1-1000 — 1001-2000 — 2001-3000 — 3001-4000 — 4001-5000 Sources: enwiktionary-21052016-pagelinks.sql.gz enwiktionary-01062016-pages-meta-current.xml.bz2...
working on C, Java, JavaScript, DHTML, SVG, MathML, Pascal, BASIC, Fortran, SQL, PHP, LaTeX and whatever is wanted and/or needed. Guardian of Unicorns, dreamer...
wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_(programming_language) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL Markup Language...
Wikipedia Article Alt3rn4tiv3's rice generation bot (Written in PHP and using MySQL) quangntenemy's rice generation bot (written in Java) smokyflavor's RiceMaker...
org/w/index.php?title=Steward_requests/Global&diff=prev&oldid=25526437 For all blockings that mention Wonderfool, see this SQL query (613, as of June 1, 2023)....
Kingdom MSN: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] PHP/MySQL/XML and various other internet development systems C++/Java Language, in...
This is a list of pages, with <ref> tags, but, no {{reflist}} tags (or similar). (This is mostly a draft, for me to work on here) AAA Appendix:English...
sql.gz dump, compare to union-index, re-evaluate conflicts Run with options: -langlinks:(filename) it is not necessary to specify the "-langlinks.sql...
people participate, the better the results, technical tools used: PHP and MySQL. I need statistical figures in order to convince towns. You can help me by...