This list includes all of the long and short timezone names that are known by Java 1.6.0_03, generated with a Groovy script. Some of the country codes in the locales are arbitrary, but if the JDK had different data for the same language in a different locale, then this output would include it (so I think most of the output is not country-specific).
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
def tzs = TimeZone.availableIDs.collect { TimeZone.getTimeZone(it) }
def locales =
locales.addAll(Locale.getAvailableLocales().toList().sort { a, b ->
def cmp = a.language <=> b.language
if (cmp == 0) cmp = <=>
if (cmp == 0) cmp = a.variant <=> b.variant
return cmp
println "== Results =="
println ""
def allNames = as Set
locales.eachWithIndex { locale, i ->
def names = as SortedSet
tzs.each { tz ->
.each { style ->
names << tz.getDisplayName(false, style, locale)
if (tz.useDaylightTime()) {
names << tz.getDisplayName(true, style, locale)
if (names) {
if (i > 0) println ""
println "=== ${locale.getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH)} ($locale) ==="
println ""
def mid = Math.ceil(names.size() / 2).toInteger()
names.eachWithIndex { name, j ->
if (j == 0) println "{{top2}}"
if (j == mid) println "{{mid2}}"
println "* ]"
if (j == names.size() - 1) println "{{bottom}}"