weird, bizarre
dziwadło {n}
:: freak
dziwak {m pers}
:: weirdo, eccentric, kook
dziwić {vit impf}
:: to surprise, to astonish
dziwić {vr impf}
:: to marvel, to be astonished
dziwka {f}
:: whore (prostitute)
dziwka {f}
:: bitch, slut, whore
dziwnie {adv}
:: strangely
dziwniejszy {adj}
:: comparative degree form of dziwny
dziwny {adj}
:: strange, odd
dziwogon {m anim}
:: drongo, dicrurid (any bird of the family Dicruridae)
dziwoląg {m pers}
:: weirdo, eccentric
dziwoląg {m inan}
:: Something bizarre or unusual
dziwonia {f}
:: rosefinch (Carpodacus), especially the common rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus)
dziwożona {f}
:: dziwożona
dziwuszka {f}
:: American rosefinch (any finch of the genus Haemorhous)
dzwon {m inan}
:: A bell (metallic resonating object)
dzwon {m inan}
:: The sound produced by a bell
dzwon {m inan}
:: A car crash
dzwonek {m inan}
:: diminutive of dzwon
dzwonek {m inan}
:: bell
dzwonek {m inan}
:: bellflower (any plant of the genus Campanula)
dzwonek {m inan}
:: St John's wort
dzwonek {m inan}
:: diamond
dzwonić {vi impf}
:: to ring, jangle, clink
dzwonić {vt impf}
:: (telephone) to ring, call
dzwoniec {m anim}
:: greenfinch
dzwoniec {m pers}
:: doorkeeper
dzwoniec {m pers}
:: moron, dimwit
dzwonnica {f}
:: belfry (a bell tower or steeple housing bells, especially one that is part of a church)
dźgać {vt impf}
:: to stab, to jab, to prod
dźwięczny {adj}
:: booming, resonating, with a clear loud sound
dźwięczny {adj}
:: voiced
dźwięk {m inan}
:: sound (sensation perceived by the ear)
dźwiękoszczelny {adj}
:: soundproof
dźwiękowy {adj}
:: sonic (relating to sound)
dźwig {m inan}
:: crane (machinery)
dźwigacz {m inan}
:: atlas (uppermost vertebra of the neck)
dźwigać {vt impf}
:: to lift
dźwignąć {vt pf}
:: to lift
dźwignia {f}
:: lever
Dżakarta {prop} {f}
:: Dżakarta (capital city)
dżdżownica {f}
:: earthworm
dżdżysty {adj}
:: rainy (abounding with rain)
dżelada {f}
:: gelada
dżem {m inan}
:: jam (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar)
dżentelmen {m pers}
:: gentleman
Dżerba {prop} {f}
:: Djerba (island off the coast of Tunisia)
dżersej {m inan}
:: jersey (a garment knitted from wool)
dżersej {m inan}
:: Jersey cattle
dżez {m inan}
:: rare spelling of jazz
dżezbend {m inan}
:: jazz band
dżezmen {m pers}
:: jazzman
dżezowy {adj}
:: of or pertaining to the music style jazz; jazzy
Dżibuti {prop} {n}
:: Dżibuti (country)
Dżibuti {prop} {n}
:: Dżibuti (capital city)
dżihad {m inan}
:: jihad
dżin {m inan}
:: Alternative spelling of gin
dżin {m pers}
:: genie
dżingiel {m inan}
:: jingle, short song used for advertising or branding purposes
dżingiel {m inan}
:: sound logo
dżinn {m pers}
:: genie
dżins {m inan}
:: denim
dżinsowy {adj}
:: denim
dżinsy {p}
:: jeans (trousers)
dżip {m inan}
:: jeep
dżojstik {m inan}
:: joystick (mechanical control device)
dżokej {m pers}
:: jockey
dżoker {m anim}
:: joker
Dżuba {prop} {f}
:: Dżuba (capital city)
dżudo {n}
:: judo
dżudoczka {f}
:: female judoka
dżudoka {m pers}
:: judoka
dżul {m inan}
:: joule
dżuma {f}
:: plague (disease)
dżungla {f}
:: jungle (large, undeveloped, humid forest)
dżungla {f}
:: jungle (place where people behave ruthlessly)
dżungla {f}
:: lawlessness, unlaw