Test cases for Bug 47139: jQuery.makeCollapsible: support table captions.
Control: an ordinary collapsible table with a caption.
It would be better if the toggle appeared in the caption, and the table collapsed to its caption instead of its first row.
11111 | 22222 |
33333 | 44444 |
{| class="mw-collapsible wikitable" |+ Caption |- ! 11111 !! 22222 |- | 33333 || 44444 |}
Control: an ordinary collapsible table with a caption, and custom toggle text.
It would be better if the toggle appeared in the caption, and the table collapsed to its caption instead of its first row.
11111 | 22222 |
33333 | 44444 |
{| class="mw-collapsible wikitable" data-collapsetext="Closeth!" data-expandtext="Open sesame!" |+ Caption |- ! 11111 !! 22222 |- | 33333 || 44444 |}
The caption is collapsible. Works as expected, but not useful.
It would be better if the table collapsed as above, only leaving the caption visible, and not the first row. Also, the appearance would be better if the toggle wasn’t a float but inline after the caption content.
11111 | 22222 |
33333 | 44444 |
{| class="wikitable" |+ class="mw-collapsible" | Caption |- ! 11111 !! 22222 |- | 33333 || 44444 |}
Ordinary table with a custom toggle in a separate div.
11111 | 22222 |
33333 | 44444 |
<div class="mw-customtoggle-AA"></div> {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" id="mw-customcollapsible-AA" |+ | Caption |- ! 11111 !! 22222 |- | 33333 || 44444 |}
As above, with dynamic toggle text.
Dynamic text doesn’t appear. I guess the dynamic text feature is not compatible with the custom toggle feature. Too bad.
11111 | 22222 |
33333 | 44444 |
<div class="mw-customtoggle-FF"></div> {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" id="mw-customcollapsible-FF" data-collapsetext="collapse" data-expandtext="expand" |+ | Caption |- ! 11111 !! 22222 |- | 33333 || 44444 |}
Table with a custom toggle span in its caption.
Works well, but no dynamic text. (A div in the same place renders before the table in the document flow.)
11111 | 22222 |
33333 | 44444 |
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" id="mw-customcollapsible-BB" |+ Caption <span class="mw-customtoggle-BB"></span> |- ! 11111 !! 22222 |- | 33333 || 44444 |}
Table with its caption made into a custom toggle.
Works well, but no dynamic text.
11111 | 22222 |
33333 | 44444 |
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" id="mw-customcollapsible-CC" |+ class="mw-customtoggle-CC" | Caption |- ! 11111 !! 22222 |- | 33333 || 44444 |}
The same, starting in a collapsed state.
11111 | 22222 |
33333 | 44444 |
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-DD" |+ class="mw-customtoggle-DD" | Caption |- ! 11111 !! 22222 |- | 33333 || 44444 |}
Trying to use dynamic labels in the caption.
Dynamic labels don’t appear.
11111 | 22222 |
33333 | 44444 |
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" id="mw-customcollapsible-EE" data-collapsetext="collapse" data-expandtext="expand" |+ class="mw-customtoggle-EE" | Caption |- ! 11111 !! 22222 |- | 33333 || 44444 |}